01/31 - St. Anne`s Mission
01/31 - St. Anne`s Mission
St Mary Catholic Church St Anne Mission 4200 88th Street NE Marysville, Washington 98270 360-653 9400 Fax: 360-658-7439 7231 Totem Beach Road (No Mail) Tulalip, WA 98271 360-386-7425 Website: www.stmar y-stanne.org Email: administrator@stmary-stanne.org Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 31, 2016 Paul tells us to set our hearts on the greater gifts; not material ones, but faith, hope, and love. VISION STATEMENT As a parish under the patronage of Mary, Our Lady, we are called like her, to draw others to Christ. In the midst of this community of Marysville, we recognize the call from Almighty God to be the light that draws others to believe in God. We must make Christ present by the way we live and the way we love each other. Forgiving always; being Christ to others ALWAYS! ————— Como una parroquia bajo el patronato de María, Nuestra Señora, estamos llamados, como ella, a traer a otros hacia Cristo. En medio de esta comunidad de Marysville, reconocemos el llamado de Dios Todopoderoso para ser la luz que lleva a otros a creer en Dios. Debemos de hacer presente a Cristo por la forma en que vivimos y nos amamos los unos a otros. Perdonando siempre; siendo Cristo para otros SIEMPRE! MISSION STATEMENT We are a Roman Catholic sacramental people led by the Holy Spirit, seeking to grow together in faith, love and charity. We are called by God the Father to be a welcoming presence of Jesus Christ in our parish and community through worship, fellowship and service. ___ Somo un pueblo catolico sacramental guiados por el Espiritu Santo, gue buscan crecer juntus en la fe, el amor y la caridad. Somo ilamados por Dios Padre para ser una presencia acogedora de Jesucristo. Father Tom Mc Michael, Parish Priest Friends at St. Mary and St. Anne, Thank you for your warm welcome! Karin and I enjoyed getting to know you a little better last weekend at the "get acquainted" receptions after all three Masses at St. Mary last Sunday. The chicken noodle soup, the pozole, and the the homemade rolls were all delicious. Special thanks to all who stayed late on Saturday and came early on Sunday to prepare the wonderful meal. I'll be talking to Fr. Iweh about a good weekend to "get acquainted" with you all at St. Anne. St. Paul, as we heard last Sunday in the second reading, lifts up a vision of the Church that reminds us that being a Christian is not a spectator sport. Each of us, through Holy Baptism, are called and gifted to help build up the Body of Christ and share the Good News: Brothers and sisters: As a body is one though it has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body, so also Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free persons, and we were all given to drink of one Spirit. (1 Cor. 12:ff) St. Mary and St. Anne both have long histories of living that wonderful vision. We'll be working together to continue that great legacy. Thank you again for your presence, support, and prayers as we step forward with our Lord and with one another. Grace and Peace, Fr. Tom P.S. I only have photos from the reception after the noon Mass. Thanks to all who came and helped with all three! Padre Tom Mc Michael, Sacerdote de la Parroquia Amigos de Santa María y Santa Ana Gracias por su cálida bienvenida! Karin y yo disfrutamos de conocerles un poco mejor el pasado fin de semana en las recepciones "familiarizarse" después de las tres misas en Santa María el domingo pasado. La sopa de pollo con fideo, el pozole, y los panecillos caseros fueron todos deliciosos. Un agradecimiento especial a todos los que se quedaron a última hora del sábado y llegaron temprano el domingo para preparar la maravillosa comida. Voy estar hablando con el Padre Iweh acerca de este buen fin de semana para "familiarizarse" con todos ustedes en Santa Ana San Pablo, como hemos escuchado el domingo pasado en la segunda lectura, levanta una visión de la Iglesia que nos recuerda de que ser cristiano no es un deporte para espectadores. Cada uno de nosotros, a través del Santo Bautismo, somos llamados y somos dotados para ayudar a construir el Cuerpo de Cristo y compartir la Buena Nueva: Hermanos y hermanas: Así como el cuerpo es uno y tiene muchos miembros y todos ellos, a pesar de ser muchos, forman un solo cuerpo, así también es Cristo. Porque todos nosotros seamos judíos o no judíos, esclavos o libres, hemos sido bautizados en un mismo Espíritu para formar un solo cuerpo, y a todos se nos ha dado a beber del mismo Espíritu. (1 Cor. 12:FF) Santa María y Santa Ana ambas tienen una larga historia de vivir esa maravillosa visión. Vamos a trabajar juntos para continuar con ese gran legado. Gracias de nuevo por vuestra presencia, apoyo y oraciones mientras damos un paso hacia adelante con el Señor y con los demás. Gracia y Paz, Padre Tom PD. Sólo tengo fotos de la recepción de la Misa después del mediodía. Gracias a todos los que vinieron y ayudaron con las tres! St Anne Mission News Fr Emmanuel Iweh (360) 386-7425 Email: iwehemenem@gmail.com We continue to build and nurture healthy spiritual relationships with our Tulalip family and to support those in need through prayers, outreach and good works of service. “Together we will continue to knee-mail God. God answers all knee mails”. Fr Iweh =) New year, new email outlook. Brothers and Sisters n Christ: ALL ARE WELCOME, ALL ARE INVITED TO COME AND PRAY WITH US! PLEASE PASS THE WORD…. GOD BE THE GLORY! TO *** Feb 5, & Mar 5, 2016: Please come early at 6:30 and join in singing and praising God with our Healing Ministers! 7:00pm Healing Mass at 7231 Totem Beach Road, Tulalip, WA 98271 on both days. *** ST. ANNE MASS TIMES FAITH FORMATION STAFF Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: 9:00 am Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:30 pm Sunday: 10:00 am Reconciliation Saturday: 4:00 pm Contact: Lesa Roehrich and Liza Harwell, Call: 360-581-8212 Registration -- forms are available and required so we can adequately supply learning materials/ call Lesa @ above phone number Baptisms : Contact Fr Iweh & or Lesa Roehrich (will be arranged by special request.) This is the Link for St. Anne’s Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/ stannescatholicchurchtulalip C.C.D. Sacramental Ed is Tuesday 5:30 to 6:30 PM Adolescent Confirmation Wednesday 6:00 to 7:00 PM Stewardship of Treasure January 24, 2016 Thank You for Your Support! PRAYER LIST Lee Topash – Donald Hatch Jr - Jules Sicotte – Steve Thomas – Colleen Thomas Daniel Bauer – Trudy Menckie - Antonia SeylerGudren Wall - Cindy Rodeen - Kari McManis - Lisa & Robert Monger, Brenda Ann Laird REST IN PEACE Dylan Monger, Tyson Walker, Lyn0nishia Larson, Ariela Vendiola BOX TOPS for Education! Save your box tops....Colleen Thomas is collecting...Thank You! St Anne Needs More Participation! In the after Mass Potluck’s both Saturday and Sunday, as well, as in cleanup. Please bring a DISH to Share with the fellowship of others in the community. St. Mary’s News ST. MARY MASS TIMES Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: 10:30 am, Saturday 9:00 am Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am, & 12:00 pm (Spanish) Eucharistic Adoration 1st Friday: 8:30 am -5 pm Adoration Chapel: open 24 hours Reconciliation Saturday: 10:00 am OFFICEHOURS Monday through Friday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm St. Vincent de Paul meetings are the 2nd Monday of each month in the Parish Hall at 7:00 pm San Vicente de Paul juntas son el Segundo Lunes de cada mes en el salon paroquial a las 7:00pm Nesecitamos servidores adultos para el altar para misas diarias. Para mas informacion por favor contacte Theresa Ambat 425-501-8905 In need of Adult Altar Servers for Daily Masses. For information please contact Theresa Ambat 425-501-8905 CAPILLA de SAN MIGUEL… tiene oracion todos los miercoles a las 3:00pm en la Capilla. Por favor acompanenos. CHAPLET of ST. MICHAEL … is prayed every Wednesday at 3:00 pm in the Chapel. Please join us! PREGNANCY AID Ministry will meet on Wednesday in the Parish Hall at 7:00 pm Readings for this week STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE January 24, 22016 Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. 2 Sm 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13 Mal 3:1-4 Heb 2:14-18 2 Sm 24:2, 9-17 1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12 Sir 47:2-11 1 Kgs 3:4-13 Mk 5:1-20 Lk 2:22-40 Mk 6:1-6 Mk 6:7-13 Mk 6:14-29 Mk 6:30-34 Thank you for your Support!! “Love at First Heartbeat” Pregnancy Aid of Snohomish County & The Pregnancy Aid Ministry of St. Mary, in association with the Knights of Columbus breakfast, will have a Baby Shower & bake sale on Sunday February 14th. Pregnancy Aid has been assisting mothers and their families in our community since 1971. Please Support Pregnancy Aid by buying a sweet treat for your Sweetie or contributing to the Shower. Thank you! The “Little Black Book” Is on sale today through Ash Wednesday and still only $1.000 each. We have them in both Spanish and English plus a limited supply of kids books. Look for your friendly sales-person at the church door. Spend 6minutes a day reflecting on the daily Gospels of Lent. The Library is open today following the first Mass until Noon. Many books, CDs and DVDs to choose from. We are located in room # of the Parish Hall. St. Mary’s Faith Formation Adult Education SYMBOLON, our adult faith formation program has begun again with a whole new series of topics. Do you wonder why we have the sacraments? Why do we have to go to Mass? Why does the Church have teachings on morality? These questions and more will be answered! No sign-ups necessary! Just come Thursdays at either 10am or 7pm! This week– The Mass! Religious Education A date has been set for First Reconciliation. It will be February 17th at 6:00 pm in the Church. A mandatory parent meeting will be held in the Parish Hall during that time. Remember, parents are the primary educators of their children in the faith! If you feel that you don’t have the skills or knowledge to teach the faith to your child, consider coming to Symbolon on Thursday evenings to deepen your own knowledge! The Children’s Choir is starting again!!! This Wednesday, February, 3rd from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Bring your children t0 learn, have fun, to sing with the Holy Spirit. Youth Ministry For updates and information about events, “Like” us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter: @Youth_StMarys! And visit our website at youth.stmary-stanne.org Spread the word! High School Youth– This Sunday, January 31st, Fr. Tom will be joining us for youth group (6-8pm in the parish hall)! Do you have any questions for him? Come and ask! Remember, if you are a high school youth and wish to be confirmed next year, you need to be attending youth group this year! Confirmation is a two-year program! PRAYER LIST: Don Francisco, Thomas La Mere, Melinda Ekdahl, Jose Oliveria, Alexa Mendoza, Joyce Lamaster, Terri Dirks, Velva Thomas, Robert Brown, Margarita Berema, James Mulligan, Shirley Dockendorf, Lorraine Chrun, Frank & Margaret Libra, Alturo Guieerez, Caleb Kamahao McNall, Robert Jammison, Joe Mason, Gabriel Letoto, Josephine Kirkland, Darlene Dalisay, Esther S. Daniels, Kara Rice Family, Cody Sage, Frank Vitous Family, Charles Hlavacek Family, Frank Libra, Tina Call, Fr. Matthew Libra, Antonia Seyler, Caroline Ochs, Cheryl Labrum, Carlita Sjodin, Cezar Del Rosario, Jules Sicotte REST IN PEACE: Jack Willis, Gabriel Ochoa., Chris Simons, Eric Untalan, Joyce Andresen, George Grecula, Tim Dieringer, Norma Edu Balingit, Michael Chron, Joseph Dsouza, William Ramirez, Jeanette McGourty, Mariano Soltero, Jennifer Figuro, Coronad Family, Emilia Gabutero, Severa Dalisay, Josefina Arquiza, Avelino Alfero, Leticia Simon, Tilly Lorentovich, Primitiva Feliciano, Margaret Libra, Santigo Gomez, Alicia Cottingham, Alexander M. Plantilla, Rolando Morales, Pat Menehan Parish Staff (360) 653-9400 Fax (360) 658-7439 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am – 5:30pm www.stmary-stanne.org Email: Administrator@stmary-stanne.org Parish Priest Rev. Tom McMichael frtom@stmary-stanne.org Parochial Vicar: Rev. Emmanuel Iweh 360 386-7425 iwehemenem@gmail.com Deacon: Antonio Cavazos deaconcavazos@yahoo.com Music Director Bookkeeper Lester Letoto lester.letoto@stmary-stanne.org Rudy dela Cruz evbook@stmary-stanne.org Spanish Choir P. A. for Communications Aldo Barletta aldombarle@gmail.com Amadeo Miramontes amadeo.miramontes@stmarystane.org Administrative Assistant Facilities Manager II: Sharon Larson Sharon@stmary-stanne.org John Hodgins john@stmary-stanne.org Faith Formation Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation & Youth Minister Michael Schmitz michael@stmary-stanne.org Elementary Faith Formation/Sacrament: Kindergarten through 5th grade) Debra Hart deb.hart@stmary-stanne.org Marriage Requirements: Please contact the Parish six months in advance of the marriage. Baptisms: Please contact the office!
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