bâÜ _twç Éy `ÉâÇà VtÜÅxÄ V{âÜv
bâÜ _twç Éy `ÉâÇà VtÜÅxÄ V{âÜv{ “We find Christ here. We bring Christ to the world.” 100 Harpersville Road, Newport News, Virginia 23601 ~ www.olmc.org June 2, 2013 ~ The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Parish Office: 595-0385 Parish Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Friday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm EUCHARISTIC LITURGIES School: 596-2754 Principal – Sr. Dominic, O.P. ext. 213 School Office Hours: Monday – Thursday: 7:30 am - 3:30 pm Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am ~ 10:00 am ~ 4:00 pm 2:00 pm — (en Español) Weekdays: Monday: 7:00 am Tuesday: 7:00 am, 6:30 pm Wednesday: 7:00 am, 8:15 am Thursday: 7:00 am, 6:30 pm (en Español) Friday: 8:15 am Outreach Office: 599-3950 Pregnancy Helpline: 870-3131 Saturday: 3:00 - 4:00 pm, Sunday: 12:30 - 1:30 pm, Thursday: 7:30 - 8:00 am or by appointment. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION QUESTION OF THE WEEK th The 10 Sunday in Ordinary Time, June 9 Reading I: 1 Kings 17: 17 - 24 Elijah raises the widow’s son from death. Reading II: Galatians 1: 11 - 19 Ordination Anniversaries Congratulations and Blessings to Fr. Peter and Fr. Carlos celebrating the Anniversaries of their Ordinations to the Priesthood. Paul is called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles Gospel: Luke 9: 11b - 17 The widow’s son is raised by Jesus. Adults: How do you handle death? Do you recognize that you will reunite with your loved ones again? How do you come to terms with separation? Youth: What could you say to comfort someone whose loved one has died? Children: How can you comfort a friend who is sad? Fr. Peter Fr. Carlos May 29 June 2 40 years 1 year Our OLMC staff and community thanks God for you and your ministry with us! PARISH STAFF EXTENSIONS Pastor - Rev. John David Ramsey Parochial Vicar - Rev. Carlos Lerma Priest in Residence - Rev. Peter T. Tran Deacon - Rev. Mr. Anton Siochi Pastoral Associate - Janet Hassan Children’s Faith Formation (Pre-K-5th grade) Christa Blomstrom Youth Minister (Gr. 6-12) & Young Adult Coordinator Christina Reid Hispanic Ministry Coordinator - Francisco Anleu Social Ministry Coordinator - Tina Wandersee Music Coordinator - Kelly Soprano 112 129 114 113 120 119 128 136 118 117 Liturgy Coordinator - Julie Hall Facilities Manager - Hart Smith Business Manager - Patty Nicholas Food Service Manager (St. Michael Hall) John Chesney Administrative Assistants Eileen Mazary (Website/Bulletin) Carla Weimer (Manna/Parishioner Records) CNU Catholic Campus Minister - John Hopke Receptionist/Mass Intentions Cathy Luth Maintenance Technician - Bill Johnson 115 121 122 140 116 126 123 101 111 Bulletin notices and advertising: All information must be sent to the parish office no later than 8AM on Mondays. Please use e-mail if at all possible and send to: emazary@olmc.org. If you would like to advertise on the back of the bulletin, please call J.S. Paluch at 1-800-524-0263. Page 2 June 2, 2013 Sacraments Adult Faith Formation Baptisms at OLMC are celebrated throughout the year. Parents are encouraged to register in the parish and to attend two preparations sessions. We are now registering for August. Call to register: Christa Blomstrom at 595-0385, x119. Men’s Prayer Breakfast: Saturday, June 8 Msgr. Timothy Keeney - Speaker OLMC men are invited to the next Men’s Prayer Breakfast on SATURDAY, JUNE 8TH. We are pleased to welcome back, Msgr. Tim Keeney, former Parochial Vicar at OLMC and currently the Pastor of St. Bede’s. Coffee will be ready by 7:30 and breakfast will be served at 8:15 am. This is followed by Opening Prayer and the talk. The day concludes at 10:30 am. Sign up at mpbreakfast@yahoo.com SPRED Congratulations to these adults who completed their Sacraments of Initiation this past week: Kenneth Gardner, Audrey Rivenbark, Elizabeth Sargent and Mary Zamora. Filled with the Holy Spirit, may you always be signs of God’s living presence in this world. This Week at OLMC June 2 - June 9 SUNDAY 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 2:00 PM 4:00 PM MONDAY 7:00 AM 7:00 PM The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ MASS Worship Center MASS Worship Center Ladies of Carmel Brunch St. Michael Hall MISA EN ESPAÑOL Worship Center MASS Worship Center MASS Chapel Hispanic Ministry Meeting Upper Room IGNITE Bible Study Lukas Schmidt Suite Adult Bible Study St. Michael Hall TUESDAY 7:00 AM MASS Chapel 6:30 PM MASS Worship Center Baptism Prep Commons Meeting Space 7:00 PM Praise Band Worship Center RICA en Español Daily Mass Chapel RCIA & Catholics Come Home St. Michael Hall WEDNESDAY 7:00 AM MASS Chapel 8:15 AM MASS Chapel 6:00 PM de Madre a Madre Lukas Schmidt Suite 6:30 PM SPRED One Full Session Commons Mtg Space THURSDAY 7:00 AM MASS Chapel 6:30 PM MISA EN ESPAÑOL Chapel FRIDAY 8:15 AM MASS Worship Center 3PM - 6AM Adoration Blessed Sacrament Chapel SATURDAY 7:30 AM Men’s Prayer Breakfast St. Michael Hall 10:00 AM SPRED Open House Commons Meeting Space 3:00 PM Reconciliation Reconciliation Room 5:00 PM MASS Worship Center SUNDAY 8:00 AM MASS Worship Center 10:00 AM MASS Worship Center 11:15 AM Welcoming/Registration Commons Mtg Space 2:00 PM MISA EN ESPAÑOL Worship Center 4:00 PM MASS Worship Center Parish Pilgrimage: August 24 Celebrate the Year of Faith by participating in A Pilgrimage to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and the Franciscan Monastery in Washington DC. Coach buses will be available for $20/person ($100 max/family). 7:30 am Buses leave OLMC 11:00 am Mass in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel; Fr. John David celebrant. 12 Noon Lunch at the Basilica Cafeteria 1:00 pm Tour Pilgrimage 2:30 pm Ride or Walk to Monastery 3:00 pm Tour of the Franciscan Monastery 5:00 pm Board buses with a dinner stop on the way home Summer Adult Bible Study Join us on a journey through Jeff Cavins' The Bible Timeline-The Story of Salvation, a DVD study of fourteen narrative books of the Bible. The journey begins Monday, June 3rd, 7 p.m. in St. Michael Hall. Study guides are available for purchase. For registration, contact Teresa May 833-7339. Inclusive Ministries SPRED – (Special Religious Development) - at OLMC will host our next SPRED Open House Saturday, June 8, from 10:00am to noon in the Commons Meeting Space. Who should come? Anyone interested in forming close friendships based on faith and continuous religious development, parents or guardians with special family members, or anyone who just wants to know more. OLMC’s two SPRED groups (for adults 22 and older) meet Wednesday evenings at OLMC. Contact Christa Blomstrom at 595-0385 ext 119 or cblomstrom@olmc.org. BREATHE Do you have a child with special needs or know someone who may want to participate in our BREATHE Respite Night? BREATHE seeks to provide a fun, safe, evening out for kids with special needs once a month, so their parents can “breathe” or take a break. BREATHE Fun Nights will start up again in September. New registrations will be accepted throughout the summer. Interested in being a part of the BREATHE team next year? Call Christa at 595-0385, ext. 119. Page 3 June 2, 2013 Young Adult Ministry IGNITE will continue our Bible Study, Genesis to Jesus on Monday, June 3rd, at 7:00 p.m. in Manion Hall. All young adults, ages 18 to 35 are invited to attend. Theology on Tap Blitz! Attention all Young Adults and College Students single and married, ages 18-35! Join us for our First Annual Theology on Tap Blitz, every Tuesday evening in June and July for the Peninsula’s Theology on Tap Blitz at Marker 20 (21 E. Queens Way, Hampton). We are pleased to welcome the following guest speakers in June: June 4 - Dr. Jenn DelCorso, Professor at ODU Dealing with Anger as Christians June 11 - Dr. Stephen Strehle, Professor at CNU A Protestant’s Reflection on Catholicism June 18 - Thai Nguyen, St. Jerome Charity & Patriotism June 25 - Father John David Ramsey, Pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Children’s Faith Formation VBS: Kingdom Rock: Where Kids Stand Strong for God Monday, July 8 - Friday, July 12 Registration for Volunteers and Participants: www.olmc.org We need lots of volunteers who can give some time, energy, and love to the kids who will attend. We especially need a few adult volunteers to serve along side our teen volunteers. If you are interested in serving as Preschool Program Director, Station Leaders, Crew Leaders, Nurse/First Aid, Office Help, Registration, Set Crew or Decorations Team, please contact Christa at 595-0385 ext. 119. Volunteer Training Dates (choose 1): June 17 at 6:30pm OR June 23 at 5:00pm (following the 4pm Mass) in the Commons Meeting Space. Virtus training is required for volunteers 18 and older. Please see dates in this bulletin. Children’s Liturgy of the Word is celebrated on Sundays at the 10am liturgy. Children ages 4 to 8. are invited to gather in the Daily Mass Chapel during the liturgy to listen to and participate in the Liturgy of the Word in a way that is relevant to their young lives. They return to their family before the celebration of the Eucharist. No registration is necessary. Initiation Programs Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults and Children You are invited to come learn about the Catholic Faith. We have an ongoing RCIA process that meets on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 – 8:30 pm. The program of for those unbaptized; Christians baptized in another faith tradition and Catholic needing to complete their Sacraments of Initiation. Please consider this faith journey. For more information contact Janet Hassan, Pastoral Associate at 595-0385 ext. 120 or jhassan@olmc.org Junior & Senior Youth Groups Steubenville Atlanta Youth Conference Want an experience that will deepen your faith and love for Christ? Want a chance to meet people from all over the USA? Then consider attending this year’s Steubenville Atlanta Youth Conference. The Conference will be held on July 18th21st in Atlanta, GA and is open to all rising 9th graders to graduating seniors. Contact Christina at creid@olmc.org to reserve your spot. Registration closes June 3rd! Middle School Day Camp Are you Fit for a King? Join other middle school youth (rising 6th-8th grade) on July 22-26 for a week long day camp experience at St. Jerome Catholic Church. Youth will learn to take ownership of their faith as they grow into Ladies and Knights of God. Permission slips are located online at http:// seekingmeaning.weebly.com or at the Christian Formation Bulletin Board. Slips and money are due by June 12th. Contact Christina at creid@olmc.org for more information. Eastern Shore Mission Trip Calling all High School youth, rising 9th through 12th grade! You are invited to participate in a fun and life-changing experience known as our Mission Trip to the Eastern Shore of Virginia. For the past 3 years, SYG has taken a group of teens to the Eastern Shore to be immersed in the culture and dayto-day living of the migrant community. This mission gives teens a chance to witness the face of poverty while discovering how Christ calls each of us to serve our brothers and sisters. Details: • Dates: August 8th - 13th • Cost: $25 • Permission slips are available online at seekingmeaning.weebly.com and at the Christian Formation Bulletin Board. Slips and money are due on/before July 31st • Space is limited to 15 youth, so sign up quickly If a youth is interested in attending OR parents have questions, please contact Christina at creid@olmc.org or x128. Page 4 June 2, 2013 Social Ministry Reflecting Christ Transformed by The Eucharist… Reaching Out into community 4th of July Food Bags We will be packing our annual 4th of July Food Bags on June 29th @ 9am in Manion Hall. ALL ARE WELCOME TO COME OUT AND ASSIST! We are still in need of some food items to complete the food bags. We are looking to serve 100 families and aging. Still in need of: Baked Beans, Macaroni n’Cheese, Pasta Salad, and packages of Cookies. Please be on the lookout for sales on these items. Food Pantry Needs Many more families came in need of emergency food assistance last week with the passing Memorial Holiday Weekend. During holidays the emergency food pantry’s are closed, so many families need to make sure they have food to see them through. So, we are extremely low on: Pancake mix/Syrup Dry Milk Packets Beef Stew Chili, Hash Canned Meats Spaghetti Sauce (plenty of spaghetti—no sauce though) Chef Boy R D Products Toiletries Shampoo, Razors, Shaving Cream, Toilet Paper, Body Wash, Toothpaste, Toothbrushes Thank you so very much!! Eastern Shore—Migrant Ministry We will be traveling over to the Eastern Shore again this summer. We have already started collecting the items that we will need to take with us on our trips. As you are out and about please look for sales on the following items: Food Items: Bags Dry Beans, Bags White Rice, Tomato Products, Cereal, Canned Fruit, Canned Beans Other Items: Sunglasses, Bandana’s, Hats, Sunscreen, Bug Repellent, White Socks, Neosporin, Band Aids, Peroxide, Gardening Gloves, Toilet Paper, Toiletries (as listed above). For Kids: Socks, Soccer Ball, Football, Outdoor Games, Coloring Books, Crayons, Writing Tablets, Books Dates for Travel: July 23 and 30 August 6 and 13 Parish Community Garden The Spring Garden has been planted. If you would like to assist with watering/harvesting over the spring and summer months please contact: Phil or Andrea Stephens @ palmjstephens@cox.net This would be a great ministry for Moms who are home with kids this summer. Watch the bulletin this summer to stay active in our Outreach to those most poor & vulnerable. Parish Feast Day Picnic Saturday, July 13 11:30 a.m. ~ 3:30 p.m. Menu Roast Pork Hot Dogs Side Dishes Drinks Bring a Dessert to Share DJ Bounce House Face Painting Water Balloon Toss 3-Legged Race Sack Race Pie Baking Contest Corn Hole We will provide a tent for shade. Bring a blanket or chairs to sit on. Get your photo taken with the Pope!!! Parish Council Environmental Awareness Initiative "If we want justice and peace, we must protect the habitat that sustains us." - Pope Benedict XVI The Parish Council is looking into how we as a parish, and we as individuals, can become better stewards of creation. Parishioners who have any ideas, concerns or suggestions are invited to contact Harry Grau at hgrau1@verizon.net. Page 5 June 2, 2013 Nursery Our nursery is a CO-Op Nursery, currently at the 10am Mass, staffed by parents who utilize the nursery and volunteer about one Sunday per month. It is a place for children ages 1 to 4 years old to come together to worship, learn about God and grow in their faith development through Bible stories, songs and activities. Please call Heather, 369-2632 or Christa, 595-0385, x 119 for more information or to register. As per Diocesan requirements, we are required to have at least 2 caregivers present in the nursery at all times. In addition, adult volunteers must complete the 3 hour VIRTUS training (go to virtusonline.org to register). Welcoming/Registration Our next parish Registration/Welcoming will be held next Sunday, June 9, following the 10AM Mass in the Commons Meeting Space. You will be given Parish information & a brief tour of the property, and will complete a registration form which will ask which sacraments your family members have received. We look forward to meeting you. VIRTUS Training at OLMC The Diocese mandates that all those who minister with children or youth must take this training prior to volunteering. All parents using the Cooperative Nursery must be trained. Upcoming VIRTUS TRAINING will be offered at: Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church (Newport News) on Monday, June 24, at 5:30pm in the Commons Meeting Space. Register for the 3 hour session online at richmonddiocese.org/Safe-Environment-Training-Sessions. Community News Marriage Encounter Weekend A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is like Springtime. It’s a weekend of fresh air, the rebirth of romance and new beginnings. Applications are being accepted for the June 28-30 weekend in Richmond. For information call Roy and Joan at 483-3209 or visit our webpage at wwme.org/find -a-weekend.html. For those who have already experienced a weekend, a new Marriage Encounter Circle is starting in Richmond. This monthly gathering is a great way to be inspired by other encountered couples and keep your marriage on track. Call Jane and Rick at 804-721-9091for more information. National Homeschool Conference June 21 - 22 Fredericksburg Expo & Conference Center 2371 Carl D. Silver Parkway, Fredericksburg Friday, June 21, 9am-9pm & Saturday, June 22, 9am-4:30pm See www.ihmconference.org for full list of speakers and vendors! This year’s conference will also feature a Teen Program and a Catholic College Fair! ADMISSION is FREE and NO PRE-REGISTRATION is REQUIRED! Convenient, free parking! For more information, please call (540) 636-1946. Employment Opportunity Peninsula Catholic High School, a college preparatory high school in Newport News, is seeking qualified instructors licensed or seeking licensure for 2013 – 2014 in Earth Science. Please send resume and Diocesan application, (which can be found at www.richmonddiocese.org), written references, and a copy of your teaching license (if applicable) to Peninsula Catholic High School, Attention: Principal, 600 Harpersville Road, Newport News, VA 23601 or e-mail to pchs@peninsulacatholic.com. Application deadline is June 14, 2013. Tidewater Catholic Alumni Club The Tidewater Catholic Alumni Club will host a nature hike at 10 a.m. on Saturday, June 15th at the Newport News City Park, 13560 Jefferson Ave., Newport News. The Tidewater Catholic Alumni Club is a organization of single Catholic professional men and women. The club is a member of the national organization Catholic Alumni Club International. For more information go to the club website www.freewebs.com/tidewatercatholicalumniclub/, contact us by e-mail attcac1@hotmail.com, or call 898-6991. Page 6 June 2, 2013 Sunday, June 2, 2013 8:00 – Charlie Barnett Kitty Barnett 10:00 – Providencia Aziles Matos Julie Hall 2:00 – Marian Kraus Arnold Kraus 4:00 – For the People of the Parish Mon – (7am) Joseph P. Nealon. Jr. Rob & Cathy Dickenson Tue – (7am) Int’s of Michele Hurst Laura Luth (6:30pm) Szute Chu Churngwei Chu Wed – (7am) Hildred George Joan Berger (8:15am) Deceased Members of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Guild Thur – (7am) Int’s of Stephen Doherty The Barnes Family (6:30pm) Eduardo Galvez Victoria Iraneta Fri – (8:15am) Jerry Eason The Eason & Kietlinski Families Saturday, June 8, 2013 5:00 – Robert R. Rutherford Family Sunday, June 9, 2013 8:00 – Martha Kelly Marianne Sherman 10:00 – Mr. T.Y. Tsou J.J. Tsou 2:00 – For the People of the Parish 4:00 – Angelo & Dominic Mondi John & Catherine Senita 5/26/13 Last Year $13,964 $14,866 Thank you for your generosity! Flowers for the Worship Center may be given as memorials for a loved one or special occasion. To schedule a memorial floral gift, please call Eileen, ext. 116 at least two weeks in advance of the date you wish. The suggested donation to cover the cost is $85. Offertory Processions: Parishioners are invited to carry the gifts during the Offertory Procession at all of our liturgies. If you are celebrating a memorial, birthday, or anniversary, please sign up on the Gift Bearers poster in the Commons. Our Lady of Mount Carmel School News OLMC School is pleased to offer day camps for the summer of 2013! This year your children have the opportunity to experience a safe, educational and fun environment all summer long, right here at OLMC School! The day camps are licensed and led by qualified, experienced camp counselors who will offer your children an experience like no other. The weekly themes include: June 17-21: Art - Art and Drama, up cycling craft projects, dramatic play, talent showcase and more! June 24-28: Movers and Shakers - multi sport activities, sports and swim and more! July 1-5: Robotics - engineering, simple machines, innovation, structure assembly and more! (no camp on July 4th) July 8-12: VBS at OLMC - Kingdom Rock (no day camps offered) July 15-19: Safari - rainforest activities, zoo adventures, up close animals and more! July 22-26: Recycle - Landscape and Gardening Fun, recycling, plant cycles and more! July 29-Aug 2: Super Science - crazy science experiments, mad scientists, inventions, bug club and more! All students ages 4-14 are welcome to attend! Day camps will be held from 8:30am until 4:30pm each day. Before and after care are also available. Students may register for as many or as few weeks as they choose! Cost: Registration fees - before June 7th, $25/child or $50/family. After that, $40/child and $80/family Weekly fees - $135/week (includes a hot lunch and a healthy snack each day) Before/after care - $15/week for before OR after (6:50-8:30am or 4:30-6:00pm), or $25/week for both Invite your friends and neighbors! This camp is open to all faiths and all children, including those who do not attend OLMC School! Registration for the camp is available online at: www.ezchildtrack.com/nnprt/login.aspx Page 7 EL SANTÍSIMO CUERPO Y SANGRE DE CRISTO PARROQUIA NUESTRA SEÑORA DEL CARMEN Ministerio Hispano: Coordinador: Francisco Anleu TEL. Oficina: (757) 595-0385 Ext. 136, Celular: (757) 846-0628 Misas en Español: Domingos: 2:00 PM y Jueves: 6:30 PM Confesiones: Sábados, 3:00-4:00PM, Domingos, 12:00-1:30PM Escuela Bíblica en Vacaciones para niños. Kingdom Rock: En donde los niños se mantienes fuertes por Dios. Desde el día Lunes 8 hasta el día Viernes 12 de Julio, 2013 Si quieres participar como voluntario y/o participante Puedes inscribirte en www.olmc.org o consulta con Christa Blomstrom si es que hablas Ingles, de lo contrario contacta a Francisco Anleu. Se necesita voluntarios para: Preschool Program Director, Station Leaders, Creo Leaders, Nurse/First Aid, Ofice Help, Registration, Set Crew or Decoration Team. Estas son oportunidades para jóvenes. SACRAMENTO DE BAUTISMO. CHARLAS PRE-BAUTISMALES. DOMINGO 23 DE JUNIO 12:00PM Capilla Misas Diarias Favor de estar puntual, por que a las 12:00 se hace el ensayo para la celebración. Se les recuerda a las familias que bautizan, traer la vela, la vestidura blanca y también que no esta permitido tomar fotos con Flash. Favor de avisar a sus familiares. Cualquier fotografía puede ser tomada con discreción. En la fuente Bautismal, si esta permitido usar el flash. Buena Salud!! Atención medica, sin costo para niños y adultos que no tiene seguro medico aquí en la Parroquia Nuestra Señora del Carmen. Que es esto?: La atención medica es proveído por personal de “BON SECOURS CARE-A-VAN” Cuando: Cada SEGUNDO Y CUARTO MARTES de cada mes . La registración empieza a las 9:30 am hasta que la clínica este llena. Entre mas temprano llegue mas temprano será atendido. Costo: TODOS LOS SERVICIO SON GRATIS, pero las donaciones siempre son apreciadas. Servicios Incluidos: Evaluación de rutina y tratamiento de enfermedades agudas comunes, incluyendo; infecciones respiratorias, dolores de cabeza, dolores de oídos , y conjuntivitis; vías urinarias e infecciones de la vejiga; gastritis y acideces; erupciones menores de la piel (ronchitas); dolores musculares menores, y condiciones crónicas tales como diabetes e hipertensión. También: Exámenes físicos para escuelas, exámenes físicos para deportes; seguro medico para niños, inscripciones y educación sana. Se esta trabajando para entrenar a personas bilingües para que puedan asistirte en estas clínicas de momento si tu no tienes un traductor, llama a la oficina para que se te asigne uno durante tu visita. Para aquellos que se han inscrito como interpretes estar pendiente de la información, para un entrenamiento de parte de la parroquia. De la manera que Dios nos da la vida, la iglesia siempre esta comprometida a ayudarte a que tengas una buena salud, tanto física como espiritual. También hay algunos programas para que la medicina de te pueda proveer de forma gratuita. Pregunta a Francisco Anleu por mas información. Recuérdate que tienes que cuidar tu SALUD!!!!!!! 2 de junio del 2013 PICNIC PARA LA CELEBRACIÓN DEL DIA DE NUESTRA SEÑORA DEL CARMEN, PATRONA DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA. SÁBADO 13 DE JULIO, 2013 11:30am a 3:30pm. El menú será: Lechón asado, hotdogs, acompañamiento para los platos y bebidas. Si quieres colaborar, puedes traer cualquier postre o helados, etc. Habrán diversiones, este pendiente de los anuncios dominicales. ————————————————————— CONVIVIO DE LA COMUNIDAD Se le recuerda a la comunidad, que cada tercer domingo de mes, celebramos el convivio en la cafetería después de la misa. Se ha estado solicitando su colaboración con traer un platillo con comida para compartir y se ha estipulado de la siguiente manera: Si usted quiere colaborar con algo, siga las instrucciones de acuerdo a su apellido: Apellido de la A a la E: Cualquier clase de carne. Apellido de la F a la J: Cualquier clase de Pastas. Apellido de la K a la O: Vegetales, Tamales, etc. Apellido de la P a la T: Arroz en cualquier estilo. Apellido de la U a la Z: Postres, frutas, helados. Gracias por participar y colaborar. Si no puedes traer algo, no te preocupes, tu presencia es muy valiosa. Oficina del Ministerio FORMACIÓN DE FE PARA ADULTOS. Se esta formando un grupo para coordinar un Estudio Biblico llamado: LOS PLANOS DE LA BIBLIA Esta es una guía para entender y acoger la Palabra de Dios. Si estas interesado en formar parte de este grupo, te esperamos el día miércoles 4 de Junio, a las 7:00PM. Salón de los Cristales. Ministerios Litúrgicos: Quieres ser parte de algún Ministerio Litúrgico, como: Lector, Ministro de Eucaristía, Ujier, Monaguillo, etc. Considera colaborar con nosotros. Favor de contactar a Francisco Anleu, al tel. 8460628, entrenamiento, información previa y algunos lineamientos serán proveídos. Actividades Extraordinaria del Ministerio Hispano. Estas solicitudes se aceptaran únicamente en la oficina. Presentación de Niños a la Comunidad, Quinceañeras, Solicitud de Oración para enfermos durante la Liturgia, Oración por los fallecidos durante la Liturgia, Bendiciones especiales para Matrimonios y Parejas, Familias, Bendiciones de Casas y negocios, cualquier otra consulta en general. Estos deben ser coordinados con anticipación para un mejor orden, Para mas información contactar a Francisco Anleu. Oficina 595-0385 extensión 136 FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED 12746 Nettles Drive Newport News, VA 23606 757-930-2222 Barbara & Ken Kerwin What’s It Worth? LLC Helping people buy & sell homes since 1982. Our email: VAHomes@me.com WeSellHamptonRoads.com Abbitt Realty 599-5595 Lawn Care, Pressure Washing, Decks, Fences etc. You set the job, a fair price (labor only) and we do the work. CALL BILL WANDERSEE OR JOHN PIZZANO, 596-4971 • 879-3040 Attorneys At Law Parishioner owned & operated, licensed and insured CHRISTIE WILSON R. Hayden Smith Family Funeral Homes Family Law - Custody • Support • Visitation Settlement Agreements • Criminal Law • Traffic Law Bankruptcy - Ch 7 • Ch 13 • Debt Relief • Wills Managing Partner Reasonable Fees • Appointments Within 24 Hours and Parishioner 744A THIMBLE SHOALS BLVD. (757) 873-6620 NEWPORT NEWS, VA 23606 www.wilsonlawva.com Berceuse Funeral and Cremation Traditions 825-8070 office hours by appointment LINK, JACOBS & LINK, D.D.S., P.C. R. Hayden Smith Funeral Home 723-3191 GEORGE A. JACOBS, D.D.S. MICHAEL J. LINK, D.D.S. 11007 WARWICK BLVD. • NEWPORT NEWS, VA PHONE: (757) 596-7000 Parishioner Meaningful Service With Compassion Bingo Every Monday & Thursday 7 PM Council# 5480 930-0491 For Member Information Call David Litzinger 249-0649 Call Bill Collins 930-0452 Council Meetings 2nd & 4th Tuesday Every Month Competition Performance Fun Classes in Newport News Please contact: letsdance2012@gmail.com Jerry F. Foretich, Jr., D.D.S., P.C. 716 DENBIGH BLVD., SUITE B4 877-0775 COSMETIC & FAMILY DENTISTRY Committed to Excellence Since 1917 Kevin B. Smith G YARL D D&O I ICENSED NSURED COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL LAWN CARE, LLC Owned & operated by a former OLMC School alum COWARDIN & KIM, Attorneys 873-1188 Bill Cowardin, Nosuk Kim, Jeanne T. Anderson Real Estate, Immigration, Estate Planning, Corporations 56 Years Experience General Lawn Maintenance Landscaping, Mulch Seeding, Etc. 757.746.0622 DENBIGH CHAPEL 12893 JEFFERSON AVE. NEWPORT NEWS, VIRGINIA 23608 PHONE: (757) 874-4200 FAX (757) 874-4737 RIVERSIDE CHAPEL 7415 RIVER RD. NEWPORT NEWS, VIRGINIA 23607 PHONE: (757) 245-1525 FAX (757) 245-5361 Dr. Betty Jean Shahmouradian Patrick Henry Family Medicine Parishioner–Director Ed Bunch Director Brandon M. Killian Director KENT E. WILLYARD, MD, FAAFP Tom DeCantis Director 12695 McManus Blvd. • Building 6, Suite A Newport News, VA 23602 (757) 969-1755 INTERNET: www.altmeyer.com 700400 Our Lady of Mount Carmel www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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bâÜ _twç Éy `ÉâÇà VtÜÅxÄ V{âÜv
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Pastoral Associate - Janet Hassan
Hispanic Ministry - Rev. Mr. Francisco Anleu
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“We find Christ here. We bring Christ to the world.”
100 Harpersville Road - Newport News, Virginia 23601
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church
Hispanic Ministry ‐ Rev. Mr. Francisco Anleu 136
Social Ministry ‐ Tina Wandersee
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church
Pastor ‐ Rev. John David Ramsey
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church
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Kids Worship Ministry! All that is needed is a willing heart to
serve. The leaders ...