Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church “We find Christ here. We bring Christ to the world.” June 12, 2016 ~ The 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:00 pm; Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 2:00pm (en Español), 5:00 pm Weekdays: Monday - 7 am; Tuesday - 7 am, 5:30 pm; Wednesday - 7 am, 5:30 pm; Thursday - 7 am, 6:30 pm (en Español); Friday - 7 am, 8:15 am Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 3 - 4 pm; Sunday: 12:30 - 1:30 pm; Thursday: 7:30 - 8 am or by appointment Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Thursdays 8am to 6pm & 1st Fridays 3pm to 6am This Week’s Highlights July 11-15, 9am-Noon VBS: Snack & Supply Donations Page 2 Daily Mass Cancellations We are gathering snack supplies to fill our CAVERN CAFE at CAVE QUEST VBS. Please take a “VBS DONATIONS TAG” from our display boards in the Commons and donate the requested items. Your purchase of Manna gift cards allow us to purchase fruit and other consumables and specific snacks to accommodate our children with food allergies. The items can be returned by the date on the tag, to the large bin in the Commons marked: VBS. Thank you for your support of VBS through your donations! Pages 4 & 6 Summer Mission Trips Volunteer Areas to Be Filled: Page 5 Catholics Come Home Volunteer Training Dates (In the Gathering Room; Choose One): • • • • • • First Aid Certified Volunteer(s) for Mon.-Fri. (Adult) Elementary Crew Leader (Adult or High School Youth) Imagination Station Leader (Adult or High School Youth) Preschool Games Station Leader (Adult or High School Youth) Preschool Craft Leader (Adult or High School Youth) Preschool Crew Leader (Adult) • Sunday, June 26, at 4:00pm (before the 5pm liturgy) • Monday, June 27, at 6:30pm VBS DECORATING DAYS! OLMC School Cafeteria Saturday, July 2, from 9:00am to 2:00pm (Adults and Youth) Friday, July 9, from 9:00am to 2:00pm (Adults and Youth) Page 8 Para Español We are gearing up for an over-the-top underground adventure! Props/decorating items needed: Spelunker helmet, caving gear, ropes, back pack, large blue tarps, old maps, handheld UV light, battery operated Christmas lights, rolls of brown packing paper, artificial vines and plastic wading pools to create a colossal cave full of jewel-like tones, unique rock formations, and colorful grottos! Contact Christa if you can contribute any of these items. Participants and volunteers can register at olmc.org 100 Harpersville Road, Newport News, VA 23601 Phone: 757-595-0385 ~ www.olmc.org Parish Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 9 am - 5 pm; Friday: 9 am - 3 pm Outreach: 757-596-1727 School: 757-596-2754 Outreach Office Hours: M, W, Th: 12 noon - 2 pm; T, F: 9 am - 11 am Principal: Sr. Dominic, O.P. ext. 133 Pharmacy Outreach: ext. 125 Pregnancy Helpline: 757-870-3131 School Office Hours: M - F, 7:30 am - 3:30 pm Page 2 June 12, 2016 Daily Mass Schedule this Week Due to priests’ schedules during the first three weeks of June, some of our Daily Masses will not be celebrated. This Week, no Masses will be celebrated on Wednesday. 5/22/16 Last Year $20,890 $19,721 5/29/16 Last Year $21,743 $21,398 6/5/16 Last Year $24,581 $22,761 Thank you for your generosity! This Week at OLMC June 12 - June 19 SUNDAY 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:15 AM 2:00 PM 5:00 PM MASS MASS Welcoming/Registration MISA EN ESPAÑOL MASS Church Church Gathering Room Church Church MONDAY 7:00 AM MASS 7:00 PM Estudios Bíblicos en Español Mercy Monday TUESDAY 7:00 AM 8:30a-4p 5:30 PM 7:00 PM MASS Care-a-Van Free Medical Care MASS Contemporary Ensemble RCIA RICA en Español WEDNESDAY 7:00 AM No Mass 5:30 PM No Mass 6:30 PM Parish Council Meeting THURSDAY 7:00 AM MASS 6:30 PM MISA EN ESPAÑOL FRIDAY 7:00 AM MASS 8:15 AM MASS 10:00 AM Lectio Divina for Women SATURDAY 3:00 PM Reconciliation 5:00 PM MASS SUNDAY 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 5:00 PM MASS MASS MISA EN ESPAÑOL Convivio MASS Church St. Michael Hall Gathering Room Church St. Michael Hall Church Church St. Michael Hall Gathering Room Gathering Room Church Church Church Church Gathering Room Reconciliation Room Church Church Church Church Escuela Church Mass Intentions Saturday, June 11, 2016 5:00 – Robert Rutherford Sunday, June 12, 2016 8:00 – Richard & Mary Burton 10:00 – Paul Pelletier 2:00 – The People of the Parish 5:00 – Fred & Anna Wilhelm Mary Ann Rutherford Rene Cushen Barbara Mitri Family Mon – (7am) Andres Siochi, Jr. Ladies of Carmel Tues – (7am) Brendan Roche St. James’ Guild (5:30pm) Nancy VanOrdan St. Valentine’s Guild Wed – (7am) NO MASS (5:30pm) NO MASS Thur – (7am) Michael Marks Paul & Maureen Coon (6:30pm) Maria Luisa Cuevas Arias Cristy Barton Fri – (7am) John Eagan The Raucher Family (8:15am) Rudy Morgan Schroff Bill & Julie Lowery Saturday, June 18, 2016 5:00 – Rob Weimer Sunday, June 19, 2016 8:00 – Tito Bossman 10:00 – Mr. T.Y. Tsou 2:00 – The People of the Parish 5:00 – Jean VorBroker Keith & Rolande Phillips The Bossman Family J. J. Tsou Anne Gilbert Church Flowers Flowers in the Church this weekend are given by Rene Cushen in memory of Richard & Mary Burton. Bulletin notices and advertising: All information must be sent to the parish office no later than 8AM on Mondays. Please use e-mail if at all possible and send to: emazary@olmc.org. If you would like to advertise on the back of the bulletin, please call J.S. Paluch at 1-800-524-0263. Page 3 June 12, 2016 Staff Extensions Reflection on the Word There were some interesting conceptions of sin prevalent in the time of the Hebrew scriptures. There was the belief that God punished sin immediately. Those who suffered disease or misfortune were, therefore, sinners getting their due from the Almighty. Today's first reading hints at another kind of God. When David admits his sin, Nathan declares, "The LORD on his part has forgiven your sin" (2 Samuel 12:13b). Here was not a vengeful God but a merciful God. What good news that must have been to David and those who, like him, could be honest enough to admit their sinfulness! Jesus is the good news of God's mercy and forgiveness incarnate. Without Jesus, perhaps the good news would have been too good to believe, too difficult to imagine. But there he is in today's Gospel, the God-man, forgiving a sinner and declaring that she is forgiven because of her great love. There is hope, then, for the rest of us sinners, if only we love enough! . Pastor Rev. John David Ramsey 112 Parochial Vicar Rev. Jaime Guardado 111 Priest in Residence Rev. Peter T. Tran 101 Deacons Rev. Mr. Anton Siochi Rev. Mr. Francisco Anleu Rev. Mr. Dan Johnson 119 123 124 Pastoral Associate Janet Hassan 110 Hispanic Ministry Rev. Mr. Francisco Anleu 123 th Children’s Faith Formation (Pre-K-5 ) Christa Blomstrom 107 Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Youth Ministry (Gr. 6-12) & Young Adults Patrick Walsh 106 Support our Parish! Did you know that you can help support our parish with no extra cost to you!? Go to our website, olmc.org, and click on the link “Our Parish Fundraisers” on the right hand side of the page. On this page you will find information about: • our Manna gift card program, • linking your Kroger Plus Card to our parish • ordering from Amazon with a percentage going to OLMC Welcoming/Registration Our next parish Welcoming/Registration is THIS Sunday, June 12, following the 10AM Mass in the Gathering Room of the Church. You will be given parish information and a brief tour of the property, and will complete a registration form which will ask which sacraments your family members have received. We look forward to meeting you. Social Ministry Tina Wandersee 118 Music Johanna Smith 117 Liturgy Heber Dunkle 121 Business & Finance Julie Hall 109 Development Austin Farinholt 104 Facilities Hart Smith 122 Seminarian John Baab 105 Food Service (St. Michael Hall) John Chesney 130 Administrative Assistants Eileen Mazary Carla Weimer 116 108 CNU Catholic Campus Minister Corinne Riley 120 Receptionist/Mass Intentions Cathy Luth 100 Maintenance Technician Bill Johnson 115 OLMC Parish Email Sign up to be added to our Parish Email distribution list, and receive our “Weekend Reminders,” notification of funerals, upcoming events, delays or cancellations, etc. All emails will be sent via “MailChimp,” so your address will not be seen by everyone receiving the emails. If you would like your address added to our distribution list, you can sign up on our Website or Facebook page, or contact Eileen at emazary@olmc.org. Page 4 June 12, 2016 Children’s Faith Formation Youth Ministry Contact Christa Blomstrom at ext. 107 or cblomstrom@olmc.org Contact Patrick Walsh at yam@olmc.org or ext. 106. Kingdom Kids Nursery (1-3 yrs) KidCheck account required. The Nursery is offered during the 10:00 a.m. Mass for children ages 1-3 years old. Children The nurturing staff and volunteers provide a safe, Christian environment for the children in their care. Parents who utilize the nursery are asked to volunteer about one Sunday per month to keep our Co-Op Nursery staffed each Sunday. Youth Volunteer Opportunity Do you regularly attend the 10:00am Mass on Sundays? Consider this your invitation to get involved in the Kingdom Kids Worship Ministry! All that is needed is a willing heart to serve. The leaders do all the planning. Youth assist the leaders as Gospel is proclaimed to the children. Volunteers join the parish community for Eucharist. Contact Christa if you can serve in this ministry. Kingdom Kids Worship (1st-5th Grades) Kingdom Kids Worship provides a liturgical adaptation of the Sunday readings for children in 1st-5th grade. The Children Celebrate! Liturgy of the Word with Children program from Pflaum Publishing Group guides the parish catechists proclamation of the Gospel. At OLMC, Kingdom Kids Worship is available at the 10:00am Mass on the first, second and third Sunday of the month. Children process out at Mass & return before the Eucharist. Eastern Shore Mission Trip OLMC youth will be going on their annual mission trip to the Eastern Shore July 22-26. This is a great opportunity for youth (rising 9th through rising 12th grade) to put their faith into action through active service, to learn about Catholic social teaching, and to make new friends! Info is in the Commons or contact Patrick. Joint Mission Trip to Buckingham County -- open to rising middle schoolers! Are you in middle school and want to go on an awesome, Christ-centered adventure this summer? In high school but can’t make it to the Eastern Shore trip? We’re teaming up with St. Jerome’s youth for a mission trip to Buckingham County July 13-20. This trip is open to rising middle and high schoolers! Info is in the Commons or contact Patrick. KidCheck: Free Secure Check In System KidCheck is a secure check-in for the Nursery and other Children’s Ministry offerings. Signing up for KidCheck is easy and free to parents. Register today olmc.org. Moms & Tots Play Group The Moms and Tots play group meets most Mondays in the Church Nursery, 9AM-10 AM. This drop-in casual play group is a great way to get to know other Catholic moms in the parish while your kids play. Special outings are planned throughout the year. Toys, coloring & goldfish are provided. Questions? Contact Jessica at Jkrewinghaus@gmail.com or Victoria at tlewi005@gmail.com. VIRTUS Training at OLMC Attention: Adult VBS & Nursery Volunteers (18 & older) The Diocese mandates that all those that minister with children or youth must take this training prior to volunteering. Take advantage of this training right here at OLMC. Upcoming VIRTUS TRAINING will be offered at: ***St. Michael Hall, Thursday, July 7, at 5:00pm*** Register for the 3 hour session online at Virtusonline.org. Click on Registration to the left of the page and select Richmond, Va. (Diocese). Young Adult Ministry Contact Patrick Walsh at yam@olmc.org or ext. 106. Young Adult Small Group meets on Thursday evenings for fellowship, prayer, and discussion. Interested in joining us this week? Contact Patrick for details. Theology on Tap All young adults are invited to Theology on Tap on Thursday, June 16th, at 7pm at Jose Tequila's near City Center in Newport News. We are pleased to welcome back Dr. Jenn Del Corso, who will be discussing both the spiritual and psychological benefits of mercy and forgiveness. Please contact Theology on Tap Coordinator Patti Topp (pattitopp@cox.net) or your parish's Young Adult Minister if you have any questions. Page 5 June 12, 2016 Adult Faith Formation Sacraments Contact Janet Hassan at jhassan@olmc.org or ext 110. Baptisms at OLMC are celebrated seven times throughout the year. Whether you are parents-to-be, parents of an infant, or parents of a young child, we invite you to consider having your child baptized into the Catholic faith at Our Lady of a Carmel Church. Parents are encouraged to register early to accommodate family and godparents schedules. Contact Christa to set up an appointment for our upcoming July baptisms at 595-0385, x107 or cblomstrom@olmc.org. Lectio Divina for Women Lectio Divina groups will resume this summer. Watch the bulletin for details! Mercy Monday: THIS Monday During this Year of Mercy, join us Mercy this MONDAY, JUNE 13, for an evening of Taize Prayer. We will meet in Monday the Gathering Room from 7:00 until 8:00 PM for prayer, reflection and song. This month’s reflection will be given by Deacon Dan Johnson. Even if you’ve never attended one of these Taize Song services come give it a try. The peace and calm is a wonderful experience at the end of your day! Summer Adult Faith Formation Series: “Reflections on Mercy” Mark your calendar and save the dates to join us for five Thursdays starting in July as we reflect on the Year of Mercy. Each Thursday from 7 pm until 8:30 pm in the Gathering Room we will share a DVD and reflection on the Year of Mercy. This series is engaging and deeply reflective. The DVDs feature Fr. Michael Renninger. This series will run from July 7 through August 4. Initiation Programs Contact Janet Hassan at jhassan@olmc.org or ext 110. Come, Try the Rite of Christian Initiation Have you though about joining the Catholic Faith? Do you want to complete your Sacraments of Initiation? Would you like to learn more about the teachings of the Catholic Faith? Please consider joining us this Tuesday, June 14, from 7:00 to 8:30pm in St. Michael Hall. We are happy to meet and discuss this process with you, or you are welcome to just come this Tuesday! Catholics Come Home It’s time to return to the active practice of your Catholic Faith! Join us this Tuesday, June 14th, at 7 pm in St. Michael Hall as a new group begins. Your place at the Lord’s table is waiting. What are you waiting for? The Sacrament of Marriage Couples planning to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage should contact the Parish at least 6 months prior to the desired date. Contact Janet Hassan in the parish office to set up an appointment to begin the process (and to save your date). Page 6 June 12, 2016 Social Ministry Parish Life Transformed by The Eucharist… Reaching Out into community Eastern Shore Parish TRIPs—ENCOUNTER 2016 OPEN to ALL Parishioners This year we will be traveling to the Eastern Shore 3X in July. Our trips will look and be a little different than in the past. We will visit the same migrant camp each trip to allow us time to get to know those workers and families a little better. Trip # 1, July 12: We will bring our community to share Mass, a meal, and get to know the direct needs of the migrant community. (About 3 large bags of beans will be needed) Trip # 2, July 19: We will bring our community to share Mass, a meal and some of the direct service items that are needed in the migrant community. Trip # 3, July 26: We will bring our community to share Mass, a fiesta to include a meal, games, piñata and door prizes. Our Youth Group Mission trip will join us at this event. Items needed will be posted on easels in the Commons to allow you to select a tag with the need you can assist with and return item to the commons during the week. To book your travel with us (space is limited) contact Tina at ext. 118 or twandersee@olmc.org. **Food Pantry Levels Critically Low** The city of Newport News has sent 32 families in need of food assistance to our pantry in the past 4 weeks. Our levels in the pantry are critically low and we are out of some items. Please consider bringing at one item to Mass with you from the list below. We need parish wide support!! Thank you. Peanut Butter/Jelly, Spaghetti (long/thin), Spaghetti Sauce, Tuna & Chicken Helper (we have plenty of hamburger helper), Cereal, Spam, Canned Spaghetti (Chef Boyardee), Fruit Holiday Food bags go out at the end of the month. We are accepting donations of ketchup, mustard and relish to go in the bags with the hotdogs and buns. Small sized items are great! OUTREACH—MAY Statistics Thank you so much for your donations to the POOR Fund!! #ppl/fam assisted $$$ Total Rent/Mortgage 5 $1,008.00 Dominion Power 49 $5,431.60 Waterworks 5 $577.17 VA Natural Gas 6 $612.68 Pharmacy 4 $524.00 Food Pantry TOTAL Inclusive Ministries Assistive Listening Devices Now Available Do you have trouble hearing the Mass or understanding everything that is said? Our parish now has the ability to offer personal Assisted Listening Devices (ALD’s). An ALD is a small, personal receiver device meant to work with or without a hearing aid in order to help ensure that everyone who comes to worship will be able to hear what is being said. These devices are available for loan during all liturgies. OLMC has 4 ALD receivers with earbuds to be checked out at the Welcome Desk before weekend Masses. If you could benefit from using an ALD during any other gathered event at OLMC please contact the parish office. SPRED (Special Religious Development) SAVE THE DATE 4th of July Food Bags Assisted With Baby Bottle Campaign sponsored by the Ladies of Carmel Baby Bottles were given to parishionersast weekend in support of the Pregnancy Outreach Ministry. There is still time for you to pick up a Baby bottle in the Commons this weekend if you are able to support this Ministry. Please fill the Baby Bottle with change, checks or cash and return by Father's Day. Fill a bottle - save a life! 92 bags 32 families 161ppl/families $8,153.45 Rev. Mr. David Vincent Dwyer Memorial Dinner To benefit – SPRED PARTNERS OF VIRGINIA, INC. October 22, 2016 – Saint Michael Hall – An INFORMATIONAL MEETING will be held on Thursday, June 16, at 6:30pm in the Parish Office. This is a perfect way to support the SPRED community in this annual endeavor to honor our dear Deacon Dave and the SPRED friends that he worked so hard to support. Can you support with publicity, procurement, donations, silent auction, ticket sales, logistics, or volunteer kitchen staffing? Contact Christa to be a part of the team at ext. 107 or cblomstrom@olmc.org. Page 7 June 12, 2016 Pastoral Ministries Community News OLMC Prayer Chain Father’s Day Cookout Please join us! Come, celebrate father’s day with the Knights of Columbus on Sunday June 19th, 10am-2pm! Food will include hamburgers and hotdogs with all the fixings, fruit, chips, and desserts! Knights of Columbus Columbian Center 100 Columbus Way, Newport News NOTE NEW EMAIL ADDRESS prayerchainolmc@gmail.com The bilingual prayer team leader of the day checks e-mail daily and sends prayer requests to volunteers who pray for those needs. If you have a prayer request, simply send your request to the email above. You may use just a first name for those who need prayer. If you would like to be one of our pray-ers, we welcome you to be part of this ministry. Contact the coordinator at prayerchainolmc@gmail.com. Please leave your name, phone number and email address in the message. You will be contacted. Spiritual Direction Academy As our diocese engages in the Bishop’s plan “Encountering the Joy of the Gospel: Set the World Ablaze” many parishioners are beginning to seek a deeper walk with the Lord. They are looking for companions on their spiritual journey to help them grow to spiritual maturity. Is God calling you to be one of those companions? The Spiritual Direction Academy is offering a Come and See class on June 25th from 2- 4pm and July 9th from 9am to 11 am at New Creation Renewal Center, 1600 Elbow Road, Chesapeake, 23320. For more information contact Donna Pacheco, D. Min at dmzpacheco@aol.com or Our Lady of Mount Carmel School News OLMC School will be a hosting site for Newport News Youth Programs “Camp Survivor” this summer! This summer day camp for students ages 3 through rising 8th grade opens at OLMC on Monday, June 13 and runs through Friday, August 12. The camp is open to the entire community and will feature arts and crafts, community activities, group games, indoor/outdoor play, and field trips based on weekly themes. Lunch and snacks are also provided. Registration has begun, and the OLMC site is almost half-full already! Contact 757-926-1400 or www.redefiningplay.com for more information or to register. Employment Opportunities Our Lady of Mount Carmel School has an openings for the upcoming 2016-2017 school year for: th • a part-time 8 grade language arts/literature teacher. Teacher certification is required and experience teaching in a Catholic school is preferred, as well as knowledge in technology and research skills. th • a part-time PE teacher for pre-k through 8 grade. Teacher certification is required and experience teaching in a Catholic school is preferred. • A full time, intermediate grade teacher. Teacher certification is required and experience teaching in a Catholic school is preferred. Applications are available on the Diocese of Richmond website, www.richmonddiocese.org. Inquiries and applications should be directed to Mrs. Tucker, 52 Harpersville Rd., Newport News, VA 23601, 757-596-2754. Page 8 12 de junio del 2016 Ministerio Hispano Decimo Primer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Director - Diácono Francisco Anleu: Oficina - (757) 595-0385 Ext. 123, Celular - (757) 846-0628, Email - fanleu@olmc.org Misas en Español: Domingos - 2:00 PM y Jueves - 6:30 PM, Confesiones: Sábados, 3:00-4:00PM, Domingos, 12:00-1:30PM Sacramento de la Confirmación para Adultos Adultos, activos en la fe Cristiana, se les invita a un programa de 10 semanas para prepararse para el Sacramento de la Confirmación. Si estas interesado, llama a la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano: 5950385 ext. 123. Viajes de Misión al Eastern Shore 2016 Se necesita un piloto para el bus misionero hacia el Eastern Shore, no es necesario que tenga una licencia especial. Estaremos llevando el bus pequeño, El bus saldrá con los misioneros, del parqueo de la Iglesia a las 5:00pm. Y regresará aproximadamente entre las 10:3011:30pm. Los viajes este año han sido programados de la siguiente manera: 12, 19 y 26 de Julio. Contacte a Tina: twandersee@olmc.org o ext. 118, o Francisco fanleu@olmc.org o la extensión 123, para inscribirse. Planee con tiempo así tendremos seguro su lugar en el bus. En nuestros viajes, estaremos llevando alimentos y artículos de primera necesidad para los trabajadores migrantes. Para poder viajar con nosotros usted debe ser feligrés de OLMC, haber recibido un certificado de Virtus y tener revisados sus antecedes. Para mas información acerca de esto contacte a la oficina del Ministerio Hispano. Voluntarios para Ministerios Si has completado tus sacramentos de Iniciación Cristiana y quieres ayudar en algún Ministerio Litúrgico o Pastoral, tu servicio a Jesucristo a quien has reencontrado en esta jornada es muy importante para tu jornada espiritual y pastoral. Si quieres ser parte de esta evangelización, contacta a las personas indicadas. Coordinadores de misa. Diacono Francisco, 846-0628 Rosarios, Novenas Domingo Malpica, 325-0505 Sacramentos de Primera Reconciliación y Comunión María Angélica, 223-8716 Lectores o Proclamadores Shorty Meléndez, 599-0882 Monaguillos José Sánchez, 269-0319 Ujieres Ricardo Miranda Música Janiska Varela, 945-0013 RICA, CICCA. Diacono Francisco, 846-0628 Bautismo Walter y María Rivera, 303-4973 Hospitalidad, Convivios Fabiola y Daniel, 450-0020 Patrick Walsh, 595-0385, x106 Jóvenes 9o A 12o Visita a los enfermos en Hospitales y Casas. Matrimonios, Quinceañeras, Dirección Espiritual. Diacono Francisco, 846-0628 Escuela de Biblia en Vacaciones para niños. “Siguiendo a Jesús, la Luz del Mundo” Del 11 al 15 de Julio, de 9 am al mediodía Regístrate ahora en OLMC.ORG Si necesitas ayuda con registrarte contacta a la oficina del Ministerio Hispano, 595-0385 ext. 123 Necesitamos muchos voluntarios que puedan dar algo de tiempo, energía, y el amor para los niños que van a asistir. Especialmente necesitamos algunos adultos voluntarios para servir junto a nuestros voluntarios adolescentes. Si usted está interesado en servir como director del programa preescolar, jefe de estación, Líder de Equipo, Enfermera / primeros auxilios, Ayuda en la oficina, en los juegos, tripulación o de las decoraciones del equipo, póngase en contacto con Christa al 595-0385, ext. 107, o registrarse en línea. Viaje de Misión para Jóvenes al Eastern Shore El grupo de jóvenes estará participando este año en el viaje anual de misión al Eastern Shore del 22 al 26 de Julio. Esta es una gran oportunidad para jóvenes de 9no. a 12vo. Grado para poner en acción su fe a través del servicio, aprender sobre las enseñanzas sociales de la Iglesia y hacer mas amigos. Espera por mas información en los boletines, Facebook, etc. También puedes contactar a Patrick Walsh at pwalsh@olmc.org. Cadena de Oración Por favor pedir oraciones en: prayerchainolmc@gmail.com El líder del equipo de oración bilingüe del día, comprueba a diario el correo electrónico y envía las peticiones de oración a los voluntarios para que oren por esas necesidades. Si usted tiene una petición de oración, sólo tiene que enviar su solicitud al correo electrónico anterior. Es posible utilizar un nombre para aquellos que necesitan de la oración. Si a usted le gustaría ser uno de nuestros oradores, le invitamos a ser parte de este ministerio. Póngase en contacto con el coordinador al prayerchainolmc@gmail.com. Por favor deje su nombre, número de teléfono y dirección de correo electrónico en el mensaje. Usted será contactado. Since 1977 for Active Adults Cathy Wilson Call me for more info Open Daily, Tues-Sat 10am-6pm Sun & Mon Noon-6pm 757.751.4365 cathy.wilson@lennar.com http://colonialheritageva.com/lifestyles/ DO YOU HAVE SALES EXPERIENCE AND ENJOY CALLING ON LOCAL BUSINESSES? WE MAY HAVE AN IDEAL POSITION FOR YOU. A+ Rated with the BBB Licensed, Bonded and Insured Mention this ad for $20 OFF 24 HR EMERGENCY SERVICE TALK ........... FULL & PART-TIME AVAILABLE $55K TO $60K EARNING POTENTIAL BECOME AN ADVERTISING SALESPERSON FOR J.S. 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Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers 800-566-6150 • www.wlp.jspaluch.com/13182.htm Saint Margaret Sunday Missal Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! nion sonarl Compa r e P Your Praye through 2030 Designed to be Readings • Reflections • Prayers In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. an Official Travel $39.95 800-566-6150 • www.wlpmusic.com Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Brian or Sally, coordinators of Apostleship 860.399.1785 Agency of the Sea-USA The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin. It Is Through CST 2117990-70 Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. www.CatholicCruisesAndTours.com Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call J.S. Paluch 1-800-524-0263 For further information, please call the Parish Office. 700400 Our Lady of Mount Carmel www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED 12746 Nettles Drive Newport News, VA 23606 757-930-2222 Barbara & Ken Kerwin Helping people buy & sell homes since 1982. Our email: VAHomes@me.com WeSellHamptonRoads.com Abbitt Realty 599-5595 Jeremy w. 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LINK, D.D.S. 11007 WARWICK BLVD. • NEWPORT NEWS, VA PHONE: (757) 596-7000 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Walter Pollard Council 5480 For information call: David Litzinger @ 719-4028 Dean Jernigan @ 596-4034 Email: KofC5480@gmail.com Charity - Interested in helping those in need, UNITY - Serving your parish, FRATERNITY - Growing in your faith and having exclusive access to top-rated insurance protection for your family, then the Knights of Columbus is the organization for you. Meetings are on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday What’s It Worth? LLC Lawn Care, Pressure Washing, Decks, Fences etc. You set the job, a fair price (labor only) and we do the work. CALL BILL WANDERSEE OR JOHN PIZZANO, Keith E. Vaughan DDS 596-4971 • 879-3040 A D iv i s i o n o f A t l a n t i c D e n t a l C a r e P L C Parishioner owned & operated, licensed and insured Quality dentistry for your entire family Caring, Gentle & Trustworthy Jerry F. Foretich, Jr., D.D.S., P.C. 757.898.3366 716 DENBIGH BLVD., SUITE B4 6521 George Washington Memorial Highway Yorktown, VA 23692 877-0775 www.dentistyorktownva.com COSMETIC & FAMILY DENTISTRY Buying or Selling Real Estate? Call us! COWARDIN, Team Beavers John & Kristina Beavers “Exceptional Service with Integrity” J o h n R . B e a v e r s , R e a l t o r ®, A B R Kristina M. Beavers, MBA, JD (757) 812-0399 KIM & RIDDLE Attorneys 873-1188 WILLS REAL ESTATE IMMIGRATION CORPORATIONS Parishioner R. Hayden Smith Family Funeral Homes DENBIGH CHAPEL 12893 JEFFERSON AVE. NEWPORT NEWS, VIRGINIA 23608 PHONE: (757) 874-4200 FAX (757) 874-4737 Berceuse Funeral and Cremation Traditions 825-8070 RIVERSIDE CHAPEL 7415 RIVER RD. NEWPORT NEWS, VIRGINIA 23607 PHONE: (757) 245-1525 FAX (757) 245-5361 Dr. Betty Jean Shahmouradian Parishioner–Director R. Hayden Smith Funeral Home 723-3191 Kevin B. Smith Meaningful Service With Compassion Parishioner 700400 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Committed to Excellence Since 1917 Ed Bunch Director Brandon M. Killian Director Tom DeCantis Director INTERNET: www.altmeyer.com www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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