Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church


Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church
Announcements continued:
Divine Mercy Novena
On Good Friday began the Novena of The
Divine Mercy. Booklets are provided for those who
would like to pray that novena.
Divine Mercy Sunday, April 12th
A plenary indulgence under the usual conditions is granted this day to those who take part in the
prayers and devotions held in honor of the Divine
Mercy; or who, in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament exposed or in the tabernacle, recite one Our
Father and the Creed, adding a devout prayer to the
merciful Lord Jesus. Those who for a just cause
cannot go to a church can gain the same indulgence
by reciting an Our Father and the Creed and a devout prayer to the merciful Lord Jesus before an
image of the Divine Mercy.
Fr. Jackson will give a conference in the
parish hall at 2pm. There will be a holy hour of Eucharistic Adoration at 3pm.
Farmer’s Market
Ted Bauer, one of our parish members, will
have a Farmer’s Market in the parish hall on Sunday
April 12th, after all 3 Masses. Your suppor t will be
much appreciated.
No 8:30 am Masses
For the dates of April 14 through the 16th,
there will be no 8:30am Masses, (Tuesday through
Ushers Needed
Any OLMC men interested in becoming an
usher to assist our priests and OLMC parishioners
attending Mass, please contact Matt Faykosh at
goldenedge1@msn.com, or leave a message at 303
279 8026.
Spiritual Bouquet for Pope Francis
The OLMC Altar and Rosary Society ladies
are hosting a Spiritual Bouquet to Pope Francis. The
Spiritual Bouquet journal will now be in the parish
hall. You may also wish to write a short note to Pope
Francis expressing the vital part that the Traditional
Latin Mass plays in your spiritual life.
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Catholic Church
Fraternitas Sacerdotalis Sancti Petri
The Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Easter Sunday
Rev. James W. Jackson, FSSP Pastor
Rev. Joseph Hearty, FSSP Parochial Vicar
Rev. Earl Eggleston, Parochial Vicar
Church: 5612 S. Hickory St., Littleton, CO 80120
Rectory & Mailing Address: 5620 S. Hickory Cir., Littleton, CO 80120
Phone: 303-703-8538
Website: www.olmcfssp.org
Email: secretary@olmcfssp.org
For Sacramental Emergencies: 303-241-2946
Mass Schedule
7:00 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am
6:30 am M-F at Carmelite Monastery,
Saturday at OLMC
8:30 am M-S at OLMC
7:00 pm on Fridays at OLMC
Half hour before each Mass
Saturdays: 9:30-10:30 am
3:00-4:00 pm
Holy Hour: Thursdays 7:00-8:00 pm
First Friday Adoration
Welcome to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church. We ask
all visitors and parishioners to please abide by our dress codes.
For women, dresses or skirts must be below the knee. Please
no shorts, pants or sleeveless, low-cut, tight, or revealing clothing. Head coverings are highly recommended. For men,
please no shorts, t-shirts, tank-tops, or jeans.
Fr. Hearty’s cell phone: 720-979-4525
Please pray for the sick:
David Williamson
Gene Romanski
John Carroll
Nan Reilly
Leann Brechtel
Omar Salazar
Benjamin Byers
Abigail Ortiz
Jane Smith
Sha Fisher
Andy McKinley
Wilson Shaw
Don Daeke
James Hamm
Adelaine Nohara
Mary Teresa Cartland
Margaret Schluender
Paul Wencko
Francis Cardinal George
Lydia Romero
For the repose of the souls of:
Bob Grauberger
Mary Ann Rodenberg
Ed Lester
Robert Bergman
William Raddik
Robert Cushnie
Frank Canham
Paul Lindemann
Edward Cardinal Egan
Kathy Albi Ferguson
Sallie Comstock
James Stark
Armand DePizzol
Margaret Schluender
Parish Organizations
Knights of Columbus
Contact: David Wilson 720-989-6672 .
Altar & Rosary Society J odi Lacroix - 303-665-7240.
OLMC Homeschoolers
Contact: Monica Mayhak - mmayhak@mayhak.com.
or Danielle Grandy - d.grandy@yahoo.com.
Legion of Mary
J oan Anselmi - 303-798-3275.
Daughters of Our Lady of Grace - girls 6 and up.
Crystal Hamm - inthanx@gmail.com.
St. Anne’s Quilters
Carolyn Mulligan – 303-254-9889.
OLMC Music Department and Choir
Contact: Rick Wheeler - music.director@olmcfssp.org.
Prayer Line: To request prayers, please contact: Sue Scofield at
sue.sco@comcast.net or 720-202-1179.
OLMC Explorer Group (Catholic Scouting for Boys & Girls)
Nicholas Trandem - 720-295-9556 or info@olmcexplorers.org
Catholic Allies in Truth
Adrienne Coleman - catholicalliesintruth@yahoo.com.
Shepherds of Christ pray for priests every Wed. at 5pm
St. Isidore Society, Urban farming and self sufficiency
Malcolm Fritz: saintisidoresociety.wordpress.com
Mater Dei Group for young adults 21-39.
John Bultmann 402-304– 6135.
Holy Name Society Men’s group. F r. Hearty 303-703-8538.
St. Thomas Aquinas Study Group meets the last Sunday of the
month. Joanne Baker - jbaker7@yahoo.com.
Carmelite Book Study
Lucy Okoh 303-806-9923, 3rd Saturday at 9:30am.
Liturgical Calendar & Mass Intentions
Sunday, April 5
Easter Sunday
7:00 am +Helen Staczek - Matt & Carol Faykosh
9:00 am Philip Eggleston by Fr. Eggleston
11:00 am OLMC Registered Parishioners
Monday, April 6
Easter Monday
6:30 am (at Carmel) Bernadette Lynch
by Kathy O’Halloran
8:30 am Family of Brad Farr by Brad Farr
11:00 am Requiem for +Armand DePizzol
Tuesday, April 7
Easter Tuesday
6:30 am (at Carmel) Sisters’ Intentions
8:30 am Jason Williams by Daniel Williams
Wednesday, April 8
Easter Wednesday
6:30 am (at Carmel) Sisters’ Intentions
8:30 am Joshua Williams by Daniel Williams
Thursday, April 9
Easter Thursday
6:30 am (at Carmel) Sisters’ Intentions
8:30 am Ronald Eliasek by Jim Eliasek
Friday, April 10
Easter Friday
6:30 am (at Carmel) Sisters’ Intentions
8:30 am Blanch Eliasek by Jim Eliasek
7:00 pm in honor of the Sacred Heart for the Poor Souls
by Barbara Kuehl
Saturday, April 11
Easter Saturday
6:30 am Conversion of Those in Grand & Jackson County by Fr. Michael Freihofer
8:30 am Bernadette Woods by Jim Eliasek
Sunday, April 12
Low Sunday (Octave day of Easter)
7:00 am Kyle Irish by Steven & Agnes Valerio
9:00 am Gwyneth Holston by John Holston
11:00 am OLMC Registered Parishioners
Any parishioner confined at home who would like to receive
the sacraments should call the rectory at 303-703-8538.
Please make checks for the collection basket payable to
OLMC Catholic Church. To have a Mass said, please see the
individual priest. Stipend checks may be made out to that
The Carmelite Monastery is located at 6138 Gallup St. in
Littleton, about 1 mile from OLMC.
From the Pastor:
- The holy hour for this Thursday is for Catholics who do not receive Holy Communion might come back to
the Church.
- A small housekeeping point; if you are standing in line for confession, would you be so kind as to not put
your shoes up on the wall? It makes the drywall quite hard to clean. If you do stand with a foot up on the
wall, please consider cleaning the wall.
- A number of convert instruction recordings are now available on the parish website. Go to Parish Resources, scroll down a few and you'll find them under Adult Convert Instructions. You can download them or
listen on the computer. If we have any potential converts who want to start them, please contact one of the
priests for the questioning, which is explained in the Introduction. There are many more of these to come – I
try to record a lesson once a day.
Dom Mark Kirby, O.S.B. had the following quote from the 1910 diary of Pieter van der Meer de Walcheren.
"The liturgy is a holy magnificence. I am well aware that it is absurd to speak words of admiration. All too
evident is the beauty of this worship that expresses the inexpressible and causes the pure splendor of a flame
to burn upright and bright in life’s blackness. Art is so superficial and poor; it appears so empty next to these
sublime chants, next to these biblical words chanted, next to these holy texts, next to these prayers of mourning, these poems of extreme joy! I still hear the chant of the end of Lauds: Christus factus est pro nobis obediens usque ad mortem, mortem autem crucis; to which is added on the third night; propter quod et Deus
exaltavit illum et dedit illi nomen quod est super omne nomen. The music of it, the slow, plaintive, desperate
music laden with every sorrow and with every mystery! How shall I ever forget the Lamentations of Jeremiah at the first Nocturn of Tenebrae? And the Ecce lignum crucis of Friday . . . ? And the Reproaches, divine
reproaches of a crucified God to his people?
On Holy Saturday the new fire is kindled. The priest, advancing slowly towards the altar, sings the thricerepeated words at equal intervals: Lumen Christi, each time on a higher tone; and the light increases until it
becomes an immense interior fire. One senses in one’s soul a tangible deliverance. Where can one find a
thing more lovely, more sublime than the chant of the Exultet jam angelica turba caelorum, in which, by the
words and by the music, the desire of an incommensurable joy lifts itself up and erects a kind of rainbow
stretching from earth to heaven? And the Preface that follows, with its sublime cries: O certe necessarium
Adae peccatum!. . . O felix culpa!. . . Oh, to be able to believe, to be unshakably certain that this is not an
empty spectacle, not a beautiful dream, but signs and symbols which are but the reflection of an inexpressible
divine reality. I am shaken in the very depths of my soul. Illusion and appearance could never make me
weep like this. I sense that behind all that I see and hear are luminous roads leading towards God."
- Mr. van der Meer de Walcheren converted to the Catholic Faith shortly after he wrote this.
- For those who missed Tenebrae, and the full rites of the Triduum, perhaps you might be able to make them
next year.
- This from the Archbishop: "Archbishop Aquila joins your priests and the parish staff in wishing you and
your loved ones a blessed and hope-filled Easter. Together, let's spread the Easter message of hope to others
especially those most in need – through a gift to the 2015 Archbishop's Catholic Appeal."