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LIFE IN THE PARISH Sunday Eucharist Saturday at 7:00 pm, Sundays at 9:00 & 11:00 am Weekday Masses - Listed Inside Reconciliation (Confession) 1/2 hour prior to every Mass or by appointment Baptisms 3rd Sunday - Applications in the Parish Office. Marriage Six months notice and a marriage course required. Children’s Liturgy Children’s Liturgy at the 9:00 am Sunday Mass from Sept-June: ages 4-7 (3 yr. olds accompanied by parent) Call Shari Lorenz at 364-6916 Mass for Healing First Fridays of the month at 7:00 pm, Usually October to June Adoration Chapel Continuous Adoration from Mon. 9am until Saturday at 6 pm. Call Don at 364-1185 Bereavement Ministry Visiting, literature, informative sessions. Co-ordinator Mary Del Guidice Call the parish office. Ministry to the Sick & Aged Notify the parish office to arrange for a visit or the administering of the Sacraments. Catholic Women’s League (C.W.L.) Spirit-filled women praying, growing, serving, sharing. President: Diane McNichol 506-3609 Knights of Columbus (K of C) Grand Knight: Gary Fedy 364-4187 St. Vincent de Paul Society For assistance or information contact Parish Office Feast of Christ the King Light of Life Prayer Group Call Marie McGilvray 364-2729 Natural Family Planning Private consultation with a certified couple. Call Matt & Tracy Claassen 519-506-5665. Prayer Network Call Pat Murphy 379-3000 or Yvonne Gonder 369-2644 to relay prayer requests. Youth Ministry The Mustard Seeds: Youth (Gr. 8 - 12) Not Ashamed: Jr. Youth (Gr. 6 - 7) Altar Serving Ministry (Gr. 4 & up) Children’s Liturgy: 9 am Mass www.mseeds.net The Rosary Group Most weekdays following Mass Funeral & Burial Arrangements When death occurs in your family, please advise the parish immediately and we will assist you in making liturgical arrangements. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults RCIA group sessions beginning each September. RCIA is for adults who are interested in membership in the Roman Catholic Church. Please contact the Parish Office at 364-1973. Diocesan Vocation Director: Rev. W. Kuzma 905-528-7988 ext 2240, at the diocesan web site www.vocationinfo.ca. SCHOOL REGISTRATION For information, call Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board at 364-5820, or Holy Family Elementary School at 364-2760 or Sacred Heart High at 881-1900. For French Immersion call Immaculate Conception School, Formosa at 367-2900. Trustee: Robyn Garvey (Wiseman) 364-6155 Welcome to Holy Family Parish in Hanover, in the Diocese of Hamilton, Ontario 352 - 10th Ave. Hanover, On N4N 2N6 (519) 364-1973 Fax: 364-5671 E-Mail: info@holyfamily.ca Website: www.holyfamily.ca PASTOR: Rev. Gary Schlack, P.P. Youth Minister: Sam Zettel Pastoral Minister: Cheryl Chornaby Parish Secretary: Anne Rehkopf Parish Bookkeeper: Cheryl Chornaby Office Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:30-12, 1-4 pm Bulletin deadline: 4:00 pm Wednesday Parish Membership We encourage everyone who regularly shares in the Sunday Eucharist at our church to become a registered member. To register, please fill out a registration form found on the table in the narthex and drop it in the collection basket or drop by the parish office. Sunday Offering Envelopes or Pre-Authorized Remittance are available on request and will provide you with a year end income tax receipt for your church donations. Please advise the office of address changes. Mission - St. Anne’s, Chesley Catholic Women’s League (C.W.L.): President Jane Godin 363-2472 Knights of Columbus (K of C): Joe Walsh 363-2840 Rosary Group: Mary Biermans 363-3446 (meet every Tuesday morning) Reflect on Today’s Gospel 1. Re-read John 18: 33-37 2. How do you imagine your burial? Have you planned where you will be buried? 3. If someone would quote your words (just one sentence) at your graveside what would they be? MASS INTENTIONS November 23 - 29th, 2015 Tuesday Harvey Mann - Greg & Rose Armstrong 7:00 pm Fred & Marie Kaster - Rob Danny Craig - Melanie Intentions of Lisa Dulovic Gord Bowen - Ann Helwig Wednesday Harvey Mann 9:00 am Thursday Intentions of Donald Schnurr - Ann Helwig 7:00 pm Hilda Howes - Annie Aarts Nell Andriessen - Ria Pierik Intentions of Julie Brydie Munro & intentions of Isabelle MacDonald - J. & M. Dunne For Sale Friday 9:00 am 2016 Sunday Missals $4. Saturday 9:00 am Advent Issue of WORD Among Us Special Bulk Price $2. 1:00 pm Special Intention - Virginia & Gerald Hammar For conversion of loved ones & all parishioners Mass will be followed by exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Adoration, Rosary, Precious Blood Devotion for the above intention Mass of Christian Burial for Tess Keily SUNDAY LITURGIES - First Sunday of Advent Keep Christ in Christmas K of C Annual Christmas Card Campaign available after Masses this weekend and next. Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00 pm Location: St. Anne’s Chesley Harry Biermans Sr. - Mary & Family 7:00 pm Intentions of Marlene Gross - Greta Chalmers Sunday Masses 9:00 am Ken Schlosser - Pauline Dillon & Harold & Helen Weber 11:00 am For all the people of the parish Parish News 33 days to Morning Glory A few books remain available in the parish office, for those who would like to prepare themselves for consecration to Jesus through Mary. Cost: $5. An excellent way to enter “The Year of Mercy” Come for a fun evening December 12th: Families and youth are invited to bring a plate of Christmas treats (as well as their intellect) to our 2nd Annual Family Trivia Night, following evening Mass. Teams will answer trivia and perform feats of skill. Please register by contacting Sam. (Note: membership in the youth group is not required! Spread the word!) Adoration Chapel Two Hours needing a committed adorer: Saturday morning from 10 - 11 am and 11 - 12 noon. If you are interested in filling one of these hours, please contact Don at 364-1185. Catholic Women’s League Bake Sale Saturday, November 28th from 10 - 2 in the Holy Family School Gym Then, following the weekend Masses in the Lenhard Room. Drop off donations of baked goods Friday, or early Saturday morning please. Thank you for supporting the work of the Catholic Women’s League. Report on the Chili Supper - Thanks to all who supported the event. Proceeds of $1,426.25 were raised to assist with our Lighting Project. Campaign Life Christmas Cakes Large $25., Small $15. For sale following Mass this weekend or call Helen at 364-1185. CWL News November is Membership Month - pay your $25. annual due before month end and receive a chance to WIN a year’s membership! Regardless of how involved you can be, your membership fee supports many great works, parish projects and contributes to a strong voice across Canada. New to the parish? All Ladies Invited to come out to our Christmas Dinner and enjoy league sisterhood. Membership Questions Contact Geraldine at 363-9690. Catholic Women’s League Christmas Dinner - Wed. December 9th Mass at 5 pm, Supper to follow. Tickets ($15.) on Sale Nov. 21/22nd & Nov 28/29th. ALL LADIES WELCOME! The K of C Annual Christmas Card Campaign selling religious cards is coming up. The Knights will be selling religious Christmas Cards after weekend Masses Nov.21 & 22 and Nov. 28 & 29. Mark your calendar - Advent Memorial Mass On Thursday, Dec. 17th at 7 pm we will have a Parish Advent Memorial Mass. We invite all parishioners to come out and join in this celebration of love, remembering those who have died this year, and supporting those who are grieving their loss. Families of those who have had a loved one die in 2015, (or late 2014) are invited to bring a photo of their loved one to place at the front of the Church. Advent Angel Tree of Life 2015 Next weekend we will put up our Advent Angel Tree of Life. We will place hand crafted angels on it, silver ones with the names of those who received baptism during the year and gold ones with the names of those who we celebrated the Mass of Christian Burial. We invite parishioners to submit names of family who have received baptism at other parishes, and loved ones who have died in 2015. We will include an angel on the tree for them as well, and following the fourth Sunday of Advent and/or the Memorial Mass December 17th, you may take the angels home to place them on your Christmas Tree. Contact the parish office to submit names. Reconciliation Service - Sacred Heart Walkerton Please join us for a Community Reconciliation Service, Thursday, November 26th at 7:00 p.m. Please pick up Offering Envelopes for 2016. Those who are currently using envelopes will have a box prepared with their name on it. There are additional boxes available for new users. PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance) can also be set up for those who prefer a monthly direct withdrawl. Pick up a PAR registration form or contact the parish office. Special Collections packages are available for PAR users. Thank you for your church support. It is needed and appreciated. Ministries Schedules Gift Bearers Next Weekend 7:00 pm - Janice & Larry Weishar & Family 9:00 am - JGlenn & Cheryl Miller 11:00 am - Irene & Frank Symonds Scripture Readings for the Week Mon: Dn 1:1-6, 8-20; Dn 3:52-56; Lk 21:1-4 Tues: Dn 2:31-45; Dn 3:57-61; Lk 21:5-11 Wed: Dn 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28; Dn 3:62-67; Lk 21:12-19 Thurs: Dn 6:12-28; Dn 3:68-74; Lk 21:20-28 Fri: Dn 7:2-14; Dn 3:75-81; Lk 21:29-33 Sat: Dn 7:15-27; Dn 3:82-87; Lk 21:34-36 Sun: Jer 33:14-16; Ps 25:4-5, 8-10, 14; 1 Thes 3:12 — 4:2; Lk 21:25-28, 34-36 Children’s Liturgy Corner The Children’s Liturgy Program Serves Our Faith Community at the Sunday 9 am Mass Next week is the 1st Sunday of Advent. We will talk about how we can prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus! For children interested in participating in the Christmas Eve Drama, there will be a meeting after 9am Mass on December 9th. What’s Happenin’ in Youth Ministry Upcoming events: Saturday December 5th: Snacks, Board Games and Free Skating following the Parade! Everyone welcome. Offering Envelopes or PAR (pre-authorize remittance) December 12th: Families and youth are invited to bring a plate of Christmas treats (as well as their intellect) to our 2nd Annual Family Trivia Night, following evening Mass. Teams will answer trivia and perform feats of skill. Please register by contacting Sam. (Note: membership in the youth group is not required! Spread the word!) Call the parish office. Last Weekend’s Holy Family Church Regular 3828.20 Light Project 1850.00 Building 54.00 5732.20 Hamilton Diocesan Prayer Calendar Join in praying for the following this week: 302 issued, 159 envelopes used last wkend We also have 32 P.A.R. contributors who have set up a monthly direct withdrawl for their church support. Thank you. Thurs: Rev. James Link Fri: Rev. Chris Buda, C.R. Sat: Rev. Tony O’Dell, OMI Touch of Humour Not much of a baker? I read recipes the same way I read science fiction. I get to the end and think, “Well, that’s not going to happen.” Pick up baking next weekend at our Bake income tax receipt. Church Support www.mseeds.net Meet God, Make Disciples, Move Mountains Mon: Rev. Drago Gacnik, SDB Tues: Rev. Peter Ciallella, CS Wed: Discalced Carmelite Fathers can be set up at any time and will provide you with an Sale! St. Anne’s Church Regular Your church offering is necessary & appreciated. May the Lord bless you 100 fold. 321.00 Thank you for your generosity! C.A.R.S. We thank the following businesses for supporting the production of our bulletin. Travis Rivest Enterprises Inc. Unique, Affordable, Fabulous Fashion For Women Downtown Hanover (Across from Beckers Shoes) Open Tuesday to Saturday 519-506-8588 Find us on Facebook! Bas Phone: (519) 364-2380 1-800-535-0734 519-506-2287 Hardscapes Landscaping Design & Construction Retaining & Rockwalls Flagstone & Natural Stone Unilock Patio Walkways & Driveways Pond Water Features Call Travis Pergolas (519)372-8354 Decks 640 13th Ave Hanover, ON N4N 2X1 Ministry (Christian Automotive Repair Service) See brochure in the Narthex for more details. Barristers, Solicitors & Notaries Public • Real Estate/Mortgages • Corporate/Commercial Law • Family Law • Wills & Estates Hanover Office 519-364-4720 Walkerton Office 519-881-2441 www.hickslaw.ca Helping you renovate inside & out! kets… 519.367.5700 insideoutrenovations.ca sales@insideoutrenovations.ca Creating Smiles… for all occasions Leather and Suede coats and jackets cleaned and refinished to look new! We’re still getting ready for Christmas! Come take a sneak peek at www.BasketsByMe.com to see what will be coming soon! 519-369-3790 RR #3 Hanover Home Auto Farm Commercial Life Your Best Insurance Is An Insurance Broker Pat Murphy Craig, McDonald, Reddon Ins. Brokers Ltd. Sales Representative WILFRED McINTEE & CO. LIMITED 208 - 10th St. Hanover, ON N4N 1N7 Office: 519-364-3711 Res: 519-364-2268 Cell: 519-379-3000 10% of my proceeds are donated to seminarian support. Saugeenview Family Getaway B & B 1645 Bruce Rd 10, RR #3, Chesley Located in the Heart of Scone A weekend getaway makes a great gift idea! Call Nancy Boerkamp 467 - 10th St. Suite 200 Hanover, On N4N 1R3 Email: mikecraig@cmrinsurance.com Website: www.crminsurance.ca 1-800-282-1915 Larry Grummett If it’s insurance, we offer it! 517-10th Street Hanover, ON N4N 1R4 Tel: 519-364-5354 INSURANCE Broker Ltd. Jeff Schlosser Licenced Insurance Broker 519-270-6003 Farm http://www.bbcanada.com/saugeenviewbb 16 acres - All Season Fun & Adventure, Great Food! 519-364-3540 519-369-2935 cial mer Com Combine Home & Auto = Big Savings Construction & Renovation Services / Insulated (ICF) & Traditional Concrete Foundations Walkways, Patios & Decks Landscape / Retaining Walls & Interlock Construction AMBROSE GARVEY Sales Representative Office: (519) 364-4700 Home: (519) 799-5558 Cell: (519) 379-SOLD (7653) E-mail: sold@bmts.com If you’re looking to sell or buy property . . . The Property Shoppe Real Estate Brokerage 443 10th St. Hanover N4N 1P8 Fax: 519-364-0700 Res: 519-364-0323 E-mail:jeff@broker.ca www.broker.ca Auto Drivers Under 25 Great Rates 25 Come by and see us - Paul, Chyrille & Andy Lehman at 425 10th St., Hanover 519-364-4479 & at 7 Victoria St. Walkerton 519-507-4479 Catholic Schools - Education With A Difference Bruce-Grey Catholic Schools offer our students SPECIALISTS in TRANSMISSIONS and DRIVE LINES Automatics - Standards - Differentials - Clutches Front Wheel Drives - 4 Wheel Drives - Domestic & Imports Rods, Customs & Classics Welcome! 033106 Grey Rd 28 (Drive In Rd), Hanover (519) 364-2515 Catholic Education Centre 364-5820 An education that builds upon the partnerships established with our parishes and communities Discipline and Safe Schools policies rooted in Gospel Values Commitment to learning - based upon Catholic Graduate Expectations French Immersion and Instrumental Music programs along with a wide range of cocurricular activities in the Arts and Athletics Tel- 519-364-2568 Cell-519-373-1823 Email:daves.fixall@gmail.com Dave Schellenberger - Hanover, On
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