The Good News - United Presbyterian Church of Millstone


The Good News - United Presbyterian Church of Millstone
The Good News
211 Millstone Road, Millstone Township, NJ 08535
732-446-5350; e-mail:
Visit our website at
Don’t forget to LIKE us on Facebook too!
No. 22
United Presbyterian Church of Millstone
211 Millstone Road / P.O. Box 202
Perrineville, NJ 08535
Time for Change
& Growth
April 2016
Spring…..Time for New Beginnings….
On the whole, you’ve got to admit…..we’re on a pretty, interesting
journey. With Lent and Easter still fresh on our minds and the season
of Spring upon us, we’re noticing some parallels with our church’s
journey in the process of calling a Pastor. We observed the time of
Jesus’ death on the cross during the moving Tenebrae Service, and
celebrated all of the Hope surrounding His rising again at Easter.
As a church sign in the Borough of Freehold states….
“In His death, we walk in new life.”
And so it goes for us too. We continue on our quest for the spiritual
leader of our unique and caring church. After a year’s travel with an
interim minister, we’ve benefitted from having been loosened a bit
from our moorings and are finding a new center. We’ve been taught
some great praise songs for blended worship. We’ve had our eyes
opened to the life-edifying gift of learning God’s Word through weekly
Bible studies, and then joyfully carrying it in our hearts daily.
(Easily, we’ve got 20 folks attending two Bible studies each week.)
We’ve had some healthy, productive leadership and officer
training sessions with most of our terrific elders and deacons attending
…..ready to carry forth and put into action their collective, inspired, results.
And we’ve listened to one another…...carefully.
It takes wisdom, prayer, God’s guidance, and time to ‘be still’ to
listen for God’s direction in order to make important decisions,
and with respect, our Session has carefully done so.
We’re moving forward. Fresh, new growth.
Trees are leafing, flowers are blooming.
In this season of new life, change & growth…
Are you ready …. to continue walking with us
on this exciting journey together?
Just as our Community Garden will soon be thriving
with new growth blossoming vibrantly before our eyes, so will we.
“For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord,
“plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future”. Jeremiah 29:11
Walk, work and worship with this remarkable church family
who above all, can be so loving, kind and caring in this tough world.
Let’s continue to listen to one another, pray for one another,
grow together, just as we have always done,
and be open to God’s direction for us.
Journey with us… we continue to be inspired by a diversity of
guest preachers, and see what wonderful plans God has for us
in His Garden of Delights for our spiritual nourishment.
Be a part of this exciting time in our journey, to see
just what God has waiting for us around the corner…….
Financial Stewardship should be a year-round blessing for all of us.
As you consider your financial support of the Lord’s work in Millstone,
consider the following scripture verses:
From Malachi 3:10 (NIV)
“Bring the whole tithe into the store house, that there may be food in
my house. Test me in this.” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will
not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing
that there will not be room enough to store it.”
And from Deuteronomy 14:22 (NIV)
“Be sure to set aside a tenth of all that your fields produce each year.”
Thank you,
Claude Heller,
Finance Chair & President of Trustees
Teach Me Series
Thursday, April 21—’How to Pay God / Paying God’ with
Claude Heller at 7:00 pm
Thursday, May 19—Alcohol Inks on Paper & Tile with Tess ($25)
at 7:00 pm
Friday, June 3— Flip Flop Friday (wreaths) w/ Barbara Truscinski
at 7:00 pm
Surf ’s Up!
Vacation Bible School 2016 is coming soon!
Surf Shack VBS has everything you need
to keep your Surfers in the pocket
so they’ll hit the impact zone with a deeper understanding
of God’s awesome power!
Our Vacation Bible School will be held June 27 - July 1st
from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm each day.
The cost will be $25 per child
and programs are available for kids Pre-K (4 years old) through 5th grade.
We cannot wait
to catch the wave of God's amazing love
with you
through missions, dramas, crafts, games, science activities,
music and LOTS of fun!
Please see our website to register.
April 3rd
Help us reach out to our College Students
to give them Our Spring Support!
The Christian Education Team is sending gift cards to help our students
through the Spring semester and final exams.
Help us to let them know we are thinking of them
and praying for their successes!
Some suggestions:
McDonalds Wawa Burger King
Subway Pizza Hut Taco Bell
Wendy’s Panera Dunkin Donuts Starbucks Gas Card or $Cash$
Please purchase gift certificates or donate cash
and place either in the box at the back of the church.
There are 12 “away” college students
Justin Abate
Conor Francisco
Silas Rudderow
Marissa Ziobro
Brittany Barnstead
Rachel Kozak
Olivia Bullock
Mark Kozak
Andrew Baylor
Haley Predmore
Harrison Tubbs
Adam Abate
Thank you for your love and support!
Donations can also be given to any member of the C.E. Committee:
Betty Boland, Debi Fotheringham, Laura Musgrove, Kelly Greaney, Patti Keeley,
Betty Kendrick, Sharon Peake, Kathy Waters and Anne Haines
The Reverend Barbara Kalehoff Hicks
The Rev. Barbara Kalehoff Hicks was ordained in 1984 and has been working in parish
ministry for the last 32 years. She has served congregations in Ewing, NJ, Atlanta, GA,
Stone Mountain, GA, Toms River, NJ and recently retired after 17 1/2 years as pastor at
Hope Presbyterian Church in Lakewood, NJ. She is a graduate of Temple University in
Philadelphia and Princeton Theological Seminary.
Born in Philadelphia, Barbara grew up in suburban Abington, PA. She was married to
the Rev. Dr. Michael L. Hicks who was a chaplain at Community Medical Center in Toms
River, until his untimely death in 1997. Barbara has raised two children, Emily, now 28
and Christopher, now 23. She is also the very proud grandmother of Alice, age 4.
April 10th, 17th & 24th
Mr. Seth Saathoff
Our Princeton Theological Seminary intern, Seth Saathoff and wife Katy have been with
us for two years, and are both from Texas. Seth leads our Sunday morning Bible Study,
has taught our Confirmation Class, and led us in worship several times in the past two
years. Last summer, Seth was accepted as a candidate for ordination, and spent his
clinical pastoral education in a hospital in Lubbock, TX ministering to folks during critical
times of need. He attended McMurry University in Abilene, TX, earning a degree in
English Literature. In college, Seth was a member of the NCAA football team and a
Ministry Team Coordinator for the campus Religious Life Dept. Seth and Katy met in
college and married in June of 2013. He has attained ministry experience working with
youth and campus ministries, but now feels called towards parish ministry. His particular
interest is in the original languages of the Bible and how they change the way we
interpret scripture.
May 1st
The Reverend Joanne Petto
The Rev. Joanne Petto is a Law Enforcement Chaplain with the Plainsboro Township
Police Department and the NJ State Police. As a member of the NJ Crisis Intervention
Network, she responds throughout the state to assist first responders who have been
involved in traumatic incidents. She is a Disaster Response Crisis Counselor and a
Board Certified Expert in Traumatic Stress.
Currently Two Bible Studies Running….
Sunday mornings 9:00 am— Studying the
Book of Acts and anyone
can jump in and attend at
any time. Led by our PTS intern, Seth Saathoff.
Join us for coffee at the ministry center.
Tuesday morning Bible Study at 11:00 am –12:30 pm
also at the ministry center. Led by our Claude Heller
……...and also serving coffee.
The next meeting of the Book Club will be
held on Monday, May 2 at 7:00 pm
at the Church Ministry Center. The title of
our next book is a New York Times best
seller, ‘A Man called Ove’ by Fredrik
Backman. We hope to see everyone that
night! For info, contact Patti Keeley 609259-0769.
Worship is purchasing new hymnals to use along
with the hymnals we are currently using. Wish to
donate a hymnal and have the bookplate inside
inscribed with the name of your loved one? The
cost of each hymnal is only $20, and you may
donate a hymnal ‘in honor of’ or ‘in memory of’
a loved one. And you may donate as many as
you wish. Please see any member of your
Worship Team or call Kati Shields at:
Scholarship applications
for graduating seniors
planning to continue their education in the fall are on the back table in the
sanctuary. Scholarships recipients will be chosen based upon those who
have met all of the
requirements set forth by the Scholarship
Committee. Applications will be due by Sunday, May 1st.
Interviews will be held on May 8th.
Cleaning Your Closets? Know someone who is?
Want to get rid of those toys?
Or stuffed animals?
We will hold our annual clothing drive on SUNDAY, May 15th.
We will be collecting all donations 9:00-12:00. If you have
any questions or need to drop off before hand please call:
Sharon Peake
Please remember we are collecting:
Wearable & Usable Clothing (Men’s, Women’s & Children’s),
Shoes, Belts, Handbags, Linens (Bedding, Curtains, Towels),
Stuffed Animals, Small Hard Toys, Small household items.
Please bring all donations in tied plastic bags.
2nd Sunday of Easter
9:00 am Bible Study @ MC
10:30 Worship—Re. Barbara 7:00 AA
Kalehoff Hicks - Guest
Preacher/ Sacrament of
7:00 pm Worship Team
Lord’s Supper/ No Sunday
Meeting at MC
School /Deacon Coffee Hr
Fellowship Mtg at MC
9:30-5:00 Office Hours
11:00 Bible Study @
Ministry Center
7:00 –8:30 pm Adult Choir
10 3rd Sunday of Easter
9 am Bible Study @ MC
10:30 Worship—Mr. Seth
Saathoff Leading worship/
Sunday School
7:00 AA
9:30-5:00 Office Hours
11:00 Bible Study @
Ministry Center
7:00-8:30 pm Adult Choir
17 4th Sunday of Easter
9:00 am Bible Study @
Ministry Center
10:30 Worship—Mr. Seth
Saathoff Leading worship/
9:30-5:00 Office Hours
11:00 Bible Study @
Ministry Center
7:00-8:30 pm Adult Choir
Game Night 6:30-8 pm at
Ministry Center
7:00 AA
24 5th Sunday of Easter
9 am Bible Study @ MC
10:30 Worship—Mr. Seth
Saathoff Leading worship/
7:00 AA
9:30-5:00 Office Hours
11:00 Bible Study @
Ministry Center
7:00-8:30 pm Adult Choir
1:30 pm Wedding of Kim
Lavin & Anthony Lanni with
the Rev. Peter Milosky
11 am Habitat for Humanity
Mtg at Ministry Center
5:30 pm Sewing Circle
at Church
7 pm Christian Ed Team
Mtg at Ministry Center
5:30 pm Sewing Circle
at Church
5:30 pm Sewing Circle
at Church
5:30 pm Sewing Circle
at Church
9:00 Breakfast @ Gus’
9:30-5:00 Office Hours
11:30 Prayer Circle
9:00 Breakfast @ Gus’
9:30-5:00 Office Hours
11:30 Prayer Circle
7:00 pm Session Mtg. at
Ministry Center
21 9:00 Breakfast @ Gus’
9:30-5:00 Office Hours
11:30 Prayer Circle
7:00 pm ‘Teach Me’ Class:
‘How to Pay God’ w/
Claude Heller
7:00 pm Deacons’ TASK
Mtg. at Jenny Strickland’s
9:00 Breakfast @ Gus’
9:30-5:00 Office Hours
11:30 Prayer Circle
Dine Around to
Taverna Ouzo, Monroe
Twp. Depart Church 5 pm;
Reservations 5:30 pm.
Examination of
Books at Pt. Pleasant
(Session Clerk, Jean Heller)
Passover begins at
4:00 pm Wedding
Rehearsal of Kim Lavin &
Anthony Lanni
2:00 pm Wedding of
Heather Brown & Mark