

October 30, 2014
© 2014 St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 294 Main Street South, Woodbury, CT 06798 • (203) 263-3541 • st.paulswoodbury@stpaulswoodbury.net
In This Issue:
Pg 2 - Coffee House
Pg 3 - Mike Davies
Pg 4 - Sr. Warden
Notes; Convention
Pg 5 - This Week
Pg 6 - Pumkin Pix
Pg 9 - Outreach
Pg 10 - Earth Cares
Pg 11 - Readings
Pg 12 - All Saints’
Pg 11 - All Hallow’s
Pg 13 - Participating
Coffee House Success
ast Saturday night in the Pearson Room
approximately 40 people enjoyed our Coffee
House featuring great music and food. Additionally our
Youth Group raised $400 toward their fundraising goal
of adopting a family from Safe Haven in Waterbury
and providing Christmas for them.
More Coffee House Pictures
Notes from the Senior Warden
t our meeting on October 21, we
continued our study of Mark, 6:713, 30-44, including an exercise on
communication and self-assessment. Too,
we discussed our assigned reading in
Cultivating the Missional Church, chapters
on keeping the covenant and permissiongiving churches.
Other items to note:
We approved the chairs’ recommendation
that the $460+ surplus from the Progressive
Dinner be divided and distributed to the
youth program, Capital Improvements and
the Rector’s Discretionary
fund to assist those in need
to attend future dinners.
We discussed our
Stewardship program and
the need to increase pledge
participation while also
thanking our wonderful
Ministry Minute speakers!
We heard plans for the
December 6 Christmas
Bazaar, and approved the
Committee’s request to put the
proceeds toward replacing the
floor covering in the Pearson
Dates to note: November 2, SWIM
Harvest walk
December 6, 10:30-3, Christmas Bazaar
Please also note: Bishop Douglas is
unable to visit St. Paul’s on November 30;
his visit will be rescheduled.
Enjoy these beautiful but waning days of
Yours in peace,
Nancy Twinem, Senior Warden
Men’s Group
ach Wednesday at noon the men’s group, a growing
and informal gathering of men, has been meeting
for lunch at the Charcoal Chef.
Please join us next week!
2014 Diocesan Convention
ast Friday and Saturday, Greg, Shahrohk, Duke Breon and Barbara Grant
represented St. Paul’s at the Diocesan Convention in Waterbury. Check
out the links below to see the
resolutions that passed, links
to videos used in
presentations, and the
diocesan magazine.
Friday Convention Roundup
Saturday Convention Roundup
Diocesan Magazine CRUX
As a retirement gift in
honor of Bishop Curry's
ministry, donors contributed a
total of $10,000 to the
Hartford organization, Mothers
Click on the picture above to watch the Bishop’s address
United Against Violence.
During our convention Eucharist, $2,200 was collected and will be given to the
Ebola Crisis Response Fund at Episcopal Relief & Development.
Next year’s convention will be held in Cromwell.
A the Saints…”
favorite hymn, often used at All Saints’ Day celebrations is #287, “For all
Who are the saints now on the “Godward” side of your life
who encourage you to give thanks, not only for their lives by
your examples of loving discipleship, but also by your
willingness to be ever grateful for all they know (and you know)
God has given you? This is our particular day to remember all
the blessed saints - especially those who have gone before us
here, have served God faithfully in this parish. They were good
and diligent stewards - quietly and continually supporting His
work in many ways while living lives of integrity and courage.
May it be yet another of God’s gifts for us to join them at the
banquet when our days here are done. Let light perpetual
shine upon them.
Committee for Refugee Concerns Forming
he Rev. Esmail (Shahrokh) Dezhbod of St. Paul's and the Rev. Canon Audrey
Scanlan would like to invite all those who are interested in working for refugee
concerns to join them for an organizing meeting on Tuesday, November 18 at 6 pm at the
Commons (the Episcopal Church in Connecticut offices). The Rev. Dezhbod writes: I am a
refugee who came to the United States 14 years ago and when I came here I promised
myself to help other refugees to find a safe place, as my family and I did. ... I have had a
vision to create a committee for the refugees, in the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, for
some time. My vision is that this committee will be a place of advocating for all refugees
around the world, encouraging U.S. legislation to continue supporting refugees, and
sponsoring refugees in Connecticut by working with local resettlement agencies.
If you are interested in attending or being involved, please email Jody Rodiger at
Nov 1
Nov 2
Nov 3
Nov 4
Wednesday Nov 5
Thursday, Nov 6
Saturday Nov 8
Nov 9
5:00 pm
Holy Eucharist
All Saints’ Sunday
8:00 am
Holy Eucharist
10:00 am
Holy Eucharist
11:15 am
Christmas Bazaar Meeting
6:15 pm
Christian Yoga, Pearson Room
7:00 pm
Executive Committee
7:30 am
Holy Eucharist, Seabury Room
12:00 pm
Men’s Lunch, Charcoal Chef
7:30 pm
Fr. Fred’s Class
10:30 am
Bible Study, Louise Smith’s home
5:00 pm
Holy Eucharist
22nd Sunday after Pentecost
8:00 am
Holy Eucharist
9:45 am
Church School
10:00 am
Holy Eucharist
Christian Pumpkin Carving
ast year's inaugural Harvest Walk to End Hunger was
successful in helping raise over $3,000 for the food banks
in Woodbury, Southbury and Waterbury!
This year, the 5k Harvest Walk to End Hunger will start Nov.
2 at the Southbury Town Hall. Registration starts at noon and
the walk along Main St. starts at 1 pm.
Please join us again for this opportunity to support local food
banks and to increase awareness of food security issues in our
area. The fee is $20 per person with a free T shirt to the first
300 registrants! Children under 12 are free and the maximum
per family is $50. You can register on-line and learn about us at
our new website www.swim-ct.org and please visit us on
f you have fallen behind on your pledge
offering, please make every effort to bring
your contributions up to date. As of September
30, our pledge income was $111,282, which is
$13,818 less than the budget. Your financial
support is very much needed and appreciated.
Forward Day by Day
The Forward Day by Day for November, December
& January is now available in the pamphlet racks in
the narthex and hallway to the parish hall. Forward
Day by Day contains a scripture verse and meditation
for each day. We have pocket size and large print
versions in our racks.
New Alarm Instructions
ecently we completed improvements to our aging alarm system. All of
our fire detectors, heat sensors
and burglary alarms have been updated
and are now active. It basically works
the same as the old system.
Green light means Go (it is OK to
open the door).
Red light means Stop (the system is
armed and the alarm active).
Everyone has the same code as before. The only difference is that each time
after you enter your code, BE SURE TO PUSH THE ENTER BUTTON.
t. Paul's is
pleased to announce the
introduction of an electronic option for
making regular offerings and special donations.
Contributions can now be debited automatically
from your checking or savings account or processed using
your credit or debit card. Our new electronic giving program
offers convenience for you and much-needed donation consistency for our
congregation. When contributions are automated, the church receives funds on a
steady, uninterrupted basis. You have the choice of contributing on a weekly,
monthly or one-time basis. You can set up your donations by clicking on the
green button to the left, or if you'd rather stop by the church office for an authorization
To set up your electronic donation from our website:
1) Go to StPaulsWoodbury.org or click on the Online Giving button above.
2) Click on the Create Profile button, then
3) Follow the onscreen instructions to create an online profile and to schedule your
We Remember Richard C. Brown, Sr., 1933 - 2014
Brother of Lois Zane, Richard died this past Monday. Click here for a link to his obituary.
How do you slice it?
Click to find out.
Update from the Outreach Committee
he Outreach Committee has been learning more about the organizations that we
support. Our financial resources are somewhat limited but we are better
understanding many other ways to support these very deserving groups.
Recently we heard from a representative of Covenant to Care, about their functions and
needs as well as their appreciation for what St. Paul’s does to support them. Kristin
Daigneault is the contact person from Outreach.
Members of the committee visited our local Food Bank to see what
else we may offer the Community Services Program. Volunteers are
always needed to help man the Food Bank as well as
working on the many other fund raising
functions they have. Regardless of
appearances, there many local people in need.
Nancy Twinem is the Outreach contact person for Community Services.
Two weeks ago we were fortunate to have Melissa Malagutti from Safe
Haven speaking to us about their many functions and needs. Melissa gave us a good idea of
how we can assist Safe Haven, both individually and as a parish, the people they serve.
Outreach committee contact person is Mariana Daniels
We will continue to encourage all the organizations that we support to speak to St.
Paul’s about what they do and how we can physically assist them.
Stay tuned.
Name Tags - Please be courteous to fellow
parishioners, to newcomers and guests by extending a
warm welcome to them and by wearing your name tag.
And remember to wear them to coffee hour as well.
Only 6 weeks until the
Annual Woodbury Christmas Festival
and our
Only 5
to Go!
St. Paul's Fabulous Holiday Bazaar
on Saturday, December 6th
As generous donations begin to roll in and the excitement
grows daily, we'd like to remind you what has been accomplished
with the net profits from the last few years
1. Bazaar 2011 – Proceeds went to Woodbury Community Services Council
2. Bazaar 2012 - Proceeds purchased a much-needed new refrigerator
for the kitchen
3. Bazaar 2013 – Proceeds purchased a new microwave and
new counter tops for the kitchen.
Your awesome support, with exciting and interesting and unique donations, has allowed
us to create a beautiful Bazaar which our customers really love. They stop first at St.
Paul's and shop, shop, shop, then they go visit the other venues and enjoy them, but it
always amazes us how very many of them come back to us and shop and shop
again….and to enjoy your delicious, donated cookies!!!
Any questions about donations, call Judie Ferris 203 263 3271
Diane Heavens 203 263 2468 or Maureen Well 203 263 4892
Next Meeting of Christmas Bazaar Committee
Sunday, Nov. 2…..after 10 o'clock service
Please come and join us….we have a wonderful time together planning and executing
this happy event…. we need your help and you'll have fun, too.
Sunday, Nov. 2
11:15 am (after 10 am Servoce) Pearson Room
Only 5 more weeks to work out all the planning and then put it all
together into another gorgeous event on Saturday December 6 !
New member-workers are welcome....we work hard but have a LOT of
fun and it's very rewarding.
Any questions? Call Judie Ferris 293-25-63-3271
or Diane Heavens 293-263-2468 or Maureen Well 203-263-4892
Earth Cares
There is a yellow decorated collection box on the floor in the coat
area where you can place items for Covenant to Care and Safe Haven.
These are two organizations out of the several that our church supports.
Here are lists from which to select items to buy:
Shelter Supplies
Cleaning products
Toilet paper
Paper towels
Liquid laundry detergent
Dishwashing detergent
Grocery cards
Gift cards to Payless
Journals & pens/pencils
Personal Needs
Shampoo & conditioner
Hair brushes
Toothpaste & brushes
Disposable razors
New Clothing
Children's socks
Children’s underwear
Children’s sweatpants
Ladies’ underwear
Ladies’ PJ’s & socks
Ladies’ sweats
Canned juice or jouice
Pasta sauce
Macaroni & cheese
The list is long, but varied. Please be generous - not just at the holidays, but throughout
the years. Problems persist throughout the days for these clients. God bless, Bren
Stewardship Reflection
“Those who trust in him will understand truth, and the faithful
will abide with him in love, because grace and mercy are upon
his elect, and he watches over his holy ones.”
- Wisdom of Solomon 3:9
ere’s the ironic thing about people who are generous.
Those that give freely and cheerfully do not do it to be
rewarded. They do it to show their love for God and their
neighbors. Yet, because of their generosity, they typically are
given more than they gave away!
This Weekend’s Readings
Cloud of Witnesses
Revelation 7:9-17
his lesson presents a vision of those who have survived great tribulation and now
worship before the throne of God and the Lamb.
Psalm 34:1-10, 22
A hymn of blessing and praise to the Lord for deliverance.
1 John 3:1-3
In this lesson we learn that through God’s love, disciples are now children of God; their
destiny is to be like Christ.
Matthew 5:1-12
The gospel is the opening sayings of the Sermon on the Mount, words of both comfort
and challenge. The values
of the kingdom are quite
different from worldly
standards. Those who are
to find blessing will know
want and thirst, if not
because of their own
circumstances, then for the
sake of others. Those who
hunger for righteousness
will find fulfillment, but
first they must suffer
Participating in the Services
Saturday, November 1st
5 pm
Pam Lehman,
Matthew Daly Lehman
Betty Lou Bowles, Peter Bowles
Gaby Drews
Saturday, November 8th
5 pm
Sunday, November 9th
Sunday, November 2nd
8 am
8 am
Dick Leavenworth
Dick Leavenworth
Brenda Weir
Lynda Jones
10 am
Church School Youth
Church School Youth
Maya Brazauskas, Lois Zane
Anna Culkin, Maddie Daigneault,
Paige Daigneault
Intercessor Church School Youth
Leslie Albrecht
Altar Guild: Marianne Daly, Pam Lehman,
Brenda Weir, Lois Zane
Lay Eucharistic Ministers: Bonnie Leavenworth,
Mieke Weggeman, Brenda Weir
Dale White
Janet Congdon, Karen Nash
Norma Leavenworth
Kathie Nichols, Brenda Weir
Joan Wilson
Dory Holmes
Dick Leavenworth
10 am
Julie & Tom Calkins
Duke Breon, Tom Calkins
Lois Zane
Chris Culkin, Owen Hale
Intercessor Ed Hord
Dawn Ericson
Altar Guild: Marianne Daly, Pam Lehman,
Brenda Weir, Lois Zane
Lay Eucharistic Minister: Rich Baird
Please remember to arrange for your own replacements and to keep the office informed of
any changes at st.paulswoodbury@stpaulswoodbury.net.
Nov 2
Sue & Marty Taylor
Hebrews 13:2 - Do not neglect to show
hospitality to strangers, for thereby
some have entertained angels unawares.
St. Paul’s Church
294 Main Street South
Woodbury, Connecticut 06798
Office: 203-263-3541
Website: stpaulswoodbury.org