The Parish Family of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
The Parish Family of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
The Parish Family of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Dedicated to Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ As We Honor the Past, Celebrate the Present, and Prepare for the Future. February 8, 2015 This Parish is Served by: Rev. Msgr. Ronald J. Marczewski, K.H.S., V.F. Pastor Rev. Msgr. Anthony J. Kulig, K.H.S. Pastor Emeritus Rev. Andrzej Kujawa, S.D.S., Parochial V icar Rev. Michael Barone, Parochial V icar Barbara Wawiorko Kerry G. Fryczynski Parish Trustees Marjorie Mierzejewski, Parish Secretary Debra Czerwienski, Director of Religious Education Dayle Vander Sande, Music Minister Sunday Masses: Weekday Masses: Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm Sundays: Monday to Saturday: 7:00 am 7:00 am (Polish) 8:00 am (Polish) 8::15 am (Except Thursday) 9:30 am Tuesdays - 7:00 PM (English) 10:45 am (Polish) Thursdays - 7:00 PM (Polish) 12:15 pm Rectory Office Hours; Monday to Thursday: Friday Saturday & Sunday: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm (Closed 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm) 9:00 am to 12:00 noon; (Closed Fridays June thru August) OFFICE CLOSED BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Parish Membership: We welcome new parishioners and ask that they register at the rectory as soon as possible. Our Parish School: We are part of an excellent co-sponsored elementary school: All Saints Academy. F or information call: 201-443-8384 Religious Education For Children: CCD classes are held every Sunday from September through April at 9:15 am. Classes are conducted in our school building. Rectory Telephone Numbers: Office: 201-339-2070 Fax: 201-339-3676 Confessions: Daily Monday to Saturday following the 7:00 am Mass. Saturday afternoons at 4:00 pm. Sacrament Of The Sick: Sick Calls or other Emergency Calls should be made to the rectory at any time. Arrangements can also be made for regular visitations at home or hospital for Holy Communion and/or Confession. We urge you to keep us aware of parishioners who are ill in the hospital or at home. Marriages: Please make arrangements at least one year in advance. Couples are urged to solemnize their vows at a Nuptial Mass. Baptisms: The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated each month on the First Sunday (in English) and on the Third Sunday (in Polish). A required Baptismal Program for Parents is conducted at 1:00 pm on the second Sunday of the month in Polish and on the last Sunday in English. Novenas: Every Thursday Evening to Divine Mercy following the 7:00 pm Mass. Parish Website Parish e-mail: 39 East 22nd Street, Bayonne, New Jersey 07002-3753 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 8, 2015 The LORD tells the number of the stars and calls them by name. — Psalm 147:4 5:00 PM + John & Josephine Mierzejewski (Marjorie) SUNDAY, February 8, 2015, NIEDZIELA 7:00 AM + Dr. John Koors (Marge Mierzejewski) 8:15 AM + Jean Romano (Family) 9:30 AM + Victor Bielen (Daughters & Family) 10:45 AM + Janina Błyszczek (Syn Henryk) 12:15 PM + Sonia & George Venner (Son, Daughter-in-law & Family) MONDAY, February 9, 2015, PONIEDZIAŁEK 7:00 AM + Genevieve Kulikowski (Robert Betkowski) 8:00 AM + Adele Cichetti (John Varnak) TUESDAY, February 10, 2015, WTOREK 7:00 AM + Rosemary Patufka (Cheryl & Ray Kurkowski) 8:00 AM + Ks. Gerard Lombardo (Claire & Steve) 7:00 PM + Charles Rosciszewski (Wife, Dorothy) WEDNESDAY, February 11, 2015, ŚRODA 7:00 AM + Sr. M. Juventia, CSSF (Great-nieces) 8:00 AM + Henry Clemens (Riley Family) THURSDAY, February 12, 2015, CZWARTEK 7:00 AM + Adele Grywalski (Family) 7:00 PM + Mary & John Goscinski (Grandchildren) FRIDAY, February 13, 2015, PIĄTEK 7:00 AM + Carol Joy & Angelina Setola (Joanne & Frank) 8:00 AM + Adam & Zofia Golda (Children & Grandchildren) SATURDAY, February 14, 2015, SOBOTA 7:00 AM + Porfirio Dio (Mila Dio Casstillo) 8:00 AM + Poksinski & Kozma Families (Cousin Dolores) 12:00 PM - Confirmation Spiritual Offerings February 8-14, 2015 CHURCH SANCTUARY LAMP + Helen Siostrewski ALTAR BREAD & WINE For the Homeless SACRED HEART CANDLE + Geraldine Andreano INFANT OF PRAGUE CANDLE Health Blessings for Pat Downes (Friends) DIVINE MERCY CANDLE + Rose C. Woolley (Mom & Dad Woolley) BLESSED MOTHER CANDLE + Isabella Leary (Barbara Kopacz) ST. JOHN PAUL, II, CANDLE Blessings in the New Year for Marjorie Mierzejewski (Julia & John Woolley) ST. JOSEPH CANDLE + Joseph Dziedzic (Helen Parjk) ST. JUDE CANDLE + Jean McKee (Daughter, Pat Suckiel) ST. THÉRÈSE CANDLE + Jean Romano (Family) 5:00 PM + Henry Rumian, Sr. (Wife, Pauline) SUNDAY, February 15, 2015, NIEDZIELA 7:00 AM + Ks. Gerard Lombardo (M. Mierzejewski) 8:15 AM + Poksinski & Family (Cousin Dolores) 9:30 AM + Helene Zdyb (Richard Bielen) 10:45 AM + Aleksander Popowski z rodziny (Wife & Children) 12:15 PM - Pillars of Mount Carmel Our Grateful Tithe to God: Feb. 1, 2015 Regular: $ 4,793.00 Maintenance: $ 2,951.00 We thank all our parishioners for their generous support of our parish! Bóg Zapłać! Our Week Sunday, February 8, 2015: St. John Paul II Society Selling Raffle Tickets for Shop Rite Cash Awards Monday, February 9, 2015: Ruch Rodzin Nazaretańskich- 6:00 PM Tuesday, February 10, 2015: Seniors - 12:00 PM Cub Scouts - 7:00 PM Thursday, February 12, 2015: Youth Group - 6:30 PM Boy Scouts - 7:30 PM Friday, February 13, 2015: Confirmation - Practice & Confession—8:00 PM Saturday, February 14, 2015: Confirmation - 12:00 PM Saturday– Sunday, February 14-15,, 2015: St. John Paul II Society Selling Raffle Tickets for Shop Rite Cash Awards Sunday, February 15, 2015: No CCD Religious Education Registration. March 8, 15, 22 CCD Registration for Grades Pre-K though 8 for next year’s program will be held in the School building first floor office from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM. Parish Dues book paid for 2015 must be presented for registration. The Parish congratulates and Prays for the following Confirmation Candidates. Archbishop Bernard Hebda will confirm them next Saturday, Feb. 14. Michael Nicholas Lago Brian Arthur Nalewajek Jared George Holzman Tate Ignatius Fryczynski Brandon Albert Faccioli Jakub Peter Roszkowski Filip Alexander Milkowski Urszula Abigail Wiktorek Adrian Andrew Kolakowski Jennifer Nicole Freda Victoria Teresa Sakowska Valerie Rose Cronick Gianna Bernadette Cantale Francis Alexander Vuolo Jared Joseph Chimento Brianna Theresa Zdyb Stephanie Magdalene Peters Kaitlin Marie Weaver Mateusz John Chojnowski Nicholas John Bonano Patryk Damian Filipczuk Eduardo Andrew Tarrio Tymoteusz Francis Wiktorek ( Dues may be paid at the time of registration.) A Baptismal certificate is required for First Grade registration and for all new registrants. Archbishop’s Annual Appeal Registration & Book fee: $ 75.00. This weekend we will have the opportunity to contribute to the 2015 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. Please review the materials in the pews and take this opportunity to follow Christ by assisting His mission of serving others. Some have already received a letter from the Archbishop outlining this year’s appeal. To those who have made an early commitment, Thank You! Say a Special Prayer for your Valentine on Feb. 14. A Red Candle will burn on Blessed Mother’s Altar for your special loved one next weekend: Valentine’s Weekend. ( Feb. 14—15) See the Sacristans to reserve your candle. Donation: $ 5.00 “Making a Difference!” Meeting the “Pillars of Mt. Carmel” Next Sunday is “World Marriage Sunday” Charlie & Joan Fiumefreddo Each year there are special anniversary Masses celebrated at the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart to honor the Sacrament of Marriage. Joan Kuczynski is a true “Daughter of Mt. Carmel.” Baptized here, she received her Primary and Religious education within our halls. On June 18, 1955, she married the “love of her life”, Charlie Fiumefreddo (a young man from St. Vincent’s.) They began to raise their family in Bayonne and took an active life within the Parish. As good parents, Charlie was active in Boy Scouts and Joan in the Mt. Carmel grammar school PTA. They were also part of the flourishing social life of the Parish: Joan in the Altar Society and the Mt. Carmel Guild. Charlie in the Mt. Carmel Lyceum, where he is a “50 Year Member.” They were an active part of the 75th Anniversary Committee. They had a warm relationship with Fr. Ted Zaorski. He asked Joan to serve for a time as the parish secretary. They continued a close relationship with the next Pastor, Msgr. Marjanczyk (traveling with him to Italy and a private audience with St. John Paul II.) Even after they left Bayonne, they never forgot their roots at Mt. Carmel. Over the decades they have generously donated to Mt. Carmel and were part of many renovations and improvement projects. Mt. Carmel Salutes Them! Planning Your Easter Dinner? The St. John Paul II Society is selling chances on a Shop Rite Gift Certificates r affle. 3 chances to win! 1st -$ 300.00 Gift Certificate 2nd -$ 150.00 Gift Certificate 3rd - $ 100.00 Gift Certificate Chances: $5.00 Drawing: March 19, 2015 at 7:00 PM Winner need not be present. All proceeds benefit the Society’s work with our youth Couples married 50 years are invited to the Mass on April 19, 2015 at 3:00 PM. Couples married 25 & 5 years are invited to attend May 3, 2015, at 3:00 PM. A special blessing is conferred and a certificate presented to each couple. Please contact the rectory to register by April 8. “Be Not Afraid: He is With Us!” Catholic Men’s Conference March 14, 2015 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM Seton Hall University 400 South Orange Ave. South Orange, NJ Conferences, Mass, Confessions, Public Adoration Register NOW! : 973-497-4545 Adults: $ 25.00 Students (14 -23) & Seniors (65 +): $ 20.00 Continental Breakfast & Lunch included. “Behold Your Mother!” Catholic Women’s Day of Reflection March 7, 2015 8:00 AM (registration) - 4:30 PM (Mass) Seton Hall University Same registration information as above. Help us be er serve you! If you are moving, please notify our office to change your address or remove you from our mailing list. If you are not registered as a parishioner and would like to do so, please call the office and we will be happy to assist you! Cheer Up! Spring is only 40 days away! (March 20) Daylight Savings Time : 28 Days! The days are longer; the cold nights shorter! GRATULUJEMY NOWOBIERZMOWANYM Modlitewne świece walentynkowe Ks.ArcybiskupBernardHebdaudzieli wsobotę,14lutego,Sakramentu Bierzmowanianastępującymkandydatom: MichaelNicholasLago BrianArthurNalewajek JaredGeorgeHolzman TateIgnatiusFryczynski BrandonAlbertFaccioli JakubPeterRoszkowski FilipAlexanderMilkowski UrszulaAbigailWiktorek AdrianAndrewKolakowski JenniferNicoleFreda VictoriaTeresaSakowska ValerieRoseCronick GiannaBernadetteCantale FrancisAlexanderVuolo JaredJosephChimento BriannaTheresaZdyb StephanieMagdalenePeters KaitlinMarieWeaver MateuszJohnChojnowski NicholasJohnBonano PatrykDamianFilipczuk EduardoAndrewTarrio TymoteuszFrancisWiktorek MSZA ŚW. DLA JUBILATÓW W katedrze w Newarku Arcybiskup John Myers będzie celebrował specjalne Msze Święte dla jubilatów obchodzących 5, 25 i 50 rocznicę ślubu w 2015 roku. 19 kwietnia o 3:00 PM - 50 rocznica ślubu 3 maja o 3:00 PM - 25 oraz 5 rocznica ślubu Chcący uczestniczyć w tych uroczystościach oraz otrzymać specjalne błogosławieństwo prosimy o kontakt z kancelarią parafialną do 8 kwietnia. Czerwone świece będą się palić przy ołtarzu Matki Bożej w intencji tych, których kochacie w dniach 14 - 15 lutego 2015. W tę niedzielę można zrobić rezerwację u zakrystianów. Ofiara: $5 DOROCZNY APEL ARCYBISKUPA Powoli nadchodzi czas Wielkiego Postu, który sprzyja czynieniu dzieł miłosierdzia. Poprzez wsparcie Apelu Arcybiskupa, możemy uczynić jeden krok w wypełnianiu naszego postanowienia wielkopostnego, a zarazem przyczynić się do wsparcia finansowego wszelkich programów prowadzonych przez Archidiecezję Newark: seminaria, organizacje wspierające potrzebujących i wiele innych. Nie musisz ofiarować wiele, ale jeżeli każdy parafianin wspomoże to dzieło, będziemy zdolni odpowiedzieć na apel Arcybiskupa. ŚWIĘTY WALENTY, BISKUP I MĘCZENNIK, PATRON ZAKOCHANYCH Walenty był biskupem Terni w Umbrii. Żył w III w. i był kapłanem rzymskim. Tam w czasie prześladowań, wraz ze św. Mariuszem i krewnymi, asystował męczennikom w czasie ich procesów i egzekucji. Wkrótce sam został pojmany i doprowadzony do prefekta Rzymu, który przeprowadził rutynowy proces polegający na wymuszaniu odstępstwa od Chrystusa. W tym celu kazał użyć kijów. Ponieważ nie przyniosło to oczekiwanego rezultatu, kazał ściąć Walentego. Stało się to 14 lutego 269 roku. Jego grób już w IV w. otoczony był szczególną czcią. Nad grobem papież Juliusz I wystawił bazylikę pod wezwaniem św. Walentego. W ciągu średniowiecza kult Walentego objął całą niemal Europę.W średniowieczu na terenie niemieckim Święty był wzywany jako orędownik podczas ciężkich chorób, zwłaszcza nerwowych i epilepsji. Na Zachodzie, zwłaszcza w Anglii i Stanach Zjednoczonych, czczono św. Walentego jako patrona zakochanych. W związku z tym dzień 14 lutego stał się okazją do obdarowywania się drobnymi upominkami
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