ST. JOHN VIANNEY PARISH February 28, 2016
ST. JOHN VIANNEY PARISH February 28, 2016
Page 1 ST. JOHN VIANNEY PARISH 2415 BAGLEY STREET ~ FLINT, MICHIGAN 48504-4613 ~ PHONE: 810.235.1812 CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF FLINT St. John Vianney St. Mary St. Matthew St. Michael OUR MISSION We, the faith community of St. John Vianney, are called by God to be a people of prayer, to live the Word, and to celebrate the Sacraments. We commit ourselves to become a warm and welcoming community, reaching out to others in need. By calling forth the varieties of gifts, talents and ministries, we seek to provide an open environment with opportunities for all to grow in holiness and loving service. Rev. Fr. Tom Firestone, Pastor Fr. James Mangan, Parochial Vicar Fr. Zachary Mabee, Parochial Vicar Fr. Dan Kogut, Powers Chaplain Deacon Anthony Verdun, Sr. Deacon Paul Donnelly Youth Director: Maureen Kelsey Music Director: Meg Waddell Parish Financial Director: Jenny Snellgrose Administrative Coordinator: Melinda Holm Secretary: Cathy Wenzel Bulletin Editor: Pat Gardner School Office: Diane Deitering School Principal: Lara Daniel Day Care Center: Nancy Gallagher Parish Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 4 PM Websites Contact Information Fax SJV School Day Care Center Powers High School 235.4911 235.5687 234.9410 591.4741 Outreach Ministry N.E.W. Life Center 239.8710 Sr. Judy Blake & Sr. Carol Weber Angel’s Outreach Ministry 655.4059 Deacon Anthony & Susan Verdun Please call the Parish Office for Parish registration, Communion to shut-ins, anointing of the sick, funeral arrangements, Mass intentions, sacramental preparation for children not enrolled in the school and inquiries about becoming Catholic. Prayer Chain Ministry For spiritual, physical or emotional need. Please call Karen 732.7582 Pat 635.3716 Parish Office 235.1812 Confidential Reconciliation Saturday 3:30 PM Sunday 10:30 AM Eucharistic Liturgies Daily Mass: Monday- Friday: 10:30 AM Saturday: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM & 11:00 AM 7:00 PM February 28, 2016 Page Page 22 Saint John Vianney Parish SJV LENTEN SPEAKER SERIES Our next date for our Lenten Speaker Series will be Wednesday evening, March 9th, beginning at 7 PM in the Social Hall. Fr. Zachary Mabee will be our guest speaker. Please join us on the 9th of March. THE WORDS OF POPE FRANCIS “Life is a journey, along different roads, different paths, which leave their mark on us. We know in faith that Jesus seeks us out. He wants to heal our wounds, to soothe our feet which hurt from traveling alone, to wash each of us clean of the dust from our journey.” Parish scholarship forms are available for the 2016-2017 school year. Applications will be accepted for any parish children enrolling in St. John Vianney School or Powers High School. Forms are available in the church office; please stop by to pick yours up or call 235.1812 to have it mailed. Deadline to return it is April 8, 2016. EASTER SHUT-IN TREE Next week (March 5th/6th,) we will be putting up the names of the sick and shut-ins on the tree in the back of the church. Christian Service would like to invite you to join us in extending our community to the individuals who are sick or shut-in and unable to attend Mass due to extended age or medical conditions. This Lenten Season is a great time to consider taking a small amount of time to send an Easter Card to the Shut-ins. In the gathering area in the back of the Church, we will be putting up a Sick and Shut-in Tree with names of individuals who have given us permission to send cards to them. We will provide individual seasonal papers with names, and you can take as many as you would like to send. Each shut-in has more than one name on the tree. If you would like to send cards to all of the shut-ins, please call or stop by the church office or call the church office at 235.1812. It is important to know you do not need to know the person individually, God knows them. Simply take a seasonal card with the name and address of a shut-in, purchase an Easter card, sign your name and St. John Vianney Parish on the card, and mail the card and feel wonderful. Remember you are God’s hands. OUR WEEKLY OFFERING FOR FEBRUARY 21, 2016 Stewardship of Treasure $5,670.00 Loose Collection 407.00 Children’s Stewardship ~ 20 Envelopes 33.00 Visitors ~ 44 Envelopes 762.00 Worldwide Evangelization Appeal 5.00 Black and Indian Collection 415.00 Ash Wednesday 36.00 Online Giving 755.00 Total Weekly Collection $8,083.00 St. Vincent de Paul $11.88 37TH ANNUAL IRISH NIGHT Mark your calendars for Sunday, March 13th! That’s the date for Heartbeat’s Annual Irish Night, held at the Holy Family Parish Center in Grand Blanc. RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED! Cost for tickets is $25 per person; $30 at the door; $50 for a family (2 adults and children under 18). Ticket price includes Irish Dinner, Beer, Wine, Pop and Entertainment. Deadline to purchase advance tickets is March 4th. Mail your check to Dan Clements, 9019 Bayhill Drive, Fenton, 48430, made payable to Heartbeat. For additional information, please call 232.3101 (Heartbeat Office) or 248.390.3756 for Dan Clements. Donations for the Silent Auction are needed. Please call 694.0861 to donate. Thank you to everyone who has shared the many blessings they have received, with your generous gift to our Diocesan Services Appeal. Our gifts to DSA will support adoption services, counseling services, services for the aging and the blind and sight impaired… programs for those who are deaf and hard of hearing… programs for those who are struggling in their marriage - as well as exciting programs like our Diocesan Youth Leadership Camp, training teens in our diocese to serve as Disciples of Christ. These are but a few of the more than 100 ministries in our diocese that are made possible by our contributions to DSA. If you have not yet made a gift or a pledge, I invite you to join the faithful of our parish community who have taken an active role in the mission of the Church. Your gift to our Diocesan Services Appeal will enable our diocese to continue providing the vital services and ministries that help bring the love of God to those who face hardships. SAVE THIS DATE!! The Parish Volunteer Appreciation Dinner will be held on Saturday, March 12, 2016 after the 4 PM Mass in the Parish Center. Anyone who has spent time working around the parish this past year in any capacity is welcome. More information will follow. Parish Life Commission. THROUGH THE EYES OF LOVE A grandmother and a little girl whose face was sprinkled with bright red freckles spent the day at the zoo. The children were waiting in line to get their cheeks painted by a local artist who was decorating them with tiger paws. 'You've got so many freckles, there's no place to paint!' a boy in the line cried. Embarrassed, the little girl dropped her head. Her grandmother knelt down next to her. 'I love your freckles,' she said. 'Not me,' the girl replied. 'Well, when I was a little girl I always wanted freckles,' she said, tracing her finger across the child's cheek. 'Freckles are beautiful!' The girl looked up. 'Really?' 'Of course,' said the grandmother. 'Why, just name me one thing that's prettier than freckles.' The little girl peered into the old woman's smiling face. 'Wrinkles,' she answered softly. Page 3 Saturday, February 27th 4-8 pm YG Mass & Movie Night 3:30 pm Reconciliation Sunday, February 28th 10:30 am Reconciliation 12 Noon Living Stations Practice Monday, February 29th 5-8 pm Mercy Monday ~ Confessions at St. Matthew Parish Tuesday, March 1st 6 pm Cub Scouts 7 pm Financial Peace University 7 pm Generation Change Wednesday, March 2nd 8 am St. Joseph Guild Thursday, March 3rd 6:30 pm Choir Friday, March 4th Day of Abstinence 8:45 am Soup Kitchen 10:30 am School Mass 11 am-1 pm Grief Support Group 11:30 am Stations of the Cross/Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament until 4 pm 3:30-7 pm K of C Fish Bake Saturday, March 5th Food Collection Weekend 2 pm Rosary at Kith Haven 3:30 pm Reconciliation Sunday, March 6th Food Collection Weekend 10:30 am Reconciliation 12 Noon Living Stations Practice The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right time, but also to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. Altar Servers for This Week Adult: February 29th ~ March 4th ~ Marcia Loje Saturday, March 5th, 4 PM Declan, Liam, Patrick Mulqueen Sunday, March 6th, 8 AM Nora Moncada and Albert Renick Sunday, March 6th, 11 AM Jude & Ronan Streby Sunday, March 6th,7 PM Simon & Lillian Hudgens Saturday, February 27th 3:30 pm Confessions 4:00 pm +Lorena Zeilinger by Family Sunday, February 28th Third Sunday of Lent 8:00 am All St. John Vianney Parishioners 10:30 am Confessions 11:00 am +Lola Mitchell by Michael Blain 7:00 pm +Imogene George by Ronnie Legutko Monday, February 29th 10:30 am + Carol Sauvage by Shirley Seidel Tuesday, March 1st 10:30 am +Gualberto Semilla by Marc & Rosemarie Rideout Wednesday, March 2nd 10:30 am +Gabriella Basilius by Family Thursday, March 3rd St. Katharine Drexel, Virgin 10:30 am +Thomas Kersten by Fr. Jay Kersten Friday, March 4th School Mass St. Casimir Day of Abstinence 10:30 am +Billie Foster by Jo Ann Davis 11:30 am Stations of the Cross Saturday, March 5th 3:30 pm Confessions 4:00 p.m. +Fred Rademacher by Family Life Commission Sunday, March 6th Fourth Sunday of Lent 8:00 a.m. The Feehan and O’Connor Families by Pat & Sharon O’Connor 10:30 am Confessions 11:00 a.m. +Fr. Larry Delaney by The Patrick Bade Family 7:00 p.m. +Janice Ezop by Fr. Tom Firestone ALTAR CARE WEEKLY REFLECTIONS It is always tempting to look at what others do and evaluate our own behavior in that light. It can make us feel very good and satisfied with ourselves. The problem is that we are using the wrong yardstick. We are not to compare ourselves with others. The yardstick we are to use is Jesus. He has told us how to behave and showed us by example. According to that measure, there is always room for improvement. Lest we become discouraged, Jesus has also told us that the Spirit will be with us. Pray for the grace to see yourself clearly and for the courage to grow and change. Team 5 is scheduled for the week of March 5th-6th. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits. He pardons all your iniquities, He heals all your ills. Psalm 103:2-3 MCLAREN MINISTRY February 28th Dr. Connie McClanahan, John Kirk, Ethel Hooker March 6th Dr. Connie McClanahan, Richard Black, Cindy McNea
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ST. JOHN VIANNEY PARISH February 21, 2016
opportunities for all to grow in holiness and loving service.