Sunday, September 13 Fecha: 13 de Septiembre Time/Hora: 11:0


Sunday, September 13 Fecha: 13 de Septiembre Time/Hora: 11:0
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time—September 6, 2015
Celebrating our Diversity
with Fun, Food, and Fellowship
Celebrando la Diversidad
con Amistad, Comida, y Diversion
Parishioners are asked
to bring the following
according to their
last name:
Feligreses se pide que
traigan lo siguiente
según su apellido:
A-G: Side Dish/
botana o aperitivo
H-P: Salads/Ensalada
Q-Z: Desserts/Postres
Please contact
Brenda Galloy
Por favor llame a la
Mass and Barbecue in the Park
Misa y Barbacoa en el Parque
Date: Sunday, September 13
Fecha: 13 de Septiembre
Time/Hora: 11:00 a.m.
Bales-DuSable Park
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo!
601 N. 4th, St. Charles, MO 63301
Parish Vision Statement:
We are the parish that, through our communion with Jesus, guided by the Holy Spirit:
Welcomes all; Celebrates our unity, diversity, and traditions; Uses God’s gifts to
serve and teach others and be the face of Jesus Christ in the Community.
Parish Office:
School Office:
Religious Education Office:
Latino Ministry:
St. Vincent DePaul Society:
Founded 1791
leave a message after the recording
Pastoral Staff:
Father John Reiker, Pastor:
Father Bob Menner, Associate Pastor:
Father Don Schramm, Senior Associate:
Deacon Don McElroy, Deacon
Deacon Fred Haehnel, Deacon
Deacon Jorge Perez, Deacon
Mrs. Silvina Baez, Latino Ministry
Mrs. Becca McCullough, Director of Religious Education
Mrs. Peggy Dupree, Office Manager
Ms. Maria Martinez, Office Secretary
Mrs. Jackie Voelkl, School Principal
Mrs. Mary Kutchback, Organist, Pastoral Associate for Seniors
Mrs. Beth Duello, Director of Music
Mrs. Lisa Delicath, Contemporary Youth Choir
Mr. Juan Saldana, el coro
Mr. Sam Plummer, Youth Ministry
Mr. Rob Iver, Parish Council Chairperson
Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation:
Saturdays 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. or by appointment
Schedule of Holy Mass
8:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m. vigil for Sunday
7:00, 8:30, 10:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m. in Spanish
6:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.
Sacrament of Baptism:
Arrangements made after parental instruction.
Call the parish office for more information.
Sacrament of Matrimony:
Contact the parish office at least six months prior
to wedding to begin preparations
Holy Days of Obligation: watch the bulletin
Eucharistic Adoration:
Third Mondays, 8:30am to 6:30pm
Lifeline, 4th Thursdays 7:00—8:30pm
National Holidays: 9:00 a.m.
Parish Office Business Hours
Perpetual Help Devotions:
Tuesdays following the 8:00 a.m. Mass
Monday thru Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Bulletin deadline: Monday 10:00 a.m.
Parish Hall Rental:
Neal or Pat at 636-949-9722 (gym)
Peggy at 636-946-1893 (café)
We welcome all who come and worship with us. If you wish to join our parish faith family, or have a change in your contact information, kindly complete this form. You can return it to the Rectory, place in in the collection, or give it to a Priest or Deacon.
Cell/Phone Number_______________________________
Address/Zip______________________________________________________ Email____________________________________
___ Please make the above changes to my parish record
___ I wish to find out more about the Catholic faith
___ I would like to speak with a Priest/Deacon
Interested in information about annulments/validation
Information on having my children baptized
Please pray for: __________________________________
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time—September 6, 2015
Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo!
From the Pastor’s Pen
All Parish Unity Day Next Sunday
11:00am Mass and Picnic in the Park
Our 8th Annual Borromeo Parish Unity Day
Sunday, September 13th, Bales-DuSable Park
I and our whole staff personally hope and pray each one
of you and every family, who are proud to call Borromeo our
home, will come together to celebrate our Unity in Jesus
Christ and His Holy Communion. We will have a special involvement and blessing for all our children who are preparing
this year for First Holy Communion—the Sacrament of Unity.
Because it is so important, we have decided to cancel the
10am and 11:30am Masses in church and have the Mass in
the Park at 11:00am on September 13. One of many reasons
is so the choir and others can join us.
Come for fun, fellowship, and our faith family!
Strategy for Job Creation
Lance McCarthy, director of poverty programs with the
Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s na onal council, cites a strategy for job crea on and training as a crucial factor in ba ling
the state of poverty that exists. Effort6s he suggested for
considera on include:
∗ Raising the minimum wage
∗ Increasing the earned income-tax credit
∗ Guaranteeing paid leave and paid sick days
∗ Elimina ng erra c work hours for those who care for
∗ Providing high-quality child care
∗ Expanding Medicaid
∗ Reforming the criminal jus ce system for successful reentry
∗ ensuring funding for programs that provide help to families
∗ elimina ng the requirement for felons to list a convic on
on employment applica ons.
In his address to the Pon fical Council for Jus ce and
Peace on October 2, Pope Francis said, “The fundamental
right to work cannot be considered a variable dependent on
financial and monetary markets. It is basic good in respect to
dignity, the forma on of a family, the realiza on of the common good and peace.”
Recently, on the feast of St. Joseph the Worker, Pope
Francis lamented that society is increasingly pu ng profits
ahead of human dignity. “What point have we come to?” he
asked. “We do not get dignity from power or money or culture. We get dignity from work.”
Top Ten Takeaways from
‘Laudato Si” (“Praised Are You”)
Pope Francis’ Encyclical
On Care for our Common Home
by Father James Mar n, S.J.
Editor at large of America Jesuit magazine
(con nued from last week)
Pope Francis’ revolu onary new encyclical calls for a “broad
cultural revolu on” to confront the environmental crisis.
“Laudato Si” is also quite lengthy. Can it be summarized? In
other words, what are the main messages, or “takeaways” of
this encyclical?
6) Everything is connected—including the economy.
One of the greatest contribu ons of “Laudato Si” is that it
offers what theologians call a “systema c” approach to an
issue. First, he links all of us to crea on: “We are part of
nature, included in it, and thus in constant interac on with
it” (No. 139). But our decisions, par cularly about produc on
and consump on, have an inevitable effect on the environment. Pope Francis liNks a “magical concep on of the market,” which privileges profit over the impact on the poor, with
the abuse of the environment (No. 190). Needless to say, a
heedless pursuit of money that sets aside the interests of the
marginalized and leads to the ruina on of the planet are connected. Early on, he points to St. Francis of Assisi, who shows
how “inseparable the bond is between concern for nature,
jus ce for the poor, commitment to society and interior
peace” (No. 10). Far from offering a naïve condemna on of
capitalism, Pope Francis provides an intelligent cri que of the
limits of the market, especially where it fails to provide for
the poor. “Profit,” he says, “cannot be the sole criterion” of
our decisions (No. 187).
7) Scien fic research on the environment is to be praised
and used.
Pope Francis does not try to “prove” anything about climate
change in this document. He frankly admits that the church
does not “presume to se le scien fic ques ons” (No. 188).
And while he clearly states that there are disputes over current science, his encyclical accepts the “best scien fic research available today” and builds on it, rather than entering
into a specialist’s debate (No. 15). Speaking of the great forests of the Amazon and Congo, and of glaciers and aquifers,
for example, he simply says, “We know how important these
are for the earth . . .” (No. 38). As the other great Catholic
social encyclicals analyzed such ques ons as capitalism, unions and fair wages, “Laudato Si” draws upon both church
teaching and contemporary findings from other fields—
par cularly science, in this case—to help modern-day people
reflect on these ques ons.
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time—September 6, 2015
8) Widespread indifference and selfishness worsen environmental problems..
Pope Francis reserves his strongest cri cism for the wealthy
who ignore the problem of climate change, and especially its
effect on the poor. “Many of those who possess more resources seem mostly to be concerned with masking the problems or concealing their symptoms . . .” (no. 26). Why, he
asks, are so many of the wealthy turning away from the
poor? Not only because “some view themselves as more
worthy than others,” but because frequently decision makers
are “far removed from the poor,” physically, with no real
contact to their brothers and sisters (No. 90, 40). Selfishness
also leads to the evapora on of the no on of the common
good. This affects not simply for those in the developing
world, but also in the inner ci es of our more developed
countries, where he calls for what might be termed an
“urban ecology.” In the world of “Laudato Si” there is no
room for selfishness or indifference. One cannot care for
the rest of nature “if our hearts lack tenderness, compassion
and concern for our fellow human beings” (No. 91).
9) Global dialogue and solidarity are needed.
Perhaps more than any encyclical, Pope Francis draws from
the experiences of people around the world, using the insights of bishops’ conferences from Brazil, New Zealand,
Southern Africa, Bolivia, Portugal, Germany, Argen na, the
Dominican Republic, the Philippines, Australia and the United States, among other places. (In this way, he also embodies the Catholic principle of subsidiarity, which, in part, looks
to local experience and local solu ons.) Moreover, the “new
dialogue” and “honest debate” he calls for is not simply one
within the Catholic church (No. 14, 16). Patriarch Bartholomew, the leader of the Eastern Orthodox Church, enters into
the encyclical, as does a Sufi poet. In fact, the pope calls into
dialogue and debate “all people” about our “common
home” (No. 62, 155). A global dialogue is also needed because there are “no uniform recipes.” What works in one
region may not in another (No. 180). The encyclical’s worldwidewide scope (as opposed to a more Eurocentric cast)
makes it an easier invita on for a worldwide community.
10) A change of heart is required.
At heart, this document, addressed to “every person on the
planet” is a call for a new way of looking at things, a “bold
cultural revolu on” (No. 3, 114). We face an urgent crisis,
when, thanks to our ac ons, the earth has begun to look
more and more like, in Francis’ vivid language, “an immense
pile of filth” (No. 21). S ll, the document is hopeful, reminding us that because God is with us, we can strive both individually and corporately to change course. We can awaken
our hearts and move towards an “ecological conversion” in
which we see the in mate connec on between God and all
beings, and more readily listen to the “cry of the earth and
the cry of the poor” (No.. 49).
To use religious language, what the pope is calling for is
Care of Creation
September 1st was World Day of Prayer for the Care of
Crea on, which Pope Francis said “offers to individual believers and to the community a precious opportunity to renew our personal par cipa on in this voca on as custodians
of crea on, raising to God our thanks for the marvelous
works that He has entrusted to our care…”
Joke of the Week
Steven (age 3) hugged and kissed him Mom goodnight. “I
love you so much, that when you die I’m going to bury you
outside my bedroom window.”
Dylan (age 4) stepped onto the bathroom scale and asked
“How much do I cost?”
Spread the Gospel, the Good News
about Jesus and His Borromeo Family!
A Holy Community through Holy Communion.
Your brother in Jesus,
Mass Intentions
Monday, September 7, Labor Day
9:00 a.m. Pat Johnston—4th anniv.
Tuesday, September 8, The Nativity of the Virgin Mary
6:30 a.m. Bonnie Bizelli—1st anniv.
8:00 a.m. Shirley Muehlenkamp
Wed., September 9, St. Peter Claver, priest
6:30 a.m. Dorothy Snyder—19th anniv.
8:00 a.m. Melvin Schmidt—3rd anniv.
6:15 p.m. Robert Rufkahr
Thursday, September 10, Weekday
6:30 a.m. Henry Rauch
8:00 a.m. Marge Schaefer
Friday, September 11, Weekday
6:30 a.m. Everett Miesse
8:00 a.m. Carl Schaffrin
Saturday, September 12, Weekday
8:00 a.m. Glennon & Marie Baumann
5:00 p.m. Our Parish Family
Sunday, September 13, 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:00 a.m. Marylin Bright
8:30 a.m. Lou Borgmeyer
10:00 a.m. Robert Kohlfeld
11:30 a.m. Ernie Schrader
5:00 p.m. Donald J. Orf
Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo!
NEXT SUNDAY—September 13th at 11:00am at Bales-DuSable Park
Flag Bearers Still Needed!
We need volunteers to carry the flags of the following countries:
Vatican City
Dominican Republic
Russian Federation
South Korea
El Salvador
For questions or to volunteer to carry your country’s flag, please contact:
Cathy Carey: or Silvina Baez:
Everyone is asked to bring a food dish according to their last name:
A-G: side dishes
H-P: salads
Q-Z: dessert
All families are asked to bring their own drinks and chairs or blankets
Questions: contact Brenda Galloy 636-219-6767 or
In case of rain, Unity Day Mass will be held in the school gym
Directions to Bales-DuSable Park from Church:
Go east from church to North Second, turn left.
Stay on North Second .7 miles to Tecumseh, turn right.
Turn left onto North Main, ending at the Park
Shopping list for September 26/27:
salmon, pears, pork ’n beans,
instant oatmeal, fruit drinks, syrup,
and for the Mini-Vinnies:
16oz peanut butter
Interested in joining Girl Scouts?
Troops are forming for the 2015-2016
school year for grades Kindergarten
through 12th Grade.
Contact Stacey Iadevito for more info:
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time—September 6, 2015
Next weekend we will have a special blessing
for all parents awaiting the birth of a child.
Sunday, September 6
Boy Scouts, church office, 11:30am
Monday, September 7—LABOR DAY
Mass at 9:00am today (no 6:30 Communion Svc.)
Parish and School offices closed
W-CRHP1, St. Charles Room, 6:00pm
Tuesday, September 8
Ladies Sodality, café, 6:30pm
Wednesday, September 9
Quilting, rectory basement, 8:30am—noon
Adult Choir gathering, café, 5:00pm
W-CRHP12, Bicentennial Room, 6:00pm
Giving Tree, church office, 6:00pm
Emaus prep, St. Charles Room, 7:00pm
Thursday, September 10
W-CRHP7, church office, 6:30pm
RCIA, Bicentennial Room, 6:30
Boy Scouts, café, 7:00pm
Friday, September 11
St. Pat casseroles—deliver to church office by 8:30am
Saturday, September 12
Women’s Fellowship, church office, 6:00am
Hispanic Ministry workshop, café, 8:00am—3:00pm
SCB Night at the Derby, gym, doors open 6:00pm
Sunday, September 13—UNITY DAY
M-CRHP12, church office, 7:00am
UNITY DAY Mass and Picnic, Bales-DuSable park,
Mass at 11:00am, food & festivities following
If you or someone you know is pregnant or awaiting
adoption, please come to any of the Masses on Pro Life
Sunday (September 13—UNITY DAY) to receive this
Families who have lost a child:
Children’s Memorial Dedication Mass
Tuesday, September 15
6:15pm Prayer * 7:00pm Mass
Please join us on the evening of Tuesday, September 15,
the Feast of the Sorrowful Mother, for the dedication of
the St. Charles Borromeo Children’s Memorial. The new
Children’s Memorial will offer spiritual support for all families who are suffering from the loss of a child at any age.
On September 15 we will begin by saying the 7 Sorrows of
Mary Rosary Prayer at 6:15pm in church by the newly re-
Picnic Horse Races, September 12
Unity Day, September 13
Youth/Family Mass, September 27—3pm
Youth Group Picnic/meeting for Parents following
Contemporary Youth Mass, September 19
Parish Picnic Weekend: October 2/3/4
Wedding Planning Seminar, October 15
Uniform Exchange, October 17
School Fall Break, noon October 22—November 1
St. Charles Borromeo Feast Day, November 4
Parish Sausage Dinner, November 7
stored Pieta statue. The dedication Mass will begin at
7:00pm. Following Mass, families who have lost a child
due to miscarriage, still birth, abortion, as well as younger
and older children who have passed away due to accident,
illness or any cause are welcome to remember their loved
ones by inscribing their child’s name in the Children’s Memorial Book of Life to be housed by the Pieta statue.
If you or someone you know has lost a child, we hope you
will join us as a community in remembering these precious
children. Please contact Ann Tollefson at 636-928-2970 or
Barb Bott at 636-947-3939 if you have any questions.
Please help Lindenwood’s Catholic Newman Center!
Tubs of koolaid/lemonade powder, box desserts, pasta noodles, cans of red sauce, parmesan, coffee, tea, pretzels, chips
and candy are needed for community dinners and retreats. Please place donations in the box at the back of church
through September 6 or contact Alyssa to schedule/dropoff/pickup @ 636-255-2231.
Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo!
Oficina: Tel: (636)946-1893 Fax (636)946-5598
13 de setiembre a las 11am en el parque Bales-Dusable
Este ano la Misa de la Unidad comenzará con una procesión de feligreses llevando banderitas de los países donde nacieron o de donde vinieron sus antepasados. La parroquia proveerá las banderas. Hasta
ahora tenemos voluntarios que llevaran banderas de:
El Salvador
Republica Dominicana
Si desea puede llevar una comidas pueden traer de acuerdo a la primer letra de su apellido:
A-G: Acompañamiento
Q-Z: Postres
Preguntas: Comuniques con Silvina Báez 636946-1893 o
En caso de lluvia el Día de la Unidad se hará en el Gimnasio
Día para la Familia.
"Aquí estoy Señor para hacer tu voluntad".
Jornada de reflexión sobre el rol de las familias en la vocación de los hijos.
El P. Randy Soto vendrá nuevamente a SCB a compartir con nuestras familias, un día para reflexionar sobre nuestra familia y la vocación de nuestros hijos.
Sábado, 12 de setiembre de 9am-2pm, en la Cafetería.
Oración por mi hijo/a adolescente
Señor, tengo un hijo adolescente
Te pido por él
Para que
te llame desde su soledad y necesidades,
Para que yo, sepa entenderlo
y no se convierta en un enigma
para sí mismo ni para mí.
Que sepa comprender
sus risas, sus cambios de humor
y sus rabietas.
Que interprete y acompañe
us cobardías, ambiciones ,amores y hasta rencores.
Que sea luz y ejemplo,
compañía y seguridad
que marque los límites con firmeza y seguridad
sabiendo a la vez darle
alas para forjar lentamente su destino.
Dame un corazón lleno de amor
para dar sin medidas.
Y un corazón que no tenga dibujados los tiempos.
Dame tu luz, tu gracia y tu amor. Los necesito.
¡Tu Luz! Para ver claro el camino, el futuro,
y ayudarle a descubrir sus
posibilidades y limitaciones,
para que crezcan con alas seguras
y corazón dispuesto a ser valiente
Para amar y ser responsable
de su vida y quienes tienen a su lado.
Dame fuerzas Señor, para ver crecer a mis hijos
y sostenerlos con mano segura
Hasta que un día...
levanten su vuelo.
Autor: Padre Guillermo Serra, LC
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time—September 6, 2015
This Week With Your St. Charles Borromeo Family
Isabela Pintor Avalos, daughter of Gorge (deceased) and Rosa (Avalos) Pintor
Sofia Nicole Alvarez, daughter of Sergio and Elizabeth (Delgado) Alvarez
Isabella Guadalupe Sanchez, daughter of Ulises and Nadia (Melgarejo) Sanchez
George & Yvonne Tihen * John Ross & Kelsey Funk
Nicole Plaggenburg and David Ross * Rebekah Kutchback and Andrew Dallwitz
Jessica Conderman and John Haehnel * Maria Holt and Chris Lusardi
Marion Engelhorn, Delfina Barcenas, Pamela Mitts, Genie Sandbothe, Bernadine Boerding, Cecelia Shirley,
Carol Fasching and Terry Fasching—mother and brother of Becca & Scot McCullough;
Becky Watts, daughter-in-law of Forrest & Ruth Watts; Theresa Didion—daughter-in-law of Ruth Didion;
Bob Nittler, brother of Mary & Dan Shelburne; Bill Worland, brother of Mary Glenn;
Moses Ochoa, infant grandson of Becky Sanchez; Millie Nothstine, sister-in-law of Theresa Weber;
Kathleen George, mother of Erin Beckemeier;
and for the intentions on our Borromeo Prayer Tree and in our Book of Prayers
Denis Wessler, brother of Rich & Blanche Wessler
Leo Vehige, brother of Viola and Bill Vogt
Berniece Machens, sister of Opal Runde and mother-in-law of George Beilsmith
Servicios Dentales
Familias o individuos latinos de bajos recursos económicos.
Residir en los Condados de St. Charles, Lincoln y Warren por seis meses o mas.
No tener Seguro medico.
Participar activamente en el proceso de certificación y manejo de caso.
Asistir a una entrevista para determinar elegibilidad.
Sts. Joachim and Ann Care Center:
4116 McClay Rd. * St. Charles, MO 63304 * Tel: 636-441-6283
Venta de Tamales Emaús
Tendremos venta de tamales por encargo, si esta interesado en comer unos ricos tamales
por favor hable con la sra Mila Murillo para hacer su pedido.
en SCB 19 y 20 de setiembre, marque su calendario
Col 1:24 — 2:3; Sal 62 (61):6-7, 9; Lc 6:6-11,
Mi 5:1-4a; Sal 13 (12):6; Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 [18-23]
Col 3:1-11; Sal 145 (144):2-3, 10-13ab; Lc 6:20-26
Col 3:12-17; Sal 150:1b-6; Lc 6:27-38
1 Tm 1:1-2, 12-14; Sal 16; Lc 6:39-42
1 Tm 1:15-17; Sal 113 (112):1b-7; Lc 6:43-49
Is 50:5-9a; Sal 116; Stgo 2:14-18; Mc 8:27-35
Rosario Bilingüe
Miércoles a las 545pm en la iglesia
Se embre 6
11:30 a.m.
L/C: Ampelia V., Alma Quiroz
el coro
EM: Rogelio Guerrero, Maria Fuentes, Maria G. Ramirez,
Selene Zamores (Host) Cathy Herrod, Steve Cave
Serv: Liliana Barcenas, Luz & Guadalupe Quiroz
GB: to be determined
Ush: Jesus Manzanarez, Adolfo Zamorez, vol. pls.
Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo!
Please join us at Quail
Ridge Park to support
The 2015 Friends of the
Poor Walk, sponsored
by St. Vincent de Paul.
No need to pre-register
– just show up with your
family, friends, and pets
to participate in an enjoyable day at a beautiful park that
brings into focus the plight of the underserved right in
our community and throughout the country.
Location: Quail Ridge Park,
5501 Quail Ridge Parkway, Wentzville
Register: 9:00 a.m.
Walk: 10:00 a.m.
Snacks and hot dogs for all!
A parishioner has a hospital bed to lend to anyone that
might have that need. Please call Peggy in the parish
office for more information.
In today’s Gospel we hear how Jesus
“makes the deaf hear and the mute
speak!” In living the gospel, we must
open our ears to hear and recognize all
the everyday opportunities for making
God’s presence known, especially to
those who are poor and suffering.
Is there a family you know who needs assistance? Please
call the Society of St. Vincent de Paul so that together we
can “Make God’s presence known” to those who are
suffering and poor: 636-925-1616.
Pope Francis’ Monthly Prayer Intentions
Universal: That opportunities for education and employment may increase for all young people.
Evangelization: That catechists may give witness by living in a way consistent with the faith they proclaim.
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time—September 6, 2015
Readings for the Week
Col 1:24 — 2:3; Ps 62:6-7, 9; Lk 6:6-11
Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30; Ps 13:6
Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 [18-23]
Wednesday: Col 3:1-11; Ps 145:2-3, 10-13ab; Lk 6:20-26
Thursday: Col 3:12-17; Ps 150:1b-6; Lk 6:27-38
1 Tm 1:1-2, 12-14; Ps 16:1b-2a, 5, 7-8, 11;
Lk 6:39-42
Saturday: 1 Tm 1:15-17; Ps 113:1b-7; Lk 6:43-49
Is 50:5-9a; Ps 116:1-6, 8-9; Jas 2:14-18; Mk 8:27-35
Family Gospel Reflection
Many people did not want to hear the words of Jesus,
but the deaf-mute, perhaps a symbol of the Gentiles,
wanted to hear and speak. He was brought by friends
who also had faith in Jesus’ healing power. Jesus
touched the man’s ears and anointed his tongue with
spittle. Looking toward heaven, Jesus commanded that
the man’s ears be open. At the same time, the man’s
tongue was free and he began to talk. Mark’s gospel frequently has Jesus telling those cured not to say anything
about what has happened, but many of the people, including those who witnessed this miracle, could not keep
the news to themselves.
This gospel shows us the importance of keeping ourselves open to God’s will. We may look at the many
things we own that help make our lives easier and more
comfortable. But, only when we consider the difficulties
of one who lives with a handicap, do we realize the value of what we might otherwise take for granted. Our
ability to open our ears and move our tongues may help
us communicate easily, but there is more in the message
of today’s gospel. How open are we to hearing and
sharing the Good News of Jesus? Do we worship and
pray regularly with our family? Do we give witness to
the Good News at school, work, in the neighborhood
and community?
Ask each family member to share one way in which they
realize they are “deaf.” What is it that they prefer not to
hear or refuse to listen to? Consider, then, whether or
not this “deafness” is helpful or gets in the way of acting
as we know we should. Help one another take steps to
heal the deafness and pray with one another for each
person’s success in the plan.
1. Sometimes I am handicapped by ailments that are
not physical. The one thing that most often causes
me trouble is…
2. A time when I brought healing to someone and
helped them hear something in a different way happened when…
3. Generally, I don’t like to hear bad news, but I’ve
learned that bad news sometimes brings other news.
One time this happened when…
Your Loving Sacrifices Make All the Difference
Contributions: August 29/30
Offertory envelopes:
Matching Gifts:
Total Offerings:
Capital Improvements
Latin America
for the great love you show to our Borromeo Family
carrying on the work of Jesus and to those in need by
the generosity you display when you share your Treasure, and all God’s gifts to you, given for others.
“Did not God choose those who are poor in the world
to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom that he
promised to those who love him?”
(James 2:5)
What is more important—being rich in faith or rich in
possessions? Society teaches us that possessions are most
important. God teaches a different lesson. When we are
rich in faith we know that material things really do not
matter and we are more willing to share what we have.
We pray that we may grow stronger in our faith, realizing that God does not measure us by what we possess
but rather by what we do for one another.
A hearty thank you to everyone who helped make the
Blood Drive a success. . . the donors, the cooks, the bakers, the students. The school will get their $250 grant
thanks to all of you. Our next Blood Drive will be November 17. Please mark the date. God bless all of you!
Tuesday, September 8 at 6:30pm in the café. Join us for
an interesting presentation on the Mission Trip to Mexico, and pies for dessert. Anyone with a birthday in August or September be sure to come to get your birthday
gift. If you need a ride or have any questions please call
Barb at 636-947-3939.
Homemade items, i.e. crafts, baked goods, plants, etc.
We also need full bottles (liquor is the big item as well as
shampoo. condiments, soda, etc.). These can be brought
to the church office or picked up.
Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo!
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time—September 6, 2015
St. Charles Borromeo School
Our teachers have been busy introducing new concepts, delivering instruction in a variety of ways and monitoring the
progress of all of our students. While numbers and letters are an acceptable way to report progress or lack thereof, they
lend themselves to a myriad of variables. An “A” in one classroom in one school from one teacher may differ greatly from
an “A” in another classroom in another school from another teacher. Thus, how do we help our children grow from the
experience of receiving feedback?
The book Mindsets by Carol Dweck outlines two very distinct Mindsets – growth and fixed. If you operate from a growth
mindset, you believe there is always more to learn, and measure success by the amount of hard work and effort put into
accomplishing a task. If you operate from a fixed mindset you measure success by the level of accuracy and ability to
achieve perfection in the shortest amount of time. In simple terms, we should not be praising our children for how
“smart” they are but rather by how “hard” they work. As parents we want our children to succeed and success is often
measured by the number of A’s received. However, as adults we know that if we do not teach them how to recover
from mistakes or work through challenges, they will struggle to develop the ability to take risks, work through challenges
and recover from mistakes. We would love for you to join us in an online discussion of this topic as we explore new ways
to grow our children. More details to come....Sharing and discussion to begin the Tuesday after Labor Day.
Warmest blessings, Mrs. Jackie Voelkl
Our School Needs Your Help!
Did you know that the school receives a profit each time we sell a gift card? So, if you buy groceries
or go to a restaurant, please consider purchasing a card or two from us! We’re in the corner at the
back of church before and after most Masses. You pay face-value for the card, so there’s no cost or
hidden fee for you, and the school makes money! We thank the many parishioners who already buy
from us and hoping that we gain many more. Since everyone buys groceries, we’re hoping that this could be an easy way
for you to help our school kids!
The Athletic Association is looking for a person interested in taking over as our Athletic Association’s
Golf coordinator. Contact or contact any board member on the Athletic Association website found on Borromeo’s main page:
St. Charles Borromeo Religious Education
Dear Parishioners:
We will not have PSR classes this weekend. Enjoy the Labor Day holiday!
As our parish prepares to celebrate Unity Day with Mass, BBQ and picnic in the park on September 13, our catechists are
busy preparing for the PSR activities that day. Because Pope Francis will be visiting the USA in September, our theme is
the World Meeting of Families! It’s going to be a lot of fun for children of all ages.
RCIA classes begin this Thursday September 10, 6:30pm in the Bicentennial Room.
Please contact Becca with questions: or 636-946-2916.
Peace of Jesus to you, Becca McCullough
WALKING IN THE GYM on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 7:00—7:30am.
Join us for a jump start on your day. Anyone and Everyone is invited to join us.
Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo!
Servers, 8am, September 7-12
Please pray for our expectant moms:
Christina, Tina (September) Susan, Micki (October)
Kelly, Coree (December) Allyson (January)
We thank God for this new life!
Elise Ann, daughter of Melissa
Let us pray for the most vulnerable among us: may the
Lord protect their lives and bring healing to hearts
wounded by disregard and disrespect.
St. Charles
Our local Birthright on 5th Street is in need of some
items that we can put in layette baskets that we give to
moms when their babies are born. Please try and donate
one or as many items as you can. Our new mothers are
very appreciative of them and find them very helpful in
the care of their newborn child.
Items needed: newborn clothes size 1-3 months, socks,
newborn booties, teethers, bath towels, crib sheets, nursing pads, baby books, baby-safe detergents, diaper bags,
receiving blankets, baby wash, sleepers, girls’ bibs (we
have plenty for boys), wash cloths.
Please place items in back of church in the white baskets
provided for the next three weeks. Birthright thanks
you! We are very grateful for your support!
—————————————————SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 10:00AM
Monday/Tuesday/ Wednesday, 7/8/9
Leah Cur t, Elyssa Toal, Maddie Beerman
Thursday/Friday, September 10/11
Melissa Garcia, Abby Kretzler, Kate Rolfes
Saturday, September 12
Maggie Howard, Mitchell Booher
Ministry List, September 12/13
(Greeters needed for all Masses)
September 12
L/C: Bev & Abby Lewis
Angie Lloyd
EM: Peter Mihelich, Linda Beeson, Trudi Heisohn, vol. pls.
(Host) tom & Joyce Schneider
Serv: Kris lewis, Thomas Murray, Thomas smith
GB: Greg & Sharon Ri er
Ush: Jim Lammert, Don Richardson, John Williams, vol. pls.
September 13
Bob Baronovic
Sharon Hensley, Bob Poeling
Aaron Klemme, Quen n Gallagher
Dave & Jean Schaeffer
Josey Page, Dave Schaeffer, vol. pls.
Mary Baronovic
John DuBois, Jennifer Bober
Children’s Choir
Larry Beerman, Jeane e Cleary, Francis Fessler, vol. pls
(Host) Don & Marlene Schneider
Serv: Leah Cur t, Maddie Beerman, Emily Schieferdecker
GB: Mike & Michelle Dreyer
Ush: Don Wappelhorst, Charlie Schroeder, Tim Meyer,
Dan Dziedzic
UNITY DAY MASS, 11:00 a.m.
Jackie Voelkl, Sr. Raquel
choir + el coro
Maria Barretos, Rogelio Guerrero, Adam Hirtz,
Roland Faubert
Serv: Lilia Fuentes, Madison Marsek, Knoll Hirtz
GB: First Communion Class
Gr: Parish Council
Ush: Adolfo Zamorez, Mike Hogan, others TBD
4431 Lindell Blvd.
Please gather in Boland Hall, next to the Cathedral,
prior to Mass.
Coffee & Donut reception following Mass
During 8:30 Mass
for ages 3-5 (no diaper wearers please)
If you are planning to attend,
please rsvp at
After School Room, Room 27
(in the new addition of school)
Sunday Preschool (Free!)
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time—September 6, 2015