Our Lady Of Mount Carmel Historic Catholic Church
Our Lady Of Mount Carmel Historic Catholic Church
Our Lady Of Mount Carmel Historic Catholic Church Serving the community since 1894 JULY 14, 2013 Address: 3549 Navajo Street Denver, CO 80211 Phone: (303) 455-0447 Fax: (303) 455-5487 Parish Hall: (303) 433-1049 E-mail: omcchurch@qwestoffice.net Website: www.ourladymountcarmel.com Pastoral Staff Rev. Hugh M. Guentner, OSM Pastor Crystal Peccia Religious Education Shaun Steavenson Minister of Music Denise Walton Bill Coffey Barbara Iacovetta Steve Luciano Support Staff Business Manager Facilities Manager Secretary/Bulletin Sacristan In Residence Rev. Gabriel M. Weber, OSM Rev. Gabriel M. Ramacciotti, OSM Rev. Mark M. Franceschini, OSM WORSHIP SCHEDULE SATURDAY: 4:00 PM ANTICIPATED MASS SUNDAY: 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, and 11:00 AM MON.-FRI.: 7:30 AM SATURDAY: 8:00 AM VISION STATEMENT It is our vision at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, a Catholic Community, led by Jesus and empowered by the Holy Spirit, to proclaim and live the Gospel. We accomplish this through our shared Baptism, celebrations of the sacraments, prayer, hospitality and service to others. Visitors and New Parishioners, WELCOME! If you came as a visitor and would like to join Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish, please return the information below by dropping it in the offertory basket. Full Name:_______________________________ Address:________________________________ City:____________________ Zip____________ E-mail:__________________________________ .. Phone: _________________________________ ____ New Registration ___Change of Address ____ Want Envelopes ___Moving out of Parish _____ Receive Monthly Newsletter Electronically OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL Food for Faith Living from the desk of Fr. Mark If one truly opens heart and mind to God’s Word, it is an ever repeated theme of life-giving for us to embrace. This is the meaning of faith. It is simple to grasp, but difficult to do. This has ever been the stumbling block for the human family. We easily say “yes” to the message and then find ways to justify our not living it. Welcome to the human race! Welcome to the blind-spot of every religion! We may not give it much thought or pay attention to it happening often in the Bible. The blind spot hinges on people’s response to God’s Will and Word. In Deuteronomy (1st reading) Moses tells the people “to heed the voice of the Lord, your God, and keep His commandments with all your heart and soul.” The people say “yes” cross into the Promised Land and slowly, but surely, forget the commitment. Actually, they create a religion and ritual laws, rules and practices all meant to worship and praise God. They grow comfortable and secure in religious practices. The mistake? They stop listening to what God is saying to them: religious rituals become a substitute for doing what God says, which is true faith. In the Gospel (Luke) Jesus is asked: “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus says: “You shall love God with all your heart, being, strength, mind and your neighbor as yourself,” the essence of faith living. The man who asked is shaken, so he seeks clarification: “Who is my neighbor?” The wonderful story of the Good Samaritan is Jesus’ reply. We know the story well: it contains the meaning of loving God and neighbor. A traveler is beaten, robbed and left to die. A priest passes by, a Levite too. Both see him and go on leaving him unattended. A foreigner, whose tribe is despised by the righteous, stops, binds up his wounds, takes him to an inn and sees that his needs are taken care of, paying the expenses. The obvious and clear meaning Jesus confirms: “Go and do likewise.” Every person is a neighbor, especially those in need or helpless. The answer challenges all of us to soulsearching honesty. There is no room for justifying refusals to help, a powerful truth which has caused every generation discomfort as we rationalize our excuses for not helping others. St. Paul (2nd reading) reminds us of who we, the baptized, are: “We are the living Body of Jesus! Who is the head of His Body, the Church. Living in Him, we are reconciled to God and others making peace through the Blood of the Cross, the Blood reconciling all humanity with God and each other. Loving each other is the true way to love God. An awesome Weekly Offering July 6 & 7 = $5,756.00 truth. Do we believe? DENVER, COLORADO MASS SCHEDULE Saturday, July 13 - Anticipated Sunday Mass 4:00 pm- +Lorna Gallegos/Ernie & Annette Marranzino Sunday, July 14 - Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Tim 7:00 am- Our Parishioners 9:00 am- +Marie Cominiello/Henry Cominiello 11:00 am- +William & Mary Elliott/Elaine Gerk Monday, July 15 7:30 am- +Michael Delmonico/Frank & Judy Vessa Tuesday, July 16 7:30 am- +Kirk & Alex A. Iacovetta/Barbara Wednesday, July 17 7:30 am- +Dolores Hunt/Jim & Nancy Egan Thursday, July 18 7:30 am- +Frank Elliott/M & M Joseph Elliott Friday, July 19 7:30 am- +Michael Delmonico/Ruben & Rosemary Aguilar Saturday, July 20 8:00 am- +Eugene Brancucci/Joe & Marie Brancucci 4:00 pm- +Nicholas Anthony Pansini/Pansini Family Sunday, July 21 - Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 am- +Phyllis Palizzi/Bob & Mary Ann Seno 9:00 am- Our Parishioners/Bazaar Weekend for OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL 11:00 am- +Evelyn Mucilli/George Mucilli JoAnn ‘Petraglia’ Bellamy Gary Licata Joseph Castaneda Joseph Falbo, Sr. SICK LIST *Paula ‘Seno’ Lyon*Cheryl Carlson*Leonard Piccolo,*Rodney Rodriguez*Donna Salazar*Adilynn*Katherine Thomasson *The Dwain Spreier Fam.*Helen Philips*Tammy Pullano *Cynthia Falbo*Myrtle & Frank Amato*Lela Casa*Jerry Canzona*Sandy Moses*Cris Brumaugh*Rosemary Zamboni *Steve Zipperle*John Winczewski*Don Hendricks*Millie Zarlengo*Cynthia Ramirez*Linda Marinaro*Margie Lee*Paula Sabell*Meta Schneringer*Brandy Peonio*Jay Kettleson *James & Kacie Condon*Nick Panzini*Louis Garramone *Jim Scalmanini*Julie ‘Figliolino’ Burcar*Nina Lombardi *Lucile Zydik*Bob Seno*Clyde Gray*Jeremiah Valdez*Donna Valdez*John Porreca*Firemen*Police*Military Personnel Prima Domenica Mass is celebrated in Italian the first Sunday of each month at 9:00 am. A Reception is celebrated in the Parish Hall after the Mass. BAPTISMS 2013 Baptisms are scheduled quarterly on the following Sundays at 12 Noon: July 14th & October 13th. Baptismal class is mandatory. You must make arrangements with the priest first. Classes are on the Thursday, July 11th, October 10th at 7:00 pm in the Parish Office. MARRIAGE A wedding may be scheduled after a consultation with a priest or deacon. Please call the rectory for an appointment. Please notice preparation is eight months to a year. RECONCILIATION Saturday: 3:30-4:00 pm or by appointment with Confessor. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Upon request. Please call the rectory. FUNERALS Please call the office before arrangements are made. .. Archdiocese of Denver Website: www.archden.org SCHEDULE OF EVENTS SUNDAY, JULY 14 12 (Noon) - Baptisms 5:30 pm - Booths & Tents MONDAY, JULY 15 7:00 am - Bazaar set up in the parking lot 9:00 am - Clean peppers - hall TUESDAY, JULY 16 FEAST OF OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL 7:00 am - Bazaar set up in the parking lot WEDNESDAY, JULY 17 7:00 am - Bazaar set up in the parking lot 6:30 pm - Choir Practice THURSDAY, JULY 18 7:00 am - Bazaar set up in the parking lot FRIDAY, JULY 19 7:00 am - Bazaar set up in the parking lot 5:00 pm - BAZAAR BEGINS SATURDAY, JULY 20 5:00 pm - Bazaar Opens SUNDAY, JULY 21 9:00 am - Mass PROCESSION of OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL STATUE after 11:00 am Mass 5:00 pm - Bazaar Opens (winners of the raffles announced at 9:30 pm) Lord we Pray: that during this Year of Faith, all Catholics will publically proclaim their love for Christ and His Church. BAZAAR TICKETS ON SALE NOW! This year we are not allowed to send the tickets in the mail. You can pick them up from a representative at the entrance to the Church after the weekend Masses or at the Parish Office, Mon. - Fri., 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. PEPPERS On Monday, July 15th, at 9:00 am, we are cleaning the peppers used for the Sausage Sandwich Booth. We ask that you bring a knife and cutting board from home. There will be refreshments served at noon. BAZAAR SET UP (See Schedule of Events Article) Join us for the Bazaar, bring your neighbors, family & friends For games we have: Bingo, Wheel of Cash, Spinning Wheel, Pull Tabs & Our Grand Raffle For Food: Sausages Sandwiches, Italian Sodas & Ice Cream, Pop & Water, Pizza, Pizza Fritta, Wine & Beer Win at the Italian Goods, at the Italian Bowls, at the Italian Apparel, and, of course, a goodie at the Cake Booth Order your Colorado Peaches and Mount Carmel T-shirts Win a drawing for Bronco vs. Ravens Tickets (the opener) Sept. 5th at the Alumni Booth Listen to your favorite songs and enjoy the rose garden Join us for a good time!!! ANNUAL PARISH PICNIC Join us on August 4th at Lakeside Amusement Park from 2 - 4 pm for food, fun and friendship. The tickets are available in the parish office, M – F, 9 am - 3 pm. Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal As we unite in worship, may we also unite in our commitment to evangelize the faith through a sacrificial gift to the ACA. RESPECT LIFE We pray that, like the Good Samaritan, we may reach out to those different from us - the mentally challenged, the unborn, and the frail elderly. Bazaars Our Lady of Guadalupe, (1209 W 36th Ave., Denver) July 12, 13 & 14th. “It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriage. -Friedrich Nietzsche .. STVDP Financial report for the month of June Receipts included: Parish Offering - $1,361, Metro Council Housing Reimbursement $205, Memorial - $25, an out of state donation -$50 = $1,641. Expenses Totals: Rent - $837, Xcel - $264.41, Gift cards - $100, storage - $370 = $1,571.41. In addition, we secured $1,494.66 in EOC funds for four families. Come and join us. God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9-7 THANK YOU The Sisters of Mullen Home collected $1,248.34 last weekend during their appeal to get funding for their care to the elderly. They thank you for your generosity and may God to be with you. Community News Augustine Institute ‘I loved Jesus in the Night’ (Mother Teresa) talk by Fr. Paul Murray, Tues., July 23, 7 pm 6160 S. Syracuse Way, Greenwood Village, CO contact Joelynne Jewel (303) 937-4420 X 136 or joelynne.jewell@augustineintstitute.org Presentation of Our Lady School Golf Tournament at Inverness Golf Course, Inverness Dr. West, Englewood, Aug. 20th. Contact Julie Harris 303 -534-4885 X 18 Julie.harris@presentationdenver.org
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Visitors and New Parishioners, WELCOME! If you came as a visitor and would like to join Our Lady of Mt.
Carmel Parish, please return the information below by dropping it in the offertory basket.