St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church


St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
601 N. 4th, St. Charles, MO 63301
Parish Vision Statement:
We are the parish that, through our communion with Jesus, guided by the Holy Spirit:
Welcomes all; Celebrates our unity, diversity, and traditions; Uses God’s gifts to
serve and teach others and be the face of Jesus Christ in the Community.
Parish Office:
School Office:
Religious Education Office:
Latino Ministry:
St. Vincent DePaul Society:
Founded 1791
leave a message after the recording
Pastoral Staff:
Father John Reiker, Pastor:
Father Bob Menner, Associate Pastor:
Father Don Schramm, Senior Associate:
Deacon Don McElroy, Deacon
Deacon Jorge Perez, Deacon
Mrs. Silvina Baez, Latino Ministry
Mrs. Becca McCullough, Director of Religious Education
Mrs. Peggy Dupree, Office Manager
Ms. Maria Martinez, Office Secretary
Mrs. Jackie Voelkl, School Principal
Mrs. Mary Kutchback, Organist, Pastoral Associate for Seniors
Mrs. Beth Duello, Director of Music
Mrs. Lisa Delicath, Contemporary Youth Choir
Mr. Juan Saldana, el coro
Mr. Sam Plummer, Youth Ministry
Mr. Rob Iver, Parish Council Chairperson
Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation:
Saturdays 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. or by appointment
Schedule of Holy Mass
8:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m. vigil for Sunday
7:00, 8:30, 10:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m. in Spanish
6:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.
Sacrament of Baptism:
Arrangements made after parental instruction.
Call the parish office for more information.
Sacrament of Matrimony:
Contact the parish office at least six months prior
to wedding to begin preparations
Holy Days of Obligation: watch the bulletin
Eucharistic Adoration:
Third Mondays, 8:30am to 6:30pm
Lifeline, 4th Thursdays 7:00—8:30pm
National Holidays: 9:00 a.m.
Parish Office Business Hours
Perpetual Help Devotions:
Tuesdays following the 8:00 a.m. Mass
Monday thru Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Bulletin deadline: Monday 10:00 a.m.
Parish Hall Rental:
Neal or Pat at 636-949-9722 (gym)
Peggy at 636-946-1893 (café)
We welcome all who come and worship with us. If you wish to join our parish faith family, or have a change in your contact information, kindly complete this form. You can return it to the Rectory, place in in the collection, or give it to a Priest or Deacon.
Cell/Phone Number_______________________________
Address/Zip______________________________________________________ Email____________________________________
___ Please make the above changes to my parish record
___ I wish to find out more about the Catholic faith
___ I would like to speak with a Priest/Deacon
Interested in information about annulments/validation
Information on having my children baptized
Please pray for: __________________________________
A warm welcome from St. Charles Borromeo!
Two of the best and most important ministries going
on in our Borromeo Parish Family is our Catholic School
and our Parish School of Religion. There is nothing
more important than helping our young people grow in
love of Jesus Christ and see all people as family—in other words, passing on our beautiful and life-giving Catholic Faith through our caring Borromeo Family.
THANK YOU to all who make this happen:
1. Our students who give 100% and are so good to one
another (I have been told of students who came to
our school from other Catholic parish schools and
have just blossomed here in every way—so much
more than in their previous school);
2. Jackie Voelkl, our Principal, who leads us with so
much prayer and love and competence;
3. Becca McCullough, our Director of Religious Education, who invigorates all our faith formation and our
journey to God;
4. Our wonderful teachers and staff who care so much
and work so hard for each of our young people—
and our shining clean rooms;
5. Our positive parents who are the primary teachers
and who are rightly proud of the faith and love our
young people show;
6. All our parishioners who are so generous in your
regular offerings to keep all this going with your
gifts to help subsidize our school along with your
donations to Help A Student and Matching Gifts.
All these generous efforts help keep our tuitions low
and all are grateful!
Christ Renews His Parish
During my CRHP weekend, I voluntarily made a
commitment to myself and God to renew and invigorate
my prayer life, and to become closer to the Lord. The
shared experiences, over the course of the weekend, left
me feeling much closer to God and to all of God’s people. I now see and understand that God is more than a
distant God. He is not out of reach to me, or to anyone
else, and is always present, even when we aren’t looking
for Him. Clearly He intended for me to see Him as my
Father and spiritual partner, rather than as someone to
only pray to, or look to when I want help or need guidance.
I have also discovered a very supportive fellowship
with my CRHP brothers. I have not been this close to so
many parishioners, nor have I been as active in other
church activities as I have been since this experience.
Please fill in the form either in church or below, and
sign up. You’ll experience the great blessings that God
has in store for you, too!
Let’s all pray for more Borromeo members
to say “Yes” to our Lord!
What is CRHP? CRHP is Christ Renews His Parish. CRHP is a Gift from the
Lord. You are invited to take time out of your busy life to discover how to connect your
Catholic faith more deeply with your life.
What happens during the renewal weekend? You will hear others sharing their faith journey,
time for silent and shared prayer, and Sacraments. This will be a time to pray, rethink priorities and intensify your relationship with Jesus. CRHP provides the opportunity to know others in our parish and grow as a faith community.
So what about you? Are you ready to say YES to the Lord?
If you feel called to participate, please fill in below and return it to the parish office or place in the offertory basket.
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 24, 2016
recognizethefaceoftheLord,whoinHishuman leshexperiencedtheindifferenceandsolitudetowhichwesooftencondemnthepoorestofthepoor,whetherindeveloping
God of wisdom and might,
we praise You for the wonder of our being,
for mind, body and spirit.
As we celebrate Catholic Schools Week,
please shed Your grace on our students.
Bless them and their teachers and staff.
Give them strength and grace as their bodies grow;
wisdom and knowledge to their minds
as they search for understanding;
and peace and zeal to their hearts.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Joke of the Week
Why Teachers Pray
Test Questions and Student Responses
To change centimeters to meters, you….
Take out centi.
Name one of the early Roman’s greatest achievements.
Learning to speak Latin.
Why are there rings on Saturn?
Because God liked it, so he put a ring on it.
Briefly explain what hard water is.
Imagine that you lived at the same time as Abraham
Lincoln. What would you say to him or ask him:
I’d tell him not to go to a play ever.
Where was the American Declaration of Independence
At the bottom.
The first cells were probably…?
Spread the Gospel, the Good News
about Jesus and His Borromeo Family.
A Holy Community through Holy Communion!
Your brother in Jesus,
Our Borromeo Church is open till 2:30pm Monday thru Friday and all day
Saturday for you to visit our Lord Jesus, Really Present in the Blessed Sacrament
in the Tabernacle to talk and listen and love.
Shannon O’Mara and Chad Burkemper
Dick Shields, Margaret Cartwright, Julie Weber, Dorothy Jenkins,
Selene Zamores, Socorro Chavez, Gloria Garcia, Denorah Saldana, Tina Daily
Carol and Terry Fasching —mother and brother of Becca & Scot McCullough;
Brendan Myers—grandson of Jim & Kathy Anderson;
Theresa Didion—daughter-in-law of Ruth Didion; Pat Sontag, mother of Trish and Ron Rattini;
Nicholas Fuse Jr., grandson, and Tom Zimmerman, 11 year old cousin of Darrell Fuse;
and for the intentions on our Borromeo Prayer Tree and in our Book of Prayers
Sharon Roellig, mother of Jeff and Mark and sister of Barbara Cooper
Fernando Garcia Dominquez - Rosa Tena Alvarado
A warm welcome from St. Charles Borromeo!
In 1991, to commemorate the 200th anniversary of St. Charles Borromeo Parish, Jo
Ann Brown, along with Fr. Stephen Bauer, wrote the parish history: St. Charles
Borromeo, 200 Years of Faith. In honor of the 225th anniversary of our church,
we would like to reproduce some of the fascinating events documented in that
book. As we review this history, we will see how our parish developed and grew
from a crude French style church made with mud and timbers into the wonderful
“Community of Acceptance” we are today.
—Continuing Our Story—
During the tenure of Fr. Lusson, the parish achieved stability thanks in large part
to the support of the Spanish government. However, by the end of the 1700s,
Spain found the vast Louisiana Territory prohibitively expensive to govern. Unlike Mexico and Peru, the area produced no gold or silver. Its main value was as
a buffer zone between Spain’s richer Latin American holdings and the English
speaking colonies along the east coast. In 1800, by means of a secret treaty with France, Spain sold its holdings west of
the Mississippi to Napoleon.
When the people of the valley learned of the transfer, they did not rejoice to the return of French rule: they disliked Napoleon because he symbolized the hated French Revolution. In addition, life as Spanish subjects had not been unpleasant.
Land had been readily available, taxes unknown and the Catholic faith upheld. To ease the doubts of his new subjects
Napoleon retained Spain’s public servants to continue administering the valley. A few years later, news of a more upsetting political change arrived. Napoleon had sold the entire Louisiana Territory to the revolutionary non-Catholic government of the United States.
A boom in immigration was the ultimate result, but for the few years after 1803, towns like St. Charles received a steady
trickle of newcomers from the east. The experience of a Protestant minister, Timothy Flint, in St. Charles typifies the difference between American and Creole notions of morality. Forced to preach next to a racetrack he found himself competing unsuccessfully for attention with the horses. After he publicly condemned Sunday trading and recreation, local
people simply stayed away from his services.
Join us for our
Sunday, January 31st
3:00—7:00pm in Borromeo Café
Tickets only $5.00
Menu: Red Chili, Cornbread, Chocolate Oaties—a Borromeo classic!
(if you aren’t families with this classic Borromeo treat, you need to
come and try them for yourself!)
Chili Dogs and Hot Dogs also available!
Chili Refills:
Hot Dog only: $1.00
Our first meeting is Monday, January 25
6:30—8pm in the St. Charles Room (back of the café)
RSVP to Christine Woody: or 314-503-7277
Chili Dogs:
Extra Oaties:
$1.00 each
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 24, 2016
Monday, January 25, The Conversion of St. Paul
6:30 a.m.
Communion Service
8:00 a.m.
Bill Schrader –14th anniv.
Tuesday, January 26, Sts. Timothy & Titus, bishops
6:30 a.m.
Harland Abeling—29th anniv.
8:00 a.m.
Monica Rudroff—1st anniv.
Wednesday, January 27, St. Angela Merici, Virgin
6:30 a.m.
Janet Simon
8:00 a.m.
Carl Schaffrin
6:15 p.m.
Marge Schaefer
Thursday, January 28, St. Thomas Aquinas, priest/doctor
6:30 a.m.
Jerry & Ruth Primeau
8:00 a.m..
Kathleen Bornhop
Friday, January 29, Weekday
6:30 a.m.
Martha Schimweg
8:00 a.m.
Donald Rankins
Saturday, January 30, Weekday
8:00 a.m.
Melvin Schmidt
5:00 p.m.
Our Parish Family
Sunday, January 31, Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:00 a.m.
Harold “Joe” Pearia—2nd anniv.
8:30 a.m.
Gene Steinhoff—1st anniv.
10:00 a.m.
Michael Short—20th anniv.
11:30 a.m.
For All Souls
Dear Parishioners,
Our RCIA participants celebrated the
Rite of Acceptance into the Order of the
Catechumenate last week. At this rite,
the Church gives the inquiring person a
gift—one of its own baptized members
to be a sponsor or companion of the person
through the next part of the process of becoming
Catholic - keep them in your prayers as they journey through the “Period of the Catechumenate.”
Your Loving Sacrifices Make All the Difference
Offertory envelopes:
Matching Gifts:
Total Offerings:
Flood Relief
for the great love you show to our Borromeo Family
carrying on the work of Jesus and to those in need by
the generosity you display when you share your Treasure, and all God’s gifts to you, given for others.
“Go, eat rich foods and drink sweet drinks, and allot
portions to those who had nothing prepared…”
(Nehemiah 8:10)
Ezra’s instructions to the people show us that God does
not forbid us from enjoying the good things in life, He
wants us to be happy! However, He expects us to generously share our blessings with those who are in need,
without expecting anything in return.
We pray that we balance our lives by enjoying the gifts
we have been given and generously sharing with those
in need.
The Tax Assistance Program will again offer free tax
preparation for families with income under $58,000.
Tuesday and Thursday at our Borromeo church office,
601 N. 4th from 9:00—1:00, January 26 to April 12. By
appointment only. Call 314-896-4159.
They are: Jackie, Kelly, Heather, Edna, Shannan, Heather
Children preparing for First Communion and/or Baptism:
Lauren, Josie, William, Luc, Elliot, Jacob, Riley, Will, and
Thanks to the 5th Grade PSR who coordinated the collection of over 200 hats, gloves and socks which were
donated to Youth In Need here in St. Charles.
In the love and peace of Jesus,
Mrs. Becca McCullough
St. Charles Borromeo Prayer Tree:
928-2970 or
A Few Borromeo Reps Needed:
On Sunday, January 24th, from 2-5pm at
Hope Lutheran Church (1975 S. Old
Highway 94) a group of St. Charles
County congregations will host “Sacred
Conversations on Race.” The goal
is to create a safe space for congregations
and faith organizations to begin exploring the issues and implications that prejudice, power and privilege have on issues
of race and racism. Come join us for an afternoon of
worship, education and sharing. Please call Fr. Don to
say you are interested: 946-1893.
A warm welcome from St. Charles Borromeo!
225th Anniversary
Celebracion del
225° Aniversario
Mardi Gras
Fiesta de Carnaval
Mardi Gras
Saturday, February 6
in the cafe
Sábado 6 de febrero
6:00 a 11:00pm
en el Café
Come down after 5:00pm Mass or drop in
later for a FUN evening of Carnival.
Después de la misa de 5:00pm, vengan al café
a disfrutar una noche de Carnaval.
!!! Adults only !!!
¡¡¡ Solo para adultos !!!
A great opportunity to socialize
and meet new people and celebrate.
Es una Buena oportunidad para socializarse
y conocer nueva gente y celebrar
Wear Colorful Masks—
prizes will be awarded for the best Mardi Gras Mask
¡Favor de traer una botana para compartir!
Music & Dancing from The Decades
$10 cover charge includes entry and three drink tickets
for beer or soft drinks.
Hurricanes, Micheladas or additional drinks
may be purchased.
!!!Please bring a favorite appetizer to share!!!
Come on down for a fun time
with old and new parishioners.
Habrá concursos y premios para la mejor
mascara de Carnaval.
“Música y Baile de las Décadas”
$10 la entrada e incluye tres bebida
(cerveza o refrescos).
Habrá también Huracanes y Micheladas de venta.
In this Year of Mercy, the St. Charles Borromeo community will be praying the Rosary and the Divine
Mercy Chaplet after the 8:00am Mass on Mondays through Fridays. During this special period of time in
the Church, Pope Francis calls all Catholics to be profound witnesses to mercy and to “find the joy of rediscovering and rendering fruitful God’s mercy, with which we are all called to give comfort to every man and
every woman of our time.” Please join us!
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 24, 2016
225º de Aniversario Eventos y Celebraciones
225th Anniversary Events & Celebrations
10 de Enero
Fiesta del Bautismo de Jesús—Bautismo Domingo
31 de Enero a 5 de Febrero
de Semana de Escuelas Católicas y Open House
6 de Febrero
5:00pm Misa y 6:00pm Fiesta de Carnaval
14 do Febrero
10:00 y 11:30am Misa y Bendición Especial
de Aniversarios de Matrimonios
21 de Febrero
Scouts, limpieza profunda de la Iglesia
13-16 de marzo
Misión Parroquial
25 de Marzo
Viernes Santo y Vía Crucis
16 de Abril y 17
100 Aniversario de la Piedra angular y Rededicacion
de nuestra Iglesia en todas las misas
23 de Abril
Noche familiar de Trivia
13 de Mayo
Desfile y Día de Campo en la Escuela
15 de Mayo
Domingo de Pentecostés,
Eucarística y procesión de María
11 de Septiembre
Día de la Unidad
15 de Septiembre
Misa en memoria de los niños
17 de Septiembre
Noche de las Carreras
01 de Octubre
Reunión de alumnos egresados en el Picnic
02 de Octubre
Picnic de la Parroquia
04 de Noviembre
Fiesta de San Carlos Borromeo
05 de Noviembre
3:00pm Misa de Aniversario y Cena
07 de Noviembre
Día del 225º Aniversario de la Parroquia
January 10
Feast of the Baptism of Jesus—Baptism Sunday
January 31 to February 5
School Open House & Catholic Schools Week
February 6
5:00pm Mass & 6:00pm Mardi Gras Party
February 14
10:00 & 11:30am Mass & Special Blessing
of Wedding Anniversaries
February 21
Scouts deep cleaning of church
March 13 –16
Parish Mission
March 25
Good Friday and the Way of the Cross
April 16 & 17
100th Anniversary of the Cornerstone & Rededication
of our Church at all Masses, bury Time Capsule
April 23
Family Trivia Night
May 13
School Parade & Field Day
May 15
Pentecost Sunday,
Eucharistic & Mary Procession
September 11
Unity Day
September 15
Children’s Memorial Mass
September 17
Night at the Races
October 1
School Alumni Reunion at Parish Picnic
October 2
Parish Picnic
November 4
Feast of St. Charles Borromeo
November 5
3:00pm Anniversary Mass & Dinner
November 7
Actual Date of the Parish’s 225th Anniversary
A warm welcome from St. Charles Borromeo!
Oficina: Tel: (636)946-1893 Fax (636)946-5598
Hch 22:3-16 o 9:1-22; Sal 117 (116):1bc, 2;
Mc 16:15-18
2 Tim 1:1-18 o 9:1-22; Sal 24 (23):7-10; Mc 3:31-35
2 Sm 7:4-17; Sal 89 (88):4-5, 27-30; Mc 4:1-20
2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29; Sal 132 (131):1-5,
11-14; Mc 4:21-25
2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17; Ps 51 (50):3-7, 10-11;
Mc 4:26-34
2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17; Sal 51 (50):12-17; Mc 4:35-41
Jer 1:4-5, 17-19; Sal 71 (70):1-6, 15, 17;
1 Cor 12:31 -- 13:13 [13:4-13]; Lc 4:21-30
Enero 24
Hermila Murillo, Alma Quiroz
el coro
Toni Hernandez, Bernardo Silverio, Maria Fuentes,
Steve Cave (Host) Dionisia Zamudio, Maria Ramirez
Serv: Luz & Guadalupe Quiroz, Adrian Gaona
to be determined
Ush: Jesus Manzanarez, Adolfo Zamores, vol. pls.
Venta de Tamales!
El domingo 31 de enero tendremos venta después de
Puede ordenar sus tamales con anticipación con la sra
Chely García.
Reunión importante para todos los Ministros Lectores y MEE el 31 de enero
después de la misa en la cafetería
Lectores y Ministros
Extraordinarios de la Eucaristía
Los interesados en formar parte de estos ministerios, por
favor comuníquese con la sra. Silvina 636-946-1893.
En 1991, para conmemorar el 200˚ aniversario de la parroquia Sn. Carlos Borromeo,
Jo Ann Brown y el Padre Stephen Bauer, escribieron el libro: “St. Carlos Borromeo,
200 Años de Fe”. Este año, en honor del 225˚ aniversario, quisiéramos reproducir
algunos de los eventos tan fascinantes de ese libro. Conforme revisamos la historia,
veremos cómo nuestra parroquia ha crecido y evolucionado, de una iglesia estilo
Francés rustica, hecha de lodo y troncos, a la “Comunidad de Aceptación” que somos
Mucho antes de que hubiera algún sueño de un condado, ciudad o parroquia con el
nombre de un rey de España o de un santo católico, había un gran lugar salvaje situado entre dos ríos caudalosos, poblados por los nativos-norteamericanos. Poco a poco todo empezó a cambiar. Un día de junio de 1673, el Padre Jacques Marquette y
su compañero Louis Jolliet, mientras exploraban el Rio Mississippi, encontraron un
río muy turbulento, que casi les volteo sus canoas. Este río misterioso se convirtió en el Missouri y pronto otros exploradores europeos comenzaron a explorarlo. Noventa años más tarde, en los 1760's, las fuerzas se pusieron en marcha y condujeron a la fundación de los primeros asentamientos europeos al norte del río Missouri y lo que iba a convertirse en la parroquia de St. Charles Borromeo. Francia había transferido todo el territorio al oeste del río Mississippi a España. Sin embargo, en ambos lados del Mississippi la mayoría de la gente era católica de habla francés (en lo sucesivo criollos: un término que señala una persona de ancestros franceses o españoles, nacida en el “nuevo mundo”).
En 1767 España hizo valer su derecho a esta tierra, construyendo un Fuerte, nombrado por su propio rey Carlos (Charles)
III. Esta instalación fue construida en la confluencia de los ríos Mississippi y Missouri, estaba situada en el lado del condado de St. Louis del río Missouri y fue construida para proteger el territorio y el comercio contra los ingleses, pero duro
poco tiempo debido a las inundaciones frecuentes en esta zona.
Un fortín que llevaba el nombre del príncipe heredero de España, quedó situado al otro lado del rio, en San Carlos, pero
le fue aún peor, los edificios se deterioraron rápidamente y fueron inservibles.
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 24, 2016
Durante este tiempo, un cazador Franco/Canadiense, llamado Louis Blanchette, estableció un
asentamiento abajo de los acantilados al lado norte del rio Missouri, al que llamo “Les Petites
Côtes” (Las colinas pequeñas). Como muchos de los franco/canadienses comerciantes ambulantes de pieles llamados “Voyeurs” (viajeros) de esa época, Blanchette vivió con una mujer
nativa-norteamericana, con la que tuvo tres hijos. Talvez sus primos y otros emigrados de
Canadá, se establecieron en este pequeño pueblo. No se sabe cuándo, pero Blanchette se hizo
comandante del asentamiento. Según la tradición se dice que el construyo la primer iglesia
católica en esta pueblo y ayudo a establecer la parroquia de San Carlos Borromeo.
En 1789, el vicegobernador de la Alta Luisiana, Don Manuel Pérez, dio permiso para construir
una iglesia permanente en Les Petites Côtes. Era una iglesia de madera construida con los postes verticalmente, localizada en la sitio presente de las calles de Jackson y La Principal en el
centro de St. Charles. En noviembre 7 de 1791, la iglesia fue dedicada bajo el patrocinio del cardenal de Milán, Carlos
Borromeo. Hoy en día una réplica de esa iglesia se encuentra un poco arriba pero en la misma calle del sitio original.
A pesar de la dedicación del 7 de noviembre, 1791, ningún sacerdote sirvió regularmente en St. Charles Borromeo hasta el
21 de Julio del año siguiente. Un sacerdote Benedictino llamado Pierre Joseph Didier llego y empezó a celebrar Misa y
administrar los Sacramentos. Antes de esto, el vicegobernador Luis de Unzaga, detallo las distintas funciones de los laicos
de la región para parroquias que no tenían sacerdote. En St.Charles Borromeo, fue necesario establecer una junta de tres
“Marguilliers” o mayordomos, para cuidar de la propiedad de la parroquia, pagar cuentas y cobrar el alquiler de las bancas.
Los “Marguilliers” proporcionaban velas y herramientas para entierros. Hacían provisiones para los cantantes laicos llamados cantores y hacían que estos laicos asistieran a los servicios con sotana y sobrepelliz y recibieron honorarios pequeños
por su canto.
El Gobernador también estableció el papel de "El Beadle" (Acolito). En sus registros, el acolito se describe como "... un
hombre vestido con un uniforme azul, con un pañuelo o bufanda escarlata. Él lleva un pico y en esta vestimenta asiste al
servicio divino. Su función es la de evitar que la irreverencia en el edificio sagrado y reprimir conversaciones. A pesar de
que en los registros de Borromeo se menciona muy raramente el “beadel”, con frecuencia menciona otras funciones de
laicos menores llamados “Sacristán”. En St. Charles Borromeo, una de las funciones más importantes de sacristanes era presidir entierros. Como cantores, beadles y sacristanes también recibieron honorarios pequeños por sus servicios.
Un poco después de la llegada del Padre Didier a St. Charles Borromeo, él bautizo a Pierre Belland, la primer persona en
recibir el sacramento en la iglesia de troncos. En septiembre de ese mismo año, celebró la primera boda, entre Jean Baptiste Prevot y su prometida, la Sioux Angelique.
Padre Didier, el primer sacerdote de Borromeo, se fue en 1795. Tal vez el asentamiento rudo había sido demasiado para
el culto y bien educado Didier, o talvez hizo saber sus sentimientos del pueble a cerca que bailaba y trabajaba en los Domingos- Dia del Señor. No fue hasta tres años después, en 1798, que tan esperado Pastor llego, un padre de la orden
“Recollect” llamado Carlos Leander Lusson. Pd. Lusson ya había experimentado la falta de respeto al este del río de Missouri, así como la pobreza y aparentemente trabajo imposible e ingrato. No sorprende que él sucumbió a los lugares de
trabajo para el rey español. Recibió un tipo de rectoría, un terreno contiguo a una propiedad para la agricultura, el derecho a ciertos cargos ministeriales junto con la libertad de acoso. Lusson sirvió la parroquia hasta la compra de Luisiana
que hizo de St Charles, un pueblo americano y erigió un muro entre la iglesia y el estado.
A principios de su dominación de la Alta Luisiana, España intentó restringir el establecimiento de la zona a los católicos,
pero esta política mantiene pueblos como St. Louis y St. Charles, pequeños y vulnerables a los ataques de los indios. En
1787, España intentó otro táctica: permitiendo que los “Protestantes” colonizaran el área, siempre y cuando que se casen
y sus hijos sean bautizados en la Iglesia Católica. La ley de la iglesia excluía estas bodas en la iglesia, por lo tanto Lusson las
realizó en su casa, o una casa privada o incluso al otro lado del río, en el embarcadero del transbordador. El registro de
los matrimonios mixtos es un quién es quién de las familias de habla inglés en el área de St. Charles. Entre las familias eran
Daniel Morgan Boone, (hijo del explorador), Frances Howell y la familia de Zumwalt.
A pesar de sus intenciones, España sólo desalentó más la colonización con esta política. Ahora no era sólo el miedo de los
indios el que alejaba a los Protestantes norteamericanos. Todo esto cambió con la compra de Luisiana y la idea Americana
de la separación de iglesia y estado.
A warm welcome from St. Charles Borromeo!
Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday, January 25/26/27
Adrianna Weber, Monica Acosta, Charlize Kelch
Thursday/Friday, January 28/29
Liliana Barcenas Trejo, Guadalupe Quiroz, Jennifer Hurtado
Saturday, January 30
Sarah Stewart, Eric Meyer
(Greeters needed for all Masses)
January 30
Lisa Delicath, Viki Weir
Tom Schneider
Chris Burgoyne, Genny Glosier, Larry Henry,
Larry Ohlms (Host) Carol Pappas, Cathy Carey
Lily & Wya Karase
Craig Herrington Family
George Dallmeyer, Bob Rector, Dan Schulte,
Suzie Gamache
January 31
Deby Yates
Mary Baronovic
Jim Yates, Joan Sullivan
Quinn Gallagher, Sam Scheffel
Tom & Margie Pickering
Josey Page, David Schaeffer, vol. pls.
John DuBois, Kevin Tollefson
Beth Duello
Karie Westerfeld, Jeane e Cleary, Kate Kimsey,
Stacy Hilker (Host) Bill Kish, Lu McElroy
Thomas & Michael Smith
Ervin & Gerry Shields
SCB students
Harriet Pallardy, Kathy Anderson, Julie McGeorge,
Pa York (Host) Joe Briscoe, Judith O’Connor
Emily & Sara Schieferdecker
SCB students
Rosa Maria Alvarado, Areli Aragon
el coro
Rogelio Guerrero, Maria Barretos, Maria Fuentes,
Cathy Herrod (Host) Lupe Damian, Misael Alvarado
Melissa & Danny Garcia, Liliana Barcenas
to be determined
Jesus Manzanarez, Adolfo Zamores, vol. pls.
Please pray for the women attending the
CRHP Retreat this weekend
Monday, January 25
Girl Scouts, café, 5:00pm
Mom’s Group, St. Charles Room, 6:30pm
Mardi Gras planning, Bicentennial Room, 6:30pm
Parish Unity Committee, church office, 7:00pm
Tuesday, January 26
Special Liturgy Committee, church office, 7:00pm
Wednesday, January 27
Quilting, rectory basement, 8:30am—noon
Bridges, Faculty Lounge, 5:30pm
Lent Mission Committee, church office, 6:00—7:00p
Emaus men, St. Charles Room, 7:00pm
Emaus women, Bicentennial Room, 7:00pm
225th Family Trivia planning, church office, 7:30pm
Thursday, January 28
RCIA, Bicentennial Room, 6:30 pm
Boy Scouts, café, 7:00pm
Friday, January 29
Cub Scouts Pinewood Derby weigh-in, café, 6:00pm
Saturday, January 30
Cub Scouts Pinewood Derby, café, all day
Latino movie, Bicentennial Room, 5:00pm
Sunday, January 31
Beginning of Catholic Schools Week
Chili Dinner, café, 3:00—7:00pm
Parish Mom’s Group, January 25
Chili Dinner, January 31
Catholic Schools Week, January 31—February 5
SCB 225th Anniversary Mardi Gras, February 6
Ash Wednesday, February 10
Fish Fries, February 12, 19, 26, March 4, 11, 18
Men’s CRHP Weekend, February 27/28
Lenten Family Mission, March 13—16
Holy Week, begins March 20
Blood Drive, March 22
Easter Sunday, March 27
Confirmation, April 14
First Holy Communion, April 16
Sunday Preschool during 8:30 Mass for ages 3-5 (no diaper wearers please)
After School Room, Room 27 (in the new addition of school)
We will provide fun activities for the children associated with the Gospel, and a very light snack. No need to register—
but each time you drop off your child you will be asked to complete contact information.
Please contact Maureen Prinster at 636-699-5875 for any questions or concerns.
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 24, 2016
A hearty THANK YOU to everyone who helped make the
Blood Drive a success. We had 25 donors so the school will
get their $250 grant. We thank everyone who took the time
to come by on a snowy day! A special thank you to the
cooks, the bakers, the helpers, the students, as well as the donors. We could not do this without everyone’s help. The
next Blood Drive will be March 22.
Ladies Sodality Meeting will be Tuesday, February 9 at 6:30 in the café. It’s a movie and jammy night. We’ll have
movie snacks along with chocolate fondue. You can wear your flannel pajamas and be comfy. Anyone with a February
birthday—be sure to come to get your birthday gift. Any questions or if you need a ride call Barb at 636-947-3939.
Hello Borromeo Family! Lent is just around the
corner! Ash Wednesday is February 10th. Borromeo’s
first Fish Fry of 2016 is February 12th. This wonderful
opportunity to be active and serve our parish is a fun
atmosphere. We need all the help we can get! Thank
you to all those who have helped in years past, and are
here to sign up again. Please help recruit others from
our awesome faith community to help make our 2016
SCB Fish Fry another great success!
There are a few ways to sign up:
• Go to our parish Website at http:// and select
“Get Involved” and click on D-H tab to get to the
Fish Fry link and click the Volunteer Now button to
sign-up online.
• Go directly to SignUp Genius at http://
• Fill out and tear out the form located here
and place in “Fish Fry Volunteers” located in the narthex in the back of church and a Fish Fry rep will
contact you via phone or email with confirmation of
sign up.
What we still need:
• Core Team volunteers that can assist with daily/
weekly tasks on a recurring basis.
• Co-chairs, chairs for the 2017 Fish Fry season.
• Signs (Carry Out, Handicapped, more signs in general)
Contact Gretchen or Joe Thro at 636-578-0670 (leave a
message), or email if you are
interested in the areas mentioned above.
We could use help throughout the week—indicate
Name: __________________________________________
Phone: __________________________________________
email: __________________________________________
Select Fish Fry Friday Available:
_____February 12
_____March 4
_____February 29
_____March 11
_____February 25
_____March 18
Select Shift Available:
_____Set-up 2:45—4:00
_____During: 3:30—5:30
_____During: 5:30—7:30
_____Close: 6:45—8:00
Job Preference: __________________________________
“Other” Comments/Questions
Contact Gretchen/Joe Thro 636-578-0670 or email
A warm welcome from St. Charles Borromeo!
Support our Catholic Grade Schools
Borromeo—St. Peter—St. Cletus
The St. Louis Review is our faith news resource,
providing local, national and international faith news for
60¢ an issue = $30 per year.
Become a subscriber, see how we relate with our
brothers and sisters in Christ do we tell our
story to them?
Please use the envelope in your packet, or send a
note with your subscription payment.
If you wish NOT to receive the Review,
please mark “No” on your envelope, or send
us a note. Thanks!
TODAY! January 24th from 1 to 6pm
K of C Hall 823 at 20 Westbury Drive
Carry outs available
Minimum donation:
adults $10, children 6-12 $5, 5 & under free
Please donate a dessert!
Borromeo School receives 1/3 of the profits!
In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus reads the
words of scripture: “The Spirit of the
Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the
Have you considered answering the call
to bring glad tidings to the poor” by joining the Society
of St. Vincent de Paul? Call Joyce at 6396-493-0089 for
more information.
St. Charles Friends of Birthright is excited to present…
Celebrate Life Family Music Festival; coming to First Assembly Church in St. Peters on Saturday, January 30th.
Are you or your group heading to Washington for the
national March for Life? When you return, keep the passion alive and join us. Due to the generosity of the artists
this family friendly event is completely free! For more
details, including artists line-up or how to reserve complimentary individual or group tickets, visit us at or celebratelifemusicfest. Doors open at 6:30pm and concert begins at 7:00. Tickets guarantee entry but are not required. Birthright St. Charles has been providing alternatives to abortion since 1981. Private, licensed counseling
available…Today, Tomorrow, Together! Celebrate LIFE!
Spiritual Renewal will be Saturday, February 20th
at 9:00am in the church office. donuts and coffee after
Mass in the church office. A great way to spend a Lenten
Saturday (it lasts til about 10am). Any questions or need
a ride call Barb at 636-947-3939.
Please pray for our expectant moms:
Allyson, Elizabeth (January) Mary (February)
Heather, Katelyn, Victoria (April)
Nicole (May) Katie (June) Jessica (July)
K’Lee (August)
We give thanks to God for the safe delivery of:
Coree’s daughter Lila Grace, born 12/9/2015
Kelly’s daughter Annette Rose, born 11/29/2015
Susan’s daughter Agnes Ann, born 10/12/2015
Micki’s daughter Hanna, born 10/22/2015
Let us pray for all Catholics: May our hearts be open to
God’s call to bring comfort to those who are vulnerable
and oppressed.
Pennies From Heaven
Boxes are in the narthex to accept your baby bottle donations. Sincere thanks for your (as always) generous
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 24, 2016
Year-end 2015 Update on Activities of St. Charles Borromeo St. Vincent de Paul Society
As we close out one year and launch into another, we thought you might like to see how your generous
donations to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul have been used within the St Charles Borromeo Community during 2015. Through your help, we were able to provide utility, rent, food, clothing and furniture
assistance to 609 families (1,152 people). Among these, we were able to provide temporary lodging to
120 homeless. The breakdown of our financial support follows:
•Corporate matching funds
•Support from other local Vincent de Paul conferences & councils
•Friends of Poor Walk
We are pleased to report that $7,881 of our expenses
went to support Birthright of St. Charles in the fine work
they do in advocating for life.
In addition, we were able to provide assistance to our
clients worth more than $4,900 through the redemption
of credits earned from the St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store.
These credits were earned from contributions to the Thrift
Store from the Mini Vinnies Rummage Sale.
Our Holiday programs provided food and gifts to many
more families:
No Hunger Holiday (Thanksgiving meals) assisted 70
families and 280 individuals
Giving Tree (Christmas) provided food and gifts to
97 families and 403 individuals
At the Salvation Army Soup Kitchen, St. Vincent de Paul
members dedicated more than 1,300 hours and served
more than 4,500 meals to the hungry during 2015.
Finally, we were able to direct our clients to other social
agencies from whom they could receive more or different
assistance: United Way, NECAC, Catholic Charities, St.
Joachim & Ann Care Services and many other church organizations. We made dozens of referrals to the FISH
and O.A.S.I.S. food pantries.
Our youth program, the Mini Vinnies, continued to provide special value and additional assistance to the community throughout the year. Their activities included:
• Grew weekly Backpack Program (lunches for underserved children) to 50 backpacks per week
• Soup Kitchen: planned menu, purchased food, prepared and served 431 meals
• Foodbank: processed 47,259 lbs. of food
• Helped to raise part of the $280,000 generated by
Heat Up St. Louis
• Assisted with Ladies Sodality Holiday Luncheon
• Sponsored SCB 7th & 8th grade field trip to St. Patrick’s
Center for Homeless Simulation Program
Received a $755 donation from Orchard Farm Classes of ’79, ’80 & ‘81
Raised $5,200 at the Mini Vinnie Rummage Sale in
Unloaded and sorted 3 car loads of canned goods for
the St. Charles Crisis Nursery
Commissioned 47 Mini Vinnies
Go Orange for No Kid Hungry
Collected 456 backpack items
Shared facts on childhood hunger with school community
Rented St. Peters Gym to host a Halloween party for
the families that utilize the services of the Crisis
Nursery and those families that participate in the
backpack program
Freez’n 4 A Reason:
Made 72 sandwiches for St. Patrick’s Center
Collected 302 pairs of socks
Spent the night in cardboard boxes in the church
parking lot to draw attention to the plight of the
Supported and staffed both the No Hunger Holiday
Thanksgiving Meal Program and the Christmas Giving
Tree Program which helped 70 and 97 families respectively
And, as a reminder, all your contributions are spent right
here in our community, helping our neighbors and friends
through difficult times or assisting those who can use a
hand up. Our operating expenses were under $1,300 for
the year, so almost every dollar was used in support of
our mission to serve the poor and underprivileged. We
are grateful to the clergy and staff at St. Charles Borromeo for their ongoing support, assistance, and access to
office supplies and equipment.
We cannot thank you enough for your continued support. If not for you, we could not do any of the work we
find so challenging and fulfilling. If you are interested in
learning more about St. Vincent de Paul or in joining ,
please contact Joyce Cain at 636 448 2021.
A warm welcome from St. Charles Borromeo!
Acts 22:3-16 or 9:1-22; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Mk 16:15-18
2 Tm 1:1-18 or 9:1-22; Ps 24:7-10; Mk 3:31-35
2 Sm 7:4-17; Ps 89:4-5, 27-30; Mk 4:1-20
2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29; Ps 132:1-5, 11-14; Mk 4:21-25
2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17; Ps 51:3-7, 10-11;
Mk 4:26-34
2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17; Ps 51:12-17; Mk 4:35-41
Jer 1:4-5, 17-19; Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17;
1 Cor 12:31 — 13:13 [13:4-13]; Lk 4:21-30
The first part of today’s Gospel introduces Luke’s Gospel
and Acts. Luke recalled for his readers that stories had
been handed down by eye-witnesses and written down
by others. He intended, however, to improve on the
order of these earlier accounts. The lectionary moves us
to another beginning and that is the beginning of Jesus’
ministry. He had traveled throughout Galilee teaching in
the synagogue. This day, he was in his home town of
Nazareth where he unrolled a scroll and proclaimed the
words of Isaiah. The Spirit of the Lord will come upon
one who will free captives, favor the poor, and give
sight to the blind. After Jesus rolled up the scroll, he told
his listeners that those words had been fulfilled in him.
Sports Registration
now available at
Baseball/Softball: Register by February 7, 2016.
Available for boys and girls, kindergarten and first
grade only. Registration fees are $80 per child.
Golf: register by February 14, 2016. Available for boys
and girls, 1st grade through 8th grade. Registration
fees are $110 per child for 1st through 4th grade and
$140 per child for 5th through 8th grade.
Track: Register by February 7, 2016. Available for boys
and girls who were age 5-14 years old on June 30,
2015. registration fees are $15 per child. Must be
available all day for the preliminary meet on May 7
as well as the championship meet on May 22 (if
Please visit our webpage at
athleticAssociation/ for more details.
Children are really all the things listed in what Jesus read
from Isaiah. They are poor because they really depend
on parents for their every material need. They are not
free because they are too young and inexperienced to
live on their own. While they’re not completely blind,
much of what they do see has been shaped by their
parent’s vision. When we think of all parents do for their
children, it becomes clearer all that Jesus is for us.
Who are the oppressed people in your community,
neighborhood, or parish? Is there another family carrying
a heavy burden right now? Reach out to that family in
hospitality. Perhaps you could invite them over for an
evening of cards or board games, or send them a
“thinking-of-you” card. Be sure to keep them in our family’s daily prayers.
One thing I was really blind to once was . . .
The person who helped me see was …
2. One way I set captives free is by …
3. One way I could try harder to bring Good News to
others is by …
If you forgot your food donations today,
you may bring them to the church office
before 8:45 on Monday morning.
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 24, 2016
The Bible Made Me Do It . . . Tim Staples was raised Baptist and served as an Assembly of God Youth Minister. He used his extensive biblical knowledge to attack the
Catholic church but when he was challenged on his beliefs, a two-year search for truth
led him right to Catholicism. Now he uses that same incredible gift to defend the Faith
and help others to embrace the beauty and richness of Catholicism.
This and other CDs are in the narthex. Please use the envelopes provided
for your donation and place it in the weekend collection. Thanks!
Married Millennials:
Finding the Balance of Faith, Family, and Work
Keynote by Lesa and Jerry Keeven
Saturday, January 30th - 10am-Noon
St. Joseph Cottleville Parish (Pezold Room)
We invite you and your spouse to join us for this kick-off event of the becomingOne series! Join young, married couples
from across the archdiocese for an enriching Saturday morning – practical and engaging talks, opportunities to grow in
community, light refreshments provided. Sponsored by the Office of Young Adult Ministry – RSVP to