27th FEBRUARY 2008 3.00pm KELAB GOLF SULTAN ABDUL AZIZ SHAH, SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR PDF processed with CutePDF evaluation edition www.CutePDF.com The Selangor Bar Committee 2007-2008 Sitting (Left to Right): Pn. Suzanawati Ismail, M s. Kunamony Kandiah, M r. AG Kalidas (Hon. Secretary), M r. RV Lingam (Chairman), M r. George Varughese (Bar Representative), M r. Rajpal Singh, M s. Sumathi M urugiah S tanding (Left to Right): Ms. Ann M aria(Executive Secretary), M r. Logendran, M r. Alvin Neo, M r. Murali Velautham, M r. Suraj Singh, M r. Ng Chung Yee 16 TH ANNUAL G ENERAL MEETING C ontents Page Notice of Meetin g an d Agen da ...................................................................... 2 Minutes of the 15th Ann ual General Meeting ............................................... 3 - 19 Reports Chairman's Report ......................................................................................... 20 - 24 Ann ual Report 2007 - 2008 ........................................................................... 25 - 27 Cham bering Pupils & Youn g Lawyer s Aff air s ............................................. 28 - 30 Continuin g Legal Education & Syar iah ........................................................ 31 - 33 Conveyancin g Practice, SROE, Corporate & Bank ing Law ......................... 34 - 35 Court Liaison & Publication .......................................................................... 36 - 39 Hum an Rights & Criminal Law .................................................................... 40 - 44 Information Technology ................................................................................ 45 Legal Aid Centre Selan gor (LACS) .............................................................. 46 - 57 LACS Audited Acco unts For The Year 2007 ............................................... 58 - 68 Secr etariat, Finance, Library & Buildin g ...................................................... 69 - 75 Social, Char ity & W elfare ............................................................................. 76 - 77 Sports ............................................................................................................ 78 - 79 Selan gor Bar Representative ........................................................................ 80 - 82 Calen der Of Ev ents ........................................................................................ 83 - 85 SBC Audited Acco unts For The Year 2007 .................................................. 86 - 97 1 NOTICE OF THE 17T H ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE SELANGOR BAR The 17th Annual General Meeting of the Sel angor B ar will be held on Wedn esday, 25th Febru ary, 2009, 3.00 pm at the Kel ab Golf Sultan Abdul Azi z Shah, Shah Alam, Sel an gor Darul Ehsan. AGENDA: 1. To consider, and i f approved, to adopt t he Minut es of t he 15th Annual General M eet ing held on Tuesday, 27th F ebruary, 2007; 2. To discuss matt ers arising therefrom; 3. To consi der t he Reports on the activities of the S elangor Bar for the year 2007/2008; 4. To consi der, and if approved, t o adopt the Audit ed Accounts of t he S elangor Bar for t he year endi ng 31st December, 2007; 5. To fix the Annual Subscription for t he year 2008; 6. To el ect one (1) member as Chai rman of t he Sel angor Bar Committee for the year 2008/ 2009; 7. To el ect ten (10) members as members of the Sel angor B ar Commit tee for the year 2008/2009; 8. To el ect one (1) member to represent Sel angor B ar on the Bar Council for the year 2008/2009; 9. General. The quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall be 168 memb ers whi ch represent five percent of t he tot al number of members of t he Selangor Bar (3,341) as at the dat e of this noti ce. In t he event the required quorum is not present wit hin one hour from t he ti me appoi nted for hol ding the meeting, the Annual General Meeti ng shall be adjourned t o the following day at t he same time and pl ace i. e. to 28th February 2008, 3.00 p. m. at the Kelab Golf Sultan Abdul Azi z Shah, Shah Al am, S elangor. In t he event the required quorum is not present wit hin one hour from t he ti me appoi nted for hol ding the adj ourned meeti ng, the members present shall constit ute the quorum. Dat ed: 14t h January, 2008 A.G. Kalid as Hon orary S ecretary Sel angor Bar Committee NOTE: 1. Members are kindly requested to make every effort to att end the meeting punctually to ensure quorum for the Meeting. 2. Registration Counters will be opened from 1.00 p.m. onwards and light refreshments will be served. 3. Only members of the Sel angor Bar shall be entitled to attend and vote at the Meeting. Pupils may att end as observes but shall not vot e and shall be seated only at the area(s) designat ed for pupils. 4. At the Meeting every member present shall have one vote and where there is an equality of vot es, the presi ding member shall have a casting vote. 5. All members shall, upon registering thei r names, wear their Tags for the purpose of identi fication and admission. 6. If any member desires to propose any motion to be considered at the Annual General Meeting, t he member shall serve to the Secretary of the Sel angor Bar Committee a noti ce of such motion in writing on or before 20th February 2008. 2 16TH ANNUAL G ENERAL MEETING CHAIRM AN’S REPORT R V Lingam A. Introd uctio n It is a gr eat Honour for m e as the Chairm an of the Selan gor Bar Comm ittee ( SBC) to report to all our Selan gor member s of the activities of the Selan gor Bar for the term 2007-2008. The SBC through its var io us Sub- Com mittees have or ganised an d carried o ut several appropriate activities for the benefit of o ur mem bers an d the detailed reports are fo und in the respective Ann ual Report of the Sub- Com mittee. As the Chairm an it is also my humble duty to high light the main activities an d also important developments of the Selan gor Bar as o ur prim ary objective is to up grade the standar d of the Legal Profession as well as to protect the interest and welfare of o ur members. B. The Secreta riat st From the time of m oving into our own building i. e 1 April 2006 the secretariat staff occupy the Gro un d Floor and the Fir st Floor comprises of the Selangor Legal Aid Centre an d the Library. The Auditorium and the Conference Room are stationed at the Secon d Floor of o ur buildin g. The maintenance of the building is no w bein g m anaged by the Selangor Bar and there were som e m inor defects an d repairs were carried o ut by the SBC at a reasonable cost as this wo uld be a contin uing process. th The Secretariat is curr ently m anaged without an Ex ecutive Secr etary sin ce 17 August 2007 and we have f ive (5) staff who have p erform ed well without an Executive Secretary for the term 2007-2008. The diver sified needs of our m ember s hav e been taken care of with minimal complaints. C. Com mittee Activities The Primary Objective of the SBC is basically to protect the interests an d welfare of o ur members and at the sam e time to im prove and up grade the standar d of our lawy ers practicing in Selan gor. To achieve that, the Selangor Bar this year has substantially succeeded in achiev ing its objectives by havin g courtesy calls an d m eetings as follo ws:(1) Meetings with the Chief Justice (CJ) Y. A.A T un Dato’ Sri Ahm ad Fair uz bin Dato’ Sheikh Abdul Halim and the Ch ief Judge of Malay a (CJM) Y. A.A Dato’ Alauddin bin Dato’ Mohd Sheriff. (2) Meeting with the High co urt Judges of Shah Alam Selan gor an d Kuala Lum pur. 20 16TH ANNUAL G ENERAL MEETING (3) Meeting with the Attorney General Tan Sri Ghan i Patel. (4) Meeting with the Selan gor St ate Legal Advisor Dato Zauyah Bte Lothkan and the Head of Prosecution Encik Nik Suh aim i. (5) Meeting with Datin Zabariah Head of the Subodinate Co urts Selan gor, the Sessions Judges, Magistrate and Registrars of Selangor Co urts. (6) Meeting with the Chief Police Off icer ( CPO) Selangor an d the Heads of the District Police Station s. (7) Meeting with the Lan d Off ices, Stam pin g Office Selangor. - Durin g the co urtesy calls with the CJ and CJM the SBC addressed several important issues faced by the Selangor Bar m em ber s, in particular the movin g of the two Shah Alam Civil Session s Co urts No: 2 an d 4 to Denmark House Kuala Lum pur which caused so much inconvenience to our mem bers an d the public an d what are the steps taken to rem edy the situation. - Other issues raised are as fo llows:(i) Pertaining to shortage of car park s at the Shah Alam Courts an d Duta Complex were also raised. (ii) Backlo g of cases an d long dates Certificates Of Ur gency h ave been filed. given for ur gent m atters where (iii) Shortage of High Court Judges in Selan gor and the delay in replacem ent of the Magistrate in Klan g co urt. (iv) To Stan dar dise Case Managem ent in all courts. (8) Sports An important event as regar ds sports for this term was the Selan gor Law Gam es and th Fam ily Day held at the UITM Sports Complex on 4 August 2007 which was jointly organised project by the Selangor Courts, Selangor Police, Selan gor Bar Com mittee and Un iver siti Teknologi Mara ( UITM) which hosted this event. It was a very successf ul event an d all p arties have agreed to organise such an event at least once in three years. (9) Selangor Legal Aid C entre Apart from the various activities carr ied o ut by the Selangor Legal Aid Centre to improve the Legal Aid Sy stem and to benefit the poor and needy litigants, this year we have opened another Legal Aid Centre in Kuala Selangor which has started its operation with effect from 10th Decem ber 2007 to cater for the rural residents in the outskirts of Selangor. (10)Chambering Pupils/ Young Lawyers The Bar Co un cil has now revam ped the Ethics Pro gramm e for the Ch am ber ing pupils and the Selangor Bar Com mittee have br iefed all P upils of the new program me during the introductory session to prepare themselv es. 21 16TH ANNUAL G ENERAL MEETING The Cham berin g Pup ils and Yo ung Lawyer s Sub- Comm ittee organised a trip to the rd th Kuchin g Co urts in Sarawak from 23 to 25 Novem ber 2007. It was a fr uitful visit and we wish to thank the Chief Justice of Sabah & Sarawak Y. A.A Tan Sri Dato Rich ar d Malanjum , Y. A. Tuan Ham id Sultan Bin Abu Backer Judicial Com missioner, the Sessions Judges, Magistrates, Registrars an d also not forgetting the Chairm an and member s of the Kuching an d Sarawak Advocates Association for their hospitality. The Selan gor members had the benefit of viewin g live-video conferen cin g and com puterisation of the Kuching Co urts an d there were exchange of views regarding several issues bet ween members of o ur Selan gor Bar an d the Kuching an d Sar awak Bar members. (11)Other Activities o f SBC The SBC also or ganised a Forum on “No Fault Liability Scheme” on 21 st Nov ember 2007 wher e our Selan gor Bar member s actively participated in the For um and pr esented their views to the Task Force appointed by the Bar Council. The SBC also or ganised the “Bar Council Walkabout” on 7 th September 2007 at the Selangor Bar Auditorium wherein the Bar Co un cil m em ber s had the opportunity to hear the problem s an d issues f aced by o ur Selangor Bar m em bers. In not forgetting o ur social ev ents or gan ised by the Social & Welfare Sub- Com mittee the usual Malam Suai Mesra nam ed as “Retro Night” was held at Shah Village Hotel, th Petaling Jaya on 25 May 2007 an d the Ann ual Dinner an d Dance was held at the nd Concor de Hotel Shah Alam on 2 November 2007 with reasonably goo d participation from our m em bers. (12)Co nference/Conventio n Apart from the Continuin g Legal Education (CLE) and Convey ancin g Practice, SROE, Corporate & Bankin g Law Comm ittees organ isin g sev eral talk s on important and practical issues the SBC sponsored 20 members to attend the 14 th Malaysian Law Confer ence or gan ised by the Bar Co uncil held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre th st (KLCC) for three day s from 29 to 31 Octo ber 2007. As a m ark of enco uragem ent to our youn g lawyers the SBC also spon sored 10 of them to attend the Third Yo un g Lawyers Convention 2008 from 18 th to 20 th January 2008 at City Bayview, Pen ang. The SBC have sacrificed tim e , money an d effort to im prove and also to assist our young lawyer s to become com mitted to the Legal Profession as it is incum bent upon the SBC to look into the interest an d welfare of the yo ung lawyers who con sist of the majority of our membership in Selan gor. (13)Ad- Rem For this year we hav e only one (1) issue of the Ad Rem p ublish ed at the time of this Report and the Secon d issue is in the process of p ublication. The reason is due to lack of articles an d materials provided by m em ber s to the Editor and the other reason is that the Editor Mr.Biliwi Sin gh has been workin g alone as 22 16TH ANNUAL G ENERAL MEETING regards the Ad Rem and I per sonally wish to express my gratitude to Mr.Biliwi Sin gh for all his hard work. (14)Finance This term the SBC has been very pr udent in the m anagem ent of fun ds an d have taken rem edial m easures to cut costs e. g. reducing photostatin g, facsimile and telephone char ges an d using E-m ail to Com municate with mem bers an d currently the SBC is quite stable in its financial stan ding. Ho wever due to escalatin g co st in the administration an d m anagem ent of the Secr etariat due to incr ease in mem bership pro blems and also activities to cater for our member s, the SBC m ay enco unter finan cial restraints in f uture an d this can only be solv ed by getting income from other so urces e. g. or ganisin g seminar s, seekin g advertisements for o ur Ad Rem an d by or gan isin g other form of income der ivin g projects. (15)Library The Library is quite well equipp ed with the purchase of new practitioners books and Law Jo urnals and CLJ on line an d therefore there is an in crease in the usage of o ur library activities compared to previo us year s as the library is also opened on Saturdays from 9.00 a.m to 1.00 p.m . (16)Future Challenges of Selangor Bar Committee The main challenges of the Selan gor Bar Comm ittee are as follo ws:(i) to ensure that the Secretariat is well equipped with dedicated an d experienced staff to cater for the needs of o ur increasin g m em bership; (ii) our facilities at the Secretariat and Library are f urther im proved; (iii) to increase the level of particip ation of our m embers; (iv) and to ensure that the Incom ing Comm ittee wo uld en deavour to have a better adm inistration of Justice System , a better and eff icient government authorities e.g. Land Off ice, Stamp Office an d other related departments to enable o ur members to have a better practice in the years to come. This y ear the Selan gor Bar Comm ittee has already started to look into all those issues an d hope to achiev e greater eff iciency in f uture. (17)Acknowledgement and Conclusion As the current Chairm an, and after servin g as the Bar Representative for the term 20062007 and also as a Comm ittee m ember for several year s, I wish to express m y personal view that in or der to have a good Bar Comm ittee to achieve efficiency in all aspects we need comm ittee m embers who are dedicated, hon est, in dustrious an d comm itted to carry out this honorary po sition, other wise the SBC wo uld be hin dered in carry ing o ut its objectives to the satisfaction of our m embers. I therefore hum bly ur ge all our m em bers to be cautious an d prudent in exercisin g yo ur right to elect suitable per sons to become Com mittee members for the next term . It has been a great honour in serving as the Chairman for one term an d I wish to extend my gratitude an d thanks to all the m ember s of the Selangor Bar, the Representative to the Bar Co un cil, the Honor ary Secretary, the Comm ittee m embers, the staff of the 23 16TH ANNUAL G ENERAL MEETING Secr etariat an d Legal Aid Centre an d to all others who h ave p articipated for their cooperation and support ren der ed durin g this term . I also wish to appeal to all m em ber s to extend their moral support to the incoming Chairman an d the Committee m em bers. R.V. LING AM Chairm an Selangor Bar Committee 24 16TH ANNUAL G ENERAL MEETING ANNUAL REPO RT 2007 /08 AS AT 18TH JANUARY, 2008 1. 15TH ANNUAL GE NE RAL MEETING The 15t h Annual General M eeting was hel d on Tuesday, 27th February, 2007 at 3. 00 p.m. at the Functi on Room, Kel ab Shah Al am, S el angor Darul Ehsan. 2. OFFICE BE ARERS At the 15th Annual General Meeting the followi ng office bearers were el ect ed: Chairman : RV Lingam Committ ee Members : A. G. Kali das Alvin Neo Kunamony Kandi ah N. Logend ran Murali Vel autham Ng Chung Yee Rajpal Sin gh Suraj Singh Sumathi Muru gi ah Su zan awati Ismail Representative t o the Bar Council : George Varu ghese 3. HONORARY S ECRET ARY Mr. A.G. Kalidas was el ect ed as the Honorary S ecretary at t he fi rst meeti ng of the C ommitt ee. 4. COMM ITT EE ME ETINGS As at 18th January, 2008 the C ommitt ee met 12 ti mes and t he att endance of each member are as foll ows: RV Lingam A. G. Kalidas Al vin Neo Kunamony Kandiah N. Logendran Murali Velautham Ng Chung Yee Raj pal Singh Suraj Si ngh Sumat hi Murugi ah Suzanawati Ismail - 12 - 12 -6 -9 -7 - 10 -6 - 12 -9 -6 - 11 George Varughese, the Represent ati ve to the B ar Council was invit ed t o att end all Committ ee meetings as an observer and also to report to t he Bar Council mat ters rel evant to t he S el angor Bar as and when perti nent and necessary. He att ended a total of 10 meeti ngs. 5. FINANCE The fi nanci al position of the Committ ee remains accept abl e. As at 31-12-2007 the accumul at ed fund comprising of moni es i n fixed deposit i s RM290,918.00, Amanah R aya is RM265,803.00 and current account i s about RM25,949. 00. Det ails of t he fi nancial position are as set out in the Audited Account s endi ng 31-12-2007. 25 16TH ANNUAL G ENERAL MEETING 6. SUB SCRIPTION The subscri ption for the year 2007 was fi xed at RM150.00 at the 15th Annual General M eeti ng held on 27th February, 2007. As at 31-12-2007, a tot al of 256 members are still i n arrears of t he 2007 subscri ption amounting to RM37,650. 00. 7. NUMBE R OF ME MBE RS As at 15th January, 2008 the Sel angor B ar has a t ot al of 3,341 members. 9. SUB -COMMITTEES AND LE GAL AID The Committ ee appoint ed the followi ng Sub-Committees to facilitat e the organisation of its various activities: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) Chambering Pupils & Young Lawyers Affai rs' Continuing Legal Education & Syari ah Conveyancing Practi ce, SROE, C orporat e & Banking Law Court Liaison Finance, Secret ariat, Library & B uildi ng Human Rights & Cri minal Law Informat ion Technol ogy Legal Aid Publi cati on Social, C harity & W elfare Sports 10. PET ITION FOR ADMISS ION From 1st February, 2007 t o 15t h January, 2008, 129 P etiti ons for Admi ssion were served on the Sel angor B ar C ommitt ee and 107 chamberi ng pupils were admitt ed t o the Bar during the year 2007/2008 in S el angor. 11. OBITUARY The Committ ee records with deep sorrow the passing away of 7 members of Selangor Bar namely: NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12. NAME Chai Kai W ooi James Loh Ching Yew Tan Ji ng P hong Dato P alanivel oo a/l S angal imuthu (Dato S.P.Veloo) Sonni Pill ai Ni k Mari ah Bt Tan Sri Ahmad Kamil Mohd S uradi B Makht ar PASSE D AWAY ON 11/ 08/ 2006 25/ 11/ 2006 01/ 03/ 2007 23/ 05/ 2007 18/ 06/ 2007 15/ 10/ 2007 21/ 10/ 2007 ACKNOWL EDGE ME NT The Committee acknowl edges the co-operati on and assistance recei ved from t he Chi ef Justice, the Presi dent of the Court of Appeal, the Chi ef Judge of Mal aya, Judges of the F ederal Court, Judges of the Court of Appeal, Judges of t he High Court s, the Attorney General, the St at e Legal Advi sor, the Chi ef Police Offi cer of Sel angor, R egist rars of Shah Al am High Court, Sessions Court Judges and Magi strates of S elangor, the Registrars of Lower Courts of Sel angor and all ot her court offi ci al s of the Stat e of S el angor Darul Ehsan and the B ar Council during the year. We express our gratitude and thanks to the Chi ef Judge of M al aya for all owing t he adjournment of cases t o enable our members t o at tend t his 16th Annual General Meeting of t he S elangor Bar. 26 16TH ANNUAL G ENERAL MEETING We wish to put on record our profound appreciati on to t he vol unt eer l awyers and chambering pupils who rendered their servi ces t o the Legal Ai d Cent re and also to members of the vari ous SubCommitt ees who have i n one way or anot her hel ped and contributed towards the success of the events held duri ng t he year under revi ew. Last but in no way l east, we thank all our members for thei r continuous support and co-operati on and hope that t hey would continue to ext end t he same to the i ncoming Committee. Report submitt ed for and on behalf of the Committee by: A.G. KALIDAS Hon orary S ecretary Sel angor Bar Committee 27 16TH ANNUAL G ENERAL MEETING SUB- COMMITTEE REPORTS CHAMBERING PUPILS AND YOUNG LAWYERS AFFAIRS Chairperson : Co-Chairperson : Murali Velautham Ng Chun g Yee Mem bers : Johanna Soloman V. Pavani Jane Mary Pragasam Savinderjeet Kaur Tejindarpal Kaur Ponm alar Mishant Thiruchelvam Visnuvarm a Norm ala Mohamad Mukhtar Ex-officio : RV Lingam A.G. Kalidas Murali Velau tham Ng Chung Yee The Chambering Pupils & Young Lawyers Affairs Sub-Committee apart from organising several Introductory sessions for the chambering pupils, we have also organised the following talks, seminars and events, as follows:1. BANKING LITIGATIO N - FO RECLOSURE PROC EEDINGS This talk was conducted by Mr Suresh Sachinathan of Messrs Rastam Singa & Co. Approxim ately 29 m embers and pupils attended this talk. 2. BANKRUPTCY - ITS EFFECT AND TH E LAW This talk was con ducted by Ms. Tejinderpal Kaur who was an Official Assignee for many years. A total of 37 members and cham bering pupils attended this talk. 3. SELANGO R LAW GAMES AND FAMILY DAY This event was held on 4 th August 2007 at UITM between the Selangor Bar Committee, UITM, the Selangor Judiciary and the Selangor Police Contingent. This sub-committee took charge of the Fam ily Day event where 14 stalls were set up by all the above parties. The Selan gor Bar set up 6 stalls comprising of food, drinks, clothing, henna tattoo and other stalls. We also hired a clown to entertain the children. Further this sub-committee also helped out in the Opening and Closing Cerem ony. The opening cerem ony was officiated by YA Datuk Su Geok Yim and the closing ceremony was officiated by YA Tuan Abang Iskandar Bin Abang Hashim . Overall this was a very successful event and the Dean of UITM has indicated to continue this event with the incoming comm ittee. 28 16TH ANNUAL G ENERAL MEETING 4. TRIP TO KUCH ING COURTS This trip was attended by a team of 19 m em bers including the Chairman and Secretary of the Selan gor Bar Committee from 23.11.07- 25.11.07. The team left for Kuching on 23.11.07 and upon arrival we were given a warm welcome by the Kuching Bar i.e. the Kuchin g Bar Chairman Mr. Khairil Azmi and Mr Sabarjit Singh. We were then taken for a delicious breakfast "Laksa Sarawak". We left for the Kuching Courts in the afternoon and were briefed on the video conferencing by two of the Sessions Court judges Puan Robzariah Bt Bujang and Mr Nixon Kennedy. We watched two cases via video conferencing between the Kuchin g court and the Sibu and Miri Courts. Further, we were also shown and explained to us in detail about the process of filing court docum ents, and taken on a tour of the Courts. We also had the opportunity to view the launching of the Computerisation of the Sessions Co urt. This function was attended by the Chief Judge of Sabah & Sarawak, YAA Tan Sri Dato’ Richard Malanjum . We also witnessed the first case via computerisation in the Session Court by Sessions Court Judge Puan Anelaphy Parnell. Finally, we were invited for tea with the Session court Judges and the CJ. In the night a wonderful dinner was organised by YA Tuan Ham id Sultan Bin Abu Backer. This dinner was also attended by the Chief Judge, the Kuching Bar and our team . On day t wo, our team played futsall with the Kuching Bar and the score was level. Our team was also taken to few of the m ain sights in Kuchin g. In the night the Kuching Bar organised a dinner which was also attended by the Sarawak Advocates President Mr Sim Hui Chuang an d the Sessions Court Judge Mr.Nixon Kennedy. Our Chairm an, Mr R.V.Lingam presented a token of appreciation to the Chairman of the Kuching Bar and The Sarawak Advocates President. Finally all adjourned for a karaoke session. Day three, was free and easy day for our m embers to do som e shopping. We flew back in the afternoon. The committee would like to thank Mr Puspalingam , without whom the Sarawak trip would not have m aterialised. 5. YO UNG LAWYERS CO NVENTIO N This convention was attended by 8 m embers of the Selangor Bar where all eight members were sponsored by Selangor BAR. It was held from 18-20th January in Penang. Every state Bar was given an opportunity to attended this convention. One of our members who attended this convention Mr Mishant Thiruchelvam , was invited to give a short talk on the topic of “The Tired Bar”. Our m em bers who attended this convention informed us that it was very beneficial as the talks which were given were very inform ative. 6. ADMISSIO N TO THE BAR Throughout the year this committee was involved in a number of admissions to the Bar where a total of 29 admissions to the Bar were held in the Shah Alam High Court. 29 16TH ANNUAL G ENERAL MEETING Finally, I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all my sub-com mittee mem bers who have worked very hard to make all the events organised by this sub-committee a success an d without whom this sub comm ittee is meaningless. Report submitted by: MURALI VELAUTHAM Chairperson, Cham bering Pupils & Young Lawyers Affairs Sub-Committee 30 16TH ANNUAL G ENERAL MEETING SUB- COM MITTEE REP ORTS CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION & SYARIAH CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION Chairperson : Co- Chairperson : Alvin Neo Suzanawati Ism ail Members : Ng Chun g Yee Kir upak aran Johanna Solom an V. Pavan i Nisha Supaya Jane Mary Pragasam Savinderjeet Kaur Logendran Ex-officio : RV Lin gam A.G. Kalidas Alvin Neo Suzanawati Ismail For this term as the Chairm an of the CLE Sub- Comm ittee, we in the sub-com mittees have conducted sev eral sem inar s an d talks for the benefit of our m em ber s as follows:1. DATE TIME VENUE SP EAKERS ST : 1 JUNE 2007 : 3PM-6PM : SELANGOR BAR COMMITTEE AUDITORI UM : MS SUMATHI MURUGI AH; MS. GRACE DHI LLON; MS. SHUNITA M AGHJI; MR. MOHAN SI VASUBRAMANI AM; CI K. NOOR SUHAI LA BT SAAD; AND MR. SANDOSH ANANDAN TALK ENTITLED :“AN OVERVIEW UNDERSTANDING OF: THE STRATA TITLES (AMENDMENT) ACT 2007, THE HOUSI NG DEVELOPMENT (CONTROL & LICENSING) (AMENDMENT) ACT 2007 AND THE BUILDING & COMMON PROPERTIES (MAINTENANCE AND MANAGEMENT) ACT 2007” ATTENDANCE : 71 The talk was divided into 3 parts. Mr. Sando sh, assisted by Cik Noor Suh aila presented the talk on Housin g Developm ent (Control & Licensing) (Amen dment) Act 2007. Ms. Sumathi with the assistance of Ms Grace discussed the Buildin g & Comm on Properties (Maintenance & Management) Act 2007 an d Mr. Mohan Ms Shun ita spoke on the Strata 31 16TH ANNUAL G ENERAL MEETING Titles (Am endment) Act 2007. th 2. DATE : 27 JULY 2007 TIME : 2.30PM – 6.30PM VENUE : SELANGOR BAR COMMITTEE AUDITORI UM SPEAKERS : MR BALWANT SINGH SIDHU TALK ENTITLED: “CONVERSION OF A SPOUSE IN A NON-MUSLIM MARRI AGE: EFFECT S AND CONSEQUENCES & ALL YOUR OTHER FAMILY LAW QUESTIONS ANSW ERED” ATTENDANCE : 25 Mr. Balwant spoke at len gth on the issues ar isin g from a conv ersion such as the rights of the parent to convert their child’s/children’s faith, care an d custody of the child/children. Jurisdiction s of the Civil and Syariah Co urts wer e also discussed at the event. 3. DATE TIME VENUE EVENT : 25 August 2007 : 9PM – 5.30PM : LAW FACULTY, UNI VERSITY MALAYSI A : LAW CAREER 2007 This is an annual event organized by the Law Faculty of Univ ersity Malaya. The Sub- Comm ittee was invited this y ear an d was given a booth. Our Mr. Lo gen dran, Mr. Rajp al, Mr. Kir upakaran an d Mr. Neo attended the same. Private f irms wer e also inv ited wh ereby talks on specific areas of the law were presented. There was a good attendance at the event as students an d yo un g lawyers en quired on the nat ure and work of the no ble prof ession. 4. NO FAULT LIABILITY ON INSURANCE CLAIM: EFFECT ON THE PROFESSION AND LIABILITY -To be scheduled in 2008 - Speak ers and dates h ave yet to be confirmed. 5. CRIMINAL P ROCEDURE CODE: THE 2007 AMENDMENT S AND IT’ S EFFECT -To be scheduled in 2008 - Speak ers and date are have yet to be confirm ed. Report submitted by: ALVIN NEO Chairperson, Contin uing Legal Education Sub- Com mittee 32 16TH ANNUAL G ENERAL MEETING SUB- COM MITTEE REP ORTS CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION & SYARIAH SYARIAH Chairperson : Suzanawati Ism ail Members : Jam ilah Bt Hj Radzi Fir daus Bt A Hussain Kam a Azura Bt Md Kamel Rodziah Ro sy Bt Daud Herlina Ahm ad Basri Mardhiah Binti Kassim Zain uddin Bin Abdul Razak Suriah Binti Har is Fadilah. Ex-officio : RV Lin gam A.G. Kalidas Suzanawati Ismail This year I hav e been entrusted to chair this sub-com mittee. Since we have not many lawyer s who practice in this field an d co up led with the fact that Syar iah practitioners have their o wn society governin g them , it was rather difficult to coordinate activities for syariah lawyer s. Despite the im pediments, we had managed to gather syariah lawy ers and addr essed their problems before making an appo intment with Ket ua Hakim Sy arie’ Selan gor. Our meeting with the Honour able Sy arie’ Judge was cor dial, an d h e welcomed respon ses, ideas and accepts short-com ings an d readily open for future meetings by the Sy ariah Bar mem ber s and him self. Occassion ally, we do sen d o ut letters to lawy ers to o btain feed- back on the syariah practice in Selangor. Last but not least, we hope m uch more can be done in f ut ure with strong response and help more members concerned in this area of practice. I thank the m ain comm ittee and m y sub- com mittee members for their coop eration an d support. Report submitted by: SUZANAWATI ISMAIL Chairperson, Syariah Sub-Comm ittee 33 16TH ANNUAL G ENERAL MEETING SUB- COM MITTEE REP ORTS CONVEYANCING PRACTICE, SROE, CORPORATE & BANKING LAW Chairperson : Sum athi M urugiah Members : Grace Dhillon Sh unita Maghji Mohan Sivasubram aniam Noor Suhaila Bt Saad San dosh An an dan Ex-officio : RV Lin gam A. G. Kalidas Sum athi Murugiah Another year has been completed an d it is time again for this Sub- Com mittee to report to members of the Selan gor Bar the tasks which had been un dertaken througho ut the year. th The first event which was hosted by this Sub- Comm ittee ie. on 4 May 2007 was the meetin g with the Directors of the Inland Reven ue Boar d (I RB) of the State of Selan gor (Shah Alam, Klan g an d Petaling Jay a). This meeting had enabled us to raise m any issues wh ich were of great concern to members of the Selan gor Bar. Altho ugh, the meetin g was successf ul in terms of creatin g a cor dial relationship bet ween the Selan gor Bar Committee and the IRB of Selangor, we had only managed to receive clarification s on certain issues which we h ad raised. Ho wever, we had again r aised sim ilar issues at the m eeting with the IRB Malay sia wh ich was held on 4 th Decem ber 2007 wher ein we wer e invited as representatives from the State of Selan gor. The I RB Malay sia had agreed to have dialo gue session s with members of the Bar (represented by the Bar Council and State Bar representatives) in or der to address and resolve ( if possible) the queries from members of the Bar with the view of creating a better workin g relationship and environment. Pursuant to the m eeting bet ween this Sub- Comm ittee and the I RB of Selan gor, the I RB of Selangor had graciously volunteered to conduct a talk on " E-Filling and E- Stam pin g" which was th held on 20 June 2007. The talk was very informative and well received by Members of the Selangor Bar. st On 1 June 2007, the member s of this Sub-Comm ittee held a talk entitled "An Ov erview Un der standing Of : The Strata Titles (Am en dment) Act 2007, The Housin g Development (Control & Licencin g) ( Am endment) Act 2007 An d The Buildin g & Comm on Properties (Maintenance And Management) Act 2007". This was con ducted by the members of this Sub- Comm ittee with the view of assistin g the m em ber s of the Selangor Bar to un der stand the effects of the said am endments th and the new Act which had come into force on 12 April 2007. W e had an over whelming t urn o ut for this talk. Pursuant to a com plaint from a member of the Selan gor Bar that the Petaling Lan d Office was rejectin g registrations of private caveats by p urch aser(s) of a sale & p urch ase transaction if the sam e was not attached with a copy of the sale & purchase agreement and as this requirem ent is not in accor dance with the NLC, we h ad to p ut an imm ediate stop to this requirement hence this th prompted us to have a m eetin g with the Officer s of the Petaling Lan d Off ice on 17 September 2007. We managed to resolve this m atter and since then they have ceased their pr actice of insisting for a copy of the sale & purchase agr eem ent to be attached with the private caveat forms. 34 16TH ANNUAL G ENERAL MEETING As a follo w-up to the m eeting which was held between this Sub- Com mittee and the Pengarah th Tanah dan Galian Selangor ( PT G Shah Alam ) on 14 Febr uary 2007 (attended by the previo us members of the Selan gor Bar Com mittee and the Sub-Committee), we wer e called for a m eeting on 14 th Novem ber 2007. In both these m eetings we had raised m any issues which wo uld enable transactions at the PTG Shah Alam to be more efficient, faster an d convenient for both the members of the Bar an d the PTG Shah Alam . En. Abd. Nasir, Pen gar ah at the PTG Shah Alam had been very approachable, receptive and enco ur agin g in wanting to reso lve issues in a pro active manner in both the m eetings. We also prom ised to work with the PTG Shah Alam by providin g them with the latest directory of the Members of the Selan gor Bar and assistin g them to contact or sen d letters to members of the Selan gor Bar who had failed to collect their documents from PTG Shah Alam . As a result of o ur m eetings with the PTG Shah Alam , their co unter s are open no w for transactions durin g lunch tim e on every work in g day except on Friday s. In the f irst m eeting (h eld on 14th February 2007) the Pengarah had agreed to meet us t wice a year to discuss and reso lve (if possible) issues or matters arisin g in r elation to PTG Sh ah Alam . As agreed by the Tuan Pen garah, we had two m eetings this y ear and we hope to continue this goo d workin g relationsh ip for the betterm ent of all parties. Overall, this year had been a trying year for this Sub-Committee especially havin g to deal with the th com ing into force of the Amendm ents an d the New Act on 12 April 2007 an d the constant issues which h ad to be dealt with at the PTG Shah Alam. W e had tried our best to resolve if not all, at least m ost of the issues wh ich were brought to our attention. We sincer ely hope that m em ber s had taken the opportunity to browse through the website and gained the information posted on it pertainin g to conveyancing issues. Last but not least, I as Chairp erson of this Sub- Comm ittee wo uld like to take this opportunity to thank all m y Sub- Com mittee members who had sacrificed their precio us tim e in assisting m e and for bein g there to carry o ut this Sub-Comm ittee’s un dertakin gs. I would like to also thank the members of the Selan gor Bar Committee for their support an d enco uragem ent sho wn to me in carryin g o ut m y duties dur ing my tenure. Thank you. Report submitted by: Sumathi Murugiah Chairperson, Convey ancing Practice, SROE, Corporate & Bankin g Law Sub- Comm ittee 35 16TH ANNUAL G ENERAL MEETING SUB- COM MITTEE REP ORTS COURT LIAISON & PUBLICATION COURT LIAISON Chairperson : Kunam ony Kan diah Members : Savinderjeet Kaur Dheem a Ariyap ala P. Dev An and Pillai Logen dran Ganesar ajah Yesotha Nathan Teoh Lib Peng Neo Lok Tian Kunam ony Kandiah Ex-Officio : R. V. Lingam A. G. Kalidas The Court Liaison Sub-Comm ittee in the year 2007 had its fair sh are of schedule hav in g met with the various High and Subordinate Co urt officer s in Selangor an d in Kuala Lumpur. Courtesy calls and meetin gs with the High Co urt Judges, Session s Court Judges an d Magistrates are stated as follo ws:th 1) 4 May 2007 – Sh ah Alam Sessions Co urt (Judges, Magistrates, Public Prosecutors and Registrars from Shah Alam , Ban gi, Selayang an d Kuala Kubu Bahr u Co urts); 2) 8 June 2007 – Puan Noradidah Binti Haji Ahmad – Judge, Magistrates, Public Prosecutor and Registrars from Ampang Co urt; 3) 15 th June 2007 – Y.A. A. Tun Ahmad Fairuz Bin Dato’ Sheikh, Chief Justice and Chief Registrar of the Federal Co urt; 4) 19 Septem ber 2007 – Selangor St ate Legal Adv isor – Dat uk Zauyah and Dep uty Public Prosecutors; 5) 25 October 2007 – Meetin g with Judges of the Civ il Div ision of KL Subor din ate Co urt; 6) 26 th October 2007 – Y. A. Datuk Syed Ahmad Helmy Bin Syed Ahmad, Sh ah Alam High Co urt (Hakim Kanan) an d other High Court Judges at Shah Alam ; 7) 20 th Novem ber 2007 – Meetin g with Judge of the Family Division of KL High Co urt; 8) 5 Decem ber 2007 – YAA Dato Alauddin Bin Dato Mohd Sheriff, Chief Judge of Malaya; an d 9) 18 th Jan uary 2008 - Meetin g with Judges of the Com mercial Div ision of KL High Co urt. th th th th The purpo ses of these m eetings were pr imarily to p ut forth the pro blem s faced by lawy ers practicing in the St ate of Selan gor Dar ul Ehsan when dealin g with the mem bers of the judiciary and 36 16TH ANNUAL G ENERAL MEETING the court staff. The m ajor issues raised dur ing the meetings were sp ecif ically in relation to filing and extraction of documents. Power of Attorney, misplaced / m issin g f iles and docum ents, Letter of Administrations, Probate matters, striking off cases, co urt attire, attitude of court’s staff and lawy ers, inadequate parkin g space, late arrival of pr ison ers. In the year 2007, not only we witnessed the appointment of Judicial Comm issioners but the assignm ent of additional judges to the Shah Alam High Co urt. Hence crim inal m atters at the Shah Alam High Co urt are able to be dispo sed off with shorter dates, but unfortunately it is not the case for civil m atters because there are still only there (3) judges sitting to dispose off civil m atters for the State of Selangor. This is grossly in adequate for a developed state like Selangor. In the early part of 2007, lawyer s wer e also taken by surpr ise when the Civil Sessions Co urt II and Sessions Co urt IV, moved to Denmark House at Kuala Lumpur to accom modate the setting up of an additional High Co urt at Shah Alam. In view of the gro ss inconv enien ce, repr esentations have been m ade to the Chief Judge of the High Co urt of Malaya and the Ch ief Justice to relocate the said Sessions co urts back to Sh ah Alam. We hope this will materialise sometime in 2008. B. C. Box es were also relo cated to the new site near the canteen to facilitate easy access for solicitors an d their staff from the north side of the buildin g. A. th Meeting with Y.A. Datuk Syed Ahmad Helmy Bin Syed Ahmad on 26 O ctober 2007 st We had o ur 1 m eeting with Y. A. Dat uk Syed Ahmad Helm y Bin Syed Ahm ad and all other Selan gor High Court Judges an d Judicial Com missioner s. W e had the opportunity to raise issues an d p ut forth pro blems and com plaints comm only raised by lawyer s. I ssue of long hear in g dates for matters wh ich required to be hear d urgently supported with certificates of urgency was also raised. Adjo urnment of cases at short notice, striking out of cases was also raised. Bankr uptcy matters – lawyer s having to wait lon g perio ds to be heard because of late arriv al of Bankr uptcy Officer s. The issue of m isplaced f iles was also discussed. The Yang Ar if has gracio usly agreed to look into these ur gent problems an d at the same tim e inform ed us that the volume of cases filed in Shah Alam High Co urt is im mense. B. Meeting with Kuala Lum pur C ourt Judges Recognisin g that many lawyers in Selan gor also appear and repr esent their client at the Kuala Lum pur Co urt and in trying to resolv e some of the problems faced, the Co urt Liaison Com mittee on the invitation of the KL Bar Com mittee m et with the Judges, Sessions Judges of the KL Courts. C. Meeting with Chief Judge of Malaya at Putrajaya Issues and lawyer s grievance was raised; includin g the atitude an d the r ude treatm ent accorded to Selan gor Bar members by certain mem ber s of the judiciary were r aised. The lack of Civ il High Co urts for the State of Selangor resulting in long hearin g dates. Nonreplacement of Magistrates who were tran sferred at short notice, causin g cases to be adjo urned p en ding the appointment of new judicial officers, were som e of the issues raised. The Chief Judge agreed to attend to the problem s raised. Members who hav e wr itten their com plaints to the Secretariat were attended to an d their com plaints have been r eso lved. Since not many com plaints were r eceived, the sub- comm ittee will assum e that 37 16TH ANNUAL G ENERAL MEETING lawy ers are generally satisfied with the state of affair s at the co urt registries. But if this not the case the members ar e en co uraged to write their complaints because only on receipt can these complaints be addressed. The comm ittee also wishes to state that to have an effective sub- com mittees, we need the full cooperation of all members to give us a f eed back on whether their gr ievances has been reso lved. I also take this opport unity to thank all sub-comm ittees mem bers for their services to the com mittee. Report submitted by: Kunam ony Kandiah Chairperson, Co urt Liaison Sub- Comm ittee 38 16TH ANNUAL G ENERAL MEETING SUB- COM MITTEE REP ORTS COURT LIAISON & PUBLICATION PUBLICATION Chairperson : Kunam ony Kan diah Members : Tieh Siaw Sion g Logen dran Editorial Boar d : Biliwi Sin gh Zalina Abidin Gerard Lazarus Balan Nair Shanta Kum ar Advisors : S. S Muker S. S. Ravich an dran George Var ugh ese Ex-Officio : R. V. Lingam A. G. Kalidass Kunamony Kandiah The year 2007 was a fr uitf ul one with the publication of newsletter Ad Rem, although we had hiccup s in the early part of the calendar y ear. The license to facilitate printing of Ad Rem had lapsed and had to be renewed by makin g the necessary representations to the relevant authorities. The license was o btained on 10 April 2007. Havin g overcom e the license issue, the agreement entered with a third party to produce the magazin e was saddled with problem s as there were rd com munication br eak do wns on how the magazine wo uld be portrayed an d what part the 3 Party played in the p ublication of the Ad Rem. Having put things in place, the editorial board took the task under the win gs of Biliwi Sin gh to com e up with an issue in the later part of this y ear. In my mind the issue was informative, made interesting reading an d was well r eceived. Advertisem ent revenue was weak, but hopes that we would be able to improve on this with the assistance of all m em ber s of the Selangor Bar. In o ur 1 st issue of the Ad Rem for 2007, we were only able to obtain two (2) adv ertisements through the assistance of Mr. R. V. Lin gam and Mr. Sivapr agasam A/L P. Kum aran. After all it is yo ur m agazine an d on ly the mem ber s can help r educe the publication co st which is on the up war d tren d. Biliwi Sin gh an d his editorial bo ard have carried o ut their job diligently and have con ducted some profile interviews with formidable Malay sian figur es. W e hope to p ublish the second issue without having to put a financial strain on the coff ers of Selangor Bar. I further wish to extend my gr atitude and appreciation to the Editorial Board who worked and sacr ificed their tim e to publish the AdRem. Report submitted by: Kunam ony Kandiah Chairperson, Publication Sub-Comm ittee 39 SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS HUMAN RIGHTS AND CRIMINAL LAW Chairperson Co-Chairperson : : Suraj Singh M urali Velautham M embers : Jagathisvaran Ramachandran (Honorary Secretary) Rajpal Singh Salim Bashir James George Sreekant Pillai Vasudevan Wan M . Razali Bin Wan A. Kadir Sukhdev Singh Kailesh Ex-Officio : R. V. Lingam A.G. Kalidas Suraj S ingh Murali Velautham INTRODUCTION Similar to the year 2006/2007, the Selangor Bar, Human Rights and Criminal Law Sub-Committee (HR & CL SC) members were selected to represent the various districts in Selangor. The selection process was based on the locality the members are practicing and/or frequently appearing in the courts. M ost of the members who were actively involved in the HR & CL SC in the year 2006/2007 have shown their interest and were keen to be part of the sub-committee for the year 2007/2008. The members participated actively in various discussions and meetings held internally and with other government bodies as part of the HR & CL SC agenda for the year 2007/2008 in order to meet the challenges in human rights and criminal law within our vicinity. The members have been supportive of the agenda and interacted without fear or favour during the deliberations. S UB-COMMITTEE - OBJECTIVES A barrister or an advocate plays a crucial role in the upholding of the Rule of Law in any democracy despite the legal profession being classified by the ignorant as second to the oldest profession in the world. There can be no doubt it is the barrister and the advocate who are best equipped to ensure the Rule of Law is nurtured and enhanced in society. With the above in mind, the objectives of the HR & CL SC for the year 2007/2008 are to have as many discussions and meetings possible with the government bodies to deliberate on various issues concerning human rights and criminal law. The HR & CL SC felt that there is definitely a need to create an effective networking with these government bodies to explore the various concerns of the HR & CL SC and vice versa in appreciating the topic governing human rights and criminal law. The HR & CL SC believed that networking with these government bodies would allow parties to exchange their ideas and views and most importantly facilitating the practice of human rights and criminal law. 40 Ultimately, the lawyers and public as a whole would benefit from the deliberations concerning various human rights and criminal law issues. COURTES Y CALLS Through our internal discussions and meetings, the HR & CL SC short listed several government bodies for the purposes of meeting and deliberating on issues concerning human rights and criminal law. Whilst we have attempted to arrange for courtesy calls, we must admit that few of these government bodies although initially were willing to meet up with us, somehow or rather had to call off the meetings due to unavoidable circumstances. Nevertheless, we are determined to meet up with these government bodies by the end of February 2008, if time permits. The courtesy calls held were on the following government bodies: a) b) c) d) e) f) 1. Sungai Buloh Prison on 24.04.2007 Immigration Department, Selangor on 19.06.2007 OCPD Shah Alam on 05.07.2007 Chemistry Department, Malaysia on 11.07.2007 OCPD Kuala Langat on 17.08.2007; and Head of Prosecution of Selangor on 16.11.2007 S UNGAI BULOH PRIS ON The meeting was chaired by Tuan Darussalam, Director, Sungai Buloh Prison. According to Tuan Darussalam, as at 24.04.2007, the Prison has 5,554 inmates, out of which 4,861 (5 blocks) were under remand whilst 693 (1 block) convicted. There were approximately 900 inmates (Tahanan M ahkamah Tinggi) for M elaka, Seremban and Selangor that have been sent to the Prison. The Prison was too congested with inmates. In order to achieve the comfortable level, it was suggested that the Prison should only house 2,500 inmates. It was also quite difficult to achieve the Prison’s target due to overcrowding. There were approximately 1,000 foreign inmates in the Prison. Tuan Darussalam informed the members that there were approximately 700 wardens in the Prison. We were informed that the increase in the foreign numbers is due to the Immigration Act which does not allow them to be kept at the camp but the Prison. According to Tuan Darussalam, each block shall be observed by an officer assisted by 3 or 4 wardens. There were also HIV inmates, approximately 200 of them and they were segregated from the rest. Tuan Darussalam was not certain on the number of death cases reported in the Prison. According to him, fights occur in the Prison because the inmates seem to have their own priorities. The wardens are not able to stop any fights in the Prison cells as the numbers are too large to handle. It is for security reasons that the wardens refrain from getting involved. 2. IMMIGRATION DEPARTMENT The meeting was chaired by Tuan Che Mamat, Director, Immigration Department, Selangor. We enquired if overcrowding was an issue in Semenyih and Lengging camps. According to Tuan Che M amat, these 2 camps were overloaded. There were more than 2000 41 foreigners in Semenyih camp alone. The deportation exercise goes on non stop. Those who came out of Sungai Buloh Prison will be placed at Semenyih. According to Tuan Che M amat, those without documents or passports at times can be held up in Semenyih for more than 6 months. Those from India, Bangladesh, Africa and M yanmar, it was quite difficult to obtain the required documents from them and even their respective embassies have difficulties identifying them. It is sufficient to deal with them if they have a photocopy of the required documents but most often than not, they don’t even have a photocopy. M any of these foreigners came through the northern border, Kedah & Perlis. Not much problem encountered with Indonesians as they have an agreement where their photos are attached and the embassy certifies them. We were informed that with effect from 15.12.2007, foreigners caught at KLIA, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya and Selangor will be prosecuted in Semenyih. As at 19.06.2007, there were approximately 6,400 cases in Semenyih court. 3. OCPD S HAH ALAM The meeting was chaired by Tuan Azam, OCPD, Shah Alam. According to Tuan Azam, the crime rate in Shah Alam was manageable. Theft of motorbikes is the most due to carelessness of the owners. “Lumba haram” was also manageable in Shah Alam. However, it was stressed that the police lack IOs, for e.g. 1 AIO has to handle approximately 8 cases a day. They have about 16 IOs and 4 AIOs who just joined the force. These figures are not enough in order to solve crime rates. It was brought to our attention that lawyers are not allowed to sit with the suspects during section 112 statements or else statement will be taken from the lawyers too. We were informed that the police will normally invoke section 111 CPC if suspects do not wish to cooperate, failing which a warrant will be issued. We also brought up issues concerning some cases involving the Narcotic Department whereby the IO instructs the accused to plead guilty and not to appoint any lawyers. Issues relating to "bogus lawyers" were raised wherein the Police needed information from Bar Council to verify the status of the said lawyers. We informed the Police that the Bar Council is quite effective and fast in providing information on lawyers when requested. 4. CHEMIS TRY D EPARTMENT The meeting was chaired by Mr. N. Hithaya Jeevan, Director General (DG), Chemistry Department, Malaysia. According to the DG, for drug trafficking cases it normally takes 1 – 2 months to complete the report. It may extend beyond 2 months for certain cases only. In regard to possession cases, it does not take more than 30 days to complete the report. In fact, the Chemistry Department is thinking of reducing it to 25 days. The report may extend beyond the 30 days period for certain cases only. The DG further informed us that there is no client charter for trafficking cases. He could not understand why accused are remanded for such a long time for drug trafficking cases. In some cases, the drugs are not given to the Chemistry Department on time for analysis. In fact, 42 according to the DG, they have asked the prosecutors to liaise with them should there be a delay in the analysis. The DG clearly spelt out that their function is to help the administration of justice. Therefore, they do not compromise on integrity. They are impartial and there are no reasons to favour the police. There are more than 60 chemists in the Forensic Department and more than 20 in Drugs. 5. OCPD KUALA LANGAT The meeting was chaired by Tuan Zul, OCPD, Kuala Langat. The OCPD agreed that the crime rate is high in Selangor. The combination of the crime rate in Johor, Penang and Kuala Lumpur is nowhere near to the crime rate in Selangor. However, the crimes committed in Selangor are mainly theft of motorbikes. The focus of IPD Kuala Langat is more on violent crimes and robbery. The OCPD also agreed that at times the lawyers are not given the opportunity to see the accused after arrest which is in clear breach of Article 5 of the Federal Constitution. However, the OCPD believes that his office has not violated the rights of accused after arrest as he has informed his force against such practice. The OCPD also informed that he has done quite a bit to improve the quality of services based on Suhakam’s recommendation. We informed the OCPD that the Prison Authorities have complained of overload. This overload is partly due to excessive bail amount imposed. According to PO Ranjit, for Section 15 (1) DDA offence, normally the bail amount is RM 2,000. Theft, if accused below 18 with no previous convictions, normally in the range of RM 1,000. VCD cases, roughly around RM 5,000 and higher bail is imposed on robbery cases involving foreigners. The main lock up at the moment is at Telok Panglima Garang. Child suspects are segregated from adults and are placed at the corridor and not the lock up. Normally, according to the OCPD, he will allow police bail for child suspects. Only he can provide police bail but he does not determine the amount to be imposed. In fact, the OCPD makes sure that he is informed of all arrests. The OCPD admits that he controls everything that goes on in the Balai. So far, the last 8 months he has been around, no assault in the lock up has been reported. 6. MEETING WITH HEAD OF PROS ECUTION, S ELANGOR The meeting was chaired by Tuan Nik S uhaimi, Head of Prosecution for S elangor and accompanied by several DPP’s for the Selangor state. Several issues were discussed mainly on the views on Representation and the required format. Also issue’s on Bail in regards to the quantum, as there seem to be no uniformity in the offering of Bail by the PO’s. Issue’s of 39B DDA Cases in regards to transmission cases, to the High Court was also raised and also the delay in obtaining the Chemist Reports. Issues of foreigners charged in court in which Bail were not offered as the IO had yet to obtain the verification of the accused passport at the Immigration office, as a result of the Prosecuting Officers were unable to offer Bail to the foreigners charged, were also highlighted to the DPP. 43 The Committee had also informed the DPP’s office of an incident in the M agistrate Court in which several postponement was granted to the PO whilst the accused (an Indonesian woman) was in remand while waiting for the IO to verify the accused passport with the Immigration Department. The Head of Prosecution had given us the assurance that he would personally look into this matter. CONCLUS ION The members of the HR & CL SC for the year 2007/2008 have been very supportive and committed toward our agenda. I wish to take this opportunity in thanking them for their tireless efforts and commitments in discharging their responsibilities. Their deliberations and contributions during discussions and meetings have been very fruitful indeed. We, the HR & CL SC hope that we have contributed effectively on the issues pertaining to human rights and criminal law. We honestly feel that a lot more could have been done if not for the time constraints. We had to juggle between our commitments to our clients and the HR & CL SC. It was due to the tremendous efforts and courage from the members that made 2007/2008 a memorable term. I also wish to thank the members of the Selangor Bar for the trust bestowed upon me to chair the HR & CL SC for 2007/2008. We are happy with the efforts and achievements during this short span of time and look forward to better our efforts, contributions and achievements in 2008/2009. Special thanks to M r. Jagathisvaran Ramachandran for his great support as the Secretary of this SubCommittee and also to all my Committee members who have spend a lot of time and effort to make this year a memorable one. Thank you. Report submitted by: S URAJ S INGH Chairperson, Human Rights & Criminal Law Sub-Committee 44 16TH ANNUAL G ENERAL MEETING SUB- COM MITTEE REP ORTS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Chairperson : Ng Ch ung Yee Members : Teh Tai Yong Mishant Thiruchelvam Ex-Officio : R. V. Lingam A. G. Kalidas Ng Chung Yee 1. Selangor Bar Web-Site The Selan gor Bar web site is con stantly up dated with reports an d anno uncements of upcoming events. The traffic to our website has incr eased trem endously an d as a result, the com mittee is in the m idst of seeking a new serv ice provider to create a m ore user-fr ien dly site for our member s and improve on interactive f unctions. 2. Events in 2007 The comm ittee has organised a talk open to all Selangor Bar m em bers free of charge titled ‘ICT-Obstacles to the Future Development of Law’ on the 28th of August 2007. Attendance was encour agin g with goo d turno ut from chamberin g p upils an d practitioners alike. The talk was delivered by Mr. Rajasekar an an d Mr. Teh Tai Yon g, a mem ber of this sub-comm ittee. The talk also touched on the CTOS saga an d the need for a Data Protection Act a viable means of protecting a per son’s right to privacy which includes their financial data. One mamm oth task wh ich the comm ittee has been assigned to and wh ich is still at its initial stages of p lannin g is the im plementation of video and teleconferencing in the courts nation wide. All State Bar have been inv ited to propose f eedback on the video and teleconfer encing technology which sho uld benef it the Bar on the whole in terms of costs an d time. Eight centres have been proposed for setting up of this system the chargeable r ate is the primary concern am on gst others. The sub-comm ittee had also participated in an event or ganised by the Yo ung Lawyer s and Cham berin g Pupils Aff air’ s visit to the Kuch ing Co urt Com plex where 15 particip ants from the Selan gor Bar witnessed a live proceeding takin g place using the video and teleconferen cin g facilities. The attendees were also briefed on the tracking system utilised by the courts. This serves as a file monitoring sy stem which h as been im plemented in Sabah an d Sarawak. The utilisation of technolo gy in the co urts system is impressive an d there ar e fut ure plans whereby co unsel are no lon ger r equired to take down notes. A specially assigned co urt interpreter wo uld be given the task of takin g do wn notes and these notes will be av ailable for a nominal char ge. Report submitted by: Ng Chung Yee Chairperson, Inform ation Technology Sub- Com mittee 45 16TH ANNUAL G ENERAL MEETING SUB- COM MITTEE REP ORTS LEGAL AID CENTRE SELANGOR (LACS) Management Panel: Chairperson Hon. Secretary Members Rajpal Singh : Rajpal Sin gh : Ramesh K. Supramanian : Mejar(B) Abdul Kadir Bin Abdul Ghan i, Renuk a, T.Balasubramaniam , K. A. Ram u, R. V. Lin gam , A. G. Kalidas, Alvin Neo, Kunamony Kan diah, Lo gen dran, M urali Velautham, Ng Ch un g Yee, Suraj Sin gh, Sum athi Mur ugiah, Suzan awati Ismail, Geor ge Var ughese. Legal Aid Centre Staff: Alan Goh Heng Jin - Legal Officer : Gomathy Balasupramaniam – Officer Admin strator/Program me Coordin ator. : Velv ashini Vembarasan – Accounts Assistant/Do ck Brief Coordin ator. Fir st and forem ost, allow me to express my heartfelt appreciation to the Selangor Bar Com mittee ( SBC) for their trust and confiden ce in offering me this challen ge as the Chairper son of Legal Aid Centre Selangor (LACS) for the year 2007 / 2008. I am grateful to my esteem ed predecessor, Mr. Ramesh K. Supr am aniam for his ex cellent management an d leadership an d setting a high standard for me to emulate. The year under review h as been challengin g in term s of organisation and management of the LACS. The Managem ent Panel (MP) has unan imously agreed that its m onthly meetings shall be indepen dent of the SBC. Ho wev er, the Chairper son of LACS sh all report on the MP’s decisions and propo sals at the SBC’s meetin gs. Further all SBC mem ber s are welcome to join the MP meetings to contribute towar ds the welfare of LACS. On this note, contributions from the respective mem ber s have been en couragin g and effective. In addition, LACS has recr uited a Legal Officer in July 2007 to further strengthen the existin g staff force which comprised of t wo other legally qualif ied per sonnel and this is in line with LACS’s intention to provide better service and improve on the m anagement of this Centre. The Legal Officer has vast workin g experience having work ed as a practicing lawyer an d also served as Head of Legal Department in one of the public listed company prior to joinin g LACS. For the respective pro gram mes un dertaken by LACS in collabor ation with AW AM, W AO, SI S and Con sum er Association, the trainin g for the ch am ber ing p upils is provided by the resp ective centres. The prisons visit programme is or ganised by LAC KL an d all these pro gramm es are currently being organised as usual with emphasis in providing the required legal aid trainin g to the cham bering pupils. Pro gramm es or ganised by LACS have increased m ar ginally; the outreach clinics on law awar eness have achieved its desired result in creatin g over whelming r espon se an d awar eness among the general public. Monfort Boys To wn (6 th May 2007) th In conjunction with Montfort Boys Town (“Monfort”) open house carnival on 6 May 2007, LACS conducted a law awareness programm e at one of the stalls prov ided by Montfort. This is the second 46 16TH ANNUAL G ENERAL MEETING consecutive year in which the ev ent was or ganised at Monfort. The objective is to em power the public with the necessary kno wledge in var ious asp ects of the law, the un der standin g of which is crucial in avoidin g or r eso lvin g potential pro blems/disp utes. At Montfort a total of 7 lawy ers an d 2 chamber in g pupils assisted on a voluntary basis in adv isin g the p ublic on v ario us matters which included employm ent, estate/letters of administration/probate/wills, contract, fam ily an d criminal. User frien dly materials in the form of leaflets an d booklets prepar ed by the Bar Co uncil were distributed to the public and the volunteers were at han d to explain any quer ies that arose on the said m aterials. For this program me, LACS distributed 297 leaflets/booklets an d interviewed 38 clients. The respon se from the public was enco ur aging and LACS hopes to organise further events of such nature and hope that m ore lawyer s will volunteer a little precio us time to make these events a success. Kota Kem unin g (22 nd July 2007) Besides the usual o utreach clinics of wh ich LACS h ave been a regular participant for the past year, we are pleased to report the inclusion of several new areas notably Kota Kem un in g wher e a social com munity event was organised by its Resident Association in collaboration with LACS, Yayasan Am al Malaysia an d m any others. At Kota Kemun in g, a total of 3 lawy ers and 1 cham berin g st udent were pr esent to provide the necessary inform ation and advice required by the residents dur ing the said event. For this programm e, LACS distributed 251 leaflets/booklets an d the volunteer lawy ers interviewed 10 clients. W e appreciate the tireless effort of En. Zainal Said for coor din ating this outreach for LACS. th St Anne’s Church (29 July 2007) In conjunction with St Anne’s f east, LACS con ducted a law awaren ess program me at St.Ann e’s Ch urch, Port Klan g. The celebration at the Ch urch was well attended by the p ublic an d in particular devotees from all over the country includin g m igr ants from other countries. The Ch urch comm ittee provided LACS with 2 tents for our p urpo se and after each pr ayer session the pilgr ims conver ged to m ake en quir es or asked for legal advice from our 10 vo lunteer lawyers who were present to assist on the said day. User frien dly materials in the form of leaflets an d booklets prepar ed by the Bar Co uncil were distributed to the public and the volunteers were at han d to explain any quer ies that arose on the said materials. At St. Anne’ s, LACS distributed 275 leaflets/booklets an d o ur volunteer lawy ers interviewed 14 clients. We look for war d to conductin g similar pro gram me durin g the chur ch’s annual celebration capitalisin g on the attendance of the huge crowd presence wh ich enables us to reach o ut to m ore people thus creating awareness an d empo wering them with the necessary knowledge of the diff erent aspects of our co untry’s laws. st Another event that deserv ed mention is the National Law Awareness W eek from 1 September 2007 to 9th Septem ber 2007 of wh ich LACS spearh eaded in or ganisin g var io us programmes in the State of Selan gor, the events ar e as follo w: th Dataran Merdeka (30 August 2007) A total of 600 copies of the “Red Book” leaftlets were distributed by Mr. K.A. Ramu an d his wife to the gen eral public tar getin g especially the yo uth at the said location. Som e of the yo uth were very enthusiastic, cur io us and even m anage to ask some questions. th Stamfor d College P.J. (4 Septem ber 2007) 47 16TH ANNUAL G ENERAL MEETING A special talk with Question & Answers on the “ Red Book” was conducted at 8pm on the said day. It was organised by Ms. Ren uka, the said talk was given by Mr. Ng Chun g Yee and the panel for the Q & A consisted of Mr. Rajpal Singh, Mr. Ng Chung Yee an d Mr. Lo gen dr an. The audiences were a mixture of yo uth, law students, adults an d a few senior citizen s. The Q & A session was very lively with active p articipation from both the audience an d the pan el of lawyers. Ms. Ren uk a’s initiative also includes the distribution of the “Red Book” leaf lets to secon dary schoo ls around Petalin g Jaya totalling 2000 copies Law awareness pro gramm e at Dewan MP S Tam an Gom bak (8 th Septem ber 2007) The National Law Awareness W eek in Selangor culm inated with LACS’s program me at Tam an Gombak. The follo win g participants were in strumental in h elpin g to m ake it an eventf ul day: - Polis Di Raja Malaysia - Suruhanjaya Pilihan Ray a - Persatuan Pen gasih Malaysia - Jabatan Keselam atan Jalan Raya Negeri Selan gor - Sisters In I slam Center - Pusat Komunikasi Masy arakat - Awam Centre - Amnesty International Malay sia - LAC, Selangor All the participants wer e given souven irs spon sored by the LACS, Silv er Bir d Group Bh d and Unilever (M) Sdn Bhd. We were hono ured to have with us Tuan ASP Moham ed Rafiq B. Hj. Mohamed M ustafa (Ketua Bah agian Ketenteram an Awam/Ketua Trafik Daerah Gom bak) as our special guest for the occasion. Those pr esent for the day p atronised the respective booths set up an d many were attracted to the booth set up by PDRM Traffic/Nar cotics Division an d Jabatan Keselam atan Jalan Raya Neger i Selangor. For this programm e, LACS distributed 412 leaflets/book lets, 27 clients were interviewed by our 8 volunteer lawyers an d 4 cham berin g p upils. The highlight of the day’s event was the musical performance by the rock ban d “Reborn” The band san g an d play ed son gs that were well received by the cro wd most of whom were enjoying themselves enorm ously. The event en ded with the lucky draw which bro ught sm iles all round for the winner s followed by a final sp eech given by me. All the events or gan ised by LACS was a success an d sp ecial thanks an d appr eciation m ust be extended to all the m em bers of LACS MP and also the support, contribution and assistance rendered by all members of SBC and the respective lawyer s from Selan gor. The year under review witnessed a sur ge in the number of walk in clients and en quiries via the telephone. This is a r esult of LACS’ s thr ust towards its law awareness outreach programmes where more people are m ade aware of the existence of LACS. It is h eartenin g to note that certain Session and Magistrate courts in Selan gor have also assisted in directin g unrepresented accused or his /her fam ily mem bers to LACS for assistance in o btainin g legal r epresentation. Another m ilestone that heralds the efficiency an d eff ectiveness of LACS is the r ecent op enin g of a distinct Disbur sem ent Acco unt to streamline the management of acco unts in LACS. W e are grateful for the advice given by SBC on the necessity for such an acco unt to avoid difficulty in reconciling of acco unts in the LACS. 48 16TH ANNUAL G ENERAL MEETING Encouraged by the extensive p ublicity and awareness of LACS, another legal aid serv ice centre was th set up in Kuala Selan gor and has comm enced operation since 10 Decem ber 2007. Many factors influenced the choice of this new centre; fir stly there is a n eed to reach out to the poor and needy in the outskirt of the Klang Valley. Secondly, a suitable centralised location to serve the surro unding areas like Batang Ber juntai, Kuang, Ijok, Batu Aran g, Jeram , Assam Jawa, Sekinchan, Sun gai Besar and parts of northern Klan g. LACS h as r ented a fir st floor shop office havin g its address at No. 32, 1 st. Floor, Jalan Ben dahara 1/1, Taman Ben dah ara, 45000, Kuala Selangor, Selangor Darul Esh an. The location of this centre is ideal, fronting the main tr unk road leading towards the old to wn of Kuala Selangor an d within the vicinity of the Police Station and the neighbo urin g Magistrate courtho use. The centre will oper ate in itially at t wice a week from 10.00am to 5.00pm on Tuesdays and Th ursdays. The Legal Officer from Shah Alam shall comm ute on the said days to provide adv ice and record brief s for f urther action. We are pro ud to inform that LACS un der the guidan ce of SBC is among a few LACs that operates a branch in a rural area providin g legal repr esentation to the poor and needy. Ho wever the success of this new centre will depen d largely upon the combined efforts of SBC, volunteer lawyer s and LACS staff in the spirit of volunteerism and justice. We are confident that with the support of SBC m em bers an d Selan gor lawy ers, much can be achiev ed in fulf illing the ultim ate aim of volunteer ism through legal aid, an aspiration an d concern of the Bar Co uncil as evident from its resolutions passed during the 49th AGM held in 1995 and reiterated durin g its recent AGM h eld in 2007. Although m any lawyers in Selan gor have vo lunteered to offer their services to LACS, sadly there is still a n eed for m ore dedicated volunteers due to the incr ease n umber of cases that qualify for assistance. We believed that this situation will improve, now that SBC has intensified and in itiated its effort to encourage m ore lawyer s to register with LACS thro ugh their appeal to all the legal firm s in Selan gor. We sincer ely con gratulate SBC for painstakingly sending out lar ge n umbers of letters to all the legal firm s an d which we are gratef ul for their accomplishment of such a Herculean task. W e anticipate with hope that assistance is forthcoming an d that quality legal representation is made av ailable to more legal aid clients in the near f uture. Besides my role as Chairperson in LACS, I have participated actively in the Hum an Rights & Criminal Law Com mittee of wh ich m eetings h ave been conducted with the resp ective Shah Alam High Court judges an d sp ecif ically I have initiated an d offered to assist the Sh ah Alam Session Co urts thro ugh LACS in prov idin g legal aid for unrepr esented accused appearin g befor e the said courts. To date, LACS vo lunteer lawyer s are currently han dlin g 18 assigned cases. Such collabor ation bet ween LACS an d the courts have entrenched the concept of justice, hope and conserv ation of human rights made available to every h uman being. In term s of fut ure p lan, with the assistance, support and encour agement of all mem ber s of SBC and volunteer lawyers in Selan gor, LACS asp ire and work to war ds the follo win g:- Set up another new legal aid centre probably in Semenyih to extend legal aid to a m ore div erse an d needy clients in the r ural areas aroun d the so uthern corr idor of the Klang Valley and also to provide legal representation to m igrant detainees ho used at Semenyih detention centre. 49 16TH ANNUAL G ENERAL MEETING - To conduct do ck brief pro gr amm e at proposed Magistrate courts in the respective districts of Selan gor with prior consent from SBC an d the respective co urts. To indepen dently or ganised the resp ective legal aid programmes in collo bration with the curr ent NGOs and prison visit to Sg. Buloh. To conduct in dependently orientation progr amm e for pup ils, motivation cour ses an d dock brief trainin g sessions. Set up a mobile legal aid centre. LACS wo uld lik e to appeal to volunteer lawyer s to extend their assistance in or gan isin g the relevant talks/seminars for our pup ils an d special thanks goes to members of the Managem ent Panel for helping LACS thro ughout this year in conductin g the relevant training sessions for the ben efit of the cham bering pup ils. We are pleased to inform that the National Legal Aid Comm ittee (NLAC) at their recent Budget meeting have acknowledged the efforts made by LACS in cluding its achievement for the current year. NLAC in principle have approved and increased LACS’ s budget by about 40% of the previo us y ear’s approved budget. LACS is indeed enco ur aged by this confidence given by NLAC and we her eby wish to recor d o ur thanks an d appreciation to the Chairm an of NLAC, Mr. Cecil Rajendra an d the Finance Com mittee of the Bar Co uncil for its support an d henceforth LACS sh all endeavo ur to perform better in the year 2008. In conclusion, I wo uld lik e to express m y heartfelt gratitude to all members of SBC and my sub – com mittee for 2007/2008 for extendin g their invaluable assistance, suggestion, constructive criticism and un selfish support, without which I m ay not have performed m y duties and respon sibilities to expectation. My thanks to all volunteer lawyers who have off ered their assistance and to all the LACS staff for their comm itment and dedication in servin g the LACS. Report submitted by: RAJ PAL S INGH Chairm an, Legal Aid Centre Selan gor 50 16TH ANNUAL GEN ERAL MEETING PROGRAMMES UNDERTAKEN BY LEGAL AID CENTRE SELANGOR FOR 2007:Programmes Batch Date Time AWAM SIS WAO CONSUMER Batch Batch Batch Batch 10 10 10 7 26.02.07 26.02.07 26.02.07 26.02.07 - 26.05.07 - 26.05.07 - 26.05.07 - 05.06.07 10.00am 10.00am 10.00am 10.00am SG. BULOH AWAM SIS WAO Batch Batch Batch Batch 7 11 11 11 13.03.07 21.05.07 21.05.07 21.05.07 - 22.05.07 - 18.08.07 - 18.08.07 - 18.08.07 CONSUMER SG. BULOH AWAM SIS Batch Batch Batch Batch 8 8 12 12 11.06.07 05.06.07 13.08.07 13.08.07 WAO CONSUMER SG. BULOH AWAM Batch Batch Batch Batch 12 9 9 13 13.08.07 24.09.07 21.08.07 05.11.07 SIS WAO CONSUMER SG. BULOH Batch Batch Batch Batch 13 13 10 10 Venue - 4.30pm - 4.30pm - 4.30pm - 4.30pm Petaling Petaling Petaling Petaling Num. of Students Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya 6 2 1 5 8.30am - 3.00pm 10.00am - 4.30pm 10.00am - 4.30pm 10.00am - 4.30pm Legal Aid Centre (KL) Petaling Jaya Petaling Jaya Petaling Jaya 4 6 2 1 - 15.09.07 - 07.08.07 - 10.11.07 - 10.11.07 10.00am - 4.30pm 8.30am - 3.00pm 10.00am - 4.30pm 10.00am - 4.30pm Petaling Jaya Legal Aid Centre (KL) Petaling Jaya Petaling Jaya 5 2 7 3 - 10.11.07 - 28.12.07 - 06.11.07 - 02.02.08 10.00am - 4.30pm 10.00am - 4.30pm 8.30am - 3.00pm 10.00am - 4.30pm Petaling Jaya Petaling Jaya Legal Aid Centre (KL) Petaling Jaya 1 5 4 6 05.11.07 - 02.02.08 05.11.07 - 02.02.08 Next Y ear 20.11.07 - 22.01.08 10.00am - 4.30pm 10.00am - 4.30pm 10.00am - 4.30pm 8.30am - 3.00pm Petaling Jaya Petaling Jaya Petaling Jaya Legal Aid Centre (KL) 3 1 None 4 TO TAL Programmes Dock Brief Num. of Students 61 Duration Jan - Dec 2007 68 Venue Shah Alam Magistrate Court Mitigation 155 TOTAL FILES OF THE CENTRE:Files Opened in 2007 FILE CATEGORY Criminal Family / Syariah Employment Court assigned files Miscellaneous TO TAL NUM. OF FILES 57 32 4 18 0 111 Files Closed in 2007 FILE CATEGORY Criminal Family / Syariah Employment Court assigned files Miscellaneous TO TAL NUM. OF FILES 43 11 4 1 0 59 Advice File for 2007 FILE CATEGORY Criminal Family / Syariah Employment Miscellaneous Law Awareness files (Interview Sheets) Law Awareness files (Leaflets) TO TAL NUM. OF FILES 67 75 37 142 89 3835 4245 51 16TH ANNUAL GEN ERAL MEETING LAW AWARENESS (A). MONFORT BOYS TOWN ( 6th MAY 2007 ) ISSUES INVOLVED FAMILY LAND CONTRACT COMPANY OTHERS 5 2 2 1 28 NO. OF PAMPHLETS DISTRIBUTED / ADVISED :297 NO. OF CLIENTS INTERVIEWED : 38 VOLUNTEER LAWYERS :7 CHAMBERING STUDENTS :2 (B). KO TA KEMUNING ( 22nd JULY 2007 ) ISSUES INVOLVED CONTRACT OTHERS 5 5 NO. OF PAMPHLETS DISTRIBUTED / ADVISED : 251 NO. OF CLIENTS INTERVIEWED : 10 VOLUNTEER LAWYERS :3 CHAMBERING STUDENT :1 52 16TH ANNUAL GEN ERAL MEETING (C). ST.ANNE'S CHURCH ( 29th JULY 2007 ) ISSUES INVOLVED FAMILY CRIMINAL LAND CONTRACT EMPLOYMENT OTHERS 6 1 2 1 1 3 NO. OF PAMPHLETS DISTRIBUTED / ADVISED :275 NO. OF CLIENTS INTERVIEWED : 14 VOLUNTEER LAWYERS : 10 CHAMBERING STUDENTS :0 (D) NATIONAL LAW AWARENESS WEEK (1). DATARAN MERDEKA (30TH AUGUS T 2007) NO. OF PAMPHLETS (RED BOOK) DISTRIBUTED / ADVISED : 600 VOLUNTEER LAWYERS :2 (2). STAMFORD COLLEGE ( 4th SEPTEMBER 2007 ) NO. OF PARTICIPANTS : 47 VOLUNTEER LAWYERS :5 CHAMBERING STUDENTS :0 NO. OF "REDBOOK" PAMPHLETS DISTRIBUTED TO SCHOOLS : 2000 Q & A "RedBook" 53 16TH ANNUAL GEN ERAL MEETING (3). DEWAN MPS TAMAN GOMBAK ( 8th SEPTEMBER 2007) (i) PARTICIPANTS / EXHIBITION BOOTH POLIS DIRAJA MALAYSIA (TRAFIK / NARKOTIK) SURUHANJAYA PILIHAN RAYA PERSATUAN PENGASIH MALAYSIA JABATAN KESELAMATAN JALAN RAYA NEGERI SELANGOR SISTERS IN ISLAM CENTRE PUSAT KOMUNIKASI MASYARAKAT AWAM CENTRE AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL MALAYSIA LAC, SELANGOR (ii) ENTERTAINMENT - ROCK BAND "REBORN" (iii) LAC, SELANGOR. ISSUES INVOLVED CRIMINAL FAMILY CONTRACT LAND OTHERS 7 3 2 7 8 NO. OF PEOPLE ATTENDED : 300 NO. OF CLIENTS INTERVIEWED : 27 NO OF PAMPHLETS DISTRIBUTED / ADVISED : 412 VOLUNTEER LAWYERS :8 CHAMBERING STUDENTS :4 54 16TH ANNUAL GEN ERAL MEETING TOTAL ACTIVE FILES FROM 2002 - 2007 FILE CATEGORY Criminal Family / Syariah Employment Miscellaneous Law Awareness Files YEAR 2002 2 2 0 0 0 YEAR 2003 7 2 0 0 0 YEAR 2004 17 6 0 0 0 YEAR 2005 18 9 0 2 0 YEAR 2006 31 15 0 0 0 YEAR 2007 56 30 2 0 0 4 9 23 29 46 88 YEAR 2002 1 0 0 0 0 YEAR 2003 15 16 0 0 0 YEAR 2004 35 20 0 0 0 YEAR 2005 0 11 0 0 0 YEAR 2006 37 47 0 0 318 YEAR 2007 67 75 37 142 3924 1 31 55 11 402 4245 TO TAL TOTAL ADVICE FILES FROM 2002 - 2007 FILE CATEGORY Criminal Family / Syariah Employment Miscellaneous Law Awareness Files TO TAL MANAGEMENT PANEL MEETINGS FOR 2007 NAMES Mr. Rajpal Singh Mr. R.V. Lingam Mr. A.G. Kalidas Mr. Ramesh K Supramaniam Mr. Mejar Abdul Khadir Bin Abdul Ghani Mr. Ramu Ms. Renuka Mr. Murali Velautham Mr. Ng Chung Yee Mr. Logendran Mr. Alvin Neo Mr. Suraj Singh Ms. Kunamony Kandiah Ms. Suzanawati Ms. Sumathi Murugiah Mr. George Varughese ATTENDANCE 6 3 3 4 4 3 4 3 3 0 0 2 0 1 1 3 55 16TH ANNUAL GEN ERAL MEETING NATIONAL LEGAL AID MEETINGS FOR 2007 Total Meetings 5 Attendance (Chairperson) 4 TRAINING SESSION FOR PUPILS AT SLAC DATE 04.06.2007 30.08.2007 TIME 3.00pm - 5.00pm 3.00pm - 5.00pm SPEAKER Renuka & Ramesh Rajpal Singh & Ramesh ATTENDANCE 29 pupils 32 pupils LIST OF VOLUNTEER LAWYERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 A.G. Kalidas Abdul Razak Bin Jamaludin Abdul Razak Hussain Abdul Shukor Bin Mohd Yusof Abun Sui Anyit Adi Harman Bin Hj Mawardi Adri Amrul Bin Ariffin Alvin Loo Wi Chung Alvin Neo Anand Anita John Arvinder Singh B.S Ananthan Bernard Scott Boestamam Bin Ahmad Chan Chin Chye Chan Yiew Hock Clement G Lopez Danendra Markandu Dasmit Kaur David Lingam Dev Anand Devadason Edwin Johnson Esther Esther Tan Siew Choo 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 Musa Awang Nadarajan Ng Chung Yee Nor Hazura Binti Hamzah Norhayati Binti Abd Manan Nur Hidayaty Binti Maidin Pramjit Kaur R. Paranjothi Avaiya Selvi R. V. Lingam Raippen Raja Ismail Rajpal Singh Ramesh K. Supramaniam Ramu Raymond Chu Hon Fai Razie Aini Binti Abdul Razak Rehvathi Renuka Rodzim Roland Engan Rozita Binti Shaikh Salleh S. Rathakrishnan S. S Ravichandran Saladin Bin Mohd Yasin Salim Bin Bashir Bhaskaran Sandosh Anandan 56 16TH ANNUAL GEN ERAL MEETING 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Ganabatirau a/l Veraman George Varughese Gerard Lazarus Haji Nordin Hanif Hasshahari Johari Mawi Huzaini Bin Hussin Imran J. Christoper Joseph J.R. Ravendren Jacqueline Lee Hwai Chuen Jamaludin Bin Ibrahim Jane Pragasam Jayamurugan K. Ravindran Kanarasan Krishnamurthy Kuek Wee Teng Kulasekar Kunamony Kandiah Lana Azman Bin Eli Lee Teong Hooi Lo Soo Jeng Daniel Logendran M. K Thas M.J. Amutha Murugasan Maria Vivienne Pereira Mary Ann John Mary Song Ghani Moeis Razali Mohammad Rosli Bin Mohd Ayub Mohd Hisham Bin Mohd Nazir Mohd Shah Hime Nazir Murugan Murugesan 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 Saravanan Savinderjeet Kaur Selayamani Shahul Hameed Bin Abdul Wahab Shalini Devi Shengar Shirdieswaran Shuib Sivarajan Sivashankar Sonia Jayantkumar Shah Sritheran Steven Tai Suhaida Sukdev Sumathi Murugiah Suriati Binti Ghani Suzana Ismail T.K. Lee Tay Keng Seng Tejindarpal Kaur Teng Chang Khim Thangadurai Theivaendran Toh Ah Noi Vasudevan Appu Vicky Vignesh Vijay Chander Rajendran Vilasini Menon Vincent Vijayan Visnuvarman Wong Kim Ho Wong Wai Yee Yoganathan Ramasamy Yong Soon Ching Zalina Binti Abidin 57 16TH ANNUAL GEN ERAL MEETING SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS SECRETARIAT, FINANCE, LIBRARY & BUILDING Chairperson : A G Kalidas Ex-Officio : RV Lingam A G Kalidas The committee this year conducted its affairs having in mind that it is the members funds which are being utilised. The challenge was to give value added services while keeping total expenses lower or at least equal to total expenses of the preceding year. The total expenditure incurred by Selangor Bar for the year 2007 was RM531,989.00. It is rather satisfying to note that the total expenditure after deducting expenses specific to 2006 like building renovation cost and etc, value added service like SM S alert, CLJ online and purchase of jerseys for Selangor Bar sports contingent were possible without any significant difference in the expenditure. The total income derived by Selangor Bar in the year 2007 has also increased (without taking into account renovation of building funds specific to 2006) to RM607, 254.00. The primary sources of income were again members' annual subscriptions. Although there has been increase in cost of providing some of the following services, it has not been passed on to general members of the Bar and the fees charged have been maintained and in some cases even reduced as compared to year 2006 so as not to burden members who used the said facilities and services. The relevant rates for members are as follows: • Photocopying charges in the library • Photocopying charges in S.A Bar Room • Use of CLJ Online in the library • Printing from CLJ Online • Placing of classifieds on website • Rental of bands/bibs in S.A. Bar Room • Rental of collars/robes in S.A. Bar Room • Registration fee to attend Seminars/Talks - RM 0.20 per copy RM 0.30 per copy RM 5.00 per 30 minutes RM 0.20 per page RM 20.00 per week RM 5.00 per item RM 5.00 per item RM 30.00 or below, chambering pupils free for some talks. The response for other income generating services such as advertisements placed in the Ad Rem publication and the Selangor Bar website are still not encouraging. These facilities are provided at nominal charges and members are encouraged to use them as it will provide an income source for the Selangor Bar which will in the long run benefit members themselves. The Selangor Bar Building expenses demands special mention. A facility of RM455, 000.00 was taken in August 2005 to part-finance the purchase of the building. So far interest of about RM55, 590.26 (as of December 2007) has been paid. Current interest rate is BLR(6.75%)+0.8% = 7.55%p.a. and we have a balance of RM397,037.79 to pay. That would mean the Selangor Bar will have to pay interest of about RM200,000.00 for the loan tenure of almost 152 months left provided the BLR remains the same. Otherwise we will end up paying more. 69 16TH ANNUAL GEN ERAL MEETING The Selangor Bar is in a healthy financial state and it will not harm the Selangor Bar to pay an additional sum of RM50, 000.00 a year for the next 7 to 8 years and complete the loan repayment sooner in order to save a substantial amount in interest. The money saved can be used for the benefit of the members instead. This is a crucial point for the general members of the Selangor Bar and the incoming Committee to ponder as the discounted interest rate period has ended. The Selangor Bar's income and expenditure account for 2007 reveals a surplus of RM75,265.00. Selangor Bar’s accumulated funds as at 31st December 2007 comprise RM556,720.00 in fixed deposit accounts and RM25,949.00 in the current account. Therefore, it is only prudent to decrease Selangor Bar’s Liability as the cost of fund for the facility taken is high. We have seen cost of living going up in the year 2007 and directly or indirectly this has affected the Selangor Bar expenses which demanded vigilance and prudence in the management of the funds available. While it would definitely put the incoming committee in a very comfortable position if the annual subscription is increased (a RM 50.00 increase per member would produce an additional income of more than RM 150, 000.00 a year), I am of the humble view that the time has not come for such a measure. With proper financial management, the committee can proceed comfortably with its yearly affairs with the current healthy and stable financial position. It is pertinent, taking into consideration of the current uncertain economic climate, to not to saddle the members with this additional burden. The details of Selangor Bar's income & expenditure and balance sheet are set out in the Audited Accounts annexed in the Annual Report. S ECRETARIAT The Selangor Bar Secretariat faced additional challenges this term as two of its staff namely, M s. Ann M aria (Executive Secretary) and M r. Thilainathan resigned on M ay 2007 as they have found alternative employment. Some of the sub-Committees under the stewardship of the respective Chairpersons have performed extraordinarily well this term which in turn demanded a high level of commitment from the secretariat especially when some committees failed to attract enough general members of the Selangor Bar to serve in the respective committees. However, I am proud to say that the staff have risen to the challenge and performed their duties well regardless of the fact that the secretariat was short of staff at material time. The Committee was also deprived of an Executive Secretary. So far the committee could not find a suitable candidate to fill the post. The committee did not want to fill the post for the sake of filling it as it is now in the drive of engaging suitable candidates in the secretariat to meet the increasing demand of the committee members and general members of the bar. The office hours of the Secretariat remain unchanged i.e. M ondays to Fridays from 8.30am to 5.30pm. Despite their designated workload, all staff do contribute and assist one and other in executing their respective duties. Further all staff are collectively involved in the running of all major functions and events organized by the Committee and its sub-committees. The staff's respective designations and departmentalised workload are as follows:Vasantha Executive Officer Attend to reception, attend to correspondences and e-mails, assist in issuance of Sijil Caruman, and assist in organization of events and functions 70 16TH ANNUAL GEN ERAL MEETING Staff in charge of 'Secretariat & Building', Human Rights & Criminal Law' and Court Liaison' sub-committees. Shariza Accounts Executive Administration of Secretariat finances, preparation of Secretariat accounts, issuance of Sijil Caruman, update membership programme. Staff in charge of 'Secretariat, Finance & Building', 'Conveyancing Practice, SROE, Corporate & Banking Law' and 'Publication' sub-committees. Shahnizam Executive Officer / Librarian Administration of the library, administration of the website, issuance of circulars and notices. Staff in charge of 'Library' and 'IT' sub-committees. Norazlina Executive Officer Administration of chambering pupils affairs, update record of chambering pupils, organization of SeminarslTalks, attend to outgoing works. Staff in charge of 'Chambering Pupils Affairs & Continuing Legal Education' and 'Continuing Legal Education & Syariah' sub-committees. Khairul NizamGeneral Clerk Administration of secretariat office in the Shah Alam Bar Room, administration of the B. C. Boxes, administration of the Bar Rooms, update notice boards, recording and filing of Sijil Caruman, attend to outgoing works. Staff in charge of 'Sports' sub-committee. LIBRARY Selangor Bar Library is now one of the best equipped law libraries in Selangor. The library houses M LJ, CLJ, AM R, Industrial law and All England Law reports. The library also houses CLJ online for two users. Over and above the books, added services like wireless internet facilities (free of charge) and photocopier are available for the sole use of members. A full time librarian is always present in the library to assist the members. Substantial amount of monies have been invested by previous committees and the current committee in the purchase of books having the interest of the members in mind. However, the usage of the library by members is rather disappointing. M embers are encouraged to make full use of the library in order for the committee to consider upgrading it in the future. The details of books purchased in 2007 and cost of the same are as follows: Purchase From Description KH LAW BOOKS SERVICES Vohrah & Hami d on the Mal aysian Penal C ode'06 Net Amt. Total Amt. 335.75 Hisyam Teh : T he Law on Drugs Possession and Traffic king'06 297.50 Chan & Koh : Malaysian Company Law 2nd ed'06 420.75 Wan Azlan & Ni k Ahmad: Admi nistrati ve Law i n M'sia'06 212.50 71 16TH ANNUAL GEN ERAL MEETING JOSHUA LEGAL ART GALLERY SWEET & MAXWELL ASIA MLJ Hbk Sers : Specific Perfor manc e'06 238.00 MLJ Hbk Sers : Land Acquisition Hbk'06 195.50 MLJ Hbk Sers : Labour Law'06 408.00 MLJ Hbk Sers : Insurance 408.00 Nasser : Default Judgements -Setti ng Aside'06 170.00 Desktop Research Series : Medical Negligence'06 153.00 Poh : Principl es of Ins uranc e Law 6th Ed 637.50 Augustine Eviden Pract & Proc're 3Ed'03 408.00 Industrial Relati ons M'sian 3Ed'03 246.50 MLJ Hbk Sers-Enforcement Of Charges 408.00 MLJ Hbk Sers-Insurance 408.00 MLJ Bhk Sers-Child 408.00 MLJ Hbk Sers-Civil Appeals 2Ed 408.00 MLJ Hbk Sers-Bankg & N egotbl 408.00 MLJ Hbk Sers-Bankrc y 2Ed 408.00 MLJ Hbk Sers-Companies Winding Up 408.00 MLJ Hbk Sers-Marriage & Dissolutions 408.00 MLJ Hbk Sers-Defamation 408.00 MLJ Hkb Sers-Enforcement J udgment 408.00 Singapore Prec edents of Pleadings JOSHUA LEGAL ART GALLERY 4,734.50 1,170.00 Law of Confessions 265.50 Divorce & Matrimonial Proceedings 135.00 M'sian Stamp D uty Handbook 3Ed 81.00 Equity & Trusts i n Malaysia 162.00 The Trial Lawyer's Companion 252.00 Customs Offenc es (HB) 166.50 Keati ng on C onstruc tion Contracts 8Ed 3,476.50 1,984.50 The Arbitr ation Act 2005:A Commentar y 162.00 Civil Remedies In M alaysia 225.00 MLJ Hbk Sers-Injuncti ons 408.00 MLJ Hbk Sers-Companies General 408.00 MLJ Hbk Sers-Judicial Review 408.00 SWEET & MAXWELL ASIA Gatley Libel & Sl an 10Ed+Sup1 2,387.70 SWEET & MAXWELL ASIA Cw&Percy:Neg 11Ed 1,732.50 4,603.50 1,224.00 4,120.20 72 16TH ANNUAL GEN ERAL MEETING MARSDEN LAW BOOK SDN.BHD. Real Property-Limitation of Acti ons Limitation Act 1953 (Act 254), Sabah Limitation Ordinance (CAP 72), Sarawak Limitation Ordinanc e Sihombing on m'sian Conveyancing - 3 Vol 207.00 1,950.00 Internet Banking: Law & Practice 207.00 Nelson's Law Of Injunctions , 4th Edi-2005 351.00 Sihombing on The National Land Code-A Commentar y - 3 Vol Company Law, Powers & Acc ountability, 2003 1,850.00 805.50 5,370.50 89.90 89.90 8,500.00 LexisNexis Constitutional Landmarks i n Malaysi a Prolaw Librar y Management 1983-2003 ILR -2nd H and Set 8,500.00 JOSHUA LEGAL ART GALLERY All England Law Reports 1999 Vol 1-4 1,200.00 All England Law Reports 2003 Vol 1-4 1,200.00 All England Law Reports 2004 Vol 1-4 1,200.00 All England Law Reports 2005 Vol 1-4 1,200.00 All England Law Reports 2006 Vol 1-4 1,200.00 All England Law Reports 2007 Vol 1-4 1,200.00 All England Law Reports 2008 Vol 1-4 1,200.00 All England Law Reports 2009 Vol 1-4 1,200.00 All England Law Reports 2010 Vol 1-4 1,200.00 10,800.00 Prolaw Librar y Management 2004 ILR Bound Volumes 835.00 Prolaw Librar y Management 2005 ILR Bound Volumes 855.00 Prolaw Librar y Management 2006 ILR Bound Volumes 895.00 Prolaw Librar y Management 2007 ILR Bound Volumes 795.00 The M'sian Current Law Journal S/B 2008 CLJ The M'sian Current Law Journal S/B 2008 CLJ Supplementary Series 535.00 The M'sian Current Law Journal S/B 2008 Industrial Law Reports 850.00 2,600.00 SWEET & MAXWELL ASIA All M'sia Reports 2008 1,170.00 1,170.00 MLJ SDN BHD M'sian Prece & Frms Vol M-Noter Up'06 320 MLJ SDN BHD Halsbur y Laws Of M'sia V 21 Reissue 2006 900 1,220.00 MLJ SDN BHD M'sian Crt Frm - Iss 49 330 330.00 3,380.00 1,215.00 73 16TH ANNUAL GEN ERAL MEETING MLJ SDN BHD MLJ SDN BHD MLJ SDN BHD MLJ Consl Idx 2003-2005 T able Idx 330 Halsbur y Laws Of M'sia V 14 Reiss 2006 900 Halsbur y Laws Of M'sia V 6 (1) Reiss 2006 900 M'sian Prece & Frms-Vol C-Noter Up'06 336 Halsbur y Laws Of M'sia V 17 Reiss 2006 900 MLJ 2006 Vol 7 Bnd 300 Halsbur y Laws Of M'sia Curr Sr vc 11 2006 250 M'sian Crt Fms - Iss 50 350 Halsbur y Laws Of M'sia V 19 Reiss 2007 900 1,250.00 1,850 1,850.00 MLJ SDN BHD MLJ 2007 MLJ SDN BHD Halsbur y Laws Of M'sia Curr Sr vc 12 2007 250 M'sian Crt Fms - Iss 51 375 M'sian Prece & Frms-Vol A-Noter Up'07 650 Halsbur y Laws Of M'sia V 9 (2) Reiss 2007 900 Atkin's Court F ms Iss 52 -20 Sept 07 450 MLJ SDN BHD MLJ SDN BHD MLJ SDN BHD Halsbur y Laws Of M'sia V 7 (1) Reiss 2007 900 Halsbur y Laws Of M'sia V 7 (2) Reiss 2007 900 Halsbur y Laws Of M'sia V 13 Reiss 2007 900 Halsbur y Laws Of M'sia V 9 (1) Reiss 2007 900 Halsbur y Laws Of M'sia V 22 Reiss 2007 900 M'sian Prece & Frms-Vol E-Noter Up'07 700 MLJ 2008 PTS Onl y Subn MLJ SDN BHD 1,850 330.00 1,800.00 1,786.00 625.00 2,000.00 2,700.00 4,350.00 Atkin's Crt Fms M'sia Iss 53 380 Halsbur y Laws Of M'sia V 8 Reiss 2007 900 1,280.00 Total: 69,590.10 BUILD ING It is a huge step, and in the right direction, to be able to buy a building of our own. However as with any other building the Selangor Bar building also needed attention as there were repairs needed to be done and it has to be maintained regularly. 74 16TH ANNUAL GEN ERAL MEETING There were several problems which needed to be rectified. Some of the problems are electrical and wiring problems at the first and second floors of the building. The toilets on the ground floor have experienced serious plumbing problems. The pipe from the 1st floor was leaking and the ceiling had water stains and it finally gave way. There was backflow of smelly and dirty water. There were also termite infestations in the ground floor bathroom doors. All the problems were given due attention and all faults were rectified accordingly. Note of Thanks I wish to record my appreciation to the members of the Selangor Bar for voting me into the committee and giving me an opportunity to serve my learned brothers and sisters in the very profession of which I am proudly a member. I wish to also thank the Chairman, Committee members and the staff of the secretariat for their valuable input, guidance and hard work. Report submitted by : A. G. KALIDAS Hon.Secretary Of Selangor Bar & Chairperson Of Finance, Secretariat & Library SubCommittees 75 16TH ANNUAL G ENERAL MEETING SUB- COM MITTEE REP ORTS SOCIAL, CHARITY & WELFARE Chairperson Co- Chairperson : : Suzanawati Ism ail Suraj Singh Members : Zain uddin Bin Abdul Razak Haslin a Bt Mohd Nor Aziana Bt Abu Salim Bin Bash ir Shariah Bt Abu Ex-officio : RV Lin gam A. G. Kalidas Suzanawati Ismail Suraj Singh For year 2007 – 2008, I was made chairperson for this comm ittee, and in m anagin g a practice of my own, wife and mother, I am very well awar e of the arduo us task ahead of m e in r unnin g this com mittee, but it nev er dampened m y spir it to pull m y strength together to make it a successf ul com mittee. My immediate work was to organise the custom ary event of Selan gor Bar, that is the Malam Suai Mesra, wh ich I adjectively branded as “Retro-Nite”, that took off on 25/5/2007. The response was goo d an d recor d br eaking in term s of m em bers particip ation. Cr edit also ought to be given to my Co-chair, Mr. Suraj Singh in helpin g me to or ganise an d m ore so in talent scouting for the Ban d gro up that entertained the cro wd on that Nite’. There was particip ation of fellow members from other state Bars, members of Judiciary ( 3 High Co urt Judges ), an d members of governm ent. Annual Dinner and Dance nd Selangor Ann ual Dinner & Dan ce was hosted on 2 Novem ber 2007 at Concorde Hotel, Shah Alam. It was enco uraging to note the particip ation of m ember s an d government officials. We had a sitting High Co urt Judge, a form er Court of Appeal Judge and State Legal adviser as our guest of Honour. W e had the privilege of welcomin g the Bar pr esident her self to grace the occassion and deliver her maiden speech, in Selangor Bar, since sh e was elected the Bar president. Neger i Sem bilan Roy al Cultural gro up added flavour to the event, it was an excellent cult ural perform ance an d the stand- up comedian “Helmi the Gim mic” performed with his usual cro sscultural jokes and son gs. We m anage to secure a lot of sponsor s from members and corpor ate bodies like Puncak Niaga and Sy abas (M). The event was reported by som e dailies. In short, it was memorable event that left a lastin g im pression on some of us. Visit to Children Ward, HTAR, Klang This event was jointly organised with Syariah Sub- Com mittee and was held on 23/1/2008 at 10.00 a.m . There were about 100 patients with diff erent illn ess. We en gaged a clo wn to entertain them 76 16TH ANNUAL G ENERAL MEETING and presented with gifts from lawyer s. We also donated books an d m agazines given by sponsors Karangkraf an d Galeri Ilm u. It was a gr eat success and there was a con siderable interest by m em ber s of the legal profession. Fam ily Day It was a jointly event with the sports sub- comm ittee an d was held on 4/8/2007. At fir st we p lanned for a separ ate fam ily day, health campaign and jum ble sale but because of busy a schedule, we thought it would be better to com bine this ev ent. There were other visits plann er for example, Visit to Sri Ken an gan Old Folk Hom e an d Rum ah Kebajikan Ten gku Budriah but due to their renovation in process, the plan s have to be aban doned and hop e f uture comm ittee will take it from where we off. Note of Thanks Members, I hav e tried my utmost best to serve the State Bar on this portfolio given, an d I believe som e progress an d chan ges have been made on som e fronts, and my sincere apo lo gy on any shortcomings. I like to take this opport unity to thank Chairman an d fello w friends in the main com mittee for their co-operation, to m y sub-committee mem bers an d secr etariat staff for their hardwork and dedication in m akin g every event successf ul, an d last but not least the Bar members for your support and tr ust given to me. Thank you. Report submitted by: SUZANAWATI ISM AIL Chairperson, Social, Welfar e & Char ity Sub-Comm ittee 77 16TH ANNUAL G ENERAL MEETING SUB- COMMITTEE REPORTS SPORTS Chairperson : Co-Chairperson : Logendran Alvin Neo Advisor : K.Puspalin gam Mem bers : Danendra Markandu Dev Anand Pillai Johanna Solomon Law How Chong Marian Nisha Supaya Mohan Ramakrishnan Muhamm ad Rafique Rashid Ali Murali Velautham Ng Sor Peng Norhisham uddin Mohd Nordin Norm ala Mohammad Mukhtar Ponm alar Rodzim Zaim y Sandosh Anandan Savinderjeet Kaur V Kir upakaran V Pavani Yesotha Nathan Ex-officio : RV Lingam A.G. Kalidas Logend ran Alvin Neo The Sports Sub-Com mittee has been active since the beginning of the year 2007 with activit ies/sports events, organised by the mem bers. The committies activities for the year 2007/2008 so far are:1. SELANGO R BAR C UP The tournam ent was graced by the fans of the English Premiership clubs nam ely Manchester United, Liverpool and Arsenal. The teams com prised of mem bers of the Bar who supports the three teams and they turned up in full force for the tournament. The fans of Manchester United team walked away as cham pions. The event was organised at the Petaling Jaya (Old Town) field. 2. SELANGO R/NEGERI SEMBILAN G AM ES SERIES These games were held in Serem ban, where the Negeri Sem bilan played host this year. A total of 7 games were played an d Negeri Sembilan team emerged as the overall winner with a score of 4-3. 3. SELANGO R LAW GAMES 2007 The event was held on 4/8/2007 at UITM Shah Alam sports com plex. This games were hosted jointly by the Polis DiRaja Malaysia (PDRM) Selan gor, Mahkamah Selangor, UITM Shah Alam and Selan gor 78 16TH ANNUAL G ENERAL MEETING Bar Com mittee. A total of 6 gam es were played and PDRM Selangor emerged as the overall cham pion. Finally, the sports sub-committee wish to thank all the m embers who have participated and assisted in organising the above mentioned events. Report submitted by: LOG ENDRAN Chairperson, Sports Sub-Comm ittee 79 16 TH ANNUAL G ENERAL M EETING SUB- COM MITTEE REP ORTS SELANGOR BAR REPRESENTATIVE'S George Varughese This term Selangor Bar had t wo member s in the Bar Council ( BC) namely the Chairman an d the undersigned. At the first BC m eeting I was elected as the Treasurer. The Selan gor Bar Chairm an was appointed as Chairm an of the Law Reform & Special Areas Com mittee and Dep uty Chairm an of the LawCare Fun d Managem ent Comm ittee, and I was appointed to chair the Finance an d Sports Committees. I also served in the PII and the Malaysian Law Conf erence Com mittees and the No Fault Liability Ad Hoc Comm ittee. To up date member s of the activities of the BC, besides the regular publications and circulars, Gener al Statem ents and Decisions were publish ed after every BC m eetin g to keep the members informed of the activities and decision s of the BC. The following are som e of the more important activities, issues and decisions todate: (i) BC Walk Abouts – In order to reach o ut to m embers, the BC decided to do a “Walk Abo ut” in all the states to inform member s of the latest happ enings at the Bar, to explain the position taken on various issues an d m ore importantly to get members’ feedback, their needs an d concerns. These Walk Abo uts were in deed an eye opener an d en abled the BC to serve the members better as the problems an d requir em ents of members varied from state to state. In view of fin ancial position of the BC the office bearer did the Walk Abo uts at their o wn expense; (ii) Professional Standards Course (PSC) - to im prove the declinin g standards of pupils, the new PSC was implemented for p upils replacing the Ethics Lecture Course; (iii) Workshops - one- day workshop s on management of law firms, managem ent of clients’ acco unt, risk m anagement etc were con ducted to enhan ce the lev el of knowledge and professionalism among m em ber s especially for members intendin g to start their own practice; (iv) Malaysia International Islamic Financial Centre (MIFC ) - Bank Negara Malay sia is proposing amendm ents to the Legal Profession Act to perm it the entry of foreign lawy ers to practise Islamic finance an d cap ital markets laws either by way of a foreign law firm without any local p artner or a Joint Law Venture (JLV). The BC’s position is that entry of foreign lawyers shall be only by way of JLVs with local lawyer s and the JLVs sh all only be permitted to engage in certain p erm itted practice ar eas. BC will also focus on Islamic bankin g and finance education to enhance the expertise of our members to make them m ore com petitive and to develop this area of pr actice. The BC is 80 16 TH ANNUAL G ENERAL M EETING no w conducting a Diplom a in Islamic Law (Islamic Banking) (Executive) co urse with the International Islam ic Univ ersity Malaysia; (v) (vi) Review of Judicial Crisis – an indepen dent panel of eminent persons will be established to review the 1988 Judicial Crisis and is expected to comm ence in early 2008; Am endment to the Legal Profession (Amendment) Act 2006 – the further amendm ents m ay possibly be tabled durin g the next sitting of Parliament; (vii) CTO S – Bank Negara confirmed that law f irm s should not comply with their clients’ instructions to supply information to CTOS; (viii) Appointment of Dr Badariah Sahamid – The Feder al Court by a majority decision dism issed the BC’ s suit seekin g a declaration on the issue of wh ether a per son appointed as a Judicial Com missioner, ought to have been in practice for 10 years preceding his/h er appointment by virtue of Article 122 AB of the Federal Con stitution read together with Article 123. The BC at its monthly meeting in Jan uary 2008 decided to seek a review of the abov e decision; (ix) Rights of Audience in the Industrial C ourts of Sabah and Sarawak – Advocates and Solicitors were required by the Sabah an d Sarawak Immigr ation Departm ents to obtain ad hoc adm ission to the Sabah/Sar awak Bar as a pre-r equisite to any application for work pass. After the annual dialo gue with MITI, a letter has been sent to the Immigration Departm ent conveying the stand of the Attorney General’s Chamber s and MITI that work pass should be granted as a matter of cour se upon pro duction of a letter from the Industrial Co urt; (x) IRB Ruling – From 2008, PII pr emiums is allo wed as a deductible item for income tax purposes. The BC is follo win g up with the IRB for confirmation that all PII premiums includin g pr em ium s for top-up are deductible; (xi) Walk for Justice – Following the revelation of the inf am ous video clip, the BC th organised the Walk for Justice on 26 September 2007 to ur ge the gov ernment to set up an Indepen dent Judicial Com mission to enquire into the contents of the video tape and to make recom mendation to im prove the judiciary an d to set up a Comm ission on Judicial Appointm ents. At the en d of the walk the office bear ers deliv ered t wo memorandums in respect of the sam e to the Prim e Minister’s office. A video documentary of the W alk as well as other challen ges faced by the Bar througho ut its history will be launch ed in early 2008; (xii) 14 Malaysian Law Conference – The biennial law conference focussin g on 50 years of indepen den ce an d the constitution at the Kuala Lumpur Conv ention Centre from 29 th31 st October 2007 was in deed a success. The SBC spon sored 24 m embers to particip ate in this Conferen ce; (xiii) La wNet – The LawNet Serv ices was officially launched during the Malay sian Law Confer ence an d nationwide road trips ar e being or ganised to other States to raise awar eness of this Service; (xiv) Memorandum s – The BC inter alia pr esented/for war ded memorandums in respect of the follo win g m atters: th 81 16 TH ANNUAL G ENERAL M EETING (a) Prevention & Protection Against Fraudulent land Transactions – proposing am endments to sections 187 B an d 340(3) an d (4) of the National Lan d Co de; (b) Taxand Malay sia Sdn Bh d the consultants for Malaysian Bar made repr esentations in resp ect of income reco gnition for tax purposes to the IRB; (c) Proposed Constr uction In dustry, Payment and Adjudication Act; (d) The authenticity of the video clip to the Special Indepen dent Panel ; (e) The proposed No Fault Liability Sch eme (xv) La w Reform/Legislations – The BC was involved in the follo win g: (a) Draft Regulation for the Buildin g and Comm on Property (Maintenance & Managem ent) Act 2007; (b) Amendments to the Industrial Relations Act 1967 In view of the curr ent financial position, details of which ar e in the BC Annual Report, the BC will be tabling a motion to increase the annual subscription payable by m em bers. There were 11 BC m onthly meetings and 3 Special Meetin g up to time of this report. The attendance r ecord for the sam e are as follows: R. V. Lingam - 10 George Var ugh ese - 14 This term has indeed been hectic an d trying, jugglin g bet ween managing a sm all firm , serving the SBC an d as a BC office bear er, but thoroughly enjoyin g the ch allenge an d experien cin g im mense satisfaction from it, all at the sam e time. For this I thank the mem bers of Selan gor Bar for giving me this opportunity to continue servin g the Bar. Last but not in any way the least, I wish thank my colleagues in the Com mittee for all the support and encouragement and the staff for all the assistance ren der ed during the year. Report submitted by: George Varughese Selangor Bar Repr esentative to the Bar Council 2007-2008 82 16TH ANNUAL GEN ERAL MEETING No Date / Day / Time/Venue Events Remarks FEBRUARY 1 27th - Tuesday, 3.00pm Kela b Sha h Alam 15th AGM Selangor Bar Committee Meeting ended at 6.50 p.m. MARCH 2 5th – Monday, 5.00pm Selangor Bar Conference Room 1st Committee Meeting Meeting ended at 7.00 p.m. 3. 20th -Tuesday, 2.30 p. m. 5.30 p.m. Selangor Bar Conference Room 1st Introduction Session 2nd Committee Meeting Addressed by Mr. Murali Meeting ended at 9.30 p.m. APRIL 4. 10th -Tuesday, 5.30 p. m. Selangor Bar Conference Room 3rd Committee Meeting Meeting ended at 9.15 p.m. 5. 16th - Monday, 2.30 p.m. PJ Court Courtesy call with the PJ Court. Report by Ms. Kuna. 6. 20th - Friday, 3.00 p.m. Courtesy call with the Klang Court. Report by Ms. Kuna. 7. 24th - Tuesday, 2.00 p. m. Sg. Buloh Prison Courtesy call with the Pengarah, Penjara Sg Buloh. Report by Mr. Suraj MAY 8. 04th -Friday, 2.45 p.m. Mahka ma h Sesyen, Shah Ala m Courtesy call with the Shah Alam Sessio ns Court Report by Ms. Kuna. 9. 04th -Friday, 5.30 p.m. Selangor Bar Conference Room 4th Committee Meeting Meeting ended at 8.30 p.m. 10. 12th-Saturday, 9.00 a.m. Padang 10, Petaling Jaya Selangor Bar Cup (Football) Report by Mr. Logen 11. 24th- Thursday, 9.30 a. m Meeting with Lembaga Has il Dala m Negeri Report by Ms. Sumathi 12. 25th - Friday, 7.30 p.m. Shah's Village Hotel, PJ Malam Sua i Mesra/Retro Nite Report by Puan Suzana Talks o n "An Overview Understanding Of: The Strata Titles (Amendment) Act 2007, The Housing Development (Control & Licensing) (Amendment) Act 2007 And The Building & Commo n Properties (Maintenance And Management) Act 2007" by Ms. Sumathi, Ms. Grace, Ms. Shunita, Mr. Mohan, Cik Noor Suhaila a nd Mr. Sando sh Family Day, Health Campaign & J umble Sale Report by Ms. Sumathi / Mr. Alvin Neo Courtesy call with the CPO Report by Mr. Suraj JUNE 13. 1st - Friday, 3.00 p.m. Selangor Bar Auditorium 14. 1st - Friday 15. 4th - Monday, 3.00 p.m. Ibu Pejabat Polis Kontijen Report by Puan Suzana 83 16TH ANNUAL GEN ERAL MEETING 16. 5th -Tuesday, 5.30 p. m. Selangor Bar Conference Room 5th Committee Meeting Meeting ended at 8.45 p.m. 17. 8th - Friday, 3.00 p.m. Mahka ma h Sesyen, Ampang Courtesy call with the Ampang Sessions Court Report by Ms. Kuna 18. 12th - Tuesday, 9.30 a.m. Pejabat Pengarah Imigresen Ng.Sel Courtesy call with the Pengarah, Imigration Selangor Report by Mr. Suraj 19. 15th - Friday, 3.00 p.m. Mahka ma h Persekutua n Malaysia, Putrajaya 20th - Wednesday, 2.30 p.m. Selangor Bar Auditorium Courtesy call with the Chief Justice Report by Ms. Kuna Talks o n "E-Filling a nd E- Stamping" by Officers of Lembaga Has il Dalam Negeri Selangor Report by Ms. Sumathi 29th - Friday, 2.30 p.m. Selangor Bar Auditorium Talks o n "Banking Litigatio n-Foreclosure Proceedings" by Mr. Suresh Sachinatha n Report by Mr. Murali 20. 21. JULY 22. 11th -Wednesday, 5.30 p.m. Selangor Bar Conference Room 6th Committee Meeting Meeting ended at 9.00 p.m. 23. 11th -Wednesday, 2.30 p.m. Jabatan Kimia, Petaling Jaya Courtesy call with the Pengarah Jabatan Kimia, Dato Khalid Bin Safan Report by Mr. Suraj 24. 13th & 14th - Friday & Saturday, 8.00 a.m. Seremban, Negeri Sembilan 20th -Friday, 2.30 p.m. Selangor Bar Auditorium Malacca/Negeri Sembilan vs Sela ngor Bar Tripartite Games Report by Mr. Logen 2nd Introduction Session Addressed by Mr. Murali 27th - Friday, 2.30 p.m. Selangor Bar Auditorium Talks o n "Bankruptcy-Its effect and the Law" by Ms. Tejinderpal Kaur Report by Mr. Murali 25. 26. AUGUST 27. 3rd - Friday, 2.30 p.m. Selangor Bar Auditorium Talks o n "Conversion of a spo use in a Non-Muslim Marriage" by Mr. Balwant Singh Sidhu Report by Mr. Alvin Neo 28. 4th - Saturday, 8.00 a.m. UITM Sports Complex Shah Ala m Report by Mr. Logen 29. 9th -Thursday, 5.30 p.m. Selangor Bar Conference Room Selangor Law Games And Family Day Tripartite/Q uadrangular Games & The Judges Trophy (Uitm/Judiciary/Police//SBC) 7th Committee Meeting 30. 20th - Monday, 2.30 p.m. Jabatan Peguam Negara, Putrajaya Courtesy call with the Attorney General, Y.B Tan Sri Abdul Gani Bin Patail Report by Ms. Kuna 31. 17th - Friday, 4.00 p.m. Balai Polis Kuala La ngat Courtesy call with the OCPD Daerah Kuala La ngat, Banting, Supt. Tn. Zulkifli Bin Mohama d Report by Mr. Suraj 32. 27th - Monday, 3.00 p.m. Pusat Biro Bantuan Guaman, Sha h Alam 28th - Tuesday, 2.30 p. m. Selangor Bar Auditorium Meeting with the Director, En. Mazlan Bin Jamaludin Report by Mr. A G Kalidas Talks o n "ICT-Obstacles to the Future Development of Law" by Mr. Rajasekaran and Mr. Teh Tai Yong Report by Mr. Ng Chung Yee Dialogue-Bar Council Walk-Abouts/Dinner with Bar Council Members (Dialogue at Selangor Bar Auditorium a nd Dinner at Kelab Sha h Alam) National Law Awareness Report by Mr. A G Kalidas 33. Meeting ended at 9.35p.m. SEPTEMBER 34. 7th - Friday, 5.30 p.m. Selangor Bar Auditorium 35. 8th- Saturday - 9.00 a.m. Dewan MPS, Taman Gomba k Report By Mr. Rajpal 84 16TH ANNUAL GEN ERAL MEETING 36. 37. 17th- Monday,2.30 p.m. Bilik Mesyuarat Bunga Raya, Petaling Land Office 19th- Wednesday,10.00 a.m Meeting with the Petaling Land Office Report By Ms Sumathi Courtesy Call On State Legal Adviser, Datuk Zauya h (SUK, Shah Ala m) Report By Ms Kuna OCTOBER 38. 1st - Monday, 5.30pm Selangor Bar Conference Room 8th Committee Meeting Meeting ended at 10.15p.m. 39. 22nd - Monday, 5.30pm Selangor Bar Conference Room 3rd Introduction Session 9th Committee Meeting Meeting ended at 7.30p.m. 40. 29th - 31st - Monday - Wednesday Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre 14th Malaysian Law Conference Report by Mr. R V Lingam NOVEMBER 41. 2nd - Friday, 7.30 p. m. Concorde Hotel, Shah Alam Annual Dinner and Dance Report by Puan Suzana 42. 14th - Wednesday, 9.30 a.m. Bilik Mesyuarat Gemilang 1, Bangunan SSAAS, Shah Ala m 16th - Friday, 4.30p.m. DPP Office, SUK, Shah Ala m Meeting with the Pengarah Pejabat Tanah Dan Galian Selangor Report By Ms Sumathi Courtesy call with the Ketua Unit Penda kwaan (DPP), Tuan Nik Suhaimi Bin Nik Sulaiman Report By Mr. Suraj 44. 21st - Wednesday, 4.00p.m. Selangor Bar Auditorium Forum on No Fault Liability Scheme Reported By Mr. R V Lingam 45. 23th - 25th - Friday - Sunday Kuching, Sarawa k 3D 2N - A trip to the High Court Complex of Kuching Report by Mr. Murali 46. 29th - Thursday, 5.30 pm Selangor Bar Conference Room 10th Committee Meeting Meeting ended at 8.50p.m. Meeting with the Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia Report By Ms. Sumathi Courtesy call with the Chief Justice of Malaya, Y.A.A. Dato' Alauddin Bin Dato' Mohd Sheriff Report By Ms Kunamony 43. DECEMBER 47. 48. 4th - Tuesday, 9.00 a.m. Bilik Mesyuarat Perdana, Komple ks Banguna n Kerajaan Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur 5th - Wednesday, 10.00 a.m. Pejabat Y.A.A., Istana Keha kima n Putrajaya JANUARY 49. 3rd - Thursday, 5.30p. m. Selangor Bar Conference Room 11th Committee Meeting Meeting ended at 8.45p.m. 50. 18th - 20th - Friday - Sunday City Bayview, Penang National Young Lawyers Convention Report by Mr. Murali / Mr. Ng Chung Yee 51. 18th - Thursday, 5.30 p.m. Selangor Bar Conference Room 12th Committee Meeting Meeting ended at 8.30p.m. 52. 23rd - Wednesday, 10.00a.m Hospital Besar Tengku Ampuan Rahima h, Klang, Selangor Visit to the Children's Ward Report by Puan Suzana 16th Annual General Meeting of Selangor Bar Meeting ended at FEBRUARY 53. 27th - Wednesday, 3.00p.m. Kelab Golf Sultan Abd. A ziz Sha h, Shah Ala m, Sela ngor 85 SELANGOR BAR COMMITTEE 41, Jalan Bola Jaring 13/15, Sectio n 13, 40100, Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel: 603-5519 6219 Fax: 603-5519 9037 Websit e: www.selangorbar.org Email: secretariat@sgorbar.org