

The UNIMA Research Commission
By Ida Hledíková PhD
UNIMA Research Commission proposes you a new version of “Directory of Puppet Theatre
Our version is in fact a continuation of work elaborated by our predecessors – members
of previous Research Commissions of UNIMA. The first edition of the “Directory” was
published in Warsaw in 1991. In this innovated version are published those researchers
from the previous issues who answered us and it also presents the new names of
researchers and theorist of puppet theatre from all over the world.
This contemporary index is supplemented by new persons and includes 183 names.
According to the bibliographies it is obvious, that most of them respond to our appeals.
Not starred are entries of those individuals who were in personal contact with us or those
the information on whom was sent by UNIMA National Centres.
In an introduction of one of the previous editions the former President of Research
Commission Edi Majaron wrote, that this way of publication seemed to be oldfashioned in the
world of new communication technologies. On one hand he was right, but on the other hand,
thanks to those “oldfashioned” Directories we could continue. In all these documents
including this newest version from 2012 year are chronicled researchers and their works.
When comparing the first (1991) and the last version (2012) of the Directory we can see how
many people dedicated their research to writing on puppetry since then. The researchers
and their works have become at the same time a part of puppetry, a part of its history. They
all create a cultural heritage. That is why we can consider all mentioned UNIMA directories
of puppetry researchers a part of UNIMA memory. That is why such work as this one is also
meaningful in the modern Information Society.
Information on human sources and results of their research in a form of our Directory is
a good aid for all who want to find researchers in different parts of the world and be informed
about topics of their research. It is useful not only for reseachers but for everybody who is
interested in puppets, puppet theatre, its origin, history and dramaturgy. Those are students,
dramaturges, directors, various creators, amateurs, but also employees of libraries,
museums and others professional workplaces as well.
Many colleagues and UNIMA National Centres from different parts of the world have
participated on this task. I would like to thank all of you who helped us update this issue
not forgetting the Presidents and members of the last UNIMA Research Commissions,
who worked on previous printed as well as electronic issues H. Jurkowski, M. Waszkiel, E.
Majaron, J.McCormick, B. Pratasik, K. Smith.
Assoc. Prof. Ida Hledíková M.A. PhD
President of the UNIMA Research Commission 2008 – 2012
The editor stipulates the right for non-completed information.
Because of a number and diversity of formats it was not possible to verify and complete all
(cca 2500) bibliographical statements.
1. Dr. ABBOTT, Chris (Mr.)
King's College London
Dept. of Education & Professional Studies
Franklin-Wilkins Building
London SE1 9NN
Telephone: 020 7848 3165
Fax: 020 7848 3182
List of publications:
An East Anglian Odyssey: The Story of the DaSilva Puppet Company. Wisbech: Wisbech &
Fenland Museum, 2006.
Reviews in Puppet Notebook.
Animations Online.
Other (non-puppet) academic publications listed on
Puppets in pantomime (for the UK-based pantomime website It's Behind You).
2. ABRAMS, Steve (Mr.)
4809 Warrington Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19143
Telephone: 215-726-6793
List of publications:
Encyclopedia Mondiale Des Arts De La Marionnette. Edited by Henryk Jurkowski and Thieri
Foulc, North American Editor: Steve Abrams, Amerique du Nord, pp. 49-52, Bread and
Puppet Theatre, pp. 115-116, Etast-Unis, pp. 255-260, Jim Henson, pp. 337-338, and other
articles. L’Entretemps, Montpellier: UNIMA, 2009.
A Timeline of Puppetry in America. A special publication of Puppetry Journal, edited by Paul
Eide, with Alan Cook and Steve Abrams. Puppeteers of America, 2001.
American Puppetry: Collections, History Performance. Edited by Phyllis T. Dircks, foreward
by Steve Abrams, McFarland and Co, Jefferson North Carolina, 2004. Foreward pp. 1-2,
and Appendix A: Selected Additional Puppetry Collections, pp. 285-293.
A Panorama of New York Puppetry. In E Pur Si Muove UNIMA Magazine #4 2005 (annual),
Charleville-Mézières, p. 61.
Notes on Puppets and Dance. In Puppetry International, issue 18, 2005, pp. 30-31.
Basil Twist's Dogugaeshi. In Puppetry International, issue 17, 2005, pp. 38-39.
The American Puppet: A History of Puppetry in America. Bristol, CT: Mazarella Brothers,
Productions, 2001.
60 articles and reviews, (selection):
Gender Bender Defender. In Spring, Vol. 50 # 3, 1999, p. 13.
Master Puppeteers. In Puppetry Journal, Vol. 54 # 2, Winter 2002, p. 25.
Puppets on Broadway. In Puppetry Journal, Vol. 55, # 2, Winter 2003, pp. 28, 30.
Little Shop of Horrors, review. In Puppetry Journal, Vol. 55, # 2, Winter 2003, p. 10.
Puppetry Obie Winners. In Puppetry Journal, Vol. 55, # 2, Winter 2003, p. 9.
Ave Q, review. In Vol. 55 # 2, Winter 2003, pp. 3-4.
On Broadway. In Vol. 55 # 2, Winter 2003, pp. 2-3.
Thirty Year of UNIMA Citations. In Puppetry Journal, Vol. 56 # 2, Winter 2004, pp. 2-3.
It Gets Better: Gay Puppeteer. In Puppetry Journal, Vol. 62 # 2, Winter 2010, pp. 25-27.
War Horse. Review. In Puppetry Journal, Vol. 62, # 3, Spring 2011, pp. 2-4.
3. ADAM, Marthe (Ms.) *
Département de théâtre, Université du Québec
Case postale 8888, Succursale Centre-Ville
Montréal, Québec, H3C 3P8
List of publications:
Le théâtre de marionnettes actuel: ambiguîté, provocation, recherche. Cahiers de théâtre
jeu. Montreal, Canada, 1989, No. 51, pp. 70-89 (French).
Analyse comparative du jeu du marionnettiste/Manipulator dans le théâtre de marionnettes
traditionnel au XIXe siécle et du jeu du manipulateur/Acteur dans le nouveau théâtre au XXe
siécle. Mémoire de maîtrise déposée á l´Université du Québec á Montréal, 1991, 105 pp.
Direction and acting in puppet theatre.
4. ALISEITSCHIK, Galina (Ms.)*
F. Skorina pr. 16 – 78
22050 Minsk
List of publications:
Kukly, maski, litsa (Puppets, Masks, Characters), editor, author of a contribution. Minsk,
1998, p. 112.
Belorusskij Teatr Kukol. Tradicija i experimenty (Belorussian Puppet Theatre. Traditions
and Experiments). In Kukly, maski, litsa. Minsk, 1998, p. 26.
Jascik s kuklami (A Box with Puppets). In Teatralnyj almanach. Minsk, 1999, p. 80.
Kukla v drevneslavjanskich kalendarnych obrjadah (The Puppet in Old Slavonic Calendar
Festivals). In Teatralnyj almanach. Minsk, 1999, pp. 35-41.
Journal Teatr Cudes. Editor in chief, author of contributions. Moscow, No. 0, 1, 2, 2000,
Koljada – prazdnik zimnogo solncevorota (Carol – Festival of Winter Solstice). In Teatr
Cudes, Journal No. 1. Moscow, 2001, pp. 16-19.
Lutskije misterija (Lutsk´s Mysteries). In Teatr Cudes, Journal No. 1. Moscow, pp. 8-9.
Prazdnichnyje misterija drevnih Slavjan (Festival Mysteries of Old Slavs). In Duhovnaja
energia teatra. Vitebsk, 1995, pp. 43-75.
Kukly i maski v prazdnike koljady (Puppets and Masks in Carol´s Festival). Paper.
International symposium on Nativity Mystery. Lutsk, January, 2001.
5. Prof. ALLEGRI, Luigi (Mr.)
Via Castagnola, 41
43100 Parma
Telephone and Fax: +390521988377
Università degli studi di Parma, Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali e dello Spettacolo
Piazzale della Pace 7/A
43100 Parma
Tel.: +390521281248, fax +390521533659
List of publications:
Per una storia del teatro come spettacolo: il teatro di burattini e di marionette (Through the
History of Theatre as a Spectacle: Marionette and Puppet Theatre). Parma: Studi e Archivio
della Comunicazione, 1978.
Dal teatro di burattini al teatro di figura: un’ipotesi di trasgressione realizzata (From
Marionette Theatre to Puppet Theatre: a Hypothesis of the Realized Transgression).
Quaderni di teatro, 1986, No. 31.
L’angelo e la maschera: la marionetta nel teatro del Novecento (The Angel and the Mask:
the Marionette in the Theatre of the 20th Century). Report at conference of Saintes 1988,
published in Pulcinella: Una maschera tra gli specchi, by Franco Carmelo Greco. Napoli:
E.S.I., 1990.
Pulcinella e i burattini (Pulcinella and the Puppets). In Pulcinella: Una maschera tra gli
specchi, cit.
Un don Cristóbal d’autore: il teatro per burattini di Federico Garcia Lorca (A Don Cristóbal
of the Author: the Theatre for Puppets by Federico Garcia Lorca). In Pulcinella e le arti dal
Cinquecento al Novecento, by Franco Carmelo Greco. Napoli: Electa, 1990.
Dal filosofo al folle: la marionetta nel Medioevo (From the Philosopher to the Crowd:
the Marionette in the Middle Ages). In Il mito dell’automa. Teatro e macchine animate
dall’antichità al Novecento, by Umberto Artioli and Francesco Bartoli. Florence: Artificio,
La marionetta e l’Angelo, nel mondo (The Marionette and the Angel of the World). Il teatro
contemporaneo e il mito della marionetta, Il castello di Elsinore, 1991, No. 12.
La marionetta fra tradizione e utopia (The Marionette between Tradition and Utopia).
In Storia del teatro moderno e contemporaneo. III. Avanguardie e utopie del teatro.
Il Novecento, by Roberto Alonge and Guido Davico Bonino. Turin: Einaudi, 2001.
Don Cristóbal nel teatro per burattini di Federico García Lorca (Don Cristóbal in the Puppet
Theatre by Federico García Lorca). Homenaje and Luis Quirante, eds. Rafael Beltrán, Marta
Haro, Josep Lluís Sirera, Antoni Tordera. Estudios teatrales, Vol. I, Universitat de València,
De l’acteur romantique au mythe de la marionette. Hypothèse pour une modélisation
(From the Romantic Actor to the Myth of the Marionette. Hypothesis for Modeling).
In Le Spectaculaire dans les arts de la scène du Romantisme à la Belle Époque, by Isabelle
Moindrot. Paris: CNRS, 2006.
Il mondo delle figure. Burattini e marionette fra tradizione e consapevole linguaggio teatrale
(The World of Figures. Puppets and Marionettes between Tradition and Conscious Theatrical
Language). In mondo delle figure. Burattini e marionette della tradizione padana, catalogo
della mostra, by Luigi Allegri. Brescia: Palazzo Martinengo, March – May 2007.
6. AMARAL, Ana Maria (Ms.)
Av. Pedroso de Morais 70 apt. 31
S. Paulo, S.P. 05420-000
Telephone: 55-11-3814-5693
List of publications:
Le théâtre de marionnettes au Brésil, des années 40 aux années 60 (The Brazilian
Marionette Theatre from the 40s to the 60s). By M. C. Rodrigues Alves of Teatro de Bonecos
no Brasil, 1994. S. Paulo: Com Arte, 1994, tr.
Teatro de Formas Animadas (Theatre of Animation Forms). 4rd Ed. S. Paulo: EDUSP, 2011.
Teatro de Animação; da teoria à prática (Theatre of Animation; from Theory to Practice).
2nd Ed. S. Paulo: Ateliê Editorial, 2002.
O ator e seus duplos: máscaras, bonecos, objetos (The Author and His Doubles: Masks,
Puppets, Objects). 3rd Ed. S. Paulo: Editora SENAC\EDUSP, 2010.
7. ANDRIANOV, Katriina (Ms.)
University of Tampere
School of Communication, Media and Theatre
Theatre and Drama Research
FI-33014 University of Tampere
Telephone: +358 40 5861967
List of publications:
Animering som åskådarens animism (Animating as the Spectator’s Animism. Translation
from English: Tomas Alldahl). In Tidskrift för scenkonst med animationsfigurer, masker och
objekt (Nordic UNIMA Magazine). UNIMA Sweden & UNIMA Norway, 2006, p. 9.
Diskurssia etsimässä: Professional Development -puheohjelma, Perth 2008 (Searching for
Discourse: Professional Development Programme, Perth 2008). In Nukketeatteri (UNIMA
Finland Magazine, re-named), 1/2008, pp. 10-11.
Keskustelu Pyhän Olavin kanssa (Discussion with Saint Olaf). In Peltonen, Leila & Tawast,
Marjut (edit.), Nukketeatteria suomalaisilla näyttämöillä (Puppet Theatre on Finnish Stages).
Helsinki: LIKE, 2009, pp. 24-29.
Report: International Conference of Stage Animation in Tampere 29.-30. 10. 2009.
In Nukketeatteri (UNIMA Finland Magazine), 1/2010, pp. 4-5.
Lapsia, lintuja, kukkasia – vähäisempi musikaali. Havainnon, kokemuksen ja teorian
vuoropuhelu (Children, Birds, Flowers – A Minor Musical. Dialogue between Perception,
Experience and Theory). In Ikonen, Liisa, Järvinen, Hanna & Loukola, Maiju (edit.),
Näyttämöltä tutkimukseksi. Esittävien taiteiden metodologiset haasteet. (From Stage to
Research. Methodological Challenges in Performing Arts.). Helsinki: The Theatre Research
Society, 2012, pp. 191-210. Open access yearbook (
Esine roolissa. Elollistuminen pyhän (re)presentaationa Kristian Smedsin
näyttämöanimaatiossa (An Object in a Role. Becoming Animate as (re)presentation of
Sacred in Kristian Smeds’s Stage Animation), 2012, doctoral dissertation.
8. Dr. ARDALAN, Hamidreza (Mr.)
Second floor, No. 7 (new)
Emad Moghnieh st, Argentina sq.
Telephone: 00982188886203
Fax: 00982188798506
List of publications:
Trans Modern Puppet Theatre Based on Post Metaphysical Thinking
Puppets without Verbs
Puppet, Object and Word
Ritual and Traditional Puppet in the Post Metaphysical Time
Think and Time in Ritual Puppet Theatre
Episteme and Puppet Theatre
The Origin and Appearance of “Pahlavan Kacial“ as a Comic Figure and His Role in Ritual
Performances, Literature and Traditional Theatre
9. Dr. ARNOLDI, Mary Jo (Ms.)*
Curator, Africa
National Museum of Natural History
Department of Anthropology
MRC 112
Smithsonian Institution
Washington, D.C. 20560-0112
Telephone: 202-357-1396
Fax: 202-357-2208
List of publications:
Playing with Time. Art and Performance in Central Mali. Bloomington: Indiana University
Press, 1995.
African Material Culture. Ed. Arnoldi, Geary and Hardin. Chapter 8, Arnoldi, Negotiating
Identities Through Objects: The Youth Association Masquerades in Mali. Bloomington:
Indiana University Press, 1996, pp. 167-187.
African Masks and Masquerades. In Encyclopedia of Sub-Saharan Africa. New York: Charles
Scribner and Sons, 1997.
Yaya Coulibaly: Contemporary Malian Artist and Puppeteer. Unima – United States, 1997,
pp. 8-10.
Wild Animals and Heroic Men: Visual and Verbal Arts in the Sogo bò Masquerades of Mali.
Research in African Literature. 2000, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 63-75.
Somono Puppet Masquerades in Kirango, Mali. African Arts Journal, 2001, Vol. 34, No. 1,
pp. 72-77.
Rural Malian puppet masquerade, Malian national arts festivals, urban arts and
contemporary Malian monuments.
10. Dr. ASTLES, Cariad (Ms.)
33 Westfield
Devon EX5 4QU
Telephone: 0044 (0) 1392 881231
List of publications:
Mamulengo: Comedy and Commentary. In BrUNIMA Bulletin, March 1998.
Lorca, the Grotesque and the Carnivalesque. In Blood, Fire and the Alphabet. Edited by
Thompson, Michael. Sheffield: University of Sheffield Press, 1998.
Lorca, Don Cristobal and the Carnivalesque. In Fire, Blood and the Alphabet. Edited by
Doggart, Sebastian and Thompson, Michael. University of Durham Modern Languages
Series, 1999, pp. 107-123.
Lorca i Kantor i el seu legado (Lorca and Kantor, and Their Legacy). Edited by Zurbach,
Christine. Teatro de Marionetas; Tradição i Modernidade. Evora: Editora Casa do Sul, 2000.
Puppet Theatre for Development. Ed. BrUNIMA Bulletin. UNIMA, November 2001.
O grotesco: de Lorca a Kantor, O ator e seus duplos: máscaras, bonecos, objetos (The
Grotesque: from Lorca to Kantor). In Adagio – III. Seminario internacional de marionetas de
Evora. Evora: Centro Dramatico de Evora Associação, junho/dezembro 2001, pp. 103-111.
O grotesco: de Lorca a Kantor, e o seu legado (The Grotesque: from Lorca to Kantor,
and Their Legacy). In Teatro de Marionetas – tradicao e modernidade. Edited by Zurbach,
Christine. Evora: Casa do Sul, 2002, pp. 275-286.
Lorca and Kantor: Two Versions of the Grotesque. In Adagio. Evora: Cendrev, 2002.
Lorca the Puppeteer. DaSilva Books, 2002.
Puppet Theatre and Child Rights. In Cultures and Settlements. Astles Cariad in Miles,
Malcolm and Nikola Kirkham, eds. Bristol: Intellect, 2003, pp. 121-132.
Catalan Puppetry during the Spanish Civil War and the Dictatorship. Puppet Notebook.
London, April 2005.
Moving House. (transl.) Ed. Periale, Andrew. Puppetry International, Issue 20, Strafford,
Catalan Puppet Theatre: a Process of Cultural Affirmation. Ed. Delgado, Maria, David
George and Lourdes Orozco. Contemporary Theatre Review, Special Issue: Catalan Theatre
1975-2006: Politics, Identity and Performance. Vol. 17, No. 3, August 2007.
(This issue of CTR won the Premi Joan B Cendrós, made by Omnium Cultural to that is
judged to be the best piece of work written about Catalan culture, language and identity or
the best contribution to Catalan studies outside Catalonia.)
“Puppetry in Great Britain”, “Doo Cot”, “Theatre-rites”, “Green Ginger”, “Welfare State
International”, “Emergency Exit Arts”, “Caricature Theatre”, “Improbable Theatre”, “Little
Angel Marionette Theatre”, “Faulty Optic”. Astles, Cariad (ed.). World Encyclopedia of
Puppetry Arts, Paris: EMAM, 2008.
(The Encyclopedia was awarded a prize for best theatre book by the French Critics’ Union in
2010. This was awarded at the Théâtre Artistique Athevains on 21st June 2010.)
Alternative Puppet Bodies. In Moin Moin. UNIMA Brazil (ed.), August 2008.
African Spectacle within Cuban Theatre. Edited by Osita Okagbue. In African Theatre
Journal: African Theatre in the Diaspora, October 2009.
Dancing Giants and Bigheads: Processions and Puppets in Catalonia. Edited by Dorothy
Max Prior. In Animated Advances. Puppet Centre, April 2009.
Wood and Waterfall: Puppetry Training and Its Anthropology. Edited by Gough, Richard and
Simon Shepherd. In Performance Research: On Training, 14. 2, September 2009.
Barcelona: Earth, Puppets and Embodiment. Edited by Counsell, Colin and Roberta Mock. In
Performance, Embodiment and Cultural Memory, CUP, November 2009.
Puppetry Training in Contemporary Live Theatre. Edited by Murray, Simon and Simon
Pitches. In Theatre, Dance and Performance Training, March 2010.
Popular Puppet Theatre and the Carnivalesque. The language of visual theatre Catalan
and Spanish puppet theatre during the Civil War, dictatorship and post-Franco.
11. ATANASOVA, Nadezhda (Ms.)
34 “Mara Gidik” str. app. 11
1505 – Sofia
Telephone: +359 877643916
List of publications:
Gostuvane v GDR (Visiting the GDR). Teatar, 1976, No. 12.
Otgovorat na moeto ochakvane – Slaveyat i rozata po O. Uayld; Prikazka za zvanchevata
gora ot Ch. Shinov, rezh. Zlati Zlatev, DKT – Varna (The Answer to My Expectation –
“Nightingale and the Rose” by O. Wilde, "A Tale of Bell Forest" by X. Shinov, director Zlati
Zlatev, Puppet Theatre – Varna). Teatar, 1, 1972.
Za chasovnikarya i ostanalite personazhi – Chasovnikaryat ot Ivan Teofilov, rezh.
L. Docheva, TSKT (For the Watchmaker and the Other Characters – "Watchmaker" by Ivan
Teofilov, directed by L. Docheva, CCTV). Teatar, 2, 1966.
Izsledvane na spetsifikata – Vasil Stefanov “Savremenen kuklen teatar” (Investigation
of Specificity – Vasil Stefanov "Contemporary Theatre). Teatar, 3, 1972.
Tsentralniyat kuklen teatar na 30 godini (The Central Puppet Theatre for 30 Years), Teatar,
5, 1978.
Hudozhestven obraz – edinstvo aktyor i kukla (Artistic images – Unity Actor and Puppet).
Teatar Sofiya, 1978, No. 6.
Tematichni i stilovi osobenosti na nay-novata kuklena dramaturgiya (Thematic and Stylistic
Features of the Latest Puppet Drama). Teatar, 4, 1979.
Savremenniyat stil na aktyorskata igra v kukleniya teatar (The Modern Style of Acting in the
Theatre). Teatar Sofiya, 1983, No. 10.
Za Yolanta Raykova (About Yolanta Raykova). Teatar, 12, 1983.
Za smetka na kuklite (On the Other Hand Puppets). In Hudozhestvena samodeynost
(Amateur Art Magazine), Sofiya, 1984, No. 6.
Ochakvaniya, rezultati, perspektivi (Expectations, Performance, Prospects). In Narodna
kultura, Sofiya, 26. IV 1985.
Plasticheski obobshteniya na kuklata (Summaries of Plastic Doll). Hudozhestvena
samodeynost, Sofiya, 1986, No. 3.
Dramaturgiya i kuklen teatar (Dramaturgy and Puppet Theatre). Teatar, issue 9-12, 1988.
Edin gubi, nikoy ne pecheli – Gubeshtiyat e kuklenoto izkustvo (One Loses, Nobody Wins –
Loser is Puppetry). Teatar, 4, 1989.
Za kuklite i horata (About Puppets and People). A book. Sofiya, 2009.
12. ATTINGER, Eliane (Ms.)
Woudweeren 2
1151 AV Broek in Waterland
Feikes Huis, productiehuis voor poppen - en objecttheater
List of publications:
The Development of Policy on the Field of Puppetry. In BEWOGEN, BEELDEN. Amsterdam:
Nederlands Poppenspiel Instituut, 1994 (Dutch).
Different articles on Dutch puppetry in DAT (Das Andere Theater, present Double) and
the Dutch WP.
13. AYUSO, Adolfo (Mr.)
Conde de Aranda, 124, 2º izda
50003 Zaragoza
Telephone: +34 661 755 535
List of publications:
Historia y mecánica de la marioneta en España (History and Mechanics of the Marionette
in Spain). Adolfo Hayuso, Helena Millán. Zaragoza: DPZ, 2001.
Instinto de comediantes. Industrias y andanzas de Los Titiriteros de Binéfar (Comediants’
Instinct. Skills and Adventures of the Puppeteers ‘Los Titiriteros de Binéfar’). Zaragoza: DPZ,
La sombra desvelada. Un viaje por el teatro de sombras (The Shadow Unveiled. A Journey
through the Shadow Theatre). (Coord). Zaragoza: DPZ, 2004.
Alberti y el teatro de títeres. El vuelo de La Pájara Pinta (Alberti and the Puppet Theatre.
The Spotted Bird’s Flight). IGAEM. Bululú, 4, primavera, 2003, pp. 60-72.
Cómicos y virtuosos. Los títeres durante la dictadura franquista (Comics and Virtuosos.
Puppets during the Francoist Dictatorship). In AAVV, Títeres, Centro Etnográfico Joaquín
Díaz. Diputación de Valladolid, 2004, pp. 120-159.
Para un público menor (For a Young Audience). Theatre and performances for children
in Aragón (1950-2005). Zaragoza: Centro Dramático de Aragón, 2007.
Miguel Prieto, director de La Tarumba. El guiñol en defensa de la República (Miguel Prieto,
Director of La Tarumba. The Puppet Show in Defense of the Republic). UNIMA Federación
España, Fantoche, arte de los títeres, 1, octubre 2007, pp. 48-61.
Gigantes y cabezudos, actores de calle (Giants and Big-Heads, Street Actors). In Domingo
Moreno (Coord), La danza de los diferentes, Gigantes, cabezudos y otras criaturas.
Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza, 2008, pp. 89-113.
Félix Malleu, domador de leones y hombre del guiñol (Félix Malleu, Lion Tamer and
Puppeteer). Fantoche, arte de los títeres, III, 2. octubre 2008, pp. 5-23.
El títere de tipo catalán y la saga de los Vergés (Catalan-type Puppets and the Saga of the
Vergés). Fantoche, arte de los títeres, V, 4, 2010, pp. 17-48.
History of the Puppets in Spain (especially the period 1800 – 2000).
Puppets in the Spanish Republic, during the Civil War and the Franco government.
14. AZIMPOUR TABRIZI, Poupak (Ms.)
Second floor, Apartment No. 5
Building No. 67 (new)
Rastovan St. Ehteshamiye Sq. Pasdaran St.
19466-14886 Tehran
Telephone: 00982188886104, 00982122580472
Fax: 00982188798506
University of Tehran
College of Fine Arts, School of Performing Arts and Music
Enghelab St.
PO Box: 14155-6458
List of publications:
Iranian Ritual and Traditional Puppets and Puppet Shows Dictionary. Tehran, Iran:
Namayesh Publications, 2010.
Buke Barana and Hole Barani Kurdish Rain Puppets. Tehran, Iran: Namayesh Publications,
Teke. Tehran, Iran: Peyke Bahar publications, 2004.
Toward an Aesthetics of the Puppet. By Steve Tillis (Translated to Persian by Poupak
Azimpour). Tehran, Iran: Peyke Bahar, 2004.
The Appearance of the Goddess of Water and the God of Rain as Forms of Iranian Puppetry
– Theatrical Rain Rites. Puppetry International, Unima, USA, Atlanta, Spring and Summer
#31, 2012.
The Appearance of the Ritual Motives in Peter Schumann’s Works and Bread and Puppet
Theatre. The 2nd International Traditional – Ritual Performances Seminar (A collection of
Articles). Tehran, Iran, 30th July – 1st August 2009.
A Contemporary Comparison of Iranian Ancient Rain Rituals. The First International
Traditional – Ritual Performances Seminar (A collection of Articles). Tehran, Iran, 2007.
Iranian Ritual Puppets. Daily Publication of 11th International Puppet Festival. Tehran, Iran,
Metaphor and Puppet. Local Publication of Theatre forum, No 4., Tehran, Iran, 2006.
Relation of Fancy and Oriental Performances (With Specially Look at Shadow Puppet
Theatre). Tajir, Nowrouz – Honar institute of C culture & Art, Tehran, Iran, 2006.
Analysis of Peter Schumann’s Directing Taking into Consideration. The Politics and Social
Elements. Tajir, Puppetry Season Review, Art University, Tehran, Iran, Fall 2004.
Bread and Puppet Theatre (Method Analysis of Peter Schumann’s to Direct)
15. BADIOU, Maryse (Ms.)
Viladomat, 123, 1º, 1ª
08015 Barcelona
Telephone: +34 934 238 826
TNC Teatre Nacional de Catalunya
Plaça de les Arts, 1
08013 Barcelona
Telephone: +34 933 065 700
List of publications:
She has written over 100 articles in the magazine, specializing in Performing Arts,
The Public (Ministry of Culture) on theatre, dance, scenery and puppets from 1983 – 1992:
on Joan Baixas, Malic Theatre, Els Quatre Gats, Neville Tranter, Hugo and Ines, Lecucq,
Comediants, the International Festival of Barcelona, etc.
Collaborated on magazines Primer Acto (Spain) and Puck y Thèâtre/Public (France).
Deux aspects du Thèâtre d’ombres: Le Thèâtre d’ombres de Kelantan et le Thèâtre de
Karagheuz (Two Aspects of the Shadow Theatre: Shadow Theatre of Kelantan and Theatre
of Karagöz). Tesina, Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail, 1976.
L’ombre et la marionette. Essai d’interpretation de l’objet animé en relation avec l’espectacle
(The Shadow and the Puppet. Essay on the Animated Object in Relation with the
Performance). Tesis doctoral, Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail, 1980.
L’ombra i la marioneta o les figures dels déus (The Shadow Puppet and the Marionette or
Figures of Gods). Institut del Teatre-Edicions 62, Barcelona, 1988.
H. V. Tozer: la marioneta o el teatre de la vida en Harry V. Tozer (H. V. Tozer:
The Marionette or the Theatre of Life in Harry V. Tozer). Institut del Teatre de Barcelona –
Centre de Titelles de Lleida, 1993.
A marioneta ou o vinculo existencial entre a vida e o sentido, en Teatro de marionetas,
tradiçao e modernidade (The Marionette or the Link between Life and Sense). Évora: Casa
do Sul, 2002, pp. 67-78.
Las sombras entre continentes y culturas: una visión del mundo, en Adolfo Ayuso (Shadow
Puppets between Continents and Cultures: A Vision of Life). La sombra desvelada. Un viaje
por el teatro de sombras. Zaragoza: DPZ, 2004, pp. 13-47.
El pesebre, mite escenografia (The Crib, A Myth on Stage). Serra d’Or, 541, enero 2005, pp.
Sombras y marionetas. Tradiciones, mitos y creencias: del pensamiento arcaico al
Robot sapiens (Shadow Puppets and Marionettes. Traditions, Myths and Beliefs: From
Archaic Thinking to Robot Sapiens). Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 2009.
Nativité (Nativity). In Encyclopédie Mondiale des Arts de la Marionnette
(Worldwide Encyclopedia of Puppetry Arts). Unima – L’Entretemps. Montpellier, 2009,
pp. 488-490.
Dialogue between theatrical practice and theory. The animated object as a key means
Of apprehension of space and time. The animated object and his relationship to other arts.
Nativity scenes with puppets.
16. BAGNO, Albert (Mr.)
Via Don Achille Bolis 21
23801 Calolziocorte (LC)
Telephone: 0314631434 – 3495963504
List of publications:
Le objet pour comuniquer (Communication through the Object). COE, 2000 (Italian).
Le théâtre des marionnettes à l´école (Puppet Theatre in the School). RTL, 2000 (Italian).
Le non Docteur Marionnette (The Non-doctor Puppet). Saronno: AZL, 1999 (Italian).
Puppets in Arab World. Puppets and Fairground. Songs, Music and Puppets.
17. BALOGH, Géza M.A. (Mr.)
Damjanich u. 23.
Telephone: 36-1-3428-913
Budapest Bábszínház
Andrássy út 69
1062 Budapest
Telephone: (36-1) 322-5051
Fax: 342-4765
List of publications:
Elfogult jóslatok (Partial Predictions). Színház 6, 1996.
Tadeusz Kantor. Criticai Lapok 7-8, 1996.
Mitől bábszínház a bábszínház? (Of What Is the Theatre Sometimes a Puppet Theatre?)
Criticai Lapok 9, 1996.
Kínai bábművészek Budapesten (Chinese Puppeteers in Budapest). Criticai Lapok 11, 1997.
A Tandarica vendégjátéka (A Guest Performance of Tandarica). Criticai Lapok 5, 1998.
Bábfesztivál úton-útfélen (Puppet Festivals Everywhere). Criticai Lapok 9, 1998.
Madarak minden mennyiségben (Birds in Large Quantitie; Puppet Festival in Bukharest).
Criticai Lapok 12, 1998.
Bábszínház 1949 – 1999 (Puppet Theatre 1949 – 1999). Editor. Budapest, 1999.
A Napsugár fél évszázada (Half a Century of Sunshine). Békéscsaba, 1999.
Tréfa, irónia és... epikus bábszínház (Joke, Irony and... Epic Puppet Theatre). Criticai Lapok
9, 1999.
Bábszínházi találkozó Kecskeméten (Meeting of Puppeteers in Kecskemét). Criticai Lapok 6,
UNIMA 2000, Magdeburg. Criticai Lapok 10, 2000.
Massimo Schuster. Criticai Lapok 3-4, 2001.
Egy divatjamúlt zseni (An Outdated Genius. Sergey Obrastzov). Criticai Lapok 7-8, 2001.
Felnött bábfesztivál (An Adult Festival with Puppets). Criticai Lapok 9, 2001.
Kontrasztok – Moszkva, bábok, 2001 (Contrasts – Moscow, Puppets, 2001). Criticai Lapok
11, 2001.
Önarckép profilból (Self-portrait in Profile, Meeting of Hungarian Puppeteers). Criticai Lapok
7-8, 2002.
Tiszta Amerika (Pure America, Puppet Festival in Atlanta). Criticai Lapok 11, 2002.
Az állandó bábszínházak (Permanent Puppet Theatres); A vásári és a művészi bábjáték
(The Fairground and Artistic Puppet Theatres). In Magyar Színháztörténet 1920-1949
(History of the Hungarian Theatre 1920-1949). Budapest, 2003.
Ország Lili (Lili Ország). Art Limes 2003.1.
Brave Laszlo Is 80 Years Old! E pur si muove 04, 2005.
A Távol-Kelet bábművészete (The Oriental Puppet Art). Báb-Tár II.- III., 2006.
A Mesebarlangtól a Budapest Bábszínházig (From the Fairy Tale Cave to the Budapest
Puppet Theatre). Báb-Tár IV, 2007.
Obrazcov két színháza (Obrastzov´s Two Theatres). Báb-Tár V., 2007.
Mimezis v loutkovém divadle (Mimesis in the Puppet Theatre), Divadlo a interakce II.
(Theatre and Interaction III). Praha: Pražská scéna, 2007.
Edward Gordon Craig és az übermarionett (Edward Gordon Craig and the Übermarionette).
Báb-Tár VI, 2008.
Variace na loutkovou hru Kral jelenem (Variations on the Puppet Play Stag King), Divadlo
a interakce III. (Theatre and Interaction III). Praha: Pražská scéna, 2008.
Változatok egy magyar bábjátékra. Heltai Jenő és a Szarvaskirály (Variations on
a Hungarian Puppet Play. Jenő Heltai and the Stag King). Báb-Tár, VII, 2008.
A Hungarian Puppeteer in Paris: Géza Blattner. E pur si muove 06, 2008.
Pillanatképek az európai bábjáték történetéből (Snapshots from the History of the European
Puppetry). Báb-Tár VIII, 2009.
Encyclopédie mondiale des Arts de la Marionnette (World Encyclopaedia of Puppetry Arts).
Author of Hungarian contributions, councillor scientific. Édition L’Entretemps, Montpellier,
France, 2009.
Az ember tragédiája a bábszínpadon (The Tragedy of Man in the Puppet Theatre). Báb-Tár
IX, 2009.
Doktor Faust a bábszínpadon (Doctor Faustus on the Puppet Stage). Báb-Tár X, 2010.
A bábjáték Magyarországon (Puppet Theatre in Hungary). Budapest: Vince Kiadó, 2010.
Variacjje jedne alegorije (Variations of an Allegory). Subotica, 2010.
Bábkabaré az ötvenes években (Puppet Cabaret of the 1950s). Báb-Tár XII, 2011.
Književnost za decu, pozorište za decu, pozorište lutaka (Children's Literature, Children's
Theatre, Puppet Theatre). Subotica, 2011.
Dvě režiserské generace maďarského loutkového divadla (Two Director´s Generation of the
Hungarian Puppet Theatre). Praha: Loutkář 5, 2011.
Himnusz és önirónia. Egy jubiláló prágai bábfesztiválon (National Anthem and Self-irony).
Criticai Lapok 2, 2011.
A színész a demiurgosz szerepében. Henryk Jurkowski könyve (Actor in the Role
of Demiurgos. Henryk Jurkowski´s Book). Criticai Lapok 3, 2011.
Gyermekszínházi fesztivál mindenkinek (?), Szabadka, 2011 (Childrens' Theatre Festival
for Everybody (?), Subotica, 2011). Criticai Lapok 11, 2011.
Little forms of puppetry. History of the Hungarian puppetry.
18. BAUDIN, Yves (Mr.)
Théâtre de la Poudrière
Quai Philippe-Godet 22
CH 2000 Neuchâtel
Telephone: 0041 32 724 65 19
Fax: 0041 32 724 65 17
List of publications:
Le Discours marionnettique: mémoire de licence (Puppetry Discourse). Université de
Neuchâtel, 1982.
Théâtre de la Poudrière, un parcours (Poudrière Theatre, A Direction). Hauterive: Editions
Attinger, 1998.
Marionnettes: préface “Du verbe à sa disparition” (From the Verbe to Its Disappearance).
Par Yves Baudin dans la publication de troispièces marionnettiques. Revue UWA, avril 1999.
En Scène, la vie théâtrale en Pays Neuchâtelois (On the Stage, Theatre Life in Neuchâtel).
Ouvrage collectif. Hauterive: Editions Attinger, octobre 2010.
Different articles, general or subjective in Théâtre de la Poudrière in the specialised revues:
Figura, Mimos, Double… notably: “Gratwanderungen”: Thesen zu einer spezifischen
Dramaturgie des Figurentheaters. Revue Double, april 2005 (translated by Katja Spiess and
Meike Wagner).
19. BELL, John Dr. (Mr.)
100 Jackson Street
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02140
Ballard Institute and Museum of Puppetry
University of Connecticut
6 Bourn Place
Storrs, Connecticut 06269
Telephone: 617/599-3250
List of publications:
American Puppet Modernism. Book. New York: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2008.
Puppets, Masks, and Performing Objects. Editor. Book. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2001.
Strings, Hands, Shadows: A Modern Puppet History. Book. Detroit: Detroit Institute of Arts,
Landscape and Desire: Bread and Puppet Pageants in the 90s. Monographs. Bread and
Puppet Press, Glover, Vermont, 1997, 1998.
The Short Entertaining History of Toy Theatre. Monographs. Great Small Works, New York,
1996, 1998, 2003.
Masks: Outer Image, Inner Spirit. Monographs. Center for Puppetry Arts. Atlanta, 2001.
A Chronology of European Theatre Events Involving Performing Objects 1887 – 1939.
Monographs. The Puppetry Yearbook 1. Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, N.Y., 1995.
Book Chapters and Encyclopedia Entries:
Picture Performance and Transformation in the Modern World: Brecht’s Bänkelsang and
Schumann’s Cantastoria. Banners and Cranks: Tradition & Reinvention, edited by Clare
Dolan. Bibliotheca Librorum, San Juan, 2010.
Travailler et grandir avec le Bread and Puppet (Working and Growing with Bread and
Puppet), Passeurs et complices (Passing it On). Edited by Lucile Bodson, Margareta
Niculescu, and Patrick Pezin. L’Entretemps, Paris, 2009.
Playing with a Lack of Control. In The Puppet Show. Edited by Ingrid Schaffner and Carin
Kuoni. Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, 2008.
“United States: 1940-Present”, “Political Theatre”, “Spalding Gray”, and “Luis Valdez”, for
The Columbia Encyclopedia of Modern Drama. Columbia University Press, New York, 2007.
Performance Studies in an Age of Terror. In The Performance Studies Reader, Second
Edition. Edited by Henry Bial. Routledge, New York, 2007.
The Influence of Bread and Puppet Theate. In Restaging the Sixties: Radical Theatres and
Their Legacies. Edited by James Harding and Cindy Rosenthal. University of Michigan
Press, Ann Arbor, 2006.
Bread and Puppet Theatre (with F. Elaine Williams). The Encyclopedia of New England
Culture. Yale University Press, New Haven, 2006.
American Drama in the Postwar Period. A Concise Companion to Postwar American
Literature and Culture. Edited by Josephine Hendin. Blackwell Publishers, Boston, 2004.
Puppets and ‘The Iconography of Drama’: The Brander Matthews Collection at Columbia
University. In American Puppetry: Collections, History and Performance. Edited by Phyllis
T. Dircks. McFarland & Company, Jefferson, North Carolina, 2004.
Paul McPharlin and Puppetry at the Detroit Institute of Arts. In American Puppetry:
Collections, History and Performance. Edited by Phyllis T. Dircks. McFarland & Company,
Jefferson, North Carolina, 2004.
Another Revolution to be Heard From: Jane Heap and the International Theatre Exposition
of 1926. In Experimenters, Rebels, and Disparate Voices: The Theatre of the 1920s
Celebrates Diversity. Edited by Arthur Gewirtz and James J. Kolb. Praeger, Westport, 2003.
Paesaggio e desiderio. In Bread & Puppet. La cattedrale di cartapesta. Edited by Andrea
Mancini. Titivillus Edizioni, Pisa, 2002.
La fine del Domestic Resurrection Circus. In Bread & Puppet. La cattedrale di cartapesta.
Edited by Andrea Mancini. Titivillus Edizioni, Pisa, 2002.
Un intervista con Peter Schumann. In Bread & Puppet. La cattedrale di cartapesta. Edited
by Andrea Mancini. Titivillus Edizioni, Pisa, 2002.
AIDS and Avant-Garde Classicism. In Rebecca Schneider and Gabrielle Cody, eds. Re:
Direction: A Theoretical and Practical Guide. Routledge, New York, 2002.
Bread and Puppet Theatre and the Rediscovery of Performing Objects. Bread and Puppet
Museum (catalogue), 1989, 2002.
AIDS and Avant-Garde Classicism. In Daniel Mufson, ed., Reza Abdoh. Johns Hopkins
University Press, Baltimore, 1999.
Beyond the Cold War: Bread and Puppet Theatre and the New World Order. In Staging
Resistance: Essays on Political Theatre. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 1998.
Louder Than Traffic: Bread and Puppet Parades. In Jan Cohen-Cruz, ed., Radical Street
Performance: An International Anthology. Routledge, New York, 1998.
Remo Bufano and World's Fair Puppet Theate. In 1939: Music and the World’s Fair.
Eos Press, New York, 1998.
Cross-cultural puppetry and hybrid performance.
20. BELTRAME, Valmor Nini (Mr.)
Caixa Postal 491
88.010.970, Florianópolis, SC
Telephone: (48) 232.3074
Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina – UDESC
Telephone: 48. 334.2016
Fax: 48. 334.2016
List of publications:
Boi-de-Mamão: Um Teatro de Bonecos (Boi-de-Mamão: A Kind of Puppet Theatre).
In Folha da Cultura, Jornal da Fundação Franklin Cascaes, Ano III, No. 10, Florianópolis,
Maio/junho 1995.
A Formação Profissional dos Bonequeiros (The Professional Formation of the Puppeteer).
In Jornal de Artes Cênicas, No. 10, Fundação Nacional da Arte – Funarte – Rio de Janeiro,
A Máscara e o Ator (The Mask and the Actor). In Universidade & Desenvolvimento, Revista
Científica da UDESC, Vol. 3, No. 2, Florianópolis, Outubro 1996.
O Boi-de-Mamão de Jaguaruna (The Boi-de-Mamão from Jaguaruna). Artigo publicado no
Boletim da Comissão Catarinense de Folclore, No. 45-46, Florianópolis, SC.. 1996.
Teatro de Sombras: técnica e linguagem (Shadow Teatre: Technic and Language).
Publicado nos Anais da Jornada de Pesquisa da UDESC, Florianópolis, SC.. Setembro
Reflexões sobre o Teatro de Bonecos (Thoughts about Puppet Theatre). In Continente SUL
SUR – Revista do Instituto Estadual do Livro do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, No. 5., A
Magia dos Bonecos, Porto Alegre, Outubro 1997.
A Dramaturgia no Teatro de Bonecos (The Dramaturgy on Puppet Theatre). In Continente
SUL SUR – Revista do Instituto Estadual do Livro do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, No. 5.,
A Magia dos Bonecos, Porto Alegre, Outubro 1997.
Cutucando a Onça... Esse Nosso Teatro Infantil (Challanging... Our Children Theatre). In Ô
Catarina, Jornal da Fundação Catarinense de Cultura, No. 26, Florianópolis, Nov./Dez. 1997.
Reflexões Sobre a Dramaturgia no Teatro de Bonecos (Thoughts about Dramaturgy on
Puppet Theatre). In Revista do Primeiro Festival Nacional de Teatro Infantil de Blumenau,
Blumenau, SC., 1997.
Teatro de Animação: do ilustrativo à forma animada (Animation Theatre: From Ilustractive
to the Animated Form). In Revista do Segundo Festival Nacional de Teatro Infantil de
Blumenau, Blumenau, SC., 1998.
Dramaturgia: discussões do festival (Dramaturgy: Discussion about the Festival). In Revista
do Terceiro Festival Nacional de Teatro Infantil de Blumenau, Blumenau, SC., 1999.
Teatro de Animação (Animation Theatre). In Ô Catarina, Jornal da Fundação Catarinense
de Cultura, No. 49, Florianópolis, Outubro 2001.
Showing and Hiding: puppeteer´s work.
21. Dr. BERNSTENGEL, Olaf (Mr.)
Bärwalder Str. 16
D – 01127 Dresden
Telephone: +49-351-8038456
Fax: +49-351-8038456
List of publications:
Sachsisches Wandermarionettentheater (Saxony Wandering Marionette Theatre). Dresden:
Verlag der Kunst, 1995.
Östliche Einflüsse auf das europäische Figurentheater (Easterly influences on the European
Figure Theatre). In Programmheft Europäisch – Indonesische Figurentheaterwoche,
Düsseldorf, 1995.
Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede im sächsisch-böhmisch-slowakisch-österreichischen
Puppenspiel (Joint Actions and Differences in the Saxon-Bohemia-Slovak-Austria-Puppet
Play). In Symposium Kasper-Teufel-Krokodil, Wien, 1995.
Militaria und Puppenspiel (Military and Puppet Play). In FrontPuppenTheater. Edited by
Dorothea Kolland. Berlin: Elefanten Press, 1997.
Mistelbach lässt die Puppen tanzen (Mistelbach Let the Puppets Dancing). In 125 Jahre
Mistelbach, Mistelbach, 1999.
Wie einst bei Dreher und Schütz in Potsdam… Ritscher’s Künstler-Marionettentheater,
Bielatal (How Once by Dreher and Schütz in Potsdam – Ritscher´s Artist Marionette Theatre,
Bielatal). Ed. Verlag Gunter Oettel Görlitz – Zittau, Germany, 2002, 112 pp.
Dresdner Puppenspielmosaik (Puppet Play Mosaic from Dresden). Ed. Sutton, Verlag, Erfurt,
Germany, 2005, 157 pp.
Internationale PuppenTheaterTage Mistelbach (International Puppet Theatre Days
Mistelbach). Ed. Stadtgemeinde Mistelbach, Austria, 2006, 126 pp.
Überlegungen zum europäischen Puppentheater zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts
(Reflections on the European Puppet Theatre at the Beginnig of the 21st Century). In: In der
Hand des Höllenfürsten sind wir alle Puppen. Ed. Herbert Utz Verlag, München, pp. 55 – 66,
Volkstheater an Fäden – Vom Massenmedium zum musealen Objekt; sächsisches
Marionettentheater im 20. Jahrhundert (Popular Theatre on Strings – from Mass Medium to
a Subject in Museum. Saxony Marionette Theatre in the 20th Century). With Lars Rebehn.
Ed. Mitteldeutscher Verlag Halle (Saale), 302 pp.
Die Eibesthaler Passion – ein Figurenspiel nach dem Evangelium von Markus (The Passion
from Eibesthal – a Figure Play after the Gospel According to Markus). In Das andere Theater
No. 75/76, Mitteilungsblatt der UNIMA Deutschland, pp. 7-13.
The ensemble play in the puppet theatre of GDR and the history of puppet theatre
in Magdeburg and environs. Scientifically leader for the construction of the new museum
in the “Mitteldeutsches Figurentheaterzentrum Magdeburg” to 2012. Bernstengel was curator
of more than 40 exhibitions between 1982 and today.
22. Dr. BHANUMATHI, R. (Ms.)*
B-1 Sumitra Flats
19, Ranichinnamba Road, Alwarpet,
Tamil Nadu 600018
Pavai Centre for Puppetry
A Study on the Status of Traditional Shadow Puppetry and Puppeteers of South India.
23. BLECHA, Jaroslav PhDr. (Mr.)
Brožíkova 18
638 00 Brno
Czech Republic
Moravské zemské muzeum (Moravian Museum)
Zelný trh 6
659 37 Brno
Czech Republic
Telephone: +420533435256, +420721117413
List of publications:
Moravské zemské muzeum v Brně, oddělení dějin divadla 1957-2007 (Moravian Museum
in Brno, Theatre Department 1957-2007). Book. Brno: Moravské zemské muzeum, 2007.
Txekiar txotxongilora leihoa – Ventana al títere Checo; Ventana al títere Checo – Window
to Czech puppetry (Window to Czech Puppetry). Book. Tolosako Ekinbide Etxea, Centro de
Iniciativas, 2007, L.G./D.L. SS 1637/2007.
Loutkové divadlo (Puppet Theatre). Book. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2008.
Česká loutka (Czech Puppet). Book. Co-authors Pavel Jirásek, Václav Jirásek – photos.
Praha: Kant, 2008.
Rodinná loutková divadélka, skromné stánky múz (Family Puppet Scenes – Modest Little
Temples of the Muses). Book. Brno: Moravské zemské muzeum, 2009.
Selected articles and essays:
Itinerant String Puppeteers – the Roots of Czech Puppet Theatre. In E pur Si Muove
La Marionnette 4, Charleville-Mézières, 2005.
Význam typologie postav a jejich podoby v kontinuitě vývoje českého loutkového divadla
(The Meaning of Character Typology and Character Forms within the Evolutionary Continuity
of Czech Puppet Theatre). In Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. soc., Brno, 2005.
“Theatrum cum pimperlis” a odkaz slavného marionetářského rodu Kopeckých ve sbírce
Moravského zemského muzea v Brně („Theatrum cum pimperlis“ and Legacy of Popular
Kopeckýs’ Marionetteer’s Dynasty in Collection of Moravian Museum in Brno).
In Národopisná revue 1/2007, XVII, Národní ústav lidové kultury, Strážnice, pp. 3-8.
Václav Kopecký – marný buditel loutkářské tradice (Václav Kopecký – A Fruitless Awakener
of Puppeteers’ Tradition). In Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. soc., XCII, 2007, pp. 149-161.
Skvosty, rarity a excesy v českých tištěných loutkových divadlech a dekoracích (Treasures,
Rarities and Excesses in Czech Printed Puppet Theatres and Sceneries). In Acta Mus.
Moraviae, Sci. soc., XCIV, Brno, 2009.
Glosy k specifickým kořenům loutkového divadla na Moravě (Comments on the Specific
Roots of Puppet Theatre in Moravia). In Poklady Moravy (Treasures of Moravia), MZM, Brno,
2010, pp. 226-238.
Rudolf Flachs, opatrovník tradice kočovného loutkářství (Rudolf Flachs, the Holder of the
Itinerant Puppeteering's Tradition). In Tři Radosti moravského loutkáře Vladimíra Matouška.
Loutkové divadlo v Břeclavi (Three “Radosti” of Moravian puppeteer Vladimír Matoušek.
Puppet Theatre in Břeclav). Klub přátel umění, Břeclav, Vlastivědná společnost regionu
Břeclavsko, Břeclav, 2010, pp. 5-6, 74-75.
Rodinné loutkové divadlo (a hesla k oponám českých tištěných loutkových divadel) (Family
Puppet Theatre (and the entries for the curtains of Czech printed puppet scenes).
In Malované opony divadel českých zemí (Painted Curtains of Czech Countries Theatres).
Národní informační a poradenské středisko pro kulturu v Praze – NIPOS, 2010, pp. 371-387.
The History and Scenographic Influence of Czech Family Marionette Theatres. In Czech
Stage Art and Stage Design. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2011, pp. 114-146.
Specifikum, jazyk a umělecké hodnoty tradičního českého loutkového divadla – odkaz nebo
anachronizmus? (Specific Feature, Language and Artistic Values of the Traditional Czech
Puppet Theatre – Heritage or Anachronism?). In Stopy času (Traces of Time). Brno:
Moravské zemské muzeum, 2011, pp. 255-268.
Primary focus is research on the Czech puppet theatre history, above all on travelling puppet
theatre and so called family puppet theatre and conception and building of the systematic
museum collection of authentic puppet theatre documents. Presentation of the results of this
research via lectures, discussions, exhibits, non-traditional workshops, and appearances
in television and radio.The main scientific work is in the area of conceiving and preparing
scientific exhibits and exhibitions.
24. BLUNDALL, John M. (Mr.)
29 Kensington Court
20 Kensington Road
Glasgow G12 9NX
List of publications:
Puppet Theatre. The Continuum Companion to Twentieth Century Theatre, 2002.
Practise, Learning and Teaching in the Puppet Theatre. The Language of the Puppet, 1990.
Music and the Puppet Theatre; Cue. Technical Theatre Review, 23 May/June 1983.
The Immortal Villain, Mister Punch; Punch in Postcards. Picture Postcard Monthly,
March 1989, No. 119.
Ventriloquism and the Puppet Theatre. Die Welt Des Puppenspiels, 1989.
John Blundall – APF’S Master Sculptor, Andersonic, Episode 12, 2011.
How a Puppet Play is Made. Puppet Theatre, A Cannon Hill Publication, 1971.
Joeys; Miscellany Four. Edited by Edward Blishen. 1967.
Creative Thinking for the Puppeteer. SNAP, Scottish News about Puppetry, Puppet
Animation Scotland, August 2007, No. 1 (Puppeteers UK Newsleter).
Puppet Master articles, The British Puppet and Model Theatre Guild:
Monkey “Sun Wu Kung“. Autumn 2004.
Remembering Whanny (H. W. Whanslaw), 1883-1955. Autumn 2005.
The Women Millet Grinders. Autumn 2005.
The World through Wooden Eyes. Autumn 2005.
Mackintosh Puppets. Autumn 2006.
Tillers Clowes and “Qusto“. 2006.
The Hand Puppe., Autumn 2006.
Marionette Theatre in Quanzhou. Book Review, Autumn 2007.
Early Personalities of the Guild. Autumn 2007.
40 Years at Cannon Hill Puppet Theatre. Autumn 2008.
Podrecca’s Piccoli. Autumn 2007.
The Making of ‘Fireball XL5. Autumn 2009.
Peter Jackson’s Toy Theatres. Autumn 2010.
The World through Wooden Eyes. Autumn 2010.
Puppets on Eba. Autumn 2010.
Edward Bersudsky and Petrushka. Autumn 2011.
Ray’. Zhang Liang’s, Sketchbook. Autumn 2011.
I am a Lazy Cow Now; The Lotte Reiniger I Knew. Dance Gazette, the Royal Academy
of Dance, issue 2, 2007.
Perrot’s, Puppets and Pictures. Old Theatres, Edition 7, 2011.
Puppets-The Music Hall and Variety. Stage Door, Theatre Magazine, issue 89, Winter 2009.
Frank and Maisie Mumford; One of the Lost Generations of Marionettists. Stage Door,
Theatre Magazine, Issue 95, Autumn 2011.
25. Prof. BONIFACIO-RAMOLETE, Amihan (Ms.)
27 Matimtiman St.,
Teachers Village,
Quezon City 1101
Telephone: (+63.2) 921.9773
Department of Speech Communication and Theatre Art
College of Arts and Letters
University of the Philippines
Diliman, Quezon City 1101
Telefax: (+63.2) 924.3224
List of publications:
Ang Sining ng Papetri. In H. Beltran and A. Valerio (Eds.), Batang-Sining ANI CCP Literary
Yearbook, Vol. 30, 2004, pp.15-23.
Trends and Development in Philippine Puppet Theatre. Diliman Review, 1999, Vol. 47,
No. 3-4, pp. 25-31.
Papetri: Ang Pagtuturo at Sining. TELON, 1998, Vol. I, No. 3, p. 2.
Puppetry in the Philippines. Sulyap Kultura, 2nd Quarter, 1996, pp. 75-83.
Ang Pagtatanghal ng Kaisahan ng Papetir at Papet sa Dulang ‘Dalawang Bayani’
(Performing the Oneness of the Puppeteer and the Puppet in the play ‘Two Heroes’).
University of the Philippines Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Development,
Oct. 2011-Sept. 2012.
26. BRADSHAW, Richard David (Mr.)
74 Mount Road
Bowral NSW 2576
Telephone: +61 2 4861 1269
Fax: +61 2 4861 7569
List of publications:
The Merlin of the South. In Australasian Drama Studies. October 1985, No. 7, pp. 83-130.
Webb’s Royal Marionettes (1876-1886). In Australasian Drama Studies. October 1991,
No. 19, pp. 77-93.
Thiodon’s Wonders: A Mechanical Theatre in Nineteenth-Century Australia. In Australasian
Drama Studies. October 2007, No. 51, pp. 77-93.
Entries on puppetry in Australia for:
Companion to Theatre in Australia. Currency Press, Sydney, 1995.
The World Encyclopedia of Contemporary Theatre. Vol. 5, Routledge, Toronto, 1998
(Co-written with Katharine Brisbane).
Encyclopédie Mondiale des Arts de la Marionnette. Éditions L’Entretemps, Montpellier, 2009.
Australian Dictionary of Biography: Supplement 1580 – 1980. Entry on Henry Beaufoy Merlin
(1830-1873), puppeteer, actor, journalist, photographer, pp. 276-277.
Early puppetry in Australia, especially Aspinall Thiodon, Henry Beaufoy Merlin, Charles
Webb and D’Arc’s Marionettes.
27. BURNEIKAITĖ, Salomėja (Ms.)
Pušyno 29-9, Klaipėda
Telephone: +370 615 16604
Klaipėda University
Herkaus Manto str. 84,
Sveikatos mokslų fakultetas, Reabilitacijos katedra
Klaipėda, LT-94492
Telephone: +370 46 398528
List of publications:
Lellu teātra elementi baltu kultūrā (Puppetry Elements in Baltic Culture). In Sab edrība un
kultūra/ Rakstu krājums IX., LiePa, Liepāja, 2007, pp. 27-32 (Latvian).
Lėlių keliais iš Kretingos (By the Roads of Puppets from Kretinga). In Šiaurės Atėnai, 10. 9.
2004, p. 10 (Lithuanian).
Lietuvos lėlių teatras: nuo ištakų iki mokyklos (Lithuanian Puppetry: from Source to School).
Collection of artictles about Lithuanian puppetry/compiled by Salomėja Burneikaitė – material
of conference in Klaipėda University. Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla, 2005 (Lithuanian).
Lėlių teatro elementai lietuvių etnokultūroje (Puppetry Elements in Lithuanian Ethnic Culture).
In Liaudies kultūra. 2005, No. 3, pp. 25-33 (Lithuanian).
Klaipėdos lėlių teatras iš Kaltinėnų (Klaipėda Puppet Theatre from Kaltinėnai). In Šiaurės
Atėnai, 27. 8. 2005, p. 11 (Lithuanian).
Lėlių teatro meno forumas Belsko Bialoje (Puppetry Forum in Bielsko Biala). In Literatūra
ir menas, 7. 7. 2006, pp. 6-7 (Lithuanian).
Lietuvos lėlių teatras nepriklausomybės metais (1990-2006) (Lithuanian Puppetry in the
Years of Independence (1990-2006)). In Lietuvos nepriklausomybės metų teatras. 19902006 (sud. A. Guobis). Vilnius, 2006, pp. 18-23 (Lithuanian).
Lėlininkų ryšiai: Klaipėda – Bergenas (Puppeteers Links: Klaipėda – Bergen). In Literatūra
ir menas (Literature and Art). 23. 12. 2006, p. 22 (Lithuanian).
Tylus buvimas su lėlėmis (Silent Presence with Puppets – about Set Designer Aušra
Bagočiūnaitė-Paukštienė). In Lietuvos scena (Lithuanian Stage). 2007, No. 3/8, pp. 22-24
Ilgai lauktos Klaipėdos lėlių teatro įkurtuvės (The Long-awaited Houswarming of Klaipėda
Puppet Theatre). In Literatūra ir menas (Literature and Art), 21. 3. 2008, p. 22 (Lithuanian).
Liaudiškoji lėlių teatro tradicija Lietuvoje (Folk Puppet Theatre Tradition in Lithuania –
conference material sacred to 100th birth anniversarry of Vytautas Maknys). VPU leidykla,
2008, pp. 41-50.
Nuolat artėti prie tikrumo...Amžinai... (Continuous Approach to Certainty... Forever...).
About actress, playwright and director Nijolė Indriūnaitė. In Lietuvos scena. 2009, No. 1/14,
pp. 17-19 (Lithuanian).
Lėlių terapijos galimybės ir jų naudojimas lėlių teatrų projektuose (Possibilities of Puppet
Therapy and Their Use in Puppeteers Projects). Socialinis ugdymas, 2009, 7 (18), Vilnius,
Vilniaus pedagoginis universitetas, Socialinės komunikacijos institutas (Lithuanian).
Apie kelionę paskui žydrąją paukštę (About a Traveler Folowing the Blue Bird). Interview
with Stasys Ratkevičius, founder of Kaunas State Puppet Theatre. In Lietuvos scena. 2010,
No. 1-2/18-19, pp. 12-15 (Lithuanian).
Tekstilės ir lėlių technikų efektyvumas ergoterapeutų praktikoje (The Effectiveness of Textile
and Puppet Techniques in Occupational Therapy). In Kūrybiški metodai reabilitacijoje,
Klaipėdos universitetas, 2010, pp. 10-17 (Lithuanian).
Pirmasis Klaipėdos lėlių teatro dvidešimtmetis (The First Two Decades of Klaipėda Puppet
Theatre). In Lietuvos scena. 2011, No. 1/22, pp. 37-39 (Lithuanian).
History of puppet theatre, puppetry therapy and education.
28. BUURMAN, Peter (Mr.)*
Dorpsstraat 163
6871 AJ Renkum
Soil Science and Geology, Wageningen University
P.O. Box 37, 6700AA Wageningen
Telephone: (private) +31 (0) 317 313695, (office) +31 (0) 317 483538
Fax: (office) +31 (0) 317 482419
List of publications:
Wayang golek, the Fascinating World of the West-Javanese Puppet Theatre. Oxford in Asia,
Kuala Lumpur/Singapore, 1988.
Wayang golek cepak. Wayang cepak stories and puppets. Summarised stories have already
been collected and partly transcribed. (Central) Javanese puppets that have feet and that
were placed on a plank with holes, instead of a banana trunk.
29. CARTER, Stephen (Mr.)
Northwest Puppet Center
9123 – 15th Ave. NE
Seattle, Washington 98115-3111
Telephone: 206 523 2579
Fax: 206 523 8078
List of publications:
Haydn and the Prince Esterhazy Marionettes. Article. Drawn from for later edition of Early
Music America. Puppetry International, Issue #12, Fall 2002, 7 p.
The Temptation of Gustave Flaubert. Article. Puppetry International, Issue #15,
Spring/Summer 2004, 3 p.
La Tentation de Saint Antoine. Script translation. Puppetry International, Issue #15,
Spring/Summer 2004, 3 p.
The Puppet Theatre of George and Maurice Sand. Article. Puppetry International, Issue #16,
Fall/Winter 2004, 4 p.
30. CHEN, Fan Pen PhD (Ms.)
Assistant Professor at SUNY – Albany
Hu-210 East Asian Studies
SUNY – Albany,
Albany, NY 12222
Telephone: 518-464-0302 (home), 518-442-2600 (office)
List of publications:
The Chinese Shadow Theatre: History, Popular Religion and Women Warriors. McGill and
Queens University Press, 2007, 343 pp.
Baldy’s Wedding Night: A Post-Midnight Marionette Play. Chinoperl Papers (Chinese Oral
and Performing Literatures Papers), Vol. 29, 2011, pp. 133-141.
A Survey of Puppetry in China. Co-authored paper with Bradford Clark. Asian Theatre
Journal, Vol. 27:2, 2010, pp. 333-365.
Short Version of River Yang: a Shaanxi Marionette Play. Chinoperl Papers (Chinese Oral
and Performing Literatures Papers), Vol. 28, 2010, pp. 13-71.
All Three Fear Their Wives (Sanpaqi): A Post-Midnight Shadow Play. Asian Theatre Journal,
Vol. 26:2, 2009, pp. 197-214.
Transforming Ghosts into Mud and Sand: Religion and the Shadow Theatre of Hunan.
Puppetry International, Issue 26, 2009, pp. 30-32. Complete article can be found at
A Post-Midnight Shadow Play from Shaanxi. In The Columbia Anthology of Chinese Folk and
Popular Literature. Eds. Victor Mair and Mark Bender. Columbia University Press, 2011,
pp. 288-302.
Ombres et Mythe. La Marionette et les Autres Arts. PUCK, 2006, No. 14, pp. 31-36.
Book Review of Marionette Theatre in Quanzhou by Robin Ruizendaal (Brill, Leiden and
Boston, 2006, 470 pp.). Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 70/2, 2007,
pp. 445-447.
Piyingxi de lishi (A History of the Chinese Shadow Theatre). Dengpan (Ascend), 25:40 – 43,
Calgary Chinese Cultural Society, 1996/97 (Chinese).
Visions for the Masses: Chinese Shadow Plays. Series, Cornell East Asia, 2004, 262 pp.
Shadow Puppet Theatre (Troupes and Traditions). In Encyclopedia of Contemporary
Chinese Culture. Edited by Edward L. Davis. Routledge, 2005, pp. 536-539.
Lun shijie gedi de piying qiyuan jiqi xianghu guanxi (Origins of the Shadow Theatres of the
World and Their Relationships). Minsuquyi (Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore),
Vol. 145, 2004, pp. 123-170 (Chinese).
The Temple of Guanyin: a Chinese Shadow Play. Translation of a play with a twelve-page
introduction. Asian Theatre Journal, Vol. 16:1, 1999, pp. 60-106.
Women Warriors in Chinese Shadow Plays. Published electronically at: at the conference website for "Media
in Transition MIT4: the Work of Stories". Posted Fall 2005. 12 pp.
State of the Shadow Theatres in China. San Diego Chinese Historical Society and Museum,
Spring 2004, p. 4 and p. 6.
Shadow Theatres of the World. Asian Folklore Studies, Vol. LXII – 1, 2003, pp. 25-64.
Shadow Theatre Research 1998. News From the Joyous Dragon, Gold Mountain Institute
for Traditional Shadow Theatres, Autumn 1999, p. 6.
Second Research Trip to China. News From the Joyous Dragon, Gold Mountain Institute
for Traditional Shadow Theatres, Spring 1998, p. 3.
Shadow Theatre Research in China. News From the Joyous Dragon, Gold Mountain Institute
for Traditional Shadow Theatres, Winter 1997, p. 1 and p. 4.
The Chinese marionette theatre.
31. CIPOLLA, Alfonso (Mr.)
Scuola d’Arte Dramattica "Paolo Grassi"
List of publications:
Opera per marionette (Marionette Opera). In Garzanti Encyclopedia of Music. Milan:
Garzanti, 1996.
La seconda Guerra d'Indipendenza e i copioni dei Rame in Famiglia Rame, La battaglia
di Palestro. La battaglia di Solferino e San Martino (The Second War of Independence and
the Scripts of the Rames in the Rame Family, The Battle of Palestro. The Battle of Solferino
and San Martino). By Pietro Porta and Alfonso Cipolla. I Quaderni del Battello Ebbro,
Porretta Terme, 1999.
Il segreto di Pulcinella in Pulcinell’arte. 200 opere sulla maschera di Pulcinella (The Secret
of Pulcinella in “Pulcinell’arte”. 200 Works about the Mask of Pulcinella). The city of Voghera,
Turin, 2000; republished on the XXIst International Biennial of Art Humour, the city of
Tolentino, Tolentino, 2001.
Dal segno al palcoscenico. L´avventura teatrale di Bruno Angoletta (From the Sign to the
Stage. Theatrical Adveture by Bruno Angoletta). In Dalla A. alla Ang. Bruno Angoletta,
illustrator, by Erik Balzaretti, Arnoldo and Alberto Mondadori Foundation. Little Nemo, Turin,
Per una drammaturgia della memoria (Through a Dramaturgy of the Memory).
In Associazione Pellizza da Volpedo – Istituto per i Beni Marionettistici e il Teatro Popolare,
Il sole della Fiumana. Volpedo racconta il Quarto Stato, by Alfonso Cipolla, Giovanni Moretti,
Luca Valentino. Seb 27, Turin, 2001.
Le marionette in Piemonte. Storie di famiglie e di compagnie (The Marionettes in the
Piedmont Region. Family and Company Stories). In Istituto per i Beni Marionettistici
e il Teatro Popolare, I fili della memoria: paths through the history of the marionettes
in Piedmont, by Alfonso Cipolla and Giovanni Moretti. Seb 27, Turin, 2001.
Teatro d’arte con marionette. Esperienze italiane del 900 (Art Theatre with Marionettes.
Italian Experience of the 20th Century). In Dare gioia è un mestiere duro Trentanni più due
di Teatro dei Sensibili of Guido Ceronetti. By Andrea Busto and Paola Roman. Edizioni
Marcovaldo, Caraglio, 2002.
Dall'Alpi alle piramidi, da Callianetto al Nilo, ovvero L'Egitto in terra di Lupi, con Gerolamo
redivivo, Gianduja alle porte e Aida che ai dà (From the Alps to the Pyramids, from Callinetto
to Nile, or Egypt in the World of Lupi with Revived Gerolamo, Gianduja at the Gates and
“Aida che ai dà”). In Famiglia Lupi, Aida, Edizioni Junior, Bergamo, 2002.
La voce di Eleonora Duse nel teatro di Gabriele dAnnunzio (The Voice of Eleonora Duse
in Gabriele D’Annunzio’s Theatre). In La Duse: la tragedia dell’ultima diva, conference
proceedings. University of Pisa, March 28th-29th 2000, L’oleandro, 2002.
Gianduja da Callianetto al Gran Teatro dei Burattini dei Fratelli Niemen (Gianduja da
Callianetto at Gran Teatro dei Burattini dei Fratelli Niemen). By Alfonso Cipolla and Giovanni
Moretti. Istituto per i Beni Marionettistici e il Teatro Popolare, Turin, 2003.
Gianduja (Gianduja). With Giovanni Moretti. Una riscoperta in corso, Edizioni Seb 27, Turin,
Commedianti figurati e attori pupazzani (Puppet Comedians and Puppet Actors). With
Giovanni Moretti. Testimonianze di moralisti e memorialisti, viaggiatori e cronisti per una
storia del teatro con le marionette e con i burattini in Italia, series “Linea teatrale”, Seb 27,
Turin, 2003.
La coccarda di Gianduja (The Cockade of Gianduja). First, a monographic number about
theatre and Risorgimento. December 2003.
I volti del doppio (Faces of the Double). Dallo sciamano al burattinaio, by Alfonso Cipolla and
Giovanni Moretti, contributions by Delfina Arcostanzo, Sonia Barillari, Alfonso Cipolla, Jenaro
Meléndrez Chas, Giovanni Moretti, Pier Giorgio Nosari, Peter Schumann. Istituto per i Beni
Marionettistici e il Teatro Popolare, Turin, 2003.
32. Prof. CLARK, Bradford (Mr.)*
Department of Theatre and Film
Bowling Green State University
338 South Hall
Bowling Green, Ohio 43610-1333
Telephone: 419-372-2222, 419-372-7174
Fax: 419-372-7186
List of publications:
Gilgamesh and the Golem: Two Experiments with Puppetry, Folklore and Myth. Puppetry
Yearbook, Vol. Three. Ed. James Fisher. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellon Press, 1997,
pp. 67-88.
Punch and Judy. With Scott Regan. Fools in Popular Culture. Ed. Vicki K. Janik. Westport,
CT: Greenwood Press, Spring 1998, pp. 363-369.
Observations upon the Work of a Contemporary Dalang: Bali, Indonesia 1999. Puppetry
Yearbook, Vol. Four. Ed. James Fisher. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellon Press, 2000,
pp. 157-177.
Putul Yatra: a Celebration of Indian Puppetry. Asian Theatre Journal 22.2 (2005),
pp. 335-347.
Exhibition Review: Divinities, Demons, Kings and Clowns: Puppetry of India and Southeast
Asia. Asian Theatre Journal 22.1 (2005), pp. 164-168.
Three Theatres for the Japanese: Ningyo Joruri. Puppetry International 19 (2006),
pp. 22-23.
Various book and performance reviews.
Creative work and research activities in areas of puppetry and scenic design.
33. COCKAYNE, Steve (Mr.)
49 The Green, Lubenham,
Market Harborough,
Leics, LE16 9TD
Telephone: 01858 465155
List of publications:
Legends of the Land. Fantasy fiction trilogy.
Wanderers and Islanders. 2002, 278 pp.
The Iron Chain. 2003, 356 pp.
The Seagull Drovers. 2004, 328 pp.
Master of the Marionettes (provisional title). A full-length illustrated biography of Waldo
34. COHEN, Matthew Isaac PhD (Mr.)
Department of Drama and Theatre
Royal Holloway, University of London
Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX
Telephone: (office) +44 (0) 1784 414 336
Fax: +44 (0) 1784 431 018
List of publications:
Performing Otherness: Java and Bali on International Stages, 1905-1952. Book. New York:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
Contemporary Southeast Asian Performance: Transnational Perspectives. Book. Ed. with
Laura Noszlopy. Cambridge: CSP, 2010.
The Lontar Anthology of Indonesian Drama, Vol. 1: Plays for the Popular Stage. Book.
Jakarta: The Lontar Foundation, 2010.
The Komedie Stamboel: Popular Theatre in Colonial Indonesia, 1891-1903. Book. Athens,
OH: Ohio University Press and Leiden, KITLV Press, 2006.
Demon Abduction: A Wayang Ritual Drama from West Java. Book. Jakarta: The Lontar
Foundation, 1998.
Selected articles and essays:
Puppetry and the Destruction of the Object. Performance Research 12 (4), 2007, pp. 119127.
Contemporary wayang in Global Contexts. Asian Theatre Journal 24 (2), 2007, pp. 338-369.
Dancing the Subject of ‘Java’: International Modernism and Traditional Performance, 18991952. Indonesia and the Malay World 35 (101), 2007, pp. 9-29.
Wayang Kulit and Islam: Perspectives from Cirebon. In Dimensions of Shadow Play in Malay
Civilization. Edited by Faridah Noor Mohd Noor. Kuala Lumpur: Centre for Civilisational
Dialogue, University of Malaya, 2006, pp. 39-61.
Wayang kulit as a Contact Zone: Tradition in Global Flux. In Ethnicity and Identity: Global
Performance. Edited by Ravi Chaturvedi and Brian Singleton. Jaipur, India: Rawat, 2005,
pp. 423-441.
Traditional and Popular Painting in Modern Java. Archipel 69, 2005, pp. 5-38.
Entrusting the Scriptures: wayang kulit, Cultural Politics, and Truly Popular Art in New Order
West Java. In Puppet Theatre in Contemporary Indonesia: New Approaches to Performance
Events. Edited by Jan Mrazek. Ann Arbor: Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies,
The University of Michigan, 2002, pp. 109-123.
Reading Suluk Wayang: Javanese shadow puppets, nala-vision, private self, bodily self.
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Series 3, 12 (2), 2002, pp. 167-186.
Reading for performance: A Cirebonese romance as a narrative model for wayang.
In Reading Asia: New Research in Asian Studies. Edited by Frans Hüsken and Dick van
der Meij. Richmond, Surrey: Curzon Press, 2001, pp. 197-218.
The Big Man and the Puppeteer: A Transcultural Morality Tale from West Java. Indonesia:
Puppetry Yearbook 4, 2000, pp. 103-156.
The Barikan Banner of Gegesik: Ritual and History in a Village Painting from Colonial Java.
Written with T. E. Behrend and T. L. Cooper. Archipel 59, 2000, pp. 97-144.
Conceptual Worlds: Play and Theatre in Child Psychoanalysis. In The Many Meanings of
Play: A Psychoanalytic Perspective. Edited by Albert J. Solnit, Donald J. Cohen, and Peter
B. Neubauer, written with Phyllis M. Cohen. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1993,
pp. 75-98.
Chimeric Objects and Playthings. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child 42, 1987, pp. 85-103.
Indonesian theatre and performance, including shadow puppet theatre (wayang kulit);
traditional and post-traditional puppetry worldwide; interculturalism, globalization and theatre;
cross-cultural performance theory.
35. Dr. CORNEJO, Francisco J. (Mr.)
C/ Mandarina nº 10, 8º B
41006 Sevilla
Telephone: +34 954 521 718
Universidad de Sevilla
Facultad de Bellas Artes
List of publications:
La escultura animada en el arte español (Animation Sculpture in Spanish Art). Laboratorio
de Arte, No. 9. Universidad de Sevilla, Secretariado de Publicaciones, 1996, pp. 239-261.
Alcides “Titiritero Andante, Ultramarino y Prófugo, 1939-1998 (Travelling Puppeteer,
Oversees and Fugitive,1939-1998). Cabra, UNIMA Andalucía, 1999.
‘La máquina real’. Teatro de títeres en los corrales de comedias españoles de los siglos XVII
y XVIII (‘La máquina real’ Theatre Company. Puppet Theatre in the Spanish ‘Corral de
Comedias’ Theatres of the 7th and 8th Century). Fantoche, 2006, No. 0, pp. 13-31.
Títeres y titiriteros en el siglo XIX: Don Cristóbal y el Tío Juan Misa (Puppets and
Puppeteers in the 19th Century: Don Cristóbal and el Tío Juan Misa). Fantoche, 2007, No. 1,
pp. 13-25.
El títere y su misterio: magia, religión y teatro (incluso en el siglo XXI) (The Puppet and Its
Mystery: Magic, Religion and Theatre (Including the 21st Century)). Fantoche, 2008, No. 2,
pp. 24-49.
El títere como metáfora (The Puppet as a Methaphor). Fantoche, 2009, No. 3, pp. 13-32.
Títeres en la ciudad: las representaciones de la ‘máquina real’ en los corrales de comedias
españoles de los siglos XVII y XVIII” (Puppets in the City: Performances of the ‘Máquina
Real’ Theatre Company in the Spanish ‘Corral de Comedias’ Theatres from the 7th and
8th Century). In Opinión pública y espacio urbano en la Edad Moderna, Oviedo, Ediciones
Trea, 2010.
Other (non-puppet) academic publications listed on:
36. COSTA, Felisberto Sabino da (Mr.)
Rua Sílvia, 225
Térreo – Bela Vista
S. Paulo – SP
CEP: 01331-010
Telephone: 55 11 32850472
Fax: 32850472
Escola de Comunicações e Artes da USP – CAC/ECA/USP
Rua Prof. Lúcio Martins Rodrigues, 443
São Paulo – SP
CEP: 05508-900
Telephone: 38184127
List of publications:
O Autor e o Teatro de Bonecos (The Author and Puppet Theatre). Revista Schemberg Arte
e Ciência S. Paulo: ECA/USP, 1998, p. 65-72.
O Sopro Divino: Animação, Boneco e Dramaturgia (Animation, Puppet and Dramaturgy).
Revista Unicsul, First semester 2002.
Mask and actor's training in Brazilian theatre schools.
37. Prof. DE LEONI, Marianna (Ms.)
Procula Valeria Piazza
1 Ferentino 03013
Accademia di Belle Arti di Macerata (Academy of Fine Arts Macerata)
Corso Cavour 153
Macerata (MC)
List of publications:
Luciano Damani. Interview with Luciano Damani. In Ariel Magazine. Ed. Bulzoni, 1996.
Oltre l’attore (Beyond the Actor). In Ariel Magazine. Ed. Bulzoni, 1998.
Svoboda, Artista – Scienziato (Svoboda, Artist-Researcher). Interview with Czech
scenographer Josef Svoboda. Ed. Artigiano. In Ariel Magazine. Ed. Bulzoni, 1999.
Il Colore dei Giochi (The Color of Games). Teaching book with coauthor Claudio Rovagna.
Ed. Anicia School, 2002.
I figurini Plastici (The Plastic Figures). Essay on Maria Signorelli. Edizione Università, 2009.
Experimental theatre of figure, puppet drama.
38. Van DETH-BECK, Felicia (Ms.)
Nassau Dillenburgstraat 8
2596 AD S. Gravenhage
List of publications:
De Theaterpop en iets van zijn geschiedenis (Puppet Theatre and Something of Its History).
With Hetty Paërl. Heureka, Weesp, Holland, 1981, 104 pp. with illus. (Dutch).
39. DI PALMA, Guido (Mr.)
Via Fanfulla da Lodi, 85
00176 Roma
Telephone: 0039 06 274073
Cel. 0039 3286713235
Dipartimento di Storia dell’Arte e Spettacolo
Università di Roma Sapienza
Via dei Volsci 122
00185 Roma
Telephone: (+39) 0696040335
Accademia Nazionale d’arte drammatica “Silvio d’Amico”
Via Bellini 16
00198 Roma
Telephone: 0039 06 85832604
List of publications:
Figli d’ arte (Children of the Art). In AA. VV. Album di famiglia. Catalogo per la mostra sui 50
anni di attivitàdi Giacomo Cuticchio. Palermo, Pezzino, 1984.
Le vastasate, lo spettacolo in Sicilia nell’ ultimo ventennio del settecento (“Le Vastasate”,
the Spectacle in Sicily in the Last Twenty Years of the 18th Century). In Biblioteca Teatrale,
nuova serie, 1984, No. 3.
Prolegomeni allo studio della fabulazione. La voce del mito: oralità e racconto (Prolegomena
to Fabulation Study. The Voice of the Myth: Orality and Narration). In Biblioteca Teatrale,
nuova serie, 1987, No. 7.
Il racconto come tecnica performativa (Narration as Performance Technique). In Il silenzio
e la voce. Trento, Servizio istruzione provincia autonoma di Trento, 1990.
La fascinazione della parola. Dal racconto orale al teatro: i cuntastorie (Fascinated by the
Word. From Oral Narration to the Theatre: “Cuntastorie”). Rome Bulzoni, 1991.
La musica del senso. La struttura della performance verbale nel racconto orale: l’esempio
del cunto (The Music of the Sense. The Structure of Verbal Performance in Oral Narration:
Example of “Cunto”). In Il Libro di Teatro. Annali del Dipartimento Musica e Spettacolo
dell’ Università di Roma, 1990. By Roberto Ciancarelli. Rome, Bulzoni, 1991.
Trasformazioni dei cartelloni dell’ opera dei pupi di area palermitana (Transformations of
the Playbills of the String Puppet Opera in the Palermo Area). In Tra le tele dell’ Opra.
By Roberto Giambrone. Palermo, A.F.D.A.C., 2006.
Hasn’t been published yet:
L’opera dei pupi: la manovra (String Puppet Opera: the Manoeuvre). Centro Teatro Ateneo
Università di Roma Sapienza, 20 mn.
La spada di celano, ricostruzione dello spettacolo (The Sword of Celano, Reconstruction
of the Performance). Centro Teatro Ateneo Università di Roma Sapienza.
40. DRACK, Lothar (Mr.)
Seefeldstrasse 285
CH- 8008 Zürich
Telephone: +41 44 381 29 69
Former director of Figura Theaterfestival Baden Switzerland (from 4th to the 9th edition)
List of publications:
Otto Morach – Seine Arbeit für das Marionettentheater: la boîte à joujoux (Otto Morach –
His Work for the Puppet Theatre: la boîte à joujoux). Kuratorium für Kulturpflege, Solothurn,
1988, 64 pp. (German).
Video: La boîte à joujoux, Theaterrekonstruktion der Inszenierung von 1918 (La boîte
à joujoux, Reconstruction of the Theatre Production from 1918). Solothurn, 1988; Kuratorium
für Kulturpflege,
Several articles in the context of visual theatre, companies and festivals in various
Program booklets of the biannual festival Figura from 2000 to 2010,
41. DRIEŽIS, Rimantas (Mr.)
Traku g.6-19
LT-01132 Vilnius
Telephone: +3706 8207862
Live Puppet Museum
Vilniaus Teatras „Lélé“
Arkliu g. 5
LT – 01305 Vilnius
List of publications:
Dailininko Teatras (Theatre of Designer). About famous Lithuanian puppeteer Vitalijus
Mazuras. In Lélé ir Kauké. Vilnius, 1999, pp. 206-207.
Nepažistamas Teatras Vaikams (Unknown Theatre for Children). About problems in
Lithuanian theatres for children and Japanese shadow theatre tour in Lithuania. In Literatura
ir Menas, 2003-07-04, p. 17.
Stasio Ušinsko Knyga Leliu ir Kaukiu Teatras (Stasys Ušinskas book Theatre of Puppets and
Masks). In Literatura ir Menas, 2005-12-23, pp. 8, 15.
Lėlių ir kaukių teatras (Theatre of Puppets and Masks). About Lithuanian art classic Stasys
Ušinskas book aimed towards school theatres. In Literatūra ir menas (Literature and Art),
2005.12.23, pp. 8, 15 (Lithuanian).
Leles Televizijoje: Bandymas istorizuoti (Puppets on TV: A Try to Historize). On Lithuanian
TV puppet theatre 1961-1993. In Menu Faktura 2009-02-04,
Didžiuotis ar Gedytis (Pride or Shame). About puppets in catholic church rituals 19th-20th
centuries of Lithuania. In Šiaures Atenai, 2009-02-20, p. 8.
B. Lukošius: Sukurti Leliu Teatra (B. Lukošius: To Create a Puppet Theatre). About
prehistory of Vilnius puppet theatre Lélé and its creator Balys Lukošius. In Lietuvos Scena,
2008, No. 1.
Mykoles Krinickaites Teatras 1941-1944 (The Theatre of Mykole Krinickaite 1941-1944).
About Lithuanian puppet theatre in Vilnius and its links with Polish puppet theatre “Bajka”.
In Menotyra (Studies on Art), 2008, No. 4, pp. 27-32.
Silvestro Dudeles Dvikova Su Spejblu Ir Hurvineku (The Duel Between Silvestras Dudele
and Spejbl and Hurvinek). About a prehistory of Lithuanian classic Stasys Ušinskas Theatre
of Marionettes and its links with Czech puppet theatre of Josef Skupa toured in Lithuania
in 1935. In Kulturos Barai, 2010, No. 11, pp. 68-76.
History of Puppet Theatre.
42. Doc. PhDr. DUBSKÁ, Alice CSc. (Ms.)
Detska 47
Praha 10,
Czech Republic
Telephone: 420 603 710 693
List of publications:
Cesta Říše loutek do 21. století (The History of Theatre Realm of Puppets in Prague).
In Almanach Říše loutek 1920, Praha, 1997, pp. 22-62 (Czech, English summary).
From the Hegemony od the Designer to Cooperation in Design. Czech Teatre 13, 1997,
pp. 33-54 (English).
Krátký příběh Dřevěného divadla (The History of Puppet Theatre of Jiří Trnka). Divadelní
revue 1998, No. 3, pp. 29-43 (Czech, English summary).
Czech Puppet Theatre over Centuries (An Outline of the History of Czech Puppeteering up
to 1945). Praha, 1998, (English).
Vyvojové proměny českého loutkového divadla 18. a 19. století (Developmental Changes
in Czech Puppet Theatre in 18. and 19. Centuries).
From the Hegemony of the Designer to Cooperation in Design (Od výtvarnické hegemonie
k výtvarné spolupráci). Czech Theatre 13, 1997, pp. 33-54.
Náchodský měšťan Jan Brát a jeho loutkářská rodina (K dějinám českého loutkářství 18.
a 19. století) (Jan Brát and His Puppetry Family from Náchod (From the History of Czech
Puppetry in 18th and 19th Century). Sborník Stopami Náchodska, Náchod 2000, p. 79.
Striving for Theatre of Cheerful Joy. In Ladislav Sutnar – Praha – New York – Design
in Action, Praha, 2003, pp. 290-296.
České divadla – encyklopedie divadelnich souborů (Encyclopedia of Czech Theatres).
Author’s cooperation on the parts about puppet theatre. Praha, 2000 (Czech).
Dvě století českého loutkářství (Two Centuries of Czech Puppetry). Praha: AMU, 2004,
302 pp.
A 19. százabi bábjátek történetének elfeledett fejezette (A Forgotten Chapter from the
History of Puppetry in 19th Century). Art Limes, Tatabanya, 2006, No. 2-3, pp. 18-29
Czech Puppet Theatre Yesterday and Today. Author´s co-operation, 2006.
Starší české divadlo v českých zemích (Older Czech Theatre in Bohemia). By A. Jakubcová,
author´s co-operation. Praha: Akademia, 2007.
Tschuggmallovi samohybci v českých zemích /Tschuggmall´s Wanderers in Bohemia).
Divadelní revue 18, 2007, No. 4, pp. 23-39, Akit lengoytek abábok, Iva Peřinová, Art limes,
Tatabanya, 2007/4, pp. 82-90.
Cesty loutkářů Brátů a Pratte Evropou 18. a 19. století (Routes of Brát and Pratte Puppetry
Families in Europe in 18th and 19th centuries). Příspěvek k dějinám evropského loutkářství.
Praha: Nakladatelství AMU, 2011.
43. DU PREEZ, Petrus (Mr.)
Address (mailing):
Drama Department
University of Stellenbosch
Private Bag X1
Matieland, 7602
South Africa
Drama building, corner of Andringa and Crozier street
South Africa
Telephone: 021 808 3208
Fax: 021 8829141
List of publications:
The Tall Tale of Tall Horse: The Illusion (or Manifestation) of African Cultural and Traditional
Aesthetics in Hybrid Performances. In Trends in Twenty-First Century African Theatre and
Performance. Edited by Kene Igweonu. Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi Press, 2011,
pp. 139-171.
Contemporary African puppetry.
44. EDWARDS, Glyn (Mr.)
2 Pembury Road, Worthing
West Sussex, BN14 7DN
Telephone: (+44) 1903 200364
List of publications:
Successful Punch And Judy. DaSilva Puppet books, 2000, 135 pp.
Successful Punch And Judy. 2nd Edition. The Fedora Group, 2012.
The Art of Punch and Judy. The Fedora Group, 2011, 90 pp.
Contemporary Punch and Judy practice.
45. Prof. ERULI, Brunella (Ms.)
Via del Ronco 10,
50125 Florence
Telephone: 00390552336519
Fax: 00390552336519
List of publications:
Puck, la marionnette et les autres arts. Le Point critique, Points critiques (Puck, the Puppet
and Other Arts. Critical Point. Critical Points). Montpellier: Editions de L’Entretemps et de
l'IIM, 2010, 180 pp.
Puck, la marionnette et les autres arts. Marionnetts en Afrique (Puck, the Puppet and Other
Arts. Puppets in Africa). Montpellier: Editions de L’Entretemps et de l'IIM, 2011, 180 pp.
Encyclopédie mondiale de la marionnette (Worldwide Encyclopedia of Puppetry Arts).
Montpellier: Editions de L'Entretemps, 2009.
A la croisée des chemins, la marionette (At the Crossroads: the Puppet). In Passeurs et
complices / Passing it on. Montpellier: Editions de L’Entretemps et de l'IIM, 2009, pp. 62-74.
Puck, la marionnette et les autres arts. L'opéra des marionnettes (Puck, the Puppet and
Other Arts. Puppet Opera). Montpellier: Editions de L’Entretemps et de l'IIM, 2009, 180 pp.
Sotto voce. In Puck, la marionnette et les autres arts. L'opéra des marionnettes, 2009,
No. 16, pp. 9-15.
Donner à voir le noir (To Let See the Black). In Puck, la marionnette et les autres arts.
Les marionnettes au cinéma, 2008, No. 15, pp. 3-8.
Puck, la marionnette et les autres arts. Les marionnettes au cinéma (Puck, the Puppet and
Other Arts. The Puppets in the Cinema). Montpellier: Editions de L’Entretemps, 2008, No.
15, 180 pp.
Le Mythe de Pinocchio (Pinocchio’s Myth). In Actes du collloque Marionnettes et cinema.
Université de Nanterre, Avril 2006. La Vie filmique des marionnettes, Vol. X, Paris: Presses
Universitaires de Paris, 2008, pp. 31-41.
La traduzione come furto con scasso (Translation as a Burglary). In Italo Calvino, percorsi
potenziali. By Raffaele Aragona, Lecce, Manni, 2008, pp. 103-119.
Le albe costanti (The Continuous Daybreaks). In Teatro delle Albe, Suburbia, Molti Ubu
in giro per il pianeta, 1998-2008. By Marco Martinelli and Ermanna Montanari. Milano:
Ubulibri, 2008, pp. 11-17.
O Ator desencarnado. Marionete e avanguardas (A Descarnate Author. Marionettes and
Avant Garde). In Moin-Moin, revista de estudos sobre teatro de formas animadas, IV,
No. 5, 2008, pp. 15-35.
Santa Messalina vergine e martire (Saint Messalina – a Virgin and a Martyr). In Messalina,
Alfred Jarry, transl., introduction and notes by Brunella Eruli. Firenze: Giunti, 2007, 254 pp.
Messalina (Messalina). Alfred Jarry, Messaline. Introduction, comments and notes of the
translator. Firenze: Giunti, 2007, 155 pp.
Distruggere anche le rovine (Destroy the Ruins, Too). In Atti del Convegno "Il testo crudele",
Bergamo, 10-11 febbraio 2005, Il testo crudele, by Franca Franchi, Bergamo: University
Press Sestante Edizioni, 2007, pp. 147-154.
Maszyny Kantora. Uwagi. Sposob Uzycia (Machines of Kantor. Notes. Directions for Use).
In Tadeusz Kantor. Obiekty/Przedminoty, Zbiory Cricoteki, Cricoteka, Cracow, 2007, pp. 7-15
(Titolo originale Les engrenages de Kantor. Notice. Mode d'emploi, In «Théâtre en Europe»,
juillet 1985, pp. 109-117.)
Para niños (For Children). In El Apuntador. Revista de artes escénicas, agosto – setiembre –
octubre, 2006, pp. 4-7. (Traduzione in spagnolo di Javier Swedzky di "Pour enfants". In Puck,
1997, No. 10.)
Penser l'humain (To Think Human). In Puck, la marionnette et les autres arts. Les mythes
de la marionnette, 2006, No. 14, pp. 7-15.
La marionnette et les autres arts. Les mythes de la marionnette (Puck, the Puppet and Other
Arts. The Myths of the Puppet). Montpellier: Editions de L’Entretemps, 2006, No. 14.
Qui a volé la bicyclette d'Alfred Jarry? (Who Stole Alfred Jarry’s Bicycle?) In Viridis candela,
Carnets trimestriels du Collège de 'Pataphysique, 15 juin, 2006, No. 24, pp. 13-14.
Cocteau e il telefono (Cocteau and the Telephone). In Le bel indifferent. Torino: Teatro
Stabile, 2006, pp. 25-29.
Rapsodia di fiori in blu (The Rhapsody of Blue Flowers). In A Italo Calvino. Biblioteca
Oplepiana, No. 25, by Oplepo. Napoli: Oplepo, 2005, pp. 11-13.
La voix de la marionnette (The Voice of the Puppet). In E pur si muove! La marionnette
aujourd'hui UNIMA Magazine, avril, 2005, pp. 10-12 (rivista annuale).
Calvino traduttore de Les Fleurs Bleues di Queneau (Calvino, the Translator of Les Fleurs
Bleues di Queneau). In Atti del convegno Calvino Oulipiano. Napoli, October 2005.
Stand by. In La biblioteca Oplepiana, a cura di Oplepo. Bologna: Zanichelli, 2005.
Assja Djebar. La disparition de la langue française (Assja Djebar. Disappearance of the
French Language). In Atti del Convegno Francia - Algeria, 10 - 12 novembre 2003, Pisa:
Pacini, 2005, pp. 69-79.
Attenzione al potenziale! (Attention to Potential!), In Ecole, December 2004, p. 13.
La marionnette: paroles, bruits, musique (The Puppet: Words, Noises, Music). In Adagio,
setembro - dezembro, 2004, No. 38-39, p. 66.
Introduction. In Messaline, L'Autre Alceste, Le Vieux de la Montagne, Alfred Jarry. Paris:
Laffont, 2004.
Kantor. In Le siècle rebelle. Dictionnaire de la contestation au XX siècle. Paris: Larousse
poche, 2004.
Présence et absence: Kantor sur la scène (Presence and Absence: Kantor on the Stage).
In Esthétique et recyclages culturels, sous la direction de Jean Klucinskas et Walter Moser.
Ottawa: Presses de l'Univeristé d'Ottawa, 2004, pp. 97-111.
Introduction, Notes à A. Jarry, L'Amour Absolu, L'Autre Alceste, Messaline. In Œuvres, Alfred
Jarry. Paris: Laffont, Bouquins, 2004, pp. 685-687, 723-725, 736-739.
Présence et absence: Kantor sur la scènev (Presence and Absence: Kantor on the Stage).
In Esthétique et recyclage culturels, Explorations de la culture contemporaine, sous la
direction de Jean Klucinskas et de Walter Moser. Ottawa: Les Presses de l'Université
d'Ottawa, 2004, pp. 97-108.
Queneau: la Sibilla della domenica (Queneau: The Sunday Sybil). In Sillabe di Sibilla,
by Raffaele Aragona. Napoli: ESI, 2004, pp. 75-81.
Raymond Queneau, 1903 – 2003 (Raymond Queneau, 1903 – 2003). In Catalogo
dell'esposizione Collage de Pataphysique. Brescia, Edizioni Arte, 2003.
Il Gioco della letteratura (The Game of the Literature). In Raymond Queneau, 1903 – 2003,
catalogo dell'esposizione "Collage de Pataphysique". Brescia, Edizioni Arte, 2003.
Una carezza, un palpito ed è teatro. Quell'uomo sulla scena poò salvarci (A Stroke,
a Palpitation and Its Theatre. That Man on the Stage Can Save Us). In DOC, II (4), JulySeptember, 2002, pp. 122-128.
Teatro, conquistaci (Theatre, Conquer Us). In DOC, II (4), 2002, pp. 129-136.
Kantor, lo spazio delle emozioni (Kantor, the Space for Emotions). In Kantor a Firenze,
Valerio Valoriani, Pisa, Titivillus Edizioni, 2002, pp. 35-42.
Guido Ceronetti (Guido Ceronetti). In Dare gioia è un mestiere duro - Guido Ceronetti.
Cuneo, Edizioni Marcovaldo, 2002.
Frantumazione onomastica. Per Sanesi (The Onomastic Crushing. For Sanesi).
In Oplepiana, Dizionario di Letteratura Potenziale, by Raffaele Aragona. Bologna: Zanichelli,
2002, p. 74.
Variazioni. T'amo pio bove! (Variations. I Love Thee, Pious Ox!) In Oplepiana, Dizionario
di Letteratura Potenziale, by Raffaele Aragona. Bologna: Zanichelli, 2002, p. 170.
Wielopole e Firenze. In Kantor, catalogo della mostra "Tadeusz Kantor, dipinti, disegni,
teatro". Firenze, 23 maggio - 10 agosto 2002. Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2002,
pp. 9-12.
Alloro per loro (A Laurel for Them). In Delitti di carta: quaderni gialli di racconti, studi, storie
e cronistorie, February 2001, No. 8., pp. 29-39.
L'attore disincarnato. Avanguardia e marionette, Catalogue de l'exposition "Il ballerino
meccanico, MART, Trento, dicembre 2000 (A Discarnate Actor. Avant garde and
Marionettes, The Catalogue of the Exposition “The Mechanical Dancer”, MART, Trento,
December 2000). In Automi, marionette e ballerine nel teatro d'avanguardia. Milano: Skira,
Un espace décentré: Jarry Ymagier (A Decentered Space: Jarry Ymagier). In Catalogue
de l'exposition Alfred Jarry. Valencia: IVAM, 2000 (edition Spanish, English).
Variazioni su un tema di Giosué Carducci (Variations about the Theme of Giosué Carducci).
In 35 variations, Hervé Le Tellier. Paris, Le Castor Astral, 2000.
Kantor. Il costruttivista delle emozioni (Kantor. The Constructivist of Emotions). In Hystrio,
XIII, No. 4, 2000, pp. 33-37.
Träger unbekannten Lebens. In Theater des Zeit, October, 2000, pp. 30-33.
Il tempo per Kanto (The Time for Kantor). In Hystrio, novembre 2000.
Dire l'irrépresentable, montrer l'indicible. Le théâtre d'images en Italie (To Tell the
Unrepresentable, to Show the Inexpressible. The Theatre of Iamges in Italy). In La scène
et les images. Paris, Editions du C.N.R.S., 2000, 60 pp.
Paesaggio romagnolo con struzzi (Landscape with Ostriches in Romagna). In Jarry 2000,
Marco Martinelli, Ermanna Montanari. Milano: Ubulibri, 2000, pp. 119-123.
Genet: naissance d'une écriture. Miracle de la rose (Genet: Birth of Writing. The Miracle
of the Rose). In Actes du colloque "Genet". Cerisy-La-Salle, août 2000. Cerisy-La-Salle:
Centre Culturel International de Cerisy-La-Salle.
Le spectateur interactif (Interactive Spectator). In Puck. Langages croisés, 2000, No. 13,
pp. 65-71.
Meltingpot. In Puck. Langages croisés, 2000, No. 13, pp. 7-11.
Puck. Langages croisés (Intersecting Languages). Charleville-Mézières, Editions de IIM,
2000, No. 13.
Dal Futurismo alla Patafisica. Percorsi dell’Avanguardia. Pisa, Pacini, 1994, p. 320.
Pro-vocation. L’Ecole, Le dernier pas dépend du premier (Pro-vocation. The School,
The Last Step Depends on the First). Puck, 1994, No. 7.
Ecritures. Dramaturgies. Pour un théâtre de la métaphore (Writings. Dramaturgies.
For a Metaphorical Theatre). Puck, 1995, No. 8.
Images virtuelles, Le silence des sircnes (Virtual Images, The Silence of Sirens). Puck, 1996,
No. 9.
L’enfant au théâtre. Pour enfants (The Child in the Theatre. For Children). Puck, 1997,
No. 10.
Interférences. La marionnette sur la scéne contemporaine (Interferences. The Puppet on
the Contemporary Stage). Puck, 1998, No. 11.
Langages croisés, Melting-pot; Le spectateur interactif (Intersecting Languages, Melting pot;
Interactive Spectator). Puck, 2000, No. 13.
Per un altro teatro. La marionetta. L'Europa e il teatro. Bari, Edizioni del sud, 1995, pp. 277285.
La mort dans le vif (The Death in the Living). In Actes du colloque. La mise en critique
de la forme dramatique. Paris, Musée d’Orsay, décembre 1998. Études réunies par JP.
Sarrazac, Louvain, Etudes Théâtrales, 1999.
Dire l’irréprésentable, montrer l’indicible. Le théätre d’images en Italie. AA.VV., La scéne
et les images, C.N.R.S., 2000, p. 60.
Métamorphoses d’un héros populaire: de Pulcinella é Polichinelle (Metamorphosis of
a Pupular Hero: From Pulcinella to Polichinelle). In Actes du séminaire métamorphoses
du héros populaire. Charleville, Les Cahiers Robinson, janvier 1999, 1999, pp.1-6.
Le théâtre d’objets (Object Theatre). Varsovie, Unima, 2000.
46. FAVERO, Alexandre Gindri (Mr.)
Rua São Manoel, 1632/202 – Santana
90620-110 Porto Alegre/RS
Clube da Sombra Criações e Produções Artísticas Ltda
Companhia Teatro Lumbra de Animação
Telephone: +55 (51) 9978 5657
List of publications:
To the official website of Companhia Teatro Lumbra de Animação and search for blog.,
Brincar com sombras é uma alternativa para a família (Playing with Shadows Is an
Alternative to the Family). April 2008.
Contemplações sobre a Sombraterapia (Contemplations on the Sombraterapia). December
Teatro de sombras no íntimo (Shadow Theatre in Intimate). January 2010.
Sincretismo sobre a luz e a escuridão (Syncretism of Light and Darkness), June 2009,
In La Hoja del Titiritero – Boletín electrónico de la Comisión para América Latina de la Unima
– Año 8 – No. 24 – December 2011.
Princípios básicos para se expressar com as sombras (Basic Principles to Express
Themselves with the Shadows). February 2009.
EXPLUM – Um sacrifício expiatório na arte (EXPLUM – An Atoning Sacrifice in Art). July
Dramatic Shadow – Concepts, techniques and aesthetics in the creative art of shadow
theatre and contemporary visual theatre.
47. Prof. FEDAS, Yosyp Yuhimovich (Mr.)*
Fl. 36, str. Teremkivska, 14
Kyiv, 03187
Telephone: +38044252-38-55
National Academy of Ukraine History of Art, Folklore Studying and Ethnology
Institute named after M. Rylsky
Str. Hrushevskogo 4
Telephone: 228-34-54
List of publications:
Ukrainian National Nativity Play (In the Research of 19-20 Centuries). Monography. Kyiv:
Naukova dumka, 1987, 184 pp. (Ukrainian).
The articles about Nativity Play:
Ivan Franko as a Researcher of National Nativity Play. People’ creative activity and
ethnography – 4th issue, 1986, pp. 50-55 (Ukrainian).
Ukrainian Nativity Play. Eastern Slavonic Folklore: Dictionary of scientific and National
Terminology, &#8211. Minsk, 1993, pp. 33-34 (Ukrainian).
Nativity Player. In the previous source, pp. 34-35 (Ukrainian).
On the Problem of the Ukrainian Nativity Play Origin (Political science. Ethnology. Sociology.)
Reports at the 3rd International Congress of Ukrainian culture researchers. Kharkiv: Oko,
1996, pp. 146-150 (Ukrainian).
Ukrainian Nativity Play as a Phenomenon of National Art Culture. Slavonic cultures: historical
experience and contemporary problems. Minsk, 1996, pp. 327-333 (Ukrainian).
Nativity Play from the Viewpoint of Folklore Studying. Polissya and Volyn national studying
center, Issue 2, Folklore note-books. Lutsk, 1999, pp. 23-29 (Ukrainian).
National Nativity Play. Ukrainians: Historical and Ethnographical monograph (consists of two
volumes), Vol. 2. Opishne: Ukrainian nation studying, 1999, pp. 289-296 (Ukrainian).
Nativity Play and Holy Write. Bulletin of Kiyv Institute “ Slavonic University ”
Issue 9, Philology, Kyiv, 1999, pp.143-147 (Ukrainian).
Nativity Play and “ Cossack Mamay&#8221. Ethnic history of European peoples:
Collection of scientific works, Issue 4., UNISERV, Kyiv, 2000, pp.13-16 (Ukrainian).
Composition of the Nativity Puppet-show Performances. Ethnic history of European peoples:
Collections of scientific works, Issue 6, UNISERV, Kyiv, 2000, pp. 23-28 (Ukrainian).
Folklore Theatre and Rite. Ethnic history of European people: Collection of scientific works,
Issue 8, UNISERV, Kyiv, 2001, pp.14-17 (Ukrainian).
Nativity Play and Shopka. International Institute of Linguistics and Law, Bulletin (Literature
studying workshops), Issue 2., Kyiv, 2000, pp. 291-298 (Ukrainian).
At a Crossroads of Traditions. International Institute of Linguistics and Law, Bulletin
(Literature studying workshops), Issue 3., Kyiv, 2001, pp.150-160 (Ukrainian).
Problems of Nativity Play Classification. The 4th International congress of Ukrainian culture
researchers, Odessa, August 26 – 29, Ethnology. Folklore studying: Speeches and Reports.
Publishing house of Ethnologist Association, Odessa – Kyiv, 2001, Book 1. pp. 443-459
Ukrainian Nativity Play: Definition. Lviv University Bulletin, Art studying series, 2001, Issue 1,
pp. 7-13 (Ukrainian).
Terminology of Folklore Theatre: Nativity Play. Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University,
Bulletin Literature studying. Language studying. Folklore studying. Issues 12-13, Kyiv, 2002,
pp. 78-80 (Ukrainian).
Phenomenon of Ukrainian Nativity Play. Ethnic history of European peoples: Collection
of scientific works, Kyiv, 2003 (Ukrainian).
Musical Component at Nativity Play. Collection of works in memory of Academician Kostyuk
O.G., Kyiv, 2003 (Ukrainian).
A Mystery of Ukrainian Nativity Play. Proscenium: Theatre magazine, Lviv, 2003 (Ukrainian).
48. FELIPE RIVERO, Bianca (Ms.)
Instituto Superior de Arte
Calle 120 No 1110 entre 9na y 13 Cubanacán
La Habana
List of publications:
Un pequeño príncipe de Los Zahoríes (A Little Prince from Los Zahoríes). In Tablas, No. 1,
Variaciones de una obertura (Variations To an Overture). In Diálogo, No. 1 de las Artes
Escénicas de La Habana, 1994.
Titiritería a la manera de Los Cuenteros (Puppetry In the Style of Los Cuenteros). In Revista
Cultural de La Habana, Habáname, No. 0, 1999.
Teatro de títeres y niños: universos compatibles (Puppet Theatre and Children: Compatible
Universes). In Revista Cultural Habáname, Año II, No. 3, 2002.
Una apertura a premiar (An Opening to Reward). In Tablas, No. 2, 2005.
Maternidad de vida (Maternity of Life). In Tablas, No. 1, Tercera Época, 2008.
La visualidad como identidad de una poética teatral (Visuality as Identity of Theatrical
Poetics). In Tablas, No. 1, 2008.
Alternancias para dialogar de teoría y títeres (Alternations to Talking about Theory and
Puppets). In Tablas, No. 2, 2010.
Oralidad y teatro (Orality and the Theatre). In A las raíces, No. 1, 2010.
Señales que se alimentan de la urgencia (Signs That Feed on Urgency) and “La materia
hecha metáfora en la paradoja de lo humano. In Tablas, No. 1, 2012.
Dos aniversarios y un espectáculo (Two Anniversaries and One Performance). In La Jiribilla
548, In Foro Iberoamericano Teatral de Atina, Argentina and In Perro Huevero, bulletin of the
International Theatre Festival of La Havana, 2011.
49. FELIX, Geoff (Mr.)
111 Raglan Court, Empire Way
Wembley Park, Middlesex HA9 ORG
Telephone: 0208 903 3869
List of publications:
My Life with Punch. By Joe Beeby, ed. Geoff Felix, 1992.
Conversations with Punch. Ed. Geoff Felix, 1994.
Various articles including A new light on Piccini,
Punch and Judy both contemporary and historical.
50. Dr. FLEURY, Raphaèle (Ms.)
15 rue Rodier
boîte 11
F-75009 Paris
Institut International de la Marionnette
7, place Winston Churchill
F-08000 Charleville-Mézières
Telephone: 0033 (0)3 24 33 72 50.
E-mail: (thank you for using this e-mail address
only for scientific matters).
List of publications:
Paul Claudel et les spectacles populaires, le Paradoxe du pantin (Paul Claudel and the
Popular Shows, the Paradox of the Puppet). Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2012, 880 pp.
La Marionnette traditionnelle (Traditional Puppetry). Lyon: Gadagne musées, collection
Musée des marionnettes du monde: guide des collections, 2010, No. 1, 120 pp.
Collectionner pour apprendre: la collection de Jacques Chesnais (Collect to Learn: Jacques
Chesnais’ Collection). In Collections et collectionneurs, Puck, No. 19. Montpellier:
L’Entretemps/I.I.M., 2012.
Le projet du marionnettiste Georges Lafaye pour L’Ours et la Lune (1939), ou de l’influence
de Paul Claudel sur l’invention de la marionnette moderne (Georges Lafaye’s Project for The
Bear and the Moon, about the Influence of Paul Claudel on the Emergence of the Modern
Puppetry). In Bulletin de la Société Paul Claudel, 2008, No. 191, pp. 20-30.
Claudel marionnettiste: hésitations scéniques d’un combat spirituel (Claudel Puppeteer:
Scenic Hesitations of a Spiritual Fight). in Paul Claudel 2005: perspectives critiques. Sergio
Villani dir., New York, Ottawa, Toronto: Ed. Legas, 2008, pp. 111-126.
History of puppetry (19-20th centuries); puppetry and literature; Paul Claudel; Jacques
Chesnais; Georges Lafaye; asiatic influences on occidental dramaturgies; popular theatre.
51. Prof. FOLEY, Kathy (Ms.)*
University of California
Theatre Arts Dept.
1156 High St.
Santa Cruz, Ca 95064
Telephone: 831-459 4967 (w), 831-459-4189 (o)
List of publications:
Editor and a major author of issue on Asian Mask including Topeng Sidha Karya: A Balinese
Mask Dance, transcribed, translated and introduced by I Ketut Kodi, I Nyoman Sedana, and
Kathy Foley and Balinese Mask Dance from the Perspective of a Master Artist: I Ketut Kodi,
by Kathy Foley and I Nyoman Sedana as well as a book review, Asian Theatre Journal 22,
2., 2005.
Editor and major author of issue on South and Southeast Asian Puppetry with translation
of The Origin of Kala (pp. 1-59), Burmese Marionettes: Yokthe Thay in Transition (pp. 69-81)
and co-authored Hun: Thai Doll Puppetry, with Surapone Virulrak (pp. 81-87). Asian Theatre
Journal 18, 2001.
Puppets and Politics. Unima – USA Symposium Report (with Sandy Spieler and John Bell).
Puppetry Journal (Spring), 2005.
Wayang Wong: Human Puppetry in Southeast Asian Court Dance: Puppet Master Kings and
Well Ordered Countries. Puppetry International 18, 2005, pp. 10-15.
UNIMA-USA Symposium at UCONN: Puppetry in Islamic Culture. Puppetry Journal 56,
1 (Fall), pp. 26-27) (also reprinted in publication of UNIMA – Australia), 2003.
First Things. In Puppet Theatre in Contemporary Indonesia: New Approaches to
Performance-Events. Edited by Jan Mrazek. Ann Arbor: Michigan Papers on South and
Southeast Asia, 50, University of Michigan Press, 2003.
Lou Harrison Collection: Music and Puppetry: East to West. In American Puppetry. Ed. by
Phyllis Dirks. Theatre Library Association, Performing Arts Resources, Series, McFarland &
Co., 2003.
Puppet Collection of the American Museum of Natural History. Co-author Ann WrightParsons. In American Puppetry. Edited by Phyllis Dirks. Library Association, Performing Arts
Resources, Series, McFarland & Co., 2003.
Indonesian Puppetry: The World of Wayang. For Teacher Packet Asian Art Museum of
San Francisco, 2003, pp. 9-28.
Aspects of Ritual in Puppetry. Puppetry International 11, 2002, pp. 37-41.
“Nartosabdho”, “Sidja, I Made”, “Sunarya, Asep Suanadar”, ”Nang Sebek Thom”, ”Nang
Talung”, “Wayang Kulit”. Edited by Dennis Kennedy. Oxford Encyclopedia of Theatre and
Performance, 2002.
The Dancer and the Danced. Puppetry International 8, 2001, pp. 14-28.
Danzare ed essere danzati. In La realta del mito. Edited by Giovanni Azzaroni. Bologna:
CLUB, pp. 189-211 and “Le marioneete Birmane”, 2001.
The Metonymy of Art: Vietnamese Water Puppetry as a Representation of Modern Vietnam.
TDR (45, 4, Winter), 2001, pp. 129-141.
The Dancer and the Danced. Pupppetry International 8, pp. 14-16, also in Henson
International Festival of Puppet Theatre 2000 Symposia Papers, Sept. 17–18, 2000,
pp. 25-28.
Semar in Sunda. The Southeast Asian God-Clown in his Sundanese Embodiment. RIMA 33,
2 (Summer), 1999, pp. 87-107.
Reflections on Southeast Asian Theatre. PT 5 (August 1998), Setagaya Public Theatre,
Tokyo, Japan, 1998, pp. 6-11, 56-57.
My Bodies: The Performer in West Java. Acting (Re)Considered. Edited by Phillip B. Zarrilli.
London: Routledge, pp. 161-176 (reprint of 1990 article).
1997 South East Asia and Pacific. In Blackwell's Companion to Twentieth Century Theatre.
Edited by Colin Chambers. Oxford: Blackwell.
Nee Engey: Where Are You by R.V Ramani. Asian Theatre Journal 22, 1, 2005, pp. 169-170.
Trance and Transformation of the Artist in Japanese Noh and Balinese Dance – Drama by
Margaret Coldiron. Asian Theatre Journal 22, 2, 2005.
Borrowed Fire by Anurag Wadehra and Salil Singh. Asian Theatre Journal 18, 2, pp. 82-83.
Gatutkaca on Trial; Released from Kala’s Grip, Demon Abduction; The Traitor Jobin;
The Birth of Gatotkaca. Edited by Joan Suyenaga. Asian Theatre Journal 18, 1, 2001,
pp. 120-121.
Masked Performance: The Play of the Self and the Other in Ritual and Theatre, by John
Emigh, Shadows of Empire, by Laurie J. Sears, Bangsawan: a Social and Stylistic History
of Popular Malay Opera, by Tan Sooi Beng, La Matiere des Emotions: Les Arts du Teps
et du Spectacle dan la Societe Madouraise (Indonsie), by Helene Bouvier, Sbek Thom:
Khmer Shadow Theatre, by Pech Tum Kravel, Gamelan: Cultural Interatction and Musical
Development in Central Java, by Sumarsam. Asian Theatre Journal 15, 2, 1998, pp. 295302.
Curlew River. Theatre Journal 47, 2, p. 312.
Malaysian Shadow Play and Music: Continuity of an Oral Tradition. By Patricia Matusky.
Asian Theatre Journal 12, 2, 1995, pp. 359-360.
The Muppets and their impact on puppetry, culture, and media in the US and internationally.
Historical Dictionary of Southeast Asian Traditional Theatre.
52. FOURNEL, Paul (Mr.)
48, rue de l"abbé Groult
75015 Paris
Telephone: 01 81 29 30 18
List of publications:
Guignol, les Mourguet (Guignol, the Morguets). Paris, 1995.
Les marionnettes (The Puppets). Paris, 1982.
Encyclopédie mondiale des arts de la marionnette (Worldwide Encyclopedia of
Puppetry Arts). Préface, Paris, 2009.
53. FRANCIS, Penny (Ms.)
86 Bromfelde Road
London SW4 6PR
Telephone: 00 44 20 76225058
Mobile:+44(0)7968 800 069
Central School of Speech and Drama, Embassy Theatre,
Eton Avenue, London NW3 3HY
Puppet Centre Trust, BAC, Lavender Hill
London SW11 5TN
List of publications:
Puppetry. A Reader in Theatre Practice. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, England, 2012.
Ancient into Modern; Perceptions of an Onlooker. Essay. In Móin-Móin, Brazil, 2007.
Lorca and the Curse of the Butterfly. Essay. In Symbolism and the Marionette Theatre. USA:
Edwin Mellen Press, 2003.
Editor of British entries for UNIMA’s proposed World Encyclopaedia of Puppetry Arts (EMAM,
the French edition published 2009), Linguistic Editor of the projected English edition (WEPA,
no date for publication).
Keynote speaker at Puppetry and Animatronics Summit, Melbourne, Australia. Published
in Report of the Summit. October 2002.
The Influence of S.V Obraztsov on Western European Puppetry. Paper given at Symposium
on Life and Work of Obraztsov, published in Moscow,Teatr Chudes, 2001.
(Essay: A Brief Overview of Contemporary Practice) and Linguistic Editor of The Worldwide
Art of Puppetry: UNIMA 2000. I.I.M. Publications, France, 2000 – contributor.
Puppetry in the Essential Lorca. Public lecture at Munich Stadtmuseum (published
in Germany, name of publication not found), 1999.
The Obraztsov Influence. Article. Published in Puppetry International, USA, 1999.
The Rise of the Puppeteer. Public lecture at the Puppet Barge, published by British Centre
of UNIMA, London, 1998.
Collaborating and linguistic Editor: A History of European Puppetry, Vols. I and II by Henryk
Jurkowski. Edwin Mellen Press, N.Y., 1996 and 1998.
The Role of Puppetry in Children’s Theatre. From a conference paper. In Loutkář (Czech
Republic), 1997.
The Puppet Operas of Antonio Jose da Silva. Essay. In Cultura magazine (produced
by Portugal 600), 1993.
Linguistic editor: Aspects of Puppetry (1988) by Professor Henryk Jurkowski, 1988.
Contributing Editor, Animations magazine (Puppet Centre Trust), 1976-1990.
Co–translator and linguistic editor, for UNIMA's World Encyclopedia of Puppetry Arts (2004 –
2005 under editorship of Henryk Jurkowski, and 2010 – 2011 under editorship of John Bell).
Member of committee of Centre of Research into Object and Puppet Performance (CROPP)
established by Central School of Speech and Drama.
Areas of expertise: contemporary world puppetry, teaching puppetry in Higher Education,
written English.
54. FREIRE, Susanita (Ms.)
Caixa Postal 16232
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
List of publications:
O Fim de um Símbolo Theatro João Minhoca Companhia Authomatica (The End of
a Symbol, Theatre João Minhoca). Authomatic Company Rio de Janeiro, RJ, achiamé, 2000,
78 pp.
Research about popular puppetry theatre in Latin America.
55. Dr. GARBEV, Lubomir (Mr.)*
Hadji Dimitar, bl. 179, entr. D, an. 90,
Sofia 1510
Telephone: (00359 2) 453 346
National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts
Rakovski, 108 A
Sofia 1000
Telephone: (00359 2) 987 98 62, (00359 2) 987 98 63
List of publications:
The Speaking Puppet. In Puppet Art, 1993. (Bulgarian)
Images of Intonation. In New Bulgarian University Annual Book, Department Mass
Communications, 1997. (Bulgarian)
Image behind the words. In National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts Annual Book, 1999.
Image behind the words. New Bulgarian University, 1999. (Bulgarian)
The Uttered Word in the Text of the Performance – project for theatre education of children
from the minorities granted by The Ministoy of Culture and the Ministry of Education 20012005.
Puppet Theatre – workshop in Croatia, 2001/2002, summer.
Children of Bulgaria – National and Cultural Unity – project for the children from different
ethnical groups in Bulgaria, 2001-2002.
56. GARRÉ NICOARA, Marie (Ms.)
67 rue Edouard Branly
62000 Arras
Université d’Artois
9 rue du Temple
62000 Arras
List of publications:
Le théâtre de marionnettes, à la croisée des regards (Puppet Theatre from Crossing Points
of Views). Manip’ 16 : 7, 2008.
Porter la parole dans des espaces étranges (Leading the Speech in Strange Spaces). Manip’
19, 2009, pp. 10-12.
L’interprète – marionnettiste, une présence en éclats (The Puppeteer and His Presence
in Fragments). Registres 15, 2011.
Presence in Fragments. Puppet Notebook 18, 2010, pp. 12-15.
Contemporary puppet theatre, scenography; puppet and spectator; new forms of puppet
theatre including the puppeteer’s body.
57. GHARIBPOUR, Behrouz (Mr.)
No. 14, 8th alley
Gisha street
Telephone: 00989121486276
List of publications:
Master Teaches Kheimeh Shab Bazi Renovation of Traditional Puppetry of Iran. Institute
for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults, IIDCYA, 1984.
Entrance to Realm of Semi-puppets and Puppetries. IIDCYA, 1981.
Travel of Green in Green. 1977.
Expanded World of Puppetry. Writing & Translation, Soroush Publishing, 1985.
What Is Theatre? How Is It Born? Writing &Translation, IIDCYA, 1989.
Puppetry, Step by Step. IIDCYA, 1992.
From First to Last Steps of Animation. Writing & Translation, Honar University, 1998.
Hero Lazy. Writing, Cultural Research Bureau, 1999.
Natiashastra (a chapter of thesis of Indian play). Translation.
Ikaro. Translation, Ketab-e Sobh.
Kaboki (colloquial Japanese play). Translation, Ketab-e Sobh.
Theatre in Iran. Writing, Cultural Research Bureau, 2005.
58. GHOSH, Sampa (Ms.)*
C-563, Sarita Vihar
New Delhi 110044
Centre For Cultural Researchers And Trainong
Plot No. 15A, Sector 7, Dwarka
New Delhi 110075
Telephone: 9111-2694 1008/8057 (res) Cell: 09313356801
List of publications:
(Published work since 1995)
Bengali Puppet Theatre. In Bengali Theatre 200 Years, Publications Division, Ministry
of Information & Broadcasting, Govt. of India, 1999 (First Edition), pp. 125-131.
My First Experience in Educational Puppetry. In Puppet (A Quarterly for Puppetry, Theatre &
Folk Arts), Vol. No. 1, Issue No. 1, April-June, Samanwaya Pavanataka Sangham, PO.
Ayancheri, Dt. Kozhikode, Kerala, India, 2002, pp. 9-11.
Bhartiya Kathputli Kala: Abashyakta Hain Nai Pahal Ka. (Hindi) In Rang Prasang, National
School of Drama, Bahawalpur House, Bhagwan Das Road, New Delhi, Year 7, No. 4,
October-December, 2004, pp. 123-128.
Make Your Own Puppets. A Workbook on Puppets for Beginners & Teachers, IMH Press
P. Ltd., New Delhi, 2005, 103 pp.
Video documentation: Route Of String Puppets Of West.
Bengal & Assam Originated In Bangladesh.
59. GIBERT NUNEZ, Yamila (Ms.)
Calle 4 No. 257 e/t Calle 11 y Calle
13. Municipio plaza
10400 La Habana
Plaza Prov La Habana
List of publications:
Retablo de Juglares (Minstrels Altarpiece). In TABLAS, 1999.
Un Príncipe preguntón como un romance de ciegos y videntes (A Prince Inquisitive as
a Romance of Blind and Sighted). In TABLAS, 1998.
Sobre la obra dramática de Samuel Feijoo (On the Play of Samuel Feijoo). In Signos, 2002.
Títeres en pequeño formato (Puppets in Small Format). Ediciones Vigía, Mojiganga, 2004.
Con la crítica y el público presencias titiriteras (With the Critical and Public Appearances
Puppeteers). Ediciones Vigía, Mojiganga.
El inagotable retablillo español (The Spanish Retablillo Inexhaustible). In TABLAS, 2004.
Notas publicitarias y comentarios críticos (Blurbs and Critical Comments). In Periódicos
y Revistas.
Don Quijote en el Teatro Nacional de Guiñol (Don Quixote in the National Theatre Guignol).
In Boletín Entretelones, 2008.
La paradoja de la continuidad (The Paradox of Continuity). In Manita en el suelo, Anuario
de teoría acerca del títere.
Los títeres permanecen (The Puppets Remain). In Manita en el suelo, Anuario de teoría
acerca del títere.
El teatro más joven reta a la crisis (The Youngest Theatre Challenges the Crisis). Yorick
en libro Ed. Abril.
Los títeres ascienden (The Puppets Rise). Ed. Vigía Mojiganga.
Retornan los títeres a casa (Tne Puppets come Home). Ed. Vigía Mojiganga.
La ascensión de una muñeca abandonada (The Ascension of an Abandoned Doll). In
Tablas, 2006.
Luces de otra selva oscura (Lights Another Dark Forest). In Tablas.
La magia desnuda del extraño circo de las pompas (The Strange Magic of the Circus Nude
Pumps). Globos inflados de Pep BOU, Tablas.
El juego del amor y del teatro (The Game of Love and tTeatre). In Perro Huevero
Suplemento de critica teatral especializada.
El Teatro Nacional de Guiñol (National Puppet Theatre Escuela). Tradición y Continuidad,
Sitio digital Miami, 2009.
La estética de un proyecto de vida (The Aesthetics of a Life Project). Book. El Teatro de las
Estaciones el alma en viaje.
El difícil camino de un rompecabezas (The Difficult Path of a Puzzle). In Tablas, 2010.
Tradición y vanguardia en el títere cubano (Tradition and Art in the Cuban Puppet).
La Jiribilla, 2011.
El Dragón de Oro (The Golden Dragon). Sitio Digital CUBAESCENA, 2011.
Visiones de ensayo: Pinocho/Corazòn Madera (Visiones Essay: Pinocchio/Heart Digital
Madera). Sitio Digital Cubaescena, 2011.
The performance in puppetry. Puppet theatre in Cuba. Vanguard and puppetry.
60. GILARDI, Paola (Ms.)
Rousseaustr. 23
CH-8037 Zürich
Telephone: +41 (0)43 233 87 84
List of publications:
Several articles about Swiss puppetry for the Encyclopédie mondiale des arts de la
marionnette, coedited by UNIMA and Editions L’Entretemps, Montpellier, 2009.
Afterword in Michel Poletti, Marionnettes à la porte du sud/Marionette al portale sud,
Swiss Yearbook of theatre, No. 70, Swiss Theatre Society, Zurich, 2011.
61. GIRDZIJAUSKAITĖ, Audronė PhD (Ms.)
A. Vienuolio 6 – 27, 01104
Vilnius, Lithuania
Telephone: +370 5 2623545
List of publications:
Lėlė ir kaukė (Puppet and Mask). Book about puppet theatre/compiled by Audrone
Girdzijauskaite. Vilnius: Gervelė, 1999, 283, [2] p. (Lithuanian).
Lietuviškų lėlių kelionė (Travel of Lithuanian Puppets). About 1th puppet theatre festival
of Baltic States in Tallinn. In Tėvynės balsas, 1967, No. 3 (Lithuanian).
Lėlės-vaikai-konfrontacijos (Puppets-Children-Confrontations). About Polish puppet theatres.
In Pergalė, 1969, No. 4, pp. 141-147 (Lithuanian).
Lėlės ir jų žiūrovai (Puppets and Audience). About puppet theatre impact to children.
In Kultūros barai, 1969, No. 9, pp. 32-35 (Lithuanian).
Dailininkas lėlių teatre (Designer in Puppet Theatre). About puppeteer Vitalijus Mazūras. In
Muzika ir teatras, 1972, No. 8, pp. 80-86 (Lithuanian).
Kiek pakelia lėlės pečiai? (How Strong is a Puppet?) A 5th Puppet Theatre Festival of Baltic
States. In Pergalė, 1978, No. 11, pp. 145-153 (Lithuanian).
Между закономерностью и неожиданностью (Between Regularity and Surprise). About
Mazuras. In Художник, сцена (journal „Artist, Stage“), Moscow, 1978. pp. 72-82 (Russian).
Творим для тех, кого любим… ( We Create for Those, Who We Love). About puppetry
in Baltic States. In Театр (journal “Theatre”), Nо. 8, 1979, pp. 42-50 (Russian).
Театул де пепушь: ориенерь, перспективе, спирит иноватор (Puppet Theatre:
Orientation, Lookout, Innovations). In Литература шиарта, Кишинеу, 28 Feb. 1980, p. 6
Reikšmingas forumas (Significant Forum). About 1th Asian International puppet theatre
festival in Tashkent, 1979. In Pergalė, 1980, No. 2, pp. 189-190 (Lithuanian).
Pas Talino lėlininkus (At the Puppeteers of Tallinn). About Estonian puppeteers. In Pergalė,
1980, No. 6, pp. 191-192 (Lithuanian).
Vitalijus Mazūras (About famous Lithuanian puppeteer Vitalijus Mazuras). In Teatras,
Almanachas, 1982, No. 1, pp. 23-33 (Lithuanian).
В поисках поетическои образности (Search of Poetical Image). In Детская литература
(Literature for Childen), 1982, No. 3, pp. 52-54 (Russian).
Traukė į šviesesnį vaizdinį... (Attracted to the Light...). Interview with puppet theatre artist
Balys Lukošius. In Teatras, Almanachas, 1983, No. 3, pp. 19-23 (Lithuanian).
Iš tarptautinio lėlininkų simpoziumo sugrįžus (After International Puppeteers Forum
in Moscow). In Teatras, Almanachas, 1984, No. 1, pp. 15-18 (Lithuanian).
Tarptautinis lėlininkų susitikimas (International Meeting of Puppeteers in Moscow).In Pergalė,
1984, No. 3, pp. 190-191 (Lithuanian).
Lietuviškam lėlių teatrui -50 metų: nuo Ušinsko iki mūsų (50th Anniversary of Lithuanian
Puppetry: From Ušinskas to Present). In Teatras, Almanachas, 1986, No. 3, pp. 9-12
Lėlininkai susirinko septintą kartą (The Gathering of Puppeteers). About 7th puppet theatres
festival of Baltic States in Riga. In Kultūros barai, 1987, No. 1, pp. 33-35 (Lithuanian).
Kauno lėlės (Puppets of Kaunas). About Kaunas Puppet Theatre tour in Vilnius. In Teatras,
Almanachas, 1988, No. 3, pp. 6-9 (Lithuanian).
Vitalijus Mazūras: lėlių teatras – tai skulptūrų teatras (Vitalijus Mazūras: Puppet Theatre –
it‘s a Theatre of Sculptures). Interview with puppeteer V. Mazūras. In Kultūros barai, 1994,
No. 12, p. 28 (Lithuanian).
Stasys Ušinskas (1905-1974) (Stasys Ušinskas (1905-1974)). In book „Lietuvių teatro istorija
(1935-1940)“ (“Lithuanian Theatre History (1935-1940)“), Vol. 2, Vilnius, 2002, pp. 155-166
Iš lėlių teatro istorijos (1970-1990) (From the History of Puppetry). In book „Lietuvių teatro
istorija (1980-1990)“ (Lithuanian Theatre History (1980-1990)), Vol. 4., Vilnius, 2009,
pp. 312-402 (Lithuanian).
V. Mazūras bundančiame Lietuvos teatre (V. Mazūras in the Awakening of Lithuanian
Theatre. In Menotyra (Studies in Arts), 2008, No. 4, pp. 51-55 (Lithuanian).
Puppet Theatre. About Lithuanian puppeteers. In „The World Encyclopedia of Contemporary
Theatre“, Vol. 1, Europe, London and New York, 1994, p. 564.
Lietuvių poezijos įvaizdžiai V. Mazūro metaforų teatre (Images of Lithuanian Poetry in V.
Mazūras Theatre of Metaphors). In „Tradicija, autorystė, kūrinio ribos ir interpretacijos laisvė“,
Vilnius, 2006, pp. 224-227 (Lithuanian).
Stasys Ušinskas – Lietuvos teatrui (Stasys Ušinskas to Lithuanian Theatre). About impact on
Lithuanian theatrical aesthetics. In “Constructions of Volitional Beuty“ (Exhibition Catalogue),
Kaunas, 2010, pp. 47-50 (Lithuanian).
Album of works by puppeteer Vitalijus Mazūras.
62. GOLDOVSKIJ, Boris (Mr.)*
Veresaeva Str. 17 – 20
State Academic Central Puppet Theatre named after Sergey Obraztsov
Sadovaya- Samotechnaaya Str., 3
Moscow 127473
Telephone: +007-495-699-89-10
Fax: +007-495-699-89-10
List of publications:
Zapiski dramaturga teatra kukol (Notes of Dramaturg in Puppet Theatre). Book. Moscow,
1993, 60 pp. with illus.
Mechaniceskij teatr kukol v Rossii 18. stoletia (The Mechanic Puppet Theatre in Russia
of 18th Century). Brochure. Moscow, 2001, 28 pp.
Kukolnyj teatr v Peterburge (Puppet Theatre in St. Petersburg in 18th Century).
A contribution in publication The Puppeteers of St. Petersburg (Kukolniki Peterburga).
St. Petersburg 1995, pp. 2-44.
Teatr kukol Ukrainy (The Puppet Theatre in Ukraine). Book written in a co-operation with
S. Smeljanskaja. San Francisco, 1998, 276 pp. with illus.
Zhizn i udivitelnyje prikljucenija vitebskih kukolnikov Jakubovskih (The Life and Unusual
Adventures of Jakubovski Puppetry Family from Vitebsk). A contribution in publication
Puppets, Masks and Characters. Minsk, 1999, pp. 30-36.
Neskolko faktov v obchcuju kopilku (Facts into Common Deposit). A contribution about
vertep. In Belorussian Theatre Almanac 1998 – 1999. Minsk, 1999, pp. 30-36.
Kavaler ordena ulybki (Cavalier of the Smile Award). Introduction of S. V. Obrazcov´s book
On Steps of Memory. Moscow, 2001, pp. 5-8.
Neizvestnaja kukolnaja dramaturgia (Unknown Puppet Dramaturgy). A contibution on the
world´s dramaturgy of puppet theatre. In: „Teatr Cudes“ puppetry journal, No. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.
Moscow, 2001-2002.
Kukolnaja encyklopedija (Encyclopaedia of Puppetry). Entry. In Teatr Cudes – puppetry
journal, No. 0, 1,2, 3, 4. Moscow, 2001-2002.
Encyklopedija skazocnych geroev (Encyclopaedia Fairytales Heroes). Book. Moscow, 2001,
60 pp. with illus.
Ne tolko kukly – Vsio o Obrazcove (Not Only Puppets – Everything on Obrazcov).
In a co-operation with A. Hort. Moscow, 2001, 64 pp. with illus.
Kukolnyj teatr (Puppet Theatre). Book. Moscow, 1996, 60 pp. with illus.
Vertep v Rossii (Vertep in Russia). A paper presented in an international symposium
of Nativity puppet theatres. December 2001, Luck, 2001.
Encyklopedija „Kukly (Encyclopaedia of Puppetry). Moscow, 2003, 496 pp.
Kukolnaia Moskva (Puppet’s Moscow). Moscow, 2004, 50 pp.
Author of idea and Leader of group of authors of book Museum of Puppets GACTK Named
after Sergey Obraztsov. Moscow, 2005, 216 pp. with illus.
Author of idea and leader of group of authors of book Academia of Obraztsov. Moscow,
2007, 320 pp. with illus.
Puppets of Theatre in War (Kukly teatra voiennych deistvii). In Teatr chudes, 2006, No. 9,
pp. 26-29.
Puppet Theatre. A Big Russian Encyclopaedia in 30 Volumes (Kukolnyj teatr. Bolshaia
rossijskaia enciklopedija v 30. t.). Vol. 1, RAN, 2004, pp. 790-795.
History of Puppet Theatre in Russia of XV. – XVII. Century (Letopis teatra kukol v Rossii XV.
– XVII. veka). Мoscow,1994, 90 pp.
History of the Russian Scripts for Puppets. Moscow, 2007, 250 pp.
A Fragile Image of Perfection (Chrupkij obraz sovershenstva). Мoscow, 2007, 192 pp.
DVD – Golden String. Film about puppetry, 3 hours. Moscow, 2003.
63. GONCHARENKO, Alexey PhD (Mr.)
Bolshaya Cherkizovskaya st. 10-1-88
Moscow 107061
Theatre Union of the Russian Federation
Department for children and youth theatre, puppet theatre
Strastnoy bulvar, 10
Moscow 107031
Telephone: +7 (495) 694-41-33
List of publications:
Kukolnyi festival v Rossii (International Puppet Festivals in Russia). Article. Entry. In Teatr
Cudes – puppetry journal. 2001, No. 3-4, 2002, No. 3-4, 2003, No. 3-4, 2006, No. 3-4,
Moscow (Russian).
Interviu s O. L. Glazunovoi “Te i eti mushketery”, o problemach sovremennogo teatra kukol
v Rossii (Interview with O. L. Glazunova “These and Those Musketeers”. About Questions
of Contemporary Puppet Theatre in Russia). In Teatr, 2006, No. 1 (Russian).
Circ ujehal (The Circus Has Left). About Edmon and Ramona by Rezo Gabriadze.
In newspaper Ekran I scena, 2007, No. 24-25 (Russian).
Skazka dlja vzroslyh (The Fairy Tale for Adults). About II Open International Festival named
after Valery Volhovsky. In newspaper “Novye Izvestia”. 13. 09. 2007 (Russian).
Serjeznoje puteshestvije v detstvo (Serious Journey to Childhood). About VIth international
Puppet Theatre Festival of Barents region. In journal «Strastnoy boulevard, 10, 2007,
No. 4-104.
Iz serdca Evropy – na nju-jorkskuju birzu (From The Heart of Europe – to the New-York
Stock Exchange). About Angel by Dudo Pajva and Baldanders in Byalostok puppet theatre.
In newspaper “Ekran i scena”, 2007, No. 40-41.
Povelitel' tenej (The Lord of the Shadows). About Moscow painter Alexander Krupenin.
Newspaper Culture, 2007, No. 51-52 (Russian).
Teatr kukol v poiskah rejissera I zritelja (Puppet Theatre in Search of A Director and the
Audience). About shows – national theatre award Golden mask winners in puppetry
nomination, 1996-2008 (Russian).
Alexander Tretiakov. UNIMA-USA.ORG, Publications, 40 under 40 (English).
Maxim Udintsev. UNIMA-USA.ORG, Publications, 40 under 40 (English).
Dnevnik critica (Critic's Blog). About XII International festival Ryazanskye Smotriny.
In Strastnoy boulevard, 10, 2009, No. 3-123 (Russian).
Ruslan Kudashov. Puppetry International, #25, 2009 (English).
Anna Viktorova. Puppetry International, #25, 2009 (English).
Plusy polysa (Advantages of the Pole). About V International festival Petrushka the Great
in Yekaterinburg. In Strastnoy boulevard, 10», 2010, No. 3-133 (Russian).
Leningradka. Cub Theatre. Russia. Context – a Discussion about Ambiguity (17th ASSITEJ
World Congress and ITYARN) (English).
Contemporary puppet theatre.
64. GRÜND, Françoise (Ms.)
La Rignière
35 320 Tresboeuf
150 boulevards de Magenta
75 010 Paris
Telephone: 02 99 44 37 12 / 01 49 70 65 96
List of publications:
Marionnettes et ombres d’Asie (Asian Puppets and Shadows). Catalogue d’exposition,
Louvre des Antiquaires, Maison des Cultures du Monde, Paris, 1985.
Trois danses de l’ombre (Three Shadow Dances). In Alternatives théâtrales. Institut
international de la marionette et Alternatives théâtrales, 2003.
Danses des ombres (Shadow Dances). Rapport des théâtre d'ombres et de la danse.
In Scènes, 2004.
Poupées guérisseuses in Marionnettes et thérapie (Healing Puppets in Puppets and
Therapy). Association "Marionnettes et thérapie", Paris, 2005/4.
La marionnettisation des acteurs in Tchiloli (The Marionettisation of Actors in Tchiloli). Edition
Magellan, Paris, 2006.
Parmi les marionnettes de l'Inde (Among Indian Puppets). In “E pui si mueve", publication
de l'UNIMA.
Encyclopédie mondiale des arts de la marionnette (Worldwide Encyclopedia of
Puppetry Arts). Co-writer. Édition de L’Entretemps, Paris, 2009.
Didlaukio 52-13
Vilnius 08329
Telephone: +370 68619010, +370 5 2763270
List of publications:
Kaip šešėliai žadina kūrybinę vaizduotę (How the Shadows Can Stretch the Imaginary –
recommendations how to make shadow theatre). In Šiandien aktualu, metodikos
rekomendacijos seminarams. Vilnius, 1992, II half-year, pp. 22-31 (Lithuanian).
Žmonės, pavirtę paukščiais, tarsi nemirtingos vėlės (People Turned into Birds, Like the
Immortal Souls – about artist Vega Vaičiūnaitė). In Lietuvos rytas, 3. 11. 1995 (Lithuanian).
Šešėlių teatras (The Shadow Theatre). In Šaltinėlis, 1992, No. 5, pp. 14-15 (Lithuanian).
Žirniuko pažintis su Norvegų lėlininkais (Little Pee-Wee Gets in Touch with Norwegian
Puppeteers). In Lietuvos rytas, 1993, No. 3 (Lithuanian).
60-metis Lietuvos lėlių teatras nenori būti antrarūšis (Sixty-years Old Lithuanian Puppet
Theatre Does Not Want to be Second Rate). In Lietuvos rytas, 3. 5. 1996 (Lithuanian).
Lėlės – mokytojų pagalbininkės (Puppets – Assistants to Teachers – about production
of puppets and features of manipulation). In Mokykla, 1997, pp. 42-43 (Lithuanian).
Lėlių teatras pradedantiesiems (Puppetry for Beginners – about creation of performance and
making simple puppets). In Tarp knygų, October 1998, pp. 11-15 (Lithuanian).
Kuklaus Kaukučio didele staigmena Kretingoje (Humble Kaukutis’s Big Surprise in the Town
of Kretinga). Under the name of Lijana Galadauskaite. In Lietuvos rytas, 3. 11. 1998
Lėlių teatras šalia mūsų (Puppet Theatre Near Us). In Mokykla, 1997, No. 1-2, pp. 42-43
Asmenybės ugdymas teatro meno pagalba (Personality Development by Theatre Art).
In Kultūros aktualijos, April 2006.
Prancūzai myli lėlių teatrą (The French Love the Puppet Theatre – about Puppet Theatre
Festival in Charleville Mezieres). In Literatūra ir menas, 16. 10. 2009 (Lithuanian).
John Britton: Esate laisvi daryti, ką norite (John Britton: You are Free to Do Whatever You
Like) Interview with actor and theatre educator J. Britton. In Lietuvos scena, 2011, No. 3-4/24
(Lithuanian with English summary).
Current research related to creativity: puppet theatre – as an integral part of education.
66. HAMAR, Juraj PhD (Mr.)
Starhradská 12
851 05 Bratislava
Telephone: +421 638 35 364
Fax: +421 638 35 364
Comenius University in Bratislava
Department of Aesthetics, Faculty of Arts
Gondova 2, P.O.Box 1,
818 01 Bratislava
List of publications:
Die brutalität im traditionellen slowakischen Marionettentheater und was davon übrigblieb
(On the Brutal Motives in the Slovak Traditional Puppet Theatre). In Kasperl, Teufel,
Krokodil. Zborník z Medzinárodného sympózia, Kultur und Museumsverein „Freundedes
Puppenspiels“. Wien, 1995 (German).
Don Šajn ako rozprávka? (Don Juan as a Story Tale). In Zborník z konferencie Rozprávka na
javisku. Bratislava, 1996, pp. 62-81 (Slovak).
Erotické motívy v tradičnom bábkovom divadle (Erotic Motives in the Traditional Puppet
Theatre). In Hamar, J.: Komické a erotické v ľudovej piesni (Dissertation work). Bratislava:
Ústav etnológie SAV, 1996, pp. 118-120 (Slovak).
Drastické ako komické bez rozdielu veku (Brutal as Comical in the All Age). In Podmaková,
D. (ed.): Rozprávka na javisku a v rozhlase. Dobšinského rozprávkový Gemer. Materiály
z konferencií 1996, 1997. Bratislava, 1998, pp. 57-64 (Slovak).
Slovenské tradičné bábkové divadlo v textoch a kontextoch (The Slovak Traditional Puppet
Theatre in Texts and Contexts). In Studia Academica Slovaca 31, Prednášky XXXVIII. Letnej
školy slovenského jazyka a kultúry. Bratislava: Stimul, 2002, pp. 74-82 (Slovak).
Gašparko ešte žije. K tradičnému bábkovému divadlu na Slovensku (Vivid Gašparko.
On the Traditional Puppet Theatre in Slovakia). In Národopisná revue 4/2002, ročník XII,
ÚLK Strážnice, Česká republika, pp. 85-88 (Slovak).
Hamar, Juraj – Rusko, Milan: Character Identity Expression in Vocal Performance. In Sojka
Petr – Kopeček Ivan – Pala Karel (eds.): Text, Speech and Dialogue. 9th International
Conference TSD 2006, Brno, Czech Republic, September 2006. Springer-Verlag Berlin
Heidelberg, 2006, pp. 509-516 (English).
Hamar, Juraj – Rusko, Milan: One Speaker, Multiple Characters. Method for Studying
Personality Expression in Voice. In Acoustics 2006 High Tatras, Slovak Acoustical Society,
Bratislava 2006, pp. 320-325 (English).
K personálnej identite postáv a hlasovému prejavu v ľudovom bábkovom divadle (Personal
Identity and Voice Performance in the Traditional Puppet Theatre). In Národopisná revue
1/2007, ročník XVII, Národní ústav lidové kultury, Strážnice, Česká republika, pp. 9-16,
M. Knížák: Encyklopedie výtvarníků loutkového divadla v Českých zemích a na Slovensku
od vystopovatelné minulosti do roku 1950. (M. Knížák: Encyclopaedia of Puppetry Theatre
Designers in Bohemia and Slovakia from the beginning until 1950). Review. In Národopisná
revue 1/2007, ročník XVII, Národní ústav lidové kultury, Strážnice, Česká republika, pp. 6567 (Slovak).
Ako prísť Gašparkovi na meno (How do Call Gašparko). Review. In Národopisná revue
1/2007, ročník XVII, Národní ústav lidové kultury, Strážnice, Česká republika, pp. 69-71
Ľudové bábkové divadlo a bábkár Anton Anderle (Traditional Puppet Theatre and Anton
Anderle). Slovenské centrum pre tradičnú kultúru, Bratislava, 2008, 224 pp. (Slovak).
67. HAMRE, Ida (Ms.)
Biskop Monradsvej 29
DK-2830 Virum
Telephone: +45 45 85 42 99
List of publications:
Making Simple Clothes, the Structure and Development of Clothes from other Cultures.
With Hanne Meedom. Book. Ed. Adam & Charles Black Limited. London, 1980, 115 pp.
Animationsteater som kunstart og som led i xstetisk udvikling og opdragelse (The Theatre
of Animation as an Art and as an Element of Esthetic Development and Education). PhD –
afhandling. Book. Ed. Danmarks Laererhejskole. Copenhagen,1992, 240 pp.
Marionet og Menneske, animationsteater – billedteater (Theatre of Animation and Theatre
of Figuration). Book. Ed. Forlaget DRAMA. Copenhagen, 1997, 175 pp.
Tværæstetisk Læring – undervisning i og med animationsteater (Cross Esthetic Learning,
Teaching and Learning Animation Theatre). Book. Forskningsrapport og oplæg. Ed.
Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitets Forlag. Copenhagen, 2004, 238 pp.
Learning through Animation Theatre. Extract from a Research Report. Book. Published by
UNIMA Denmark with support from the Danish Ministry of Culture and the Nordic Cultural
Fund. Danish University of Education, Copenhagen, 2004, 105 pp.
Idet fri. Poemes (In the Open Air). Book. Ed: Forlaget Ravnerock. Otterup, 2011, 115 pp.
Articles in books:
Billedteater pa tvxrs af grxnser (Theatre of Images Running across Borders). In Anslag,
Teater- og dramafagets Didaktik og Metode. Haugsted, Mads, Ida Hamre, Marianne
Andersen, (red.) Ed: Udviklingsprogrammerne, Danmarks Laererhojskole, 1998, 26 pp.
Levende billedteater i skolen (Living Theatre for the School). In Det Estetiske i et
dannelsesperspektiv, Sorensen, Birgitte Holm, (red.) Udviklingsprogrammerne, Danmarks
Laererhejskole, 1998, 15 pp.
The Learning Process in the Theatre of Paradox. In The Puppet – What a Miracle! Majaron,
Edi & Livija Kroflin, (editors). Croatian Center of UNIMA and UNIMA Slovenia, 2002, 12 pp.
Le Processus d’appentissage dans le téâtre du paradoxe (The Learning Process in the
Theatre of Paradox). In O miracle!... la marionette! Majaron, Edi & Livija Kroflin, (editors).
Debouny, Edmond (French editor), 12 pp.
Peer Gynt, Nørregaards og Reiches Teater 2000, Før næste korsvej, Peer Gynt-fantasi om
tilblivelse (Peer Gynt, Theatre of Nørregaard and Reiche 2000. Before the Next Crossroad,
Peer Gynt- Fantasy about Existence). In Ibsen og figurteatret Figurteatret og Ibsen.
Helgesen Anne (editor). UNIMA Norge, 2006, 10 pp.
Aesthetic and Social Potentialities in Animation Theatre. In Theatre for children – Artistic
phenomenon, International Research College of Theatre Arts, Jurkowski, Henryk and
Miroslav Radonjic’ (editors), Volume 1. Publishers: Open University, Subotica, International
Festival of Children’s Theatres, Subotica, Theatre Museum of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia,
2010, 14 pp.
Masks, Marionettes and Mixed Forms – in the Theatre For Children and with Children.
In Theatre for children – Artistic phenomenon, International Research College of Theatre
Arts, Jurkowski, Henryk and Miroslav Radonjic’ (editors), Vol. 2. Publishers: Open University,
Subotica, International Festival of Children’s Theatres, Subotica, Theatre Museum
of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2011, 18 pp.
Universal Figures in Animation theatre. In Marionettes, Methafysic, Mecanic and Modernity.
University of Copenhagen, 2012, 22 pp.
Articles in reviews and newspapers:
Håndgerning (Craft). In Uddannelse I Danmark. Fra barn til voksen. K. Helveg Petersen
og Finn Jolander (editors). Branner og Korch, 1971, 22 pp.
Bunraku – figurteatrets prototype (Bunraku – Prototype of Figurative Theatre).
In And i Hanske, Norsk Dukketeaterforening,1990, 3 pp.
Drama (Drama). In Praktisk-musisk undervisning. Evalueringsrapport for Folkeskolens
Udviklingsråd. Danmarks Lærerhøjskole, Copenhagen, 1991, 4 pp.
Animationsteatret og Paul Klees figurer (Theatre of Animation and Figures of Paul Klee).
In CRAS, Tidsskrift for kunst og kultur. Silkeborg Kunstmuseums Forlag (editor). 1992, 5 pp.
Esthéticque et function d'une marionette (Esthetics and Function of the Marionette).
In Tidsskriftet Figure. Schweitz, 1994, 3 pp.
Drama I klasseværelset (Drama in the Classroom). In Magisterbladet. Yvonne Schantz,
Yvonne & Ursula Gudmundsen (editors). Copenhagen, 12. nov. 1992, 1 p.
Forslag til beskrivelsesmodeller til tekstilfagets didaktik – et diskussionsoplæg (Proposals for
a Description of the Didactics of Textile-subjects – for Discussion). In Forming I skolen. Oslo,
1992, 2 p.
Rum og figur, om Oscar Schlemmers teorier (Space and Figur – about Theories of Oscar
Schlemmer). In Formning, billedpædagogisk tidskrift. Copenhagen, 1992, 2 p.
Billedet, stoffet og oprøret, interview with Kirsten Dehlholm, Hotel Pro Forma (Paintings,
Textiles and Revolts. An interview with theatre director Kirsten Dehlholm, Hotel Pro Forma),
In Formning, billedpædagogisk tidskrift. Copenhagen, 1992, 3 pp.
Håndarbejde og undervisningsdifferentiering (Craft and Differentiation in Teaching).
In Undervisningsdifferentiering I skolen. Undervisningsministeriet/Folkeskoleafdelingen,
Copenhagen, 1993, 3 pp.
Drama and Action Competence. In Action and Action Competence as Key Concepts
in Critical Pedagogy. Bruun Jensen, Bjarne & Karsten Schnack (editors). Royal Danish
School of Educatinal Studies, Copenhagen, 1994, 14 pp.
Håndarbejde, Æstetiske Læreprocesser (Craft and Esthetic Learning Processes). In Billeder,
stoffer, mad og musik – undervisningsdifferentiering I praktisk-æstetiske fag. Nielsen, Anne
Maj, Benn, Jette, Fink- Jensen, Kirsten, Hamre, Ida (editors). Kroghs Forlag, 1994, 8 pp.
A propos Performance. In Drama & Teater i undervisningen. Danmarks
dramalaererforening, 1995, No. 2, 8 pp.
Legens rum og rxkkevidde (Space and Extent of Playing). In Danmarks dramalaererforening,
1995, No. 3, 3 pp.
Inspirationer fra vxrdighedens jord. Rejseglimt fra Burkina Faso (Inspirations from Land
of Dignity. Moments of a Journey in Burkina Faso). In Handarbejde i skolen, 1996, 5 pp.
Dramapedagogik i Burkina Faso (Pedagogy of Drama in Burkina Faso). In Drama & Teater
i undervisningen. Danmarks dramalaererforening, 1996, No. 6, 5 pp.
Skolen og den emotionelle Ixring (School and Emotional Learning). In Dansk
Magisterforenings Seminansafdeling, Nov. 1996, 2 pp.
Fagsprogets velsignelser (Blessing of a Professional Language). In Handarbejde i skolen,
1997, No. 4, 4 pp.
Animationsteatrets verdner og underverdner (Worlds and Underworlds in Animation Theatre).
In Rampelyset Dansk Amaterteater Samvirke. August 1998, 5 pp.
Marionetternes Mesterlxre (Professional Education of Marionettists). In Borneteateravisen,
1998, No. 107, 3 pp.
Malinesiske Masker, Marionetter og Overgangsformer (Masks, Marionets and Mixed Forms
in Mali). In Mali-Nyt. Blad for venskabsforeningen Danmark-Mali, Oktober 1998, 3 pp.
Kunst og Pxdagogik – en dialektisk storrelse (Art and Pedagogic – Dialectical
Phenomenons). In And i Hanske. Norsk Dukketeaterforening, 199, No. 2, 4 pp.
Fortaellinger til at rare ved – om læreprocesser I animationsteatret (Stories to Touch –
Learning Processes in Theatre of Animation). In Collection of papers of research.
Forskningsprogrammet Skolefag, Laering og Dannelse. Danmarks Laererhojskole, 2000, 25
At Ixre af at Ixre af at Ixre at lave animationsteater… (To Learn by Learning through the
Learning Processes of Animation). In Forskningstidskrift om laereprocesforskning. Danmarks
Laererhojskole, 2000, 14 pp.
Theatre d'animation – theatre des utopies et des metamorphoses (Theatre of Animation –
Theatre of Utopias and Metamorphosis). In Collection of papers for research. Scensko
Stvaralastvo djece i odraslih za djecu, Gradski vrtici Sibenik, Sibenik, Croatien, 2000, 4 pp.
Animationsteatrets Ixring og billedsprog (Learning and Image-language in Theatre
of Animation). In Handarbejde i Skolen, sept. 2000, 5 pp.
UNIMA – marionnetternes og animationsteatrets Internationale forening (UNIMA –
International Organisation of Marionettes and Theatre of Animation). In Drama & Teater i
undervisningen, Dec. 2000, 3 pp.
Humoren i Ixreprocessen – eller Ixreprocessen og den utopiske fantasi (Humour in Learning
Processes – or Learning Process and Utopian Imagination). In Dansk paedagogisk tidsskrift,
Copenhagen, Dec. 2000. 6 pp.
Samarbejde med skoler i Burkina Faso, Vestafrika – om animationsteater i undervisningen
(Co-operation with Schools in Burkina Faso, Westafrica – Concerning Use of Theatre of
Animation as Part of the Teaching Content). In Rampelyset, udgivet af Dansk Amaterteater
Samvirke, 2001, No. 287, 4 pp.
Drama-xstetiske Lxreprocesser i Animationsteatret (Drama-esthetic Learning Processes
in the Theatre of Animation). In Tidskriftet Ånd i Hanske. UNIMA – Norge, 2001, 3 pp.
Læreprocesser i Aniationsteatret (Learning Processes in Theatre of Animation).
In Tidsskriftet Drama & Teater i undervisningen. Dec. 2001, 5 pp.
Stikord til Animationsteatrets Æstetik (Cues for Esthetics of the Theatre of Animation).
In Tidsskriftet Ånd i Hanske. UNIMA-Norge, 2002, 3 pp.
Teater – på tværs og på spil (Theatre – across and in Risk). In Tidsskriftet Ånd i Hanske.
UNIMA-Norge, 2002, No. 2, 3 pp.
Animation af Figurer (Animation of Figures). In Nyhedsbrev fra Filteforeningen GRIMA,
maj 2002, No. 2, 4 pp.
Dukketeater er ikke kun for voksne (Puppet Theatre not Only for Adults). Komments
n Dagbladet Information (Danish newspaper). 25. april 2011, 1/2 p.
Hygge og uhygge I dukke- og animationsteatret (Pleasant and Horrifying in the Theatre
of Puppets and Animation). In Tidskriftet DRAMA &Teater. Danmarks Dramalærerforening,
juni 2011, No. 1, 2 pp.
Affective Education through the Art of Animation Theatre. In Collection of articles from
University of Ljublijana, after presentations from the 11th Biennial Conference of European
Affective Network (EAEN). Faculty of education, 2011, 5 pp.
68. HELGESEN, Anne (Ms.)
Adlersgate 31,
3116 Toensberg
Telephone: +4797080265
List of publications:
Chat Noir i Kristiania 1912 – 1919. Litterær kabaret og kleinkunst (Chat Noir in Kristiania).
Oslo, Artistic cabaret and kleinkunst, Aschehoug, 2012.
Det startet østenfor sol og vestenfor mane. Det første drama for barn i Norge. (It Started East
of the Sun and West of the Moon. The First Drama for Children in Norway). Oslo, Norsk
Barnebok Institutt, 2011.
Crossing the Border between Public and Private. Holger Drachmann and Bokken Lasson.
Nordic Theatre Studies, Vol. 22, 2010, pp. 58-67.
Norwegian entries. In Encyclopédie Mondial des Arts de la Marionette, 2009.
Ibsen og Figurteatret. Figurteatret og Ibsen (Ibsen and the Puppet Theatre. The Puppet
Theatre and Ibsen). Oslo, UNIMA Norge, 2006.
Form og farge i bevegelse (Shapes and Coulors in Movement). Dockteater-Ecko, UNIMANytt, Ånd i hanske, 2006, No. 1, pp. 10-11.
La de små barn komme til meg. Agnar Mykle (1915-1994) og hans sang om enfolkelig
teaterform (Let the Small Children Come to Me. Agnar Mykle (1915-1994) and His Song
about a Popular Theatre). Prosopopeia, Universitetet i Bergen, 2005, pp. 23-29.
Troen på det vakre. Regine Normanns eventyr på figurteaterscenen (Trusting the Beauty.
Regine Normanns Fairytales at the Puppet Theatre Stage). Helene Willumsen: Regine
Normann i hundre år. Eureka, No. 4, Høgskolen I Tromsø, 2005, pp. 167-183.
Dukkespillernes lange kamp for faglige rettigheter –et dykk i Birgit Strøms arkiv (The Fight for
the Legal Right of the Puppeteers Based on the Archives of the Puppeteer Birgit Strøm).
Oslo, Bindestreken, No. 3 og 4 Tidsskrift for Norsk Skuespillerforbund, 2004, pp. 8-11 and
Animasjonen – figurteatrets velsignelse og forbannelse. Norsk figurteaterhistorie (The
Animation – the Blessing and the Curse of the Puppet Theatre. History of Norwegian Puppet
Theatre). Institutt for musikk og teater, Universitetet i Oslo, Ph.d thesis, 2003.
Europeisk Figurteaterhistorie. Teaterhistorien fra en annen kant (European History of the
Puppet Theatre. The history of the theatre seen from another angel). Oslo, Tell Forlag, 1999.
OverlevelsesKUNST (The ART of Surviving). I jubileumsskriftet Levende dukker 15 år. Oslo,
Rabiat dukke, miniatyrskuespiller, objekt eller Gud? (Crazy Puppet, Miniature Actor, Object
or God?) Norsk Dramatisk Årbok, 2001, pp. 82-89.
Riksteatret og dukketeaterkunsten (Our National Touring Theatre and the Art of Puppetry).
Teater underveis. 50 år med Riksteatret, 1998, pp. 68-78.
Figurteater i Norge (Puppet Theatre in Norway). Teaterhistorie bind 2. Tell Forlag, 1997,
pp. 157-158.
Teaterpioneren Agnar Mykle (Agnar Mykle, the Pioneer of Norwegian Puppetry). På norske
scener, 1993/1994, pp. 19-22.
Når teatertegnene blir for sterke (When the Metaphors of the Theatre Get too Strong).
Spillerom, 1993, No. 4, pp. 19-23.
Forankring. Et nyetablert regionteaters arbeid for å bli regionens teater og lokalbefolkningens
reaksjon på teatret. En studie av Nordland Teater i perioden 1979-1980. (“The Work
of Establishing a New Regional Theatre and the Response of the Local Population”. A study
of Nordlans Regional Theatre 1979-1980.) Avdeling for teatervitenskap, Universitetet i Oslo,
History of drama for children in Norway.
69. HINZLER, Heidi (Ms.)
Witte Rozenstraat 44
2311 XW Leiden
Telephone, Fax: +31(0)71-8883807
List of publications:
Wayang op Bali.
Bima Swarga in Balinese wayang.
70. HLEDÍKOVÁ, Ida M.A. PhD (Ms.)
Ipelská 1
821 07 Bratislava
Telephone: ++421 918819409
E-mail: or
The Academy of Performing Arts and Music/Vysoká škola múzických umení
Ventúrska 3
831 01 Bratislava
List of publications:
Ján Romanovský, tvorca a interpret (Jan Romanovsky – Creator, and Interpreter).
In Originál. Nitra, 1996, No. 2, 3, p. 5 (Slovak).
Radosti a strasti bystrického bábkarského festivalu (Joys and Distresses of Bystrica
Puppetry Festival). In Divadlo v medzičase. 1996, No. 1, pp. 4-5 (Slovak).
Le Musée de Marionettes du Chateau de Modry Kamen. In Le Theátre Slovaque. NDC
Bratislava, 1996, pp. 53-57 (French).
Sezóna v bábkových divadlách (The Season in Puppet Theatres). In Teatro. NDC Bratislava,
No. 10, p. 11 (Slovak).
Stručný pohľad do histórie pri príležitosti žilinskej päťdesiatky (The Brief View into the History
of Puppet Theatre in Žilina on the Ocassion of 50th Anniversary of the Theatre). In 50.
výročie založenia prvého profesionálneho bábkového divadla na Slovensku. Žilina, 2000,
pp. 2-4 (Slovak).
Bábkarská Bystrica – Udana Konfrontacja Regionalna (Babkarska Bystrica – Successful
Regional Confrontation). In Teatr Lalek. Warsaw, No. 4/6/2000, pp. 22-26 (Polish, English).
50. výročie bábkového divadla v Nitre (The 50th Jubilee of Puppet Theatre in Nitra). In Staré
divadlo Nitra, Deťom len to najlepšie! Nitra, 2001, pp. 5-7 (Slovak).
Splnené sny Ondreja Spišáka (The Dreams That Have Come True). An Interview with Ondrej
Spisak. In Javisko. 2001, No. 6, pp. 2-5 (Slovak).
Slovenská bábkarská scénografia na začiatku milénia – bábky v atomizovanom svete
(Slovak Puppetry Scene Design at the Beginning of Millenium – Puppets in Atomized World).
UNIMA Slovakia, 2000, p. 35, with illus. (Slovak, English).
Contemporary Puppet Theatre in Slovakia. In International seminar Puppetry East-West,
West-East. New Delhi: Sangeet Natak Akademi, 2005, pp. 35-38.
Ján Stražan a jeho bábkarský rod (Jan Stražan and His Puppetry Family). In Slovenské
divadlo. Bratislava: Slovak Academy of Sciences, VEDA, 2006, pp. 417-450.
Sergei Obraztsov, Teatr Čudes (Sergei Obraztsov – Czechoslovak Etuds). Moscow: GACTK,
specvypusk, 2005, pp. 24-25.
Kočovníci, komedianti, bábkari (Strolling Comedians, Puppeteers). Bratislava: Divadelný
ústav, Divadelná fakulta VŠMU, 2006, 193 pp.
Posledná maringotka (The Last Caravan). Scenario of the documentary film on
Middleeuropean Puppetry Families. 64 min., Format 16:9, Digital BTC, 35 mm, English
subtitles. Producer: FURIA FILM Ltd. Coproducers: Slovak Television, Czech Television,
2008 –
Encyclopédie mondiale des Arts de la Marionnette (World Encyclopedia of Puppetry Arts).
Author of Slovak contributions. Montpellier: Éditions L’Entretemps, 2009.
Tvorba Jána Romanovského v zrkadle ideologických peripetií (Ján Romanovský´s Creation
against the Backdrop of Ideological Turning Points). In Slovenské divadlo (The Slovak
Theatre, Journal of Theatre, Film, Radio and Television Art). Bratislava: Slovak Academy
of Sciences, 2010, Vol. 58, No. 1, pp. 47-57 (Slovak).
Integrácia tradičného bábkarstva v súčasnom divadle a bábkovosť v novom divadle
(The Integration of Traditional Puppetry in Contemporary Theatre and the “Puppetness”
in New Theatre). In Slovenské divadlo (The Slovak Theatre, Journal of Theatre, Film, Radio
and Television Art). Vol. 58, No. 2, Bratislava: Slovak Academy of Sciences, pp. 130-138
Tradícia v bábkovom divadle minulosti a súčasnosti (Traditions in Puppet Theatre of the Past
and Today´s Theatre). Editor. Bratislava: Academy of Performing Arts and Music, 2010, 111
pp. (Slovak).
Predpoklady vzniku marionetového divadla na Slovensku (Background of Origin of Puppet
Theatre in Slovakia). In Tradícia v bábkovom divadle minulosti a súčasnosti. Bratislava:
Academy of Performing Arts and Music, 2010, pp. 24-46.
Absolvent (The Graduate). Critique. In, 24. 4. 2011.
Vándor Bábjatékosok a mai Szlovákia Területén a 18. – 19. Században. Pillantás a MagyarSzlovák Kontextusra (Wandering Puppeteers of the 18th and 19th Centuries on the Territory
of Today´s Slovakia – Hungarian-Slovak Context). In Báb-Tár XII., Art Limes 2011, 1.,
Tatabánya, Hungary, pp. 22-27 (Hungarian).
Snívajte s nami – Monografia k 60. výročiu Starého divadla v Nitre (Dream with Us –
Monography on 60th Anniversary of Puppet Theatre in Nitra). Bratislava: SDKS, VŠMU,
2011, 144 pp.
The History of Puppetry, Dramaturgy, Contemporary Puppetry Arts.
71. Prof. Em. HOWARD, Ryan (Mr.)*
Morehead State University
Department of Art
64 The Lane
Morehead, Kentucky 40351
Telephone: 606-784-8444
List of publications:
The Renaissance of the Puppet Theatre in Barcelona. The Puppetry Journal, January 1977.
Los títeres en los Estados Unidos. National Festival of Puppet Theatre. Santa Fe, Argentina,
El títere en los Estados Unidos. Edición de “El Retablo de las Maravillas”. Santa Fe,
Argentina, 1979.
Puppetry in Argentina. The Puppetry Journal, September 1980.
Paul and Marjorie McPharlin. National Festival of the Puppeteers of America. California
Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, California, August 1981.
Writings on Puppetry. The Puppetry Journal, 1983-1987. Series of twenty articles on the
bibliography of the puppet theatre.
Puppetry and the Commedia dell’arte. The Puppetry Yearbook, 1994.
Puppetry and Italian Futurism. National Festival of the Puppeteers of America. Bryn Mawr
College, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, July 1995.
Paul McPharlin and the Puppet Theatre. Jefferson, McFarland, NC, spring/summer 2006
72. Huy Hông, Nguyên (Mr.)*
UNIMA Vietnam
361 Truong
List of publications:
Marionette entry in Vietnam Encyclopedia. Vietnam Encyclopedia Compilation Center, Hanoi,
Viet Nam Water Puppetry. Theatre Publishing House, Hanoi, 1996, 162 pp.
Marionette entry in Vietnam 50 years Theatre. Theatre Publishing House, Hanoi, 1996.
Theatre Tradition of Vietnam l-Ethnic Minorities. Nguyen Village Culture, Thai Hinh, Culture
and Information Department, Hanoi, 1998, 168 pp.
Hurry! Here Are the Water Puppet Shows. Water, Ecology (Water in Asia pacific Countries –
An Ecology Book for Children). Kirn Dong Publishing House, Hanoi, 1998.
Marionette, Vietnamese Traditional Performing Arts. Vietnam Studies (Issues on History,
Economy, Society and Culture). I lie Gioi (World) Publishing House, Center for Social and
Development Studies, Hanoi, 1998.
Traditionelles Vielnamesissches Wassermarionetten. Gioi, Hanoi, 2001.
73. PhDr. INŠTITORISOVÁ, Dagmar PhD (Ms.)
Fedinova 2
851 01 Bratislava
Telephone: 004212/6381 1872, ++905/148796
The Institute of Literal and Artistic Communication (Ústav literárnej a umeleckej komunikácie)
Faculty of Philosophy of University of Konstantin Philosopher (Filozofická fakulta Univerzity
Konstantína Filozofa)
Štefánikova 67
949 74 Nitra
List of publications:
Spišákovská zmluva s diablom (Spisak‘s Contract with the Devil). In Javisko, 27, 1995,
No. 7/8, p. 12.
Pochybnosti o sile ilúzie? (Any Doubts about the Strength of Illusion?). In Javisko, 27, 1995,
No. 11, p. 5.
Dobrá správa z bábkového divadla (Good News from the Puppet Theatre). In Originál, 2,
1995, No. 8.
Do hlbiny kamenného divadla a späť (The Journey to the Depth of the Established Theatre
and Back). In Originál, 2, 1995, pp. 4-5.
Naplnené sny (Výrazové špecifiká bábkových divadiel na Slovensku v súčasnosti) (Fulfilled
Dreams (Poetics of Contemporary Puppet Theatre in Slovakia)). 1, In Javisko, 28, 1996, No.
2, pp. 10-13.
Naplnené sny (Výrazové špecifiká bábkových divadiel na Slovensku v súčasnosti) (Fulfilled
Dreams (Poetics of Contemporary Puppet Theatre in Slovakia)). 2, In Javisko, p. 28, 1996,
No. 3, pp. 17-20.
Bábkové divadlo na Slovensku (Puppet Theatre in Slovakia). In Programový bulletin –
X. Bábkarská Bystrica 96, Bábkové Divadlo na Rázcestí, Banská Bystrica, 1996.
Bábka v inscenačnom priestore (Divadlo PIKI). Loutkař, 1996, No. 10, pp. 232-233.
Je o čom hovoriť (There Is Something to Talk about). In Javisko, 28, 1996, No. 4, pp. 8-9.
Nasledy o démonovi Tatarkovi (Following Tatarka‘s Demon), In Javisko, 29, 1997, No. 6,
pp. 27-28.
Večer s madam d´Aulnoy (An Evening with Madam d´Aulnoy). In Javisko, 29, 1997, No. 10,
pp. 11-12.
Čo je staré a nové v bábkovom divadle (What´s Old and New in Puppet Theatre). In Slovak
theatre. Bratislava: Národné divadelné centrum, 1997, pp. 41-48.
K niektorým problémom interpretácie rozprávky na javisku (Some Problems in the
Interpretation of Dramatised Fairy Tales). In Rozprávka na javisku a v rozhlase. Bratislava:
Kabinet divadla a filmu SAV, 1998, pp. 43-51.
O jednej sezóne v Bábkovom Divadle na Rázcestí (One Season in the Puppet Theatre at the
Crossroads). In Loutkař, 1998, No. 7/8, pp. 178-181.
Noblesní paskudníci (Noble Tricksters). In Loutkař, 1998, No. 11/12, pp. 271-272.
Hlavne, že sme veselí (Great, We Are Happy). In Pravda, 8, 1998, No. 82, p. 15.
O rozprávkovom salóne (In the Fairy Tale Parlour). In Pravda, 8, 1998, No. 274, p. 15.
Znovu u Madam D´Aulnoy (Again at Madam D´Aulnoy‘s). In Javisko, 31, 1999, No. 1,
pp. 4-5.
Bábky pod stromček (Puppets under the Christmas Tree). In Pravda, 9, 1999, No. 295,
p. 7.
Divadlo ako odstraňovanie hraníc (Theatre as the Breaking of Barriers). Programový bulletin.
Bábkarská Bystrica 2000. Banská Bystrica: Bábkové divadlo na Rázcestí, 2000, pp. 16-23.
Poďme si niečo pekné vymyslieť (Vianoce 1999!) (Let‘s Think up Something Nice (Christmas
1999!)). BDnR B. Bystrica. In Javisko, 32, 2000, No. 2, p. 16.
Hovoríme s Ivetou Škripkovou. Divadelné skúsenosti z Francúzska (A Dialogue with Iveta
Skripkova. Theatre Experience from France). In Javisko, 32, 2000, No. 7/8, pp. 31-33.
Symbolická Nezábudka (A Symbolic Forget-me-Not). In Pravda, 10, 11. 5. 2000, No. 107,
p. 10.
Cez dve obdobia: Slovenské divadlo od komunizmu k nezávislosti (Across Two Eras: Slovak
Theatre from Communism to Independence). In New Theatre Quarterly 62, 16, 2000, No. 2,
pp. 163-174.
Projekt Teatrium (Project Teatrium). In Kultúrny život, 2, 16. 5. 2001, No. 20, p. 9.
Divadlo nového vzťahu k divákovi (The Theatre in a New Relationship with the Audience).
In Kultúrny život, 2, 19. 9. 2001, No. 31, p. 9.
Sny a výmysly (alebo o novom vzťahu medi divákom a divadlom) (Dreams and Inventions
(or about a New Relationship between the Viewer and Theatre)). In Bibiana, revue pre deti
a mládež, 8, 2001, No. 3, pp. 59-61.
Meinholdova Neplač, Anna (Meinhold‘s Don‘t Cry, Ann). In Pravda, 9, 25. 9. 2001, No. 220,
p. 18.
Rozprávka do každého kúta (A Fairy Tale in Every Corner). In Javisko, 34, 2002, No. 1, p.
Čo sú rozprávky? (What Are Fairy Tales). In Kultúrny život, 3, 13. 3. 2002, No. 11, p. 8.
Deťom so syndrómom CAN (To Children with the CAN Syndrome). In Kultúrny život, 3, 22. 5.
2002, No. 21/22, p. 11.
Miniatúry (Miniatures). In Javisko, 34, 2002, No. 7, p. 23.
O súčasnom jazyku bábkového divadla (On the Language of Contemporary Puppet Theatre).
In “Šamani, mágovia & komedianti”. Bratislava: Divadelný ústav, 2002, p. 25-56.
Tri divadelné miniatúry na tému divadlo a terapia (Three Theatre Miniatures on the Topic of
Theatre and Therapy). In Javisko, 35, 2003, No. 3, pp. 10-11.
Alternatívnosť v súčasnom alternatívnom profesionálnom činohernom a bábkovom divadle
pre deti (alebo interaktivita ako základ nového jazyka) (An Alternative in the Contemporary
Mainstream of Professional and Puppet Theatres for Children (or Interactivity as a Basis of
the New Language)). In Gbúr, Ján – Horák, Karol (ed.): Kontexty alternatívneho divadla I.,
Acta facultatis Philosophicae Universitatis Prešoviensis. Prešov: Filozofická fakulta
Prešovskej Univerzity, 2003, pp. 102-111.
Zamilovaní klauni s maňuškami (Clowns in Love with Puppets). In Pravda, 13, 2. 4. 2003,
No. 77, p. 18.
Rozprávková klasika trochu naruby (Traditional Tales: A New Perspective). In Pravda, 13,
17. 5. 2003, No. 77, p. 18.
Inštitorisová, Dagmar and col.: Interpretácia divadelného diela (prolegomena) (Interpretation
of Drama (A Prolegomenon)), Zborník študentských prác, multimediálne CD. Nitra: Univerzita
Konštantína Filozofa, Filozofická Fakulta, Ústav literárnej a umeleckej komunikácie, 2005.
O novom v divadle pre deti (New Theatre for Children). In Žilková, Marta (ed.): Stav kultúry
pre deti a mládež. Nitra: Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa, Filozofická fakulta, Ústav literárnej
a umeleckej komunikácie, 2005, pp. 128-135.
O divadle pre deti a mládež deväťdesiatych rokov 20. storočia (Theatre for Children and
Young People in the 1990s). In Inštitorisová, Dagmar – Oravec, Peter – Ballay, Miroslav:
Tváre súčasného slovenského divadla. Nitra: Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa, 2006,
pp. 187-222.
Kedy divadlo žije (When Is Theatre Going to Live?). In ŠKRIPKOVÁ, Iveta – ZAŤKOVÁ,
Dominika (ed.): Živé divadlo, 45 rokov profesionálneho bábkového divadla v Banskej Bystrici.
Bratislava: Divadelný ústav; Banská Bystrica: Bábkové divadlo na Rázcestí, 2007, s. 26-42.
Bábka a tajomstvá textu (polemická rozprava na tému bábka, interaktívnosť a hranice
zneužitia divadelných postupov (A Puppet and Mysteries of a Text (a Polemic on Puppetry,
Interactivity and Bounds of Mistreatment of Theatre Practices)). In Klíma Miroslav a kol.:
Divadlo a interakce. 1. vyd. Praha: Pražská scéna, 2007, s. 113-119.
Interaktívne nazretie do dávnej Bratislavy... (An Interactive Look on Ancient Bratislava…)
In Monitoring divadiel, 20. 3. 2007, Divadelný ústav Bratislava, Divadlo Ludus Bratislava.
Esej na tému hranice interpretácie (An Essay on the Limits of Interpretation). Essai sur le
thèm: des limites de l´interprétation. In La porte des langues ouverte vers les homes. Paris:
Éditions Langues et Mondes, 2008, pp. 51-62.
Pamäť divadla – je vždy o nás (Memory of Theatre – It Is Always about Us). In Kolektív: Živé
divadlo – 50 rokov profesionálneho bábkového divadla v Banskej Bystrici. Banská Bystrica:
Bábkové divadlo na Rázcestí, 2010, p. 3.
Interpretácia divadelného diela (The Interpretation of a Theatre Work-of-Art). Nitra: Univerzita
Konštantína Filozofa, Filozofická fakulta, Ústav literárnej a umeleckej komunikácie, 2010,
224 pp.
Theory of theatre, Critics, History of Contemporary Puppet Theatre.
7th Linia, 2/1 – 23
St. Petersburg 199034
Telephone: (812) 323 – 65 – 45
Puppet Theatre Department
Turku Arts Academy
Turku University of Applied Sciences
Linnankatu 54
Turku 20100
Telephone: 358 – 50 598 52 57
Fax: 358 – 10 553 52 02
List of publications:
Encyclopédie mondiale des Arts de la Marionnette (World Encyclopedia of Puppetry Arts).
Coordinator of the East European entries over 80 pages. Among others: “Puppet Theatre
Criticism”, Revaz Gabriadze, etc. Montpellier: Éditions L’Entretemps, 2009.
People, Animals and Fantoches... Petersburg Barnum Ernst Rost and English Puppeteer
Richard Barnard (”Ljudi, zveri i fantochi”: Peterburgskij Barnum Ernst Rost I anglijskij kukolnik
Richard Barnard). Puppeteers in Petersburg. Saint-Petersburg, 1995, pp. 93-108.
Marionetki Julii Slonimskoj (Julia Slonimskaja's Marionettes). Puppeteers in Petersburg.
Saint-Petersburg, 1995, pp. 107-127.
Kukolnik (Puppeteer). Victor Antonov’s trick-marionettes show. St. Petersburg Theatre
Journal, 1997, No. 14, pp. 49-51.
Chto ostavit detjam na pamjat’ nasha malenjkaya skazochka. O Nine Gernet (What Children
Will Remember About This Short Fairy Tale? On Nina Gernet). With Eric Rausch-Gernet.
Petersburg Theatre Journal, 1998, No. 15, pp. 54-57.
Marionetka v tradicionnom teatre kukol (Marionettes in Traditional Puppet Theatre).
In Marionnete theatre of the Symbolism Era. The Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, Queenston,
Lampeter, 2002, pp. 25-31.
Teatralnaja kukla: soderzhatelnostj tradicionnyh tehnologicheskih system (Theatre Puppet:
Semantics of traditional methods of manipulation). In Theatre Transaction, Saint Petersburg,
2003, pp. 32-56.
Z podrógy po Rosji (The Russian travelogue). Teatr lalek, # 4. 2003 – # 1. 2004, pp. 40-45
(English – Polish).
Volkhovsky i... (Volkhovsky and...). Theatre of Miracles, 2005, Special Issue, pp. 26-28.
Anomalnaya zona (Anomalous Zone). Russian puppet directing in the 1970- 1980s. Kukart,
2006. In process.
Axe. E Pur Si Muove! Puppetry Today, # 5, 2006, pp. 26-28.
Le Théâtre Ten’ de Moscou. Puck. La Marionnette et les Autres Arts, #14. 2006,
pp. 129-138.
Garri Bardin: la marionnette selon Stanislavski, propos recueillis par Anna IvanovaBrashinskaya. Puck. Les marionnettes au cinéma, #15, 2008.
Who Needs These Puppets, Puppeteers and Their Teachers Alike?
Kansainvälisyys osana ammattikorkeakoulujen arkea, Turku, 2009, pp. 45-50.
Masterstvo bez Mastera (Mastership without Master). In the professional puppeteer’s school.
St. Petersburg, 2009, pp. 262-271.
75. JARA VILLASEÑOR, Daniel Alejandro (Mr.)*
Atepoxco No. 104
Col. Tepeyac Insurgentes
México, D.F., C.P.
List of publications:
Títeres prehispanicos de Mesoamérica (Pre-hispanic Puppets of Mesoamerica). Essay.
In Tepetzinco, La voz de la Romero Rubio y sus alrededores, No. 2, March-April 1991,
pp. 25-29; 9, México, D.F.
Pre-columbian Puppets of Meso-america. TPF Quarterly, The Official Publication of the Tulsa
Puppet Foundation. Tulsa, OK USA, 29 April 1994, 16 pp.
De la matlalcueyetl a los andes (From Matlalcueyetl to the Andes). Camaxtli, Asociación
Pro Museo Regional de Antropología e Historia de Tlaxcala. A.C., Año XVII, No. 1/3,
Tlaxcala, México, June l995, pp. 4-7.
Diplomado en el manejo del títere aplicado a la educación Módulo: Construcción de Títeres
(Degree in Working with Puppets Applied in the Education Module: Puppet Construction).
Compilation of articles. Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Tlaxcala, San Pablo Apetatitlán,
Tlaxcala, México, Feb.-March 1996, 130 pp.
Títeres milenarios de América (Millennial Puppets of America). With Claudio Castoillo.
In Memorias del VI Festival Escolar de Títeres. Maracay, Venezuela, June 2001, p. 12.
El Teatro de Títeres (The Puppet Theatre). Cuadernos de difusión, No. 1, Edic. Pedro Luis
y sus Curruñecos. Caracas, Venezuela, Feb. 1999, pp. 12-20.
Los títeres en la época prehispánica (Puppets of the Pre-hispanic Age). Máscara. Cuaderno
Iberoamericano de Reflexión sobre Escenología, año 10, nos. 26-30, Jan.-April 1999,
México, D.F, pp. 87-90.
Títeres Milenarios de América (Millenial Puppets of America. Fragment. Memorias del VI
Festival Escolar de Títeres “Claudio Castillo” (Memories of the VI. Puppet School Festival
“Claudio Castillo”). Maracay, Venezuela, June 2001, p. 12.
Títeres (Puppets). Año 1, No. 2, Medellín, Colombia, Nov. 1999-January 2000, pp. 8-10.
El Teatro de Títeres (Puppet Theatre). Cuadernos de difusión, No. 1, Edic. Pedro Luis y sus
Curruñecos. Caracas, Venezuela, Feb. 1999, pp. 12-20.
Cuadernos de la Fundación Telba Carantoña (Pamphlets of Foundation Telba Carantoña),
1998, La Guaira, Venezuela, Edición fotocopiada (Photocopied Edition), Instituto
Latinoamericano del Títere, Guanare, Venezuela, 1997, 12 pp.
Pre-Columbian Puppets of Meso-America. The Puppetry Yearbook, Vol. VI. Edited by James
Fisher. The Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston Queenston Lampeter, Crawfordsville, IN, EUA,
76. JIANG Yuxiang (Mr.)
No. 3 Arts Building
No. 29 Wangjiang Road
Chengdu, Sichuan Province
List of publications:
Exploring the Origin of Chinese Shadow Puppetry. Folk Literary Forum, Vol. 2, 1988 and
in Sichuan University Philosophy and Social Science Selections I, Sichuan University Press,
Chengdu, 1989.
Analyzing the Shadow Puppetry in Song Dynasty. Academic Journal of Sichuan University,
Vol. 37, March 1988.
Discussing the Shadow Puppetry in Ming Dynasty and Relevant Questions. Social Science
Studies, Vol. 5, 1988.
Folk Function of Sichuan Shadow Puppetry. Journal of Literature and History, Vol. 6, 1989.
Sichuan Shadow Puppetry in Germany. Modern Shadow Puppetry Culture, 15 April 1989.
The Interaction of Chinese Shadow Puppetry and Marionette Puppetry. Chengdu Relics,
Vol. 1, 1992.
Chinese Shadow Puppetry. Sichuan People’s Publishing House, Chengdu, 1992.
Doctor Roff and Chinese Shadow Puppetry. Journal of Literature and History, Vol. 4, 1992.
Chinese Shadow Puppetry around the World. Chinese Culture, Vol. 6, 1993.
Shidian’ One of the Sichuan Shadow Puppetry in Qing Dynasty. Sichuan Opera, Vol. 2,
Chengdu Shadow Puppetry – The Most Beautiful Shadow Puppetry in China. Top
in Chengdu: Chengdu Press, 1994.
Chinese Shadow Puppetry in Germany. Chinese Civilization, Vol. 2, 1995.
Talking about Beidan Opera. Sichuan Literary, 5 May 1995.
Brief Discussion of Characters of Shadow Puppet Modeling. Journal of Literary and History,
Vol. 2, 1997.
Lampenschattentheater aus Sichuan. Cooperated with Deutscher Kunstverlag. Fine Art
Publishing House, Munich, Deutschland, 1997.
Re-Studying Water Marionette Puppetry. Folk Literary Forum, Vol. 2, 1998.
Chinese Shadow Puppetry and Folklore. Shuxing Press, Taiwan, 1999.
Sichuan Shadow Puppetry. Literary and History Knowledge, Vol. 7, 2001.
Cultural Celebrities and Shadow Puppetry. Journal of Literary and History, Vol. 5, 2003.
Huada Museum and Shadow Puppetry. Sichuan Relics, Vol. 4, 2004.
Mr Gu Jiegang and Shadow Puppetry – Cultural Celebrities and Shadow Puppetry II. Journal
of Literary and History, Vol. 5, 2005.
Two Stories Talking about Qin Shadow Puppetry – Cultural Celebrities and Shadow
Puppetry III. Journal of Literary and History, Vol. 3, 2006.
Japanese Shadow Puppetry. Chengdu Relics, Vol. 3, 2006.
Discussion of Chinese Puppetry I and II. Sichuan Relics, Vol. 2, 2007 and Chengdu Relics,
Vol. 1, 2007.
Mr Ren Naiqiang and Shadow Puppetry. Journal of Literary and History, Vol. 6, 2009.
Inhabitation and Safeguarding of Shadow Puppetry and Puppetry. Sichuan Intangible
Cultural Heritage, Vol. 6, 2010 and Sichuan Opera, Vol. 1, 2011.
77. Prof. Dr. JURKOWSKI, Henryk (Mr.)
Ul. Krucza 5/11 m. 49
00-548 Warszawa
Telephone: +4822 628 2236
List of publications:
History of the European Puppet Theatre, Vol. 1. The Edwin Mellen Press, Lampeter, USA,
Great Britain, 1996, 428 pp.
Inspiracje kolędowe w przedstawieniach na Boże Narodzenie (Carol Inspirations
in Christmas Performances). In Z kolędą przez wieki. Kolędy w Polsce i w krajach
słowiańskich. Biblos, Kraków-Tarnów, 1996, pp. 285-296.
Z teatru do muzeum (o wystawie Wacława Kondka) (From Theatre to Museum – On an
Exhibition of Waclaw Kondek). Tygiel kultury, Łódź, April 1996, pp. 93-97.
Alianz der Puppen. Puppentheater in den Ländern der Gegner. In Dorothea Kolland, Front
Puppentheater. Puppenspieler im Kriegsgeschehen, Elefanten Press, Berlin 1996,
pp. 153-165.
Puppet Theatre in Two Americas. Article written in function of specialty editor. The World
Encyclopedia of Contemporary Theatre, Vol. 2, Americas, Routledge, London and New York,
1996, pp. 26-30.
Jerzy Zitzman – szkic do monografii (Teatr Lalek Banialuka 1947 – 1997 (Jerzy Zitzman –
Draft of Monography). Seria wydawnicza Biblioteka Bielska-Białej. Pozycja nr. 10. Urząd
Miasta Bielska-Białej, 1997, pp. 35-60.
African Puppets and Masks: Links in a Historical Chain. Article written in function of specialty
editor. The World Encyclopedia of Contemporary Theatre, Vol. 3, Africa, Routledge, London
and New York, 1997, pp. 38-40.
Jan Wilkowski. Szkic do monografii. (Jan Wilkowski, Draft of Monography) “Teatr”, No. 3,
pp. 52-58 and No. 4, pp. 49-53.
History of the European Puppet Theatre, Vol. 2 (new version). The Edwin Mellen Press,
Lampeter, USA, Great Britain, 1998, 528 pp.
Lalki w rytuale (Puppets in Rituals). Polska Sztuka Ludowa, Konteksty, 1998, No. 2,
pp. 35-45.
Puppet Theatre in Asia. Article written in function of specialty editor. The World Encyclopedia
of Contemporary Theatre, Vol. 4, Asia, Routledge, London and New York, 1998.
Magie loutek. Škice z teorie loutkového divadla (The Magic of Puppetry. Essays from the
Theory of Puppet Theatre). Studio Ypsilon Prague, Czech Republic, 1997. (Czech)
Leliu teatras ir valdžia. In Lele Ir Kauke. Knyga apie leliu teatrą. Gervele, Vilnius, 1999,
pp. 64-66 (Lithuanian).
Antologia klasycznych tekstów teatru lalek Vol. I. (Anthology of the Classic Texts of the
Puppet Theatre from XVII to XIX Centuries with Introduction and Notes). PWST, Wroclaw,
Poland, 1999.
Metamorphoses. La marionnette au XXe siecle. Institut International de la Marionette,
Charleville-Mezieres, France, 2000.
Puppets and Puppet Plays. In Medieval Folklore. An Encyclopedia of Myths, Legends, Tales,
Beliefs and Customs. ABC-CLIO Santa Barbara, California, Denver, Colorado, Oxford,
England, 2000, pp. 803-808.
Among Deities, Priests and Shamans (Puppets within Ritual). In The Puppetry Yearbook,
Vol. four, The Edwin Mellen Press, 2000.
Puppets and the Work of Stanisław Wyspianski. In The Puppetry Yearbook, Vol. 4,
The Edwin Mellen Press, 2000.
Antologia klasycznych tekstów teatru lalek vol. II. (Modernizm i Postmodernizm) ze wstępem
i w opracowaniu (Anthology of Classical Texts of Puppet Theatre, vol. II. Modernism and
Postmodernism). PWST, Wroclaw, Poland, 2001.
Aktor i jego nieożywiony sobowtór (Actor and His Unanimated Double). Didaskalia, Krakow,
2001, No. 43/44, pp. 65-74.
Skice z teorije o lutkarskom kazalištu (Drafts from Theory of Puppet Theatre). Lutka, Revija
za lutkorsko Kazaliste, Zagreb, 2001, No. 12-13, pp. 59-63. (Croatian)
Zofia i Władysław Jaremowie. Sylwetki twórców. (Zofia and Wladyslaw Jarema. Profiles
of Creators). In Zofia i Władysław Jaremowie. Seria: Lalkarze, Lódź, 2001, No. 28.
Metamorfozy teatru lalek (Metamorphoses of Puppet Theatre). Kwartalnik teatralny, Kraków,
2002, No. 1.
K istorii narodnogo kukolnogo teatra: wertep, batlejka, szopka (On the History of National
Puppet Theatre: vertep, batlejka, szopka). Tradicjonnaja Kultura, Naucznyj almanach,
Moskva 1 (5), 2002, pp. 14-19.
Metamorfozy teatru lalek w XX wieku (Metamorphoses of Puppet Theatre in 20th Century).
Errata, Warszawa, 2002.
Józef Szajna czyli paradoks awangardy (Jozef Szajna or Paradox of Avantgarde).
Didaskalia, Kraków, April 2002, No. 48.
Wrocławski teatr lalek (zarys historii – 6 arkuszy) (Wroclaw Puppet Theatre – Draft of History
– 6 papers). In Lalki i my. Wydawnictwo jubileuszowe z okazji 55-lecia WTL, Wrocław, 2002.
Wesele w szopkowej spirali (Glosa do teorii szopki satyrycznej). (Wedding in Crib Spiral)
Kwartalnik Teatralny, Kraków, 2002/2003, No. 3/1, pp. 191-198.
Sacrum: literaturnyj motiv czi widkryta struktura? (Sacrum: Literal Motif or Structure?) In Kino
Teatr (Kiev), 2003, No. 2, p. 911.
Kulturnyj kontekst komiczeskich figur kukolnogo tieatra (Cultural Context of Comical
Characters of Puppet Theatre). Kukart, 2003, No. 8, pp. 49-51.
Przeciw stereotypom: Craig (Against Stereotypes: Craig). Didaskalia, 2003, No. 54/55/56,
pp. 101-106.
Mateřinka 03. In Loutkař, Praha, 2003, No. 4, pp. 170-171.
Kłopoty z tradycją (Troubles with a Tradition). Review of performance of Mimmo Cuticchio.
Teatr Lalek, 2003, No. 72, pp. 15-17.
Poeta w krainie światła (Poet in Country of Light). About T. Wierzbicki. Teatr Lalek, 2003, No.
73-74, pp. 20-24.
Reflektor na Josefa Kroftu (With a Headlamp on Josef Krofta). In Miroslav Klima, Karel
Makonj a kol., Josef Krofta Inscenačni dilo. Pražská scena, Praha, 2003, pp. 19-31.
Służba lalek (Mission of Puppets). In Národní divadla. Tradice a současnost. Teatry
narodowe. Tradycja i współczesność. Uniwersytet Śląski w Cieszynie, Cieszyn, 2003,
pp. 45-53.
Craig i Appia. Epoka przełomu (Craig and Appia. Turn of the Age). Didaskalia, Gazeta
teatralna, 2003, No. 58, pp. 91-95.
Antologia klasycznych tekstów teatru lalek. W kręgu polskich tradycji (wybrał i opracował...)
(Anthology of Classical Texts of Puppet Theatre). PWST w Krakowie, Wydział Lalkarski we
Wrocławiu, Wrocław, 2003, p. 652.
Niespełniona wielkość. Z dziejów recepcji Edwarda Gordona Craiga w Polsce (The Great
Accomplished. From History of Reception of Edward Gordon Craig in Poland). Pamiętnik
Teatralny, Warszawa, 2003, z. 3-4, pp. 46-92.
Problemi doslidżennja rizdwjanoi temi w teatri ljalok (Problems of Nativity Plays in Puppet
Theatre). Wisnik Lwiwskogo Universitetu, Lviv, 2003, pp. 24-28.
Teatr wobec sacrum – zarys problematyki (Theatre against Sacrum – Draft of Issue).
Rocznik Teologii Katolickiej, Białystok, 2004, pp. 77-94.
Prawdziwy teatr lalek Roni Burketta (Literal Puppet Theatre of Rony Burkett). Dialog, 9,
2004, pp. 198-197.
Kariera Króla Ubu (King's Ubu Career). Dialog, 10, 2004, pp. 182-187.
Nadmarioneta w kręgu Nietzschego (Übermarionette in a Circle of Nietzche). Dialog, 12,
2004, pp. 179-185.
E. G. Craig, Demokracja albo „Uzgodniliśmy” (E. G. Craig, Democracy or „We Made
a Bargain“). Interludium. Translation Henryk Jurkowski. Dialog, 12, 2004, pp. 170-178.
Plastyka nie jedno ma imię... (Fine Art Has More Names…)Teatr Lalek, 4, 2004, pp. 2-6.
Protiv stereotipow: Kreg (Against Stereotypes: Craig). Kukart, No. 9, Moskva, 2004,
pp. 29-31.
Protiv stereotipow: Kreg (Against Stereotypes: Craig). Ekran i scena, No. 6., Moskva, 2005,
pp. 14-15.
Czy lalkarze potrzebni są lalkom? (Do Puppets Need Puppeteers?) Teatr Lalek, No. 1/80,
2005, pp. 9-11.
Ku teatrowi prawdy... Jakiej? (Towards Theatre of True....Which?). Teatr Lalek, No. 1/80,
2005, pp. 21-23.
Lalka – fenomen kultury (Puppet – Cultural Phenomenon). In 60 lat teatru Baj “Pomorski”.
Toruń, Teatr „Baj Pomorski”, 2005, pp. 3-10.
Teatr i dziecko. Księga Jubileuszowa Śląskiego Teatru Lalki i Aktora Ateneum w Katowicach
z lat 1945-2005 (Theatre and a Child. Jubilee Book of Silesian Theatre of Puppet and Actor
in Katowice 1945 – 2005). Suplement, Katowice, 2005, pp. 2-5.
Loutka na prelomu tisicileti (I.) (Puppet on the Turn of Millenium). Loutkář, Praha, 2005, No.
1, pp. 11-15.
Loutka na prelomu tisicileti (II.) (Puppet on the Turn of Millenium). Loutkář, Praha, 2005, No.
2, pp. 59-62.
Loutka na prelomu tisicileti (III.) (Puppet on the Turn of Millenium). Loutkář, Praha, 2005, No.
3, pp. 108-110.
Loutka na prelomu tisicileti (IV.) (Puppet on the Turn of Millenium). Loutkář, Praha, 2005, No.
4, pp. 156-159.
Anioły i... (Nie lustracja lecz prewencja) (Angels and…No Illustration but Prevention). Yorick,
No. 5 (kwiecień 2005). Pismo internetowe A.I.C.T.
Korának Gyermeke (Syn swojej epoki. O scenografii Sekely Laszlo) (Korának Gyermeke –
Son of His Period). Criticai Lapok, No. 7-8, Budapeszt, 2005, p. 10. (Hungarian)
Szkoda tej czarownicy na stos... (Loss of Pelted Witch). Program festiwalu: 22, Ogólnopolski
Festiwal Teatrów Lalek, Opole, 2005, pp. 3-7.
Cuius regio – eius religio. Yorick, No. 7, 2005.
Craig w Świecie idei (Craig in the World of Ideas). Konteksty, 2005, No. 2, pp. 76-83.
Mimezis – miedzy monizmem i dualizmem. Sztuka aktorska i jej psychologiczne meandry
(Mimesis – between Monism and Dualism. Actor´s Art and Its Psychology). Konteksty, 2005,
No. 2, pp. 84-99.
Sacrae rappresentazioni. Teatr Lalek, 2006, No. 1-2.
Renaissance, Niedergang und Triumph der Puppe. Double 09. Magazin fuer Puppen-,
Figuren-, und Objekttheater. Bochum, 2006, No. 3, p. 19-21. (German)
Moje pokolenie (My Generation). POLUNIMA, Łódź, 2006.
Aktor w roli demiurga. Akademia Teatralna w Warszawie, 2006.
Teorija lutkarstva. Ogledi iż istorije, treorije i estetike lutkarskog teatra. MFPD, Subotica,
Spectacles de décors. Didaskalia, April-May 2007, No. 78, pp. 51-59.
Przemiany ikonosfery. Wizualny kontekst sztuki teatru. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu
Wrocławskiego (Transformation of Iconosphere). Publishing House of Wrocław,
University Wrocław, 2009.
Materiał jako wehikuł treści rytuału (Master as a Vehicle of Ritual’s Contents).
Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2011.
Lalka igraszką losu. 50 lat festiwalu teatrów lalek w Opolu (Puppet the Play Thing of
Destiny. 50 Years of the Puppet Theatre Festival in Opole). Opole Puppet Theatre,
OTLiA, Opole, 2011.
78. JUŠKĖNAS, Vilmantas (Mr.)
Burbiškių 5-1
Telephone: +370 6 8486536
Vilnius Theatre “Lėlė“
Arklių 5
Vilnius, LT 01305
List of publications:
Žaidimas – fantazijos, virstančios tikrove (Game is a Fantasy That Becomes Reality). About
Bialystok Puppet Theatre (Poland) tour in Vilnius. In Literatūra ir menas (Literature and Art),
03. 11. 2006 (Lithuanian).
Dailininko kūryba lėlių spektaklyje (The Designer‘s Creation in a Puppet Theatre). Article
based on historical, theoretical material and issues of contemporary Lithuanian puppet
theatre. In Menotyra (Studies in Art). T. 14, 2007, No. 4, pp. 79-93 (Lithuanian with English
Apie tolimas legendas ir likimų mūšius (About Far Legends and Fights of Fate). Review
of puppet theatre performance “The Battle Near Staliningrad”, directed by Revaz Gabriadze.
In 7 meno dienos (7 Art Days). 02. 11. 2007 (Lithuanian).
Jaunieji lėlininkai: viltys, problemos ir atradimai (Young Puppeteers: Hopes, Problems
and Discoveries). About young puppeteers and problems of puppetry education in Lithuania.
In 7 meno dienos, 25. 06. 2010 (Lithuanian).
Database of contemporary Lithuanian puppet theatre (in
79. KANO, Katsumi (Mr.)
Nagoya-shi 466-0848
Telephone & Fax: +81 (0)52 842 0675
List of publications:
History of Japanese Puppetry: Transition & Mechanics of Puppets. Yagi-shoten, 2007.
80. KATO, Akiko (Ms.)
1-43-6 Kaminakazato
Tokyo 114-0016
Telephone & Fax: +81 (0)3 3915 0230
List of publications:
Hop-Step-Jump kun (Children’s Story by Czech Puppetry ”Míček-Flíček”). Sin-nihon-syupansya,1969/Souhu-sya,1996, 146 pp.
Hoikusitu no nakano Ningyogeki (Puppetry in Nursery Room). Dousin-sya, 1977, 159 pp.
Ningyo no Kuni no Gariba-san (Gulliver in the Puppet Land). Tyuoukouron-sya, 1978, 206
Youji no tameno Ningyogeki (Puppetry for Little Children). Dousin-sya, 1979, 159 pp.
Nihon no Ningyogeki 1867-2007 (Puppetry in Japan 1867-2007). Housei-University Press,
2007, 267 pp.
81. KHAZNADAR, Cherif (Mr.)
Maison des Cultures du Monde
101 Boulevard Raspail
75006 Paris
List of publications:
Le théâtre d'ombres (The Shadow Theatre). With Françoise Gründ. Rennes: Maison de la
Culture de Rennes, 1975.
Le théâtre d'ombres, nouvelle édition revue et augmentée (The Shadow Theatre, A
Reviewed and Extended Edition). With Françoise Gründ. Rennes: Maison de la Culture
de Rennes, 1978.
82. KOVÁČ, Mišo A. (Mr.)*
Hviezdoslavova 17
03601 Martin
Telephone: ++421 43 4131585
List of publications:
Vydávanie dramatizácií slovenských ľudových rozprávok (Publishing of Dramatisations of
Slovak Fairy Tales). In Rozprávka na javisku (A fairy tale on the stage). Bratislava, 1996, pp.
Bábka v histórii slovenskej divadelnej kultúry (Puppet in History of Slovak Theatre Culture).
In Pohľady a výhľady. Bratislava, 1997, pp. 9-31.
Amatérske bábkové divadlo v diele Štefana Hozu (Amateur Puppet Theatre in Work of
Stefan Hoza). In Stefan Hoza. Bratislava, 1997, pp. 57-65.
Rozprávka v ľudových, cechových a detských hrách (Fairy Tale in Folk, Guild and Children´s
Plays). In Rozprávka na javisku a v rozhlase (Fairy tale on the stage and in radio). Bratislava,
1998, pp. 11-27.
Hračka a hra v literárnom múzeu (Toy and Play in the Literal Museum). In Literárnomúzejný
letopis 29. Literary and Museum Annals 29, Martin, 1999, pp. 19-41.
Divadelné a teatrologické súčasti v diele Jána Poliaka (Theatrological and Museological
Integrals in Work of Jan Poliak). In Literary and Museum Annals 29, Martin, 1999, pp. 350364.
83. KROFLIN, Livija M.A. (Ms.)
Kukuljeviceva 19
HR-10000 Zagreb
Telephone: +385-1-4822-527
Academy of Arts in Osijek
Kralja Petra Svačića bb
HR-31000 Osijek
Telephone: +385-31-253-333
Fax: +385-31-253-353
List of publications:
The Puppet – What a Miracle! With Livija Kroflin. Ed. The UNIMA Puppets in Education
Commission, 2002, 90 pp.
Zagrebačka zemlja Lutkanija. MCUK, Zagreb, 1992, 164 pp.
Lutke izvan lutkarskih kazališta (Puppets outside Puppet Theatres). „Festivali/The
Festivals“. In Hrvatsko lutkarstvo/Croatian Puppetry. Hrvatski centar UNIMA i MCUK,
Zagreb, 1997, pp. 134-165.
O PIF-u od početaka (About the PIF from the Very Beginning). In 30 godina PIF-a/30 Years
of the PIF. MCUK, Zagreb, 1997, pp. 15-22.
Hamlet on Wheels. In Puppet Art at the Turn of Millenium. Addresses given at the 17th
Congress of UNIMA. UNIMA – HUNGARY, Budapest, 1997, pp. 80-84.
U susret modernom lutkarskom teatru (Towards a Modern Puppet Theatre). In Hrvatsko
lutkarstvo, MCUK, Zagreb, 2000, pp. 16-29.
Mojih 20 PIF-ova (My 20 PIFs). MCUK, Zagreb, 2008, 38 pp.
Je li kazalište lutaka za djecu? (Is Puppet Theatre for Children?) In Theatre for Children –
Artistic Phenomenon/Pozorište za decu – umetnički fenomen. Otvoreni univerzitet, Subotica.
84. Prof. KRUGER, Marie (Ms.)
1 Lovell Avenue
The Boord
Stellenbosch 7600
South Africa
Telephone: 021 8870748
Drama Department
University of Stellenbosch
Private Bag x1
Matieland 7602
South Africa
Telephone: 021 8083092
List of publications:
Puppetry: A Guide for Beginners. Delos, Cape Town, 1990.
Theatre for Young Audiences in South Africa and Puppet and Mask Theatre in South Africa.
The World Encyclopedia of Contemporary Theatre, Vol. 3, Africa, Routledge, New
York/London, 1997.
Puppets and Masks in Africa as Multifuntional Social Intervention. Drama as Social
Intervention. Captus University Press, 2006.
The Power of Double Vision: Tradition and Social Intervention In African Puppet
Performances. New Theatre Quarterly, Vol. 22, part 4, Nov. 2006.
Puppets in Education and Development in Africa: The Puppet’s Dual Nature and Sign
Systems in Action. South African Theatre Journal, Vol. 21, Dec. 2007.
Puppets in Educational Entertainment in South Africa: Comments on a Number of Long-term
Projects. South African Theatre Journal, Vol. 22, Dec. 2008.
Puppets in Theatre for Social Change: An Analysis of the Popularity of Puppets in Africa.
African Performance Review, Vol. 2, Dec. 2008.
Exploring the Relationship between Theatre and Ritual in the Sogo bò of the Bamana from
Mali. New Theatre Quarterly, Vol. 25, Aug. 2009.
Social Dynamics in African Puppetry. Contemporary Theatre Review, Vol. 20 (3), Aug. 2010.
Puppets and Adult Entertainment in South Africa: a Tale of a Tentative Start, Evolving
Prejudices, New and Lost Opportunities, and a Fresh Momentum. South African Theatre
Journal, Vol. 25, Dec. 2011.
Traditional and contemporary puppetry in Africa.
85. Dr. KULISH, Anatolij P. PhD (Mr.)
Ligovsky prospect, 44 – 631
191040, St. Petersburg
Theatre Arts Academy, Department of Theatre Studies, Russian Drama Chair
191028, St. Peterburg
List of publications:
The Legend of Kuparenko. In Puppeteers in Petersburg. Leningrad, 1995 (Russian).
Petrushka Comedy as a Final Form of Scomoroch Laugh Culture Functioning. In Retaining
and Reviving Folklore Traditions, Issue 7, Moscow, 1996 (Russian).
Old Man Cornelius, Almost Alive German Puppeteer Johan-Peter Schlegel in Petersburg.
In Petersburg Readings 97. St. Petersburg, 1997 (Russian).
Holland Puppeteer with Italian Marionettes and German Repertoire in the Russian Theatre
Sphere. German Schwiegerling. In Theatre Life: Interconnections in Time and Space.
St. Petersburg, 1998 (Russian).
Asian Baniza et al… (Martin Nürrenbah in XVIII Century Petersburg. In Theatre Petersburg:
Intercultural Model. St. Petersburg, 2002 (Russian).
Puppet Theatre in Russia of the XIX Century Events and Facts. St Petersburg, 2007, 360 рp.
Puppet Theatre Theory and History.
86. LANE, George Andrew (Mr.)*
G. A. Lane Company
941 S. Pittsburg
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112-3949
List of publications:
Puppetry as the Tool of Sociability – the Emergence of an Art Form. In The Puppetry
Yearbook, Vol. 3, Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston and Lampeter, 1997.
Applied Relativity. C2. Relativity and the Puppet Play. An Abstract Guide to Animation,
Manipulation and Communication in the Theatre of the Puppet and Ancient Old Wives or the
Story of Two Roses. In The Puppetry Yearbook, Vol. 4, Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston and
Lampeter, 2000.
Elves of the Vine. The Puppetry Yearbook, Vol. 5, Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston and
Lampeter, 2002.
87. Prof. Em. LAPEÑA-BONIFACIO, Amelia (Ms.)
27 Matimtiman St.
Teachers Village,
Quezon City 1101
UP Creative Writing Center
College of Arts and Letters
University of the Philippines
Diliman, Quezon City
Telephone: (+63.2) 921.9773
List of publications:
"The Bunraku: The Voice, Muscles and Soul of the Dolls", "Wayang Kulit or Lether Puppets:
Life’s Eternal Patterns as Shadows against the Light", "Notes on the Wayang Kulit Collection
at the Kuala Lumpur National Museum", In Introduction to the Theatre of Asia. Ed. University
of Philippines and Ford Foundation as Southeast Asia Research Fellow, Quezon City,
Philippines, 1979, pp. 26-36, 60-74, 75-78 (English).
Children’s Theatre in Asia. University of Philippines and Toyota Foundation, Quezon City,
Philippines, 1984, with illus. (English).
Children’s theatre.
88. Prof. Dr. LAZIĆ, Radoslav (Mr.)
Por. Spasića i Mašere 116/53
11000 Beograd
Telephone: 00 381 11 3 556 290
List of publications:
Traktat o lutkarskoj režiji (Treatise on Puppet Show Direction). Biblioteka Theatro(logia),
Prometej, Novi Sad, 1991; 400 pp.
Svet režije. U traganju za estetikom režije (drama, rituali, pekinška opera, kabuki teatar,
opera, balet, radio, film, televizija, lutkarstvo, cirkus). (The World of Direction, In the Search
for aesthetics of Direction (Drama, Peking Opera, Kabuki Theatre, Opera, Balley)). Biblioteka
multi(media), Ika, Novi Sad, 1992, 467 pp.
Estetika lutkarstva (Aesthetics of Puppetry). Antologija. Biblioteka Estetika dramskih
umetnosti, Beograd, 2002, 224 pp.
Umetnost rediteljstva (The Art of Directing). Uvod u teoriju režije, Pozorište, drama, opera,
balet, lutkarstvo, film, radio, televizija, multidisciplinarna režija. Biblioteka Teorija dramskih
umetnosti, Pozorišni muzej Vojvodine, Novi Sad, 2003, 345 pp.
Svetsko lutkarstvo (The World Puppetry). Istorija, teorija, istraživanja. Biblioteka Teorija
dramskih umetnosti, Beograd, 2004, 476 pp.
Nušićev teatar za decu (Nušić's Theatre for Children). Antologija. Biblioteka dramskih
umetnosti, Beograd, 2007, 159 pp.
Umetnost lutkarstva (The Art of Puppetry). U potrazi za estetikom lutkarstva, ramaturgija,
režija, gluma, animacija, kreacija lutaka... Biblioteka dramskih umetnosti, Beograd, 2007,
180 pp.
Propedeutika lutkarstva (Propedeutics of Puppetry). Zbornik o umetničkom vaspitanju
i obrazovanju za lutkarski teatar, film i televiziju. Biblioteka dramskih umetnosti, Beograd,
2007, 160 pp.
Magija lutkarstva (The Magic of Puppetry). Dramaturgija i poetika lutkarskog teatra.
Antologija, Bibiloteka dramskih umetnosti, Beograd, 2007, 160 pp.
Traktat o scenografiji i kostimografiji (Treatise on Scenography and Costimography).
Scenografske i kostimografske ars poetike. Biblioteka dramskih umetnosti, Beograd, 2009,
160 pp.
Lutkarski Theatrum mundi/Mala teatrologija lutkarstva (Puppet Theatrum Mundi/Little
Theatrology of Puppetry). Autorska izdanja i Foto Futura, Beograd, 2010, 191 pp.
Japanski klasični teatar/Bunraku/Ninđo đoruri (Japanese Classical Theatre/ Bunraku/Ningyo
Joruri). Zbornik. Biblioteka Estetika dramskih umetnosti. Izdavači: Autorska izdanja i Foto
Futura, Beograd, 2011, 80 pp.
89. LLORET ESQUERDO, Jaume (Mr.)
Universidad de Alicante
Facultad de Educación
Apartado de Correos 99
03080 Alicante
Telephone: 965903400 ext. 2569
List of publications:
Breve historia del títere en Alicante (Short History of Puppets in Alicante). In El títere en
Alicante. Ed.: Ayuntamiento de Alicante/Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo, 1997, pp. 5-39.
Repertorio temàtico del teatro de títeres en España (Thematic Repertoire of the Puppet
Theatre in Spain). In Documenta títeres 1. Ed.: Ayuntamiento de Alicante/Caja de Ahorros
del Mediterráneo, 1999, pp. 5-54.
Els titelles i altres espectacles festius de teatre animat (Puppet Shows and Other Festive
Shows of the Animation Theatre). In El teatre en la festa valenciana. Ed.: Generalitat
Valenciana, Consell Valencià de Cultura, 1999, p. 357-376.
Collaborator on l'Encyclopédie mondiale des arts de la marionnette (Worldwide
Encyclopaedia of Puppetry Arts). Ed. UNIMA/L'Entretemps éditions, 2009.
90. LUND, Jette (Ms.)
Godthaabsvaenget 25, 4. tv.
DK 2000 Frederiksberg
Telephone: 0045 38 602315
List of publications:
Most of them are or will be available on or
Die fiktive Wirklichkeit und die wirkliche Fiktion – Elemente zur Theorie des Puppentheaters
(The Fictitious Reality and The Real Fiction – Elements to the Theory of The Puppet
Theatre). Master-thesis. University of Copenhagen, 1995 (German and Danish, English
Andersen-Märchen im Spannungsfeld ihrer theatralischen Interpretation (The Fairy Tales
of Hans Christian Andersen and their Theatrical Interpretation, a Field of Tension). In Das
andere Theater, 1995, No. 20 (German).
Man tut es ohne es zu wollen, Über das Puppentheater in Dänemark (You Are Doing It
Without Willing. About the Puppet Theatre in Denmark). In Das andere Theater, No. 27,
temanummer Dänemark, 1997 (German).
Kvalitet i dukketeatret – dukketeatrets kvaliteter (Quality in the Puppet Theatre – the
Qualities of the Puppet Theatre). In Foreningen af danske Dramaturger, 1997, No. 25/26
Greetings From Denmark. UNIMA – Congress Magdeburg, 2000.
Puppet Theatre in Denmark. 2000 (English).
Über Puppenspiel und Computerspiele (About Puppet Plays and Computer Games). 2000
Journey to Abadyl. Publication: PRAM (Practice based research in art and media),
Copenhagen, 2009.
At the Intersection between Art and Research, practice based research in the performing
arts. Anthology, article, ed. Carsten Friberget. al. NSU Press, 2010.
Another Kind of Theatre, Contemporary Performing Arts between the Exhibition and the
Stage – and the Question of Education.
A database to the history of the Danish puppet-theatre.
The Theatre of Things – Notes on aesthetics and dramaturgy, Publication 2012.
91. LUO, Erica ( Luo Ling) (Ms.)
Tong Hui Men road NO. 25
Telephone: +86 13072838095
Fax: +86 028 86638555
List of publications:
Participation in Tang Dynasty Cliff Image in SiChuan Province. 12/2006.
Cheng Du Shadow Play. In Sheke Zhongheng, 4/ 2008, pp. 129-131.
The Female Role in Chinese Shadow Play. In Chinese Culture Pictorial, 2/2009, pp.112-115.
Ji Nan Shadow Play. In Journal of Sichuan University, 1/ 2010.
Shan Xi Shadow Play. In Chinese Social Today, 2/ 2010.
Shai Hai Qi Bao Shadow Play. In Chinese Social Sciences Today, 2/2010.
92. MacGILP, Martin (Mr.)
10 Cullernie Gardens
Inverness IV2 7JP
Telephone: (01463) 792149
List of publications:
Malcolm Riach's Miniature Theatre of the Arts. In The Puppet Master. British Puppet & Model
Theatre Guild, Vol. 15, No. 10, Autumn 2000, 2 pp.
Mr Punch at Glasgow Fai. In Around the World with Mr Punch (the on-line journal of the
Worldwide Friends of Punch & Judy), Vol. 6, No. 3, July 2002, 2 pp.
Puppets at Glasgow Fair: from the 1770’s until the 1850s. In The Puppet Master. The British
Puppet & Model Theatre Guild, Vol. 16, No. 6, Autumn 2008, 3 pp.
William Ferns’ Royal Punch & Judy. In The Swazzle. The Punch & Judy Fellowship, Autumn
2009, 3 pp.
Biographical material on Bruce MacLoud as part of a feature. In The Swazzle. The Punch
& Judy Fellowship, Summer 2010, 7 pp.
Preparing for publication a book on Punch & Judy in Scotland.
On-going research project on the history of puppets and ventriloquism in Scotland: the time
period being examined is typically 16th to 20th C.
93. MAJARON, Edvard (Edi) (Mr.)
Zemljemerska 13
1000 Ljubljana
Telephone: 386 1 2323621
University of Ljubljana
Faculty of Education
Kardeljeva pl. 16
1000 Ljubljana
Fax: 386 1 5892233 c/o E. Majaron
List of publications:
Puppet Theatre and the Director. (2001) Revised edition. BrUNIMA Bulletin 107, British
Centre of UNIMA, July 2001, pp. 17-18.
Direction Like Animation. In Traktat o Lutkarskoj Režiji (Tractate on Puppet Direction),
ed. Radoslav Lazić. Prometej, Novi Sad, 1991.
An Actor with the Puppet. In Child & Art – Puppet In Space & Time. Maribor, 1992, pp. 25-26
The Puppet: Privileged Scenic Messenger. Glasje No. 2 (1995), Zadar/Croatia, pp. 28-30
(Croatian), revised English version, In: BrUNIMA Bulletin 106, (2001), pp. 8-9.
A Look Back… (Reminiscences on 30 years of my puppet directions) Lutka, No. 55, Novo
mesto, pp. 54-57 (Slovenian/English).
Puppet – Ideal Integration of Didactic Principles. Lutka, No. 56, Novo mesto, 1999, pp. 33-35
(Slovenian, English abstract, English version is not printed yet).
Specific Movements by Animation of Puppets. Proceedings of International Symposium Child
In Motion. University of Ljubljana, 2000, pp. 304-309 (Slovenian, English abstract).
The Puppet in Formation of Young. Proceedings Scenic Creativity of Children.
Šibenik/Croatia, 2000, pp. 27-38 (Slovenian/Croatian).
Training for Professional Puppeteers. Worldwide Art Of Puppetry. UNIMA, 2000, pp. 137-138
The Puppet – What a Miracle! With Livija Kroflin. Ed. The UNIMA Puppets in Education
Commission, 2002, 90 pp.
Personal and subject articles on puppet Art in Slovenia. In Enciklopedija Slovenije (more
than 20 articles). Mladinska knjiga, Ljubljana, 1987-2002.
Lutka – pomoćnica naša svagdašnja (Puppet – Our Quotidian Helper). In IVON, Hicela
(red.). Mirisi djetinjstva: zbornik radova, predavanja, radionice, izložba postera, izložba
likovnih radova djece, glazbeno-scenski nastupi djece i odraslih. Dječji vrtić Marjan, Split,
2001, pp. 9-11 (Croatian).
Uključenje lutke u kurikulum osnovne škole (Inclusion of Puppets to Curriculum of the
Primary School). In IVON, Hicela (red.). Prema kvalitetnoj školi: zbornik radova: projekti
iz odgojno-obrazovne prakse: radionice: stručno-znanstveni kolokvij "Reflektivna praksa i
profesionalni razvoj". Hrvatski pedagoško-književni zbor, Ogranak, Split, 2002, pp. 63-66
Lamentazione sulla drammaturgia contemporanea per marionette. In CIPOLLA, Alfonso
(red.). I fili ritrovati: prospettive del teatro di marionette nella moderna società dello
spettacolo (Linea teatrale). Edizioni SEB 27, cop., Torino, 2004, pp. 87-91.
Children's Theatre: What? For Whom? Why? How? (Pozorište za decu: Šta? Kome? Zašto?
Kako?) In Jurkowski, Henryk (red.), Radonjić, Miroslav (red.), Theatre for children – artistic
phenomenon: a collection of papers, Vol. 1, zbornik radova, Knjiga 1 (Aesthetics of theatre
for children series, Vol. 5, knj. 5), Open University, International festival of children's
theatres: Međunarodni festival pozorišta za decu, Subotica; Theatre Museum of Vojvodina,
Pozorišni muzej Vojvodine, Novi Sad, 2010, pp. 51-60.
Puppets in the Child's Development. In Artistic practices and techniques from Europe and
North America favouring social cohesion and peace: document inspired from the discussions
and reflections from the Regional conference on arts education in Europe and North
America. Helsinki, Finland, 9-12 August 2003 (Arts education and creativity), United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO, Paris, 2005, pp. 90-98.
Ali lutka govori? : nekaj izhodišč za razmišljanje (Can the Puppet Speak?) In PODBEVŠEK,
Katarina (red.), GUBENŠEK, Tomaž (red.). Zbornik. Ljubljana Akademija za gledališče,
radio, film in televizijo, 2006, pp. 141-146 (Slovenian).
Puppets Support Narratives. In Early Childhood Narratives: Early Childhood and New
Understandings of the Mind, Programme & Abstracts. Universiteit: European Early Childhood
Education Research Association, Amsterdam; Alkamaar; Hogeschool, 2001, 66 pp.
Lutkarska predstava – poticaj dječjoj kreativnosti (A Puppet Show – Stimulus to Children's
Creativity). In Gruić, Iva (red.), Međunarodna konferencija Umjetnost i odgoj, Učiteljska
akademija Sveučilišta (Teacher Education Academy). Zagreb, 2004, pp.12-13.
Art as a Pathway to a Child. In Geršak, Vesna (red.), Korošec, Helena (red.), Majaron, Edi
(red.), Turnšek, Nada (red.), Promoting the social emotional aspects of education: a multifaceted priority, book of abstracts. Faculty of Education, Department of Preschool
Education, Ljubljana, 2011, 36 pp.
Ustvarjalec lutkovne umetnosti. In Loboda, Matjaž (red.), Jože Pengov, Slovenski gledališki
muzej Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Slovenski gledališki muzej, 2004, pp. 8-21 with ilus. (Slovenian).
A Slovene Puppetry Artist. In Loboda, Matjaž (red.), Jože Pengov – the Absolute Puppeteer.
National Theatre Museum, Ljubljana, 2004, pp. 2-6 with illus.
Les marionnettes et l'épanouissement de l'enfant. Cop. 2006. In Majaron, Edi (red.), Kroflin,
Livija (red.). O miracle! – la marionnette! UNIMA, Union Internationale de la Marionnette,
Charleville-Mézières, 2006, pp. 70-78 with illus.
Influenze beckettiane sul teatro di figura dell'Europa dell'est. In Marchiori, Fernando (red.),
Beckett & puppet: studi e scene tra Samuel Beckett e il teatro di figura, (Altre visioni, 31).
Titivillus, Corazzano, 2007, pp. 121-126 with illus.
Music, Dancing and Puppets in Child's Play. In coll. with Borota, Bogdana, Geršak, Vesna,
Korošec, Helena, Faculty of Education, Koper, 2007, 42 pp. with illus.
Gledališki terminološki slovar (Vocabulary of Theatrical Terms). Authors: SUŠEC MICHIELI,
Barbara, HUMAR, Marjeta, PODBEVŠEK, Katarina, LOKAR, Slavka, MAJARON, Edi,
MOLKA, Viktor, MODER, Janko, HERZOG, Miran, KOCJANČIČ, Ana, ŽAGAR, Mojca,
SUŠEC MICHIELI, Barbara (red.), HUMAR, Marjeta (red.), PODBEVŠEK, Katarina (red.).
Založba ZRC, Ljubljana, 2007, 271 pp. (Slovenian, with English and French translations).
Articles for WEPA
Croatie. With Dalibor Foretić. In Jurkowski, Henryk (red.), Foulc, Thierry (red.), Encyclopédie
mondiale des arts de la marionnette, Entretemps, Vic-la-Gardiole, 2009, pp. 194-195 with
Pengov (Jože). In Jurkowski, Henryk (red.), Foulc, Thierry (red.). Encyclopédie mondiale des
arts de la marionnette, Entretemps, Vic-la-Gardiole, 2009, pp. 536-537.
Slovénie. With Waltl, Robert. In Jurkowski, Henryk (red.), Foulc, Thierry (red.). Encyclopédie
mondiale des arts de la marionnette, Entretemps, Vic-la-Gardiole, 2009, pp. 644-645 with
94. MgA. Prof. MAKONJ, Karel (Mr.)
Heřmanova ul. 3
170 00 Praha 7
Czech republic
The Department of Alternative and Puppet Theatre
Theatrical Faculty od The Academy of Fine Arts, Prague
Karlova 26,
116 65 Prague 1
Czech Republic
List of publications:
Člověk redukovaný aneb Alternativní herectví a psychofyzická identita člověka (A Reduced
Man or the Alternative Actor and Psychophysical Identity). DISK, 2/2002, pp. 61-74.
Zázrak neoživení mrtvé hmoty (Několik poznámek k předmětnému divadlu) (A Miracle of the
Non-animation of the Dead Substance (Some Remarks about the Theatre of Objects)).
DISK, 3/2003, pp. 45-57.
Loutkové divadlo jako realizace metafory aneb Herec nebo loutkoherec? (The Puppet
Theatre as a Realisation of the Metaphor: Actor or Actor-Puppeteer?) DISK, 6/2003,
pp. 73-82.
O významu dramaturgie pro Kroftovo divadlo s loutkami (About the Sence of the Dramaturgy
in Krofta´s Theatre with the Puppets). In Miloslav Klíma, Karel Makonj a kol.: Josef Krofta –
inscenační dílo, Pražská scéna, 2003, pp. 45-63.
Kapitoly o režii v divadle loutky a herce (The Chapters about the Direction in the Theatre of
the Puppet and the Actor). Loutkář 1, 6/2003.
Dramata pro loutky – nebo pro blázny? (Na křižovatce loutkářské dramatiky na počátku
minulého století) (Drama for Puppets or Fools? (On the Crossroad of the Puppet-Plays in the
Beginning of the last Century)). DISK, 7/2004, pp. 30-44.
Divadlo mezi objektem a subjektem (The Theatre between the Object and the Subject).
In Miloslav Klíma a kol.: Divadlo a interakce, Pražská scéna, 2006, pp. 27-44.
Craig, creature, critter a nadherec (Craig, Creature, Critter and the Űbermarionette).
Divadelní revue, 2/2007, pp. 97-103.
Od loutky k objektu (From Puppet to Object). Pražská scéna, 2007, 273 pp.
The aesthetics of the puppet and alternative theatre. The puppetness and the
95. Prof. MALENOV, Slavcho (Mr.)
5 “Yanko Zabunov” str. entrance B, app. 49
1408 - Sofia
Telephone: +359 886146187
List of publications:
Profesiya rezhisyor v savremenniya kuklen teatar, sb. Balgarsko kukleno izkustvo, II chast
(Profession Director in Contemporary Puppet Theatre, Collection Bulgarian Puppet Art, Part
II), 1989.
Misli za spetsifikata na kukleniya teatar, sb. „Problemi na dramaturgiyata”, sb. S (Thinks
about the Specifics of the Puppet Theatre, collection “Problems of Dramaturgy”, collection S),
Sofiya, 1990.
Trudat M (The Work M). ET Valentin Trayanov, Sofiya, 2005.
Unikalno izsledvane (A Unique Study). KuklArt, 2008, No. 1.
Za knigata na Shuli Belo. (About the Book of Shuli Belo). KuklArt, 2009, No. 2.
Srednoshtni misli (Midnight Thoughts). KuklArt, 2009, No. 3, pp. 21-22.
Podpori na kuklenoto (Fundamentals of Puppetry). Homo Ludens, 2011, No. 15.
Adaptatsii na prikazki za kuklen teatar (Adaptations of Fairy Tales for Puppet Theatre).
IK „Zhanet 45”, Plovdiv, 2011.
96. MALÍKOVÁ, Nina (Ms.)
U smaltovny 20 blok H
170 00 Praha 7
Czech republic
Telephone: 00420-220-805 611
Celetná 17,
110 00 Praha 1
Czech republic
Telephone: 00420-2-248 09 131
List of publications:
Czech Puppets. With Jan Dvořák. Introduction to Czech Puppet Theatre and Marionnettes
with 20 Color Picture, Pražská scéna, 1995, 16 pp. (English).
Svět loutek včera a dnes (World of Puppets Yesterday and Today). Muzeum loutkářských
kultur, Chrudim, 1997, pp. 3-9.
Plzeňské loutkářství (Puppetry in Pilsen). Pavel Vašíček – Nina Malíková, Divadlo Alfa,
Plzeň, 2000.
Včerejšek a dnešek českého loutkového divadla (Czech Puppet Theatre of Past and
Present). In kolektiv autorů: “Šamani, komedianti a mágovia”. Bratislava: Divadelní ústav,
2002 (Slovak, English).
Revoluční freska Josefa Krofty (Revolutionary Fresco of Josef Krofta). In Miloslav Klíma,
Karel Makonj a kol: Josef Krofta – inscenační dílo. Praha: Pražská scéna, 2003, pp. 181-187.
Czech Puppet Theatre Yesterday and Today. Altogether with Alice Dubská and Jan Novák.
Praha: Divadelní ústav, 2006.
Dr. Jan Malík – osobnost a tvůrce (Dr. Jan Malik – Personality and Master). Praha: Sdružení
pro vydávání časopisu Loutkář, 2004.
A La Recherche D Une Tradition Perdu. Czech Theatre 8/1994, Divadelní ústav, Praha, pp.
78-88 (English, French).
Stars Appearing In the Puppeteers Sky. Czech Theatre 12/1996, Divadelní ústav, Praha, pp.
65-73 (English, French).
Puppets Before Their Time. Czech Theatre 13/1997, Divadelní ústav, Praha, pp. 45-48
(English, French).
Retour A La Tradition. The Heart of Europe, No. 199, Theo Publishing, Pardubice, pp. 29-32
(French, English, German, Russian).
Puppets in Bohemia, Czech Theatre 18/2002. Praha: Divadelní ústav, 2002, pp. 51-54
Puppets, Shadow and Video. Czech Theatre 19/2003, Praha: Divadelní ústav, 2003,
pp. 55-58 (English),
Restoring Lost Illusion. Interwiev with Josef Krofta, E pur si muove 03, UNIMA 2004.
The Enfant Terrible. E pur si mouve 04, p. 24, UNIMA 2005.
Dějiny loutkového divadla v Evropě I. Charles Magnin (translation). Praha: AMU, 2005.
Dějiny loutkového divadla v Evropě II. Charles Magnin (translation). Praha: AMU, 2010.
Kroftova revoluční freska (Revolutionary Fresco of Krofta). Miloslav Klíma, Karel Makonj a
kol.: Josef Krofta – inscenační dílo. Praha: Pražská scéna, 2003.
Průvodce po vlastní minulosti (A Guidebook to Our History). In Divadelní revue 2009/1.
Czech Puppet Theatre Yesterday and Today. Kol. autorů: koncepce publikace a souhrnné
články. Praha: Divadelní ústav, 2006.
Restoring Lost Illusions. E pur si muove, 2004, No. 3. Charleville-Mézieres: UNIMA,
pp. 23-25 (French, English, Spanish).
The Enfant Terrible. E pur si muove, 2005, No. 4. Charleville- Mézieres: UNIMA, pp. 24-26
(French, English, Spanish).
LOUTKÁŘ: The World´s Oldest Journal of Puppetry. Báb Tár, 2007, No. 4. Tatabanya:
Art Limes, pp. 97-101.
Daredevils, Unaffected by Time. Cakes and Puppets. Báb tár, 2007, No. 5. Tatabanya:
Art Limes, pp. 99-101.
The Forman Brothers Theatre. Báb tár, 2009, No. 8. Tatabanya: Art Limes, pp. 63 -71.
LOUTKÁŘ: The World´s Oldest Journal of Puppeteers. Báb tár, 2009, No. 8. Tatabanya:
Art Limes, pp. 125-127.
The Old and New Tradition of Czech Puppets Festivals. Báb Tár, 2010, No. 10. Tatabanya:
Art Limes, pp. 47-55.
Exhibition Oportunity in Puppet Theatre Collection. Báb Tár, 2011, No. 12. Tatabanya: Art
Limes, pp. 135-143.
Tschechisches Puppentheater im Wandel. Coll. Double, 2009, No. 7. Bochum: Deutsches
Forum für Figurentheater und Puppenspielkunst, pp. 4-7 (German, Czech resumé).
Contemporary Czech Puppet Theatre – Mere Reminiscences or Progress? Teatr lalek, 2010,
No. 2. Warszawa: Polski center UNIMA, pp.12-15 (Polish, English).
Author of majority articles in WEPA on Puppetry in Czech Republic – Encyclopédie mondial
des Arts de la marionnette, Montpellier, Edition Entretemps, 2009.
Theatre of George and Maurice Sand.
History of French theatre of 19th and 20th Cent.
Contemporary Czech theatre.
97. Prof. Em. MALKIN, Michael R. (Mr.)*
Theatre and Dance Department
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
1765 Royal Way
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Telephone: (805) 544-3398 (home), (805) 756-1465 (office)
No longer actively working in the field of puppetry.
List of publications:
The World of Puppetry Henschelverlag und Gesellschaft. One chapter in book. Berlin,
German Democratic Republic, 1989.
Moving towards Theatre. With Pamela Malkin. Book. Front Row Experience, 1988.
Learning through Dramatics. Two chapters in book. Oryx Press, 1982.
Training the Young Actor. Book. A. S. Barnes and Co., 1979 second edition, 1981.
Traditional and Folk Puppets of the World. Book. A. S. Barnes and Co., 1977.
Puppets: Art and Entertainment, National Endowment for the Humanities. Museum
Catalogue. Exxon Corporation, Puppeteers of America, 1980.
Puppets: The Power of Wonder. Museum Catalogue. National Endowment for the Arts,
The Center for Puppetry Arts Atlanta, GA, fall 1995.
Julie Taymor Designs Fool’s Fire. Theatre Crafts, March 1992.
Cosmekinetics and the Cave Bear. The Puppetry Journal, Fall 1986.
Muppet Manipulations. Theatre Crafts, Aug./Sept. 1986.
Behind the Fraggles Rock. The Puppetry Journal, Spring 1986.
Interview with Lettie Schubert. The Puppetry Journal, Spring 1985.
Interview with Jerry Juhl. The Puppetry Journal, March 1984.
Interview with Bruce Schwartz. The Puppetry Journal, December 1983.
Centuries of Puppetry. The Museum of California, March/April 1983.
Comic Sound Effects for the Puppet Stage. The Puppetry Journal, Nov./Dec. 1979.
Puppetry the Ultimate Disguise. Book review. Theatre Journal, March 1979.
A Shadow Puppet Primer. With William Drake. Dramatics, May/June 1978.
Blocking, More than Meets the Eye. Dramatics, Jan./Feb. 1978.
1977 Festival Performance Review. The Puppetry Journal, September 1977.
A Critical Perspective on Puppetry as Theatre Art. The Puppetry Journal, March 1976.
WPA Puppets. The Antiques Journal, March 1976.
Hands for More than Applauding. Dramatics, November 1975.
Indonesian Puppets. The Antiques Journal, November 1975.
Chinese Hand Puppets. The Antiques Journal, March 1975.
Turkish Shadow Puppets.The Antiques Journal, December 1975.
Puppets and Poetry. Teacher, October 1974.
Collecting Indian Puppets. The Antiques Journal, August 1974.
Using Hand Puppets to Develop Skills in Improvisation. Dramatics, November 1973.
The Little Theatre of Sicilian Puppet. The Puppetry Journal, November 1973.
98. MANTE BARRERA, Elvia (Ms.)
Padre Raymundo Jardón 910
Centro, Monterrey N.L.
Cp 64000
Tel: (52) 8183430604, (52)8183431491
List of publications:
The Puppets in the North of México. Altogether with Cesar Tavera Zamarripa. In Latin
American Theatre Review, Vol. 32, No. 1, fall 1998, Univerity of Kansas, USA.
The Puppets in the North of México. Altogether with Cesar Tavera Zamarripa. In magazine
Máscara year 11, Nos. 31-32, January 2000, pp. 86-90.
The Puppets in the North of México. Altogether with Cesar Tavera Zamarripa. In magazine
Teokikixtli year 2, No. 5, March 1999, pp. 15-20.
The puppets are a tradition? Altogether with Cesar Tavera Zamarripa. In magazine Paso
de Gato year 3, No. 18, July-Sept. 2004, p. 37.
Notes on the Children's Theatre and Puppet in Nuevo Léon 1960-2000 (I). Altogether with
Cesar Tavera Zamarripa. In magazine Teokikixtli year 5, No. 18-19, Dec. 2002, pp. 35-38.
Notes on the Children's Theatre and Puppet in Nuevo Léon 1960-2000 (II). Altogether with
Cesar Tavera Zamarripa. In magazine Teokikixtli year 5, No. 20-21, August 2003, pp. 4-10.
Notes on the children's Theatre and Puppet in Nuevo Léon 1960-2000 (III). Altogether with
Cesar Tavera Zamarripa. In magazine Teokikixtli year 6, No. 27-28, April 2004, pp. 4-12.
Bibliography of Puppet Theatre in Mexico. Altogether with Cesar Tavera Zamarripa. In
magazine Teokikixtli, Second annual time Edition, August 2010, pp. 100-102.
50 Years of Puppets in Mexico 1960 – 2010. Altogether with Cesar Tavera Zamarripa.
Compilation In magazine Teokikixtli, second anunual time edition, August 2010.
Mexican Female Puppeteers Meeting. Altogether with Cesar Tavera Zamarripa. Compilation
in magazine Teokikixtli, Second annual time, July 2009.
A look at Mexican female puppeteers.
99. Dr. MARGOLIES, Eleanor (Ms.)
40 Melbreak House
Dog Kennel Hill Estate
East Dulwich
London SE22 8AL
Telephone: 020 7737 0614
List of publications:
Complicite: The Street of Animation. In Animated Bodies. Puppet Centre Trust, 2009.
Theatre Materials (ed.) CETT, Central School of Speech and Drama, 2009.
TinkerTing/Pickled Image: Hunger. In Animations Online 28, 2009.
Complicite/Simon McBurney: Shun-kin. In Animations Online 26, 2009.
Compagnie Philippe Genty: La Fin des Terres. In Animations Online 19, 2007.
Thomas Guthrie: Winterreise. Puppet Notebook 5, Spring 2006.
AKHE: Carmen and Job. Puppet Notebook 2, Spring 2005.
Puppet Notebook magazine (ed.) British UNIMA, 2004 – present.
Were those Boots Made Just for Walking? Shoes as Performing Objects in Everyday
Life and in the Theatre. Visual Communication, June 2003, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 169-188.
Ventriloquism: Kantor, Templeton, and the Voices of the Dead. In New Theatre Quarterly
(2000), 16, pp. 203-210.
Objects and materials in performance; puppetry and ecology; theatre for children; the senses
and accessible theatre.
100. Dr. MARNEWECK, Aja (Ms.)
The University of Cape Town
The Paper Body Collective
Cape Town
South Africa
Telephone: 0027834396117
Fax: 0027214610910
List of publications:
Theatre of Difference. In Theatre Women Milestones. The Open Page, pp. 60-63. Odin
Teatret Denmark, 10. March 2005.
Bok. In Young Artists Project 2005/6: pp. 25-30. Edited by Storm Janse Van Rensburg.
Kwazulu Natal Society of Arts, 2005.
Visual Theatre Moves out the Box; Developing Puppetry in South Africa. In the South African
Theatre Journal, 2006, Vol. 20, pp. 290-296.
Staging Stereotype and Performing the Exotic Erotic: An Interrogation of Desire in the Texts
of Parks and Kennedy. In the South African Theatre Journal, 2004, Vol. 18, pp. 49-64.
South african women’s puppetry, gender and puppetry, puppetry and visual performance,
live art.
101. MARSEILLE, Judith drs. (Ms.)
Nieuwpoortstraat 104-III
1055 RZ Amsterdam
Telephone: +31.(0)20.6827187
SNCV / Popellum
Niersstraat 44
1078 VL Amsterdam
List of publications:
Die Cabalts – Eine Familie von Puppenspielern und das Amsterdamer Stadtviertel, in dem
sie lebten (The Cabalts – a Family of Puppeteers and the Amsterdam Neighbourhood They
Lived in). Der Alltag der Puppenspieler, UNIMA, 1999, pp. 129-143.
Tussen traditie en trompettheorie. Aspecten van historisch onderzoek naar
volkspoppentheater (Between Tradition and Trumpet Theory. Aspects of Historical Popular
Puppetry Research). Popellum, No. 1, Spring 2001, pp. 12-14.
Pobreza Pitoresca: Pesquisa sobre o Teatro des Marionetas nos Países Baixos (Picturesque
Poverty: Some Notes on Puppet Theatre in the Netherlands). Teatrode marionetas. Tradição
e modernidade, Casa do sul editora, 2002, pp. 103-120.
Volkspoppenspel bewijst springlevend te zijn (Popular Puppetry Proves to Be Alive and
Kicking). Figeuro, March 2004, pp. 5-9.
Some Notes on Dutch Puppetry during the German Occupation (1940-1945). Figura 51,
March 2005, pp. 10-11.
Enkele opmerkingen bij ‘Een pop is geen pop is...’door Hanny Alkema (Some Remarks about
‘A Puppet Is No Puppet Is …’ by Hanny Alkema). WP 6, August 2005, p. 7.
Puppenspiel in den Niederlanden. Fünfzig Jahre NVP/UNIMA (Puppetry in the Netherlands.
Fifty years NVP/UNIMA). Das andere Theater 15, 2005, pp. 4-5.
Aantekeningen Feike Boschma (Notes Feike Boschma). With Feike Boschma and Wim
Meuwissen. Amsterdam, 2010.
102. MARTIN-LAHMANI, Sylvie (Ms.)
18 rue Yvonne Le Tac
75 018 Paris
Telephone: 06 16 38 49 88
List of publications:
Arts of the puppet:
E pur si muove, La Marionnette aujourd’hui / Articles
Annual and trilingual magazine of l’UNIMA/Ed. L’Entretemps. Editorial director: Margareta
Editorial. No. 6, mars 2008, pp. 2-3.
Le Pinocchio de Joël Pommerat. No. 6, mars 2008, pp. 18-19.
MU, l’Autre continent du théâtre /Articles
Ed. THEMAA. Editorial director: Evelyne Lecucq.
Petite histoire du jonglage à travers les âges (Short History of Juggling through Ages).
No. 8, p. 19.
Vous êtes jongleur…eh bien dansez maintenant! (You Are a Juggler... So Dance Now!)
No. 8, pp. 18-19.
A l’Est, rien de nouveau? (All Quiet on the Eastern Front?). No. 9, pp. 16-19.
Théâtre Tandarica, Bucarest, Roumanie (Tandarica Theatre, Bucharest, Romania). No. 9,
p. 20.
Une histoire d’humour et d’amour fusionnel, Yaèl et Revital, Israël (A Story of Humour and
Intense Love, Yaèl and Revital, Israel). No. 9, pp. 37-38.
Petite forme et grand propos (Small Form and Great Subject). No. 9, p. 40.
Papiers et marionnettes (Papers and Puppets). No. 9, p. 42.
La prison, le sida et les marionnettes, Compte-rendu de l’opération Puppets in prison,
Afrique du sud (The Prison, AIDS and the Puppets, Report on the Opperation “Puppets
in Prison”, South Africa). No. 9, pp. 44-45.
Le fou de dieu, Paolo Cardona, Hervouët et Paolo Cafiero (The Fool of Gods, Paolo
Cardona, Hervouët and Paolo Cafiero). No. 9, p. 48.
Une dernière saveur, Les Théâtres de Cuisine (The Final Flavour, Les Théâtres de Cuisine).
No. 9, p. 51.
Un polichinelle gouleyant, Cirkub'u (A Lively Punchinello, Cirkub'u). No. 9, p. 52.
Délire en sous-sol, Faulty Optic (Delirium in the Basement, Faulty Optic). No. 9, p. 53.
Théâtre Vojtina, Debrecen, Hongrie (Vojtina Puppet Theatre, Debrecen, Hungary). No. 9,
p. 21.
Dix bougies pour Massalia (Ten Candles for Massalia). No. 9, pp. 32-33.
Surprise, musique et vidéo, (Surprise, Music and Video). No. 10, p. 6.
De mémoire de corps dansé (On Memory of Danced Body). No. 10, p. 6.
Le plus petit cirque du monde, Calder (The Smallest Circus in the World, Calder). No. 10,
p. 7.
La Bulgarie en chantier (Bulgaria as Worksite). No. 10, pp. 32-33.
Lulu. No. 10, p. 38.
Dieu créa les hommes et les guerres de religion (God Created Men and Religious Wars).
No. 11, pp. 10-11.
Matière-danse, Josef Nadj (Dance-Matter, Josef Nadj). No. 11, pp. 34-35.
Petites marionnettes et grand poème pour enfant (Small Puppets and Great Poems for
Children). No. 12, p. 5.
Réécriture (Rewriting). No. 12, pp. 10-12.
Cannes. No. 12, pp. 37-41.
Ready made turakien, Turak, théâtre d'objet (Turakian Ready Made, Turak, Object Theatre).
No. 13, pp. 12-13.
De nouvelles voix pour la marionnette, rencontre entre auteurs et marionnettistes (New
Voices for the Puppet, An Encounter between Authors and Puppeteers). No. 13, p. 14.
Histoire d'alchimie (History of Alchemy). No. 13, p. 22.
Jeux d'ombres et de lune (Shadows and Moon Plays). No. 14, p. 11.
Livres, Daniel Lemahieu (Books, Daniel Lemahieu). No. 14, p. 38.
E pur si muove! No. 14, p. 12.
Théâtre/Public / Articles
Images de guerre: compagnie Hotel Modern (War Images: Company Hotel Modern).
No. 193, février 2009, pp. 39-42.
Manip, Le Journal de la marionnette / Articles
Ed. THEMAA. Editorial director: Patrick Boutigny
Les frères Quay à Avignon 2008 (Quay Brothers in Avignon). No. 16, octobre-novembredécembre 2008, pp. 11-12.
Hoichi -sans-oreilles, Japon (Hoichi the Earless, Japan). No. 25, janvier-février-mars 2011,
p. 14.
Le Théâtre Sogolon de Yaya Coulibaly, Mali (Yaya Coulibaly’s Sogolon Theatre, Mali).
No. 26, avril-mai-juin 2011, pp. 14-15.
Un Théâtre autrement / Articles
Ed. TMP (Théâtre de la Marionnette aujourd’hui). Editorial director: Isabelle Berthola.
La ferme des marionnettes, décentralisation en région (The Puppet Farm, Regiona
Decentralisation). No. 2, janvier 2000.
Le rêve de votre vie (The Dream of Our Life). Article sur le spectacle mis en scène par
François Lazaro sur un texte de Daniel Lemahieu, pantins de Francis Marshall. No. 5, janvier
Arts of the street – Contributions to the Works
Territoires: rue, Europe, monde (Territories: Street, Europe, World). Préface de l’ouvrage
In Situ, Voyages d’artistes européens. Ed. L’Entretemps, 2006, pp. 11-15.
Rue de la folie / Articles
Quarterly, Ed. HorsLesMurs. Editorial director: Jean-Luc Baillet.
Le Campement: du site et des mobile, (The Camp: the Spot and the Mobiles). (à propos
du Radeau, François Tanguy) No. 4, février 1999, pp. 6-9.
Les Portes de l’an 2000 (The Doors from the Year 2000). No. 7, avril 2000, pp. 13-16.
Autour de Puck, La Marionnette et les autres arts (On Puck, La Marionnette and Other Arts).
No. 7, avril 2000, pp. 13-16.
Un week-end à la Ferme du Buisson (A Weekend at the Ferme du Buisson). No. 7, juillet
2000, p. 8.
Les Girafes, Le Royal de Luxe (The Giraffes, Le Royal de Luxe). No. 9, novembre 2000,
pp. 4-5.
Stradda / Articles
Quarterly, Ed. HorsLesMurs. Editorial director: Stéphane Simonin.
Le souci du monde (The Concern of the World). No. 6, octobre 2007, pp. 45-48.
Mouvement / Articles
Coordination avec Jean-Marc Adolphe d’un N° spécial Arts de la rue, Ed. Mouvement/Lieux
Publics, juin 2006.
Documentary movies
Anima, L’Esprit des marionettes (Anima, the Spirit of the Puppets). Based on the original
idea by Sylvie Martin-Lahmani, directed by Marc Huraux, written in cooperation with Marc
Huraux. Documentary, 1h 45 mn, ARTE/Cinétévé, 2005.
D’après une idée originale de Sylvie Martin-Lahmani, réalisé par Marc Huraux, écrit en
collaboration avec Marc Huraux, Documentaire, 1h45 mn, ARTE/Cinétévé, 2005.
Nicole Mossoux, Hoichi Okamoto, Rezo Gabriadze, Liz & Gavin Glover, Frank Soehnle, Ilka
Schönbein. Six univers artistiques. Six peuples marionnettiques. Six personnages en quête
de marionnettistes?
Le Temple de la marionnette, Festival de Charleville-Mézières (The Temple of the Puppet,
Festival Charleville-Mézières). Ecrit et réalisé par Sylvie Martin-Lahmani et Pascal Lahmani,
Documentaire, 52 mn, FR3, 2010.
La ville de Rimbaud est aussi connue grâce aux pantins, mannequins et autres objets
inanimés, qui occupent joyeusement la cité pendant le Festival Mondial des Théâtres
de Marionnette
103. MASSOUDI, Shiva (Ms.)
Faculty of Dramatic Art and Music
University Of Tehran,
Enghelab Av.
Mobile: 00989123305834
List of publications:
Introduction to Fantasy. Iran, 2009.
Kheimeh Shab Bazi: Iranian Traditional Marionette Theatre – 1. Iran, Asian Journal Theatre,
University of Hawai, Fall 2009.
Iranian Puppet Theatre: Ritual, Traditional, Modern. And I Husk, Norway, 2009 – 2.
Puppet, Stage, Historical Memory. Loutkar (Czech), 2008 – 3.
The Place of Audience in Puppet Theatre. Art Journal, Iran, 2005 – 4.
Juxtaposition of Reality and Fantasy in Puppet Theatre. Art Journal, Iran, 2007 – 5.
Religious Roots of Puppet. Theatre Journal, Iran, 2007 – 6.
Puppet: Passage of Religion to Industry. Art Journal, Iran, 2008 – 7.
104. Prof. Dr. McCORMICK, John (Mr.)
Ballydonarea Lodge
Telephone: 00353 1 2874748
List of publications:
Puppets in the Streets and Fairgrounds of Nineteenth-century France. Maske und Kothurn,
Vol. 33, nos 1-2, 1987, Vienna, Cologne, pp. 143-149.
Popular Theatres of Nineteenth-century France, London. Routledge, 1993, 255 pp.
Os Bonecos de S. Aleixo e a tradicão europeia do teatro de presépio. With Bennie Pratasik.
In Adagio. Centro Dramatico de Evora, 1997, No. 18.
L’Enfant et la marionnette au 19e siècle. Puck, Institut International de la Marionnette,
France, 1997, No. 10.
Popular puppets in Europe 1800-1914. With Bennie Pratasik. Cambridge University Press,
Three Italian Companies. In Puppetry International. Atlanta, UNIMA USA, Spring 2000,
No. 7.
Occasional short articles for Theatre Ireland and reviews for Theatre Research International,
Animations and Popellum.
A Travelling Marionette Theatre in 19th-century France – Le Grand Théâtre Pitou. In
The Puppetry Yearbook, Vol. V, ed. James Fisher, Lewiston, Edwin Mellen Press, 2002.
A voz da marioneta; O investigador e a marioneta; Le Grand Théâtre Pitou: O dia-a-dia
de uma companhia de marionetas; Tradição e modernidad nas marionetas. In Teatro
de Marionetas – Tradição e modernidad, ed. Christine Zurbach, Evora, Cas so Sul, 2002.
The Victorian Marionette Theatre. Ed.: University of Iowa Press, 2004. Various articles
on puppets and masks for Oxford Encylopaedia of Theatre, ed. Dennis Kennedy.
Scaramouche, Actor, Dancer, Marionette and Glove-puppet. In The Puppetry Yearbook,
Vol. VI, ed. James Fisher, Lewiston, Edwin Mellen Press, 2005.
Il Toy Theatre inglese. In Imagerie, teatrini e sortilege – la tradizione italiana ed europea,
ed. Alfonso Cipolla, Torino, SEB 27, 2004.
Genoveffa e il repertorio del teatro con marionette. In Genoveffa di Brabante – dalla
tradizione popolare a Erik Satie, ed. Alfonso Cipolla, Torinbo, SEB 27, 2004.
Il teatro di figura di Samuel Beckett. In Beckett & Puppet – studi e scene tra Samuel Beckett
e il teatro di figura, ed. Fernando Marchiori, Pisa, Titivillus, 2007.
Il teatro dei burattini di Nohant e il suo contesto storico. In George Sand Scritti sul Teatro –
I burattini di Nohant, ed. Giovanni Moretti, Torino, SEB 27, 2010.
The Italian Puppet Theatre – a History. With Alfonso Cipolla and Alessandro Napoli,
Jefferson, McFarland, 2010.
Article shortly to appear on the puppeteer Guido Niemen in Popellum (Amsterdam).
Currently writing chapters on puppet history for a volume on puppet theatre to be produced
by Luigi Allegri, University of Parma.
Working on the travels of the Holden marionette company in Italy 1884-1886.
Also author of some articles for UNIMA Encyclopedia of World Puppet Theatre.
105. MELLO, Alissa (Ms.)
35-16 85th Street 1H Jackson Heights
NY 11372
Royal Holloway, University of London
Telephone: 001 646 286 9452
List of publications:
Under the Influence. Alrutz, Megan, Julia Listengarden, and Vandy Wood, eds. Playing with
Theory in Theatre Practice. New York: Palgrave, 2011.
The World of Puppet Theatre. PAJ, Issue 95, 2010.
Light and Shade. Animations Online, Edition 26, 2009.
Seeing the Light. Animations Online, Edition 22, 2008.
Notes on Puppetry Workshops: Warms up and Play. Puppet Notebook, Issue Eleven, 2008.
Contemporary puppet theatre: performance and practice; theatre, practice as research,
performance studies.
106. MILNE, Geoffrey (Mr.)*
Theatre & Drama
La Trobe University
Bundoora, Victoria 3086,
Telephone: +61 3 9479 5110
Fax: +61 3 9479 3037
List of publications:
The Space Between: The Art of Puppetry and Visual Theatre in Australia. With Peter J
Wilson). Currency Press, 2004, 134 pp.
Cho Cho San: a Triumph of Collaboration. Australasian Drama Studies 12/13, 1988,
pp. 85-101).
Blurring the Boundaries: New Forms Collide with Old in Geoffrey Milne. Theatre Australia
(Un)limited: Australian Theatre since the 1950s. Rodopi, 2004, 444 pp..
107. MOHAMED, Noriah (Mr.)*
E-mail: and
Web: and
List of publications:
Wayang Kulit Rengit Johor (The Shadow Play of Rengit Johor). Jurnal Warisan (Journal
Heritage), Vol. 1, 1997, pp. 92-114.
Hikayat Hang Tuah. Kuala Lumpur: Yayasan Karyawan, 1997, 585 pp.
Jawa Di Balik Tabir. Bangi (Javanese behind the Curtain). UKM. Bangi, 2001, 280 pp.
Syair Almarhum Baginda Sultan Abu Bakar di Negeri Johor (Poems of the Late Sultan Abu
Bakar). Johor: Yayasan Warisan Johor, 2001, 388 pp.
Syair Ken Tambuhan. Kuala Lumpur: Yayasan Karyawan, 2002, 249 pp.
Sastera Panji (The Panji Literature). Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. Kementerian Pendidikan
Malaysia.With Mariyam Salim. Kuala Lumpur, 2005, 235 pp.
Sentuhan Rasa dan Fikir Dalam Puisi Melayu Tradisional (The Touch of Taste and Minds
in the Malay Traditional Poems). Bangi, 188 pages.
Penafsiran Kembali Cerita Mitos Asal-Usul (The Second Analysis of the Myth Origin).
In Garitan Budaya Nusantara dalam Perspektif Kebinekaan. Den Pasar: Larasan, 2004,
pp. 142-164.
Pantun: Dalam Semak ada Duri (Pantun: Thorns in the Bush). Jurnal Perisa, Vol. 9, 2001,
pp. 17-29.
Aksara Jawi dan Makna (The Jawi Alpahbates and Meanings). Jurnal Sari, Vol. 19, 2001,
pp. 121-131.
Penggunaan Bahasa Jawa di Johor (The Usage of the Javanese Language in the State
of Johor). Jurnal Warisan Johor, Vol. 6, 2001.
Interfaith Marriages: Malaysian Case. In LWF Studies Dialogue and Beyond. Switzerland
01/2003, pp. 61-70.
Syair Alif Ba Ta: The Poet and His Mission. In Jurnal Sari, Vol. 21, July, 2003, pp. 109-127.
Menjemput Ratu Adil: Evaluasi Krisis terhadap Proses Reformasi Menuju Paradigma Baru
Menuju Sukses Kepimpinan Nasional oleh Haerul Salam & Kholid Santoso (To Welcome
Ratu Adil: Critical Evaluation on the Reformation Process toward the New Paradigm
of the National Leadership by Haerul Salam & Kholid Santoso). Book Review. In Jurnal
Jawhar, Vol. 1, No. 1, February/Mach 2004, pp. 38-47.
Islam dan Kebudayaan Jawa oleh Drs. H.M Darori Amin (Islam in the Javanese Culture
by Drs H. M. Darori Amin). In Jurnal Jawhar Jilid 1 Bilangan 2, June/July 2004, pp. 10-21.
Wahdatal – Adyan: Dialog Pluralisma Agama oleh Faimah Usman (Wahdatal – Adyan:
Religion Pluralism Dialogue by Fatimah Usman). Book Review. In Jurnal Jawhar, Vol. 1,
No. 2, pp. 22-30.
What Went Wrong? Western Impact and Middle Eastern Response by Bernard Lewis. Book
Review. In Jurnal Jawhar, Vol. 1, No. 3, Oct/Nov 2004, pp. 49-56.
Invention of Interactive CD on Sejarah Melayu (The Malay Annals):
Sejarah Melayu. Interactive CD (Malay Version), 2001 – 2002, Expo UKM, 2003.
Sejarah Melayu. Interactive CD (English Version), 2002 – 2003, Expo UKM, 2004.
Sejarah Melayu. Interactive CD (Arabic Version), 2003 – 2005, Expo UKM, 2005 and Higher
Learning Institution (IPTA) 2005.
Syair Ken Tambuhan. Interactive CD, 2005 – 2006.
108. MONOVA, Nina (Ms.)*
Sadovaya-Samotechnaya, 3
Moscow, 127473
Telephone: +7 (495) 699-33-00
List of publications:
International Puppet Festival in Slupsk, Poland (Raduga Kukolnyi Baltii). Article. Entry.
In Teatr Cudes – puppetry journal 2001, No. 2.
I. International Puppet Festival named Sergey Obraztsov in Moscow (Parol prazdnika).
Article. In Teatr Cudes, 2001, No. 3-4.
XII. International Puppet Festival of Baltic’s countries in Kaunas. Article. In Teatr Cudes,
2002, No. 3-4.
II. International Puppet Festival named Sergey Obraztsov in Moscow. Article. In Teatr Cudes,
Moscow, 2005, No. 8.
IV. International Puppet Festival named Sergey Obraztsov in Moscow. Article. In Teatr
Cudes, Moscow, 2006, No. 9.
The Place for Meeting. About 105-jubilee by Sergey Obraztsov in Russia. Article. In Teatr
Cudes, Moscow, 2006, No. 9.
109. MORAWSKA-RUBCZAK, Alicja (Ms.)
85-132 Bydgoszcz
Ugory Street 27f/48
The Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute in Warszawa
00-467 Warszawa
Jazdów Street 1
Telephone: 0048 661 282 638
List of publications:
Dzieło sztuki z perspektywy kulturowej (The Work of Art from the Cultural Perspective). Book.
Ed. S. Antkowiak, A. Rubczak. Toruń, 2008 (Polish, summary in English).
Teatr animacji Janusza Ryl-Krystianowskiego (Janusz Ryl-Krystianowski's Animation
Theatre). Book. Poznań, 2011 (Polish).
Selected articles and essays:
Ale – to dobre jest? (But Is This Any Good?) Teatr Lalek, No. 1/99 (2010), pp. 28-30 (Polish,
Iwona w formie (Yvonne in a Form). Didaskalia, No. 99/2010, pp. 104 (Polish).
Kolce przez szybę nie ranią (Spikes Seen through a Pane of Glass Do Not Wound). Teatr
Lalek, No. 1/96 (2009), pp. 27-29 (Polish, English).
O! Polski teatr lalek? (Oh! A Polish Puppet Theatre?) Teatr Lalek, No. 3/98 (2009), pp. 33-36
(Polish, English).
Otello obnażony (Othello Dénudé). Teatr Lalek, No. 1/96 (2009), pp. 21-22 (Polish, English).
Performans dla niemowląt (Performance Art for Infants). Teatr, No. 10 (2011). (Polish)
Pingwini ekumenizm (A Penguin Ecumenism). Teatr Lalek, No. 2-3/100-101 (2010),
pp. 48-51 (Polish, English).
Poza kontekstem (Beyond the Context). Teatr, No. 2 (2010), pp. 66-70 (Polish).
Raczkujący Teatr (A Theatre Learning to Walk). Teatr Lalek, No. 4/95 (2008), pp. 24-26
(Polish, English).
Raczkujący Teatr (2) (A Theatre Learning to Walk (2)). Teatr Lalek, No. 2/97 (2009), pp. 1012 (Polish, English).
Spowiedź w papierze (A Paper Confession). Scena, No. 2/58 (2009), pp. 33-34 (Polish).
Teatr, wehikuł magiczny (The Theatre, a Magical Vehicle). Teatr Lalek, No. 4/95 (2008),
pp. 36-39 (Polish, English).
Teatralne Biennale (A Theatre Biennale). Teatr, No. 10 (2009), pp. 63-66 (Polish).
Ważny impuls (An Important Impulse). Teatr Lalek, No. 4/102 (2010), pp. 27-32 (Polish,
W cieniu legendy (To Be in the Legend Shadow). Didaskalia, No. 92/93 (2009), pp. 135-137
Złamany kobiecy pazur (A Broken Women's Nail). Teatr Lalek, No. 1/92 (2008), pp. 22-24
(Polish, English).
Raczkujący teatr. O specyfice praktyki artystycznej teatru dla najnajmłodszych (A Theatre
Learning to Walk. The Theatre for the Very Young Specificity). In “Sztuka dla dziecka jako
forma komunikacji społecznej“ (Art for children as a form of social communication). Vol. 2,
ed. Marta Karasińska. Children's Art Centre, Poznań, 2009, pp. 49-57 (Polish).
Świat Garmanna i nasz / Garmann og vår verden (Our and Garmman's World). In “Dziecko –
teatr – świat. Ponad barierami / Barn – teater – verden. Over skillene“ (Child – theatre –
world. Beyond the borders). Ed. M. Bartnikowski, translation Monika Grossman-Kliber.
Baj Theatre, Warszawa, 2010, pp. 2-8 (Polish, Norwegian).
Tradycyjne wątpliwości (The Traditional Doubts). In “Sztuka dla dziecka – tradycja we
współczesności – eseje“ (Art for children – tradition in modernity – the essays).
Ed. H. Gawrońska, G. Leszczyński. Children's Art Centre, Poznań, 2011, pp. 31-41.
Teatr dla najnajmłodszych jako teatr lalek (The Theatre for the Very Young as a Puppet
Theatre). In “Teatr lalek i dziecko” (Puppet Theatre and a Child). Ed. Elżbieta Rzewuska and
Grażyna Słupczyńska. Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland, 2011 (Polish).
Author of the first Polish blog dedicated to children's theatre:
The aesthetics of contemporary children's theatre including puppet theatre.
Theatre for the very young (children in age 0-3).
110. MORLEY, John M.A. (Mr.)
The Language Centre
University of Arts London
272 High Holborn, London
Telephone: (+44) (020) 7514-7261
List of publications:
(Commenced research in 1982)
Mester Jakel – The Punch Tradition in Denmark. In BrUNIMA Bulletin (British UNIMA),
No. 100 (March 1999), London, pp. 10-15.
Fasulis – Traditional Glove Puppetry in Greece. In BrUNIMA Bulletin (British UNIMA),
No. 104 (July 2000), London, pp. 5-10.
Aragoz – The Punch Tradition in Egypt. In BrUNIMA Bulletin (British UNIMA), No. 113
(July 2003), London, pp.10-12.
Jan Klaassen – Punch's Closest Cousin. In Puppet Notebook (British UNIMA), Issue 2
(Spring 2005), London, pp. 12-15.
Karakuz – Het Oude Arabische Schaduwspel uit de Levant (Dutch translation of: Karakuz –
The Old Arab Shadow Plays of the Levant). In Popellum, No. 6 (Year 5, Winter 2005),
Amsterdam, pp. 3-7.
Kasper in Sweden – Part One: The Stockholm Tradition. In Puppet Notebook (British
UNIMA), Issue 13 (Winter 2008), London, pp. 12-15.
Kasper in Sweden – Part Two: The Gothenburg Tradition. In Puppet Notebook (British
UNIMA), Issue 14 (Spring 2009), London, pp. 8-9.
Smerige Lieden en Rustige Types – Traditioneel Handpoppenspel op het Iberisch
Schiereiland: Spanje – Barcelona en de Catalaanstalige Regio's (Dutch translation of:
Traditional Glove Puppetry in the Iberian Peninsula: Part One: Spain – Barcelona and the
Catalan-Speaking Regions). In Popellum, No. 9 (Year 10, Summer 2010), Amsterdam,
pp. 10-16.
The history of traditional puppetry in Europe and the Islamic world.
Flat No. A-4, Block-1, "Green Park"
Ceebros Apartment Complex
Vijaya Nagar, Velachery
Chennai 600 042
Telephone: 091-44-2450553/2448589 (O)
Fax: 091-44-2450553/2448589 (O)
National Folklore Support Centre
(Executive Trustee and Director)
508, 5th Floor, 'Kaveri Complex'
No. 96, Mahatma Gandhi Road (Nungambakkam High Road)
Chennai 600 034
Tamil Nadu
Telephone: 91-044-2822 9192 / 4213 8410
Fax: 91-044-2822 9192 / 4213 8410
E-mail: and
List of publications:
Indian Folklife. Vol. I, Issue III. Finding ecological inside the archives of pain: Famine
Folklore, National Folklore Support Centre, Chennai, October 2002, pp. 3-4.
Current research aims towards creating modernist repertoire for traditional South Indian
112. NARŠČIUVIENĖ, Vida (Ms.)*
R. Jankausko 13-166
Vilnius 2050
Telephone: +370 5 2452129.
E-mail: v.narsciuvienė
National M. Mažvydas Library, Center of Children Literature
Gedimino pr. 51, LT – 01504
Telephone: +370 5 2398561.
Fax: +370 5 2496129.
List of publications:
Lėlių teatras „Berniukas Žirniukas“ (Puppet Theatre „Berniukas Žirniukas). Lietuvos
nacionalinė Martyno Mažvydo biblioteka. Vaikų literatūros centras (sudarė Vida
Narščiuvienė, Onutė Kaladienė, Jolanta Savukynaitė). Vilnius: Lietuvos nacionalinė Martyno
Mažvydo biblioteka, 2005. 26, (2) p. iliustr., portr. Santr. angl. Bibliogr.: pp. 25-26 (50 pavad.)
(Lithuanian with English summary).
Bibliografija (Bibliography about Puppeteers and Puppet Plays). Asmenvardžių rodyklė.
In Lėlė ir kaukė: knyga apie lėlių teatrą / sudarytoja Audronė Girdzijauskaitė. Vilnius:
Gervelė, 1999, pp. 237-74 (723 pavad.). R-klė: pp. 275-(284) (Lithuanian).
Lėlių teatrai Lietuvos bibliotekose (Puppet Theatres in Lithuanian Libraries). Pranešimas
konferencijoje (message in conference). In Lietuvos lėlių teatras: nuo ištakų iki mokyklos:
(straipsnių rinkinys / sudarė Salomėja Burneikaitė). Klaipėda: Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla,
2005, pp. 71-78. Bibliogr. str. gale (Lithuanian).
Pjesės, scenarijai lėlių teatrams: bibliografija (Plays, Screenplays for Puppet Theatres:
Bibliography). In „Pjesių lėlių ir vaikų teatrui bibliografija (1906–2009)“ / (bibliografijos
sudarytoja Vida Narščiuvienė; sudarytoja Irena Maciulevičienė). Vilnius: Lietuvos liaudies
kultūros centras, 2010, pp. 17-27 (Molinuko teatras) (Lithuanian).
Lalki jako pomocnice bibliotekarzy Litwy. Iliustr. Lenk. // Guliwer. – 1994, No. 5, pp. 33-34
Bibliography of Puppet Theatre in Lithuania (Bibiografia o kukoľnom teatre v Litve). In Lėlė
ir kaukė Puppet and Mask. Ed. A. Girdzijauskaitė. Vilnius: Gervelė, 1999, pp. 237-284.
Use of puppet theatre components in libraries, production of simple puppets.
113. NICOLAS, Michèle (Ms.)*
93-95 Avenue du Général Leclerc
75014 Paris
Centre d'Etudes turques et ottomans
EHESS, 54 Boulevard Raspail
75006 Paris
Telephone: 0149542301
Fax: 0149542672
E-mail: (
List of publications:
Le Théâtre de Karagöz (Theatre of Karagöz). In Tribune d'Orient, No. 8 et 9, nov-déc 1981,
p. 9.
Karagöz: le Théâtre d'Ombres Turc (Karagöz: Turkish Shadow Theatre). In Les
Marionnettes, Edition Bordas, Paris, 1982, pp. 40-46 with illus.
Les rôles féminins dans le théâtre d'ombres turc traditionnel (Karagöz) (Female Roles in
Traditional Turkish Shadow Theatre (Karagöz)). In Der Islam, 1987, band 64/1, pp. 209-216.
Karagöz, le theâtre d 'ombres turc d'hier à aujourd'hui (Karagöz, Turkish Shadow Theatre
Yesterday and Today). In Actes du XIIIème congrès de l'Union européenne d'Arabisants
et d'Islamisants, Université degli studi, Venezia, 1988, pp. 180-200.
Un carabin nommé Karagöz (A Carabin Called Karagöz). In Anka: l'humour turc, Vol. 11-12,
autome-hiver 1991, pp. 20-24.
Karagö., In La Méditerranée réinventée, edition La découverte, Fondation René Seydoux,
Paris, 1992, p. 291.
La Comédie humaine dans le Karagöz (Human Comedy in Karagöz). In L'Humour en Orient,
Revue du monde musulman et de la Méditerranée, edition Edisud, No. 77-78, Aix-enProvence, 1996, pp. 75-87.
Ombres et couleurs ottomans (Ottoman Shadows and Colours). In Revue d'Histoire
de la Pharmacie, 90ème année, tome 335, 3ème trimestre 2002, pp. 379-386.
Articles Turkey, Karagöz, Montreurs (Puppeteer). In Encyclopédie mondiale des Arts de la
Marionnette (Worldwide Encyclopedia of Puppetry Arts). Édition de L’Entretemps, Paris,
114. OPHRAT, Hadas (Mr.)
8 Deedes St.
Jerusalem 93106
Telephone: +972 (0)2 5633232, +972 (0)544 717100
Studio tel/fax: +972 (0)2 5610536
Jerusalem School of Visual Theatre
List of publications:
Conversation with a Puppet, On Contemporary Puppetry. Sal Tarbut Artzi Publishing,
Tel Aviv 2008 (Hebrew).
Very Much Reality – on the Art of Performance. Hakibutz Hameuchad Publishing House,
Tel Aviv, 2012.
115. ORENSTEIN, Claudia (Ms.)
Theatre Department
Hunter College, Cuny And The Cuny Graduate Center
695 Park Ave.
New York, NY 10021
Telephone: 212-772-4642, 212-865-1685
List of publications:
The World of Theatre: Tradition and Innovation. Co-author with Mira Felner. New York: Allyn
and Bacon, 2005.
Festive Revolutions: The Politics of Popular Theatre and the San Francisco Mime Troupe.
Series, In Performance Studies. Jacksonville: University Press of Mississippi, 1999.
Collective Creation and Cross-Cultural Exchange. In Mime Journal, 2002/2003, pp. 225-234.
A Taste of Tibet: The Nuns of Khachoe Ghakyil Ling Nunnery and the Theatre du Soleil.
In Asian Theatre Journal. Vol. 19, No. 1, Spring 2002, pp. 212-230.
Agitational Performance, Now and Then. In Theatre Magazine. Vol. 31, No. 3, 2001,
pp. 139-151.
Dance and Drama: An Overview. In The Encyclopedia Of Women And World Religion.
Serenity Young, ed., Macmillan Press, 1999, pp. 232-234.
Dancing on Shifting Ground: The Balinese Kecak in Cross-Cultural Perspective. In Theatre
Symposium, Vol. VI., August 1998, pp. 116 – 124.
A series of articles on San Diego Repertory Theatre's original Latino opera Burning Dreams:
Rep's World Premier of Burning Dreams, Why an Opera?, It Was Only a Dream, Isla Mujeres
and the Magic of the Yucatan. In The Reporter (San Diego), Winter 1994, 1, pp. 4-5.
Book Review of Lord Of The Dance: The Mani Rimdu Festival in Tibet and Nepal. By Robert
Kohn. In Asian Theatre Journal. Vol. 19, No. 2, Fall 2002, pp. 390-392.
Performance Review of Continuum: Beyond the Killing Fields. By Singapore’s Theatreworks,
directed by Ong Keng Sen at the Yale International Theatre Festival. In Asian Theatre
Journal, Vol. 19, No. 2, Fall 2002, pp. 393-395.
Around the World with Eugene van Erven. Book and Video Review of “Community Theatre:
Global Perspectives”, by Eugene van Erven In Theatre Magazine, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2002,
pp. 77-80.
Performance Review of Mandalay Marionettes at the American Museum of Natural History.
In Theatre Journal, Vol. 53, No. 3., October 2001, pp. 495-496.
Book Review of Nomai Dance Drama: A Surviving Spirit of Mediaval Japan. By Susan
M. Asai. In Theatre Journal, Vol. 53, No. 3, October 2001, pp. 513 – 514.
Performance review of Woman General: Mu Gui Ying and Taking Tiger Mountain by
Strategy. By The Qi Shu Fang Peking Opera Company of New York. In Theatre Journal,
Vol. 51, No. 3, October 1999, pp. 322-323.
Book review of Puppets and Popular Culture. By Scott Cutler Shershow and Pinocchio's
Progeny. By Harold B. Segal. In Theatre Journal, Vol. 48, No. 4, Dec. 1996, pp. 522-525.
Book review of Yoruba Ritual: Performers, Play and Agency. By Margaret Drewal. In Theatre
Insight, #11, May 1994.
Translation of Brigitte Revelli’s Body Shadows as a Tool of Initiation into the Actor’s Theatre.
Puppetry International Fall and Winter 09, Issue #26.
Thinking Inside the Box: Meditations on the Miniature at the Great Small Works Eighth
International Toy Theatre Festival. Theatre, Vol. 39., No. 3, pp. 144-155.
Coming Full Circle: Performing Objects, New Media, and Interculturalism in New Puppetry.
Indian Horizons, special issue on puppetry. Vol. 55, No. 2-3, April-September 2008,
pp. 172-188.
A French Puppeteer in Kerala: An Interview with Brigitte Rivelli. Puppetry International,
No. 24, Fall and Winter 2008, pp. 12-15.
The Danish Festival at the New Victory Theatre: Puppetry and A New Perspective on Family
Entertainment. Critical Acts. TDR, Vol. 52, No. 3, Fall 2008 (T 199), pp. 187-195.
En temps et hors temps:l’animation selon Janie Geiser (In and Out of Time: The Animated
Art of Janie Geiser). Puck: La Marionnette et les Autres Arts. No. 15: Marionnette, cinéma
et cinéma d’animation. France: Éditions L’Entretemps, No. 15, 2008, pp. 129-134.
Report: XIVème Festival Mondial des Théâtres de Marionnettes, Charleville-Mézières,
France, September 15-24, 2006. Asian Theatre Journal, Vol. 25, No. 1, Spring 2008,
pp. 148-154.
Puppets Invade France: The XIVème Festival Mondial des Théâtres de Marionnettes.
Theatre, Vol. 38, No. 1, 2008, pp. 132-141.
Good Theatre In Bad Times: Mime Troupe Reader. Theatre, 2007; 37, pp. 99-105.
Kazuko Hohki: Objects of Contemplation. Animated Encounter. A Review of Puppetry and
Related Arts. Vol. 1, 2007, pp. 52-54.
Agitation – Propaganda. Columbia Encyclopedia of Modern Drama. Eds. Gabrielle H. Cody
and Evert Sprinchorn. New York: Columbia University Press, 2007.
Kazuko Hohki: Objects of Contemplation. Animations Online 17. Summer, 2006.
Revolution Should Be Fun: A Critical Perspective on the San Francisco Mime Troupe.
In Restaging the Sixties: Radical Theatres and Their Legacies. Eds. James Harding and
Cindy Rosenthal. University of Michigan Press, 2006.
New Puppetry In The Media Age.
116. ORTEGA CERPA, Désirée (Ms.)
Telephone: 607 94 82 77
List of publications:
Co-author of Fit de Cádiz, Crónica de un hecho insólito (Ibero-American Theatre Festival in
Cádiz, A Chronicle of an Rare Deed). Tenth anniversary of the Ibero-American Theatre
Festival in Cádiz. Patronato del Festival Iberoamericano de Teatro de Cádiz, 1995. Bajo,
Mª Jesús, co-author; Portillo, Rafael, coordination.
Coordinator of “FIT de Cádiz: La ventana de América” (Ibero-American Theatre Festival
in Cádiz: The window of America). 20 years of the Ibero-American Theatre Festival in Cádiz.
Fundación Municipal de Cultura-Ayuntamiento de Cádiz/Patronato del Festival
Iberoamericano de Teatro de Cádiz, 2005.
Teatro de marionetas: sueñan los replicantes con ovejas mecánicas (Marionette Theatre:
Do Replicants Dream of Electric Sheep). Villegas, Juan (ed.), Propuestas escénicas de fin
de siglo: FIT 98, GESTOS-Universidad de California, Irvine, 1999, pp. 111-123.
La Tía Norica de Cádiz (La Tía Norica of Cádiz). Máscara, No. 11, México, 2000, pp. 13-15.
El largo camino hacia la normalización teatral de los títeres (Long Way zowards
Standardisation of the Puppet Theatre). ADE, No. 84, 2001, pp. 268-270.
Os fíos da vida a Tía Norica de Cádiz (The Threads of Life of Tía Norica de Cádiz). Bululú,
No. 2. Centro de Documentación del IGAEM, verano 02, pp. 9-14.
La recuperación del legado de La Tía Norica de Cádiz: veinte años después (1984-2004)
(Recovering the Legacy of La Tía Norica de Cádiz: Twenty Years Later). Periférica. Revista
para el análisis de la cultura y el territorio, No. 4, Cádiz, diciembre 2003, pp. 175-186.
La vida secreta de las marionetas (Secret Life of Marionettes). Ophelia. Revista de teatro
y otras artes (teatro e infancia), No. 6-7, Madrid, marzo 2004, pp. 22-24.
Los hilos de la vida: el Legado de La Tía Norica de Cádiz (Threads of Life: The Legacy
of La Tía Norica de Cádiz). Ateneo. Revista cultural del Ateneo de Cádiz, No. 5, 2005,
pp. 211-216.
Compendio de la historia de los títeres: un género popular en la España del siglo XX
(Compendium of the History of Puppets: A Genre Polular in 20th-Century Spain). In Revista
de Historia Ubi Sunt, No. 21 (dossier Cultura Popular), 2007, pp. 26-29.
La Tía Norica de Cádiz. In the monography A vueltas con el teatro de títeres ADE, 121,
2008, pp. 169-172.
Chapters of Books/Encyclopedias:
Actualidad de las artes escénicas y la música en Andalucía (The Current Situation of Scenic
Arts and Music in Andalucía). Gran Enciclopedia Andaluza del siglo XX. Conocer Andalucía.
(T. 9: Literatura y Comunicación en Andalucía), Sevilla, Tartessos, 2001, pp. 253-294.
Teatro popular: la Tía Norica (Popular Theatre: la Tía Norica). Proyecto Andalucía.
Antropología. (Cap. 10, Tomo IX: “Literatura Oral”) Sevilla, Publicaciones Comunitarias S. A.,
2003, pp. 287-306.
Calidad de los programas (The Quality of Programs) and Comparación con otros festivales
(Comparison with Other Festivals). In Diagnóstico de situación sobre el Festival
Iberoamericano de Teatro de Cádiz, Universidad de Cádiz, 2003, pp. 43-67.
La fiesta de la diversidad (Celebrating the Diversity). In FIT de Cádiz: La ventana de América
(20 años del Festival Iberoamericano de Teatro de Cádiz). Fundación Municipal de CulturaAyuntamiento de Cádiz/Patronato del Festival Iberoamericano de Teatro de Cádiz, 2005,
pp. 11-36.
La Tía Norica and Medio siglo de títeres (1900-1950) (Half a Century of Puppets). In
Ventana al títere ibérico, XXIV Festival Internacional de Marionetas de Tolosa: 2006,
pp. 14-17/54-59 (published in three versions: Spanish-Basque; Spanish-English and
La Tía Norica and Medio siglo de títeres (1900-1950) (Half a Century of Puppets). In
Ventana al títere ibérico, Sociedad Estatal para la Acción Cultural Exterior de España
(SEACEX), 2007, pp. 40-47/120-131. Catalog of an itinerant international exhibition
organised by SEACEX, Centro de Inicativas de Tolosa and the Indira Gandhi National
Centre for the Arts. Published in Spanish and English.
Collaborator on la Encyclopédie Mondiale Des Arts de la Marionnette (Worldwide
Encyclopaedia of Puppetry Arts). Editor of the national article about Spain (pp. 242-246)
and writer of the articles La Tía Norica (pp. 699 and 700), Manuel de Falla (p. 267) and
Hermenegildo Lanz (p. 422), 2005.
Published by Éditions L´ Entretemps/UNIMA (Internacional Union of the Marionette),
Montpellier, 2009.
117. Den OTTER, Elisabeth (Ms.)*
2e Egelantiersdwarsstraat 75
1015 SB Amsterdam
Telephone: ++ 31-20-6205590
List of publications:
Sogo bò. La fête des masques bamanan. Bamako (printed by Imprim Color), 2002, 131 pp.
(With Mamadou Kéïta; there is a version in Bamanan as well.)
Mascaras e Marionetas: Uma Mascarada no Mali. In C. Zurbach (ed.), Teatro de Marionetas.
Tradiçâo e modernidade. Evora: Casa do Sul, pp. 145-163, 2002.
Rhythm to Be Heard, Rhythm to Be Seen: A Masquerade of the Bamana (Mali). In Rhythm,
a dance in time, E.den Otter (ed.). Amsterdam: KIT Press, 2000, pp. 137-148.
Of Dancing Masks and Men: Visible and Hidden Dancers of the Bamana and Bozo (Mali).
In The spirit's dance in Africa, E.Dagan (ed.). Westmount, QC, Canada: Galerie Amrad
African Arts Publications, 1997, p. 140-143.
Verre vrienden van Jan Klaassen. Poppenspel in Afrika en Azië, Amsterdam: KIT Press,
1995, 111 pp.
Various articles in “Popellum”, a Dutch review on puppet theatre worldwide.
CD Bamana and Bozo Songs from Kirango, Mali. Royal Tropical Institute/PAN records
No. 4010 KCD, 1998.
CD-Rom Thabin. Burmese Puppetry, Music, Song and Dance, 2000. Produced on own
Masquerades of the Bamanan and the Bozo (Mali).
118. OZÁBALOVÁ, Ivica (Ms.)
Čsl. Parašutistov 3
831 03 Bratislava
List of publications:
Bábkarská Bystrica (Theatre Festival “Bábkarská Bystrica“). Altogether with Vladimír
Predmerský. Bratislava: NDC, 1996, 126 pp.
Slovenské profesionálne bábkové divadlá, sezóny 1950-1951 až 1970-1971 (Slovak
Professional Puppet Theatres in Seasons 1950-1951 until 1970-1971), premiers
bibliography. Bratislava: NDC, 1997, 179 pp.
Cesta okolo sveta za 50 rokov – Bratislavské bábkové divadlo 1957 – 2007 (Journey around
the World – Bratislava’s Puppet Theatre 1957 – 2007). Editor. BBD, Bratislavský
samosprávny kraj, Bratislava 2007, 160 pp.
119. PAËRL, Hetty (Ms.)
Lindenstr. 60
1015 KZ Amsterdam
Telephone: ++31 (0) 20 6201925
Fax: ++31 (0) 20 6201925
List of publications:
Schimmenspel – en het spelen met schaduwen Wereldbibliothee, (Shadow-show – and the
Playing with Shadows). Amsterdam, 1979.
Schattenspiel – und das Spielen mit Silhouetten Hugendubel (Shadow-show – and the
Playing with Silhouettes). Munchen, 1979. German edition of the same book.
Ombres et Silhouettes ChÍne Hachette (Shadows and Silhouettes). Paris, 1979. French
edition of the same book.
De Theaterpop en iets van zijn geschiedeni (The Theatre Puppet and Something of Its
History). Written in co-operation with Felicia van Deth. Heureka, Weesp, 1981.
Ontwikkelingen in het poppenspel in Nederland – een overzicht van de jaren tussen 1945
en 1981 (Developments in the Puppet-show in The Netherlands – a Survey of the Years
between 1945 and 1981). Unima Centrum Nederland, 1981.
Jan Klaassen is in t land Pantijn (Jan Klaassen Is Here). Amsterdam, 1982.
Popppenspel – zelf maken en spelen (Puppet Show – Self Making and Playing).
Wereldbibliotheek, Amsterdam, 1982.
Het Gezicht van Jan Klaassen – hij lacht zich een bult Oostelijk Kunstbedrijf (Good Gracious
– about Jan Klaassen and His Foreign Congeners). Vorchten, 1986.
Das Gesicht von Jan Klaassen – er kriegt vor lauter lachen einen Buckel Puppen und
Masken. Frankfurt/M 1986. German edition of the same book.
Heerekrintjes – over Jan Klaassen en zijn buitenlandse soortgenoten Gaade. Veenendaa,l
Tegen het decor van de rokende Vesuvius – Pulcinella en de magie van het
volkspoppentheater in Zuid-ItaliÎ Unieper (Against the Scenery of the Smoking Vesuvius –
Pulcinella and the Magic of the Popular Puppet Theatre in South Italy). Abcoude, 1993.
Traditionele poppen in BelgiÎ (Traditional Marionettes in Belgium). Written in co-operation
with Freek Neirynck. Vlaams Figurenteaterarchiel, Gent, 1994.
Marionnettes traditionnelles en Belgique written in co-operation with Freek Neirynck. Vlaams
Figurenteaterarchief (Traditional Marionettes in Belgium). Gent, 1994. French edition of the
same book.
Pulcinella – La Misteriosa Maschera della Cultura Europea (Pulcinella – the mysterious Mask
of the European Culture). Apeiron Editori, Sant Oreste (Roma) 2002.
Pulcinella – het mysterieuze spiegelbeeld van de mens (Pulcinella – the Mysterious Image
of Man). Theatre Instituut Nederland and Apeiron Editori, Amsterdam, 2003. Dutch edition
of the same book.
Traditional puppet theatre.
120. PhDr. PANOVOVÁ, Oľga CSc. (Ms.)*
Sibírska 6
83102 Bratislava
List of publications:
Milan Sládek: Pantomime Art at Home and Abroad. A monograph about the well-known
Slovak mime, puppeteer, director, author and designer in Cologne/Rhine the director of the
the Theatre Kefka and the Theatre Arena in Bratislava. Bratislava: Tália-press, 1996, 313 pp.
The Professional Puppet Theatre after 1970. In Mistrík, Miloš et al.: Slovenské divadlo v 20.
storočí. (The Slovak Theatre in 20th Century) Bratislava: Veda, 1999, pp. 427-459 (Slovak).
A Birth and Development of Pantomime. In Mistrík, Miloš et al.: Slovenské divadlo v 20. st.
Bratislava: Veda, 1999, pp. 459-479 (Slovak).
Ctibor Turba in Slovakia. The Transformation of the Circus Clownery in the Film and Theatre.
Divadelní revue, 8, 1997, No. 4, pp. 47-54, Photos pp. 55 – 61 (Slovak, English summary).
Two Decades of the Slovak Professional Puppet Theatre in the Mirror of Bábkarska Bystrica
Puppet Festival (1977-1996). Loutkář, 1998, No. 3-4, pp. 63-68 (Slovak, English summary).
The Folk Mask in the Slovak Professional Puppet Theatre. In Slovenské divadlo, 48, 2000,
No. 1, pp. 69-79 (Slovak, English summary).
Shrovetide Rites as a Drama Phenomenon. Door-to-Door Procession, the Burying
of a Double-Bass. In Slovenské divadlo, 48, 2000, No. 4, pp. 235-259 (Slovak, English
E. G. Craig and the Interwar Theatre Avant-garde. Mask the most expressive device Art of
the First Theatre reform (Slovak, English summary). In Slovenské divadlo, 49, 2001, No. 4,
pp. 201-218.
Rhythm, the Most Significant Element of Movement in the Theatre of Movement in the
Theatre of the Former Half of the 20th Century. In Slovenské divadlo, 50, 2002, No. 2,
pp. 100-114 (Slovak, English summary).
Avant-garde Visual Theatre. In Slovenské divadlo, 51, 2003, pp. 175-189.
Heritage of Inter-War Avant-Garde in Slovak Theatre II., The Author´s Puppet Theatre.
In Slovenské divadlo, 54, 2006, No. 4, pp. 599-609 (Slovak, English summary).
The Slovak Professional Puppet Theatre as Seen by Its Co-creator. A review to the book
written by V. Predmerský: The Slovak Puppet Theatre 1945–1971. In Slovenské divadlo
1999, 47, No.1, pp. 84-87, (Slovak).
Encyclopedia Beliana – entries about clowns and mimes. Bratislava: Slovak Academy of
Sciences (SAV), from the year 2000.
121. PERRICONE, Rosario (Mr.)
Piazzetta Antonio Pasqualino, 5
90136 Palermo
Associazione per la conservazione delle tradizioni popoplari – Museo internazionale
delle marionette Antonio Pasqualino
Telephone: 0039.91.328060
List of publications:
Editorship of the volume L’epos appeso a un filo (The Epos Hanging on a String). Le forme
teatrali tradizionali riconsciute dall’UNESCO “Capolavoro del patrimonio orale e immateriale
dell’umanità”. Traditional theatrical forms declared by Unesco “Masterpieces of oral and
intangible heritage of humanity. Exhibition catalogue, Associazione per la conservazione
delle tradizioni popolari, Palermo, 2004, pp. 17-21.
Il mito nella tradizione (Myth and Tradition). In Rosario Perricone (edited by) L’epos appeso
a un filo. Le forme teatrali tradizionali riconsciute dall’UNESCO “Capolavoro del patrimonio
orale e immateriale dell’umanità”. Exhibition catalogue, Associazione per la conservazione
delle tradizioni popolari, Palermo, 2004, pp. 17-21.
Introduction and editorship of the volume Mori e cristiani nelle feste e negli spettacoli popolari
(Moors and Christians in Folk Feasts and Performances). Associazione per la conservazione
delle tradizioni popolari, Palermo, 2005.
XXXI. Festival di Morgana. Rassegna di opera dei pupi e pratiche teatrali tradizionali.
The Puppets of Asia (XXXI Festival of Morgana, Festival of Opera dei pupi and Traditional
Theatrical Practices). Associazione per la conservazione delle tradizioni popolari, Palermo,
XXXVI. Festival di Morgana. I Fili dell’Opera (XXXVI Festival of Morgana. Strings of Opera).
Associazione per la conservazione delle tradizioni popolari, Palerm,o 2011.
Editorship of the volume Kerala un pacte avec les dieux (Kerala, a Pact with Gods).
Exhibition catalogue, Associazione per la conservazione delle tradizioni popolari, Palermo,
Forma e linguaggio del teatro dei pupi (Form and Language of the Sicilian Puppet Theatre).
In Allegri L., Bambozzi M., «Teoria e storia del teatro di figura. Burattini Marionette Pupi
Ombre Oggetti», Carocci Editore, Roma, 2012.
Reviews to:
Festival di Morgana. Rassegna di opera dei pupi e di pratiche teatrali tradizionali (Festival
di Morgana. Festival of Opera dei pupi and Traditional Theatrical Practices). XXXI ed,
In Archivio Antropologico Mediterraneo, VIII/IX (2005-2006), pp. 170-171.
The puppet of Asia, Associazione per la conservazione delle tradizioni popolari, Palermo.
Dall’Innamorato al Furioso. Figure dell’ambiguità tra oralità e scrittura (From the Innamorato
to the Furioso). Associazione per la conservazione delle tradizioni popolari, Palermo.
Member of the editorial staff of the following scientific reviews:
Archivio delle tradizioni popolari siciliane (Archive of Sicilian Folk Traditions), (ed. Folkstudio,
Archivio Antropologico Mediterraneo, (Mediterranean Anthropological Archive), (ed. Sellerio,
122. PFEIFFER, Jennifer K. (Ms.)
4 Illawarra Road
Flemington, VIC 3031
Telephone: 61 (0) 423 243 516
List of publications:
Beginnings… Philosophy and Practice, a Tandem Road. Special Issue 35 Australian
Puppeteer, March, 2008, pp. 38-39.
Australasian Drama Studies v 51. (refereed). Globalisation and the UNIMA Asia-Pacific
Commission 2007, pp. 104-118.
Snuff Puppets – Death and Other Oddities. Article. In I Pur Si Muove journal, UNIMA,
Charleville-Mezierres, France, April 2006.
“Puppet Theatre: Identity of Place”. Interview by Dr Geeti Sen with Sri Dadi Pudumjee
and Jennifer Pfeiffer in IIC Quarterly, Spring, Vol. 32, New Delhi, 2006.
Interview of Jennifer Pfeiffer by N. Venugopalan published in Indian Folklife, Vol. 1, Issue 4,
April, 2002. Produced by NFSC (National Folklore Support Centre), Chennai, India.
Puppet and Phenomenology; Kinesic and Somatic processes.
Semiotics – dramaturgy and writing for puppet theatre; cross-cultural theatre globalisation.
Postcolonialism i.e. policy and ethics of cross-cultural practice.
123. Prof. PLASSARD, Didier (Mr.)
Professeur en Études théâtrales
Département Arts du spectacle
Université Paul Valéry – Montpellier 3
Route de Mende
34000 Montpellier
Telephone: (33) 9 5436 41 99
Mobile: (33) 6 66 80 43 50
List of publications:
Walter Mehring, Einfach klassisch! Eine Orestie mit glücklichem Ausgang, herausgegeben
und mit einem Nachwort von D. Plassard. Siegen, Universität-GMH Siegen, 1986
(Vergessene Autoren der Moderne, XVI), 28 pp.
L’Acteur en effigie (The Actor in Effigy). Figures de l’homme artificiel dans le théâtre des
avant-gardes historiques (Allemagne, France, Italie). Lausanne / Charleville-Mézières, L’Age
d’Homme / Institut International de la Marionnette, 1992 (Prix Georges-Jamati).
Les Mains de lumière (The Hands of Light). Anthologie des écrits sur l"art de la marionnette,
textes réunis et présentés par Didier Plassard. Charleville-Mézières, Institut International
de la Marionnette, 1996, 369 pp.
Approches de l’art monumental: Kandinsky et la synthèse des arts (Approaching
Monumental Art: Kandinsky and the Synthesis of Arts). In Denis Bablet (éd.), L"Œuvre d"art
totale, Paris, CNRS Editions, 1995, pp. 110-128.
Le théâtre de Kandinsky face à l’interpretation (Kandinsky’s Theatre Facing the
Interpretation). In Le Tournant du siècle / The Turn of the Century, actes du colloque
international organisé par le Departement Romaanse Filologie de l"Université d"Anvers
(mai 1992), Berlin / New-York, De Gruyter, 1995, pp. 507-521.
Pierre Albert-Birot: éléments pour une poétique hyper-théâtrale (Pierre Albert-Birot: Elements
for Hyper-theatrical Poetics). In Madeleine Renouard (éd.), Pierre Albert-Birot, laboratoire de
modernité, actes du colloque de Cerisy (septembre 1995), Paris, Jean-Michel Place, 1997,
pp. 109-116.
Dioptrique des corps dans l"espace électronique: sur quelques mises en scène de Giorgio
Barberio Corsetti (Analastics of Bodies in Electronic Space: On Some Productions of Giorgio
Barberio Corsetti). In Béatrice Picon – Vallin (éd.), Les Écrans sur la scène, Lausanne, L’Age
d’Homme, 1998, pp. 149-170.
Le corps tombé de l’acteur (The Fallen Body of the Actor). In La Marionnette et les âges
de la vie, Actes du VIIIe colloque de l"Association Marionnette et thérapie, Paris, Association
Marionnette et thérapie, 1998, pp. 57-62.
De l’effondrement des récits à l’explosion des figures: les présences paradoxales du mythe
dans l’écriture théâtrale contemporaine (From Collapsing Stories to Exploding Figures,
Paradoxical Presences of the Myth in Contemporary Theatre Writing). In Ariane Eissen,
Jean-Pierre Engélibert (éd.), La Dimension mythique de la littérature contemporaine,
Poitiers, La Licorne, 2000, pp. 41-56.
Promener les objets, déplacer les signes: les images furtives d’ALIS (Walking Objects,
Transfering Signs: The Furtive Images of ALIS). In Béatrice Picon-Vallin (éd.), La Scène
et les images (Les Voies de la création théâtrale, Vol. 21), Paris, CNRS-Éditions, 2001,
pp. 275-296.
De la neige amassée dans une coupe d’argent – Quelques notes sur Novarina et le nô
(Some Amassed Snow in the Silver Cup – Few Notes about Novarina and the Noh). In Alain
Berset (éd.), Valère Novarina, théâtres du verbe, Paris, José Corti, 2001, pp. 171-182.
Eine schöne Kunstfigur: masques et marionnettes chez Oskar Schlemmer. In Oskar
Schlemmer, l’homme et la figure d"art, Pantin, éditions du Centre National de la Danse,
Du théâtre, et de l’abstraction (On Theatre and Abstraction). In Eric Bonnet, Amos
Fergombé, Edmond Nogacki (éd.), Théâtre et arts plastiques, Actes du colloque de
l’Université de Valenciennes et du Haut Cambrésis (1-3 mars 2000), Presses de l’Université
de Valenciennes (12 pp. dact., en préparation).
Articles (selection, 1998 – 2001)
Réjouir l’homme est une tâche douloureuse: le TNP de Jean Vilar et la presse (1951-1963)
(To Entertain a Man is a Painful Task: TNP of Jean Vilar and the Press (1951-1963)).
In Revue d’Histoire du théâtre, Paris, No. 198 (1998 – 2), pp. 101-128.
Effigies pour demain (Effigies for Tomorrow). Entretien recueilli par Nicolas Roméas, Rue
de la folie, No 1, Paris, juin 1998, pp. 40-41.
Kantor, Gabily, Novarina: fragiles territoires de l’humain (Kantor, Gabily, Novarina: Fragile
Human Territories). Puck, No. 11, Charleville-Mézières, Institut International de la
Marionnette, 1998, pp. 10-16. Version en ligne sur le site de François Bon (octobre 2000):
Un lieu où faire mourir les corps, Mise en crise de la forme dramatique 1880 – 1910
(A Place to Let the Bodies Die, Getting the Dramatic Form into Crisis 1880 – 1910). Études
théâtrales, No. 15-16, Louvain, Centres d’Études Théâtrales, juillet 1999, pp. 149-153.
Valère Novarina, Didier-Georges Gabily: pour un potlatch des representations (Valère
Novarina, Didier-Georges Gabily: for a Potlatch of Representations). Études théâtrales,
No. 19, Louvain la neuve, Centre d"Etudes Théâtrales, décembre 2000, pp. 67-76.
Théâtre et politique: l’écriture de la violence dans En attendant Godot et Fin de partie
(Theatre and Politics: Writing on the Violence in Waiting for Godot and Endgame). Études
théâtrales, No. 20, Louvain la neuve, Centre d’Etudes Théâtrales, mars 2001, pp. 78-85.
Contributions in dictionaries and encyclopedies:
Figure (Théâtre de) (Figure (Theatre of)). In Michel Corvin (éd.), Dictionnaire encyclopédique
du théâtre, Larousse, 3e édition revue et corrigée, 1998.
Genty (Philippe). In Michel Corvin (éd.), Dictionnaire encyclopédique du théâtre, Larousse,
3e édition revue et corrigée, 1998.
Marionnettes en Europe occidentale (Puppets in Western Europe). In Michel Corvin (éd.),
Dictionnaire encyclopédique du théâtre, Larousse, 3e édition revue et corrigée, 1998.
Marionnettes en Europe orientale (Puppets in Eastern Europe). In Michel Corvin (éd.),
Dictionnaire encyclopédique du théâtre, Larousse, 3e édition revue et corrigée, 1998.
Double énonciation (Double Expression). In Jean-Marie Grassin (éd.), Dictionnaire
international des termes littéraires, version en ligne (
Film de theatre (Theatre Movie). In Jean-Marie Grassin (éd.), Dictionnaire international
des termes littéraires, version en ligne (
Du théâtre, et de l’abstraction (On Theatre and Abstraction). In Eric Bonnet, Amos
Fergombé, Edmond Nogacki (éd.), Théâtre et arts plastiques au XXe siècle, Presses
Universitaires de Valenciennes (communication au colloque du même titre, Université
de Valenciennes et du Haut Cambrésis, Valenciennes, 1 – 3 mars 2000) (12 pp. dact.).
Des théâtres de papier – Quelques remarques sur l"écriture théâtrale contemporaine (The
Paper Theatres – Some Remarks on “the Contemporary Theatre Writing”). In Josette Féral
(éd.), La Théâtralité (14 pp. dact.).
Espace, es-tu là? Espace scénique et dramaturgie chez Valère Novarina (Space, Are You
There? Scenic Space and Dramturgy of Valère Novarina). Communication au colloque
“Théâtre: espace sonore, espace visuel” accompagnant le Congrès de la Fédération
Internationale de la Recherche Théâtrale, Université Lumière – Lyon 2, Lyon, 18-23
septembre 2000 (10 pp. dact.).
La scène se joue au présent d’interpellation (The Scene Is Played in the Presence of the
Interpellation). Communication au colloque “La Voix de Valère Novarina”, Université
de Valence / Grenoble III, 28 – 29 novembre 2001 (10 pp. dactyl.).
La caverne des anthropoglyphes (The Cave of the Anthropoglyphs). Europe, n spécial
“Valère Novarina” (8 pp dact.).
Interventions at L’Acteur et le handicap organised by Laboratoire La présence et l"image and
Atelier de Recherche Théâtrale (Université Rennes 2 – Haute Bretagne), Le Campement,
Saint-Jacques de la lande, 22-23 juin 2001, online audio recording (July 2001):
Art et handicap – Dialogue entre Philippe Rahmy et Didier Plassard (Art and Handicap –
Dialogue of Philippe Rahmy and Didier Plassard). Sur, novembre –
décembre 2001:
Edward Gordon Craig: relectures d’un héritage (Edward Gordon Craig: Rereadings of
a Heritage). L’Annuaire théâtral, No. 37, D. Plassard (dir.), Université d’Ottawa, mai 2005
(Mention « Honorable » du Prix Jean Cléo-Godin 2006).
Les présences du marionnettiste (Presences of the Puppeteer). Registres, No. 15, D.
Plassard (dir.), Presses de la Sorbonne nouvelle, Paris, juillet 2011.
Selected contributions to collective books
Promener les objets, déplacer les signes: les images furtives d’ALIS (Walking Objects,
Transfering Signs: The Furtive Images of ALIS). In Béatrice PICON-VALLIN (dir.), La Scène
et les images (Les Voies de la création théâtrale, Vol. 21), Paris, CNRS-Éditions, 2001.
“Eine schöne Kunstfigur: masques et marionnettes chez Oskar Schlemmer” (Eine schöne
Kunstfigur: Masks and Puppets of Oskar Schlemmer). In Oskar Schlemmer, l’homme
et la figure d’art, Paris, Centre National de la Danse, 2001.
La fabbrica dell’avvenire: metamorfosi del teatro di figura nelle avvanguardie storiche.
In Patrizia VEROLI, Giuseppina VOLPICELLI (dir.), La Fabbrica dei sogni – La compagnia
romana dei Piccoli di Podrecca (1914-1959), Marionette e materiali scenici della Collezione
Signorelli, Edizioni Bora, Bologne, 2005.
Les Prologues du Drame pour fous de Craig, ou la fabrique continue du texte (Prologues of
Craig’s Drama for Fools or The Continuous Fabrication of the Text). In Lucile BODSON,
Margareta NICULESCU, Patrick PEZIN (dir.), Passeurs et complices / Passsing it on,
Éditions de L’Entretemps, Montpellier, 2009.
Selected articles
L’auteur, le marionnettiste et le veau à deux têtes (The Author, the Puppeteer and the Twoheaded Calf). Alternatives théâtrales, No. 72, Bruxelles, avril 2002.
Une affaire de présence (An Affair of the Presence). Bleecker Street (Abordages), No. 1-2
(Masques & figures), Éditions Dumerchez, Liancourt / Reims, octobre 2004.
L’‘art de montrer et de voiler’, ou le mythe des origines du théâtre selon E. G. Craig (‘Art of
Exposing and Conceiling’, or the Myth of the Theatre Origines According to E. G. Craig).
Puck, No. 14, Charleville-Mézières, Institut International de la Marionnette / Édition
L’Entretemps, septembre 2006
Being John Malkovitch: la marionnette, le piège et la peau (Being John Malkovich:
the Puppet, the Trap and the Skin). D. Plassard et Carole Guidicelli. Puck, No. 15, Institut
International de la Marionnette / Éditions de L’Entretemps, 2008.
Marionnette oblige: éthique et esthétique sur la scène contemporaine (Marionette Obliges:
Ethic and Aesthetics on the Contemporary Stage). Théâtre / Public, No. 193, Gennevilliers,
juin 2009.
Aujourd’hui et demain la marionnette (Marionette Today and Tomorrow). Entretien avec Gaël
Teicher. In Le Pari de la marionnette au théâtre, Éditions de l’Œil, Paris, 2010.
Marionnettes réalistes, marionnettes hyperréalistes: pour une mutation du regard (Realistic
Puppets, Hyperrealistic Puppets: For the Change of the View). Puck, No. 17, Institut
International de la Marionnette / Éditions de L’Entretemps, 2010.
Direction of international research group “Mises en scène d’Allemagne(s) depuis 1968”,
CNRS, EP 1985, in partnership with Laboratoire La présence et l’image (Université Rennes2 Haute Bretagne).
Programme “L’incarnation scénique” (Laboratoire La présence et l’image, Université Rennes
2 – Haute Bretagne)
Articles on theatre writing and contemporary directing.
124. POLETTI, Michel (Mr.)
CP 6321
CH-6901 Lugano
Telephone: 0041 (0)91 858 26 06
Web: /
Founder and director of the Festival internazionale delle marionette di Lugano
List of publications:
Marionnettes à la porte du sud/Marionette al portale sud (Puppets at the South Gate). Swiss
Yearbook of theatre, No. 70, Swiss Theatre Society, Zurich, 2011.
Introduction aux Marionnettes (Introduction to Puppets). Editions Soleil, Montreal, 1970.
Les Marionnettes (Puppets). Bordas, Paris, 1982 (co-writer).
Encyclopédie Mondiale des Arts de la Marionnette (Worldwide Encyclopedia of
Puppetry Arts). Ed. L’Entretemps, Montpellier, 2009 (co-writer).
125. PORTA, Pietro (Mr.)
Via P. Pernigotti
15057 Tortona (AL)
Associazione Peppino Sarina
List of publications:
Quaderni dell’Associazione Peppino Sarina, Monografie del Teatro di Animazione (Journals
of the Peppino Sarina Association, Monographs of the Animation Theatre).
Gente di Sarina. Il burattinaio Peppino Sarina e le comunità del Tortonese e dell’Oltrepò
pavese nella prima metà del Novecento (People of Sarina. The Puppeteer Peppino Sarina
and the Communities of Tortonese and Oltrepò Pavese in the First Half of the 20th Century).
Pietro Porta, introduction by Alessandro Napoli, Vigevano, Diakronia, 1997, cm. 22x29, ill.
216 b/n e 25 col., pp. 328+VIII.
Autobiografia di un burattinaio (Autobiography of a Puppeteer). Gualberto Niemen, by Pietro
Porta, Tortona, Quaderni dell’Associazione Peppino Sarina. Monografie del Teatro di
Animazione, 2000, cm. 20x24, ill. 62 b/n, pp. 120+XXIV, s.i.p.
Una vita appesa ai fili (Life Hanging by Threads). Franco Gambarutti, by Pietro Porta,
Bergamo, Junior, Quaderni dell’Associazione Peppino Sarina. Series “Monografie del teatro
di figura”, No. 2, 2005, cm. 20x24, ill. 48 b/n, 168 pp.
Quaderni dell’Associazione Peppino Sarina, I testi del teatro di animazione (Theatrical
Scripts of the Animation Theatre) (book series editor).
La iena di San Giorgio (The Hyena of Saint George). Gualberto Niemen, introduction by
Guido Ceronetti and Cesare Bermani, Porretta Terme (Bo), I Quaderni del Battello Ebbro.
Series “I copioni del Premio Sarina”, No. 1, 1998, cm. 10.5x16.5, ill. 6 b/n, 48 pp.
La battaglia di Palestro. La battaglia di Solferino e San Martino (The Battle of Palestro,
The Battle of Solferino and San Martino). Famiglia Rame, by Pietro Porta and Alfonso
Cipolla, introductory essays by Roberto Leydi and Giovanni Moretti, with an unpublished
drawing by Dario Fo, Porretta Terme (Bo), I Quaderni del Battello Ebbro. Series “I copioni del
Premio Sarina”, No. 2, 1999, cm. 10.5x16.5, ill. 7 b/n, 128 pp.
Napoleone Bonaparte alla battaglia di Marengo (Napoleon Bonaparte in the Battle of
Marengo). Giuseppe Sarina, introductory essays by Pietro Porta, Franco Castelli and Remo
Melloni, with a tempera painting by Piero Leddi, Porretta Terme (Bo), I Quaderni del Battello
Ebbro. Series “I copioni del Premio Sarina”, No. 3, 2000, cm. 10.5x16.5, ill. 1 coll. e 7 b/n,
144 pp.
Aida. Famiglia Lupi, introductory essays by Alberto Jona and Alfonso Cipolla, Bergamo,
Junior, Quaderni dell’Associazione Peppino Sarina. Eeries “I copioni del Premio Sarina”,
No. 4, 2002, cm. 10.5x16.5, ill. 7 b/n, 152 pp.
Macbeth all’improvviso (Macbeth Suddenly). Gigio Brunello, Gyula Molnár, edited and
introductory essay by Pier Giorgio Nosari, Bergamo, Junior, Quaderni dell’Associazione
Peppino Sarina. Series “I testi del teatro di animazione / L’innovazione”, No. 5, 2003, cm.
10.5x16.5, ill. 8 disegni + 15 foto b/n, 112 pp.
Giuseppe Musso, ovvero Il Gran Diavolo sulle montagne di Genova (Giuseppe Musso or the
Great Devil in the Mountains of Genoa). Famiglia Gambarutti, introductory essays by Pietro
Porta and Ezio Bilello, Bergamo, Junior, Quaderni dell’Associazione Peppino Sarina. Series
“I testi del teatro di animazione / La tradizione”, No. 6, 2003, cm. 10.5x16.5, ill. 9 foto b/n,
128 pp.
Il viaggio di Astolfo (Astolfo’s Voyage). (Staging by Velia and Tinin Mantegazza for the
“Teatro del Buratto” Theatre.) Raffaele Crovi, cura and introductory essay by Pier Giorgio
Nosari, Bergamo, Junior, Quaderni dell’Associazione Peppino Sarina. Series “I testi del
teatro di animazione / L’innovazione”, No. 7, 2004, cm. 10.5x16.5, ill. 9 foto b/n, 192 pp.
Vita, miracoli, morte e gloria di S. Contardo protettore di Broni (Life, Miracles, Death and
Glory of S. Contardo, Protector of Broni). Giuseppe Sarina, preface by Gianna Vancini,
introduction by Pietro Porta, Bergamo, Junior, Quaderni dell’Associazione Peppino Sarina.
Series “I testi del teatro di figura / La tradizione”, No. 8, 2007, cm. 10.5x16.5, ill. 8 photos b/n,
64 pp.
Quaderni dell’Associazione Peppino Sarina, Le tesi del Premio Dottor Burattino (The Scripts
of Premium Doctor Puppet) (book series editor).
Burattini e marionette tra Cinque e Seicento in Italia (Puppets and Marionettes in Italy
between the 16th and the 17th Century). Massimo Calì, Bergamo, Junior, Quaderni
dell’Associazione Peppino Sarina. Series “Le tesi del Premio Dottor Burattino”, No. 1, 2002,
cm. 12x19,5, ill. 10 b/n, 192 pp.
Il Teatro dei Sensibili di Guido Ceronetti (Theatre of the Sensitive by Guido Ceronetti).
Andrea De Alberti, Bergamo, Junior, Quadernidell’Associazione Peppino Sarina. Series
“Le tesi del Premio Dottor Burattino”, No. 2, 2003, cm. 12x19,5, ill. 7 b/n, 168 pp.
Marionette barocche. Il mirabile artificio (Baroque Marionettes. The Admirable Artifice). Paola
Campanini, Bergamo, Junior, Quaderni dell’Associazione Peppino Sarina. Series “Le tesi del
Premio Dottor Burattino”, No. 3, 2004, cm. 12x19,5, ill. 16 b/n, 248 pp.
I “Promessi Sposi” della Compagnia Carlo Colla e Figli. Il melodramma nella tradizione
marionettistica (“The Betrothed” by the Carlo Colla and Sons Company. Melodrama in the
Marionette Tradition). Anna Dotti, Bergamo, Junior, Quaderni dell’Associazione Peppino
Sarina. Series “Le tesi del Premio Dottor Burattino”, No. 4, 2004, cm. 12x19,5, ill. 19 b/n,
232 pp.
Cassandrino al Teatro Fiano. Il teatro delle marionette a Roma nella prima metà
dell’Ottocento (Cassandrino in the “Teatro Fiano”. The Marionette Theatre in Rome in the
First Half of the 19th Century). Davide Marzattinocci, Bergamo, Junior, Quaderni
dell’Associazione Peppino Sarina. Series “Le tesi del Premio Dottor Burattino”, No. 5, 2006,
cm. 12x19,5, ill. 14 b/n, 256 pp.
Tra utopia e rifondazione del teatro (Between Utopia and Refoundation of the Theatre).
Laura Rocco, Peter Schumann. Bergamo, Junior, Quaderni dell’Associazione Peppino
Sarina. Series “Le tesi del Premio Dottor Burattino”, No. 6, 2007, cm. 12x19,5, ill. 20 b/n, 256
Teatrar narrando: l’Opera dei pupi catanese. Le “serate” di Raffaele Trombetta (1882-1928)
(Teatrar Narrando: The String Puppet Opera of Catania. The “Evenings” of Raffaele
Trombetta (1882-1928)). Donata Amico, Bergamo, Junior, Quaderni dell’Associazione
Peppino Sarina. Series “Le tesi del Premio Dottor Burattino”, No 7, 2008, cm. 12x19,5, ill. 21
b/n, 192 pp.
Theatrum mortis. La marionetta nel teatro di regia (Theatrum Mortis. The Marionette in the
Theatre Direction). Andrea Ferrari, Bergamo, Junior, Quaderni dell’Associazione Peppino
Sarina. Series “Le tesi del Premio Dottor Burattino”, No. 8, 2009, cm. 12x19,5, 400 pp.
Conference proceedings and others
L’epica cavalleresca nel teatro di animazione (The Chivalric Epic in the Animation Theatre)
(conference proceedings, Tortona, November 1998). Interventions by Castelli, Remo Melloni
and Pietro Porta, by Associazione Peppino Sarina, Tortona, 1999, brochure.
Sarina, immagini dal privato. Fotografie e materiali testimoni di un’epoca (Sarina, Private
Pictures. Photos and Materials as a Testimony of an Era). Introduction by Pietro Porta and
Adolfo Mignemi, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Tortona, “Album della Stanza”, No. 5,
Tortona, 2009, cm. 24x24, ill. 255 col. e b/n, 236 pp, s.i.p.
126. PREDMERSKÝ, Vladimír (Mr.)
Vajanského nábr. 21
81102 Bratislava
List of publications:
Spomienky, úvahy a konfrontácie (Memories, Essays, Confrontations). In KBD v Banskej
Bystrici 1960-1985, Banská Bystrica, 1985.
Bábkarská Bystrica (Theatre Festival „Bábkarská Bystrica“). Altogether with Ivica Ozábalová.
Bratislava: NDC, 1996, 126 pp.
Slovenská ľudová rozprávka na bábkových javiskách (Slovak Folk Fairy Tale on Stages of
Puppet Theatres). In Rozprávka na javisku, 1996.
Slovenské bábkové divadlo 1945-1971 (Slovak Puppet Theatre 1945-1971). Bratislava:
NDC, 1998.
Bábkové divadlá v rokoch 1890-1970 (Puppet Theatres in 1890-1970). In M. Mistrík a kol.:
Slovenské divadlo v 20. storočí. Bratislava: SAV, 1999.
Šamani, mágovia a komedianti (Shamans, Magicians and Comedians). Bratislava:
Divadelný ústav, 2002 (Slovak, English versions).
Ohrozená existencia? (Endangered Existence?) 45 years of Bratislava Puppet Theatre.
In Slovenské divadlo, Bratislava, 2003, No. 1-2.
Na cestách za poznaním (On the Routes to Knowledge). In 55 rokov Bábkového divadla
Žilina, 2005.
Vrcholy a pády, víťazstvá, prehry a nádeje Bratislavského bábkového divadla (Tops and
Falls, Goals, Losses and Expectations of Bratislava Puppet Theatre). In Cesta okolo sveta
za 50 rokov, Bratislava, 2007.
Od Gulivera po Filipka (From Gulliver to Little Philip). With Ivan Sogel. Anniversary
publication. Košice: Bábkové divadlo, 2009. 174 pp.
Mladé Staré divadlo (Young Old Theatre). With Ivan Gontko. Nitra: Paleta, Vydavateľstvo
Agentúra PALETA Nitra, 2007, pp. 3-16.
Ťaháme spolu 60 rokov (Together for 60 Years). Catalogue of Puppet Theatre in Žilina. Nitra:
Puppet Theatre, 2011, pp. 1-4.
127. RAMANI, R. V. (Mr.)*
10/16, 5th Street,
Bhaktavatsalam Nagar,
Adayar, Chennai 600 020
Tamil Nadu
Telephone: 91 44 24420359, 91 9840157606 (mobile)
List of publications:
Nee Energy (Where Are You?). Film/Mini DV. Directed, produced, and photographed by
R.V. Ramani. Edited by R. V. Ramani and Vijai Sankar. 2003. 150 minutes, MiniDV. Tamil,
Marathi, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Telugu. Subtitled in English. This film is a homage to
the shadow puppeteers of South India. Sale:
128. Prof. RAMASWAMY, Mu (Mr.)*
20, Irulandi Colony,
Tamil Nadu
Tamil University
Department Of Drama
Thanjavur 613005
Telephone: (91) 9443044124
List of publications:
Published more than 15 books on theatre, folklore and puppetry.
The Leather Shadow Puppet Show in Tamil Nadu. Book. Madurai Kamaraj University
Publications Division, Madurai 1984, 200 pp. (in Tamil).
This book was awarded as The Best Book in Fine Arts in 1980 – 1984 by Sir Raja Annamalai
Chettiyar Trust. Chennai.
Ramayanam in Leather Shadow Puppetry. Book. International institute of Tamil studies,
Chennai, 2000, 360 pp. (in Tamil).
When Draupathai Was Derobbed at Thirunelveli. Book. Rudra Publications, Thanjavur –
2001; 180 pp. (in Tamil).
One article exclusively on puppetry is included in this book. This book was awarded as Best
Book on Folklore in the year 2001 by Aruvi Aaivu, Chennai.
Oh Courageous Mind! Book. Rudra Publications, Thanjavur, 2002, 120 pp. (in Tamil).
One article exclusively on Shadow Puppetry is included in this book.
129. REBEHN, Lars (Mr.)
Bürgerstrasse 51
D-01127 Dresden
Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
Garnisonkirche – Eingang D
Stauffenbergallee 9
D-01099 Dresden
Telephone: ++49/351/838 75 71
Fax: ++49/351/838 75 71
List of publications:
Kasper, Kermit, Kalle Wirsch. Zur Entwicklung des Puppenspiels im Fernsehen (Aspects
of the Development of Puppetry in Television). In Hans Dieter Erlinger (ed.): Handbuch des
Kinderfernsehens. Konstanz: Ölschläger, Universitäts-Verlag Konstanz, 1995, pp. 297-314
(Reihe Praktischer Journalismus; 27) (together with Christoph Schmitt) (German).
Die Entwicklung des traditionellen Marionettenspiels in Europa vom 17. Jahrhundert bis zur
Gegenwart (The Development of Traditional Marionette Theatre in Europe from 17th Century
up to Now). In Michael Freismuth, Gerlinde Persché‚ (ed.): Kasperl, Teufel, Krokodil. Wien:
Kultur- und Museumsverein „Freunde des Puppenspiels“, 1995, pp. 21-27, second, revised
edition: n. d. (1998), pp. 6-24 (German).
Und zum Beschluß ein Metamorphosen-Ballett (And at the End a Ballet of Metamorphosis).
In Diagonal. Zeitschrift der Universität-Gesamthochschule Siegen, 1995, No. 2. Siegen:
Universität-Gesamthochschule Siegen, 1995, pp. 241-253. Also in: Das andere Theater,
7 (1997), 28. Berlin: UNIMA-Zentrum Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 1997, pp. 28-33
Plakate für das Puppentheater. Zur Geschichte eines Werbemediums (Playbills and Posters
for Puppetry). In Puppenspiel-Information. Fachzeitschrift für Figurentheater, No. 74, 1996/1.
Berlin: Verband Deutsche Puppentheater, 1996, pp. 42-46 (German).
Das Stadttheater des kleinen Mannes. Hamburger Marionettenspieler im 19. Jahrhundert
(The “Municipal Theatre” of Poor People. Hamburg Marionette Players in the 19th Century).
In Mimos, 48 (1996), No. 1-2. Basel: Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Theaterkultur, 1996,
pp. 25-27 (German).
Die Puppenspielerfamilie Lorgie (The Lorgies, a Family of Puppeteers). Gerolzhofen: Sibylle
Spiegel, 1997, ²2003, 99 pp. (Studien und Quellen zur Geschichte der Vergnügungskultur;
3) (German).
Das traditionelle Wandermarionettentheater (Traditional Travelling Marionette Theatres in
Schleswig-Holstein). In Heinrich Mehl (ed.): Volkskunst in Schleswig-Holstein. Alte und neue
Formen. Heide: Westholsteinische Verlagsanstalt Boyens & Co, 1998, pp. 173-184
(Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landesmuseum, Volkskundliche Sammlungen; 3) (German).
Das große Welttheater. Die Familie Kressig und ihr Theatrum mundi (The Grand Welttheater.
Family Kressig and Her Theatrum Mundi). In Dresdner Kunstblätter, No. 1/2000, pp. 29-33
Die Puppentheatersammlung des Museums für Sächsische Volkskunst (The Puppet Theatre
Collection of the Saxon Folk Art Museum). Dresden: Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden,
2000, 48 pp. (together with Johannes Just) (German).
Een passend onderkomen. Ambulante poppentheaters in Midden-Europa (A Good
Accommodation. Travelling Puppet Theatres in Middle Europe). In Popellum, No. 3, 1/2002
(2), pp. 8-11 (Dutch).
Otto Griebel und das Puppentheater (Otto Griebel and the Puppet Theatre). In Dresdner
Kunstblätter, No. 1/2003, pp. 26-33 (German).
Das Wohnen und Reisen der Puppenspieler (Housing and Travelling of Puppeteers).
In UNIMA Österreich (ed.): Der Alltag der Puppenspieler. Gesammelte Beiträge des
Symposiums 1999 in Mistelbach im Weinviertel. Mistelbach: UNIMA Österreich, 2003,
pp. 5-26 (German).
Loutkové divadlo v muzeu (Puppet Theatre in Museums). In Loutkár. Časopis o loutkárstvi
nejen pro loutkáre, No. 5/2002, pp. 200-201 (Czech).
Lebenselixier. Theater, Budenzauber, Freilichtspektakel im Alten Reich. Band 1:
Das Rechnungswesen über öffentliche Vergnügungen in Hamburg und Leipzig (mit einem
Anhang zu Braunschweig) (Elixir of Life. Theatre, Shows, Open-air Spectaculum before
1806. The Leisure Industry in Municipal Accounting Books of Hamburg and Leipzig).
Reichenbach/Vogtland: Neuberin – Museum, 2004, 408 pp. (Schriften des Neuberin –
Museums; 13) (together with Bärbel Rudin and Horst Flechsig) (German).
Vom Hohnsteiner Kasper zu den Muppets (From the Hohnstein Kasper to the Muppets.
Puppet theatre in television). In Das andere Theater 15 (2005), 61, pp. 4-11 (together with
Christoph Schmitt) (German).
Mit großer Freude greif ich zur Feder. Autobiographische und biographische Zeugnisse
sächsischer Marionettenspieler. Zusammengestellt nach Unterlagen der
Puppentheatersammlung der Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden (Autobiographical and
biographical documents of Saxon marionette players). Dresden: Thelem, 2006, 254 pp.
(Bausteine aus dem ISGV; 5) (together with Johannes Moser and Sybille Scholz) (German).
Marionettentheater in Sachsen (Marionette Theatre in Saxony). In Kurt Dombrowsky,
Von einem der auszog, Marionettentheater zu spielen oder Der schöne, aber mühevolle
Versuche eine alte Tradition am Leben zu erhalten. Hrsg. von Andreas Martin und Lars
Rebehn, Dresden, 2007 (Bausteine aus dem Institut für Sächsische Geschichte und
Volkskunde 9), pp. 189-201.
Von der Sowjetunion lernen (…) Das Puppenspiel in den ersten Jahren der DDR (“Lessons
from the USSR...” Puppetry in the early years of the GDR). In Dresdner Kunstblätter 3/2008,
pp. 193-207.
Volkstheater an Fäden. Vom Massenmedium zum musealen Objekt – sächsisches
Marionettentheater im 20. Jahrhundert (Folk Theatre Hanging on a Thread. From Mass
Medium to Museum Artefact: Saxon Marionette Theatre in the 20th Century).
Herausgegeben von der Sächsischen Landesstelle für Museumswesen und den Staatlichen
Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Puppentheatersammlung. Halle/Saale, 2007 (i. e. 2008),
302 pp. (Reihe Weiß-Grün, Sächsische Geschichte und Volkskultur; 36) (gemeinsam mit
Olaf Bernstengel)
Articles for the WEPA:
Lexikonartikel Arndt, Friedrich; Bille (famille); Dresde Puppentheatersammlung; Dresde
(Théâtre de marionnettes de;, Geisselbrecht (Johann Georg); Ritscher (famille); Schröder
(Carl); Schütz & Dreher.
(Encyclopedia entries) In Union internationale de la marionnette (ed.): Encyclopédie
mondiale des Arts de la Marionnette. Rédacteurs en chef: Henryk Jurkowski, puis Thieri
Foulc. Montpellier: L‘Entretemps editions, 2009 (in französischer Sprache, in deutscher
Sprache im Internet:
Transparent-Bild: Der Vesuv; Theatrum-mundi-Figuren aus dem Theater Messerer;
Heimtheater der Familie Oehme (Catalogue texts and notes – appeared in Chinese, German
and English): In National Museum of China: Die Kunst der Aufklärung. Bejing: National
Museum of China, 2011, pp. 148-149, pp. 210-211, pp. 312-313 (in deutscher Sprache,
der Ausstellungskatalog erschien auch in chinesischer und englischer Sprache).
130. Dr. REEVE, Martin (Mr.)
Avalon, Liverton,
Devon, England
TQ12 6HN
Tel: 07947834356
List of publications:
Hand in Glove. Reflections on Two Unlikely Bedfellows, Nenagh Watson and Mr Punch.
In Animated Advances; Animations in Print, 2008, Vol. 2, pp. 17-19.
Mr Punch and the Swazzle. In Puppetry International; Issue 23, Spring-Summer 2008,
pp. 6-9.
Punch and Judy at the Beach and in the Mall. With Dr Alan Reeve. In Visual Culture
in Britain, March 2011, Vol. 12, Issue 1, pp. 17-31.
Doing it in the Street. Radio documentary. (Prod. Sara Davies). BBC Radio, 4. May 2011.
Mr Punch Says That’s the Way to Do It. Radio documentary. (Prod. Sara Davies). BBC
Radio, 4. May 2008.
Research interests include popular and traditional puppetry; public space theatre;
performance ethnography.
131. JProf. Dr. REGELSBERGER, Andreas (Mr.)
Universität Trier
54286 Trier
Telephone: 0049651201-2252
List of publications:
Zum Einfluss europäischer Mechanik auf edozeitliche Automaten-und Theaterpuppen (On
the Influence of European Mechanics on Edo Period Automatons and Theatre Puppets). In
Hōrin. Vergleichende Studien zur japanischen Kultur, 2010, Bd. 16, pp. 59-68.
Überlieferungstexte im Nō-Theater als Medium des kollektiven Gedächtnisses (Traditional
Texts in Nō Theatre as a Medium for Collective Consciousness). In R. Wittkamp (Hg.):
Erinnerungsgeflechte. Text, Bild, Stimme, Körper – Medien des kulturellen Gedächtnisses
im vormodernen Japan. München: Iudicium, 2009, pp. 76-85.
Schauspielerkörper, Puppenkörper und die Stimme des Rezitators. Zur Imagination
in Kabuki und Jôruri (Actors’ Bodies, Puppet Bodies and the Voice of the Reciter: on
Imagination in Kabuki and Jôruri Forms of Japanese Theatre). In NOAG 183-184 (2008),
pp. 105-116, 2009.
Ningyō jōruri ni okeru fikushon-sei to riarizumu – ningyō wo ronjiru Kleist to Chikamatsu
(“Ningyō jōruri ni okeru fikushon – sei to riarizumu ningyō wo ronjiru”: Kleist to Chikamatsu).
In Shibahara Kōji, Stephen Dodd, Yamazaki Hiroyuki, Takanashi Tomohiro (Hg.): Toshi to
kokyō no fikushon: Chi no tairyū II. Ōsaka: Seibundō, 2007, pp. 107-114.
Astrid Brochlos: Kanbun: Grundlagen der klassischen sino-japanischen Schriftsprache
(Astrid Brochlos: Kanbun: Fundamentals of Classical Sino-japanese Written Language).
Schriftsprache In Oriens Extremus, Bd. 45 (2005-2006), pp. 296-299 (Rezensionsartikel),
Das Jōruri im Spiegel ästhetischer Traktate der Edo-Zeit (Jōruri in the Mirror of Aesthetic
Treatises of the Edi-period). In Hōrin. Vergleichende Studien zur japanischen Kultur, 2007,
Bd. 14, pp. 11-21.
Lemons Verfall in den Wahnsinn: Zum Phänomen der Verrücktheit in Tsuruya Nambokus
Kabuki-Stück „Tōkaidō Yotsuya Kaidan” (Lemons Descent into Madness: on the
Phenomenon of Insanity in Tsuruya Namboku’s Kabuki-play “Tōkaidō Yotsuya Kaidan”).
In Hōrin. Vergleichende Studien zur japanischen Kultur, 2007, Bd. 14, pp. 51-60.
Jōruri ni okeru geidō-ron – geijutsu ni taishite no shian. In Studies in Urban Cultures. 2005,
Vol. 6, pp. 72-75.
Theater an der hauchdünnen Grenze zwischen Wahrheit und Schein. Betrachtungen zur
Ästhetik des Jōruri aus dem Naniwa miyage (1738) (Theatre on the Paper-thin Border
between Truth and Appearance. Observations on the Aesthetic of Jōruri fromthe Naniwa
Miyage). In J. Árokay und K. Vollmer (Hg.): Sünden des Worts. Festschrift für Roland
Schneider zum 65. Geburtstag. Hamburg: Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde
Ostasiens, 2004 (MOAG Bd. 141), pp. 79-108, 2004.
Jōruri to Ōsaka. In Ōsaka shiritsu daigaku Hamburg daigaku toshi mondai kenkyū (vormals:
Purojekuto kenkyū) 2005-nen 2-gatsu Ōsaka shiritsu daigaku daigaku- in bungaku kenkyū-ka
purojekuto kenkyū-kai ’Ōsaka-shi to Hamburg-shi wo meguru toshi, shimin, bunka, daigaku’
Dai-ni-kai nichidoku kyōdō shimpojiumu hōkokusho. Ōsaka: Ōsaka shiritsu dai-gaku
daigaku-in bungaku kenkyū-ka purojekuto kenkyū-kai, 2004, pp. 21-24.
‚Shinjūten no Amijima’-kō: ‚Shinjūten no Amijima’ ni mieru Chikamatsu Monzaemon no
tokuchō. In Ibunka to no deai: Nihongo, nihon bunka kenkyū ryūgakusei shūryō hōkokusho,
Vol. 10, Tsukuba: Tsukuba daigaku nihongo, nihon bunka gakurui, 2000, pp. 86- 92.
Fragmente einer Poetologie von Puppe und Stimme: Ästhetisches Schrifttum aus
demUmfeld des Puppentheaters im edozeitlichen Japan (Fragments of a poetology of puppet
an voice: aesthetic writings from the domain of puppet theatre in Edo period Japan –
dissertation title). Dissertation.
132. RIBEIRO, Rute (Ms.)
Rua do Sol à Graça, 18 r/ch
1170-365 Lisboa
List of publications:
Henrique Delgado: contributos para a história da marioneta em Portugal (Henrique Delgado:
Contributions to the History of Puppetry in Portugal). Lisboa: Museu da Marioneta/EGEAC,
VIEIRA, Luís & RIBEIRO, Rute – As marionetas fazem parte da nossa vida, da nossa
cidade… (Puppets Are Part of Our Lives, of Our City…) In Festival Internacional de
Marionetas e Formas Animadas: FIMFA Lx Edição Comemorativa dos 10 Anos. Lisboa:
A Tarumba – Teatro de Marionetas: EGEAC/Museu da Marioneta, 2010.
VIEIRA, Luís & RIBEIRO, Rute, Portugal; António José da Silva, o Judeu. In Encyclopédie
Mondiale des Arts de la Marionnette. Montpellier: Éditions l´Entretemps: UNIMA, 2009.
Teatro de Marionetas do Porto; Marionetas de Lisboa; A Tarumba – Teatro de Marionetas;
Marionetas de S. Lourenço; Bonecos de Santo Aleixo; Teatro Dom Roberto In Encyclopédie
Mondiale des Arts de la Marionnette. Montpellier: Éditions l´Entretemps: UNIMA, 2009.
Teatros de Papel: A Arte da Precisão (Paper Theatres: The Art of Precision). Lisboa, Museu
da Marioneta, 2008.
O Teatro de Branca Flor ou o Sonho de uma escritora. In Branca-Flor: O Teatro de Lília da
Fonseca: 1962-1982: Catálogo de Exposição. Lisboa: EGEAC/Museu da marioneta, 2007.
Branca Flor Theatre or the dream of a writer. In Branca-Flor: Lília da Fonseca’s theatre:
1962-1982: Exhibition catalogue. Lisboa: EGEAC / Museu da marioneta, 2007.
A Marioneta. Forma de Expressão Artística e Teatral (The Marionette. Form of Artistic
Expression and Theatre). In A Arte do Ofício, No. 1, 2002.
133. RIBI, Hana (Ms.)
Wildbachstrasse 74
CH:8008 Zürich
Telephone: 0041 44 361 32 52
List of publications:
Fred Schneckenburgers Puppencabaret (Fred Schneckenburger’s Puppet Cabaret).
Ausstellungskatalog, by Hana Ribi. Ed. by Münchner Stadtmuseum und Museum Bellerive
Zürich. Exhibition, Puppentheatermuseum im Münchner Stadtmuseum, 11.10.1991-5.1.1992
(Ed. 1991). München: Münchner Stadtmuseum, 1991, 92 pp.
Fred Schneckenburgers Puppencabaret (Fred Schneckenburger’s Puppet Cabaret).
Ausstellungskatalog. Mit einer Bestandesaufnahme aller Figuren aus der Sammlung des
Museums Bellerive, by Hana Ribi. Ed. by Münchner Stadtmuseum und Museum Bellerive
Zürich. Exhibition, Museum Bellerive Zürich, 5.2.-21.4.1992 (Ed. 1992, enlarged). Zürich:
Museum Bellerive, 1992. 122 pp.
Maske und Marionette (The Mask and the Marionette). Edward Gordon Craig-Sammlung im
Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, by Hana Ribi. In Sondierungen zum Theater, ed. by Andreas
Kotte (Theatrum Helveticum, 1). (Schweizer Theaterjahrbuch, 56) Basel: Editions
Theaterkultur Verlag, 1995, pp. 299-338.
Fred Schneckenburgers Puppencabaret (Fred Schneckenburger’s Puppet Cabaret).
Ausstellungskatalog (deutsch mit tschechisch- englischer Zusammenfassung und mit kurzen
Biographien der wichtigsten Mitarbeiter von Schneckenburger) by Hana Ribi. Exhibition,
Nationalmuseum Prag, 15.3.-25.4.1999 (Ed. 1999, enlarged). English summary. Praha:
Národní muzeum, 1999. 107 pp.
Edward Gordon Craig: Maske, „Übermarionette“ und Marionette“ (Edward Gordon Craig:
the Mask, the Ueber-Marionette and the Marionette). Die EGC-Sammlung im Museum für
Gestaltung in Zürich und Craigs Beitrag an das Schweizerische Marionettentheater, by Hana
Ribi. Thesis, Univ. Bern, 1999. Zürich: Published by the author, 1999. Ringbuch, 144 pp.
Edward Gordon Craig – Figur und Abstraktion (Edward Gordon Craig – Figure and
Abstraction). Craigs Theatervisionen und das Schweizerische Marionettentheater: Die EGC
Sammlung im Museum für Gestaltung in Zürich, by Hana Ribi. Ed. by Schweizerische
Gesellschaft für Theaterkultur (Schweizer Theaterjahrbuch, 61). Basel: Editions
Theaterkultur Verlag, 2000, 223 pp.
Metamorphosen – Hana Ribi – Theatre in Progress (Metamorphoses – Hana Ribi – Theatre
in Progress). Ausstellungskatalog / Gespräche mit Hana Ribi von Roland Jung; Contrib.:
Peter K. Wehrli, Remo Galli, Peter K. Frey, Werner Aebli. Exhibition, Museum der
Puppenspielkulturen Chrudim (Cz), 9.6.-5.9.2004; Exhibition, Puppentheatermuseum im
Münchner Stadtmuseum (D), 8.6.-31.7.2005 (verlängert bis 28.8.2005). Basel: Danaiden
Verlag, 2004, 83 pp.
Alternativní divadlo ve Švýcarsku – výzva otevřeného prostoru (Off Theatre in Switzerland).
Lecture, mezinárodní seminář, Praha, Divadelní fakulta AMU, 2.-4.11.2007, by Hana Ribi.
In Divadlo a interakce II., by Miloslav Klíma … (et al.); in contrib. with Katedra alternativního
a loutkového divadla Divadelní fakulty AMU v Praze. Praha: Nakladatelství Pražská scéna,
2007, pp. 121-127.
Edward Gordon Craig – Figura a abstrakce: Craigovy divadelní vize a Schweizerisches
Marionettentheater (Edward Gordon Craig – Figure and Abstraction: Craig´s Theatre Visions
and Swiss Puppet Theatre). Collection EGC, Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, by Hana Ribi;
transl. by Hana Linhartová. Original title: Edward Gordon Craig – Figur und Abstraktion,
Basel, 2000. Prague: AMU, 2008, 149 pp.
134. RICHTER, Johannes (Mr.)
Weitlingstr. 7
39104 Magdeburg
Telephone: 0391-5438008
List of publications:
Wer war ‚Meister Hämmerlein? – Versuch einer Klarstellung (Who Was Master Hämmerlein?
– A Try to Get a Straight). Das Andere Theater, 1995, No. 19, pp. 24-25 (German).
Die Puppenspieler Gustav Edeling senior und junior (Puppeteers – Gustav Edeling Senior
and Junior). Das Andere Theater, 1995, No. 21, pp. 27-30 (German).
Mit allerhöchster Bewilligung – Zur Geschichte und Entwicklung des Puppentheaters in der
Stadt Magdeburg und ihrer näheren Umgebung (With Very Most Permission – to the History
and Development of the Puppet Theatre in the Town Magdeburg and Its Neighbourhood). Dr.
Ziethen Verlag Oschersleben 1999, 152 pp., 118 Abb., 4 Anlagen, Namens- u, Ortsregister
Vergleich von Spielgebieten sowie Spiel- und Reisebedingungen mitteldeutscher
Puppenspieler (Comparison of Play-regions and Play- and Travel Conditions of Puppeteers
in Middle Germany). In Über den Alltag der reisenden Puppenspieler, Symposiumsbericht
von 1999, Mistelbach 2001 (German).
UNIMA, was ist das eigentlich? – Mogelpackung oder Puppentheater im Abseits? UNIMA
Mitteilungsblatt Zentrum Österreich (UNIMA – What Is This? – Deception Package or Puppet
Theatre in Offside?). Folge 1/2001, pp. 11-12 (German).
Ein Museum rüstet sich … Im Auftrag des Ältestenrates der sächsischen Marionetten (A
Museum Gets Ready…). Puppen Menschen & Objekte; 2003/1, No. 88, pp. 38-40 (German).
Gezackte Bilder – Puppentheatermotive auf Briefmarken (Perforated Pictures – Motive
for Puppet Theatres on Stamps). Puppen Menschen & Objekte; 2003/2, No. 89, pp. 4-5
Puppentheatermotive auf Sammelbildern – Liebenswerte Werbung fürs Puppen-Theater
(Motive for Puppet Theatres on Pictures Collections – a Nice Publicity for Puppet Theatre).
Puppen Menschen & Objekte; 2007/1, No. 96, pp. 44-45 (German).
Der 200. Geburtstag eines kreativen Genies Franz Graf von Pocci – Kasperl-Graf und
Kinderfreund (The 200th Birthday of Creative Genius Franz Graf from Pocci – Kasperl-Earl
and Friend of Children). Das andere Theater, 66/67/2007, pp. 49-51 (German).
An Invitation to Immorality. Puppet notebook, British UNIMA, Jg. 13, Winter 2008/9, pp. 1618 (translation by Andrew Hammel).
Schichtl – eine Puppenspielerdynastie – war auch in Nord- und Mitteldeutschland präsent
(Schichtl – a Dynasty of Puppeteers – Was Also Present in North and Middle Germany). Das
andere Theater 68/2008, pp. 22-25 (German).
Die Handpuppenspieler der Familie Büttner (The Hand Puppeteers of the Büttner Family).
Booklet, 8 pp., DVD „Kennen Sie Büttner?“ UNIMA-Film 2008 (German).
Faust auf der Puppenbühne (Faust On Puppet Stage). Nach einem Manuskriptes von Günter
Schnorr (Lüdenscheid 1978), 11 pp., Spiralbindung, (German).
250 Jahre Schichtl-Theater – Rückblick auf Zeitungsmeldungen des 19. Jahrhunderts.
Ergänzung zu vorliegenden Angaben der Schausteller-Dynastie Schichtl (250 Years of
Schichtl-Theatre – a Review on News in Newspapers from 19. Century). 15 pp.,
Spiralbindung, (German).
250 Jahre Schichtl-Theater – „Die Bobenheimer Linie“ in Zeitungsmeldungen des 20.
Jahrhunderts (250 Years of Schichtl-Theatre – The Bodenheimer-line). 31 pp.,
Spiralbindung, (German).
Patente zum Puppentheater? (Patent for the Puppet Theatre?) Das andere Theater 72/2009,
pp. 51-53 (German).
Figurentheater und andere Schaustellungen zu Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts in Magdeburg
und deren rechtliche Hintergründe (Figure Theatre and Other Shows at the Beginnung of the
19. Century in Magdeburg). Edition winterwork, 142 pp., einige Abb. (German).
Königin Luise oder die Rose von Magdeburg. Marionettentext (1898) von Ferdinand Regel
(Queen Luise or the Rose from Magdeburg. Text (1898) by Ferdinand Regel). Edition
winterwork, 66 pp., einige Farbabb. (German).
Puppentheater – (m)ein Hobby. 20 Jahre Puppentheaterarchiv Johannes Richter,
Magdeburg (Puppet Theatre – (My) Hobby. 20 Years of Puppet Theatre Archives of
Johannes Richter). Edition winterwork, 63 pp., mit Farbabb. (German).
135. RUIZENDAAL, Robin Erik (Mr.)
Lin Liu-Hsin Puppet Theatre Museum, Taipei
79 Xining North Road, Datong Area, Taipei 103
Telephone: 886-2-25568909
Fax: 886-2-25568912
E-mail: (private) and (work)
Facebook: Lin Liu-Hsin Puppet Theatre Museum
List of publications:
Performance as a Ritual; The Performance Practice of the Marionette Theatre in Southern
Taiwan. Aijmer & Boholm (Eds.), Images and Enactments; Possible Worlds in Dramatic
Performances, Gothenburg, IASSA, 1994, pp. 135-178.
Quanzhou Marionette Theatre: A Fieldwork Report (1986-1995). China Information X/I, 1995,
pp. 1-18.
Quanzhou Marionette Theatre: A Window on Local Society. Yishu jiaoyu, 1995, pp. 3-17,
1995 (Chinese).
Marionette Theatre in Quanzhou: Tradition and Transformation. Papers from the
International Symposium on East Asian Folklore and Performing Arts, Tokyo, Waseda
University, 1996, pp. 229-236.
Vietnam 8. Theatre (i) Opera; (ii) Water Puppets
Laos VI. Theatre (1) Mask and Costumes; (2) Puppets
Cambodia VI. Theatre Puppets
Grove Dictionary of Art, Macmillan, London, New York, 1996.
East Meets East: Relations between Asian Puppet Theatre. Art and Nature, 55 (special issue
on Asian Puppet Theatre), Tokyo, 1997, pp. 4-12 (Japanese).
Ritual Text and Performance in the Marionette Theatre of Southern Fujian and Taiwan.
De Meyer & Engelfriet (Eds.) Linked Faiths; Essays on Chinese Religions & Traditional
Culture in Honour of Kristofer Schipper. Leiden, Brill, 1999, pp. 336-360.
Mass Media and Asian Puppet Theatre in the 20th Century. International Puppet Theatre
Conference Proceedings, Taipei, Council for Cultural Planning and Development, 1999,
pp. 296-304 (Chinese and English).
Indian Masks. Zhou Jinhong Ed. Mianju yishu, Miaoli, Council for Cultural Planning and
Development, 2001, pp. 95-106, 2006 (Chinese).
Puppet Theatre and the Puppet Theatre Museum. In Fujian Arts 2, 2004, pp. 41-45 (Chinese).
Quanzhou Marionette Theatre. Leiden, Boston, Brill, 2006, 470 pp.
Asian Theatre Puppets. London: Thames and Hudson, 2009, 331 pp.
Relationship between Asian puppet theatre and religion.
136. RUMBAU, Toni (Mr.)
La Rambla, 75, 1º
08002 Barcelona
Telephone +34 659 454 879
La Fanfarra
Collaborator with TOPIC (Tolosa) and with Museu da Marioneta de Lisboa
List of publications:
Malic, la Aventura de los Títeres (Malic, the Adventure of Puppets). Arola Editors, 2007.
Rutas de Polichinela. Títeres y Ciudades de Europa (Routes of Polichinela. Puppets and
Cities of Europe).
Blog Rutas:
Many articles in “Malic”, “Fantoche”, “La Hoja del Titiritero”, Titerenet…
(see articles in:
137. SAKALESHPUR, Antappa Krishnaiah (Mr.)*
Regional Resources Centre for Folk Performing Arts
M.G.M. College Campus
UDUPI 576 102
Telephone: 0820-4293635, 0820-2521159 (O), 09342749097(Cell phone)
Fax: 0820-2523559(office)
E-mail: and
List of publications:
Karnataka Puppetr. Published by regional Resources centre for Folk Performing Arts,
M.G.M. College Campus, Udupi, Karnataka, 1988, pp. 18-115.
The Marionette Workshop: Udayapur, 1992. (Guest Editor: S. A. Krishnaiah) Sangeet Natak
Akademi, 100 pp., 2004 (Vol. XXXVIII, Number 1, 2004).
Multimedia Documentation Regarding South Indian Puppetry.
138. SALAZAR TAQUECHEL, Rubén Darío (Mr.)
Calle 129 No 18012-A e/ 180 y 182
Peñas Altas
Telephone: 53 45 280996
Galería El Retablo
Calle 8313 e/ Medio y Ayuntamiento
Telephone: 53 45 28 31 78 y 26 19 99
List of publications:
Tin Tin Pirulero (Tin Tin Pirulero). Anthology of children’s theatre playwrights from Matanzas,
Ediciones Matanzas, Ediciones Matanzas, 2002.
Los músicos volantes y otros amigos (The Flying Musicians and Other Friends). Anthology
of young Cuban children’s theatre playwights, Ediciones Matanzas, 2008.
Un retablo en el monte (A Puppet Show on a Hill). Six theatre plays for children by Dora
Alonso, Ediciones Matanzas, 2010.
Mito, verdad y retablo (The Myth, the Truth and the Puppet Show). Puppet Theatre of the
brothers Camejo and Carril) Ediciones Unión, 2012.
Retablo abierto (Open Puppet Show). Chronicles, Criticism, Interviews And Visions of
a Puppeteer. Ediciones Matanzas, 2012.
Reviews and Articles:
El retablo de los hermanos Camejo (Puppet Shows of the Camejo Brothers). In La gaceta de
Cuba, 2002, No. 1.
Los títeres de Rimbaud (The Puppets of Rimbaud). In Tablas, 1997, No. 3-4.
Festivales de otoño e invierno en España” (Autumn and Winter Festivals in Spain). In
Tablas, 1999, No. 3-4.
Retablo cubano para los títeres de Lorca (Cuban Puppet Shows for the Puppets of Lorca).
In Tablas, 1998, No. 2.
Los caminos del títere son largos (Long Are the Routes of Puppets). In Tablas, 2000, No. 2.
Retrato teatral con platos y lirios (Theatrical Portray with Plates and Irises). In Tablas, 2000,
No. 4.
Un teatro para todas las estaciones (A Theatre for Every Seasons). In Senderos, 2000,
No. 1.
Un arte libre a finales del siglo XX (A Free Art at the End of the 20th Century). In Tablas,
2001, No. 4.
El aliento mayor (A Great Impetus). In Tablas, 2004, No. 3.
La ruta titiritera del festival (The Puppeteer’s Route to the Festival). In Tablas, 2005, No. 4.
Un mago en La Habana (A Magician in Havana). In Tablas, 2005, No. 2.
Titiriteros cubanos en la República ¿renovación o sueño? (Cuban Puppeteers In the
Republic, Renovation Or a Dream?) In Tablas, 2006, No. 2.
Evocaciones desde la semilla (Evocations Starting from a Seed). In Tablas, 2006, No. 1.
La selva luminosa de Freddy Artiles (The Bright Forest of Freddy Artiles).In Tablas, 2010,
No. 1.
UNIMA en Cuba, una historia contada en síntesis (UNIMA in Cuba, A Story Narrated
In Synthesis). In Tablas, 2010, No. 2.
139. SAVINOVA, Anastasia (Ms.)
National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts - NATFA
108-A “Rakovski” str.
1000 Sofia
Telephone: +359 886742399
List of publications:
Osnovi na stsenicheskata plastika na aktyora v kuklenia teatar (Fundamentals of the Stage
Plastic of the Actor in the Puppet Theatre). Sofia, 1982.
Maskata v choveshkata tsivilizatsiya i teatara (The Mask in the Human Civilization and
the Theatre). Sofia, 2000.
Za plasticheskata kultura na aktiora v kuklenia teatar (About the Plastic Culture of the Actor
in the Puppet Theatre). Fosfuros, Sofia 2010.
140. SCHUSTER, Michael (Mr.)*
East-West Center
Honolulu, Hawaii
Telephone: (808) 944-7543
List of publications:
(Published work since 1995)
Visual Puppets and Hidden Puppeteers: Indian Gombeyata Puppetry. Asian Theatre Journal,
Vol. 18, 2001.
Histories of Gombeyata: South Indian Ritual Puppet Theatre. Puppetry Annual 1996.
Gombeyata: AVisual Thaeter Tradition. Puppetry Annual 1996.
Burmese Puppetry.
Sri Lankan Marionettes.
141. Prof. SEDANA, I Nyoman (Mr.)
Indonesian Arts Institute (ISI) Denpasar
Department of Pedalangan Puppetry
Jl. Nusa Indah Depasar 8
Bali 80235
Telephone: (011-62-0361) 244589
Fax: (011-62-0361) 224044
List of publications:
Glimpses of Chinese Influence on Balinese Arts and Performance. Asian Culture 32, June
2008, pp. 16-32.
Mastering the Theatrical Voice in Indonesian Wayang Kulit. Puppetry International # 23,
2008, pp. 30-32.
Multiculturalism in Balinese Arts. Mudra Jurnal Seni Budaya Special Edition, 2007, pp. 26-42.
A Comparative Study of the Wayang Kulit and the Tolpavakoothu Shadow Puppet Theatre.
In Sacred Landscapes in Asia, 2007, pp. 373-389.
Performance in Bali. Book. Co-author with Leon Rubin, published by Routledge, 2007.
A Comparative Study of the (Indian) Tolpavakoothu and the (Balinese) Wayang Kulit Shadow
Puppet Theatre. Mudra Special Edition, 2006, pp. 34-51.
Wayang Kulit Shadow Puppet Theatre in the Balinese Culture. The Puppetry Yearbook.
Volume Six. James Fisher (Ed.) New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2005, pp. 87-102.
Wayang Arja: Survival and Change. Puppetry International, # 15, 2004, pp. 16-17.
Beni Putul and Ravanchaya. Puppetry, Quarterly for Puppetry, Theatre and Folk Arts.
Culicut, Kerala, India, 2005, pp. 3-5.
Topeng Sidha Karya: A Balinese Mask Dance. Asian Theatre Journal, Vol. 22, No. 2, Fall
2005, pp. 171-198.
Balinese Mask Dance from the Perspective of a Master Artist: I Ketut Kodi on Topeng.
Co-author with Kathy Foley. Asian Theatre Journal, Vol. 22, No. 2, Fall 2005, pp. 199-213.
Theatre in a Time of Terrorism: Renewing Natural Harmony after the Bali Bombing via
Wayang Kontemporer. Asian Theatre Journal, Vol. 22, No. 1, Spring 2005, pp. 73-86.
Collaborative Music in the Performance of the Balinese Shadow Theatre. Asian Music,
Vol. 36, No. 1, Winter/Spring 2005, pp. 44-59.
Gender as Theatre: In and Out Theatrical Space. Mudra Special Edition, 2004, pp. 89-101.
Wayang Arja: Survival and Change. Puppetry International, # 15, 2004, pp. 16-17 plus
The Education of a Balinese Dalang. Ed. Kathy Foley. Asian Theatre Journal 10.1 (1993),
pp. 81-100.
On the Margins of Time and Space: Performance and Performance Sites of Hindu Temples.
Co-author with Farley Richmond. The Puppetry Yearbook, Vol. 5, 2002, pp. 1-32.
Interaksi Artistik Antara Dalang dengan Musisinya. Seni Tradisi Menantang Perubahan.
Pandang Panjang, STSI Press, 2004, pp. 111-128.
Interpretasi Peranan Bhagawan Vyasa dalam Epos Mahabharata (Interpretation of Vyasa’s
Roles in the Indian Epic of Mahabharata). Mudra Jurnal Seni Budaya, 13. 3 (2003),
pp. 16-24.
Dewa Ruci dalam Teater Tedung Agung (Dewa Ruci in the Theatre of ‘Great Umbrella).
Wayang Jurnal Ilmial Seni Pewayangan. 2. 1 (2003), pp. 1-7.
Teater Tedung Agung Manifestasi Unsur Tradisi ke dalam Fiksi Modern. Wreta Cita, No. 11th
X Juli 2003.
Tradisi Kreatif dalam Wayang Kulit Bali (Creative Tradition in the Performance of Balinese
Shadow Theatre). Mudra Jurnal Seni Budaya, 11. 1 (2003), pp. 8-31.
Meningkatkan Nilai-Nilai Komunikatif Pertunjukan Wayang. Makalah disajikan dalam
Seminar Semi-Que 5 tgl, 27 September 2003.
Memberdayakan Seni Pertunjukan Rakyat Lewat Pemanfaatan Teknologi Elektronik. Buletin
Informasi, No. I, Maret 2003, pp. 16-17. Denpasar: Badan Telematika dan Informasi Daerah.
Sakral dan Profan dalam Wayang Kulit (Sacred and Profane in Puppet Theatre). Wayang
Jurnal Wacana Ilmial Pewayangan, 1. 1 2002, pp. 1-11.
Konsep Sakral dalam Seni Pertujukan Bali (Sacred Concept in Balinese Theatre). Makalah
disajikan dalam Seminar dan LokakaryaSeni Sakral oleh Listibya Bali, 20-21 Desember
Sakral dan Profan dalam Wayang Kulit. Wayang Jurnal Wacana Ilmial, Vol. 1, No. I,
Desember 2002, pp.1-11.
Cupak ke Sorga: Sebuah Model Penggarapan Lakon Wayang Kulit (Cupak Goes to Heaven:
A Model of Constructing a Play). Mudra Jurnal Seni Budaya, 3. III 1995, pp. 103-119.
Studying the Performance of Indian Puppetry.
Asian Puppetries: Historical and Cultural Linka.
142. SENDA, Yasuko (Ms.)
Minerva Nagoya
3-24-2 Imaike, Chikusa-ku
Nagoya 464-0850
Telephone: +81 52-731-4112
Fax: +81 52-741-9502
List of publications:
Karakuri Ningyo no Houko. Report of treasury of Karakuri Ningyo – visiting festivals in Aichi.
Nagoya, Japan, 1991.
Karakuri Ningyoshi Tamaya Shobei. Biography of puppet makers family Shobei Tamaya.
Nagoya, 1998n.
Karakuri Ningyo no Sekai. Explanation for the world of Karakuri Ningyo in Japan with
pictures and diagrams. Tokyo: Hosei University Publishing Department, 2005.
Karakuri Ningyo-Japanese Automata. Translated into English by Tom Slemmons. Japan:
Senda Yasuko Publishing, 2012.
143. SERMON, Julie (Ms.)
110 rue du Faubourg du Temple
75011 Paris
Université Lyon 2 – Campus Porte des Alpes
Faculté des Lettres, Sciences du Langage et Arts.
Département Arts du spectacle.
5, avenue Pierre Mendès-France.
69 676. Bron Cedex.
Telephone: 06 12 71 76 81
List of publications:
Le personnage théâtral contemporain: décomposition, recomposition (The Contemporary
Dramatis Personae: Decomposition, Recomposition). Co-written with Jean-Pierre Ryngaert.
Montreuil: Théâtrales, 2006.
La marionnette? Traditions, croisements, décloisonnements (The Puppet? Traditions,
Crosses, Decompartmentalization). Ed. Julie Sermon. Revue Théâtre / Public n°193.
Gennevilliers, juin 2009.
Selected articles and essays:
Dramaturgies marionnettiques (Puppet Dramaturgies). In Annuaire théâtral n°48: Centre de
recherche interuniversitaire sur la littérature et la culture québécoises (CRILCQ) et Société
québécoise d’études théâtrales (SQET). Ottawa (Québec), février 2012, pp. 107-123.
Dramaturgies gigognes, paysages sous vidéosurveillance (Specular Drama, Landspaces
under Video Surveillance). In revue Registres/15, "Présences du marionnettiste" (Presences
of the pupeeter), ed. Didier Plassard. Paris: Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, automne
2011, pp. 118-122.
Rencontre dramaturgie et marionnette (Meeting Drama and Puppet). In revue Agôn (on line),
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, URL: ?id=1836,
septembre 2011.
Entretien avec Alain Recoing (Interview with Alain Recoing). In revue PUCK. La marionnette
et les autres art, n°17, éditions Institut International de la Marionnette; éditions L’Entretemps,
2010, pp. 117-122.
Jeunes compagnies, figures traditionnelles. Le retour des bouffons? (Young Theatre
Companies, Traditionnal Figures. The Return of the Clowns?) Co-written with Hélène
Beauchamp. In Théâtre / Public, n°193, juin 2009, pp. 7-12.
Marionnettes, robots et homme-machine: la représentation marionnettique du travailleur,
entre critique et utopie, entre anthropologie et sociologie (Puppets, Robots and Humanmachine: Puppet Representation of Workers, between Critism and Utopia, between
Anthropology and Sociology). Co-written with Bérénice Hamidi-Kim. In Théâtre / Public,
n°193, juin 2009, pp. 31-38.
Figure (approche théorique) (Figure (Theoretically)). In Dictionnaire encyclopédique du
théâtre à travers le monde (Encyclopedic Dictionary of the theatre around the world), ed.
Michel Corvin, Paris: Bordas, 2008, pp. 558-559.
Contemporary texts and performances, including puppetry. Theory of “dramatis personae”
and “figure”. Performing art and new media. Intermediality.
144. SHEPELEVA, Arina A. (Ms.)
Ligovsky prospect, 44 – 631
191040 St. Petersburg
Theatre Arts Academy
Department of Theatre Studies, Russian Drama Chair
191028, St. Peterburg
List of publications:
Robertson’s Metamorphoses. In Метаморфозы Робертсона. Puppeteers in Petersburg.
Leningrad, 1995 (Russian).
Georg Kleinschnek’s Theatre of Transformations. In Theatre Petersburg: Intercultural Model.
St. Petersburg, 2002 (Russian).
Quest after Hoffman. With Anna Nekrylova. In Petersburg Theatre Journal, 2001, No. 23
Be Like a Boy with Me, A Bad Good Boy in the Great Puppet Theatre, St. Petersburg.
In Petersburg Theatre Journal, 2002, No. 28 (Russian).
At First I Didn’t Want to Tell You… Shardam Circus by Harms Staged by Ruslan Kudashov
and Mark Bornstein. In Petersburg Theatre Journal, 2003, No. 32 (Russian).
Failed Romeo and Juliet in Kurgan Puppet Theatre. In Petersburg Theatre Journal, 2003,
No. 31 (Russian).
Puppet Theatres (1999 – 2000 St. Petersburg Puppet Theatres Review). In St. Petersburg
Theatre Years. St. Petersburg, 2003 (Russian).
Puppet Theatres (2000 – 2002 St. Petersburg Puppet Theatres Review). In St. Petersburg
Theatre Years. St. Petersburg, 2004 (Russian).
Puppet Theatres (2004 – 2005, 2005 – 2006 St. Petersburg Puppet Theatres Review).
In St. Petersburg Theatre Years. St. Petersburg, 2007 (Russian).
Puppet Format. The results of the season in the puppet theatre of St. Petersburg 2003/2004.
In Petersburg Theatre Journal, 2004, No. 37 (Russian).
The Benefits of Idle Fools. Puppet Festivals 2003-2004. In Petersburg Theatre Journal,
2004, No. 37 (Russian).
Our Pushkin. On the play, "Feast or Famine" Ruslan Kudashov in the theatre "Potudan".
In Petersburg Theatre Journal,2004, No. 38 (Russian).
You Always Have to Move in the Direction of Fear. Interview with Ruslan Kudashov.
In Petersburg Theatre Journal, 2004, No. 38 (Russian).
In Anticipation of Rezo. On the play "The Autumn of my spring," Revaz Gabriadze.
In Petersburg Theatre Journal, 2005, No. 39 (Russian).
Pictures at an Exhibition. Puppet Festivals of Spring 2005. In Petersburg Theatre Journal,
2005, No. 41 (Russian).
About the performance of Ruslan Kudashov "Holstomer" in the Brest Puppet Theatre.
In Petersburg Theatre Journal, 2005, No. 42 (Russian).
About puppeteer Vladimir Zakharov. In Petersburg Theatre Journal,2006, No. 3 (45)
Tricks of Philip. About the performance of F. Genty, "Tricks of Sigmund." In Petersburg
Theatre Journal, 2006, No. 3 (45) (Russian).
At the Same Latitude. About the International Festival of Puppet Theatres "Orenburg
Arbuznik – 2006". In Petersburg Theatre Journal, 2006, No. 4 (46) (Russian).
Хочешь, дружок, я расскажу тебе сказку, или Необычайные страдания одного
критика (I Can Tell You a Fairy Tale, Or Sufferings of One Critic). In Petersburg Theatre
Journal, 2007, No. 50 (Russian).
Oh, Donna Anna. The image of Don Juan in puppet theatre. In Театральная жизнь (Theatre
Life), 2008, No. 3.
This Theatre. I World Festival of Puppet Theatre School. In Petersburg Theatre Journal,
2010, No. 62 (Russian).
"Visiting" Harlequin" Is Not Only a Doll." II International Festival of Puppet Theatres "Visiting
Harlequin." Omsk heritage. 2011, No. 8 (Russian).
Marionette Theatre in XIXth Century Russia.
145. SILVA, Francisca Miranda (Ms.)
Centro de Investigación Teatral Rodolfo Usigli
Calzada de Tlalpan y Rio Churubusco Nº 79
Colonia Country Club, Delegacion Coyoacán
Cp 04220, México DF
Tel: 52-5541550000 ext. 1018 and 1088
List of publications:
Co-author of special of Theatre in México, 1990-1991.
Co-author of special of Theatre in México, 1992-1993.
Co-author of special of Theatre in México, 1994-1995.
Yearbook of Theatre in México, 1999-2000, ed. Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes.
Golden Age of the Guignol Theatre of Bellas Artes (1932-1965). CD-Rom.
Empresa Nacional Mexicana de Automatas Hermanos Rosete Aranda (1835-1942). CDRom.
Teatro Carpa Rosete Aranda, empresa Carlos V. Espinal e Hijos (1900-1961). CD-Rom.
Once upon… a History of Puppets. Documentary produced by Chanel 22 of México.
146. Prof. SINIGERSKA, Doychina PhD (Ms.)
Jk. “lyulin” bl. 422, entrance G, app. 74
1000 Sofia
Telephone: +359 886 742413
List of publications:
Features on Actors Professional Technique in the Puppet Theatre. 1972.
Bulgarian Puppet Theatre Essays. 1988.
Features on Actors Professional Technique in Amateur Puppet Theatre. 1989.
Art of Puppet Theatre. Collections. 1993.
School Puppet Theatre History, 50 years NATFA "Kr.Sarafov”. Sofia, 1998.
Puppet Art Projection on Bulgarian Culture in the First Half of XX Century. PhD dissertation
work, Sofia, 1999.
Actor and Puppet – Endless Variations. Ral Kolobaur, Sofia, 2002.
Problems and the Perspective Puppet Theatre Art Has in Bulgaria. Collection, Sofia, 2003.
A New Type of Practice with New Concepts; Actor in the Puppet Theatre: Practice –
Teaching – Theoretical Context. Bialystok, 2004, p. 14-21.
Bulgarian Puppet Theatre History Essays. II edition, Varna, 2005.
Puppet Art Projection on Bulgarian Culture in the First Half of XX Century. Varna, 2006.
Fairy Tales in Modern Puppet Theatre. "Teatr chudes”, magazine, Moscow, 2011.
147. SMITH, Johanna (Ms.)*
Department of Theatre Arts,
California State University San Bernardino,
5500 University Parkway,
San Bernardino
CA 92407
Telephone: (909) 537-5881
Fax: (909) 537-7016
List of publications:
Visions and Voice: Integrating Visual Literacy Skills in the Language Arts Curriculum.
With Dr. Susan Daniels, Dr. Alayne Sullivan, and Dr. John Ruttner. Turning Trees: Selected
Readings of the International Visual Literacy Association, Fall 2003, pp. 61-70.
Creative Puppetry at HB Woodlawn Alternative High School. Creative Drama, Vol. 4, No. 1,
Spring 2001, pp. 4-7.
Playing with Science. Stage of the Art, Vol. 7, Summer 1995, pp. 10-14.
148. SOLIS REYNOSO, Luis Martín (Mr.)
Cerrada 5 de Mayo Nº 3, Col. Tepepan, Del. Xochimilco
CP 16020
Mexico DF
List of publications:
People Who Speak Alone (Monologues). Edited for University of Sciences and arts of
Chiapas y Magazine Paso de Gato, 2010.
Interdsiciplina escenica II. Edited by Centro Nacional de las Artes y CONACULTA. México
DF, 2007.
Puppet Theatre. Editorial El Milagro. México DF, 2004.
Theatre and School (texts on the Chiapas situation). Edited by SEP of Chiapas, 2002.
The Actor and the Puppet (1999) and The Puppets in Spain and America (2000). Anthology
magazine Máscara, edited by Escenología. México DF.
Texts in theatrical magazines: Ollantay (Estados Unidos), Paso de Gato, Máscara and
Teotikixtli (México), Titereando (España). Figura (Suiza), Centro Molinos (Venezuela).
149. SÖRENSON, Margareta (Ms.)
Strykersvägen 6
112 64 Stockholm
List of publications:
In Search of Aesthetics for the Puppet Theatre. Together with Michael Meschke. New Delhi,
1992, 170 pp.
...Are But Tugs on Strings, The Marionette Theatre over 40 Years. Stockholm, 1998 (ed.),
231 pp.
För de allra små (For the Youngest Ones). On literature, theatre, film, art and music for the
youngest ones. Edited by Margareta Sörenson. Stockholm, 2001, 168 pp. (Swedish).
En Stor Liten Teater – A Great Little Theatre. 30 ar med Dockteatern Tittut – 30 Years with
Tittut Puppet Theatre. Stockholm: Carlsson Bokförlag, 2008, 159 pp.
Mats Ek. Photo Lesley Leslie-Spinks, text Margareta Sörenson. Stockholm 2011, 350 pp.
Articles on Sweden and Swedish Puppeteers in WEPA.
Theatre and puppet history, dance history, children’s culture.
150. STAUB, Nancy Lohman (Ms.)
76400 Robinson Rd.
Folsom, LA 70437-3647
Telephone: 985 796 1096
List of publications:
Puppets in Partnership with Symphony Orchestras. Puppetry Journal, 29.4, 1978, pp. 3-10.
Puppets: Art & Entertainment. Washington, DC: Puppeteers of America, 1979 (project
Breaking Boundaries. In Breaking Boundaries: American Puppetry in the 1980's. Atlanta:
Center for Puppetry Arts, 1990, pp. 2-9.
African-American Puppetry. In African and African-American Puppetry. Atlanta: Center for
Puppetry Arts, 1994, pp. 4-13.
Ancient Greek Theatre, Noh, Bunraku and Craig. Puppetry Yearbook II. 1996, pp. 21-29.
Music in Movement: Collaboration of Julie Taymor and Elliot Goldenthal. Puppetry Yearbook
II., 1996, pp. 165-175.
Besides Bunraku. Puppetry Yearbook III., 1997, pp. 21-43.
False Assumptions. A Propos. Spring 1997, pp. 14-17.
Le Theatre hybride de Julie Taymor. Puck 11, 1998, pp. 104-106.
Seventh Indonesia Wayang Festival. The Puppetry Journal. 51.2 , Winter 1999, pp. 12-13.
The Hybrid Theatre of Julie Taymor. The Puppetry Journal. 50.3, Spring 1999, pp. 9-10.
The Masks and Puppets of Julie Taymor: Spiritual Fictions. Puppetry Yearbook IV., 2000.
Indonesian Influence on American Puppetry. The Puppetry Journal. 52.2, Winter 2000,
pp. 6-8.
Craig’s Vision Realized: Julie Taymor’s The Lion King. PuppetryYearbook V., 2002,
pp. 139-149.
The Center for Puppetry Arts Museum Collection. American Puppetry. Phyllis T. Dircks,
ed. London: McFarland & Co., Inc., 2004, pp. 73-87.
Ningyō Jōruri Bunraku, A Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.
Puppetry International, 15, Spring and Summer 2004, pp. 22-24.
Puppetry of India and Americans. Puppetry Yearbook VI., 2005, pp. 209-231.
International Significance of Ningyō Jōruri Bunraku Nignyo. Puppetry Yearbook VI., 2005,
pp. 231-239.
Puppets at Spoleto USA. The Puppetry Journal, 57.3, Spring 2006, pp. 15-16.
Karagőz and Karagiozis in America. The Puppetry Journal, 58.3, Spring 2007, pp. 22-25.
Amerindienne et Inuit. Jurkowski, Henryk puis Thieri Foulc, ed. Encyclopédie mondiale des
arts de la marionette. Montpellier: Editions L’Entretemps et UNIMA, 2009, pp. 46-49.
Native American Puppetry. Puppetry International, 28, Fall and Winter 2010, pp. 42-45.
Quirky Puppetry. Puppetry in Humor.
151. SUÁREZ DURÁN, Esther (Ms.)
Calle Línea # 505, entre D y E
CP 10 400 La Habana
Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de las Artes Escénicas
Telephone: (537) 863 26 54
List of publications:
Un colectivo tras el telón (A Collective behind the Curtain). Editorial Ciencias Sociales,
La Habana, 1988.
Como un batir de alas. Ensayos sobre el teatro cubano (Like a Flap of Wings. Essays on the
Cuban Theatre). Editorial Letras Cubanas, La Habana, 2006.
El público, ese otro creador (The Audience as Another Creator). In Tablas 2, 1982,
La Habana, Cuba, pp. 24-28; and In Universidad de La Habana 220,1983, pp.187-195.
Crítica y público joven (Criticism and Young Audience). In Tablas 2, 1985, pp. 23-26.
Una aventura del conocimiento y la imaginación (An Adventure of Knowledge and
Imagination). Anuario de la Enseñanza Artística 85 – 86, Editorial Pueblo y Educación, 1988,
La Habana, pp. 154-157.
Un equilibrista sobre la balsa de Huck (An Equilibrist on Huck’s Raft). In tabloid Caimán
Barbudo, special edition, June 1989, La Habana, Cuba, p.12-14; and In En julio como en
enero # 8,1989, Editorial Gente Nueva y Comité Cubano del IBBY.
El teatro: un mundo para el hombre (Theatre: A World for People). In Tablas 1993, special
edition dedicated to ‘XI Congreso de la ASSITEJ’, pp. 149-159.
Tradición y contemporaneidad en el teatro de títeres (Tradition and Contemporaneity in the
Puppet Theatre). In Tablas 3-4,1994, pp. 45-46.
Continuar pensando los 90 (90s Thinking). In Tablas 3,1996, pp. 33-35.
Tradición y contemporaneidad; las inteligencias artificiales y la picardía de Pelusín del Monte
(Tradition and Contemporaneity; Artificial Inteligence and Craftiness of Pelusín del Monte).
In La Mojiganga 4, Matanzas, Cuba, 1996, pp. 6-13.
Las múltiples fulguraciones del caleidoscopio (The Multiple Glitter of a Kaleidoscope).
In Tablas 1,1998, pp. 61-65.
La puesta en escena en el teatro de niños en los albores del nuevo milenio (Mise-en-scène
in Children’s Theatre at the Dawn of the New Millennium). In Tablas 2, 1998, pp. 61-63.
El horizonte espejeante (The Shimmering Horizon). In Teokikixpli, Año I, Edic. Baúl Teatro,
diciembre 1998, Monterrey, México, pp. 2-7.
Páginas de fe (Pages of Faith). Prologue to El títere, ¿ en la luz o en la sombra? (The
Puppet; In the Shadow Or in the Light?) Armando Morales, Ediciones UNION, 2002.
El Teatro Nacional de Guiñol: cuatro décadas de historia; un espacio de reflexión (The
National Puppet Theatre: Four Decades of History, A Space for Reflection). In La Gaceta
de Cuba, No. 4, La Habana, 2003.
Abrir a toda costa (Opening at All Costs). In Jugar y cultivar, No. 1, Año 1, Grupo de
desarrollo sociocultural del Ministerio de Cultura, La Habana, Julio 2004.
Del teatro vernáculo a la escena contemporánea (From the Local Theatre to the
Contemporary Scene). In Teatro / CELCIT No. 35-36, 2009. Edición online.
152. Dr. SZÉKELY, György (Mr.)
Sion lépesö 11
1124 Budapest
List of publications:
Bábuk, árnyak (Puppets, Shadows). History of the World Puppetry. Népművelési Intézet,
Budapest, 1972.
Doktor Faustus és Kasperl (Doctor Faustus and Kasperl). In Mozaikok (Mosaics), OSzMi,
Budapest, 2009.
Encyclopédie mondiale des Arts de la Marionnette (World Encyclopaedia of Puppetry Arts),
author of Hungarian contributions, L´Entretemps, Montpellier, France, 2009.
153. ŠABASEVIČIENĖ, Daiva PhD (Ms.)
Teatro 7–6, LT 03107
Telephone: +3706 69976148
Lithuanian National Drama Theatre
Gedimino pr. 4, LT 01103
Telephone: + 37052629983
List of publications:
Stebuklai iš taurios širdies (Wonders of the Noble Heart). About famous Lithuanian
puppeteer Vitalijus Mazūras. In Teatras, 1998, No. 2, pp. 40-45 (Lithuanian).
Magiškasis Vitalijaus Mazūro teatras (The Magical Theatre of Vitalijus Mazūras). The edition
about 40th aniversarry of Vitalijus Mazūras work in puppetry. Vilnius, 2005, 44 pp.
Lėlių festivalio fejerverkas – Duda Paiva (Duda Paiva – Firework of Puppet Theatre Festival).
About 19th International Puppet Theatre Festival in Kaunas. In Menų faktūra
(, 2011.05.30 (Lithuanian).
Nuo avelės iki silikono (From Lamb to Silicone). About 19th International Puppet Theatre
Festival in Kaunas. In Menų faktūra (, 2011.05.29 (Lithuanian).
The author has pubilished articles and books about various drama theatre artists.
Сontemporary Lithuanian theatre.
Kazliškių 11-33,
LT 09204
Telephone: +370 689 78 463
Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre
Gedimino 42
List of publications:
Dailininkas lėlių teatre (kritinės pastabos) (Designer in Puppet Theatre (Critical Notes)).
In Literatūra ir menas (Literature and Art). 1979.12.22, p. 12 (Lithuanian).
Respublikinė scenografijos paroda (Republican Scenography Exhibition). In Kultūros barai,
1981, No. 7, p. 77 (Lithuanian).
Lėlių teatrų šventė (Fiesta of Puppet Theatres). About 6th Puppet Theatres Festival of Baltic
States. In Pergalė, 1983, No. 2, pp. 186-188 (Lithuanian).
Erdvės gyvybė (Life of Space). About V. Mazūras works. In Literatūra ir menas, 1984.07.21,
p. 12 (Lithuanian).
Vitalijus Mazūras in Dailė, No. 26, p. 88 (Lithuanian).
Tikrovė ir vaizdiniai XX a. pab. Lietuvos scenografijoje. Tautinio romantizmo atgarsiai (Reality
and Images of Scenography in the End of XX c. Reprecussions of National Romanticism).
About Vitalijus Mazūras works. In Romantizmai po romantizmo, Vilnius: Gervelė, 2000,
pp. 221-230, p. 260 (Lithuanian).
Dailininkas ir modernumo provokacijos Lietuvos tarpukario teatre (The Artist and the
Chalenge of Modernity in Interwar Lithuanian Theatre). About marionettes of Stasys
Ušinskas. In Formų difūzijos XX a. dailėje ir architektūroje (S. Ušinsko marionetės) Acta
academiae artium Vilnensis. 43. Vilniaus dailės akademijos mokslo darbai, 2006, pp. 147164, 305 pp. (Lithuanian).
Scenografijos pradžiamokslis Kauno meno mokykloje (pirmosios Lietuvos scenografijos
studijos) (Primer of Set Design in Kaunas Art School (First Study of Lithuanian
Scenography)). In Modernios Lietuvos dailės ištakos: Kauno meno mokykla Acta academiae
artium Vilnensis. 49. Vilniaus dailės akademijos leidykla, 2008, pp.113-131, p. 183
Įvaizdinta bendrystė (kūrybinės partnerystės problemos įvairių žanrų teatro scenografijoje)
(Image of Community (The Problems of Creative Partnership in Scenography of Various
Genres)). In Kūrinys kontekste. Acta academiae artium Vilnensis 35, Vilniaus dailės
akademijos leidykla, 2009, pp. 71-82, 141 pp. (Lithuanian).
Scenografės Lietuvos XX a. II pusės teatre (moterų scenografijos ypatumai) (Set Designers
in Lithuanian Theatre of the Second Half of the Twentieth Century). About peculiarity of
women scenography works. In Mano teritorija, Acta academiae artium Vilnensis, Vilniaus
dailės akademijos leidykla, 2011 (Lithuanian).
Naujas lėlių teatro mitas. Apie lėlių teatro dailininkę Juliją Skuratovą (The New Myth of
Puppet Theatre. About Scenographer Julija Skuratova). In Krantai, 2011, No. 1, pp. 22-29
Includes the various genres of theatre set design research, theory and its history,
personalities. The focus is on modern theatrical realities, authorship, and the creative
aspects of the partnership.
155. Prof. TAYLOR, Jane (Ms.)
31 Valley Road
Simonstown 7975
South Africa
Telephone and Fax: +27217862176
University of Chicago
University of the Western Cape
South Africa
List of publications:
(only listing publications directly on puppetry)
Ubu and the Truth Commission. Book. University of Cape Town, 1997. The playtext of a
puppet play written with Handspring Puppet Company and William Kentridge; writer’s notes,
director’s notes, performer’s notes and puppeteers’ notes give detailed discussion of the
Handspring Puppet Company. Book. Johannesburg: David Krut, 2009. An overview of the
career, practice and philosophy of Handspring Puppet Company.
Selected articles and essays
The As-If reality of Puppet Theatre. In The Puppet Show. Philadelphia: Institute
of Contemporary Art, 2008.
Handspring Puppet Company (practice and philosophy); the theatre arts of William
Kentridge; the Subject/Object continuum; performing consciousness; the post-biological
body; the history of staging the self; Voice, Conscience and Consciousness; the Confession;
performing the animal, staging the infant; performance and sincerity.
156. TECHNAU, Silke (Ms.)
Kobalt Figurentheater
Kleine Petersgrube 14
23552 Lübeck
Telephone: 0049 451 7075882 oder 0049 451 70060
Mobil: 017620776256
Fax: 0049 45170060
List of publications:
Nachrichten vom Berufspuppenspiel in Schlesien (1900-1944) (Reports of Professional
Puppetry in Silesia). In Quellen und Forschungen zur schlesischen Theatergeschichte 1,
Hrsg. Bärbel Rudin, Forschungsstelle Ostmitteleuropa Dortmund 1983, pp. 268-325.
Kasper und die Nazis 1 – Puppenspiel in staatlicher Zwangsjacke (Kasper and the Nazis –
Puppetry and the Straitjacket of the State). Matthias Brand, Silke Technau. In Jahrbuch 5 für
antifaschistische Literatur und Kunst, Hrsg. Uwe Naumann Röderberg-Verlag Frankfurt/Main
1982, pp. 82-91.
Zu Besuch in der Kasperbude. Streifzüge über den Jahrmarkt ins Figurentheater (At Home
with Kasper – Puppet Theatre at Traditional Market Fairs). Puppen&Masken Frankfurt/Main
Publikspiel. Eine Annäherung an Figur und Handwerk, Spiel und exemplarisches Wissen auf
theateranthropologischer Grundlage (Audience-play. Towards an Awareness of the Puppet
and Craft and Performance from a Theatrical-anthorpomorhical Perspective). In „Die Gattung
leidet tausend Varietäten …“. Beiträge zur Geschichte der lustigen Figur im Puppenspiel,
Hrsg. Olaf Bernstengel, Gerd Taube, Gina Weinkauff, Puppen&Masken Frankfurt/Main 1994,
pp. 151-162.
To Wihnachten sinn wi wedder dohus, Puppentheater im Kriegsgefangenenlager
Aliceville/Alabama („At Home for Christmas“ – Puppet Theatre in Prisoner of War Camp
Aliceville Alabama, USA). In FrontPuppenTheater. Puppenspieler im Kriegsgeschehen, Hrsg.
Dorothea Kolland, Puppentheater-Museum Berlin, Elefanten-Press Berlin 1997, pp. 142-151.
Musique et dramaturgie dans le théâtre de marionnettes (Music and Dramaturgy in
Marionette Theatre). Silke Technau, Stephan Schlafke. In Adagio 38/39. Revista de Centro
Dramático de Evora, Hrsg. Christine Zurbach, José Alberto Ferreira, Mário Barradas,
Cendrev Evora 2004, pp. 55-61.
Dramaturgie und Konstruktion – Zur Entwicklung des Marionettentheaters im 20. Jahrhundert
(Dramaturgy and Construction – the Development of Marionette Theatre in the 20th
Century). Silke Technau, Stephan Schlafke. In Bericht zum Symposium „Neue Ergebnisse
auf dem Gebiet der europäischen Puppentheatergeschichte“ im Museum für
PuppentheaterKultur, Bad Kreuznach 2008.
Zur Ausstellungseröffnung „Michael Meschke“ im Puppentheater-Museum –
Rede für Stephan Schlafke”, UNIMA Deutschland, Berlin, 2006. (On the Occasion of the
Exhibition Opening “Michael Meschke” in the Puppet Theatre Museum – speech for Stephan
Schlafke). In En Teater – en Tid, Un Théâtre – Une Epoque, A Theatre – An Era, Ein Theater
– Eine Zeit, Hrsg. Stiftelsen Marionettmuseet, Carlson-Bokförlag Falun, 2009.
Mitarbeit an Fachzeitschriften:
Diverse Artikel in der Fachzeitschrift (various articles in the journal): Puppen, Menschen
& Objekte (vorm. puppenspiel-information), Hrsg. vom Verband Deutsche Puppentheater
e.V. u.a.:
Traum und Realisation – Rigoletto am Kobalt Theater (Dream and Realisation – Rigoletto
by Kobalt Theatre). 1997/1.
Kobalt – Zwei Frauen, ein Theater (Kobalt – Two Women, One Theatre). 2000/1.
Ölgemälde als Theaterraum: Gänschen klein ging allein … Eine Kinderinszenierung nach
Bildern der Malerin Paula Modersohn-Becker (Oil Paintings as Theatre Space: Little
Goose Waddled off Alone… a Production for Children after the Images of the Painter Paula
Modersohn-Becker). 2002/2.
Im Weißen Rössl – eine sehr persönliche Sicht auf einen Produktionsprozess (At the
White Horse Inn – a Very Personal Perspective on a Production Process). 2011/1.
Redaktionsmitglied seit 2003 in der Fachzeitschrift:
Das andere Theater, Hrsg. UNIMA Deutschland e.V. (DaT).
Man darf die Menschen nicht mit Fakten erschlagen; das Ganze muss eine Seele haben
(J. Riewa). Zur Herangehensweise an Puppenspielerbiografien der 30er Jahre (You Can’t
Pound the People with Facts; the Whole Must Have a Soul (J. Riewa) On the approach to
puppeteer biographies in the 1930s), DaT, 2002/47.
Jun’ichirô Tanizakis Roman Insel der Puppen (Jun’ichirô Tanizaki’s novel Some Prefer
Nettles). DaT, 2009/73.
Puppenspieler und Banditen (Katherine Patterson) – ein Bunrakuroman (Puppeteers and
Bandits – a Bunraku novel by Katherine Patterson). DaT, 2009/73.
Betreuung und Leitartikel (co-ordination and lead articles). In den DaT-Themenheften:
Figurenbildner (Puppet-makers). DaT, 2004/58.
Figurentheater und Architektur (Puppet Theatre and Architecture). DaT, 2005/59.
Fernsehpuppenspiel (Television Puppetry). DaT, 2005/61.
Schattentheater (Shadow Puppetry). DaT, 2006/62.
Marionetten im Wandel der Zeit (Marionettes and the March of Time). DaT, 2007/66+67.
Papiertheater (Paper Theatre). DaT, 2008/69.
Articles for the WEPA:
Büttner, Walter; Puppeteers; Maaßen. Jürgen; Allemagne – L’Allemagne fédérale
et Berlin-Ouest jusqu’en 1989. In Union internationale de la marionnette (ed.): Encyclopédie
mondiale des Arts de la Marionnette. Rédacteurs en chef: Henryk Jurkowski, puis Thieri
Foulc. Montpellier: L‘Entretemps editions, 2009 (in französischer Sprache, in deutscher
Sprache im Internet:
Wechselwirkungen zwischen Dramaturgie und Figurenkonstruktion (Cross-fertisilisation
between dramaturgy and puppet construction).
Die europäische Lustige Figur (the European comic figure).
Geschichte des europäischen Marionettenspiels vom 19. bis Heute (the history of European
marionette performance from the 19th Century to the present day).
Theaterpraxis-begleitendes Schreiben und Forschen (als Figurenspielerin und
Theaterwissenschaftlerin) (Case-studies and research as puppeteer and theatre
157. TILLIS, Steve (Mr.)
4218 Graham Street
USA 94566
List of publications:
Rethinking Folk Drama. Contributions in Drama and Theatre Studies 83, Westport CT:
Greenwood Press, 1999.
Toward an Aesthetics of the Puppet: Puppetry as a Theatrical Art. Contributions in Drama
and Theatre Studies 47”, New York: Greenwood Press, 1992.
The Art of Puppetry in the Age of Media Production. Puppets, Masks, and Performing
Objects. Ed. John Bell. Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 2001, pp. 172-185 (Original publication
in The Drama Review 43.3, Fall 1999, pp. 182-95).
The Actor Occluded: Puppet Theatre and Acting Theory. Theatre Topics 6.2, September
1996, pp. 109-119.
The Appeal of the Puppet: God or Toy? The Language of the Puppet. Ed. Laurence
R. Komintz. Vancouver, WA: Pacific Puppetry Center Press, 1990, pp. 11-16.
The Challenge of World Drama History.
158. TOPCHIEVA POZZATO, Miroslava (Ms.)*
Via Europa 2
36066 Sandrigo
Telephone: 00359 2 68 84 35
List of publications:
Shinel – Again Is the Top in the International Festival. In Kultura – newspaper, 4.7.1995.
An Woth – Screenplayer on Broadway. In Theatre, 1995, No. 1-2.
Architect Ivan Zonev – Puppet Screenplayer. In Theatre, 1995, No. 7-8.
Profesor Atanas Ilkov – the Producer. In Theatre, 1996, No. 3-4.
A Confession ahead the Screen. In Theatre, 1997, No. 8-9.
The New Direction of the Golden Dolphin. In Theatre, 1999, No. 9-10.
Maia Bezanska – the “Duck”, Begimot Or New Lolita. In Theatre, 2000, No. 1-2.
About the performance The Legend of Aida. State Puppet Theatre, Gabrovo (BG),
Literaturen Vestnik, 12/6/2002, No. 23.
About the performance The legend of Aida. State Puppet Theatre, Gabrovo (BG), Spisanie
Teatar, May and June 2002, No. 5-6.
Commedia dell'arte made in BG, at Venice's Biennale. Radio Vaticana – web text version
159. TRIMINGHAM, Melissa Dr. (Ms.)
University of Kent UK
School of Arts
Jarman Building
University of kent
Telephone: 01227 823560
List of publications:
A Methodology for Practice as Research. Studies in Theatre and Performance, 22.1, 2002.
Sehr geehrter Herr Schlemmer (A Letter to Oskar Schlemmer). Occasioned by a
Performance of the Bauhaustanze at the Dessau Bauhaus 1928, Performance Research 9.1,
2004, pp. 81-98.
Oskar Schlemmer's Research Practice at the Dessau Bauhaus. Theatre Research
International, 29.2, 2004, pp. 128-142.
Objects in Transition: the Puppet and the Autistic Child. Journal of Applied Arts and Health,
1.3, 2010, pp. 251-265.
The Theatre of the Bauhaus: the Modern and Postmodern Stage of Oskar Schlemmer.
Routledge, 2010.
160. TSCHUDIN, Jean-Jacques (Mr.)*
49, rue Gabriel Péri
F – 91300 Massy
List of publications:
(Published Work Since 1995)
Le kabuki devant la modernité (Kabuki on the Edge of Modernity). L'Age d'Homme,
Lausanne, 1995, 350 pp.
Early Meiji Kabuki and the Western Theatre; a rendez-vous manqué. In Kabuki, Changes
and Prospects, Tokyo, National Institute of Cultural property, 1998, pp. 183-192.
Danjûrô's Katsurekigeki Realistic Theater and the Meiji Theater Reform Movement. In Japan
Forum, London, Routledge, 1999, pp. 83-94.
Le théâtre en territoire interdit ou la mise en scène de la guerre sino-japonaise (Theatre on
Forbidden Territory or Directing the Sino-Japanese War). In La Nation en marche, Editions
Picquier, Arles, 1999, pp. 181-198.
The French Discovery of traditional Japanese theatre. In Japanese Theatre & the
International Stage, Brill, Leiden, 2001, pp. 43-58.
Jô o kataru – raconter les sentiments (Jô o kataru – Retelling the Sentiments). Texte du
programme de la Maison de la Culture du Japon à Paris, octobre 2003.
Opera Asakusa: le drame lyrique à la conquête d'un public populaire (Opera Asakusa: Lyrical
Drama on the Conquest of the General Public). In La Modernité à l'horizon, Editions Picquier,
Arles, 2004, pp. 169-189.
Le Kabuki enflamme la cité (Kabuki Kindles in the City). Telerama hors série: Estampes
Japonaises, Paris, 2004, pp. 42-46.
La guerre russo-japonaise sur les scènes et les écrans japonais (Russo-Japanese War on
Japanese Scenes and Screens). In La guerre russo-japonaise: faits et imaginaires, Ed.
Kaikash, Paris, 2005, pp. 461-475.
161. TSITOU, Fay (Ms.)
Athens University Museum
Tholou 5,
105 56 Athens
Puppet Theatre Company the Divers
Orminiou 6
115 28 Athens, Greece
Telephone: +30 2117100374, +30 6973746809
List of publications:
Breaking out of the Box. An investigation on museum puppetry in British museums,
Animations on line, ed. 27, Summer 2009, Puppet Center Trust, London (http://
Robert Poulter’s New Model Theatre in Museums. Puppetry International, Issue 29, Spring
& Summer 2011, Unima USA.
PhD Candidate (Royal Holloway, University of London): Puppetry in museum communication
and interpretation (see also http://
162. UENO-HERR, Michiko (Ms.)*
1026 Kalo Place Apt. 608
Hawaii 96826
Telephone: 808 955 7298
Fax: 808 955 7298
List of publications:
An Introduction to the Art of Bunraku. The Language of the Puppet. The Pacific Puppetry
Center Press, 1990.
The Artists behind the Scenes. Bunraku Puppet Theatre of Japan, 1992.
Les Apprentis Bunraku: une vie pour apprendre. Puck, No. 7, 1994.
Masters, Disciples, and the Art of the Bunraku Puppeteer’s Performance. Ph.D. diss.
University of Hawaii, 1995, 374 pp. (Publication available from UMI Dissertation Express
(Order Number #9615558), published year 1996.
La Marionnette Traditionnelle au Japon: une vue d"ensemble (Traditional Puppetry in Japan:
an overview). Marionnettes en Territoire Japonais, 1997.
A Lifetime of Training. Puppetry International, Fall 1999.
163. UNO, Koshiro (Mr.)
c/o Foundation Modern Puppet Center,
3-10-31, Ida, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki-shi, KANAGAWA 211-0035
Telephone: +81 (0)44 777 2228
Fax: +81 (0)44 777 3570
List of publications:
Symposium-Chikamatsu Monzaemon and Modern Puppetry. Collective writing. Foundation
Modern Puppet Center, 1978.
Traditional Puppetry in Today. Bansei-shobo, 1981
Report: Chondara, Traditional Puppetry in Okinawa. Foundation Modern Puppet Center,
Karakuri Puppets in Japan. Foundation Modern Puppet Center, 1988.
Invitation to the World of Chikamatsu Monzaemon. Collective writing. Gakugei-shorin, 1989.
The History of the Stage of Ningyo-Joruri. Collective writing. Yagi-shoten, 1991.
Puppets: Haunted by Falsehood and Truth. Gin’nosuzu-sha, 1999.
Handbook: Japanese Traditional Puppetry. Gin’nosuzu-sha, 2003.
164. Dr. UVAROVA, Irina P. (Ms.)
Ul. Novo-Pestchanaya 3, apt. 52
125057 Moscow
Telephone: (7 499) 190 15 30
List of publications:
Smeiutsya v cazhdoy kukle charodey (Magician Laughs in Every Puppet). Book. Moscow:
RGGU (Russian State Humanitarian Institute), 220 pp. (Russian).
Vertep-Misteriya Rozhdestva (The Nativity Play – Mystery of Christmas). Book. Moscow:
Progress-tradition, 2012, 100 pp. (Russian).
Lilikanskiy proekt (Lilican Project). In Voprosy teatra (Theatre questions), Moscow, Institut
iskusstvoznaniya (Art History Institute), No. 1-2, 2009, pp. 81-98 (Russian).
Balagan beechen (Show is Timeless). In Voprosy teatra, Moscow, Institut iskusstvoznaniya,
No. 1-2, 2009, pp 265-285 (Russian).
Zolotoy kluchik i Serebrianniy vek (Golden Key and Silver Century). In Voprosi teatra,
Moscow, Institut iskusstvoznania, No. 1-2, 2009 (Russian).
Svertki i spirali (Parcels and spirals). Materials of “Live puppet” conference, Moscow, RGGU,
2009 (Russian).
Chief editor and author of numerous articles in 11 issues of “KukArt” magazine edited during
1990 – 2000 and 8 digests according to the results of “Laboratory of puppet theatre directors
and artists” leaded by Dr. Uvarova.
165. Van der MIEDEN, Otto (Mr.)
Kerkweg 38
8193 KL
Telephone: +31(0)578 - 63 13 29/56 02 39
Fax: +31(0)578 - 56 06 21
List of publications:
Kakemono: Tsukioka Sessai (175-?-1839). Essay about a Japanese scroll painting with
a Bunraku figure.
Die Handpuppe, die Stockpuppe ... usw: Puppentheater-Techniken. Essay about puppetry
Traditionele volkspoppentheatertechnieken en –figuren (Traditional Folk Puppet Theatre).
(Video and YouTube) Essay.
Klein poppentheater-abc (26 namen, begrippen, figuren en technieken) (Small ABC of
Puppetry). Essay.
Erfgoed en poppentheater (geschiedenis in Nederland na 1945) (Puppen- und bildendes
Theater in den Niederlanden). Essay about the history of Dutch puppetry after 1945.
Poppenspe(e)ltechnieken en –figuren. (Prints and Texts on Folk Puppet Theatre). Essay.
Placemat met Mr Punch, zijn vrouw Judy, Toby de hond en publiek (Placemat with Mr.
Punch, His Wife Judy, Their Dog Toby and Passersby). Essay.
Poppenspe(e)lpastiche: spel van illusie en werkelijkheid. Expositieteksten en
-afbeeldingen (Exposition pastiche du théâtre de marionettes). Ausstellung
Puppenspielpastiche: ein Spiel von Illusion und Wirklichkeit. Under the name Puppetry
Pastiche, texts in Dutch and German about an exhibiting of a series of cardboard table-top
theatres with scenes which are a pastiche – i.e. an imitation of the style of an artist or
a period – of illustrations and photographs from the museum's collection. Essay.
Author: Hetty Paërl and Otto van der Mieden.
Rien Baartmans (1937-1993): de avonturen van een poppenspeler. Essay about the
adventures of a Dutch puppeteer.
Poppenspe(e)lkwartet: Heb jij voor mij de baby van Katrijn. (Puppetry Happy Families Game:
Have you Got Judy’s Baby?) Book and game. Author: Hetty Paërl and Otto van der Mieden.
Pulcinella: een Napolitaanse schelm (Pulcinella in Illustrations and Puppets: a Neapolitan
Scoundrel). Images et marionnettes de Pulcinella/Pulcinella in Drucken und Puppen.
Book. Author: Hetty Paërl and Otto van der Mieden.
Anton Anderle (1944-2008). Een Slowaakse stangpoppentheaterdynastie. A rod-marionette
and Anton Anderle. (A Slovak rod puppet dynasty). Essay.
Poppentheater-abc: een encyclopedie over het (volks)poppenspel (A Dutch-language ABC
of Puppetry with Nearly Five Hundred Entries). This section contains an explanation of the
terms, expressions, concepts, puppetry techniques, characteristic puppet theatre figures and
important people. Author: Hetty Paërl and Otto van der Mieden.
Teun Hocks, spelen met foto's: geënsceneerde fotografie van Teun Hocks (Teun Hocks,
Male Figure). Teun Hocks, le bonhomme. Teun Hocks, das Männchen. L'art de jouer avec
les photos: photos mises en scène de Teun Hocks'. Teun Hocks (1947) is the creator of
photographic situations, a tinkerer, scenery designer, photographer, director, painter, and the
leading man in his own creations. Essay.
Fluwelen eindje: De spiegel van het leven: monografieënreeks over het volkspoppenspel
(Various Prints and Texts on Folk Puppetry). Monographs. Author: Hetty Paërl and Otto van
der Mieden.
Pulcinella, een Napolitaanse clown (Pulcinella, a Neapolitan Clown). A mask to make
yourself and a Dutch language book about this figure from the Italian commedia dell'arte.
Book. Author: Otto van der Mieden and Hetty Paërl.
Het gezicht van Jan Klaassen. Hij lacht zich een bult (Jan Klaassen’s Face. His Hump Is
Shaking with Laughter). Das Gesicht von Jan Klaassen. Er kriegt vor Lauter lachen einen
Buckel. Book. Author: Hetty Paërl and Otto van der Mieden.
Poppentheater-abc. A Dutch-language ABC of Puppetry with nearly five hundred entries.
This section contains an explanation of the terms, expressions, concepts, puppetry
techniques, characteristic puppet theatre figures and important people.
Author: Otto van der Mieden and Hetty Paërl.
Poppenspe(e)ltechnieken en -figuren. Puppetry techniques and characters, a Dutchlanguage educational series that highlights folk and mainstream puppet theatre.
See also:
Author: Elsje Zwart and Otto van der Mieden.
Poppenspe(e)lpastiche (Puppenspielpastiche). Under the name Puppetry Pastiche, we are
exhibiting a series of cardboard table-top theatres with scenes which are a pastiche – i.e.
an imitation of the style of an artist or a period – of illustrations and photographs from the
museum's collection. Essay. Author: Hetty Paërl and Otto van der Mieden.
Through our so-called Puppetry Museum Pamphlets ('Poppenspe(e)lmuseumpamfletten') we
announce matters of interest relating to folk and mainstream puppet theatre. Moreover, these
pamphlets sometimes also inform visitors about theme exhibitions and activities in the
Puppetry Museum. Some of the Dutch pamphlets are also published in French, German and
English and are available in pdf format. Essay. Author: Otto van der Mieden and Hetty Paërl.
Doepak (Dupák) is the Dutch-language Puppetry Museum Newsletter
('Poppenspe(e)lmuseumkruimelkrant'), an educational multicoloured leaflet full of interesting
facts, things to do, and illustrations of puppet theatre. The Puppetry Museum Scribblings
('Kruimelkrantkrabbels') are an added extra, which often invite you to explore the Try it
yourself? activity. Some of the Dutch 'Kruimelkrantkrabbels' are also published in French,
German and English and are available in pdf format. Essay.
Film (running time: 65 minutes).
Audiovisual presentation: Poppenspe(e)lkwartet (Puppetry Happy Families game).
In 1990, Hetty Paërl created Heb jij voor mij de baby van Katrijn? (Have you got Judy’s
baby?) in cooperation with Otto van der Mieden. In 1994, we produced an audiovisual
information system based on this Poppenspe(e)lkwartet (Puppetry Happy Families game).
An adapted recording is shown under the Dutch title 'Traditionele
volkspoppentheatertechnieken, -figuren en -attributen' (Traditional folk puppet theatre
techniques, characters and objects). Animations, music, sound effects, illustrations, and
Dutch commentary are presented to the viewer in a highly innovative way.
166. VARAYALIL, Ajithkumar (Mr.)
Natyadarsana Puppet Theatre
17/153, Thriveni
Bank Road, Calicut
Kerala 673 001
Telephone: +91 9496890938
List of publications:
Published numerous articles about puppetry in various magazines and newspapers.
Pavanatakam Charithravum Prayogavum (Puppet Theatre History and Practice). State
Institute of Languages, Kerala, India, June 2006 (Malayalam language).
Pavakaliyude Prayogam Vidyabhyasathil (Usage of Puppetry in Education). Natyadarsana
Centre for Puppetry and Performance Research, Calicut, India, March 2008 (Malayalam
Performing with puppets and objects: Scope and Limits.
Nokkuvidya – The Traditional String Puppetry of Kerala and Influences of Other Folk
Performing Arts.
Transforming Traditional Puppetry in to Modern with reference of South Indian Leather
Puppetry (Research Project – Junior research Fellow, Cultural department, Govt. of India).
Written and Directed Video film:
A Journey With Puppetry. A documentary film about the puppet theatre of Kerala.
167. VÄRK, Eike (Ms.) *
Gonsiori 28-30
10128 Tallinn
Telephone: +372 56 696687
List of publications:
History of Professional Puppetry in Estonia. Tallinn University, 1999.
168. VENU, G. (Mr.)*
Natana Kairali
(Research and Performing Centre for Traditional Arts)
Ammannur Chakyar Madhom
Irinjalakuda P.O.
680121, Trichur, Kerala
Telephone: +91 488 825559
Fax: +91 488 828173
List of publications:
Revival of Traditional Puppet Theatre of Kerala. First Edition 1985, ILFK, California.
Puppetry and Lesser Known Dance Traditions of Kerala. First Edition 1990, Natanakairali,
Tolpava Koothu – Shadow Puppet of Kerala. First Edition 1990, Sangeet Natak Akademi,
169. VERDONIK, Maja PhD (Ms.)
Medovićeva 12
HR – 51000 Rijeka
Telephone: 00385 91 7658554 (cell.)
Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Rijeka, Croatia
List of publications:
From the History of Puppetry in Rijeka. In Philological Days in Rijeka, Collection of scientific
Papers, Faculty of Philosophy, Rijeka, Croatia, 2008.
Tales from Long Ago by Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić on the Stage of City Puppet Theatre Rijeka.
In Fluminensia, Magazine for philological researches, 21/1/1-234, Rijeka, Croatia, 2009.
The Memoires of City Puppet Theatre Rijeka (1960 – 2010). City Puppet Theatre Rijeka,
Croatia, 2010.
170. VIEIRA, Luís (Mr.)
CAMa – Centro de Artes da Marioneta
Convento das Bernardas - Rua da Esperança, 152
1200 - 660 Lisboa
List of publications:
As marionetas fazem parte da nossa vida, da nossa cidade… (Puppets Are Part of Our
Lives, of Our City…) Vieira, Luís & Ribeiro, Rute, in Festival Internacional de Marionetas e
Formas Animadas: FIMFA Lx Edição Comemorativa dos 10 Anos. Lisboa: A Tarumba –
Teatro de Marionetas: EGEAC/Museu da Marioneta, 2010.
Portugal; António José da Silva, o Judeu. Vieira, Luís & Ribeiro, Rute. In Encyclopédie
Mondiale des Arts de la Marionnette. Montpellier: Éditions l´Entretemps: UNIMA, 2009.
Marioneta, títere, fantoche, roberto, bonifrate, bonecro... (Marionette, títere, puppet, roberto,
bonifrate, bonecro...) In Museu da Marioneta de Lisboa: Catálogo de Exposição. Lisboa:
EGEAC, 2005.
Teatros de Papel (Paper Theatres). In Percursos do CAI 10. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste
Gulbenkian, 1994.
171. Dr. VIGATO, Teodora (Ms.)
Sveučilište u Zadru
Odjel za izobrazbu učitelja i odgojitelja
Tuđmanova 24 i
Telephone: 023 235096
List of publications:
Lutkarska predstava – Od ideje do izvedbe (Puppet Show – from Idea to Performance).
Školski vjesnik, časopis za pedagoška iškolska pitanja, Vol. 48, No. 1, 1999, pp. 63-68.
Dvije poetike zadarskog kazališta lutaka (Two Poetics of the Zadar Puppet Theatre). Zbornik
radova Visoke učiteljske škole u Zadru, god. 1, No. 1, Zadar, 2001, pp. 5-19.
Mogućnosti primjene lutkarskih tehnika u nastavi (Application of Puppet in Teaching Proces).
Školski vjesnik, časopis za pedagoška i školska pitanja, Vol. 49, No. 2, 2000, pp. 225-233.
Srednjovjekovna drama Muke svete Margarite u izvedbi zadarskog kazališta lutaka (The
Medieval Drama the Passion of St. Marguerite Performed by the Zadar Puppet Theatre).
Zbornik radova sa znanstveno-stručnog skupa Živa baština, Visoka učiteljska škola u Zadru,
Zadar, 2002, pp. 11-21.
O repertoaru Kazališta lutaka u Zadru (On the Repertory of the Zadar Puppet Theatre).
Zbornik radova Visoke učiteljske škole u Zadru, God. 2, No. 2, Zadar, 2002, pp. 15-35.
Teodora Vigato i Vedrana Valčić, Suvremena tehnologija kao pomoć u proučavanju povijesti
lutkarstva (Modern Technology as an Aid in Teaching the History of Puppetry).
Informatologija, Hrvatsko komunikološko društvo, Zagreb, 2003, pp. 138-142.
Treća poetika Kazališta lutaka u Zadru (The Third Poetics of the Zadar Puppet Theatre).
Zbornik radova Visoke učiteljske škole u Zadru, God. 3, No. 3, 2003, pp. 59-73.
Rad za stolom u metodici lutkarstva (Desk Work in the Puppetry Methodics). Vol. 5, No. 9.
2/2004, pp. 316-322.
Lutkarski izraz u teatrabilnim oblicima folklora (Puppetry Expressions in the Theatrical Forms
of Folklore). Narodna umjetnost. Hrvatski časopis za etnologiju i folkloristiku, 44/2, 2007, pp.
Hrvatski autori na zadarskoj lutkarskoj sceni (The Presence of Croatian Authors in the
Repertory of the Zadar Puppet Theatre). Magistra Iadertina, god. 2, No. 2, 2007,
pp. 121-131.
Teodora Vigato i Vedrana Valčić, Lutkarski film: umjetnost tehnologije (Puppet Movies: The
Art of Technology). In Kultura lutkarstva, urednik Radoslav Lazić, Beograd, 2007,
pp. 127-134.
Medijska kultura i obrazovanje učitelja – Znakovi u kazalištu lutaka (Media Culture and the
Education of Teachers – Signs in the Puppet Theatre). In Propedeutika lutkarstva, urednik
Radoslav Lazić, Beograd, 2007, pp. 57-63.
Principi lutkarske dramaturgije u Kazalištu lutaka Zadar (The Principles of Puppet
Dramaturgy). Croatica et Slavica Iadertina, Vol. 4, 2008, pp. 479-495.
Poljsko-hrvatske lutkarske veze (Polish-Croatian Puppetry Relations). Hum, god. 4, No. 4,
2008, pp. 228-251.
O svjetlu ili skica za portret dizajnera svjetla Ive Nižića (On Stage Light Or Portrayal of Light
Designer Ivo Nižić). Magistra Iadertina, Vol. 4, No. 4, 2009.
Europsko i folklorno u komedijama Tituša Brezovačkog (European and Folk Elements in
Tituš Brezovački's Comedies). Zbornik radova: IX. Međunarodni kroatiskički znanstveni skup,
Pečuh 2010.
Scenografija Kazališta lutaka Zadar (Scenography of Zadar Puppet Theatre). Magistra
Iadertina, Vol. 5, No. 5, 2010.
Svi zadarski ginjoli (All the Guignols of Zadar). Sveučilište u Zadru i Kazalište lutaka Zadar,
Zadar, 2011.
172. Dr. VLADOVA, Elena (Ms.)
53 Neofit Rilsky str.
Sofia 1000
Telephone: +359 2 981 1892
Bulgarian Academy of Science, Institute for Science of Art
Section for History and Theory of Theatre
21 Krakra str., Sofia 1000
Telephone: ++359 2 9442414, ++359 2 9441969
Fax: ++359 2 9433092
List of publications:
Balgarskata kuklena piesa ot Modernostta do 90-te godini na 20 vek (Tekstove za kuklen
teatar v Bulgaria do 90-te godini na XX vek). (The Bulgarian Puppet Play since Modernity
till the 90s of the 20th Century. (Texts for Puppet Theatre in Bulgaria until the 90s of XX
Century). Simolini Publishers, Sofia, 2009.
Pomnim li uchitelite si? Za Binka Miteva (Do We Remember Our Teachers? About Binka
Miteva). Teatar, No. 7-9, 2004.
Psihologicheska distantsiya i sblizhavane s kukleniya personazh – osnovna tehnika na
aktyora v kukleniya teatar (Psychological Distance and Convergence of the Puppet
Characters – the Basic Techniques of the Actor in the Puppet Theatre). Homo Ludens,
No. 10, 2004, pp. 229-236.
Tehnika na aktyorskoto maystorstvo za kuklen teatar (Romantizam. Modernizam i vremeto
Sled-tova za aktyora v kuklenia teatar do 90-te godini na 20-ti vek) (Technique of Acting for
Puppet Theatre (Romantism, Modernism and the Time After – about the Actor in the Puppet
Theatre till the 90s of 20th Century)). Sofia, 2004.
Raina Katzarova i Bulgarskia folkloren kuklen teatar (Raina Katzarova and Bulgarian Folklore
Puppet Theatre). Bulgarsko muzikoznanie magazine. Sofia, Vol. 4/2001, pp. 49-53 with illus.
(Bulgarian, summary in English).
Nakade sochi horizontat? (Where Does the Horizon Point to?) Problem! na izkustvoto
magazine, Sofia, Vol. 2, 2001 pp. 46-48 (Bulgarian, summary in English).
5 Disenadores Bulgaros. Titikijai, 2000, 18 Nazioarteko txotxongilo jaialdia, 18 Festival
International de Marionetas, Tolosa 25/11/00 – 3/12/00, pp. 3-15, Spain (Spanish).
Diseinatzaile Bulgarian. Titikijai, 2000, 18 Nazioarteko txotxongilo jaialdia, 18 Festival
International de Marionetas, Tolosa 25/11/00 – 3/12/00, Cat, pp. 3-15, Spain (Bask).
Kukli I folklor (Puppets and Folklore). IK "Ivan Vazov", Sofia, 2000, 128 pp. with illus.
Istoria na misalta za kuklen teatar v Bulgaria (1892 – 1972) (History of Thought of Puppet
Theatre in Bulgaria 1892 – 1972). Institut za izkustvoznanie, Bulgarska akademia na naukite,
Sofia, 2000, 135 pp. with illus. (Bulgarian) (Doctoral thesis for Doctor of Science).
Maestroto – arh. Ivan Tzonev (Maestro Arch. Ivan Tzonev). Teatar, Vol. It2/1992, pp. 4-5
Hainrih fon Klaist, George Sand, Gordon Craig i supermarionetkata (Heinrich von Kleist,
George Sand, Gordon Craig and the Ubermarionette). Teatar, Sofia, Vol. 10, tlltl2/1998,
pp. 4-6 (Bulgarian).
Supermarionetkata na Eduard Gordon Craig I teatralnia opit na Shirley MacLaine ot Novata
Epoha (Ubermarionette of Edward Gordon Craig and the Theatrical Experiment of Shirley
MacLaine from New Age). Problem! na izkustvoto magazine, Sofia, Vol. 2/1998, pp. 41-43
(Bulgarian, summary in German).
Teatralno-kriticheskata misal v Balgariya i kukleniya teatar (Theatre Critical Thought in
Bulgaria and Puppet Theatre). Sofia,1997
Blagoslovia na kuklite (Blessing of the Puppets). Saiuz na aristite v Bulgaria, Sofia, 1997,
176 pp. with illus. (Bulgarian).
Teatralno-kriticheskata misa. 1 v Bulgaria I kuklenia teatar (Theatrical critique Reflection
in Bulgarian Puppet Theatre). Gea, 2000, Sofia, 1997, 71 pp. with illus. (Bulgarian).
Sabitieto theater Albena (The Event – Theatre "Albena"). Theatre magazine, Sofia,
Vol. 10tlltl2/1997, p. 23 (Bulgarian).
Bog Ebisu ot laponia blagoslovi Bulgaria za shtastie (God Ebisu from Japan Blessed
Bulgaria with Happiness). Teatar, Sofia, Vol. It2/1995, p. 32 (Bulgarian).
Veseloto nachalo (1924 – 1944) (The Merry Beginning 1924 – 1944). Teatar, Sofia,
Vol. 5t6/1994, p. 18 (Bulgarian).
Mara Penkova – lelkata (Mara Penkova – Auntie). Teatar, Sofia, Vol. 5t6/1994, pp. 18-19,
with illus. (Bulgarian).
Liuben Saev i kuklenoto izkustvo (1904 – 1994g) (Liuben Saev and Puppet Art (1904 –
1994)). Teatar, Sofia, Vol. 516/1994, pp. 9-20 (Bulgarian).
Ritual-igra-teatralna igra (Ritual – Play – Theatre Game). Problemi na izkustvoto, No. 4,
Izkustvoto – Narodno predpriyatie ili Razvitieto na kukleniya teatar v Balgariya sled
Osvobozhdenieto 1892 (The Art – Folk Legend Or Development of Puppet Theatre in
Bulgaria after the Liberation 1892). Teatar, No. 5 and 6, 1991.
Tvorchestvoto na aktyora v kukleniya teatar (Creativity of the Actor in the Puppet Theatre).
Thesis. Sofia, 1975.
The Actor Art for Puppet Theatre in Bulgaria. Institute for Art Science, Bulgarian Academy
of Science.
173. WANG, Ragnhild (Ms.)
Suhmsgt 12a,
0362 Oslo
The Theatre Museaum Of Oslo
Christiania Torv
1 0151 Oslo
Telephone: 47/ 22 42 65 09
Fax: 22 42 45 62
List of publications:
Quality Assessment and the Puppet Theatre (How to Evaluate Performances for Children).
University of Oslo, Spillerom, No. 46, 1993.
The Magic Hand. Figure theatre and puppet play through the ages, edit: Pax publisher,
Oslo, 2000.
174. Dr. WASZKIEL, Halina (Ms.)
15-689 Bialystok
Pietkiewicza Street 4 D/19
Telephone: +48 85 878 98 68, +48 508 322 289 (mobil)
Aleksander Zelwerowicz State Theatre Academy in Warsaw,
Faculty of Puppetry Art in Bialystok
Sienkiewicza Street 14
15-092 Bialystok
Tel: +48 85 743 51 87
Fax: +48 85 743 53 53
List of publications:
Siła animacji. Międzynarodowy Festiwal Sztuki Lalkarskiej, Bielsko-Biała 2008 (The Force of
Animation. International Festival of Puppetry Art, Bielsko-Biala, Poland, 2008). Teatr Lalek,
No. 2-3 (93-94), 2008, pp. 18-27 with illus., UNIMA – Poland, Łódź (Polish and English).
Tygrys i Świnka. Genderowe i queerowe tropy w konstruowaniu obrazu rodziny we
współczesnym teatrze lalek (A Tiger and a Piggy. The Picture of a Family in Contemporary
Puppet Theatre – from the Gender and Queer Point of View). Dialog, No. 10, 2008, pp. 192199 with illus., Warsaw, Poland (Polish).
Teatr lalek, teatr animacji (Puppet Theatre, Theatre of Animation). Didaskalia, No. 88, 2008,
pp. 31-35, Wrocław, Poland (Polish).
Czy zwyczajność powinna być czymś podejrzanym? (rec. z „Historii całkiem zwyczajnej”
Mariji Łado w Olsztyńskim Teatrze Lalek) (Should the Commonplace Be Suspicious? (The
review on „Just an Ordinary Story” by Mariya Lado, Olsztyn Puppet Theatre, Poland)). Teatr
Lalek, No. 1 (96), 2009, pp. 23-26 with illus., UNIMA – Poland, Łódź (Polish and English).
Dramaty nie tylko dla ludzi (The Plays Not Only for Men). In „Dramat made (in) Poland.
Współczesny dramat polski we współczesnej polskiej rzeczywistości” (Dramat Made (in)
Poland. Contemporary Polish Drama in the Contemporary Polish Reality), ed. Wojciech
Baluch. Księgarnia Akademicka, 2009, pp. 225-233, Kraków, Poland (Polish).
Trzy perspektywy (o VI Międzynarodowym Festiwalu Solistów Lalkarzy, Łódź 2009) (Three
Points of View. On the 6th International Festival of Solo Puppeteers, Łódź 2009, Poland),
Teatr Lalek, No. 2 (97), 2009, pp. 15-20 with illus., UNIMA – Poland, Łódź (Polish and
Skorupa. Lalki w “Turandot” Pawła Passiniego (A Broken Piece. Puppets in „Turandot” by
Pawel Passini), Teatr, No. 2, 2010, pp. 63-65 with illus., Warsaw, Poland (Polish).
Porozmawiaj z lalką. XXIV Międzynarodowy Festiwal Sztuki Lalkarskiej, Bielsko-Biała 2010
(Talk with the Puppet. International Festival of Puppetry Art, Bielsko-Biala 2010). Teatr Lalek,
No. 2-3 (100-101), 2010, pp. 14-23 with illus., UNIMA – Poland, Łódź (Polish and English).
Ropuchowata kobiecość, czyli “Przekleństwo” Dudy Paivy (Toad Femininity. „Malediction”
by Duda Paiva). Teatr, No. 10, 2010, pp. 70-72 with illus., Warsaw, Poland (Polish).
Egy külföldi szemével a XV. Pécsi Nemzetkozi Felnöttbábfesztiválról (As Seen by a
Foreigner. International Adult Puppet Festival, Pécs 2010). Art Limes, 2010.1, Báb-Tár X.,
Tatabánya, Hungary, pp. 81-85 (Hungarian).
Mewa w teatrze lalek („The Seagull” in Puppet Theatre). In „Czechow współcześnie”
(Czechow in our Times), ed. Ryszard Strzelecki and Gerard Guźlak. Wydawnictwo
Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego, Bydgoszcz, Poland, 2010, pp. 241-247 (Polish;
summary in Russian).
Krabat, teatr lalek według Vogla („Krabat”. Puppet Theatre by Vogel). Teatr, No. 2, 2011,
pp. 73-75 with illus., Warsaw, Poland (Polish).
O tym, jak Miś wyrasta na Tygrysa w polskim teatrze lalek (How a Teddy Bear Grows up to
Be a Tiger in the Polish Puppet Theatre). In “Inna Scena. Koniec męskości? Konstrukcje
męskiej tożsamości w polskim dramacie i teatrze w perspektywie gender i queer” (Different
Scena. The End of Masculinity? Structures of Male Identity in Polish Drama and Theatre,
from the Perspective of Gender and Queer). Instytut Teatralny, Warsaw, Poland, 2011, pp.
225-232 (Polish).
Manekinacja (In the World of Mannequins). On “The Treaty on Mannequins” in Wierszalin
Theatre). Dialog, No. 7-8, 2011, pp. 108-117 with illus., Warsaw, Poland (Polish).
Lekarstwo na zło. Sztuki Marty Guśniowskiej (Remedy for Evil. Marta Gusniowska’s Plays).
Teatr, No. 11, 2011, pp. 44-48 with illus., Warsaw, Poland (Polish).
Dramaturgia lalkowa – kilka refleksji (Puppet Dramaturgy – Some Reflections). In „Teatr lalek
i dziecko” (Puppet Theatre and a Child), ed. Elżbieta Rzewuska and Grażyna Słupczyńska.
Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland, 2011, pp. 15-20 (Polish).
Zawsze ciekawie. XXV Ogólnopolski Festiwal Teatrów Lalek, Opole, 2011 (It’s Always
Exciting. National Puppet Theatre Festival, Opole, 2011). Teatr Lalek, No. 4 (106), 2011,
pp. 14-21,with illus., UNIMA – Poland, Łódź (Polish and English).
And some publications on the Polish theatre in XIX Century, especially the book Stanisław
Bogusławski (the monography of the actor and playwright, Stanislaw Boguslawski, 18041870), Akademia Teatralna im. Aleksandra Zelwerowicza, Warsaw, 2010, 618 pp. (Polish;
English summary).
Puppet dramaturgy and contemporary puppet theatre in Poland.
175. Dr. WASZKIEL, Marek (Mr.)
15-689 Bialystok
Pietkiewicza Street 4 D/19
Telephone: +48 85 878 98 68, +48 603 684 339 (mobil)
Bialostocki Teatr Lalek / Bialystok Puppet Theatre
Kalinowskiego Street 1
15-875 Bialystok
Fax: +48 85 742 86 31
List of publications:
Kinetozograficzny teatr Kuparenki (Kinetozographical Kuparenko’s Theatre). Pamietnik
Teatralny, No. 1-2, 1996, pp. 88-117 with illus., Warsaw, Poland (Polish).
Polskije mechaniczeskije szopki (Polish Mechanical Szopka). Kukart, No. 6, 1997, pp. 72-74,
Moscow, Russia (Russian).
Szopka oder Die kleine Sabotage. Das polnische Puppentheater im Zweiten Weltkrieg.
In Frontpuppentheater. Puppenspieler Im Kriegsgeschehen. Herausgegeben von Dorothea
Kolland und Puppentheater-Museum Berlin, Elefanten Press Berlin, Berlin 1997, pp. 205-213
100 Przedstawien Teatru Lalek. Antologia recenzji 1945 – 1996 (100 Performances of Polish
Puppet Theatre. Anthology of the Critics, 1945 – 1996). Red. M. Waszkiel i L. Kozień, Łódź,
1998, 320 pp. (Polish).
The Worldwide Art Of Puppetry (L’art Mondial De La Marionnette). UNIMA 2000. Ed. by
M. Waszkiel, P. Francis, A. Lecucq. UNIMA, 2000, 168 pp. with illus. (French and English).
Kroftuv Don Quijote (Don Kichote by Krofta). In M. Klima, K. Makonj a kol., Josef Krofta:
Inscenační dílo. Prazska scena, Praha 2003, pp. 177-180 (Czech).
Der fahrende Mechaniker – Kuparenko. In Der Alltag Der Puppenspieler. Gesammelte
Beitrage des Symposiums 1999 in Mistelbach im Weinviertel, 2003, pp. 181-200 (German).
Teatr nasz, czyli jaki? (Our Theatre, or What Sort of a Theatre?) Teatr Lalek, No. 1, 2005,
pp. 2-8. UNIMA – Poland, Łódź (Polish).
I MŁODZIEŻY W LATACH 1989-2003 (Report on Polish Theatre for Children and Young
People 1989-2003). Red. Zbigniew Rudziński, Juliusz Tyszka. Centrum Sztuki Dziecka,
Poznań, 2005, pp. 23-37 (Polish).
Kukła – lalka –animowana forma. Polski teatr lalek po 1945 (Kukla – Puppet – Animated
Form. Polish Puppet Theatre after 1945). DIDASKALIA, Krakow (Poland), No. 90, April 2009,
pp. 128-131; No. 91, June 2009, pp. 106-109; No. 92/93, August-October 2009, pp. 131-135;
No. 95, February 2010, pp. 120-126 (Polish).
Profissão: bonequeiro / Zawód: lalkarz, Móin-Móin.Revista de Estudos sobre Teatro de
Formas Animadas, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina e Sociedade Cultura Artistica
de Jaraguá do Sul (Brazil), 2009, No. 6, pp. 89-98 (Portuguese), pp. 99-104 (Polish).
A Lengyel bábszínház (A 15. századtol a 20. század végéig). ART Limes, 2011.1 (Báb-Tár
XII), Hungary, pp. 5-21 (Hungarian).
Białostocki Teatr Lalek: jeden teatr – wiele oblicz / Białostocki Teatr Lalek: un teatro – varios
rostros / Białostocki Teatr Lalek: one theatre – many faces / Białostocki Teatr Lalek: odin
teatr – mnogo vidoizmenenij. Polish Presidency 2011. Texts and ed. by Marek Waszkiel, set
design by Andrzej Dworakowski, BTL, Białystok 2011, 86 pp. (Polish, Spanish, English,
Contemporary puppetry art. Traditional puppetry.
176. WATSON, Nenagh (Ms.)
Central School of Speech & Drama
Embassy Theatre
Eaton Avenue
Central School of Speech & Drama (CSSD)
Research Department
Telephone: 020 77 22 8183
List of publications:
From Loofah to Swazzle: The Influence of Japanese Puppet Theatre on a British
Puppeteer. Puppet Notebook, Issue 15, Summer 2009.
The life and death of objects and puppets: immanence, intervention, presence and absence.
177. WEI, Liqun (Mr.)
No. 113 Yuhua East Road
School of Fine Arts and Design
Hebei Normal University
Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province
List of publications:
Puppeteers in Luanzhou. Hansheng Folk Art, Vol. 31, 1991.
Shadow Puppetry Arts in the Time of War. 9th National Folk Art Conference, October 1993.
Current Situation and Future Trend of Shadow Puppetry in New Time. 10th National Folk Art
Conference, October 1993.
Shadow Puppets in Luanzhou. Academic Journal of Hebei Normal University, Vol. 4, 1994.
Donkey Shadow Puppet Art and Folk. Big Stage, Vol. 5, 1994.
The Arts of Donkey Skin Shadow Puppetry and Folk. Big Stage, Vol. 5, 1994.
Studying the Origin of Chinese Shadow Puppetry. Academic Journal of Hebei Normal
University, Vol. 1, 1995.
Folk Belief in Luanzhou Shadow Puppetry. 12th National Folk Art Conference, October 1995.
The Operation and Present of Shadow Puppetry. 13th National Folk Art Conference, August
Brief Studying of Modeling Arts of Shadow Puppets. 14th National Folk Art Conference,
October 1997.
Brief Studying of Chinese Shadow Puppets’ Modeling. Academic Journal of Hebei Normal
University, Vol. 3, 1998.
Hebei Shadow Puppetry. Local Voice, Vol. 3, 1999.
Arts of Tangshan Shadow Puppetry. Shijiazhuang: Hebei Arts Publishing House, December
New Type of Shadow Puppetry Culture. 16th National Folk Art Conference, September 2001.
Modeling Arts of Shadow Puppets in North China. Chinese Folk Arts and Cultures Papers,
October 2003.
Thinking of Rescue Recording for Folk Shadow Puppetry. 18th National Folk Art Conference,
October 2003.
Journey of Shadow Puppetry. Beijing: National Tourism Publishing House, January 2005.
Shadow Puppetry Museum of Cui Yongping. 20th National Folk Art Conference, June 2005.
The Inhabitation of Shadow Puppetry. Economic Daily, 27 June 2005.
Preface: Art of Tangshan Shadow Puppetry. Art of Tangshan Shadow Puppetry, Beijing:
Federation of Literary and Art Circles Publishing Corporation. August 2005.
Genres and Distributions of Chinese Shadow Puppetry. China Culture, 30 August 2005.
Shadow Puppetry Theatres in Jidong Anti-Japanese Team. United Daily, 22 October 2005.
Folk Shadow Puppetry. Beijing: China Light Industry Press, January 2006.
Sanji Shadow Puppetry. Hebei Pictorial, April 2007.
Art History of Chinese Shadow Puppetry. Beijing: Cultural Relics Publishing House, May
Glamour of Xiangtan Paper Shadow Puppetry. Xiangtan Literature & Xiangtan Paper
Shadow Puppetry, Vol. 4, 2007.
Shadow Puppetry in Tea Houses. Hubei Travelling, Vol. 8 (I), 2007.
Folk Shadow Puppetry. Beijing: Foreign Language Press, January 2008 (English, Spanish
and Italian Version).
Jidong Shadow Puppetry. Beijing: Science Press, June 2008.
Field Work and Safeguarding of Chinese Shadow Puppetry. Strait Cultural Heritage, Vo. 3,
Hunan Shadow Puppetry. (ed.) Changsha: Hunan Publishing House, August 2009.
Shadow Puppetry Jiangan King. Beijing: Central Compilation & Translation Press,
September 2009.
VCD of Folk Shadow Puppetry. (Total 220 Discs) Beijing: China International Audio-Video
Publishing House, 2004.
Exploring Origin of Chinese Shadow Puppetry. Arts Studying, Vol. 3.
Design of Folk Shadow Puppetry. Academic Journal of Shandong Technology and Fine Arts.
178. WILLIAMS, Margaret PhD (Ms.)
74 Mount Road,
Bowral NSW 2576
Telephone: +61 2 4861 1269
Fax: +61 2 4861 7569
List of publications:
Australia on the Popular Stage 1829 – 1929. Sydney: Oxford University Press, 1983.
Dorothy Hewett – The Feminine as Subversion. (Sydney: Currency Press, 1992.
The entries on Australian theatre for The Cambridge Guide to (World) Theatre.
Aspects of Puppet Theatre/ the Language of the Puppet. In Australasian Drama Studies,
No. 19, October 1991, pp. 67-76.
Including the Audience: The Idea of ‘the Puppet’ and the Real Spectator. In Australasian
Drama Studies, No. 51, October 2007, pp. 119-132.
The common but largely undefined terms of puppetry discourse and their various and
sometimes conflicting meanings and usage.
179. WUNSCH, Stephan (Mr.)
Rosenfisch figurenspiel
Peter-Liesen-Str. 7
D – 52249 Eschweiler
Telephone: 0049 (0)1577 665 1231
List of publications:
Literatur und Puppenspiel – eine fruchtbare Beziehung (On the Relationship between
Literature and Puppetry, mit Vera Viehöver). Ed. by UNIMA Germany. In Das andere
Theater. H. 73, 2009.
Krüss kontra Kleist (Krüss vs. Kleist). In Das andere Theater. H. 73, 2009.
Amateure? Dilettanten? Idealisten? (Amateurs? Dilettantes? Idealists?) – nonprofessionals in puppetry, In Das andere Theater. H. 72.
Der Pakt mit dem Zuschauer (The Pact with the Audience – Stage Design for Puppet
Plays). In Das andere Theater. H. 69, 2008.
Figurenbildner (On Puppetmakers). In Das andere Theater. H. 58, 2005.
P.K. Steinmann als Publizist (The Publicist P. K. Steinmann). In Das andere Theater.
H. 58, 2005.
Die erträgliche Leichtigkeit des Marionettenseins. Das confusionsfreie Leben von
Franz Poccis Kasperl Larifari (The Bearable Lightness of Being a Marionette). In
Lauder ainfache Sädds. Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Hauke Stroszeck. Ed. by
Heinrich Walter, Frank Pohle und Stephan Wunsch. Aachen, 2000.
Redaktionsmitglied seit 2003 in der Fachzeitschrift:
Das andere Theater, Hrsg. UNIMA Deutschland e.V. (DaT)
180. YANG, Jiwon (Ms.)
13 McCarthy Court.
Banbury Street
London, SW11 3ES
6-130 Changjun Dong
Mapo Gu, Seoul
South Korea
Telehone: (44)207 223 1286
Mobile :(44)797 130 2866
List of publications:
Objects In Transition: The Trajectory of Kazuko Hohki’s Performances. Puppet Notebook.
Eleanor Margolies., ed. Issue 11, Spring 2008. London: British UNIMA.
Bodies in Creation: Emptiness, Body, Postdramatic Objects. Puppetry and Postdramatic
Performance. University of Conneticut. Storrs. 2011.
Creative process engaging objects, material and puppets within the frame of postdramatic
181. YE, Mingsheng (Mr.)
No. 183 Yangqiao East Road
Fuzhou, Fujian Province
List of publications:
Discussing the Feng Menglong and ‘ShuangXiong Ji’, Arts of Operas Volume 3, 1987.
A Genre to Arts of Operas: Discussion ‘Dayehe’ and Its Development. Opera Studying,
Vol. 25, 1987.
Analyzing the Status of Region in the Development of Nan Opera. In Nan Opera Paper.
Beijing: China Drama Press, December 1988.
Exploring the Relationship between Mulian Opera and Nuo Culture. Opera Studies, Vol. 37,
Exploring the Relationship of Shanghang Gaoqiang Puppetry and the Hakka Religion. In
Papers of International Hakka Studies Forum.Hongkong: Hongkong University Press, 1994.
Discussion of Putian Opera. In Series of Discussion of Chinese Local Operas. Xinzhu:
National Tsing Hua University, 1995.
Brief Introduction of Fujian Shanghang Marionette Puppetry ‘Wife’. Folk Operas, Vol. 94
& 95, 1995.
Minxi Shanghang Puppetry ‘Wife’. Series of Folk Operas, Vol. 10, 1995.
Fujian Shanghang Marionette Puppetry ‘Wife’. Cooperated with Yuan Hongliang., Series
of Folk Operas, Vol. 6, 1996.
Fujian Shouning Siping Marionette Puppetry ‘Wet Nurse’. Cooperated with Wu Naiyu.
Series of Folk Operas, Vol. 9, 1997.
Fujian Shouning Siping Marionette Puppetry ‘Huaguang’. Cooperated with Wu Naiyu.
Series of Folk Operas, Vol. 6, 2000.
Exploring the Arts of Ancient Water Marionette Puppetry. Arts of Opera, Vol. 1, 2000.
Exploring the Relationship between Ancient Taige and Fujian Nan Opera. In Papers of
International Nan Opera Studies Forum. Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, September
Minnan Yi’an Tiezhi Marionette Puppetry. In History of Operas. Beijing: China Drama Press,
September 2002.
Filling the Blank of History of Marionette Puppetry Studying. China Drama, Vol. 10, 2004.
Literature of Marionette Puppetry. Literary Newspaper, 28 November 2004.
Exploring the Origin of Taiwan Marionette Puppetry. Taiwan Studies, Vol. 6, 2004.
Exploring the Relationship between Fujian Marionette Puppetry and Local Opera. Opera
Studies, Vol. 66, 2004.
Studying the Relationship of Fujian Siping Opera and Siping Qiang. In Theories of Fujian
Arts Collections. Beijing: China Dram Press, 2005.
The Dangerous Situation of Siping Opera and Its Safeguarding. In Chinese Intangible
Cultural Heritage, Vol. 10. Najing: Zhongshan University Press, 2006.
History of Fujian Marionette. Beijing: China Drama Press, 2004.
The Distribution and Cultural Relics of Siping Qiang in Fujian. In Papers of Chinese Siping
Qiang Studies. Beijing: China Drama Press, 2006.
Studying of Putian Opera Culture. Xiamen: Xiamen University Press, 2007.
Studying of Religion and Opera. Taiwan: National Press, 2008.
182. ZAMARRIPA, César Tavera (Mr.)
Padre Raymundo Jardón 910
Centro, Monterrey N.L.
Cp 64000
Telephone: (52) 8183430604, (52)8183431491
List of publications:
The Puppets in the North of México. Altogether with Mante Barrera Elvia. In Latin American
Theatre Review. Univerity of Kansas, USA, Vol. 32, No. 1, Fall 1998.
The Puppets in the North of México. Altogether with Mante Barrera Elvia. In Máscara, year
11, Nos. 31-32, January 2000, pp. 86-90.
The Puppets in the North of México. Altogether with Mante Barrera Elvia. In Teokikixtli, year
2, No. 5, March 1999, pp. 15-20.
The Puppets Are a Tradition? Altogether with Mante Barrera Elvia. In Paso de Gato, year 3,
No. 18, Jul-Sept 2004, p. 37.
Notes on the Children's Theatre and Puppet in Nuevo Léon 1960-2000 (I). Altogether with
Mante Barrera Elvia. In Teokikixtli, year 5, No. 18-19, Dec. 2002, pp. 35-38.
Notes on the Children's Theatre and Puppet in Nuevo Léon 1960-2000 (II). Altogether with
Mante Barrera Elvia. In Teokikixtli, year 5, No. 20-21, August 2003, pp. 4-10.
Notes on the Children's Theatre and Puppet in Nuevo Léon 1960-2000 (III). Altogether with
Mante Barrera Elvia. In Teokikixtli, year 6, No. 27-28, April 2004, pp. 4-12.
Bibliography of Puppet Theatre in Mexico. Altogether with Mante Barrera Elvia. In Teokikixtli.
Second annual time Edition, August 2010 pp. 100-102.
50 Years of Puppets in Mexico 1960 – 2010. Altogether with Mante Barrera Elvia.
Compilation in magazine Teokikixtli, second anunual time edition, August 2010.
Mexican Female Puppeteers meeting. Compilation in Teokikixtli. Second annual time edition,
July 2009.
Puppets in Mexico and the New Generations. In Puppetry International, Fall / Winter 2010.
30 Years of UNIMA in Mexico. In Teokikixtli. Second annual time edition, August 2011, pp.
183. ZURBACH, Christine (Ms.)
Rua de Santa Maria, 18, 1º Dtº
7000-592 Évora
Web: ( )
Departamento de Artes Cénicas
Universidade de Évora
Antiga Fábrica Leões
Estrada dos Leões
7000-208 Évora
List of publications:
Tradução e Prática teatral em Portugal (1975-1988) (Translation and Theatre Practice
in Portugal 1975-1988). Um estudo de caso. Lisboa, Colibri, 2002 (Portuguese).
Teatro de Marionetas: tradição e modernidade (org.) (Puppet Theatre: Tradition and
Modernity). Évora, Casa do Sul, 2002 (Portuguese).
Autos, Passos e Bailinhos: os textos dos Bonecos de Santo Aleixo (Autos, Passos and
Bailinhos: the Bonecos de Santo Aleixo Repertoire). Évora, Casa do Sul, 2007 (Portuguese).
A Tradução teatral: o texto e a cena (Theatre and Translation: Text and Stage).
Caleidoscópio, 2007 (Portuguese).
Mi trabajo como dramaturgista. In La Profesión del dramaturgista (My Work as a
Dramaturge. In Dramaturge as a professional). Madrid, 2011, pp. 187-199 (Spanish).
The Theatre Translator as a Cultural Agent. A case study. In Cultural Agents and
Translation, John Milton (ed.). John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam &
Philadelphia, 2009, pp. 279-300 (English).
CENDREV, 1975-2005; Thirty Years of Theatrical Decentralization. In Western European
Stages, Marvin Carlson (ed.). Special Issue, « Theatre in Portugal », No. 18:1, Winter 2006,
pp. 23-30 (English).
Presença(s) do teatro de marionetas em Portugal hoje (Presence(s) of Puppet Theatre
Today in Portugal). In Moín-moín, revista de Estudos sobre Teatro de Formas Animadas.
Jaraguá do Sul: SCAR/UDESC, No. 2, 2006, pp. 111-124 (Portuguese).
A Dramaturgia do teatro de marionetas hoje: modos de fazer e modos de ver (Dramaturgy
of Contemporary Puppet Theatre). In Moín-moín, revista de Estudos sobre Teatro de Formas
Animadas. Jaraguá do Sul: SCAR/UDESC, No. 8, 2011, pp. 92-106 (Portuguese).
João Paulo Seara Cardoso. Archéologie et invention. Propos sur António José da Silva
(João Paulo Seara Cardoso. Archaeology and Invention. Topics about Antonio José da
Silva). In Puck, No. 16, 2009, pp. 151-156 (French).
Da fragilidade dos objectos e dos seres segundo João Paulo Seara Cardoso (About Objects
and Human Beings Fragility.) In Sinais de cena, revista da APCT, No. 16, 2011, pp. 104-106
Theatre studies (dramaturgy; translation); history of puppet theatre investigation on puppetry.
Chris Abbott
Steve Abrams
Marthe Adam
Galina Aliseitschik
Luigi Allegri
Ana Maria Amaral
Katriina Andrianov
Hamidreza Ardalan
Mary Jo Arnoldi
Cariad Astles
Nadezhda Atanasova
Eliane Attinger
Adolfo Ayuso
Poupak Azimpour Tabrizi
Maryse Badiou
Albert Bagno
Géza Balogh
Yves Baudin
John Bell
Valmor Nini Beltrane
Olaf Bernstengel
R. Bhanumathi
Jaroslav Blecha
John. M. Blundall
Amihan Bonifacio-Ramolete
Richard David Bradshaw
Salomėja Burneikaitė
Peter Buurman
Stephen Carter
Fan Pen Chen
Alfonso Cipolla
Bradford Clark
Steve Cockayne
Matthew Isaac Cohen
Francisco J. Cornejo
Felisberto Sabino da Costa
Marianna de Leoni
Felicia van Deth-Beck
Guido di Palma
Lothar Drack
Rimantas Driežis
Alice Dubská
Petrus du Preez
Glyn Edwards
Brunella Eruli
Alexandre Gindri Favero
Yosyp Yuhimovich Fedas
Bianca Felipe Rivero
Geoff Felix
Raphaèle Fleury
Kathy Foley
Paul Fournel
Penny Francis
Susanita Freire
Lubomir Garbev
Marie Garré Nicoara
Behrouz Gharibpour
Sampa Ghosh
Yamila Gibert Núñez
Paola Gilardi
Audronė Girdzijauskaitė
Boris Goldovskij
Alexey Goncharenko
Françoise Gründ
Aurelija Gurinavičienė Čeredaitė
Juraj Hamar
Ida Hamre
Anne Helgesen
Heidi Hinzler
Ida Hledíková
Ryan Howard
Nguyên Huy Hông
Dagmar Inštitorisová
Anna A. Ivanova-Brashinskaia
Daniel Alejandro Jara Villaseñor
Yuxiang Jiang
Henryk Jurkowski
Vilmantas Juškėnas
Katsumi Kano
Akiko Kato
Cherif Khaznadar
Mišo A. Kováč
Livija Kroflin
Marie Kruger
Anatolij P. Kulish
George Andrew Lane
Amelia Lapeña-Bonifacio
Radoslav Lazić
Jaume Lloret Esquerdo
Jette Lund
Erika (Luo Ling) Luo
Martin MacGilp
Edvard Majaron
Karel Makonj
Slavcho Malenov
Nina Malíková
Michael R. Malkin
Elvia Mante Barrera
Eleanor Margolies
Aja Marneweck
Judith Marseille
Sylvie Martin-Lahmani
Shiva Massoudi
John McCormick
Alissa Melo
Geoffrey Milne
Noriah Mohamed
Nina Monova
Alicja Morawska-Rubczak
John Morley
M. D. Muthukumaraswamy
Vida Narščiuvienė
Michèle Nicolas
Hadas Ophrat
Claudia Orenstein
Désirée Ortega Cerpa
Elisabeth den Otter
Ivica Ozábalová
Hetty Paërl
Oľga Panovová
Rosario Perricone
Jennifer K. Pfeiffer
Didier Plassard
Michel Poletti
Pietro Porta
Vladimír Predmerský
R. V. Ramani
Mu Ramaswamy
Lars Rebehn
Martin Reeve
Andreas Regelsberger
Rute Ribeiro
Hana Ribi
Johannes Richter
Robin Erik Ruizendaal
Toni Rumbau
Antappa Krishnaiah Sakaleshpur
Rubén Darío Salazar Taquechel
Anastasia Savinova
Michael Schuster
I Nyoman Sedana
Yasuko Senda
Julie Sermon
Arina A. Shepeleva
Francisca Miranda Silva
Doychina Sinigerska
Johanna Smith
Luis Martín Solís Reynoso
Margareta Sörenson
Nancy Lohman Staub
Esther Suárez Durán
György Székely
Daiva Šabasevičienė
Raimonda Širvinskienė Bitinaitė
Jane Taylor
Silke Technau
Steve Tillis
Miroslava Topchieva Pozzato
Melissa Trimingham
Jean-Jacques Tschudin
Fay Tsitou
Michiko Ueno-Herr
Koshiro Uno
Irina P. Uvarova
Otto van der Mieden
Ajithkumar Varayalil
Eike Värk
G. Venu
Maja Verdonik
Luís Vieira
Teodora Vigato
Elena Vladova
Ragnhild Wang
Halina Waszkiel
Marek Waszkiel
Nenagh Watson
Liqun Wei
Margaret Williams
Stephan Wunsch
Jiwon Yang
Mingsheng Ye
César Tavera Zamarripa
Christine Zurbach