2007 Newsletter - Claymont City Schools


2007 Newsletter - Claymont City Schools
Fall 2007
Claymont Alumni Band
Arriving at the school, getting my horn, practicing my music, warming up, marching from the school to
the stadium, walking into the stadium and playing the fight song, those things hadn’t changed. However,
several years later, some things are much different.
As a member of the first Claymont Alumni Band, I realized that what seemed so natural and easy when I
marched in my final home football game at Claymont Stadium, in the fall of 1979, is not so easy 28 years
Marching and playing my horn at the same time was not so easy - I found myself getting out of step on
many occasions as we marched from the Junior High School (formerly
Claymont High School) to the stadium. The good news for me was that I
Inside This Edition:
1981 Champs Relay for Life. . . . . . . . . . . 8 wasn’t the only one and most of the people that were watching us march
A Christmas to Cure Cancer. . . . . . . . . . . 4
Alumni Award Nominations . . . . . . . . . . . 5 by were parents, family, friends and former band members that were
Alumni Band. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . front cover probably sympathizing with us. Fortunately, by the time I got into the
Board of Trustees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
stadium, I was back in the swing of things.
Brick Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Once we reached the stadium I felt something strange in my
Class Reunions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Claymont Mustangs Network News . . . . 6 stomach – I had butterflies. Since I graduated from Claymont, I have
Connection Staff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
had the opportunity to perform and speak in front of audiences across
Contact Us. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Cottis teaches community involvement . . 6 the state of Ohio. I had never gotten butterflies. Just knowing that I
Donations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 would soon be walking into the stadium where friends, neighbors, family
Education Reform. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Fine Arts Grants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 and strangers would be sitting was making me nervous. I was put at
Junior High Washington DC trip. . . . . . . . . 8 ease a little when Cathy Borojevich Cottis (C ’77) told me she was a
Kinghorn celebrates 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
little nervous as well.
New Logo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
For those of you that were in the Claymont Marching Hundred, you
Scholarship Funds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Steak Dinner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 recall that carrying your music during performances was usually not
Supt. Ryan Delaney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
allowed. You also probably do not realize that there are now “marching”
Teacher Grants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Teacher Grant Donations. . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 baritones in addition to the upright ones. So, yet another challenge was
Uhrichsville Alumni Association. . . . . . . . 7 faced. I used a “marching” baritone for the first time and had a lyre
Volley for the Cure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Where Are They Now?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 attached to it to hold my music (I had just received the music that
. . . continued on page 2
Comprehensive Retirement Planning
Serving the community for over 35 years
Scott Luikart
Claymont '81
Wachovia Securitites, LLC
250 Second Street NW
New Philadelphia, OH 44663
Alumni Band . . . continued from page 1
evening). If you saw the performance, I was the one that dropped all of
my music and, while we were standing at attention, had to bend down
and pick up my music so I would know what to play.
Some things were very familiar – sitting in the brass section with
Cathy Borojevich Cottis, Steve Spring (C ’79), Milana Borojevich (C ’76),
Lynn Benedum Angelozzi (C ’69), Linda Spring (C ’76), Pam Spring
Feldeisen (C ’83) and Ann Kilpatrick Taylor (C’ 83) was like home to me.
I had shared time with each of them in marching band or in later years
in the stands cheering on the Mustangs.
We were also joined by Amanda Cox Douglas (C ’99) who shared
all of the recent traditions and eased us through the evening.
I was actually glad to not march beside Linda Roberts Davis (C
’78). While in band together, for 3 years straight, we lined up beside
each other as we began to enter the field for competition. Every time
we were ready to step off, she would tell me that she had to go to the
bathroom. I was glad I didn’t hear that this time as I was already
nervous enough!
Doug Huston, a Claymont grad himself, currently serves as the
band director and did a great job organizing this event, with the help of
Linda Davis.
One family had three generations of musicians participating in the
alumni band; Barbara McCool Roberts (D ’55), Linda Roberts Davis (C
’78) and Christina Hunter Yackey (C ’98).
Songs performed were: Claymont Alma Mater, National Anthem,
Fight Song (Hey Look Us Over), Mustang Sally, Wildcat Victory, Land of
1000 Dances, Hey and Low Rider.
I highly recommend that former band members take part in this
fun event in future years.
-submitted by Martha Campbell (C ’80)
Superintendent Ryan Delaney
Ryan Delaney graduated from
Wooster High School in 1984. He
received his Bachelors Degree in 1988
from Akron University, where he
attended on a Football Scholarship,
and his Masters Degree in 1994 from
Ashland University. He received his
Superintendent’s Certificate, also from
Ashland University, in 1995. He lives
with his wife, Debbie, and their two
sons, Blake and Drew.
As a Teacher, a Principal, a Superintendent, an Adjunct Professor
for Ashland University and the author of Mission Accomplished, Ryan
Delaney’s goal has always been to do what is best for all children. In
continually reaching for that educational goal he has been a leader in
every one of his buildings introducing new and valuable research,
technology and team building skills. As a teacher at Montgomery
Elementary School, in Ashland, Ohio, he developed new and exciting
lesson plans that his fellow educators would see and request. He was
always willing to share what he was doing that brought success to his
students. In doing that, he developed his own personal signature on the
concept of team-building leadership during his years at Montgomery.
As a new Principal at Lincoln Elementary, in Ashland, Ohio, he
introduced Baldrige in Education to a building that struggled socioeconomically. The test scores at Lincoln were always at the bottom of
the district. With his leadership and his ability to teach and share the
concepts of Baldrige, Lincoln Elementary became a Hall of Fame School.
But, more importantly, the students became invested learners, keeping
track of their own success through their data notebooks, and cheering
on their classmates to reach class goals. Behavior issues dropped
exponentially when students found a joy in learning and helping others
to succeed with them.
The administration of Ashland City Schools then decided that Mr.
Delaney should take his talents and abilities to the largest and most
educationally diversified elementary in the district. As the Educational
Leader at Taft Elementary, in Ashland, Ohio, he developed “See It
Through” Committees that were invested in finding the pertinent issues
that were providing roadblocks to academic and behavioral success in
that building and working as teams of teachers, students, parents and
community members to identify, research and solve the issue. Taft’s
“See it Through Committees” provided so much success for that
building that they were asked to share their techniques with the entire
district. During his tenure as the Principal of Taft the building was
designated as a School of Excellence by the Ohio Department of
Now it was time for Mr. Delaney to share his belief in the quality
process with a building that was in grave need of a plan to help it
survive. So, he chose to leave Taft with the successes in place and
assist in moving Ben Franklin Elementary in Newark, Ohio from “worst
to first”! Immediately the staff embraced the proven methods, student
achievement began to climb, and student behavior showed marked
improvement. With much pride they found that when their first
standardized assessment came back for the year, Ben Franklin led the
district with their scores!
As Mr. Delaney honed his skills as an Administrator, it became
apparent that others were anxious to learn what his diverse buildings
and educational settings had learned; that schools with concrete
visions, missions and goals, students who were taught to be invested
and accountable learners and held behaviorally accountable, as well,
were successful! Working with excellent master teachers and
administrators, he began to present his Quality Tools and Initiatives
Workshop to those educators desiring a proven method for success.
These teachers and administrators were willing to come to weekend
workshops to find methods for changing their perspectives on how they
. . . continued on page 3
Please understand that some information included in Claymont Connection may be incomplete due to the number of resources consulted for each issue.
We apologize for any inaccuracies, and hope that you will contact Claymont Foundation with any corrections.
Teacher Grants Awarded
The Claymont Foundation is pleased to announce the following Teacher
Grants, totalling more than $7,000.
plastic and aluminum to recycle. They will have a hands-on approach to
classify and sort the recyclables into groups based on similarities,
differences, matter based, etc.
A Perfect Field Trip, submitted by Boso, Owens and Rafael for grades
kindergarten through 2nd grade at Park Elementary to attend an onstage
production at the Magical Theatre in Barberton. The event offers the
children exposure to fine arts and extension of math concepts when
they have lunch in a formal restaurant.
Model United Nations (UN), submitted by Neininger and Lint at the
High School to allow the students to participate in the running of the
UN. The event is held at Cleveland State University.
Read; Believe; Achieve: Engaging Reluctant Readers, submitted by
Dotts and Siebert for 10th grade English at the High School where two
books will be read, analized and discussed by the students. The
selected books are: "Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes" and "Code Talker."
Alphabet Cooking, submitted by Ehret and Luyster for Intervention
kindergarten and Transition 1st grade at Eastport Avenue Elementary to
have weekly hands on projects for the children and teachers to work
together to make a healthy snack based on the letter they are learning
that week. Activities will help social skills, improve sensory and
cognitive experiences.
McKinley Museum & Memorial Visitation, submitted by Miles for 3rd
graders at Park Elementary has students taking an American heritage
tour and visit to Discovery World.
Hometown Bakery, submitted by Reiser and Rothrock for 5th grade
Social Studies students to do a hands-on project teaching basic
economics. Students will form their own baking company and work
cooperatively to create baked goods to package and sell at school bake
Historic Roscoe Village Tour, submitted by Fountain for 4th graders at
Park Elementary where students will relive life in the 1800’s and
discover influences of the Erie Canal through the living history tour.
Say Cheese, submitted by Sommers for the Special Needs Classroom
at Eastport for integrating technology into the special needs classrooms
through cameras to facilitate language and vocabulary development.
Senior Novel Project – 1984: A Look Into the Future, submitted by
Nottingham at the High School, exposing the students to modern British
Literature. The class will not only discuss the novel, but will also
explore how it reflects today’s world and influences.
Tuck Everlasting, submitted by Bollon and Besozzi for students in the
intermediate building to read the book "Tuck Everlasting" and attend the
performance at the Barberton Magic Theatre.
Recycling Matters, submitted by Bryant and Arnold for 4th grade
teachers at Trenton Avenue Elementary will have students bring in paper,
Building and district-wide grants were awarded as follows:
Elementary Safety Day • K-4 All elementary schools
Veteran’s Day Program • 8th grade students
What’s Wild – COSI • grades K-4 at Park Elementary
Mock Trial Program • High School Students
Superintendent Ryan Delaney . . . continued from page 2
approached education on a daily basis.
Ryan Delaney has made it his lifetime mission to be a quality
educator so that he can do what is best for all students. His style of
supportive leadership facilitates an effective partnership among all
those who are invested in the advancement of the school community.
To date, as an Adjunct Professor, he has presented to over 30,000
educators in the last seven years. His credibility continually comes
from being a working Administrator who has proven success in each
and every building in which he has been associated. And, most
importantly, the buildings and districts with which he has been
associated have seen significant increases in their statewide test
scores, as well as comprehensive improvements to overall behavior and
staff morale.
This year, Claymont City Schools’ team of professionals who are
invested in the quality initiative, have employed Ryan Delaney as their
School Superintendent. Together with him they will implement the
quality process, then evaluate their own unique educational experience
and from that evaluation provide continuous improvement in the
delivery of services to their students and their families. Mr. Delaney
has expressed that he is very honored to be working with this group of
educational professionals.
Volley for the Cure / Pack the Palace in Pink
The Claymont volleyball team participated in holding their 1st “Volley for the Cure/Pack the Palace in Pink” on October 4th as they took on the
Dover Lady Tornados.
The event was to raise money and awareness for the Susan G. Komen Foundation for breast cancer. All Ohio interscholastic volleyball teams
were asked to particpate by dedicating one game to the cause. With approximately 800 people on hand for the event, the team raised over $2500
for the cause. T-shirts, sponsor ribbons and wristbands were sold along with a 50/50 drawing and a raffle to help raise money. The pep club also
raised money at the school.
The game was dedicated to three ladies who lost their life to breast cancer: Susan Riley, former teacher at Trenton Avenue, Leslie(Shelley)
Mulroy (C ’82), member of the 1981 girls basketball state championship team and valedictorian of her class, and to Karin Weber, former Art
teacher at Claymont High school.
The night went from goose bumps, to tears and finally to smiles and laughter as it was started
off by Corrina VanFossen singing “ I Run for Life” as breast cancer survivors were greeted by
members of both volleyball teams. With the crowd clapping along, she received a standing ovation as
she finished the song. Next was a statistical/dedication video made by the volleyball team and
members of the technology department. The Riley family and members of the 1981 girls
basketball state championship team were on hand to honor both Susan Riley and Leslie(Shelley)
Mulroy. The event concluded with a short faculty game with the Jr. High faculty, with their lively
cheering section, getting the win over the High School faculty.
A Christmas to Cure Cancer
The 1981 Girls State Basketball Team has joined together to form the “State Champs Walking for Leslie” Relay for Life Team. They lost their
teammate Leslie Shelley Mulroy to Breast Cancer and wanted to make a difference against the fight for cancer. On Sunday, December 16, 2007 at 5:00
p.m., the “State Champs Walking for Leslie” will be hosting a “Christmas to Cure Cancer” Concert at CHS. All of the proceeds will go to the American
Cancer Society. The “Christmas to Cure Cancer Band”, consisting of Lorne, Corrina, and Sam VanFossen and others, will be playing music from several
of their Christmas CDs. The CTCC Band has raised thousands of dollars for cancer research at the James Cancer Center. Their story can be found at
their website www.achristmastocurecancer.com. There will also be a cookie raffle. Area bakeries will be donating their goodies. A one night stay at the
TrainMaster Inn Bed and Breakfast, a $50.00 gift certificate from the Trax Diner and a TV will be among the Silent Auction items. This event will touch
the lives of cancer victims and their families, bring awareness to the community and empower people to keep fighting. Please be a part of the cure by
supporting the “Christmas to Cure Cancer Concert”. Ticket Sales have begun and can be purchased for $5, with children 5 and under free. Contact
Marsha Addison at 740-922-4721 or Teresa Patterson at 740-922-6691 or 330-340-0776.
Best wishes
to the Claymont
Connolly, Hillyer & Jackson
Attorneys and Counselors at Law
*Brad L. Hillyer • Jason L. Jackson
Of Counsel: Hudson Hillyer
201 North Main Street
PO Box 272
Uhrichsville, Ohio 44683
Phone: 740-922-4161
Fax: 740-922-2229
Co m p l i me n t s o f
The Pi l l ars C l u b
Jo hn & A n n P age
139 East Main Street
PO Box 71
Newcomerstown, Ohio 43832
Phone: 740-498-5196
Fax: 740-498-5197
Education Reform
Recently, State Senator Jason Wilson sponsored a forum to discuss ways to encourage legislators to work on funding reform for schools. One
of the ideas discussed was for citizens to write letters to legislators. The following is a list of the Ohio State Senators and State Representatives
that represent the Claymont District. We encourage you to contact them to encourage them to find a fair and appropriate way to fund education in
Representative Mark Okey
Senator John Boccieri
Representative Allan Sayre
Senator Jason Wilson
77 S. High St
10th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Senate Building
Room #050, Ground Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215
77 S. High St
10th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Senate Building
Room #052, Ground Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Alumni Awards Nomination Requests
The Claymont Foundation would like to invite you to nominate potential alumni award winners for the 10th Annual Claymont Foundation
Alumni Awards Banquet. The award categories are as follows:
The Distinguished Alumnus Award
is presented to a person who has
dedicated his or her life or career
to the service of humanity.
Former Winners:
• Wendy Gram Brick
• Fred Wolfe
• Natalie Lupi
• Dr. Sue Kuba
• Blair Hillyer
• Neal Craft
• Angelo Demis & George Demis
• Dr. Walter Maurer
• Dr. Jeff McCullough
The Citizen of the Year Award
is presented to an individual who
has been active in community
education and awareness.
Former Winners:
• Don Wright
• Gay Cox
• Jeff Arthurs
• Clyde “Pog” Ervin
• Dave Long
• John Page
• Lulu Benedetto
• Shirley Griffin
• Elmer “Skip” and Mary Lee
The Alumnus of the Year Award
is presented to an individual who
has demonstrated lifetime leadership
and abilities in his or her chosen
Former Winners:
• Chris Huff
• Dwayne Colvin
• Milan Lint
• John Hubbard
• Nick Mourouzis
• Terry Cox
• Les Carter
• Dr. Barry Richardson
• John Ong
The Alumnus Achievement Award
is given to a person whose
contributions have made an impact
on society and the community.
Former Winners:
• Scott Peters
• Mark Belgya
• Dave Adams
• Fred Bollon
• Dennis “Jock” and Lois
• Sam Fausto
• Steve Long
• Hud Hillyer
• Greg DiDonato
We welcome your nominations.
Please make your nominations at our website, www.claymont.k12.oh.us/Foundation/Foundation/index.htm or send your nominations to us at
foundation@claymont.k12.oh.us or Claymont Foundation, P.O. Box 255, Dennison, OH 44621.
Owned and Operated by:
The Pangrazio Family
313 Center Street • Dennison, Ohio
PHONE (740) 922-5748
Scholarsihp Funds
Cottis Teaches Community Involvement
Each year we receive many donations toward existing scholarships
or inquiries on how to start a new scholarship. Highlighted are
scholarships created since the last newsletter.
Cathy Borojevich Cottis (C ’77) takes the extra step to show her
students the importance of civic work in their community. Cottis,
who serves on Uhrichsville City Council, recently encouraged her
students to attend
the groundbreaking
ceremony for the
new Uhrichsville
waterpark. They
were given the
opportunity to
actually break
ground for the
New - Uhrichsville Class of 1957- started by members of the class at
this year’s 50th reunion. This scholarship is open to a need
based graduating senior entering any field of study.
New - Bob E. McCullough Memorial- started by his wife Polly, this
scholarship is for a graduating senior to attend Ohio State
University and preferably study education.
New - Richard L. Dorland Memorial- started by his children, this
scholarship is for any graduating senior, majoring in education,
at any university.
We welcome donations to any of our scholarships. In addition to
these scholarships, current scholarships are:
Memorial Scholarships Sam Shimp Pete Wolfe Ted & Carol Gram Marie Hillyer James Haverfield John Harstine Cliff Pocock
Dave Adams
Claymont Mustangs Network & News
Beth Johnson
Truck Sales & Service
Quest Club
First National Bank
Class of 1956
Uhrichsville Alumni
Mark Luikart
Scott Luikart
Richard & Martha Armstrong Denman
The Claymont Mustangs
Network News (CMN) is stepping up
their game. TuscSports is allowing
the Claymont Mustang News team
to utilize their equipment to provide
quality footage at the Claymont
football games. On Friday nights,
If you are interested in donating to any of the mentioned
scholarships, please be sure to designate the scholarship on the donor
form (page 9). To start a new scholarship, send a written description
of the name, qualifications, and amount to be awarded to The
Claymont Foundation, Inc., PO Box 215, Dennison, Ohio 44621.
the CMN news crew does pre and
post-game interviews and live
commentary during the games.
Commentators are Michael Cottrell,
Derek Kreinbihl, Cord Christensen,
Josh Davis and Greg Williamson.
Recently the foundation
requested Dianne Albaugh’s
technology/graphic design
students to create a logo for
the Claymont Foundation.
L & N Clothing Jackseitty
Ink on Things Screen Printing
Red W
This winning artwork was
created by senior, Ian Maxwell.
228 N. Water St. • Uhrichsville, OH
(740) 922-5861
Quality Custom Screen Printing and Embroidery
Group Team, and Business Supplies and Apparel
Dry Cleaning, Tuxedo Rentals and more!
Owned and Operated by Mark and Patti Albaugh
Ora Roth Kinghorn Celebrates 100
Ora Roth Kinghorn (U ’25) will be celebrating her 100th Birthday on December 11th. After graduating she attended County Normal in New Philadelphia for one year and then started
her teaching career. At the age of 18 in 1927 she began teaching in a one room school house at
Ross School in Mill Township for 2 years. She taught at the Maple Grove School for 7 years and
in Tuscarawas for 5 years. Then back to Maple Grove for 5 years, Uhrich Street for 6 years, Eastport
Elementary School for 5 years and finally at Trenton Avenue Elementary for 5 years, retiring in 1973.
Her family includes daughters, Joyce A. Kinghorn Evans (U ’55) and Jeanne M. Kinghorn McVey
(U ’60), granddaughters, Terri Evans Jones (C ’79), Vicki L. Evans Ricker ( C ’81) and Susan Evans
McMillan (C ’82).
Her family is planning a celebration for her 100th Birthday on December 9, 2007, from 2-4pm at
the First United Methodist Church of Uhrichsville, where she is the oldest active member. Family and
friends are asked to join in the celebration of her special day. Only your memories are necessary–
please omit all gifts. If you are unable to join us, cards may be sent to Mrs. Ora Kinghorn,
c/o First United Methodist Church, P. O. Box 426, Uhrichsville, OH 44683
Class of 1957 & Class of 1997
The Uhrichsville High School Class of 1957 met at the former Uhrichsville High School (current Junior High School) for their 50th Class reunion.
They raised $1,600.00 for scholarships through an auction and donations. Thirty three classmates attended. They held their annual picnic in
Uhrichsville City Park and attended the UHS Alumni banquet that night. They also attended the Fun Walk at Woody Hayes Quaker Stadium in New
The Claymont Class of 1997 will be holding their 10 year class reunion on Saturday, November 24th, 2007. The event will be held at the AIC
in Dennison starting at 6:00pm. Cost is $15 for singles, $25 for couples. A DJ will provide music and finger foods will be served. For more
information contact Betsy Wanosik at Claymontclassof97@gmail.com.
Uhrichsville Alumni Association
The Uhrichsville Alumni Association held its 108th gathering on
June 30th at the K of C Hall in Dennison. One hundred and twenty
members and guests attended.
The Class of 1957 was recognized for their 50th anniversary. Also
recognized were Charlotte Stilgenbauer, U’28, Norman Randall U’35 and
Eileen McCune U’39.
Darryl Hicks (U’65), a former Army Sgt., spoke to the group about
his experiences during and after the Vietnam War.
Officers elected for 2007-2009: Janie Furbay Mills, President; Paul
Fanti, Vice President; Bonnie Probert Glazier, Secretary/Treasurer and
Tom and Sue Sundry Huff, Social. The Uhrichsville Alumni will be held
June 28, 2008 at the K of C Hall in Dennison.
Teacher Grant Donations
Are you looking for a way to assist in the education of Claymont students? Each year the Claymont Foundation awards teacher grants to staff
throughout the district to fund projects and programs for the students. With a limited budget available in the district, these grants enhance the
education of the Claymont students. If you wish to make a donation to the teacher grant program, just indicate that choice on the donor form found
in the newsletter and send it along with your donation.
1981 Champs Relay for Life
In June the 1981 State Champion Claymont Lady Mustangs basketball team
participated in the American Cancer Society’s “Relay for Life” event at Dover's
Crater stadium. The team and their family members walked in the 18-hour event
in memory of their teammate and friend Leslie Shelley Mulroy (C ’82) who died of
Breast Cancer at the age of 41. The team raised approximately $4000
and helped the Tuscarawas County Relay for Life event become one of the top
fundraisers in Ohio.
“Leslie was an important member of our team and we wouldn’t have had the success we did without her,” stated
Rhonda Funkhouser, coach of the championship team. “Leslie dedicated herself to taking care of others when she chose
nursing as a career. The Relay for Life event seemed like a great way to honor
Leslie and to give back to our community.”
In addition to Funkhouser, the following members of the Championship team
also took part in the event: Mitzi Cottrell Dryden, Tammy Gribben McMillen, Becky
Hillyer, Cynthia Carter Jackson, Debbie Reed Anastasiadis, Teresa Kastor Patterson,
Natalie Cotton Colaner and Assistant Coaches Marsha Addison and Kevin Keffer.
The event proved to be another great team effort 26-years later!
Fine Arts Grants
The Claymont Foundation is honored to announce that $10,175.17 were awarded for the fine arts programs through the generous grant of the
Dave Adams Trust. The grants are as follows:
- Elizabeth Bausch for the Claymont Jr. High to perform the production of Annie Junior.
- Jeanne Carrothers for third or fourth graders to attend a Young People’s Concert performed by the Canton Symphony Orchestra. - Sarah Fouts for all sixth graders to attend the one-act opera “Amahl and the Night Visitors” by Menotti performed at the Canton Symphony.
- JoLyn Barber for a SMART board, an interactive white board that connects to the classroom computer and a
projector so that work which is done on the computer happens on the SMART board.
- George Krause for a kiln at Eastport Elementary to be utilized for clay projects from all three elementaries.
- Carrie Woods for a clay throwing wheel for the high school art class.
- Jim Howell and Doug Huston for music lessons by professional music educators and/or musicians for Junior High band students.
Claymont Jr. High D.C. Trip
Do you remember when your class took a trip to Washington DC?
Do you remember how great it was to actually get to see all the
buildings about which you had heard - a lot of fun and memories.
The 8th graders at Claymont Jr. High School have made a class trip
to Washington DC and Gettysburg for the past 15 years. The students
participate in activities in order to be prepared and knowledgeable
about the trip. Visiting the Capitol, meeting with their Representative on
the Floor of the House, touring the monuments and museums, riding the
subway and sightseeing are just some of the events of this trip to make
memories that will last a lifetime.
Last year the trip cost each student $370 and 102 students were
able to make the trip. Even though the price is reasonable, is it a
challenge for some students. Jr. High Principal, Mike Wright ( C ’75),
has established Trip Scholarships for students that cannot pay the full
cost. These funds are made possible through generous donations from
alumni and businesses.
If you would be interested in donating to the 8th grade trip
scholarship, contact Mr. Wright at 740-922-5241 send your donation to
Claymont Jr. High School, 215 E Sixth St., Uhrichsville, OH 44683. You
will help a deserving student have those same great memories that you
have stored away.
Chris & Carolyn Huff
Rick & Marte Denman
Craft Technologies
Milan Lint
Ray & Margaret Artz
Rodney Hill
Dave & Kari Lu Bryan
In Memory
- Rick Dunn
Jack, Connie, Nic, Jenny, Zac
& Kayla Bolitho
Alma Maculatis
Rick & Marilyn Bloom
Richard & Vinetta Bedey
Erick & Allison Banaszak
Don & Helen Wright
Scott & Marisa Butcher, Karen Butcher
& Cody Grandison
Rhonda Funkhouser & Lisa Brass
(As of September 30, 2007)
Rebecca Hillyer
James & Susan Sexton
Jack & Linda Beckley
- Jim Spinell
Jack & Linda Beckley
- Tom Carrothers
Uhrichsville Lunch Bunch
Class of 1949
- Doris M Burns Humrighouse
Roy Humrighouse
- Helen Jean Bowditch
Carl Fisher
- Edna B Brown
Carl Fisher
- Frances Ervin
Carl Fisher
- Hilda Johnson
Eastport Avenue Elementary
School Staff
- Cliff Pocock
Barb Huff Bollon
& Sharon Pietro Maholm
Dave & Kari Lu Bryan
- Dick Dorland
Joe & Barb Bollon
David & Elizabeth Garbrandt
Linda McCourt
Times Reporter Employees
- Class of 1957
Members of Class of 1957
David & Hedy Miller
Herschel & Hena Pilloff
- Uhrichsville Alumni
Doris & Jack Riley
- Robert McCullough
Polly McCullough
Judy Fisher
- James Haverfield Scholarship
In Memory of Jean Romig
John & Jacque Menna
John & Mary Speaker
Linda McCourt
Tax deductible donations may be sent to the Claymont Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 255, Dennison, Ohio, 44621.
Please be sure to include your school, year of graduation and maiden name. We truly appreciate your support.
YES! I want to support your work!
is my pledge at the LEVEL
listed below:
____ Benefactor
$1000 or more
____ Sponsor
$500 to $999
____ Supporter
$250 to $499
____ Patron
$100 to $249
up to $99
Memorial ____ In Honor
Name (full)
Name (as you prefer to be addressed and credited)
________________________________________________________ $____________________
School and year graduated
Name of Honoree
Teacher Grant Donation
Newsletter Donation
Amount Enclosed/Pledged
Maiden Name
Where Are They Now?
Al Pocock (C ’74) received the prestigious No Child Left Behind
American Star of Teaching for his ground breaking LEAD program at
Cheyenne Mountain High School in Colorado. The award was presented
by Carolyn Snowbarger from the US Department of Education. The
award is presented to only one teacher from each state. Pocock
established the Learning and Educating About Disabilities (LEAD)
program in 1997. Students with disabilities, many with ADHD, join the
LEAD class to gain insight into their unique learning styles, identify their
strengths, overcome their weaknesses, learn their legal rights and
develop self-advocacy skills. They then participate in writing their own
individual education plan (IEP). He was he first recipient of the
2007-2008 school year.
and was honored by the OHSAA as one of its Football Officials of the
Year. He taught classes for new officials and served a three-year term
on the OHSAA football rules advisory committee. Ervin graduated from
Miami University in Oxford in 1961 with a bachelor of science in
mathematics and worked at Superior Clay Corp. in Uhrichsville for 47
years, retiring in 2002 as vice president of sales.
Matthew Carrothers (C ’94) has been named a Senior Vice President
and Commercial Lender at Guaranty Bank of Denver, Colorado. Matt is
an experienced lender, previously managing a commercial real estate
portfolio in excess of $200,000,000. In addition to managing
commercial loan portfolio, Matt will be involved in expanding business
to the Colorado resort markets and in establishing a Real Estate Capital
Markets Group for the bank. Matt has a degree in Finance from Miami
University of Ohio.
Monte Sherrell (C ’70), Dan Kinsey (C ’71) and Dan Howard
(C ’71) were on the Ohio team that won the 50-54 age division 3 on 3
basketball tournament at the 2007 Summer National Senior Games in
Louisville, KY. They defeated New York in the finals with a score of
Clyde “Pog” Ervin (U ’55) spent 37 years as a high school football
official and worked 25 of those years on a four-man crew with Jordan
Besozzi, Joe Pangrazio and Sam Fausto. Ervin recently joined Besozzi,
Pangrazio and Fausto in the Ohio High School Athletic Association
Officials Hall of Fame. Only 12 members are inducted each year. He is
a member of the 19th class of inductees. Ervin was past president and
member of the Eastern District Football Officials Assn. and was
interpreter for nine years. He also is an EDFOA Hall of Fame member
Foundation Steak Dinner
The Claymont Foundation held their annual Steak Dinner and Night at the Races on October 20th at the Uhrichsville Elks. Many foundation
supporters took advantage of the delicious steaks and the excitement of the horse races to raise funds for the Claymont Foundation.
A successful auction was held for the horses in the final race of the evening. A dance ended the night of fun.
Sponsors for the event were Indian Village Bank, McInturf Realty, Belle Bloom Everett C ’74, Connolly, Hillyer & Jackson, Inc., D & B Machine,
Mako’s Market & Pharmacy, Pillar’s Club, Pissocra Mathias, Truck Sales & Leasing, Inc., Tusco Display, Wachovia Securities and Lauren
The steak dinner was co-chaired by Barb Huff Bollon (C ’78) and Amy Cummings Barnabi (C ’89) with the horse racing chaired by Dawn
Gyurko Furniss (C ’86).
truck sales & service, inc.
3429 Brightwood Rd. / P.O. Box 262
Midvale, OH 44653
(740) 922-3412
Fax (740) 922-4863
SUNDAY 8:00 AM - - 2:00 PM
MON.-SAT. 6:00 AM - - 8:00 PM
Bricks Purchased
David & Elizabeth Garbrandt
William & Cheryle Stallings
(through October 31, 2007)
Claymont High School Staff
Dave & Kari Lu Bryan
Purchase a Brick for the
Foundation’s Brick Patio at Claymont High School
(count punctuation and spaces between words)
Please Print Legibly
14 Spaces per Line:
Bricks can be purchased for $60
Please make check payable to The Claymont Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 255, Dennison, Ohio 44621.
Name (full)
_____________________________________________________________________________________ $____________________
Amount Enclosed
School and year graduated
Claymont Connection Staff
Board of Trustees
Martha Campbell C ‘80
Vice President
Scott Luikart C ‘81
Kim Cutlip Castello Watson C ‘78
Financial Secretary
Beth Wright Lint C ‘81
Corresponding Secretary
Barb Huff Bollon C ‘78
Legal Counsel
Jim Carrothers D ‘64
Neeley Cox Davis C ‘00
Paul Fanti U ‘51
Dawn Gyurko Furniss C ‘86
Mark Haney C ‘93
Kevin Johns C ‘79
Dee Johnson Metzger C ‘70
Christa Frantz
Jeanne Carrothers
Christa Frantz
Rebecca Carrothers Stewart C ‘92
Rob Lint C ‘76
Jim Carrothers D ‘64
Rick Bloom, Jr. C ‘83
Barb Huff Bollon C ‘78
Martha Campbell C ‘80
Beth Wright Lint C ‘81
Contact Us:
Claymont Foundation
P.O. Box 255, Dennison, OH 44621
Send us an e-mail: foundation@claymont.k12.oh.us
Visit our website:
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Jock & Lois Grandison - Owners
Claymont Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 255
Dennison, Ohio 44621