ST. JOHN VIANNEY PARISH February 21, 2016
ST. JOHN VIANNEY PARISH February 21, 2016
Page 1 ST. JOHN VIANNEY PARISH 2415 BAGLEY STREET ~ FLINT, MICHIGAN 48504-4613 ~ PHONE: 810.235.1812 CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF FLINT St. John Vianney St. Mary St. Matthew St. Michael OUR MISSION We, the faith community of St. John Vianney, are called by God to be a people of prayer, to live the Word, and to celebrate the Sacraments. We commit ourselves to become a warm and welcoming community, reaching out to others in need. By calling forth the varieties of gifts, talents and ministries, we seek to provide an open environment with opportunities for all to grow in holiness and loving service. Rev. Fr. Tom Firestone, Pastor Fr. James Mangan, Parochial Vicar Fr. Zachary Mabee, Parochial Vicar Fr. Dan Kogut, Powers Chaplain Deacon Anthony Verdun, Sr. Deacon Paul Donnelly Youth Director: Maureen Kelsey Music Director: Meg Waddell Parish Financial Director: Jenny Snellgrose Administrative Coordinator: Melinda Holm Secretary: Cathy Wenzel Bulletin Editor: Pat Gardner School Office: Diane Deitering School Principal: Lara Daniel Day Care Center: Nancy Gallagher Parish Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 4 PM Websites Contact Information Fax SJV School Day Care Center Powers High School 235.4911 235.5687 234.9410 591.4741 Outreach Ministry N.E.W. Life Center 239.8710 Sr. Judy Blake & Sr. Carol Weber Angel’s Outreach Ministry 655.4059 Deacon Anthony & Susan Verdun Please call the Parish Office for Parish registration, Communion to shut-ins, anointing of the sick, funeral arrangements, Mass intentions, sacramental preparation for children not enrolled in the school and inquiries about becoming Catholic. Prayer Chain Ministry For spiritual, physical or emotional need. Please call Karen 732.7582 Pat 635.3716 Parish Office 235.1812 Confidential Reconciliation Saturday 3:30 PM Sunday 10:30 AM Eucharistic Liturgies Daily Mass: Monday- Friday: 10:30 AM Saturday: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM & 11:00 AM 7:00 PM February 21, 2016 Page Page 22 Saint John Vianney Parish MEN’S RETREAT The men of St. John Vianney Parish are scheduled for their annual retreat at St. Francis Retreat Center on March 4th through March 6th. The theme for Retreat 2016 is “Christ Is Counting On You: Deepening Your Relationship With Christ.” You may register by calling the Retreat Center at 866.669.8321 or you may register online at The suggested donation for the weekend is $145. LENTEN FISH DINNERS Don’t forget to support our Knights of Columbus who once again are offering their Lenten Baked Fish Dinners. Mac and Cheese dinners are also available. Dinners include fish, fries, cole slaw, bread and butter, dessert and drinks (coffee, tea, punch and water). CONFESSION TIME CHANGE During Lent, we will be offering two opportunities each weekend for confession at SJV. They will be at 3:30 PM on Saturday (before the 4 PM Mass) and at 10:30 AM on Sunday (before the 11 AM Mass). This will begin this weekend, February 13th & 14th. There will be no 5 PM confessions on Saturdays. PARISH SCHOLARSHIPS Parish scholarship forms are available for the 2016-2017 school year. Applications will be accepted for any parish children enrolling in St. John Vianney School or Powers High School. Forms are available in the church office; please stop by to pick yours up or call 235.1812 to have it mailed. Deadline to return it is April 8, 2016. CATHOLIC WOMEN’S SCHOLARSHIP The Daughters of Isabella, Regina Coeli Circle 1095, is offering two $500 scholarships to any Catholic woman seeking a higher education. Please call 810.744.1948. A special thank you to everyone who was here for me during my time of illness; for the prayers, cards and visits. Thank you to Mary for taking my place at the St. Luke Women’s Center, etc. There aren’t enough words to express how grateful I am. Thank you, thank you, thank you to Fr. Tom, Fr. Zachary and Deacon Tony. Josephine White OUR WEEKLY OFFERING FOR FEBRUARY 14, 2016 Stewardship of Treasure $4,805.00 Loose Collection 601.00 Children’s Stewardship ~ 16 Envelopes 31.00 Visitors ~ 30 Envelopes 406.00 Worldwide Evangelization Appeal 5.00 Black and Indian Collection 40.00 Ash Wednesday 575.00 Online Giving 1,716.00 Total Weekly Collection $8,179.00 St. Vincent de Paul $19.08 DSA 2016 COMMITMENT WEEKEND This weekend is our Diocesan Services Appeal Commitment Weekend. I invite all members of our parish community to join in support of our annual appeal. Our parish goal is $42,828. I would like to remind you that all paid pledge monies received, over and above our parish goal, will be returned to our parish for our local use here at SJV Parish. No gift is too small; every dollar donated helps us meet, and even exceed, our parish goal. You can submit your DSA pledge envelope during Mass this weekend or take your DSA envelope home, prayerfully consider your gift amount, and return your completed pledge form, in the DSA envelope, to our parish office. I encourage every one of our parish households to reflect on the many blessings we have received from the Lord and share these blessings through a generous gift to DSA. LENTEN SPEAKER SERIES BEGINS Please join us on Wednesday, February 24th, at 1 PM in the Social Hall as we begin our Lenten Speaker Series. Fr. James Mangan, Parochial Vicar of St. Matthew’s, will be our first speaker. His topic will be: “Fasting: Solidarity with the Suffering.” Fr. James will be speaking about how to move from fasting as simply a physical exercise of abstaining from food, to a spiritual exercise of uniting oneself with those who are suffering. Come learn how one’s fasting can become an act of love which empowers us to pray with our bodies for those who are most in need. OUT AND ABOUT St. Mark’s Goodrich Annual Spring Crop will be held on Friday and Saturday, March 11th and 12th. The event includes snacks, breakfast, lunch and dinner, lots of prizes and vendors. Contact Cindy at or call Sue at 248.627.3100. St. Robert’s Flushing CCW are hosting their 39th Annual Spring Craft Bazaar on Saturday, March 12th, from 9 AM - 4 PM. There are over 100 tables of Michigan-made items, along with baked goods, raffles and lunch. EASTER SHUT-IN TREE Christian Service would like to invite you to join us in extending our community to the individuals who are sick or shut-in and unable to attend Mass (due to extended age or medical conditions). This Lenten Season is a great time to take a small amount of time to send an Easter card to a shut-in. We need the names of individuals who would like their name included on the tree. If you have a family member or friend whom you would like included, please call the office at SJV and give them the name, address and phone number of the individual. We need to obtain permission to place their name on the tree. We are now calling individuals, so please call the office as soon as possible at 235.1812. Page 3 Saturday, February 20th 8:30 am-2:30 pm Faith Formation Class 4:30 pm Reconciliation Sunday, February 21st Parish Breakfast 9-11 am Confirmation Class 10:30 am Reconciliation 12 Noon Living Stations Practice Monday, February 22nd 5-8 pm Mercy Monday ~ Confessions at St. Matthew Parish 6:30 pm PPC Meeting 7 pm Commissions Tuesday, February 23rd 6 pm Cub Scouts 7 pm Financial Peace University 7 pm Generation Change Wednesday, February 24th 8 am St. Joseph Guild 1 pm Lenten Speaker Fr. James Mangan Thursday, February 25th 6:30 pm Choir Friday, February 26th Day of Abstinence 10:30 am School Mass 11 am-1 pm Grief Support Group 11:30 am Stations of the Cross/Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament until 4 pm 3:30-7 pm K of C Fish Bake Saturday, February 27th 4-8 pm YG Mass & Movie Night 4:30 pm Reconciliation Sunday, February 28th 10:30 am Reconciliation 12 Noon Living Stations Practice Altar Servers for This Week Adult: February 22nd ~ February 26th ~ Ann Saunders Saturday, February 27th, 4 PM Adam & Emma Burgess Sunday, February 28th, 8 AM Mike McCarthy and Michael Mulqueen Sunday, February 28th, 11 AM Gabriel, Adam, Julian & Alyssa Lovett Sunday, February 28th,7 PM Taylor, Nolan & Colin Lawrence MCLAREN MINISTRY February 21st Mike Brewer, Richard Black, Cindy McNea February 28th Connie McClanahan, John Kirk, Ethel Hooker “The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of those in it who are evil, but because of those who don’t do anything about it.” Albert Einstein Saturday, February 20th 3:30 pm Confessions 4:00 p.m. +Teresa Schaffer by Family Sunday, February 21st Second Sunday of Lent 8:00 a.m. +Bill Gardner by Dave & Liz Alunno 10:30 am Confessions 11:00 a.m. +Zachary Rivera by St. Elizabeth Guild 7:00 p.m. +Clarence Riedy ~ 35th Anniversary ~ by Family Monday, February 22nd 10:30 am +Bill Gardner by Hank & Mary Jo Thoma Tuesday, February 23rd 10:30 am Patrick Callahan by Maureen Wednesday, February 24th 10:30 am +Barbara Haggard by Shirley Seidel Thursday, February 25th 10:30 am +Doris Wenzel by Cathy Friday, February 26th School Mass Day of Abstinence 10:30 am +Stephen Borowicz by SJV School Staff 11:30 am Stations of the Cross Saturday, February 27th 3:30 pm Confessions 4:00 pm +Lorena Zeilinger by Family Sunday, February 28th Third Sunday of Lent 8:00 am All St. John Vianney Parishioners 10:30 am Confessions 11:00 am +Lola Mitchell by Michael Blain 7:00 pm +Imogene George by Ronnie Legutko U OF M CONCERT AT ST. MATTHEW’S On Tuesday, February 23rd, St. Matthew’s will be hosting the Wind Symphony and Chamber Singers from the University of Michigan Flint. The concert will begin at 7:30 PM in the church; tickets, which are $5, will be sold one half hour beforehand, at 7 PM. Bring friends and family as all are welcome for an evening to celebrate the beauty of music. ALTAR CARE Team 4 is scheduled for the week of February 22nd-February 26th
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ST. JOHN VIANNEY PARISH February 28, 2016
opportunities for all to grow in holiness and loving service.