April 19, 2015 - Our Lady of Mount Carmel


April 19, 2015 - Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church
120 Prospect Street, Nutley, New Jersey 07110
April 19, 2015
3rd Sunday of Easter
Rev. Dennis E. Reiff
Rev. Kevin Schott
Parochial Vicar
Deacon Aldo Antola
Pastoral Associate
Sr. Mary Rose Conforto, MPF
Director of Religious Education
Andrew Cardona
Director of Music Ministry
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel,
Pray for Us
Mass Schedule
Monday-Friday: 7 a.m. and 8 a.m.
Saturday Morning: 7:30 a.m.
Sunday: Saturday, 5 p.m.
Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:15 a.m., 10:45 a.m., and 12:15 p.m.
Holy Days: As Announced
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Weekdays after the 8 a.m. Mass
Saturday: 4-5 p.m.
Infant of Prague Novena: Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Novena: Wednesday
following the 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. Masses
First Friday Devotions: 8:30 a.m.
Mission Statement
Our mission as a holy parish is to communicate and to celebrate the life and spirit of Jesus by our
word and actions in order to build a dynamic, loving, caring and outreaching community of faith.
Rectory Hours
Monday-Friday: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
The rectory is closed between
12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m.
Closed Fridays during the
months of July and August.
Rectory Phone Numbers
(973) 667-2580
(973) 661-1623
Fax: (973) 667-0648
Please schedule at least ONE YEAR in advance of your wedding. Pre-Cana and other
instruction sessions are required.
Sacraments of Healing
Please notify the parish office if someone is ill at home.
We request parents attend a Baptism Instruction Session before the birth of their child.
The Sacrament of Baptism is usually celebrated the third Sunday of each month, except
during Lent (when we will not celebrate the sacrament until Easter). All Baptisms are
scheduled in person at the rectory.
Parish Membership
All are welcome to join our Parish Family. Parish policy requires registration to
participate in Baptism, Marriage and Religion Classes. Please notify the office when a
change of address or move occurs.
April 19, 2015 ~ 3rd Sunday of Easter
Prayers for Health Reasons
7:30 a.m.
5 p.m.
April 18
Gloria Klima
Joseph Adamkiewicz
7:30 a.m.
April 19
Madeline Verlingo
90th Birthday Blessing
Thomas Finetti
Marie Buono
Roseann Croghan
9:15 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
12:15 p.m.
Josephine Benimeo, George Berkovich,
Lucy Calvanese, Alicia Cardona, Rudolfo Clavecilla,
Ana Marie de Vera, Peter Del Negro,
Donald and Shirley Di Benedetto, Joshua Di Costanzo,
Richard Dinzes, Grace Fiore, Joan Gabriele,
Connie Garcia, Robert Griffin, James Hamilton,
Edward Keane, Barbara Klena, Bootie Intili, Lucille,
Lynda, Eve McKay, Gerard F. Melillo,
Madeline Micael, Lawrence Miller,
Kevin Murphy, Jack Nitz, Robert Palmer,
Hoyt Peavy, Maria A. Penaranda, Evelyn Perry,
Vincent Petracco, Isabella Piccininno, Richard Reidy,
Albert Reyes, Jocelyn Reyes, Marie Rispoli, Anne Rotonda,
Stephen Sawruk, Janice Stoyack, Mariana Toledo,
Joan Tomol, James Tressito, Ramona Zungri
7 a.m.
8 a.m.
April 20
Angela Dowdy
Deceased Members of
McEnery Family
Masses are scheduled in person during office hours.
Come to the rectory to:
7 a.m.
8 a.m.
April 21
Richard Clift
Thomas Rudomanski
♦ Schedule a Mass for a loved one (living or deceased).
♦ Make an offering in honor or in memory of a loved one
for The Sanctuary Light Bread and Wine or Church Flowers.
Mass Intentions
APRIL 28 AT 9 A.M.
Wednesday April 22
7 a.m.
Meri Pellegrino
8 a.m.
John Kelly
7 a.m.
8 a.m.
April 23
Eleanor Nye
Sophie Bogacz
7 a.m.
8 a.m.
April 24
Sr. Clare Testa, MPF
Antonio and Rose De Rogatis
7:30 a.m.
5 p.m.
April 25
Vita and George Hrubash
Ralph Cotellessa
7:30 a.m.
9:15 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
12:15 p.m.
April 26
Olympia Cozzarelli
Josephine and Bob Dommeleers
Kathryn and Michael Wesco
William Rizzo
Baptism Preparation
If you are expectant parents, please arrange to attend our Baptismal Instruction
Program before the birth of your child.
Baptismal Instruction and Baptisms must
be scheduled in person, at the rectory.
There is a processing fee of $25. The
next Baptism is scheduled for Sunday,
May 17 at 2 p.m. The next Baptismal Instruction Course
is Sunday, June 7 at 2 p.m. Please visit our website
to read guidelines for godparents.
Weekly Collection
April 12: $5,352.
As you give to the Lord,
may He bless you in return.
The Sanctuary Light honoring the Eucharistic Presence of Our Lord in the Tabernacle is lit this week
in Loving Memory of
Benjamin and Robert Inra
The Bread and Wine offering this week in Honor of
Madeline Verlingo
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April 19, 2015 ~ 3rd Sunday of Easter
Religious Education
~We celebrate a children’s Mass every Sunday at 10:45
a.m. All children and parents are encouraged to attend.
~We will celebrate First Holy Communion on Sunday, May 10 during
the 12:15 p.m. Mass.
~Save the dates: Registration/re-registration for the
2015-2016 school year is open and ongoing. For your
convenience, a weekend registration has been scheduled
for the weekend of May 16/17 before and after all
Masses. Registration forms can also be downloaded by
visiting our website or you can pick them up at the rectory
during office hours.
Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth
This weekend, Girl Scout troop
21192 will be at all masses selling
cookies. Please support the troop
as they are working towards a camping trip. Currently the girls are working on their Silver Award by working
with nursing home patients. Cookies
are $4 per box.
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. It is most
appropriate that Child Abuse Prevention Month is held
during the Easter season. There is no better time than
Easter to celebrate the protection of our most valuable
gift from God – our children.
Food Pantry
Many people only donate to food
pantries at holiday times, but we
want to thank you, for being so
consistent all year round, with your
generous giving. No matter what
time of the year it may be, you
have never stopped sharing with those less fortunate.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Donations
to our Food Pantry consist of non-perishable foods: such
as soups, sauces, pasta, rice, cereals, dry milk, canned
vegetables, as well as toiletries (toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, etc.) Please check expiration dates before donating food. If the food is out of date, kindly discard.
Music Notes
A few bulletins ago in my music notes column, I wrote
about the power of liturgical music and its ability to penetrate deeply within the human heart.
Just last week, I had a couple of parishioners come up to
me to tell me that the music sung by our schola on Good
Friday made them cry of emotion. Needless to say I was
thrilled. Kind of like the time I worked as a volunteer in a
haunted house up in the Poconos 20 years ago. My job
was to scare people and so yes, when the children cried, I
knew I was doing my job!! I know this sounds bad.
But what does this all mean. To those people who cried
on Good Friday, they must have felt something. In hearing
the harmonies produced by our schola, a closeness to
God must have emerged. A vivid realization of what Jesus
actually did for you and me or perhaps an even deeper
realization of what this thing called 'life' really means.
But what is it about the nature of music that is capable of
conjuring up such profound emotion or truth? After all, music in its very basic components is nothing more than a
series of pitches each produced by a specific number of
vibrations. What is it then? It's like asking yourself the
question: how can nature produce such a perfect creation
as that of a snowflakeLwith all its perfectly symmetrical
points and shapes?
Surely it is one of those questions that have bogged the
minds of millions for ages and yet no one can ever seem
to come up with an adequate scientific answer. Inevitably,
this leads us to believe one thing: music at its very essence, is a creation and precious gift of GOD alone. It was
created so that we can harmonize with each other and live
by loving each other. Perhaps it is in this that our tears
appear when we hear a certain song. The very profound
message of what the Lord wants from us is manifested in
the notes we hear!!
As Fr. Barron in his Catholicism series so beautifully expressed, "in the very act of giving praise to God we
achieve inner harmony". Singing is a form of communal
praise to God. Father Barron therefore ultimately concludes..."Singing in the Mass should not be construed as
merely decorative or incidental, for the harmonizing of the
many voices as one is an embodied expression of how
we, as children of God, ought to live". IN HARMONY with
each other. ~Andrew Cardona, Director of Music Ministry
Pet Food Drive: May 2-10
It’s that time again to help out our furry
friends at the North Jersey Humane Society (formerly, the Bloomfield Animal Shelter). Donations of both cat and dog food
(canned or dry), and pet supplies of all
kinds are welcomed. Kindly leave your
donations in one of the vestibules in
church. Your generosity is always appreciated.
Every dog has his day, unless he loses
his tail, then he has a weak-end.
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April 19, 2015 ~ 3rd Sunday of Easter
Our Parish Bereavement Support
Group will meet on Wednesday, May
6 from 7:30 p.m.-9 p.m. in the Parish
Hall. Our Support Group is open to
anyone (parishioner or nonparishioner) who has suffered the loss
of a friend, relative or a loved one.
There is no charge and reservations are not required. All
you need is an open mind and an open heart. Let us try
to help you through this time of grief.
Our Plans for the
Feast of OLMC
The Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel is
Wednesday, July 16. The Feast Mass
will be Sunday, July 13 at 12:15 p.m.
An outdoor procession with music by
the Red Mike Festival Band and fellowship will follow. If you wish to volunteer in the planning of, or if you wish to
help out on the day of the celebration,
call the rectory. Join us in the festivities!
A Family in Need
The Falsetta family, from Good Shepherd Academy, who
live in Newark, suffered a devastating fire on March 20.
They are a family of four with a boy in first grade and five
year old girl. We ask for your generosity of gently used
toys, books, games or clothing for the children, gift cards
for Shop Rite, Kohls, Walmart, CVS, etc. Whatever you
feel would be helpful as the family adjusts to this tragic
event in their lives. Items may be delivered to Good
Shepherd Academy on Brookline Avenue. If anyone
wishes to make a monetary donation you can do so by
writing a check to the GSA Home School Association for
the Falsetta Family Fund. Thank you for your generosity.
At a Glance...
April 18/19
Utility Collection
Tuesday, April 21
Infant of Prague Novena, 7:30 p.m.
Choir Practice (5:30 p.m. Youth/8 p.m. Adult)
Thursday, April 23
Rosary Society Meeting, 7 p.m.
April 25/26
Assessment Collection
Join Us)
Knights of Columbus
To join our Knights, email Michael at
KofC6195@verizon.net or call the rectory. The Knights
will be meeting on April 21 at 8 p.m.
Adult Handicraft
The next meeting is on May 4 at 10 a.m. All are welcome
to join! They meet the first Monday of the month.
Women’s Auxiliary
The OLMC Women’s Auxiliary is
hosting a trip to the National
Shrine of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
in Middletown, NY on Thursday,
May 14. The Shrine is situated on
60 beautiful acres in New York
State (Middletown) only about an hour away. Here you
can witness the importance of prayer in your life while
deepening your commitment to God and devotion to Our
Lady. The cost for the trip is $40. The day will consist of,
Mass, a hot lunch, a shrine tour/talk, free time for personal prayer, Reconciliation, browsing in the gift shop, and
full use of the shrine’s facilities. The bus will leave from
the church at 9:30 a.m. and will depart Middletown following Divine Mercy at approximately 3:30 p.m. Call Linda with your reservation (973) 661-0090 or email
The next Auxiliary meeting is on Monday, May 11 at
1 p.m.
Rosary Society
Our first Rosary Society Meeting will be on Thursday,
April 23 at 7 p.m. in the Church. All women of the parish
are welcome to join us!
Stewardship Reflection
“Jesus Himself stood among them
and said to them, ‘Peace to you.’
But they were startled and frightened.” ~Luke 24:36-37
Throughout the day we have many
opportunities to “see the face of
Jesus” in others and provide some
“peace” in their lives. Just because
the person is a stranger, maybe
looks different than us or is someone we don’t particularly
care for doesn’t let us off the hook.
Do you throw loose checks or cash into the collection
basket? Remember, to obtain credit for your donations
and receive a statement at the end of the year, you need
to contact the rectory staff to receive an envelope number.
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April 19, 2015 ~ 3rd Sunday of Easter
Sharing God’s Blessings Annual Appeal
Prayers and Devotion
Join Us!
This year’s Appeal, Sharing God’s Blessings is a perfect
opportunity for us to reflect on God’s generosity to us and
to share the blessings we have been given with those
around us.
Prayer Group
The OLMC Prayer Group meets
Monday-Friday following the 8 a.m. Mass.
We are often reminded by our Holy Father Pope Francis
and Sacred Scripture that in order to love one another we
must share the blessings which God has provided to us.
Devotion to Our Lady
of Mount Carmel
Following the Wednesday 7 and 8 a.m.
Masses, we meet for Novena prayers.
We are called to similarly share what is granted to us by
God and return it to Him so that not one of our brothers
and sisters goes without: without the gift of faith; without
the essential human needs; and without a personal relationship with Our Lord. We are called to Share God’s
Blessings, and when we do, we find freedom and joy in
proclaiming the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus, just as
the Apostles did over 2,000 years ago!
The Rosary
Every day, Sunday through Friday
just before the 7 a.m. Sunday before the
7:30 a.m. Mass, Saturday, before the 7:30
a.m. Mass, and before the 5 p.m.
Mass on Saturday.
Will you join your brothers and sisters in Sharing God’s
May God bless you for your generosity!
Infant of Prague Novena
Tuesday evenings at 7:30 p.m.
First Friday Devotions
8:30 a.m.
Parish Registration
Our welcome mat is always out. If you enjoy
worshipping at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church,
make us your official Parish by taking a few moments to register. Please complete the information
in the space below and place it in the collection
and we will contact you. You may also download a
registration form on our website. All information is
kept confidential.
Quick Parish Registration Request
I wish to register as a
Parishioner of OLMC
Name: ______________________________
Address: ____________________________
Town: ______________________________
Phone: ______________________________
New Registration
Change of Address
Would you like donation Envelopes? Please
check the box for YES.
Summer Basketball Program
Rutgers University-Newark will be running its 15th annual Summer Basketball Program for children ages 7-17.
The program is July 6-10, July 13-17,
July 27-31, and August 3-7. from
8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. The cost for one
week is only $160. Discount rates are
available if you attend multiple weeks.
For more information call Joe Loughran at (973) 5331483.
The rectory is closed between the hours of 12:30 p.m.
and 1:30 p.m. Staff is unavailable during that time.
Ministry Sign Up Form
Name: _______________________________
Address: _____________________________
Town/Zip: ____________________________
Phone: _______________________________
I am interested in the following Ministry(ies):
Altar Server
Other ____________
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