APRIL 10, 2016 Reflection - Saint Anthony Catholic Church in El


APRIL 10, 2016 Reflection - Saint Anthony Catholic Church in El
APRIL 10, 2016
The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us that “The
Church Is One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic” (CCC: #811;
LG. 8). Today’s gospel not only reveals these four characteristics but also describes the symbolic nature of the Church.
In today’s gospel narrative, St John (27: 1-19) gives us a surface or obvious message and a deeper, symbolic message of
the events that took place after the resurrection of Christ. On
the surface, the story, tells us that seven of the disciples led
by Peter went back to fishing on the Lake of Galilee after the
death of Christ. After their unsuccessful attempt for a catch
that night, their modus operandi changed when the risen
Christ stood on the shore and inspired them with the catch of
153 fish. He was identified by John the beloved apostle as
“The Lord”. The truth was that, Jesus was really alive again,
he was not a ghost or a vision or a hallucination. He had a
real live body and he ate real food. It is this reality of his resurrection that inspired the Early Church and which has continued to inspire today’s Church.
On the deeper, symbolic level, the story of what took
place at the Lake of Galilee tells us that the meal Jesus prepared and ate with his disciples was special and holy. It symbolized the Sacrament of the Eucharist. The breaking of
bread was always at the center of Christ’s revelation of himself on each of his appearances after the resurrection. In early
Christian art, bread and fish became a symbol for Holy Communion. Also in catacombs, the fish became a symbol of
Christianity. The Greek letters for the word fish IXQUS became a code word, which meant: Jesus Christ, God’s Son,
Scripture scholars have viewed the number of fish, 153,
caught by the disciples during the appearance of Christ on the
shore, as unusual and very symbolic. Ancient zoologists
listed the kinds of fish in the world at precisely 153. The ancient historians also placed the number of the nations of the
world during the period in question at 153. St Jerome, the
man who translated the Bible into Latin gave his own interpretation which scholars have considered the most sensible.
According to St Jerome, Peter’s net which contained
different species of fish in the Sea of Galilee, stands for the
Church which is able to embrace all the nations of the world.
- Fr. Felix Unichi
Eucharistic Adoration Chapel
Mass Times
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
8:00 am
Tuesday & Thursday
12:10 pm
8:00 am & 5:00 pm
8:00 am,10:00 am & 5:00 pm
Sunday (Spanish)
12 Noon
Monday - Thursday
9:00 am - 6:30 pm
Parish Center Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
Friday, Saturday, Sunday
8:30 am - 6:30 pm
By appointment only
Latin Mass
Second & Fifth Sunday of the month
Christ in today’s gospel handed the nations of the world over
to Peter like the lamb and the sheep, “to tend and to feed.”
The nations were represented by the 153 fish in Peter’s net
which the other apostles helped him to pull along.
The mission of the Church, to go into the whole world
to win souls for God like fishermen, welcoming all of them
into the family of God is a task to be accomplished by all
Christians led by the successor of St Peter, the Pope and assisted by his brother bishops. We contribute in the building
up of the Church by living up to the moral and spiritual
teachings of the Church; by financial and other material supports we offer. Through this way, we render honor and glory
to Christ forever and ever as St John saw in his vision.
8:30 am & 3:30 pm
or by appointment
Page Two
St. Anthony
Third Sunday of Easter
April 10, 2016
Worthy is the Lamb that was
slain to receive power and
riches, wisdom and strength
honor and glory and blessing.”
- Revelations 5:12
Cardinal McIntyre Fund for Charity
Weekend of April 23-24
We walked together in harmony in the house of God.
(Psalm 55: 14)
On the weekend of April 23rd and 24th our Parish
will have a second Collection for the Cardinal McIntyre Fund for Charity. Your contribution goes directly
toward emergency needs for children, adults, and families in Santa Barbara, Ventura, and Los Angeles Counties. You are their hope! Your gift provides a one-time
emergency help for Food, Utilities, Transportation,
Medical, Housing or Funeral Expenses.
100% of your contributions help our parish priests provide emergency assistance to mothers, children and
individuals: Food and milk for three days, lodging for
the night, emergency medical care, rent to tide over a
financial crisis and burial assistance. Envelopes will be
available next week at the entrance of the Church.
Thank You for your generosity.
Jubilee Year of Divine Mercy
In line with the Church's celebration of the Jubilee of
Divine Mercy - we will be offering the sacrament of
Penance every day during the week - 30 minutes before mass times starting Monday, April 11 at 7:30 am.
Sacrament of Penance: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 7:30 am; Tuesday and Thursday - 11:30 am. We hope
that you will come to receive the healing mercy and
forgiveness of Jesus in the sacrament of Penance.
April 10, 2016
Sunday, April 10th
Third Sunday of Easter
Birthday Blessings
Religious Education Classes
10:00am RE Family Mass & Hospitality
Confirmation I Classes - Parish Center
1:30 pm Latin Mass
Monday, April 11th
Parish Center and Adoration Chapel Closed
7:00 pm Bible Study-Parish Center
7:00 pm RCIA classes
Tuesday, April 12th
Parish Center and Adoration Chapel Open
12:10 pm Mid-day Mass
1:15 pm Catholic Movie - Parish Center
7:00 pm Legion of Mary - Parish Center
Wednesday, April 13th
Parish Office and Adoration Chapel Open
Thursday, April 14th
Parish Center and Adoration Chapel Open
12:10 pm Mid-Day Mass
6:30 pm Holy Hour for Priests - Church
7:30pm Grupo Oracion - Church
Friday, April 15th
Adoration Chapel & Parish Center Closed
Saturday, April 16th
Confessions after the morning Mass and at 3:30 pm
10:30 am Lectio Divina - Parish Center
2:00 pm Wedding - Garcia-Bacio - Church
6:00 pm Inaugural Gala Celebration - O’Grady Hall
First Holy Communion Retreat
Saturday, April 30th - 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
St. Anthony Church
215 Lomita St., El Segundo CA 90245
(310) 322-4392
Fax: (310) 322-0797
Visit us on Facebook
Safeguarding the Children: Joan Viena (213) 637-7227
Victims Assistance Ministry: Suzanne Healy (213) 637-7650
Archdiocesan Vocation Director: Rev. Stephen Davoren (213) 637-7755
Pastor: Rev. Robert Victoria
Assisting Priest: Rev. Felix C. Unichi
(ext. 441)
(ext 211)
Director of Religious Education:
Mr. Timothy K. Rodrick, O.P.
(ext. 444)
Youth Minister:
Pastoral Council Chairperson: Ricky Labayen
Finance Council Chairperson: David Bohline
(310) 416-1477
School: Sylvia Kawjaree, Principal
(310) 322-4218 (ext. 110)
Preschool: Rose Aguayo, Director
(ext. 329)
Business Manager : Abner Espanola
(ext. 442)
Secretary: Elizabeth Swenson
(ext. 440)
Office Assistant:
(ext. 440)
Mary Baum & Gemma Flores
Maintenance: George Cadena
(ext. 440)
School Secretary: Gabby Cetl
(ext. 111)
Third Sunday of Easter
Page Three
St. Anthony Church
Mission Statement:
We the St. Anthony community, blessed with diversity
in culture and traditions, unite ourselves to the Real
Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. We commit
ourselves to live out the Gospel of our Lord Jesus
Christ through prayer, service, and actions.
8:00 am
5:00 pm
Grace is necessary to salvation, free will is equally
so; but grace in order to give salvation, free will in order
to receive it.
-St. Bernard
Monthly Financial Report
St. Anthony Church is committed to financial transparency as part of our effort to be careful stewards of the
resources provided by our generous parishioners.
Below is our February 2016 Financial Report.
February 2016 Income:
Sun/Sat Collections
$ 34,443
Online Giving
$ 2,677
Property Rental
Restricted (Rel Ed / Confrm/Scrip)
Total Income
$ 37,120
$ 2,736
$ 15,215
$ 1,550
$ 2,741
$ 59,362
February 2016 Expenses:
Archdiocese Assessment $ 4,280
$ 3,199
$ 1,647
Rectory Expense
$ 2,881
Church Supplies/Etc
$ 12,626
$ 21,110
$ 16,484
Health Insurance
$ 4,626
Other Expenses
Total Expenses
Net Income/(Loss)
Parish Enhancements
Net Income (Loss)
Total Net Income (Loss)
$ 13,246
“Honor the Lord with your wealth, with first fruits of all your
produce then will your barns be filled with plenty, with new
Proverbs 3:9-10
wine your vat will overflow”
Our sincerest gratitude for your generosity and continued
support to St. Anthony Church.
God bless you,
Abner B. Espanola
Business Manager
8:00 am
10:00 am
April 9
Robert Parker (D) &
Holy Souls in Purgatory
Delivan & Helen Gates (PI)
12:00 pm
5:00 pm
April 10
Delivan & Helen Gates (PI)
Brooklyn Gates (PI) &
Kay Cunningham (PI)
For all Parishioners
Augusto & Graciela Vasquez (D)
8:00 am
April 11
Lynn & Zachary Kiernan (D)
12:10 pm
April 12
Delivan & Helen Gates (PI)
- Fr. Felix
- Fr. Robert
- Fr. Felix
- Fr. Robert
- Fr. Hugo
- Fr. Felix
8:00 am
Holy Souls in Purgatory &
Manuel Profeta (D)
12:10 pm
April 14
Delivan & Helen Gates (PI) &
Benjamin Perez (PI)
8:00 am
April 15
Holy Souls in Purgatory
8:00 am
5:00 pm
April 16
Poor Souls in Purgatory
Andy Gowe & Family (PI) &
Jocelyn Perez (PI)
- Fr. Robert
- Fr. Felix
Please Pray
Soledad Barba, Philip Berretta, Rosalinda Banzon, Tom
Blum, Ellen Brandlin, Shirley Caldwell, Teresa
Calderon, Eva Canales, Lois Chavez, Valerie Carpio,
Jemima Carter, Teresita Clemente, Dylan and Dorothy
Doukakis, Betty Domschot, Rosie Dunne, Juan Antonio
Duran, Howard & Cora Fausto, Julie Fish, Rose Garcia,
Rose Gibilterra, John Goodreau, Joe & Don Guzman,
Townsend Hale, Margaret Hoff, Dorothy Hoover, Margaret Kriens, Michalina Kubek, Ed Lewis, Alice Lipinski,
Ken Lockwood, Rosalina & Pedro Martinez, Majella
McIntyre, Cecil McAllister, Michelle McManus, Shirley
Merrill, Carolyn Neustrom, Josefina Rigalva, Baby
Rose, Juan Sanchez, John Snyder, Anne Schuman,
Rev. John Svendsen, Maralyn Swenson, Keith Storm,
Jack & Karen Stewart, Eva Lily Valdez, Elena Victoria,
Elizabeth Webster, Christopher Wheeler, Pennye
Wilder, Christie Wood, Nik Woods.
Page Four
St. Anthony
Catholic Movies on Tuesdays
Parish Center at 1:15pm
Join us every Tuesday at 1:15 pm for a
Catholic movie. Watch as the Saints
come to life to share their loving and
courageous examples of holiness with
us. We will serve drinks and snacks. Come and
bring a friend. Totally free.
Ongoing CASE Collection
St. Anthony Church continue its an
ongoing CASE Drive. CASE
(Community Alliance to Support and
Empower) serves the need of those in
need within our community. At this
time, CASE is helping 48 families and
children who reside in El Segundo.
Items needed in their food pantry during lent include: canned foods (chicken and tuna), canned soups,
spaghetti sauce, pasta, canned fruits, paper goods, toilet paper, napkins, kitchen paper towels, toothpaste,
soap, tissues/Kleenex, and cleaning supplies, liquid
dishwashing, laundry detergent, Comet, Lysol, etc....
Bins for your donated items can be found at the entrance of the Church. Thank you in advance for your
help and commitment to the families in our community.
Mater Dolorosa Retreat Center
May 6-8 2016
On Mother’s Day weekend,
May 6th-8th, 2016, a parish
retreat for the Women of St.
Anthony Church will be
held at Mater Dolorosa Retreat Center in the foothills of
Sierra Madre. Join your fellow parishioners for this
weekend of spiritual enrichment and growth.
The Passionist retreat team offers inspirational talks, as
well as time for quiet prayer, and Mass, Confession,
and Stations of the Cross. Relax in the beautiful
grounds, explore the sacred garden of Our Lady of Sorrows, and the recently remodeled pathways of the Stations of the Cross (actual distance of Christ’s journey to
the crucifixion). Requested donation: $240.00 ($50.00
non-refundable deposit) The theme for this year is “No
Greater Love than This”
Our retreat begins on Friday evening with a buffet dinner and concludes Sunday after Mass. On Mother’s
Day, mass is early to allow time for families to reunite
for celebrations in the late morning.
Please call Mrs. Mary Baum at (310) 844-8610 or
email her at ischiababe@aol.com, our parish retreat
Captain for more information or to make your reservation.
April 3, 2016
News from the Office of Respect Life
Pregnancy Help Center
“In time when I was scared and confused, you
made me feel cared about. I don’t know what
I would have done without you. This child is
such a blessing.”
Pregnancy Help Center
Save the Date
Help the Pregnancy Help Center in Torrance celebrate our 40th Anniversary and join the LIFE FORCE
at our 29th Annual Walk For Life on Saturday, May
21st at 9:00 a.m. at the South side of Veterans Park
in Redondo Beach. More news to come.
Restorative Tai Chi
St. Andrew’s Church
538 Concord St. El Segundo
Tuesday and Thursday 7:00pm-8:00pm
Friday 10:00am-11:00am & Sunday 1:00pm-2:00pm
Cost: $10.00 and a food donation for CASE
Come together and experience gentle stretching to feel
good , Chi Qong to break up stagnant energy, Tai Chi
to move energy throughout the body, and meditation to
calm the mind. With over 40 years of experience in
wholistic healing as well as martial arts, Ara brings a
dynamic and compassionate style to his teaching.
Firmly rooted in the belief of “no student Left Behind”,
Ara and assistant instructor Daniel will always emphasize quality. For more information please contact
Daniel at (310) 251-3571.
Loyola Marymount University Choruses
The Loyola Marymount University Choruses, joined by
a professional orchestra, present the 51st Annual
Spring Chorale on Friday, April 29th at 8:00 pm in the
Sacred Heart Chapel on the LMU Campus in Westchester.
Purchase your tickets online at
In recognition of National Child Abuse
Prevention Month, the Archdiocese of
Los Angeles is participating in the Prevent Child Abuse American Pinwheel for Prevention
campaign. The pinwheel is an uplifting symbol of childhood and represents every child’s right for a life filled
with hope, health and happiness. Through this Campaign we are provided another opportunity to transform
awareness into action.
For more information on how to have your parish,
school or family be a part of this important campaign,
contact jvienna@la-archdiocese.org.
Third Sunday of Easter
Page Five
Mensaje para Reflexionar
La Parroquia de San Antonio
Hoy se nos recuerda fuertemente que creer en y
seguir a Jesús es ante todo una relación, una relación
de amor con Dios, una relación de amor con aquel que
sabemos nos amó primero. Antes de pensar en los
compromisos que conlleva ser cristianos, antes de pensar en cumplir los mandamientos o vivir las bienaventuranzas, hemos de pensar en fortalecer nuestra relación
con Dios. Sólo desde ahí encontraremos el sentido y
tendremos las fuerzas para vivir como verdaderos cristianos. ¿Se imaginan ustedes a un matrimonio que tenga que vivir todas las exigencias de ser padre/madre,
esposo/esposa pero que no se amen el uno al otro?
¡Es un infierno! Pues lo mismo sucede cuando un cristiano no se ha dado cuenta del amor de Dios y quiere
cumplir con las exigencias de la caridad, la solidaridad
y el perdón; es imposible ser feliz así!
Hoy le podemos poner nuestro nombre a la pregunta que Jesús le hace a Pedro: ¿me amas?
Pues si no estás seguro de este amor, jamás podrás vivir como verdadero cristiano ni como Hijo de
Dios. ¿Cómo llegar a este amor? Imagínate cómo llegas a conocer y amar a una persona: primero la tienes
que conocer (Evangelios), después la tienes que tratar
con frecuencia (Oración), después se puede crear un
lazo de compromisos (Caridad). Tres pasos, claros y
concretos que nos llevan a conocer a Jesús y amarlo
como Él nos lo pide.
Te alabare Señor, eternamente.
- Padre Hector M. Perez
El mensaje de Jesús para nosotros es muy sencillo.
“Nosotros caminábamos juntos en armonía en la casa
de Dios”
- Salmo 55:14
El Domingo, 24 de Abril, es nuestra Colecta Parroquial para el Fondo Cardenal McIntyre para la Caridad.
A diario durante un año el Santo Sacrificio de la Misa
será ofrecido por las intenciones de aquellos que contribuyen y participan en el Fondo Cardenal McIntyre
para la Caridad.
Sus aportaciones ayudan a nuestros sacerdotes en las
parroquias para que proporcionen ayuda alimenticia y
leche por tres días a las personas que están pasando
por situaciones difíciles en todas la Arquidiócesis de
Los Angeles. Alojamiento por una noche. Atención
médica de emergencia. Pagos de alquiler para superar
una crisis financiera y ayuda para servicios funerarios.
Usted es la esperanza! Su contribución provee ayuda
de emergencia para estas personas necesitadas.
Encontrará los sobres respectivos para esta colecta la
proxima semana a la entrada de la Iglesia.
Gracias por su continuo apoyo y generosidad.
Nuestra Misión:
Nosotros, la comunidad de San Antonio, bendecidos
con diversidad en cultura y tradiciones, nos unimos a
la presencia real de Jesús en la Sagrada Eucaristía.
Nos comprometemos a vivir y enseñar la palabra de
nuestro señor Jesucristo por medio de nuestra oración,
servicio y acciones.
St. Anthony School
Celebración de Gala Inaugural!
TÄ|xÇàÉ wx cÜ|ÅtäxÜt
“Misericordia- El Llamado a Servir”
Sábado, 16 de Abril!
Salón Parroquial
6:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Vestir para impresionar!
Boletos a la venta después de la Misa
o en las oficinas del Colegio de 9 am-2pm
$50.00 cada Boleto o Patrocinación de Mesa para Ocho (8)
Acompáñenos a Una Fabulosa cena
Honorando a:
Nuestra Alcaldesa
Suzanne Fuentes, Clase de 1971
Y al Concejal Michael Dugan,
Padre de la Clase de 2016
Música en vivo * Bebidas* Cena * Baile
Rifa de TV Pantalla de 55”* Subasta en Silencio*
Entretenimiento por
Jesse Campbell !!!
Que tan generosamente puede usted contribuir a la educación de
los niños de nuestra escuela?
Apoye a nuestros estudiantes!
Apoye a nuestra Escuela Parroquial !
Salvaguardar Los Niños
En reconocimiento del Mes Nacional para la Prevención del Abuso Infantil, la
Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles está participando en la campaña para la Prevención de Abuso Infantil de América
“Remolino de Prevención”. El remolino es un símbolo
de la infancia y representa el derecho de cada niño a
vivir una vida llena de esperanza, salud y felicidad. A
través de la campaña tenemos la oportunidad a transformar la concientización en acción.
Para más información de cómo lograr que su parroquia, escuela o familia sean parte de esta importante
campaña, contacte a jvienna@la-archdiocese.org.
Para ayuda en particular, puede llamar al Ministerio
de Asistencia al (213) 637-7650.
St. Anthony School
Gala Celebration
UÜxtà{ Éy fÑÜ|Çz
“Mercy – The Call to Serve”
Saturday, April 16th
6:00 pm to 11:00 pm
St. Anthony Parish O’Grady Hall
Adults Only * * * Dressy
Tickets are $50 Pre-Sale / $65 after 4/13 and at the Door OR Table of Eight (8) Sponsorship
How generously can you contribute to the education of the children of our school?
How much would you like to invest in our children’s education?
Support our Students! Support our Parish School!
Join Us For A Fabulous Evening Honoring:
Mayor Suzanne Fuentes, Class of ‘71
Councilmember Michael Dugan
Parents of Class of 2016 Graduates
Live Band Entertainment By
Jesse Campbell
NBC’s The Voice
Showcasing St. Anthony Student Talent
Live Music
55” LED Big Screen TV Raffle
Silent Auction Child Care
Ticket/Table Sales after ALL Masses OR visit the school office,
Monday-Friday, 9:00 am – 2:00 pm, 310.322.4218.
For more information, please contact Mrs. Gerri Hubbard at
ghubbard01@ca.rr.com or at 323.291.0088