Schedule of Holy Mass - St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Parish
Schedule of Holy Mass - St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Parish
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church 601 N. 4th, St. Charles, MO 63301 Parish Vision Statement: We are the parish that, through our communion with Jesus, guided by the Holy Spirit: Welcomes all; Celebrates our unity, diversity, and traditions; Uses God’s gifts to serve and teach others and be the face of Jesus Christ in the Community. Parish Office: School Office: Religious Education Office: Latino Ministry: St. Vincent DePaul Society: Founded 1791 636-946-1893 636-946-2713 636-946-2916 636-946-1893 636-925-1616 email: email: leave a message after the recording Pastoral Staff: Father John Reiker, Pastor: Father Bob Menner, Associate Pastor: Father Don Schramm, Senior Associate: Deacon Don McElroy, Deacon Deacon Jorge Perez, Deacon Mrs. Silvina Baez, Latino Ministry Mrs. Becca McCullough, Director of Religious Education Mrs. Peggy Dupree, Office Manager Ms. Maria Martinez, Office Secretary Mrs. Jackie Voelkl, School Principal Mrs. Mary Kutchback, Organist, Pastoral Associate for Seniors Mrs. Beth Duello, Director of Music Mrs. Lisa Delicath, Contemporary Youth Choir Mr. Juan Saldana, el coro Mr. Zach Liley, Youth Ministry Mr. Rob Iver, Parish Council Chairperson FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation: Saturdays 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. or by appointment Schedule of Holy Mass Saturday: 8:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m. vigil for Sunday Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. in Spanish Weekdays: 6:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. Sacrament of Baptism: Arrangements made after parental instruction. Call the parish office for more information. Sacrament of Matrimony: Contact the parish office at least six months prior to wedding to begin preparations Holy Days of Obligation: watch the bulletin Eucharistic Adoration: Third Mondays, 8:30am to 6:30pm Third Saturdays, 8:00pm to 5:00am National Holidays: 9:00 a.m. Parish Office Business Hours Perpetual Help Devotions: Tuesdays following the 8:00 a.m. Mass Monday thru Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Bulletin deadline: Monday 10:00 a.m. Parish Hall Rental: Neal or Pat at 636-949-9722 (gym) Peggy at 636-946-1893 (café) OUR WARM WELCOME TO ALL! We welcome all who come and worship with us. If you wish to join our parish faith family, or have a change in your contact information, kindly complete this form. You can return it to the Rectory, place in in the collection, or give it to a Priest or Deacon. Name________________________________________________ Cell/Phone Number_______________________________ Address/Zip______________________________________________________ Email____________________________________ ___ Please make the above changes to my parish record ___ I wish to find out more about the Catholic faith ___ I would like to speak with a Priest/Deacon ___ ___ ___ Interested in information about annulments/validation Information on having my children baptized Please pray for: __________________________________ A warm welcome from St. Charles Borromeo! From the Pastor’s Pen “Recycle” Your Old Palms We need your palm branches from last year! Please bring them to church this weekend, as they will be burned on Tuesday, February 9 at 2:15pm to make ashes for Ash Wednesday. Lent is the Celebration of Jesus’ Love for each one of us— How will I grow in my love of Jesus during this Season of Grace? Ash Wednesday’s Word of God call us to: 1. Pray—with Scripture and with others; 2. Fast—simplify and detach from things; 3. Give Alms—take home a Rice Bowl and calendar (English or Spanish) and each family member could contribute money not spent on self or food or things. Lenten Prayer Opportunities THIS WEEK: February 10—Ash Wednesday: Masses: 6:30am, 8:00am, 1:30pm (School), 6:30pm (Bilingual) Daily Mass—6:30 and 8:00am Come to our Parish Mission March 13-16. Stations of the Cross and Benediction every Friday of Lent at 7:00pm. Come for the Fish Fry and join us upstairs after! “Come pray with me for one hour” - why not commit an hour on February 15 and March 21 to pray during Eucharistic Adoration after the 8:00am Mass until 6:30pm. Scripture Study—join a small group to share about “Celebrating the Mass.” See more info later in this bulletin. Home/Family/Personal/Couple Prayer—take the Five Minutes with the Word booklet home with you. Use Rice Bowl prayers (and try the weekly recipes). The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered every Saturday from 4:00—4:40pm, and on Tuesday, March 22 from 7:00-8:00pm. Fish Fries Begin This Friday! I hope to see each of you this Friday from 4-7pm. It really is a fun time for all as we build up our parish community. We will be serving fried or baked cod, whole catfish or catfish filets, and cheese pizza with all the trimmings, including our famous homemade hush puppies and desserts. Also, in keeping with our Parish goal of Unifying all our Parish Members, our Latino members will be serving popular Mexican dinners which include fish tacos, rice and dessert. Margaritas will be available this year. Spread the word and invite all your neighbors and friends and relatives. We need volunteers! See the information later in this bulletin. You’re Encouraged to Participate in CRS’ Operation Rice Bowl Our parish will be participating in CRS Rice Bowl, Catholic Relief Services’ Lenten program, as a way to encounter Jesus through others, especially through the most vulnerable in our world. Rice bowls will be available this weekend. Please be sure to take one home and use the easy and fun resources to deepen your family’s Lenten experience. Your prayers, fasting and almsgiving this Lenten season will help Catholic Relief Services continue to provide life-saving assistance in nearly 100 countries. CRS works on our behalf to care for the poorest in our world and to alleviate global poverty and hunger. Valentine’s Weekend Renewal of Marriage Vows Next weekend at all Masses we invite all our married couples to join together in renewing their vows before God and asking for God’s Blessing of Grace and Love. Pope Francis Speaks to our Hearts “Man of every time and place desires a full and beautiful life, just and good, a life that is not threatened by death, but can still mature and grow to fullness. Man is like a traveler who, crossing the deserts of life, thirsts for the living water; gushing and fresh, capable of quenching his deep desire for light, love, beauty, and peace. “We all feel this desire! And Jesus gives us this living water: He is the Holy Spirit, who proceeds from the Father and whom Jesus pours out into our hearts. ‘I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly,’ Jesus tells us (John 10:10).” What desires are on your heart today? Ask God to fulfill them in His way. Spread the Gospel, the Good News about Jesus and His Borromeo Family. A Holy Community through Holy Communion! Your brother in Jesus, Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 7, 2016 Catholic Lenten Guidelines “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but might have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.” (John 3: 16-17) The Church has always helped us fulfill these words of Jesus by prescribing very definite penance for all Catholics, so that we too might have Eternal Life. Accordingly, the Pope and American Bishops have outlined obligatory fast and abstinence as follows: Ash Wednesday (February 10, 2016) and Good Friday (March 25, 2016) are days of abstinence for all Catholics over the age of 14. On these two days, fast, as well as abstinence, is also obligatory for those from the ages of 18-59. Abstinence means refraining from meat. Fast means one full meal a day, with two smaller meals and nothing between meals (liquids are permitted). No Catholic will lightly excuse himself or herself from this obligation. All Fridays in Lent are days of abstinence from meat. Here again Catholics will not hold themselves lightly excused, but if there is a serious health problem, this obligation would not apply. We should strive to make all days of Lent a time of prayer and penance. These are just the minimum of fasting we should do this Lent to grow closer to Jesus who gave His life for us. Christ Renews His Parish A witness from a Borromeo member The CRHP retreat was the best weekend of my life. It brought to my life a clarity and calm like I had never felt before. Because of the weekend, I now feel like I finally have a true and genuine relationship with God. By improving my spiritual life, all aspects of my life have been improved. Let’s all pray for more Borromeo members to say “Yes” to our Lord! Men—Give Yourself the Gift of Time. You Deserve It! What is CRHP? CRHP is Christ Renews His Parish. CRHP is a Gift from the Lord. You are invited to take time out of your busy life to discover how to connect your Catholic faith more deeply with your life. What happens during the renewal weekend? You will hear others sharing their faith journey, time for silent and shared prayer, and Sacraments. This will be a time to pray, rethink priorities and intensify your relationship with Jesus. CRHP provides the opportunity to know others in our parish and grow as a faith community. So what about you? Are you ready to say YES to the Lord? If you feel called to participate, please fill in below and return it to the parish office or place in the offertory basket. Name___________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________ Phone(s)_________________________________________________ email________________________________________ A warm welcome from St. Charles Borromeo! ST. CHARLES BORROMEO ANNUAL LENTEN FISH FRY February 12 * February 19 * February 26 * March 4 * March 11 * March 18 Serving from 4:00—7:00pm The Menu (Dine in & Carry Out) Adult meals—$10 Served with choice of baked potato or fries, applesauce, cole slaw, hush puppies ** Fried/Baked Cod Meal ** Fried Catfish Fillet meal ** Fried Whole Catfish Meal Fish Taco Meal—$8 Served with rice and 2 additional sides of your choice ** 2 flour or corn Tortillas ** Baked or Fried Fish Kids Meals—$5 ** Pizza (1 slice) Served with fries and applesauce ** Fried/Baked Cod (1) ** Catfish Fillet (1) ** Fish Taco (1) A La Carte Items ** Whole Pizza—$10 ** Pizza Slice—$2 ** Fish Fillets—$4 ** Fish Taco—$3 ** Prepared Salads—$2 ** Beer—$2 Beverages ** Margarita—$3 ** Soda—$1 As our Fish Fry Fridays approach we want everyone to remember all of the awesome desserts we enjoy on Fridays are donated by all of our wonderful Borromeo Families! Feel free to prepare as many desserts on as many Fridays as you would like (and if you want to share the recipe feel free to include recipe cards and we can include it in the serving or have them at the dessert table to share). You can drop your dessert off on Friday afternoons in the cafeteria (tree lot entrance) beginning Friday, February 12th. If you need to make special arrangements, please call Gretchen Thro 636-578-0670 or send an email to THERE ARE LOTS OF VOLUNTEER SLOTS STILL OPEN! We need YOU! On the parish website, click "Volunteer Now" under Parish Fish Fries If you would like to sign up to volunteer on the same night you bring your desserts, that would be wonderful! Everyone's support is appreciated, and we look forward to seeing you there! Thank you! Sacred Conversations on Race You are invited to our next meeting which will be held in the St. Charles Room here at St. Charles Borromeo on February 23 at 7:00pm. If you have any questions, please call either Fr. Don at 9461893 or Mary Harrison at 949-8268. Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 7, 2016 Hungering for the Journey Join our parish community in a life=changing Lenten journey with CRS Rice Bowl. Pick up your family’s rice bowl TODAY and don’t forget to download the CRS Rice Bowl app! Remember, what you give up for Lent changes lives. Mass Intentions Your Loving Sacrifices Make All the Difference Monday, February 8, St. Josephne Bakhita, virgin 6:30 a.m. Communion Service 8:00 a.m. Donald “Don” Orf—2nd anniv. Tuesday, February 9, Weekday 6:30 a.m. Glenn Koenen 8:00 a.m. Ollie Schultehenrich—46th anniv. Wednesday, February 10, Ash Wednesday 6:30 a.m. Wilson Edwards 8:00 a.m. Jane Kuhn—1st anniv. 1:30 p.m. Eileen Boerding 6:30 p.m. Wilbur Boschert Thursday, February 11, Thursday after Ash Wednesday 6:30 a.m. Agnes Weber—7th anniv. 8:00 a.m.. Robbie Lamb—9th anniv. Friday, February 12, Friday after Ash Wednesday 6:30 a.m. Charles Didion—7th anniv. 8:00 a.m. Virginia Boschert—3rd anniv. Saturday, February 13, Saturday after Ash Wednesday 8:00 a.m. Vocations to Priesthood & Religious Life 5:00 p.m. Marie Baumann—2nd anniv. Sunday, February 14, First Sunday of Lent 7:00 a.m. Sharon Roellig 8:30 a.m. Our Parish Family 10:00 a.m. Gene Henthorn—24th anniv. 11:30 a.m. Henry Elmendorf Contributions for January 30/31 St. Charles Borromeo Prayer Tree: 928-2970 or Offertory envelopes: Loose: Matching Gifts: Total Offerings: CRHP Donations: Emaus Donations: Capital Improvements: $11,641.50 919.34 1,705.00 $14,265.84 $1,310.00 $649.84 $123.00 WE THANK EACH OF YOU for the great love you show to our Borromeo Family carrying on the work of Jesus and to those in need by the generosity you display when you share your Treasure, and all God’s gifts to you, given for others. “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?’ “Here I am,’ I said, ‘send me!’” (Isaiah 6: 8) Every day—in little ways and in big ways—God asks, “Whom shall I send?” Whether it is someone to take on a new ministry or just someone to open a door for a stranger, God constantly provides doors of opportunity. The next time you hear God calling, have the courage to walk through the door and say “Here I am, Lord.” We pray that we may eagerly respond, “Here I am, Lord,” whenever we hear God call upon us to be His hands, feet and voice here on earth. This Week With Your St. Charles Borromeo Family WELCOME TO OUR NEWEST REGISTERED PARISHIONERS: Aaron Henningfeld * Javier Lima & Soila Guerrero, Valeria, Javier & Alexander WE PRAY FOR THE REPOSE OF HIS SOUL: Robert Fleming, husband of Sissy, father of Genny and Rob Glosier and Susie & Ken Choinka PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Julie Weber, Dorothy Jenkins, Adela Magaña, Steven Lennemann (age 11), Alicia Chica, Ann Lamb, Magaly Vazquez, Tina Daly, Selene Zamores, Socorro Chavez, Gloria Garcia, Denorah Saldana, Carol Fasching —mother of Becca & Scot McCullough; Brendan Myers—grandson of Jim & Kathy Anderson; Theresa Didion—daughter-in-law of Ruth Didion; Pat Sontag, mother of Trish and Ron Rattini; Nicholas Fuse Jr., grandson, and Tom Zimmerman, 11 year old cousin of Darrell Fuse; and for the intentions on our Borromeo Prayer Tree and in our Book of Prayers A warm welcome from St. Charles Borromeo! The St. Charles Borromeo Journey 1811—1812 With the departure of Fr. Lusson, many of the sacramental activities ceased for Borromeo parishioners. By turning over the baptism register to the marguilliers, Lusson anticipated that the laity would continue to baptize without him as they had in the past. Likewise, burial records indicate a sacristan performed lay interments. No such arrangements was possible for marriages. Then as now, only an ordained minister could witness a Catholic wedding. From 1804 to 1809, not even one couple repeated their vows in the log church, although an average of ten per year had done so previously during the pastorate of Fr. Lusson. The records indicate that in 1811 the parish council hired Fr. Joseph Marie Dunand as pastor. Fr. Dunand, along with other Trappist monks fled from Kentucky after an epidemic ravaged their monastery. The little band settled in Florissant, and then moved to Cahokia’s Indian mounds. On Christmas Eve of 1808, Fr. Dunand walked across the frozen Mississippi to St. Louis. He found religion there “in a pitiful state.” To his shock, he found Catholicism in villages such as St. Charles even more imperiled. Accepting the challenge, he settled in at Borromeo. However, the archives suggest that not too long into his pastorate, parishioners broke into opposing camps with many against the new priest. Creole Woman Watercolor by Anna Maria von Phul Tempers flared at a parish meeting in January 1812 over the sum of $89 owed to the monk on his salary of $250. Dunand brought up the matter by reading a letter from absent Francois Duquette, which urged that the $89 be paid out of parish funds. Since Duquette, not present at the time, owed the parish a considerable amount, his fellow council members then voted unanimously to solve the problem by collecting the $89 from him. Dunand advised that Duquette was likely to raise an objection. Citing the scandal that would result if the matter went unsettled, the council members then voted that two parishioners would act as special arbitrators. Two days later, Dunand met with the council and established strict rules for keeping the parish solvent, among them: borrowers were directed to pay their debts within the year, and further lending of parish funds was forbidden. Fr. Dunand did receive his back pay from the parish funds. As most parishioners were poor, these rules seem more revealing of Dunand’s high ideals than of the realities of the day. … courtesy of St. Charles Borromeo:200 Years of Faith, by Jo Ann Brown. Year of Mercy—Visiting Nursing Homes and the Homebound During the Year of Mercy, Pope Francis has carried out two concrete signs of witness to God’s mercy in Rome so far: —opening the “Door of Charity” in a homeless shelter and celebrating Mass there in December, —and on one afternoon in January, visiting a retirement home and a care home for those living in vegetative states. Mark your calendar! March 13-16: Parish Lenten Mission in the evenings Spiritual Renewal will be Saturday, February 20th at 9:00am in the church office. Donuts and coffee after Mass in the church office. A great way to spend a Lenten Saturday (it lasts til about 10am). Any questions or need a ride call Barb at 636-947-3939. Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 7, 2016 Celebrating Marriage at St. Charles Borromeo In honor of the 225th anniversary of St. Charles Borromeo, we wish to celebrate all the marriages that have been consecrated in our parish over the past 225 years. Did you know that some parish families can boast of 7+ generations married at St. Charles Borromeo? We would like to highlight one family—the descendants of William Reidy and Martin Bolan. Martin Bolan/Johanna Lannigan (Feb. 16, 1858) William R. Reidy/Mary Ann Lindsey (April 1869) | Daniel Bolan/Suzanne Reidy (June 1891) | | Carl Borchardt/Ellen Bolan (June 1912) Alphonse Schultehenrich/Kathleen M. Bolan (Nov. 30, 1933) | | Bernard Orf/Marian Borchardt (June 19, 1937) Donald L. Schneider/Marlene Schultehenrich (Nov. 26, 1959) | | Tom Pallardy/Harriet Orf (June 19, 1959) Douglas Maloney/Michelle Schneider (June 6, 1987) | Nick Hubble/Mary Ann Pallardy (July 1985) | Nicholas Pryor/Kathleen Hubble (Jan. 16, 2016) This is only one family. As many of you know, there are several parish families that have been a part of St. Charles Borromeo for many, many generations. On St. Valentine weekend, let us thank God for all our married couples and bless their marriage. Attention: All Married Couples Renewal of Vows and Blessing for all our married parish members and all couples ever married in SCB Church, wherever now living. You are invited to come and celebrate Mass with us on February 13/14 at all Masses—Valentine’s Weekend. Invite all your family members who were ever married in St. Charles Borromeo Church to join us, too! Spring Sports Registration now available at Baseball/Softball: Register TODAY. Available for boys and girls, kindergarten and first grade only. Registration fees are $80 per child. Track: Register TODAY. Available for boys and girls who were age 5-14 years old on June 30, 2015. registration fees are $15 per child. Must be available all day for the preliminary meet on May 7 as well as the championship meet on May 22 (if qualified). Golf: register by February 14. Available for boys and girls, 1st grade through 8th grade. Registration fees are $110 per child for 1st through 4th grade and $140 per child for 5th through 8th grade. Please visit our webpage at athleticAssociation/ for more details. Six Weeks with the Bible SCRIPTURE STUDY “Celebrating the Mass” Starts Wednesday & Thursday February 10 & 11 Contact Gregg Jost for more details: 314-807-0386 or All 8th grade and High School Students You are invited to attend the next Youth Ministry meeting in the café on Sunday, February 28th from 46pm. Check out our Facebook group for updates and info: Saint Charles Borromeo Youth Ministry. Any questions, please contact Zack Liley or 901-825-8942. A warm welcome from St. Charles Borromeo! Oficina: Tel: (636)946-1893 Fax (636)946-5598 * Lunes: Martes: Ya nos acercamos a comenzar la Cuaresma, el 10 de febrero es el Miércoles de Cenizas. Les pedimos por favor que traigan sus ramos de palma del año pasado, para hacer las cenizas que usaremos para comenzar la Cuaresma. La ceremonia para hacer las cenizas será el Martes, 9 de febrero a las 2pm. Esperamos que nos acompañen a esta hermosa ceremonia. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA 1 Re 8:1-7, 9-13; Sal 132 (131):6-7, 8-10; Mc 6:53-56 1 Re 8:22-23, 27-30; Sal 84 (83):3-5, 10-11; Mc 7:1-13 Miércoles: Jl 2:12-18; Sal 51 (50):3-6ab, 12-14, 17; 2 Cor 5:20 — 6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Jueves: Dt 30:15-20; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Lc 9:22-25 Viernes: Is 58:1-9a; Sal 51 (50):3-6ab, 18-19; Mt 9:14-15 Sábado: Is 58:9b-14; Sal 86 (85):1-6; Lc 5:27-32 Domingo: Dt 26:4-10; Sal 91 (90):1-2, 10-15; Rom 10:8-13; Lc 4:1-13 Terapia en español confidencial Jesús López 636-219-2405 El Camino de St. Charles Borromeo 1811—1812 Con la salida del p. Lusson, muchas de las actividades sacramentales para los feligreses de Borromeo cesaron. Dándole el registro de bautismos a la marguilliers, p. Lusson anticipó que los laicos seguirán bautizando sin él como lo habían hecho antes. Asimismo, registros funerarios indican que un Sacristán realiza enterramientos laicos. Tales arreglos no eran posible para matrimonios. Entonces como ahora, sólo un ministro ordenado (sacerdote o diacono) pueden ser testigos de una boda católica. De 1804 a 1809, no hubo ninguna boda en la iglesia de troncos, donde se habían hecho un promedio de diez por año anteriormente durante la pastorada del padre Lusson. Los registros indican que en 1811 el Consejo Parroquial contrató al padre Joseph Marie Dunand como pastor. El p. Dunand, junto con otros monjes trapenses, huyó de Kentucky después de una epidemia que devasto su monasterio. El pequeño grupo se estableció en Florissant y luego se trasladó a los “Montículos Indios de Cahokia”. La víspera de Navidad de 1808, el p. Dunand caminó y cruzo, el entonces congelado, Mississippi hacia St. Louis. Él encontró allí, la religión en "un estado lamentable”. Para su sorpresa, encontró pueblos Católicos como San Carlos, en aún más en peligro. Aceptando el reto, se instaló en Borromeo. Sin embargo, los archivos sugieren que no había transcurrido mucho tiempo en su pastorado, cuando feligreses se agruparon en contra al nuevo sacerdote. Ánimos estallaron en una reunión de la parroquia en enero de 1812 sobre la cantidad de $89 que se le debían al monje de su sueldo de $250. Dunand, menciono este tema por medio de una carta del ausente Francois Duquette, que instó el pago de los $89 de los fondos de la parroquia. Puesto que Duquette, no estaba presente en el momento, y él debía una cantidad considerable a la parroquia, sus compañeros concejales votaron, unánimemente, resolver el problema, cobrándose los $89 de él. Dunand aconsejó que Duquette muy probablemente levantara una demanda. Citando el escándalo que resultaría si el asunto no se resolviera, los miembros del Consejo votaron en que dos feligreses actuaran como árbitros especiales. Dos días después, Dunand se reunió con el Consejo y estableció reglas estrictas para mantener la parroquia solvente, entre ellas: los prestatarios fueron dirigidos a pagar sus deudas durante el año, y aún más, los préstamos de fondos de la parroquia fueron prohibidos. El p. Dunand recibió su pago de los fondos parroquiales. Como la mayoría de parroquianos eran pobres, estas reglas parecen más reveladoras de las ideas de Dunand que la realidad del dia. … cortesía de: St. Charles Borromeo: 200 Años de Fe, por Jo Ann Brown. Mujer Criolla Aquarela por Anna Maria von Phul Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 7, 2016 Atención: Todos los matrimonios Renovación de votos y bendición para todos los matrimonios miembros de nuestra parroquia y todos los matrimonios que se han casado en la parroquia de San Carlos Borromeo, donde sea que vivan. Están invitados a la Misa el 14 de febrero. El fin de semana de San Valentín. Febrero 7 11:30am L/C: Rogelio Guerrero, Misael Alvarado el coro EM: Veronica Bernal, Gabriela Quiroz, Martha Fuentes, Alma Quiroz (Host) Araceli Garcia, Rosa Maria Alvarado Serv: Lilia Fuentes, Liliana Barcenas, Itzel Antonino GB: to be determined Ush: Jesus Manzanarez, Adolfo Zamores, vol. pls. Lectores y Ministros Extraordinarios de la Eucaristía Los interesados en formar parte de estos ministerios, por favor comuníquese con la sra. Silvina 636-946-1893. INTERPRETACION—Llámenos al 314-842-0062 Please pray for our expectant moms: AllMary (February) Nicole (May) Heather, Katelyn, Victoria (April) Katie (June) Jessica (July) K’Lee (August) We thank God for Allyson’s safe delivery: Adeline Mae was born January 16. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let us pray for all people: May we repent for the times we did not cherish God’s gift of life, and may we be inspired to seek His forgiveness without fear. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pro Life Action Day at State Capitol Feb. 9 Support legislation to save the lives of unborn children! Join pro-lifers from across Missouri in Jefferson City on February 9 at the State Capitol. Registration begins at 11am in the Capitol Rotunda with noon rally featuring Sue Thayer, former Planned Parenthood manager, and Stacy Washington, conservative talk show host. For information on transportation, call the Missouri Right to Life Eastern Region office at 314-434-4900. Wear red for life! In the Gospel today, the disciples decide to leave everything to follow Jesus. We are also called to follow Jesus, who tells us that “whatever you do to the least of mine, you do for me.” Your gift to the poor can bring the love and peace of Jesus to those who live in fear and doubt, loneliness and dread. Please be generous next weekend in the second collection. Shop for a Neighbor St. Vincent de Paul thrift stores help those in need. But did you know that your purchases help the Society as well? Every purchase you make helps support vital programs that help those in need in our area. Plus, you can find great bargains for your own family. The St. Charles store is located at 1069 Regency Parkway. Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is an international Catholic lay organization dedicated to providing person-to-person service to those in need. Helping Neighbors Starts at Home. Thanks from FISH The FISH Board of Directors and its 94 volunteers wish to express their appreciation for your support of FISH during the year of 2015 and specifically for your donation of 420 items in December. The mission of FISH is to help folks thru difficult times in their lives. This can be accomplished thru the help of committed people like you. People who chose to get involved make a difference in the lives of others. Thank you so very much for your generous gifts. A warm welcome from St. Charles Borromeo! Servers, February 8-13 8am Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday, February 8/9/10 Daniel Byer, Gabe Doughty, Tommy Fink Thursday/Friday, February 11/12 KrisƟ Lewis, Kennedy Jensen, Claire Choinka, Olivia Keeven Saturday, February 13 Meghan & Cameron Booth Ash Wednesday, February 10, 6:30pm L/C: EM: Serv: Family Gospel Reflection Luke connected the great fishing catch with the calling of the disciples. While it is an important miracle about the mission of the disciples, it appears here with the calling of Peter, James, and John. Apparently business partners, Peter called James and John to help him with the big catch Jesus provided. The invitation to these three was to “net in” people for the Kingdom as abundantly as they had netted in the fish. Like the fishermen, Jesus calls us to discipleship in the ordinariness of our everyday lives. Rather than complain about the same routine, or the parts of our job (paid or unpaid) that irritate us, we will be happier and with lighter hearts if we search for God in the moment. When we recognize our ordinary lives as a response to God’s love, the burdens will be less and our joy will be greater. Ask each person to name one of their best friends and recall the moment you met each other. Share how that person has been important in your life, where they have held you up, when you laugh or cry together. Have each person name one way his/her life is different because of this friend. Finally, make connections between these friendships and the friendship Jesus built with the disciples and us! 1. I have been a fisher of people for Jesus. One person I have helped bring to Jesus is … 2. One thing I will do this week to be a fisher of people is … 3. Like Peter, I was surprised by God’s abundance when … Save the Date: April 23, 2016 BORROMEO FAMILY TRIVIA Open to ages 5-99 More information to come! Choir Ministry List, February 13/14 (Greeters needed for all Masses) Readings for the Week Monday: 1 Kgs 8:1-7, 9-13; Ps 132:6-7, 8-10; Mk 6:53-56 Tuesday: 1 Kgs 8:22-23, 27-30; Ps 84:3-5, 10-11; Mk 7:1-13 Wednesday: Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51:3-6ab, 12-14, 17; 2 Cor 5:20 — 6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday: Dt 30:15-20; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 9:22-25 Friday: Is 58:1-9a; Ps 51:3-6ab, 18-19; Mt 9:14-15 Saturday: Is 58:9b-14; Ps 86:1-6; Lk 5:27-32 Paul Woody, Aracely Garcia Pat Brown, Gabi Quiroz, Martha Fuentes Lily, WyaƩ & Jamie Karase L/C: EM: Serv: GB: Ush: February 13 5:00pm Lucy Rauch, Sr. Munch Joe Galloy Dorothy Williams, Chris Burgoyne, Larry Henry, Cathy Carey (Host) Adam Hirtz, Dana Saale Maggie Howard, Faith Hawkins, Kennedy Jensen Beth Norviel Larry Ohlms, Jerry Kopp, Elaine RuŅahr, vol. pls. February 14 7:00am L/C: EM: Serv: GB: Ush: L/C: EM: Serv: GB: Ush: L/C: EM: Serv: GB: Ush: L/C: EM: Serv: GB: Ush: Bob Baronovic Mary Baronovic Joann Sullivan, Jim & Deby Yates Abby & Bryce Westerfeld Dave & Anita Sinclair Jim Eisenbath, Cathy Herrod, Charles Weber, John Weber 8:30am Mary Glenn, Robert Schaberg Children’s Choir (Host) Kevin Tolelfson, John DuBois Sydney Hilker, Adriana Weber, Addison Barteau Jim & Marie Summers Dan & Sheila Kitzmann, Colleen & Kyle 10:00am Joe Briscoe, Judith O’Connor Choir Harriet Pallardy, Colleen Harmon, Judy DouceƩe, Paƫ York (Host) Suzie Choinka, Carol Faubert Leah CurƟt, Elise Cope, Claire Choinka Mike & Nancy Berkley Greg Grotegeers, Gary Snyder, Gary SƟens, Frankie Fessler 11:30am Aracely Garcia, Oscar Fuentes el coro Maria Barretos, Dionisia Zamudio, Rogelio Guerrero, Maria Fuentes (Host) Gloria OrƟz-Garcia, Misael Alvarado Adrian Gaona, Luz & Guadalupe Quiroz to be determined Jesus Manzanarez, Adolfo Zamores, vol. pls. Free Tax Preparation For those with household incomes of less than $58,000. Tuesday and Thursday at our Borromeo church office, 601 N. 4th from 9:00—1:00, through April 12. By appointment only. Call 314-896-4159. Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 7, 2016 St. Charles Borromeo Parish School of Religion Dear Parishioners: Your prayers and commitment to the success of all our formation programs, especially the Parish School of Religion and our Sacramental years are so greatly appreciated. As our children preparing for First Holy Communion reflect on Jesus and the Last Supper, we too can reflect on the Eucharistic prayer prayed at Mass. This prayer is the Church’s great prayer of thanksgiving. At the Eucharist, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we join with the living Jesus Christ to give praise and glory to the Father. How are we as a parish gathering to remember and celebrate Jesus? Important Palm Sunday, March 20 Passover Supper at 4:00pm Holy Thursday, March 24 Eucharist Procession @ 7:00pm Mass Sunday, April 10 Rite of Enrollment @ 10am Mass Saturday, April 16 10:00am – First Holy Communion Thank you for your continued prayers of encouragement for our RCIA participants: Kelly, Heather, Edna, Shannan, Heather, Lisa and Zach Children preparing for First Communion Preparation Dates Sunday, February 21 Parent Meeting @ 10am in the Bicentennial Room Monday, February 22 Parent Meeting @ 6:30pm in Church Sunday, March 13 First Communion DVD @ 10am in the Cafeteria First Communion and/or Baptism: Lauren, Josie, William, Luc, Elliot, Jacob, Riley, Will, Jordan, Sean and Marian The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on April 14 at 7:00pm right here at Borromeo. Confirmation students will participate in the 8:30am Mass on Palm Sunday, March 20 and will celebrate the Rite of Enrollment on April 10, followed by a brief practice with sponsors. Palm Sunday, March 20 First Communion Rehearsal in Church @ 3pm In the love and peace of Jesus, Mrs. Becca McCullough Ladies Sodality Meeting will be Tuesday, February 9 at 6:30 in the café. Join us for movie night with movie treats and chocolate fondue. You can even wear your flannel jammies if you want. Anyone with a February birthday, be sure to come to get your birthday gift. If you need a ride or have any questions, please call Barb at 636-947-3939. Congratulations to Bev Lewis on winning the Quilt of the Month for February. You’ll be able to see a picture of Bev with her quilt in a couple of weeks on the Sodality website. There’s still time to get your chances in for 10 more drawings this year. You can get chances in the church office or call Barb at 636-947-3939. Joke of the Week In a Los Angeles hospital, a man on his deathbed is surrounded by his wife, daughter, two sons, and a nurse. He knows the end is near, so he says to his family: “Sam, I want you to take the Beverly Hills houses. Sylvia, take the apartments over in Los Angeles Plaza. Bernie, you take the offices over in City Center. And Sarah, my dear wife, I want you to be in charge of all the residential buildings downtown.” All this boggles the nurse’s mind, and as the man slips away, she says to the wife, “Ma’am, your husband must have been a hard-working man to have accumulated so much property.” The wife replies with a wiseacre smirk, “Property schmoperty...he had a newspaper route.” A warm welcome from St. Charles Borromeo! SCOUT SUNDAY February 7, 2016 Sunday, February 7 Scout Sunday Mass at 8:30am Boy/Cub Scouts, café, 8:00—10:30am Latino movie, Bicentennial Room, 1:00pm Monday, February 8 Girl Scouts, café, 5:00pm Parish Council, church office, 7:00pm Tuesday, February 9 Burn Palms, church, 2:15pm Mad Science, St. Charles room, 3:00pm Ladies Sodality, café, 6:30pm Wednesday, February 10—ASH WEDNESDAY Masses: 6:30am, 8am, 1:30pm , 6:30pm (bilingual) Celebrating 106 Years on February 7, 2016 On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God... We celebrate the achievements of the Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts of St. Charles Borromeo who have earned the following Catholic Religious Emblems this year: Quilting, rectory basement, 8:30am—noon Mad Science, St. Charles Room, 3:00pm Bridges, Faculty Lounge, 5:30pm Thursday, February 11 Girl Scouts, Bicentennial Room, 3:00pm RCIA, Bicentennial Room, 6:30pm 225th Anniversary meeting, church office, 7:00pm Boy Scouts, café, 7:00pm Friday, February 12 St. Pat casseroles—deliver to church office by 8:30am FISH FRY, café, 4:00—7:00pm Stations of the Cross, church, 7:00pm Saturday, February 13 Women’s Fellowship, church office, 6:00am Light of Christi—Lumen Christi Blessing/Renewal of Marriage Vows at all Masses this weekend 1st—2nd Grade Cub Scouts Augustus Gantner James (J.D.) Iver John Lloyd Jonathan Rawlings Michael Shaw Tyler Vieth Chase Hoguet Westin Kostansek Joseph Oppelt Anton Schuetz Samuel Vehige Aaron Wohlberg Sunday, February 14 Second collection for St. Vincent de Paul 10% dedicated to Birthright Event in café this afternoon School and church office closed Monday, Feb. 15 Parvuli Dei (Children of God) 3rd—5th Grade Cub Scouts Elliot Downey Jackson Kuehler Owen Gantner Richard Wikiera Ad Altare Dei (“At the Altar of God”) 7th—8th Grade Boy Scouts Ray Bulte Thomas Johnson Sean Thomas Kyle Crow AJ Kulma Pope Pius XII High School Boy Scouts Andrew Johnson Confessions: The Sacrament of Healing . . . Saturdays, 4:00—4:45pm ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Burn Palms, February 9 Ash Wednesday, February 10 Fish Fries, February 12, 19, 26, March 4, 11, 18 Marriage Blessing/Renewal of Vows, February 14 Men’s CRHP Weekend, February 27/28 Lenten Parish Family Mission, March 13—16 Holy Week, begins March 20 Blood Drive, March 22 Easter Sunday, March 27 Confirmation, April 14 First Holy Communion, April 16 Golf Tournament, July 18 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 7, 2016 Archdiocesan Tuition Assistance Available for SCB School Qualifications Catholic Family Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund (CFTA Grant) ♦ ♦ ♦ Funds available to Catholic students. At least one parent must be Catholic to be eligible. Scholarship awards based upon financial need. Parish Employee Endowment Fund (PEEF Grant) ♦ ♦ ♦ Available to active employees who have completed one year of service at the parish and who will be employed during the years in which the award is granted. Employee must work 1,000 hours or more during the course of the year. Scholarship awards based upon financial need. Alive In Christ Scholarship Program ♦ ♦ Available to any new student entering Kindergarten through 4th grade, and any current student K-8. Awards will be granted to new and existing students, renewable through 8th grade upon annual requalification. INCOME ELIGIBILITY GUIDELINES Household Income Household Income Household Income Household Size ($2000 award) ($1500 award) ($1000 award) ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 2 less than $29.700 up to $39,900 up to $53,550 3 less than $33,000 up to $44,625 up to $59,850 4 less than $36,300 up to $49,875 up to $66,990 5 less than $39,600 up to $55,650 up to $74,130 6 less than $42,900 up to $61,950 up to $82,740 7 less than $46,200 up to $69,300 up to $91,665 8 less than $49,500 up to $77,700 up to $102,585 For each add’l child $3,300 $4,410 $6,174 Beyond Sunday Elementary School Scholarship Program (there is a High School Program as well) ♦ ♦ ♦ Preference will be given to families registered in an Archdiocesan parish. Awards will be granted to new and existing students, renewable through 8th grade upon annual requalification. Minimum annual tuition payment of $1000 per family is required. INCOME ELIGIBILITY GUIDELINES Household Income Household Income Household Income Household Size ($2000 award) ($1500 award) ($1000 award) ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 2-3 persons $35,000—$48,333 $48.334—$61.667 $61,668—$75,000 4-6 persons $40,000—$56,666 $56,667—$73,333 $73,334—$90,000 7 or more persons $45,000—$65,000 $65,001—$85,000 $85,001—$105,000 Families may apply beginning NOW for all of these programs using ONE online application—visit for more information. TIMELY APPLICATION IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!! Application due date, no later than February 29, 2016 A warm welcome from St. Charles Borromeo! Asistencia arquidiocesana para colegiatura disponible para la Escuela SCB Requisitos Fondo de dotación para asistencia de colegiatura de familia católica (CFTA Grant) ♦ ♦ ♦ Fondos disponibles para estudiantes católicos. Para ser elegible, por lo menos uno de los padres debe ser católico. Los premios de becas se basan en las necesidades financieras. Fondo de dotación para empleados parroquiales (PEEF Grant) ♦ ♦ ♦ Disponible para empleados activos que han completado un año de servicio en la parroquia y que estará empleado durante el año en que se dará la beca. El empleado debe trabajar 1.000 horas o más durante el curso del año. Los premios de becas se basan en las necesidades financieras. Programa de becas “Vivos en Cristo”. ♦ ♦ Disponible para cualquier estudiante nuevo que entre en Kindergarten hasta 4º grado, y para cualquier estudiante actual de K-8ºgrado. Los premios se darán a estudiantes nuevos y actuales, renovable hasta 8º grado de acuerdo a los requisitos. GUIA DE ELIGIBILIDAD DE INGRESOS Ingresos en el hogar Ingresos en el hogar Ingresos en el hogar Tamaño del hogar (Premio de $2000 ) (Premio de $1500) (Premio de $1000) ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 2 personas menos de $29.700 hasta $39.900 hasta $53.550 3 personas menos de $33.000 hasta $44.625 hasta $59.850 4 personas menos de $36.300 hasta $49.875 hasta $66.990 5 personas menos de $39.600 hasta $55,.650 hasta $74.130 6 personas menos de $42.900 hasta $61.950 hasta $82.740 7 personas menos de $46.200 hasta $69,.300 hasta $91.665 8 personas menos de $49.500 hasta $77.700 hasta $102.585 Por cada niño más $3.300 $4.410 $6.174 Programa de becas para Escuela Primaria “Más allá del Domingo” ♦ ♦ ♦ (también hay un programa para secundaria) Se dará preferencia a las familias registradas en las parroquias de la Arquidiócesis. Los premios se darán a estudiantes nuevos y actuales, renovable hasta 8º grado de acuerdo a los requisitos. Es requisito un pago mínimo de $1000 por familia por año. GUIA DE ELIGIBILIDAD DE INGRESOS Ingresos en el hogar Ingresos en el hogar Ingresos en el hogar Tamaño del hogar (Premio de $2000 ) (Premio de $1500) (Premio de $1000) ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 2-3 personas $35.000—$48.333 $48.334—$61.667 $61.668—$75.000 4-6 personas $40.000—$56.666 $56.667—$73.333 $73.334—$90.000 7 o más personas $45.000—$65.000 $65.001—$85.000 $85.001—$105.000 Las familias deben aplicar comenzando el 1 de febrero para todos estos programas usando UNA aplicación en línea, visite para más información. ¡LA APLICACION OPORTUNA ES ALTAMENTE RECOMENDADA! Vencimiento de la aplicación 29 de febrero del 2016 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 7, 2016 Tuesday, February 9—PANCAKE DAY 6am—7pm at Blanchette Park All you can eat and drink pancakes, sausage, coffee and milk! Sponsored by the St. Charles Kiwanis, celebrating 80 years of serving the community. A Lifeline for Troubled Marriages If your marriage is tearing the two of you apart—if there’s little or no meaningful conversation—even if you are considering or are already separated or divorced, you can work to heal your marriage on a RETROUVAILLE weekend. It CAN be better than it ever was! For confidential information: 1-800-470-2230 or The next Retrouvaille weekend is scheduled for June 3-5. For a Richer, Fuller Marriage Advance tickets: $7 adults, $5 children 12 and under. For tickets contact John Pallardy 314-960-4009. Shopping list for February 27/28: saltines, jello pudding, salmon, pancake mix, syrup and for the Mini-Vinnies: 15 oz. ravioli When you care enough to give the very best, give yourself to your spouse on a MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER weekend. You don’t need it—you deserve it—feel your original romance again. Plan to attend a Marriage Encounter weekend on April 22-24 or August 5-7. To find out more, apply online at or call 314-649-7617. Flood Disaster Assistance thru FEMA To register, call 1-800-621-3362 or online: Open 24 Hours Breakfast Lunch Dinner Brian or Sally, coordinators an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA 860.399.1785 son Daw ROOFING, INC. Homestyle Restaurant 946-0266 Specialists In Quality Reroofing & Repairs 1881 Sherman Dr. Senior Discounts (Z) John Zerr Books NEW BOOK OUT! “The Happy Life of Preston Katt” Available at Main St. Books in St. Charles Amazon & Barnes & Noble in all 3 Formats including e-book Visit Author’s website: Member RCGA and NRCA Fully Insured For Your Protection Financing Available Since 1978 FREE ESTIMATES We accept: M/C VISA DISCOVER AMEX 314-837-4671 • 636-949-6821 IL: 618-207-4175 Continuing to Meet The Needs of Area Catholics Skilled Nursing • Rehabilitation Center • Independent Living 723 First Capitol Drive Contact Social Services at (636) 946-4140 x 107 RICHARD R. VEIT Attorney at Law 916-HELP 225 South Main (4357) Suite 250 O’Fallon, MO Peter Abegg 636-485-6002 Life Insurance • Long-Term Care • Annuities • Disability Protecting Catholic families since 1882. Parishioner Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. St. Charles: 636-724-0283 For further information, please call the Parish Office. Roy Cox Plumbing 5773 Westwood Dr. • Weldon Springs 60 Years In Business Alexander Insurance Agency 636.724.4508 821 Madison Wayne & Matt Alexander Scott & Laura Ilgenfritz 636.926.9989 – FIELDER – ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC. LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL Service Upgrades • New Homes • Remodeling • Room Additions • Basements • Kitchens Bathrooms • Code Violations • Knob & Tube Upgrades • Back Up Generator Systems $20OFF Any Electrical Work of $100 or more 314-966-3388 636-949-9525 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........ 24/7 HELP Personal Counseling and Psychiatry ........ Individual, Child, Family, and Marriage Counseling 311 South Main, Ste. 100, O’Fallon, MO 63366 636-281-1990 / $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH TOMICH LAW FIRM, LLC Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. Support Your Church & Bulletin. Free professional ad design & my help! ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months email: 947-0550 309 N. MAIN ST., STE. 210 ST. CHARLES Call Stana Hermann 800.945.6629 Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! 636-477-1200 225 Fox Hill Road, St. Charles MO 63301 Termite & Pest Control “Switch and Save! CALL ME TODAY.” ntracts NO Long Term Co Walls 800.393.9954 LMI Pavers Landscaping 611 First Capitol Dr. Sarah A. Smith, D.D.S., P.C. Pediatric Dentist 322 Jungerman Rd. St. Charles Borromeo Parishioner (636) 724-4100 If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! CALL NOW! 636-946-9000 (636) 946-8611 800-566-6150 • Mike Maroney $1a Day! Dierberg’s Bogey Plaza St. Peter Parishioner Available on CD ($17) 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance Solutions as Low as ✔Police ✔Fire EE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FR FREE Activation • Sandwiches • Salads • Soups • Pizza Hair Salon Gregorian Chants conducted by Lucien Deiss, CSSp the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. SB with minimum $6 order. Expires 12/31/15 GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING 800-566-6150 World Library Publications PARISHIONER FREE Fountain Drink Following Jesus Every Day: Ave Maria DEBORAH TOMICH Free Inspection Mike & Todd Pickering Rick Wilkins 947-1452 281-4020 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal An ideal companion for personal prayer. In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 2539 W. 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