St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church


St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 10, 2016
601 N. 4th, St. Charles, MO 63301
Parish Vision Statement:
We are the parish that, through our communion with Jesus, guided by the Holy Spirit:
Welcomes all; Celebrates our unity, diversity, and traditions; Uses God’s gifts to
serve and teach others and be the face of Jesus Christ in the Community.
Founded 1791
Parish Office:
School Office:
Religious Education Office:
Latino Ministry:
St. Vincent DePaul Society:
leave a message after the recording
Pastoral Staff:
Father John Reiker, Pastor:
Father Bob Menner, Associate Pastor:
Father Don Schramm, Senior Associate:
Deacon Don McElroy, Deacon
Deacon Jorge Perez, Deacon
Mrs. Silvina Baez, Latino Ministry
Sr. Raquel, Ortez Director of Religious Education
Mrs. Donna Crawley, Office Manager
Mrs. Mary DuBois, Office Secretary
Mrs. Jackie Voelkl, School Principal
Mrs. Mary Kutchback, Organist, Pastoral Associate for Seniors
Mrs. Beth Duello, Director of Music
Mrs. Lisa Delicath, Contemporary Youth Choir
Mr. Juan Saldana, el coro
Mr. Rob Iver, Parish Council Chairperson
Schedule of Holy Mass
Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation:
Saturdays 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. or by appointment
8:00 a.m., (Communion Service)
5:00 p.m. vigil for Sunday
7:00, 8:30, 10:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m. in Spanish
Weekdays: Communion Service
6:30 a.m Tuesday,
Thursday and every 1st & 3rd Fridays
Weekday- 8:00 a.m. Monday through
Sacrament of Baptism:
Arrangements made after parental instruction.
Call the parish office for more information.
Sacrament of Matrimony:
Contact the parish office at least six months prior
to wedding to begin preparations
Eucharistic Adoration:
Third Mondays, 8:30am to 6:30pm
Third Saturdays, 8:00pm to 5:00am
Holy Days of Obligation: watch the bulletin
Perpetual Help Devotions:
Tuesdays following the 8:00 a.m. Mass
National Holidays: 9:00 a.m.
Parish Hall Rental:
Neal or Pat at 636-949-9722 (gym)
Donna at 636-946-1893 (café)
Parish Office Business Hours
Monday thru Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
We welcome all who come and worship with us. If you wish to join our parish faith family, or have a change in your contact information, kindly complete this form. You can return it to the Rectory, place in in the collection, or give it to a Priest or Deacon.
Cell/Phone Number_______________________________
Address/Zip______________________________________________________ Email____________________________________
___ Please make the above changes to my parish record
___ I wish to find out more about the Catholic faith
___ I would like to speak with a Priest/Deacon
Interested in information about annulments/validation
Information on having my children baptized
Please pray for: __________________________________
Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo!
From the Pastor’s Pen
Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill
2016 Mission Cooperation Appeal in our
July 16-17, 2016
It is wonderful to be able to sponsor the Diocesan Mission
Cooperation Appeal in our parish again this year. On July 16
-17, 2016 we are honored to have Sister Claudia Rushlow, SC
with us to share the good news of the mission works of the
Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill in China, South Korea and
The Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill first Missioned four sisters
from Pennsylvania to Korea in 1960. At that time, it took a
month for the sisters to travel by freighter ship to Korea,
and now it takes only hours by plane. As our world grows
smaller, our hearts grow larger, as we reach out to others.
We are pleased to have this opportunity to learn about the
missions and to help with our prayers and donations. As the
sisters continue to bring the love of the Lord to the people
they serve, they need our help-they cannot do it alone.
Wherever we may lives, we are all missionaries and can help
in different ways.
Please, give from the heart on July 16-17 to help spread the
Gospel throughout the world and assist the Sisters of Charity
of Seton Hill to share God’s Love with those in need. Your
prayers and donations will bring blessings of hope and healing. God Bless you for your Generosity.
Please see photos towards the end of bulletin for Ecuador Earthquake relief project.
Mother Teresa once said, “Keep the corners of
your mouth turned up. Speak in a low, persuasive
tone. Listen; be teachable. Laugh at good stories
and learn to tell them.”
A mother was preparing pancakes for her sons, Kevin 5,
and Ryan 3.
The boys began to argue over who would get the first
Their mother saw the opportunity for a moral lesson.
“If Jesus were sitting here, He would say,
‘Let my brother have the first pancake, I can wait.’
Kevin turned to his younger brother and said,
“Ryan, you be Jesus!”
Communion Services
Beginning July 1, we are officially a one-priest parish like
our neighbors (although we are extremely grateful to Fr.
Don for working so hard for us during his retirement
From July 1st on, there will be Communion Services at
6:30 am every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, as
well as other days such as when we celebrate Mass at
9:15 am at Windsor Estates, (formerly Parkside).
We are sorry but Church (Canon) Law stipulates priests
should only celebrate one Mass per day.
For Sunday,, Fr. Bob will be helping us about every other
Sunday for which we are very grateful. But down the
road, we may need to consider consolidating our Sunday
Mass schedule. Who knows? We will leave this in God’s
hands for now.
David Magana, son of Eduardo Magana & Gabriella Munoz
We Welcome New Parishoneers
Ana Schnellmann
Ashley Burton & Oscar Rojas
Mary Glosier & Don Lair
Kathy Adams, Cynthia Cook, Bonnie Warner, Jane Holloway,
Ann Dill, Joyce Cain
Mike &Carol Fasching, parents of Becca & Scot
McCullough; Nicholas Fuse Jr., grandson of Darrell Fuse;
Brendan Myers, grandson of Jim & Kathy Anderson; , ;
Carol Jost, Rose O’Brien, Alicia Chica,
Joyce Cain, Jorge Pintor, Alma Hawkins Loretta Loeffler
Jack Pickering, Husband of Donna and brother to Tom/Margie
Cindy Smullen, cousin of Maria Grotegeers
Barb.Koch, mother of Bev Schieferdecker
Spread the Gospel, the Good News
about Jesus and His Borromeo Family!
Holy Community through Holy Communion.
Your Brother in Jesus,
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 10, 2016
Current This Week
New Parish Sign
Soon you will see a big new digital sign on 5th
Street that can be easily run from a computer.
We hope to alert all who pass Good News about
Jesus, our Faith and our Church with holy messages and thoughts, as well as Borromeo Family
We are very grateful to our Borromeo Athletic
Association for covering half of the cost and
some generous donors for the rest.
St. Patrick’s Casseroles
Casseroles will be picked up on the 2nd and 3rd
Fridays of the Month. Please bring yours to the
church office by 8:30 a.m. Friday .
Thank You!
Sunday, July 10
Boy Scouts-Church Office 11:15
2nd Collection– St. Vincent DePaul
Spanish Mass moved to 4 p.m.-No 11:30 a.m Mass
Monday, July 11
Tuesday, July 12
Wednesday, July 13
Quilting, rectory basement, 8:30am—noon
Emaus– Church Office -7pm
Bridges Info Meeting, 7 p.m. Teacher’s Lounge
Thursday, July 14
Boy Scouts, café, 7:00pm
Friday, July 15
St. Pat Casserole deliv to Church ofc by 8:30 AM
Saturday, July 16
Men’s Fellowship 6:30 AM, Church office
Spiritual Renewal 9 a.m. Church office
Uniform Exchange 9-11 AM Café, Cleanup after
Latino Adoration 8 p.m. to 5 a.m.GYM
Sunday, July 17
Boy Scouts– 11:15 –Church Office
DACA in Church Office-1:00 p.m.
22nd Annual St Charles Borromeo / Joe Hensley
Memorial Golf Tournament
Monday July 18, 2016 @ Bogey Hills Country Club
Details include:
Registration begins at 10:30 with lunch available soon thereafter.
Shotgun Start at NOON
Format: 4-person scramble
Entry Fee: $125
(climbs to $150 after Memorial Day
Includes: Greens fee, cart, beverages, lunch, happy hour and dinner
Dinner Only? - available for $30
(begins with happy hour at 5:30)
Sponsorships available:
Hole Sponsor – $125
Birdie (Lunch) Sponsor – $1000 (includes a foursome and 1 hole
sponsor sign)
Eagle (Happy Hour or Dinner) Sponsor - $1500 (includes a foursome and 2 hole sponsor signs)
via cash or check only!
3 flights in play - so all skill sets are welcome!
Numerous prize opportunities to win via golf skill or luck
Register (with credit card) online at: Payment at the
tournament via cash or check only!
• 3 flights in play - so all skill sets are welcome!
• Numerous prize opportunities to win via golf skill or luck
on the course
All Day Raffle
What we need:
Hole Sponsors – please promote
your business or simply give a
shout out to your family and/or
Volunteers – to help with setup,
registration and raffle (this will
get you fed and entertained
throughout the day)!
Prize Donations – please and
thank you!!
Contact Mike Murray (314)5787596 or Josh Toal (314)4869530
Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo!
Notes from Around the Parish
July Meeting & Ice Cream Social
Tuesday, July 12, 6:30 p.m. in GYM
Kyle from the St. Charles Ambulance District will be talking
to us about Rapid Access, as well as other informative topics. This will be a great meeting with lots of helpful tips.
Don’t forget we are having Great Ice Cream and Toppings.
Anyone with a birthday in June or July: be sure to come
and get your Birthday gift. For more information or if you
need a ride, please call Barb at (636) 947-3939.
This year we are again asking your help in furnishing school supplies for CHILDREN IN OUR PARISH
SCHOOL. Please take a tag from the display in the
narthex, purchase the requested items, place them
in a backpack with the list attached and return the
supplies to the church narthex or church office no
later than August 1st. Any questions, please call
Mary Dean at 723-9783.
The Spiritual Exercises
of St. Ignatius in Everyday Life
Quilt of the Month
Congratulations to Marilyn Edmondson who is the
QUILT A MONTH winner for July. You'll be able
to see Marilyn's picture with her quilt on the website in a couple of weeks. You Still have time to get
your tickets in for 5 more drawings. You can get
the tickets at the church office or call Barb at 636
947 3939. Thanks to our great quilters for making
this happen!!
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius in Everyday Life
and its principles and prayer methods provide a foundation for Jesuit spirituality and outlook. Pope Francis
exudes the joy of knowing Jesus, and he views the Gospels in imaginative ways, both reflecting important
components of the Spiritual Exercises. The Bridges
Foundation, Inc. will sponsor an Information Session
for those wishing to experience the Spiritual Exercises.
St. Charles Borromeo School, 431 Decatur, Fourth St.
entrance, St. Charles, MO 63301, Wednesday, July 13
@ 7 p.m. See our website for more information: For directions or more
info contact SCB parishioner, 636-949-0993.
Bridge Bread Bakery opens July 1st and provides work skills to people experiencing homelessness.
Bridge Bread Bakery
419 S. Main St. Saint Charles
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 10, 2016
Readings for the Week
Is 1:10-17; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23;
Mt 10:34 -- 11:1
Is 7:1-9; Ps 48:2-8; Mt 11:20-24
Wednesday: Is 10:5-7, 13b-16; Ps 94:5-10, 14-15;
Mt 11:25-27
Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19; Ps 102:13-14ab, 15-21;
Mt 11:28-30
Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8; Is 38:10-12abcd, 16;
Mt 12:1-8
Mi 2:1-5; Ps 10:1-4, 7-8, 14; Mt 12:14-21
Gen 18:1-10a; Ps 15:2-5; Col 1:24-28;
Lk 10:38-42
Monday, July 11-St. Benedict, Abbot
6:30 a.m
Communion Service
8:00 a.m
Mary Ann O’Neil
Tuesday, July 12, Weekday
6:30 a.m.
Communion Service
8:00 a.m.
Frank Sitar-3rd Anniv
Wednesday, July 13, Saint Henry
6:30 a.m.
Communion Service
8:00 a.m.
Muehlenkamp Family
6:15 p.m.
Jeannie Burns Hart
Thursday, July 14 St. Kateri
6:30 a.m.
Communion Service
8:00 a.m.
Martha Van Deven
Friday, July 15, St. Bonaventure, Bishop
6:30 a.m.
Communion Service
8:00 a.m.
Joyce Mersman
9:15 a.m.
Jerry Murphy
Saturday, July 16, Weekday
8:00 a.m.
Communion Service
5:00 p.m.
Mary “Dinny” Vogt
Sunday, July 17, 16h Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:00 a.m.
Virginia Bova
8:30 a.m.
Clifford Meyer
10:00 a.m.
Fran Dwyer
11:30 p.m.
Our Parish Family
Servers, 8:00am, July 11-16
A Big Thanks
Thank you for the parishioners who come out and marched
in the SCB Fourth of July parade. This combined our Unity
and our 225th Anniversary ministries.
Thanks to the Maher family for their involvement in spearheading the parish float for the parade.
Monday, July 11, Thomas Murray, Cameron Booth
Tuesday, July 12: Sarah Stewart, Cameron Booth
Wednesday, July 13: Faith Hawkins, Claire Choinka
Thursday, July 14: Wya & Jamie Karase
Friday, July 15: Maggie & Michael Howard
Saturday, July 16 Kennedy Jensen, Aus n Klemme
LIFELINE will be TUESDAY JULY 26 at 7:00 PM
in the Church. Make plans to join us for a fantastic
Spiritual experience with awesome music...great reflections....quality time with the Lord. A great experience for all ages for a ride or information call Barb
at 636-947-3939.
Spiritual Renewal Saturday
When: July 19, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. immediately following8:00 a.m. Mass
Where: Church Office
Shopping List for July 23/24
Can Chicken
Spaghetti Sauce
Tuna Helper
Dish Liquid
St. Charles Borromeo Prayer Tree:
928-2970 or
Join us fro a mini retreat reflecting on the Readings for
the following day.
An Uplifting Experience for a prayerful weekend.
Call Barb Bott at (636) 947-3939 for more information,
or if you need a ride.
Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo!
Parish School of Religion
Dear Parishioners, registration for the Parish School of Religion for next year, 2016-2017 is
underway. New students may obtain a Registration Packet from the Parish Office, the Religious Education Office, or from our website at and selecting Religious Education. Families are encouraged to return registration materials before August 1,
2016 so we can be sure and have all necessary materials and classes in place!
Parents of students desiring a sacrament: Reconciliation, First Communion, or Confirmation are reminded that students must participate in one full year of formal Religious
Education prior to the Sacrament.
Our PSR program is dependent on parish volunteers, young, old and in between for catechists, table leaders,
classroom helpers, parents who do tasks at home, door monitors, and parents to make our religious classes filled with
the love and peace of Jesus for our young children. If you are feeling called to help in any way in our program, please
don’t hesitate! Sharing your love of Jesus makes a big difference in the faith life of our children and their families.
Our PSR program is dependent on parish volunteers, young, old and in between for catechists, table leaders,
classroom helpers, parents who do tasks at home, door monitors, and parents to make our religious classes filled with
the love and peace of Jesus for our young children. If you are feeling called to help in any way in our program, please
don’t hesitate! Sharing your love of Jesus makes a big difference in the faith life of our children and their families.
Peace of Jesus to you, Becca McCullough
Our school is looking to fill the position of School Curriculum / Technology
Be responsible for training, modeling, and assisting teachers in integrating technology in the classroom to improve
student achievement. Coordinates the management of instructional and non-instructional school microcomputer networks. Acquires and updates skills as necessary for effective network management. Installs, troubleshoots, and maintains hardware and software. Trains users in applications on the network. Coordinates activities of outside vendors,
consultants and trainers. Assists with marketing and creating fliers. If you are interested in applying for this position
please contact the school at
St. Charles Borromeo Student Essay– SCB Pro-Life Finalist
Respect Life Essay-Chastity by Ryan Jones
As Blessed Mother Teresa put it, “A clean heart is a free heart. A free heart can love Christ with an undivided love in
chastity, convinced that nothing and nobody will separate it from His love.” In other words. a chaste and moral sexuality leads to a life full of happiness in God. If we all practiced chastity and holiness, we would find ourselves in a perfect,
sacred union with God. However, some people are led astray by social pressures, or the status quo of sex being
“casual”, and they make the mistake of premarital sex, which could lead to an unintentional pregnancy or contraction of
an STD.
Of the approximately 750,000 teenage pregnancies each year, over one quarter of them choose abortion over giving
birth. If each of those teenage mothers were educated, and decided not to abort, over 25,000 babies would be saved
each year, and would be able to hopefully live a life full of happiness and joy in the Lord.
As those statistics point out, many young people still need a considerable amount of help combatting their sexual urges before marriage. If all young teenagers adequately practiced chastity and self-control, abortion figures would plummet, and abortion clinics, such as Planned Parenthood would stop in their tracks. Along with that, the transmitting of
STD’s would also drop quite significantly. Plus it would help younger people develop lasting friendships and relationships, without the awkward overhead of sex possibly ruining or destroying them. All in all, the virtue of chastity guides
everyone to live a life of true happiness, true healthiness, and true holiness.
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 10, 2016
Oficina: Tel: (636)946-1893 Fax (636)946-5598 *
Pláticas para Bautismo
Las pláticas para bautismo son el 1° y 2° domingo de cada mes de 9.30-11am, se pide puntualidad.
Son necesarias las dos clases para padres y padrinos, debido a la importancia de esta preparación se pide que en lo posible
no se traigan niños, por consideración y respeto a los demás participantes, ya que pueden distraer la atención.
Para confirmar su asistencia por favor llame a la oficina parroquial 636-946-1893.
INTERPRETACION—Llámenos al 314-842-0062
Confesiones en espanol:
Confesiones los miercoles 7pm.
10 de Julio
4:00 p.m.
Adolfo Zamores-S, Misael Alvarado-E
el coro
cup-Dionicia Zamudio, Araceli (Chely) Garcia
Rogelio Guerrero, Maria Barretos
HOST Rosa Mar nez, Rosa Alvarado
SERV: Itzel Antonino, Liliana Barcenas
Ush: Jesus Manzanarez, Adolfo Zamores, vol. pls.
To be chosen before Masss
Volunteers please
Is 1:10-17; Sal 50 (49):8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23;
Mt 10:34 -- 11:1
Is 7:1-9; Sal 48 (47):2-8; Mt 11:20-24
Miércoles: Is 10:5-7, 13b-16; Sal 94 (93):5-10, 14-15;
Mt 11:25-27
Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19; Sal 102 (101):13-14ab,
15-21; Mt 11:28-30
Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8; Is 38:10-12abcd, 16;
Mt 12:1-8
Mi 2:1-5; Sal 10 (9):1-4, 7-8, 14; Mt 12:14-21
Domingo: Gen 18:1-10a; Sal 15 (14):2-5; Col 1:24-28;
Lc 10:38-42
¡Jesucristo ha Resucitado!
¡En verdad resucitó!
Como los discípulos de Emaús, vamos afligidos por el camino de la vida, desanimados porque las cosas no salen
como queremos o esperamos..., sin embargo Jesús se une a nosotros en este camino.
Te invitamos a que vengas a experimentar a Jesús en el próximo retiro de Emaús, date un tiempo para mirar en tu
interior y sentir, como los discípulos de Emaús, arder tu corazón cunado Jesús te hable.
Retiro de mujeres 8-10 de julio. Para más información 636-219-6979
Retiro de hombres 12-14 de agosto. Más información 636-541-9204
10 de julio no habrá Misa a las 11.30am.
La Misa será a las 4pm, para recibir a las mujeres del Retiro de Emaús.
Para medir la virtud de un hombre no hay que
mirar sus hazañas, sino su vida cotidiana.
—Blas Pascal
Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo!
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 10, 2016
Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo!
Faith-filled Summer Family Fun
by Noreen McCann
There is still time to add some fun faith-filled activities to summer 2016. One of the most important things we can do for the formation of our children is to instill in them an appreciation for beauty, especially God's beauty reflected in nature. Summertime should
be a time to unplug and get outside. Saying the family rosary outside at night draws us all to reflect on God's beauty reflected in
nature. The rhythm of the rosary recited in the evening twilight or under a dark night sky is a chance for families to be together quietly and notice the different noises of the night. Stargazing, even if the city sky is dimmed, follows naturally when everyone is gathered together. Psalm 19:1: The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork. Scripture is replete
with references to the heavens so have some Scripture passages handy to quote. Remind your children that the order and beauty of
nature is a reflection of God’s majesty and beauty. Let them see you marvel at God's beauty. Explain why the moon is a symbol for
Our Lady - the beautiful glowing moon has no light of its own but reflects the light of the sun as Our Lady, who is a creature, reflects
God's grace.
Have your children ever been on a pilgrimage? Plan a pilgrimage to one of our Archdiocese's beautiful churches with family and
friends. The Black Madonna Shrine outside of Eureka is an extensive outdoor shrine built by a Franciscan brother as a labor of love.
We all entertain more in the summer. Focus a children's party on celebrating a Catholic feast or saint with a craft project. You can
find ideas online.
One of the best family activities is to have a daily read-aloud time. Whether daytime or evening, pick a definite read-aloud time and
stick to it. I like reading two books at once: a saint's biography and a novel. A book length biography is better than a single chapter
on a saint because more details are needed to really come to know and love a saint or absorb a subject. For ideas, Holy Infant Parish has a summer reading list online:
Remember to limit (eliminate) electronics and keep videos to a minimum. Play with your children!
St. Charles Borromeo Early Childhood Center News
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 10, 2016
Ministry List, July 16/17
Your Loving Sacrifices Make All the Difference
(Volunteers needed for Greeters and GiŌ Bearers)
Saturday, July 16
Linda Beeson Lucy Rauch
Cup –Joann Sullivan, volunteer please
Anna Lee Schulte, Francis Fessler
HOST: Erin Doughty, Michelle Gruender
SERV:: Aiden & gabe Doughty
USH:: Larry Ohlms, Elaine Ru ahr,
Jerry Kopp, vol. pls
Volunteers, please
GREETERS Volunteers Please
Tom Schneider
Contributions for July 2/3
Offertory envelopes:
Matching Gifts:
Glennon Sunday
Total Offerings:
Help A Student
Capital Improvements
Sunday, July 17
Deby Yates
Tom & Margie Pickering, Jim Yates
Nicholas Burke, Maddie Beerman
USH;– Josey Page, David Schaeffer,
Carl Hoeman, Volunteer pls
Volunteers please
Volunteers please
Mary Baronovic
Double Your Donations!
Did you know that...there are nearly 1000 companies
that offer a matching gift program for private elementary
schools and St. Charles Borromeo School qualifies?
Melissa Cornwell, Jenniefer Bober
cup-Joe & Gerry Kloeppel
Stacy Hilker, Larry Beerman
HOST: Sarah Hord, Kathy McElroy
SERV: Mia & Noelle Adamski
USH: Ken Kapeller, Charlie Schroeder
Rich Wessler, Ron Rozcki
Volunteers please
Volunteers please
Colle e & Beth
Did you know that…by designating your weekly contribution to the school and with the matching gift funds St.
Charles Borromeo School receives, the parish subsidy for
the school is reduced?
Did you know that...all contributions will be reported on
your year-end statement by the parish?
10:00 a.m.
Paul Woody, TJ Sla ery
cup– Joe Briscoe, Dorothy Williams
Carol Faubert, Vol Please
Marion Englehorn, Harriet Pallardy
Mallory Murray, Yeni Acosta
Greg Grotegeers, Gary Snyder,
Gary Steins, Frankie Fessler
Volunteers please
Harie e Wayne, volunteer please
We received a box of free booklets called,
The Catholic Yearbook
4:00 p.m.
Alma Wuiroz-S, Rosa Alarado-E
Fabiola Manzanarez, Maria Fuentes
Gloria Or z, Gabriela Wuiroz
Misael Alvardo, Rogelio Guerrero
Lilia Fuentes, Adrian Gaona
Jesus Manzanarez, Adolfo Zamores
Volunteers please
to be chosen before Mass
Volunteers Please
For more information please contact Ken Kapeller at 636946-3356
el coro
The box is in the Narthex: help yourself. You might find interesting articles on Pope Francis, St. Anthony, Jesus, True Man,
Sunday Dinner, Mass, The Rosary, Recycling, Show Passion for
our Children’s Faith and much more.
Parents participating in the FACTS program:
FACTS now offers 24/7 support at
Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo!
Sisters of Seton Hill
They brought medicine, bandages and aid for
the poor people of this village, about a four
hour drive from Pedro Carbo. Water purifiers
were also needed for this mission trip.
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 10, 2016
Note From St. Vincent DePaul
Window A/C units are available. This is per
Sandy at St. Joachim and Ann.
Eligibility requirements are:
1: Must be an American Citizen.
2. Must show valid driver’s license or State ID
3. Must show Social Security Card
4. Must meet low income guidelines.
Theresa Weber from St. Vincent DePaul.
call (636) 925-1616 for more info
The Covering House
The Covering House supports girls who have been
victims of sex-trafficking.
Knights of Columbus Council 823
They will be hosting a Chicken Dinner on Tuesday, July 19, 2016.
Serving Time is 6-7 P.M.
with a cost of $7.00 per person.
Please call by Monday, July 18, 2016.
For Reservations, call after 4 P.M.
(636) 949-0222.
These Dinners help the Knights support our Parish Schools and the St. Vincent DePaul Societies
of our Parishes. Please support our Dinners
The Dinner will be held at the Westbury Banquet Center at 20 Westbury Drive (where the
Knights Council 823 Meets).
Fun with a Cause
A group of Volunteers are sponsoring a Beginner’s
Latin Dance class to financially support the Covering House.
Please join up with instructors Hera and Al Gerber
Monday, July 11, 7-8 p.m.
Monday, July 18, 7-8 p.m.
Saturday, July 30, 1-2 p.m.
Classes will be held at Immanuel Lutheran Church
at 115 South 6th Street, St. Charles, MO 63301
We will be accepting donation of any amount for
The Covering House at each class.
RSVP/ Questions: Debbie
Wednesday Rosary . . . 5:45pm in church
prior to the Wednesday evening Mass.
We will alternate between English and Spanish
for each decade of the Rosary.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter is a weekend for married
Christian couples who value their relationship and desire a richer, fuller life together.
The emphasis of Worldwide Marriage Encounter is on communication between
husband and wife, who spend a weekend
together away from the distractions and
the tensions of everyday life, to concentrate on each other.
It's not a retreat, nor a marriage clinic, nor group sensitivity. It's a unique approach aimed at revitalizing Christian
Marriage through presentations on understanding your
feelings, listening, God's desire for marriage and couple
trust. It is a time for you and your spouse to be alone together, to rediscover each other and together focus on
your relationship.
• Rediscover the spark that was there on your wedding
• Rediscover the best friend you had when you were first
• Join the millions of couples worldwide who have
learned how to keep their marriage vibrant and alive!
For more information or to apply for the weekend
on August 5-7, visit or call
Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo!
MONDAY JULY 25, 2016 11:30AM
1) Handmade Quilt
2) Handmade Baby Quilt
3) Mystery box (worth $$$ Surprise—Surprise)
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 10, 2016
Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo!
St Charles Borromeo
Contact: Donna Crawley
Win 7
Pub 2013
Transmit: Wed 5pm
Pages Sent: 1-12