bâÜ _twç Éy `ÉâÇà VtÜÅxÄ V{âÜv
bâÜ _twç Éy `ÉâÇà VtÜÅxÄ V{âÜv{ The 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time August 29, 2010 Parish Office — 595-0385 Parish Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 9:00am - 5:00pm Friday: 9:00am - 3:00pm School 596-2754 Principal – Sr. John Paul, O.P. ext. 213 School Office Hours M – F: 7:30am - 3:30pm Social Ministry/Outreach Office: 599-3950 “We find Christ here. We bring Christ to the world.” 100 Harpersville Road - Newport News, Virginia 23601 www.olmc.org Pregnancy Helpline — 870-3131 PARISH STAFF EXTENSIONS Pastor Rev. Kenneth Wood 112 Parochial Vicar Rev. Peter T. Tran 114 Deacon Rev. Mr. Bernie Taylor 103 Pastoral Associate Janet Hassan 120 Facilities Manager Hart Smith 121 Social Ministry Coordinator Tina Wandersee 118 Children’s Faith Formation (Pre-K-5th grade) Christa Blomstrom 119 Youth Minister (Gr. 6-12) & Young Adult Coordinator Brian Crouch 128 Music Coordinator Kelly Soprano 117 Liturgy Coordinator Julie Hall 115 Hispanic Ministry Coordinator Francisco Anleu 136 Family Life Director (Pastoral Care) Jennifer DelCorso 129 Business Manager Patty Nicholas 122 Food Service Manager (St. Michael Hall) John Chesney 140 Administrative Assistants Eileen Mazary (Website/Bulletin) 116 Carla Weimer (Parishioner Records) 126 Receptionists/Mass Intentions Cathy Luth/Kitty Barnett 101 Maintenance Technician Bill Johnson 111 CNU Catholic Campus Minister Mary Lynn Murphy 123 EUCHARISTIC LITURGIES Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 8:00am ~ 10:00am ~ 4:00pm 2:00pm — (en Español) Weekdays: Monday: 7:00am Tuesday: 6:30pm Wednesday: 8:15am Thursday: 7:00am 6:30pm (en Español) Friday: 8:15am SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday: 3:00 - 4:00pm or privately by appointment. QUESTION OF THE WEEK rd The 23 Sunday in Ordinary Time, September 5 Reading I: Wisdom 9: 13 - 18b How can we know God, unless God gives us wisdom?. Reading II: Philemon 1: 9 - 10, 12 - 17 Receive another, not as a slave, but as a very dear brother or sister Gospel: Luke 14: 25 - 33 Whoever does not renounce possessions, cannot be my disciple.. Adults: How do you as a modern man or woman "renounce your possessions?" What does this mean for you? Youth: If you had to, could you leave everything behind to be with God? What would hold you back? How much of a struggle would it be? Children: When do you feel closest to Jesus? BULLETIN NOTICES AND ADVERTISING All information must be sent to the parish office no later than 8AM on Mondays. Please use e-mail if at all possible and send to: emazary@olmc.org. If you would like to advertise on the back of the bulletin, please call J. S. Paluch at 1-800-524-0263. Page 2 August 29, 2010 This Week at OLMC August 29 - September 5 Liturgy News UPCOMING LITURGICAL MINISTRY TRAINING: SUNDAY 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 2:00 PM 4:00 PM MASS MASS MISA EN ESPAÑOL MASS Worship Center Worship Center Worship Center Worship Center MONDAY 7:00 AM 7:00 PM MASS Conversational Spanish Chapel CMS TUESDAY 6:30 PM 7:00 PM MASS Initiation Programs Chapel St. Michael Hall & CMS WEDNESDAY 8:15 AM MASS 6:30 PM Cantor Workshop 7:00 PM Baptism Prep Worship Center Worship Center Chapel THURSDAY 7:00 AM MASS 6:30 PM MISA EN ESPAÑOL FRIDAY 8:15 AM MASS Worship Center SATURDAY 8:00 AM Men’s Book Study 3:00 PM Reconciliation 5:00 PM MASS SUNDAY 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 2:00 PM 4:00 PM Chapel Chapel MASS MASS MISA EN ESPAÑOL MASS Lukas Schmidt Suite Reconciliation Room Worship Center Worship Center Worship Center Worship Center Worship Center Sacraments BAPTISM PREPARATION The next weekend for the Celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism is September 11 & 12th . Parents should be registered parishioners of OLMC and attend the Baptism Preparation Program. Preparation sessions for this celebration are on Wednesday, September 1 & 8th at 7:00pm in the Daily Mass Chapel. Please call Christa Blomstrom at 595-0385 ext. 119 to register. SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Do you have a child in second or third grade? If your child received faith formation last year through People of Faith or Catholic school then he/she is invited to prepare for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist this year. Parents are encouraged to attend the Sacrament Preparation Parent Orientation on Monday, September 27 at 7:00pm in Saint Michael Hall. Registration for Sacrament Preparation AND Faith Formation will be available beginning September 11 and 12 after all the liturgies and online at olmc.org. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Saturday, September 11 at 9 AM in the Worship Center. Lectors: Wednesday, September 15 at 7 PM in the Worship Center. Please consider serving the parish in one of these roles. Your service is truly needed in these and many other liturgical ministries!! For further information or to sign up please contact Julie Hall, ext. 115 or jhall@olmc.org. USHER MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY are needed at all Masses. Men, women, young adults, high school/college students are invited to serve two weeks per month at a Mass time of your choice. The next training will be held on Wednesday, September 22 at 6:30 PM in the Worship Center. Call Gary/Sharon Curtis at 851-7404 to volunteer. GIFT BEARERS: Individuals, families, parish groups, you are invited to carry the Gifts in the Offertory Procession. Celebrating a memorial, birthday, anniversary, new job, baby, or home? Be a part of the Liturgy in thanksgiving representing all of God's blessings to us. Sign up on the Gifts poster in the Commons for the Mass time and date of your choice. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Team Leads September 4 & 5 5:00 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 2:00 PM 4:00 PM Martie Ann King & Helen Cvik Pete Sommer & Tammy Waldroup Jim Hooker & Lucette Witty Rafael & Mildred Benet Tom Hale & Gina Kietlinski September 11 & 12 5:00 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 2:00 PM 4:00 PM Helen Cvik & Barbara Tucci Rocky Garcia & Teresa McGee Shorty & Lisette Melendez Rafael & Mildred Benet Bill Goggins & Teresa Mummert Initiation Programs RCIA The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, Youth & Children INQUIRY MEETING THIS TUESDAY, AUGUST 31st St. Michael Hall 7:00 P.M. Considered learning more about the Catholic Church??? Please consider joining an inquiry group to learn if the Catholic faith is right for you. Through lectures, discussions, prayer, community activity you can explore all aspects of the Catholic Faith and discern the Lord’s direction for your life. For more information contact jhassan@olmc.org or call the parish office, ext. 120. Page 3 August 29, 2010 CLiFF (Community Lifelong intergenerational Faith Formation) Children’s Faith Formation Adult Faith Formation CALLING ALL DISCIPLES! You are invited to be a part of creating a path toward a living discipleship for our children, the generation of the future, here at OLMC! Say “Yes” to the children of our parish by calling to get involved in this year’s Catechetical Process! Call Christa at 595-0385 ext 119 or e-mail cblomstrom@olmc.org for more information on PreK-5th grade, Children’s Liturgy of the Word, Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Eucharist or Inclusive Ministries. MEN’S BOOK STUDY All men are invited to join a Men's Book study that meets every other Saturday from 8-10 am in Manion Hall for the rest of the summer. We are reading the book "Be a Man!: Becoming the Man God Created you to Be" by Fr. Larry Richards. For more information, please send an email to mpbreakfast@olmc.org. Our next meeting will be this Saturday, September 4. Future dates are: September 18, and October 2 FAITH FORMATION Call to Faith, People of Faith, Children’s Faith Adventures, Friends and Heroes Bible Series OH MY! Wondering how to juggle the components of faith formation this year? Parents of children in grades K-5th grade are invited to attend a Faith Formation Parent Orientation on September 20 at 7:00pm in Saint Michael Hall. Registration for Faith Formation AND Sacrament Preparation will be available beginning September 11 and 12th after all liturgies and online at olmc.org. REGISTER EARLY as space is limited per session. OLMC SOUL SISTERS Thanks to everyone involved with and attending the two summer kick off events for Soul Sisters. The next gathering will be SEPTEMBER 24TH: Celebrating YOU! Details will be available next month. TICKETS ARE NOW ON SALE for the OCTOBER 29TH LANTERN GHOST WALK! We’ll meet at 6 PM, travel by Parish buses and enjoy the time together. Tickets are $10.00 and are available in the Parish office. CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD is celebrated on the second and the fourth Sundays of the month at the 10 am and the 4 pm liturgies. Children ages 4yrs to 8 yrs. are invited to gather in the Daily Mass Chapel during the liturgy to listen to and participate in the Liturgy of the Word in a way that is relevant to their young lives. They return to their family before the celebration of the Eucharist. No registration is necessary. Inclusive Ministries WHAT IS BREATHE? BREATHE Special Needs Respite is a new ministry at OLMC seeking to provide a fun, safe, evening out for kids with special needs! Parents will register their children in advance then, drop them off for a night of fun provided by the BREATHE volunteers! This gives PARENTS a chance to BREATHE by having a night out on the town! We are looking for volunteers to serve as BUDDIES, GREETERS, PIZZA SERVERS, GAMES AND ACTIVITY LEADERS and MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS. BREATHE will happen once a month on a Friday evening! To Register OR To Volunteer: Call Christa at the Parish Office or e-mail cblomstrom@olmc.org. SAVE THE DATE Sarah Hart Rescheduled!!! Remember the blizzard of January 2010?? Well that’s when we anticipated our Women’s Retreat and Catechetical Workshop. Due to the snow in Newport News and the ice in Nashville, we were forced to cancel the January workshop. After struggling to match up schedules SARAH HART will be coming to our parish in October! The WOMEN’S RETREAT DAY: DAUGHTERS OF EVE will take place on Saturday, October 9th from 9am to 3 pm. On Friday evening, OCTOBER 8TH, a workshop for musicians, catechists, teachers and parish leaders will take place in the Church. Working with Song in prayer and catechesis is the topic. Please watch for sign-ups in the next few weeks and SAVE THE DATES! VIRTUS VIRTUS TRAINING The Diocese mandates that all those that minister with children or youth must take this training prior to volunteering. All parents using the Cooperative Nursery at OLMC must be trained as well. VIRTUS TRAINING will be offered at: Bl. Kateri Tekakwitha (Tabb): Mon, Aug. 30 - 6:00 pm St. Bede (Williamsburg): Wed, Sept. 8 - 6:00 pm Register for the 3 hour session online at Virtusonline.org. Click on Registration to the left of the page. Page 4 August 29, 2010 Planning to Get Married? Social Ministry The first step in planning for the Sacrament of Marriage at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish is to attend a Marriage Information Evening! To find out when the next evening will be held or for other information contact Susan Lorentz: 874-4023. Reflecting Christ Transformed by The Eucharist… Reaching Out into community. ♦ ♦ Parish Store Ministry Please stop by the store to see our new items: Sick Call Crucifix, Special Intentions Crucifix, St. Peregrine Chaplet for praying for those with cancer, Catholic Teen Bible, and much more! We also have Bibles, Catechisms, and other books to enhance your faith life. Please fill out a request form if there is something you would like that we don't currently have. We are still in need of volunteers; especially at the 10am Mass. All that is required is a smiling face and the ability to make change! This is a great opportunity for a couple to volunteer together, or a mother and pre-teen or teen. If you are able to give 30 minutes of your time once a month, please contact Sharon at olmcstore@olmc.org. Thank you. Healing Ministry PARENTS OF COLLEGE STUDENTS: Are you a parent who just dropped off your child at college? We are interested in sending your child a care package. If you are a parishioner here and are interested please send me your child’s name and address at jdelcorso@olmc.org or call the office ext. 129. MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER: Interested in getting away for a weekend to spend time with your spouse? Consider going on a marriage retreat! The next one is coming up Sept 24-26 at the Sheraton in Richmond, VA. For more information go to: www.wwme.org THANK YOU FOR HEALING ITEMS: A big thank you for all of you who generously donated healing ministry items! God bless you all- Family Life Ministry GREAT DATE EXPERIMENT: Six great dates: Check out this website at: http://www.marriedlifeonline.com/greatdate_bc.jsp You will find six "great" dates. With a step by step guide to have fun and share, consider this for your next night out when you feel like you need something to spice up your conversation. MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT: Need some resources for your marriage? Check out OLMC's family life ministry webpage and click on "Marriage Enrichment". The USCCB has set up a webpage to help support your marriage at: http:// foryourmarriage.org/ Need more specific help? Contact Jenn D at ext. 129 or jdelcorso@olmc.org ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ What we did this summer: 4th of July Food Bags: Parishioners prepared and delivered 100 food bags to those in need in our area. Outreach Ministry: Parishioners brought food items for the food pantry, monetary donations to assist with rent, electric, gas and water bills. Migrant Ministry: Parishioners donated food, clothes, toys, medical items, and personal care goods. Also, teams of volunteers went to the Eastern Shores to be with the people, celebrate Mass, and hand out all your gifts. Pregnancy Solutions: Parishioners placed baby shower items, clothes, diapers and formula into the baby basket in the commons. Hispanic M.O.M.S. group hosted a baby shower and gave wonderful gifts to this ministry as well. YAM Sandwiches: A group of young adults made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches over the summer to take to St. Vincent’s downtown to give for lunches to the homeless. VBS Children: Brought personal care items to Vacation Bible School and made care packages to give to the Migrant Mission Trips. Also made special blankets for our upcoming P.O.R.T. ministry! Thank you for being a part of Social Ministry this Summer! Knitting Ministry Call Kathy Eanes at 850-0178 for details. Advocacy Group Now Forming! We will gather on September 13 @ 7 pm in Manion Hall. All are welcome to attend this informal gathering! It will be an opportunity to ask questions and understand a little bit more about the program . Call Tina, ext. 118. The Food Pantry is in need of: Rice, Pancake Mix/Syrup, Jelly, Tuna, Crackers, Juice, Beef Stew, Cereal, Spaghetti, Pasta Sauce, Dry Milk Packets, Pasta Salad, Canned Meats, Pudding Pregnancy Solutions is in need of: Diapers size 3 & 4, Baby Wipes, Lotion, Shampoo (Consider bringing one item with you to Mass) PHARMACY OUTREACH PROGRAM Need assistance with your prescriptions? If you don’t have prescription insurance and have a limited income you may qualify for our pharmacy program. Please call a volunteer at the Pharmacy Outreach (595-0385, ext. 127) to see if we can help. Page 5 August 29, 2010 Ladies of Carmel Manna Parish Fundraiser THE LADIES OF ST MARY'S GUILD will meet for lunch at 12 noon on the 8th of September at the home of Julie Lowery. Please RSVP to Julie at 757-595-1999 by Sept 6th. Look forward to seeing everyone. Friends, as the seasons change, make your changes with Manna. Use Manna Shopping Cards for groceries, necessities, and family fun. Your family will have what you need and our parish community will get money from Manna as well. Stop at the Manna table today; we want to thank you for supporting our parish fundraiser. OLMC Community News CUB SCOUTS PACK 242 OLMC Round-Up for the Upcoming Year If you are a boy in entering the first grade through fifth grade in the fall—or you're 7 to 10 years old—then Cub Scouting is for you. The Annual Round-up is a meeting to register new scouts and collect dues for the upcoming year for all cub scouts. This year’s roundup of Cub Scouts is scheduled for Wednesday, September 1 at 6:30 p.m. in the OLMC gym and cafeteria. This meeting is the official kick-off of the Scouting year. The meeting is for cub scouts and adults. Information pertaining to the upcoming year and filling the open leadership positions are the primary topics. If you would like more information about cub scouting, then please call the Cubmaster, Tom Degnon, at 238-2533 or email trdegnon@msn.com or Membership Chair, Debra Brand at 7668384 or email at dmbrand@mindspring.com. Give the Choir a Try! A Cantor Training Workshop will be held on Wednesday, September 1st (note change of date) at 6:30 p.m. All cantors should plan to attend this event. If you are unable to attend, please leave a voicemail message for Kelly at 595-0385, ext. 117. Our first regular rehearsal will take place on Thursday, September 9th, at 7:00 p.m. Community News PCHS FALL CRAFT FAIR: Seeking vendors/crafters for Peninsula Catholic High School Craft Fair to be held September 25th from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. 10’x10’ spaces are $30, tables $5 each, electricity $5 (limited spaces). For further information contact Mrs. M.E. Rhodes at mrhodes@peninsulacatholic.com, or 757596-7247 (please specify the purpose of the call.) WANTED: Donations of New or Gently Used items for Silent Auction at The Well Retreat Center’s Annual BBQ & Fund Raiser on September 26. No item too big or small; arrangements can be made for delivery or pick-up. Please call 2552366 or email staff@thewellretreatcenter.org NATIONAL BLACK CATHOLIC MONTH November is National Black Catholic Month and the Office for Black Catholics and the Black Catholic Commission invite you to join us at our Annual Black Catholic Mass, Sunday, October 31, 2010, 12:00 pm at the Basilica of St. Mary in Norfolk. Bishop Sullivan will be presiding. For more information please visit our website, www.richmonddiocese.org/obc or you may contact Pam Harris, Coordinator, Office for Black Catholics at pharris@richmonddiocese.org, (804) 622-5104. The Annual Black Catholic Retreat will be held Friday, November 12 - Sunday, November 14 at the Roslyn Retreat Center, River Rd. Fr. Jim Goode will be the retreat leader. Cost is $195 per person. Payments are now being accepted. For more information please visit our website at www.richmonddiocese.org/obc or you may contact Pam Harris, Coordinator, Office for Black Catholics at pharris@richmonddiocese.org, (804) 622-5104. What can we answer for you? Question: I came in for reconciliation one Saturday afternoon and did not see a priest. There were no signs or anything indicating that confession was in progress. I felt like this was a "by Appointment" event so I left. The times were as stated in the bulletin. Can you put a sign out or something to let folks know that the priest is hearing confessions? Answer: The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated in the Reconciliation Room every Saturday from 3 pm to 4 pm (and sometimes longer as needed). At other times priests are available by appointment. It is good to arrive at 3pm and join the line (sometimes two lines when both priests are available). If you are within the designated time and do not see a line, it is fine to knock on the door and see if Father is inside. When two priests are hearing confessions, the Daily Mass Chapel is also used. The priests do have name signs that they can hang when hearing confessions, and we will pass on your request for these to be hung. Page 6 August 29, 2010 Sunday, August 29, 2010 8:00 – James Edward O’Donnell 10:00 – D. Y. L. Tsou 2:00 – Andrea Baez-Tineo 4:00 – For the People of the Parish Liz O’Donnell J. J. Tsou Family 8/15/10 $18,891 $19,891 E-Giving for August 9 to August 13: $1,043 Thank you for your generosity Mon – (7am) Marian Kraus Arnold Kraus Tue – (6:30pm) Acree Link Bob & Nancy Curran Wed – (8:15am) 1st Anniversaries for September: Henrietta Blumlein (9/10/09) Kaye Lee (9/10/09) Joseph Orr (9/26/09) Thur – (7am) Charles Scholl Linda Scholl (6:30pm) Judy Darling Fri – (8:15am) Carmen T. LaLonde Michael Granville Saturday, September 4, 2010 5:00 – Denise Roznowski Sunday, September 5, 2010 8:00 – Travis Wahlert 10:00 – For the People of the Parish 2:00 – Alfred Elavsky 4:00 – Meaghan Herrity Last Year Lisa Holston Mom & Dad Kurt Klewin Family Worship Center Flowers Flowers in the Worship Center this weekend are an anonymous donation. Our Lady of Mount Carmel School News EARLY DISMISSAL Wednesday, September 1 is a 1:30pm dismissal day. BACK-TO-SCHOOL NIGHTS Thursday, September 2 is Back-to-School Night for grades PreK-5th from 68pm. Middle school Back-to-School Night will be held Thursday, September 9 from 6-8pm. LABOR DAY There will be no school on Monday, September 6 in observance of Labor Day. MANNA FOR TUITION The Manna you purchase from the Parish can help OLMC School AND can help you pay tuition. Go to www.olmc-school.com/mannaflyer.pdf for more information about how this works. CAFETERIA VOLUNTEERS are needed for the 2010-2011 school year. If interested, please contact Mrs. Kiser in the Business Office. NATIONAL SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM Our Lady of Mount Carmel School will participate in the National School Lunch Program during the 2010-2011 school year. Information explaining this program, along with the participation application, is being sent to all families currently registered at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School for the 2010-2011 school year. To apply for free or reduced price meals, households should fill out the application and return it to the school. Additional applications are available in the school office. Applications may be submitted at any time during the school year as circumstances change. Information provided by the household is confidential and will be used only for purposes of determining eligibility and may be verified at ant time during the school year by school or other program officials. In accordance with Federal Law and U.S Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call 202-720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. VIRTUS REMINDER Please remember that all volunteers at the OLMC School must be VIRTUS trained. This is a Diocesan mandated program. See Page 3 of this bulletin for upcoming sessions in the area. To register for a class or for a complete list of classes offered visit www.virtusonline.org. Page 7 29 de Agosto del 2010 VIGESIMO SEGUNDO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO PARROQUIA NUESTRA SEÑORA DEL CARMEN Ministerio Hispano Coordinador: Francisco Anleu TEL. Oficina: (757) 595-0385 Ext. 136 TEL. Celular: (757) 846-0628 Misas en Español Domingos: 2:00 PM y Jueves: 6:30 PM SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO: CELEBRACIÓN DEL SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO, DOMINGO 12 DE SEPTIEMBRE Los que han recibido las charlas, favor de contactar al catequista, una semana antes. Oficina de Ayuda al necesitado. Queremos agradecer a la comunidad hispana M.O.M.S. (Grupo de Madre a Madre) Por la maravillosa donación de artículos para bebes que están por nacer, y que beneficia al ministerio de Soluciones para el Embarazo. Fue una gran sorpresa ver la cesta de bebé llena con varios artículos necesarios para los bebes. Las donaciones ya han comenzado a salir para cumplir ciertas necesidades de nuestra comunidad. Que todos ustedes sean llenos de bendiciones! Gracias. De parte de El Equipo de Soluciones de Embarazo OLMC. Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos Primera sesión: Martes 24 de Agosto a las 7:00 PM Este programa es para personas adultas que: • Nunca han sido bautizados. • Los que han sido bautizadas en otras religiones y quieren pertenecer a la religión cristiana católica. • Para los que les falta uno de los tres sacramentos de iniciación. • Para los que se han alejado mucho tiempo de nuestra iglesia por alguna razón y están buscando regresar nuevamente. Ven e hermano e infórmate, los Domingos 8, 15 y 22 de Agosto a las 3:00pm hasta las 4:30pm, los primeros dos domingos será para registrase y el tercer domingo para la orientación general de cómo funciona el programa, quienes son los encargados, y cual es tu representación. Ven y trae un amigo, o trae a tu pareja. Las Actividades serán realizadas en Salón de los Cristales, pegadito a la tienda. No faltes. Ven y Veras que grande y buena es la misericordia de nuestro Dios. Para mas información llama a Guillo González. Catequista del programa al 719-0264 MISAS EL DIA JUEVES. Hermanos y Hermanas, le invitamos a que nos acompañe los días Jueves a las 6:30 PM. Se celebra la Santa Eucaristía. Curso del 18 de septiembre “Metodologías pastorales” Fecha de límite para inscribirse: 30 de agosto (favor de contactarse directamente con su coordinador local). Todos pueden inscribirse al curso con la autorización de sus párrocos; o Pagos y logística: Cada curso cuesta $20 por persona. Para ver más información acerca este curso y los requisitos: Favor de contactar a la oficina, del coordinador, para asegurar su participación. Mes de la Hispanidad Ven y únete con nosotros para celebrar en familia. El Mes de la Hispanidad. Cuando: sábado 25 de septiembre. En donde: Salón San Miguel A que hora: 6:00 PM Compartiremos nuestra cultura, folklor, comida, tradiciones y más. Todos estamos invitados a participar, en este evento a nivel parroquial. Si deseas colaborar, participar y mas información Favor de Comunicarse con Shorty Meléndez. Teléfono 599-0882 ATENCION JOVENES: DE 9NO. A 12VO GRADO. La primera sesión para información de sacramentos de confirmación, será el día 24 de Agosto del presente año. En el Salón de Manion Hall. A las 7:00 PM. Quieres ser parte de algún ministerio dentro de la parroquia, tu ayuda será muy agradecida y valorada. Llama a alguno de los coordinadores. Directorio de Ministerios en la Parroquia Coordinadores de Misa: Carmen Lane Pedro Rosas 869-8389 532-1171 Rosarios, Novenas, Visita a los Enfermos: Domingo y Gladys Malpica Eucaristía/Interprete: Rafael Benet 325-0505 990-9688 Proclamadores/de Madre a Madre: Shorty Meléndez Monaguillos: Alex Malavé Ujieres: Ricardo Miranda Música: Ive González RICA: Guillo González Bautismo: José y Alejandra Sánchez Hospitalidad, Convivíos: Maritza Reyes Clases de Ingles: Nora Mendivil Jóvenes 9no a 12vo: Christina Chapman 599-0882 930-3870 292-3095 719-0264 719-0264 269-0319 325-0697 310-1854 810-0186
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bâÜ _twç Éy `ÉâÇà VtÜÅxÄ V{âÜv
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