2016 Bazaar (English)
2016 Bazaar (English)
We would like to invite everyone to our 11th Babies and Kids Bazaar and PPO Used Book Sale Saturday, April 16th from 8:30 am to 12:30. As students plan and run this event they learn many entrepreneurial skills like leadership, responsibility, and perseverance. More than 40 tables will be filled with bargain items that surrounding community families wish to sell. We hope you find what you’re looking for! The PPO will sell items at one of the tables to raise money for our playground project and used books in the cafeteria for our library. Our students will sell items at a table and snacks in the cafeteria to raise money for their class trip at the end of the year. Please tell your family, friends, and neighbors about the project that brings our students and community together and join our Facebook group St. Francis Babies & Kids Bazaar! If you wish to rent a table for $15 (or two for $25), please contact Mandy Sullivan sullivanm@edu.etsb.qc.ca or 819 826 3737. Clothing racks are also available for rent $5. Everyone is welcome and we hope to see you at St. Francis Elementary School 355 College Street, Richmond on Saturday, April 16th from 8:30-12:30. Thank you for your support!