Church office Faith Formation office School office liturgical


Church office Faith Formation office School office liturgical
St. Charles Borromeo
Church Office
434-6081/fax 434-6251
x 222
Mrs. Debbie Stewart
Business Manager
x 223
Mr. Chris Rauch
Dir. of Marketing/Dev.
x 316
Mrs. Maggie Paxson-Collins
Pastoral Associate
x 225
Mrs. Brenda Tibbits
Parish Nurse
x 227
Mrs. Ruth Hoffman
Parish Office Volunteer
x 227
S. JoAnne Termini, S.C.
Communications Director x 228
Mrs. Storie Pedley
Administrative Assistant
x 221
Mrs. Jeanne Sheppard
Faith Formation Office
Dir. of Faith Formation
Mr. Tim Clarke
Sacramental Prep.
Mrs. Erin Fanning
Mrs. Diana Scharf
Youth Minister
Mrs. Heather Dunn
x 310
x 314
x 309
x 311
School Office
434-4933/fax 434-6692
Office Manager
x 247
Mrs. Nancy Cochran
x 302
Mr. David Bogle
x 301
Mrs. Reenie Boecker
Ms. Beth Gregg
Liturgical Musicians
Music Director
Mr. Ted Singer
Mrs. Lisa Singer
Address Changes
Please notify the Parish Office of a
change of address or if moving out of
the parish.
Bulletin – Mondays at noon
The Light – One month prior to the
printed issue.
My friends, in today’s Gospel, we
hear that Jesus heals a deaf man
after the man’s friends beg Jesus
to heal him. How often have we
prayed for someone we love, that
they may hear what they need to
hear? Let us pray today for those
who are deaf to words of love, to
the possibility of a better life, to the measure of the Gospel. And let us pray,
too, that our ears and minds and hearts are open to God’s word.
Today’s Readings: Isaiah 35:4-7a; James 2:1-5; Mark 7:31-37
To Prepare for Next Week: Isaiah 50:5-9a; James 2:14-18; Mark 8:27-35
ST. CHARLES: Mary Fieno, Diane
Butler-Hughes, Gloria Sgro, and Ben
Please call the Parish Office at
434-6081 when anyone is sick
or confined so the parish may
provide for his or her spiritual
FREE BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENINGS will take place this weekend after the Saturday 5:00 p.m. Mass and
on Sunday, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00
noon in the Parish Library.
meets on the second Thursday of
every month. Please join us in our
devotion on September 13th at 7:00
p.m. in the Day Chapel.
HOMEBOUND – Do you know
someone who cannot come to
Mass? We would like to bring
Holy Communion and the love
of the parish to them. Please call
the Parish Office (434-6081) with
contact information so we may
COLOR PRINTS of Paul Melia’s
painting “50th Jubilee” will be sold
the weekend of September 15 in the
atrium. The original is currently on
display. For more information about
sizes and prices, please e-mail
Maggie Paxson-Collins at mcollins@
THE ORIGINAL CHOIR will practice
on Tuesday nights at 7:00 p.m.
on September 11, September 18,
September 25 and October 2 in the
Choir Room. We will sing Sunday,
October 7, at the 10:45 a.m. Mass.
Please contact Charlotte Pernik at
433-7141 with questions.
September 28 and 29, St. Charles
will be hosting pastoral musicians
Marty Haugen and Tony Alonso for
a Friday evening concert and an allday Saturday workshop. Marty and
Tony will address the direction of
liturgical music in the contemporary
Church, the diversity of repertoire
and tastes which come into play
when preparing worship, and the
challenges and the opportunities of
engaging young people in life and
liturgy of the Church.
The Friday evening concert begins at
7:00 p.m. and is open to the public.
The Saturday workshop begins at
8:30 a.m. The fee is $48.00 and
includes a box lunch. Please register
by September 14th by calling the
Parish Office at 434-6081 or Ted
Singer at 293-9444.
Monday, September 10
6:15 a.m. Joanne Close – Beyerle Family
8:30 a.m. Jan Carroll – Lucille and Jim Carroll
Tuesday, September 11
6:15 a.m. Denise Westendorf – Family
8:30 a.m. Mary Huelsman – Jan & Susan Ghory
Wednesday, September 12
6:15 a.m. Frank Seiler – Tom Sheetz
8:30 a.m. Hugh Stewart – Hire Family
Thursday, September 13
6:15 a.m. Phyllis McEldowney – Family
8:30 a.m. Milton Danishek – Cora Danishek
Friday, September 14
6:15 a.m. Roland Eichner – Walsh Family
8:30 a.m. Mary Fieno (living) – Respect Life
Saturday, September 15
8:30 a.m. Ruth Proper – Family
5:00 p.m. Lloyd Fisher – Helen Brendel
Monday, September 10
9:15-11:00 a.m. –
Shawl Ministry – BR
6:30-7:30 p.m. –
Welcome Committee – HR
7:00-8:00 p.m. –
Shawl Ministry – PL
7:00-8:00 p.m. –
8:30-10:00 p.m. –
Men’s Basketball – PAC
Tuesday, September 11
6:45-8:00 a.m. –
Catholic Men’s Fellowship – PL
8:30-9:30 a.m. –
All-School Mass – C
4:00-5:15 p.m. – CCD – WH
7:00-9:00 p.m. –
Choir Practice – C
7:00-8:00 p.m. –
7:15-9:00 p.m. –
Catholic Men’s Fellowship – PL
7:30-9:00 p.m. –
Recovery – WHCR
September 15/16, 2012
5:00 p.m. Saturday
Fr. Ralston
Lectors: J. Smith, M. Fehringer
A. Tromp, A. Peace, D. Morrison
B. Miller, K. Sorrell
Wednesday, September 12
7:00-8:00 p.m. –
EM In-Service – L/CBR
7:00-8:00 p.m. –
PTO – School Lib.
7:30 a.m. Sunday Mass
Fr. Ralston
Deacon: Rev. Mr. Collins
Lectors: W. Pflaum
Servers: M. Kenney, V. Nyhan, G. Romer
Thursday, September 13
4:00-5:30 p.m. –
Little Flowers – CBR
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Server Training – C
7:00-7:30 p.m. –
Family Rosary – DC
7:00-8:30 p.m. –
Social Justice Meeting – CBR
9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass
Fr. Ralston
Lectors: D. Duke, S. Duke
M. Aulner, E. Aulner, N. Balent, R. Balent
Nursery: E. Moorman, S. Warner
10:45 a.m.
Presider: Lectors:
Sunday Mass
Fr. Haemmerle
B. Johnston, J. Untener
B. Fanjoy, R. Davalos, D. Sills, L. Harshbarger
L. Shafer, D. O’Bryan
12:15 p.m.
Presider: Lectors: Servers: Sunday Mass
Fr. Haemmerle
H. Potter
J. Grimberg, T. Sorrell, J. Laravie, D. Nye
Friday, September 14
9:30-11:00 a.m. –
Recovery – PL
4:00-10:00 p.m. –
Children’s RCIA – CBR
Saturday, September 15
9:30-10:30 a.m. –
EM In-Service – L/CBR
Budget goal for each Sunday
Total Contribution for September 2
2012-2013 Sunday Contributions
Sunday Contribution Budget
Difference of:
Thank you for your generosity!
$ 34,982
$ 36,957
-$ 13,293
Sunday, September 16
9:00-10:00 a.m. –
9:00-11:00 a.m. –
Children’s Liturgy of Word – DC
6:00-8:00 p.m. –
7:00-9:30 p.m. –
Young Adult Volleyball – PAC
St. Charles Borromeo
YOUNG ADULT VOLLEYBALL starts September 16 and
usually meets every other Sunday in the PAC from 7:009:00 p.m. This league is comprised of St. Charles, St.
Henry, Incarnation and St. Francis. It’s open to those 18-40
years of age. However, if you are over 40, you are welcome
to join. We are forming four teams among the south Dayton
parishes. If you would like to join, please call 434-9272 or
e-mail Mr. Tim Clarke at
TWO SHAWL MINISTRY meetings are scheduled for
Monday, September 10th, 9:15 a.m., in the Borromeo
Room, and 7:00 p.m. in the Hospitality Room.
The Msgr. Breslin Knights of Columbus Council
14995 will be selling Entertainment Books this
fall to benefit St. Charles School. The 2013
Entertainment Books are available from any K of C Council
member, at the Parish Office and at the School Office.
SCRIP will be sold at the 5:00 p.m., 9:00 and 10:45 a.m.
Masses outside the Hospitality Room this weekend. We
have a lot of CUB gift cards – and Cub is going out of
business soon (September 30). We need to sell and redeem
them ASAP. They are available in the Church Office.
THE DOCK KICKOFF: 7:009:00 p.m. All 9th-12th graders
at ANY school are invited to
our annual DOCK Kickoff!
The theme this year is “ THE
Coordinator – Carl Schneider (433-3451)
CHUCK WAGON heads for Springfield
What: Guided tour of the famous Frank Lloyd Wright
home in Springfield, the Westcott House; Lunch at the
top-rated Collier’s Family Restaurant nearby (on your
own), then a guided tour of the historic Pennsylvania
House in Springfield.
When: Monday, October 15, 2012 (car-pool)
Cost: $20.00 per person
Details: We will leave from St. Charles at 10:00 a.m.
and return around 4:00 p.m. Please contact
our Parish Office (434-6081) if you can
drive. Drivers will be reimbursed.
OLYMPICS.” These are not your
average Olympic games…these
are The Office Olympic games!
Bring a friend for food, friendship, and a chance to
meet other High School youth and learn all about the
DOCK! Questions? Contact Heather Dunn at hdunn@
All are called – all are welcome.
The next Social Justice Committee meeting is
September 13, from 7:00-8:30 p.m. in the Borromeo
If we want peace we must all work for JUSTICE!
INVITATIONS ARE OUT! Be one of the first
fifty reservations and win one of two chances
for two free tickets to the St. Charles 50th
Anniversary party. The party will be Saturday,
October 13, at Moraine Country Club. The evening will
include cocktails (cash bar), dinner, dancing, and a special
performance by the Eleventh Hour Choral Group. They
are the Gold Medal winners of this year’s World Choral
Games in the popular choral music category. Please call
C.J. Schoeff at 294-8526 or Patty Kraft at 435-4559 for
It’s Blood Pressure Weekend, typically the second
weekend of the month. Next month, on October 13-14,
in the library, we will also offer Flu shots. The times on
Saturday are from 4:00-7:00 p.m., and Sunday, from
8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Medicare and insurance will be
billed by CVS, which is providing the vaccine. The cash
price is $31.99. Call the Church Office (434-6081) to
make a flu shot appointment and take advantage of this
early opportunity to prepare for the “Flu Bug Season.”
We need a minimum of 5 sign-ups on Saturday to make
it available – otherwise, flu shots will only be given on
Sunday morning.
BIBLE STUDY – St. Charles will be offering a
comprehensive, 24-week Bible Study entitled The Great
Adventure Bible Study. We will be offering the Bible Study
starting September 20th, from 9:00-11:00 a.m. If we have a
strong response to an evening course, we will offer that as
well. If you have questions or want to register, please call
the Office of Faith Formation at 434-9272. Let us know if
you prefer the morning or evening Bible Study.
CATHOLICS COME HOME – Each of us knows at least
one Catholic who has drifted away from the Church –
a child, a neighbor, a grandchild, a dear friend. Many
are only waiting for an invitation to return. Next week,
at all Masses, we will take up a special Catholics
Come Home Collection to help extend that invitation
through TV spots airing in primetime throughout the
Archdiocese. Please be generous in your support of
this effort to reunite our Catholic family! To view sample
TV spots, please visit
LITTLE FLOWERS GIRLS CLUB – Attention, parents
of girls ages 5-10. The Little Flowers Girls Club is now
forming for the 2012-2013 school year. The girls have fun
with other girls, study a new virtue and saint each month,
do a craft, and have a snack. We will meet on the first
or second Thursday of each month, from 4:00-5:30 p.m.,
beginning September 13. Contact Karen Connair for more
information at 433-2783 or
Visit their web site at
KROGER PLUS CARD – Directions to
go online to link your card.
Visit the Kroger Rewards web site (www.
• Click on “Cincinnati Ohio”
• Click “enroll” near the middle of the page
• In the search bar,enter St. Charles’ five-digit code
(#80241) and hit search
• Click in the small circle next to St. Charles
Borromeo School and click submit
You are now linked!
BASKETBALL – Sign up for boys and girls basketball
is September 9, 2012, from 7:00-7:30 p.m. in the
cafeteria. Please enter in the back, by the playground.
If you have any questions, please contact Chris Stewart
at 604-0114.
Magazine for Purchasing:
U.S. Catholic (September 2012 – $5.00)
• Conflicted Generation: Today’s young Catholics
have an indifference toward wars that have raged
for most of their lives.
• Save the date: An interview with Kerry Cronin,
Boston College’s “dating doctor.”
• Say “I do” at Sunday Mass: Readers debate where
and when couples ought to tie the knot.
To remember and celebrate the 50 years of
our St. Charles Borromeo Parish, an historical
pictorial display will be held in the PAC. A
6-foot panel will be devoted to each pastor who
served here. A variety of pictures, scrapbooks,
and memorabilia will be on display. In addition, each parish
commission will have a designated area.
Questions or concerns, should be directed to Sister JoAnne
at 434-6081.
Eucharistic Ministers IN-SERVICE
Important for current Eucharistic Ministers and those
who wish to become a Eucharistic Minister!
Reflections on the Spirituality of Eucharistic Ministry,
by Fr. Gerald Haemmerle and Fr. Tim Ralston.
Key components of the ministry, including a
comprehensive ministry description to sign.
Charles Borromeo Rooms
Wednesday, September 12, 7:00 p.m. or
Saturday, September 15, 9:30 a.m.
Every Eucharistic Minister and those wishing to be
trained for this ministry, should plan on attending one
of the two meetings! A sign-in sheet will be available
each day. Questions? Call Brenda Tibbits at 434-6081.
St. Charles Borromeo
Presentations Include
Personal Spirituality & Scripture Proclamation
Invisibility of the Liturgical Minister
Revised Lector Position Description
All lectors, and those interested in becoming a lector, are asked to attend.
Monday, September 17, at 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Saturday, September 21, at 9:30-11:00 a.m.
Charles Borromeo Room
Questions: Contact Brenda Tibbits (434-6081 or
Healing Ministry: Join us as we explore the ministry of
healing. Learn more about the history of healing in the
Church, the Holy Spirit, God’s power and presence, and
learn to pray with others. Monday evenings, 7:00-9:00 p.m.,
September 17-November 12, Incarnation Church. Contact
Carleen Suttman at 307-7692 or
Dayton Theology on Tap: Young adults 18-39 are invited
to the Theology on Tap speaker series on Thursdays at
Oregon Express at 7:30 p.m. The series runs September
13-October 18. Leading off will be Rachel Muha discussing
“Why Bad Things Happen to Good People: A Night on
Forgiveness and Reconciliation.” Visit http://totdayton.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Weekend: Take a good marriage
and make it great with a Marriage
Encounter Weekend. The next
weekend in this area is September
21-23 at the Cliffview Retreat
Center in Danville, KY. Call 1-800547-1251, code 00, or visit www. for more information.
A Starry, Starry Knight Gala: This special gala kicks off
Alter’s 50th anniversary celebration on September 22.
Proceeds from this event will go towards the new Teacher
Professional Enrichment Fund (TPEF), which will help take
Alter teachers to the next level of innovative, faith-based
instruction. To buy tickets, donate, be a sponsor, purchase
a memory brick or contribute a silent auction item, please
A Renewal of Life – A day for women and men, led by
John Quigley, OFM. This day will be an investigation into
the connections between St. Francis of Assisi and Jesus,
and how their spirituality can nourish us. Saturday, October
6, 2012. Mt. Notre Dame Spirituality Center, 701 East
Columbia, Cincinnati, OH 45215. Call (513) 679-8191.
A Franciscan Come and See Weekend for single,
Catholic women ages 18-45 interested in learning more
about Franciscan religious life. October 6-7 at the convent
of the Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg, IN. There is no fee.
Meet the sisters, pray with them, learn about their lives and
experience community. For more info or to register, contact
Sr. Joan Miller (phone: 812-455-9348 or e-mail joanm@