October 4, 2015 - St. Joseph`s Church
October 4, 2015 - St. Joseph`s Church
ST. JOSEPH‟S CHURCH MOTHER CHURCH OF THE BERKSHIRES ESTABLISHED 1849 Pittsfield, Massachusetts Liturgical Celebrations Saturday The Staff Msgr. Michael Shershanovich, Pastor Rev. Geoffrey Deeker, CSS, Priest in Residence Rev. Mr. Pasqual Baldasaro, Deacon John Arasimowicz, Coordinator of Youth Religious Education e-Mail: stjosephccd@berkshire.rr.com Michele Madden, Secretary e-Mail: Michelemadden@berkshire.rr.com Mrs. Patricia Momnie, Pastoral Minister 4:00 PM Sunday 9:00 AM 11:30 AM Daily Mass 12:10 PM RCIA Tuesdays, 6:30 PM Holy Hour Monday-Friday, 11:00 AM Daily Rosary Monday-Friday, 11:30 AM St. Joseph’s Parish Office Prayer Group 1st & 3rd Wednesday, 6:45 PM 414 North Street. Pittsfield, MA 01201 Tel: (413) 445-5789 Fax: (413) 443-5466 Hours: Mon.-Fri.: 9:00 AM-1:00 PM e-Mail: msgrmike@berkshire.rr.com St. Joseph’s Cemetery Web site: www.stjoepittsfield.com Mr. Paul Guillou, Superintendent Nancy Nolan, Secretary Tel: (413) 499-1317 Sacrament of Baptism: All new parents are expected to complete a course of instruction. Please consult the parish office for classes. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays, 3:00-3:45PM Sacrament of Matrimony: Couples should contact the parish office at least one year prior to the wedding. New Parishioners should register at the parish office. We look forward to welcoming you to the parish family and hope you will become involved with your time, talent and treasure. Ministry to the Sick and Parishioners confined to home have visitations that are scheduled on a regular basis. Please notify the parish office to make arrangements. Religious Education Classes are held at St. Joseph‟s High School following the 9:00 AM Mass for all public school students, grades K-11, and parochial students preparing for Sacraments. Pope Francis Speaks to Families There Will Be Crosses! It is normal for husband and wife to argue–it‟s normal. It always happens. But my advice is this: never let the day end without having first made peace. Never! A small gesture is sufficient. Thus the journey may continue. Marriage is a symbol of life, real life– it is not “fiction”! It is the sacrament of the love of Christ and the Church, a love which finds its proof and guarantee in the cross. My desire for you is that you have a good journey, a fruitful one, growing in love. I wish you happiness. There will be crosses! But the Lord is always there to help us move forward. - Homily at mass for the rite of marriage, St. Peter’s Square September 14, 2014 St. Joseph Church Religious Education Thank you to all our teachers for this year: Grade K – Samantha Walter and Karin Darji; 1st Grade – Laura Brady; 2nd Grade – Sandy, Catherine and Stephanie Van Bramer; 3rd Grade – Luann Erichetto and Robin Monterosso; 4th Grade – Ed Boehm; 5th Grade – Marygrace Brown and Jody Skrocki; 6th Grade – Pat Coulter; 7th/8th/9th Grades –Ann Manns and John DiNicola; 10th/11th Grades– Christopher Sposato and Pat Masoero. Assisting John this year is Betty Kirby, Nancy Wojtkowski with help from Julie Street, Tom Van Bramer, Katherine Eddy and Maryanne Sherman. We welcome anyone wishing to teach or sub. Please contact us if you can lend a hand. REMINDERS: † CCD Registrations are still being collected at the high school. Please bring in your form or fill out a new one as soon as possible. † ENTRANCE TO the high school is only at the North Pearl Street door and EXIT FROM the high school will be into the parking lot. IMPORTANT DATES: October 4th October 11th October 15th October 18th October 18th October 18th Permission slip due for Middle School bullying workshop NO CLASS *** Confirmation Rehearsal*** - 6:00 p.m. in church CCD class for grades K-5 AND 9-10 Confirmation Ceremony at 11:30 a.m. Mass – All candidates should meet in the Parish Center no later than 11:00 a.m. Middle School Bullying Workshop 1:00-4:00 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church LECTORS & EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS D Saturday 4 PM Eucharistic Ministers: Paula Dodds, Josie Daviau, Joe Tournier, Kay Tournier, Cheryl Furtek & Carol Gamberoni Lectors: Jim Armstrong & Sr. Jean Bostley Sunday, 9 AM Eucharistic Ministers: Edward Boehm, Gene Cornell, Jeanne Cornell, Terry Costello, Paul Guillou & Kurt Haswell Lectors: Jason Street & Peggy Taylor Sunday, 11:30 AM Eucharistic Ministers: J. Weatherwax, Michael Wood, P. McDonough, Joe Dahrouge, Ron Pelletier & Mary Huska Lectors: Robert Bouquet & Anne Dunham OCTOBER 4, 2015 BUS TRIP to ENDERS ISLAND Recover / Create / Retreat Reserve your seat today! St. Joseph’s Annual Bus Trip to Enders Island: a day of retreat. Attend Mass, enjoy a hot lunch and time for yourself too! Date: Monday, October 19th. Cost: $75 per person. The bus leaves at 8 AM & we leave Enders about 4 PM. Please call the rectory for reservations. We are so grateful to Jason Street’s Cub Scout Troop for their awesome job for our Food Pantry. They collected close to 100 bags of non-perishable items and $120. Certainly a job well done!!!! If some of the screams reached our ears, we’d just SING A LITTLE LOUDER. Join us for a free screening of the powerful short film, SING A LITTLE LOUDER, with personal testimony from pro-life activist, Penny Lea. Date: Saturday, October 17 at 5 PM. St. Elizabeth of Hungary Parish Center, 70 Marshall Street, North Adams, MA Food & Refreshments will be served. Inspired by a true story. Singloudermovie.com FREE EVENT Fall Cleanup St. Joseph Church & grounds, outside & inside. Saturday, 10/17. Volunteers kindly contact Jack Laviolette at 464-6009 or by e-mail p plavjr@gmail.com ROSARY Please join us after the 9 AM Mass in the South Chapel, today, October 4th. The St. Anne Society will hold its next meeting on October 21, 2015, at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Center. Following the business meeting, the ladies will enjoy a game night with fun, prizes, and refreshments. All women of the parish are welcome to come and enjoy the evening with friends and fellowship. Beginning November 1st, there will be a sign up sheet at each Mass for folks who would like to present the Eucharistic gifts of bread and wine to Father during the offertory. However, at the nine o‟clock Mass when C.C.D. is in session, children will be chosen to present the gifts as is presently being done. Anyone is welcome and encouraged to take part in this activity. Just remember to check the roster at the front entrance to the church and sign up. . On All Souls day, November 2nd, there will be a 7 p.m. Memorial Mass honoring all the members of the parish who died in the past year, as well as any of your special loved ones that you would care to remember. During the offertory, you will be asked to come and light a candle, then place it in the prepared box in front of the altar where it will continue to burn during the Mass. There will be a special book for you to inscribe the names of folks you would like to remember during the month of November. The book will be set up on a special table at the main entrance of the church. Those names will be remembered at every Mass during the month of November. Sacrificial offering last week: $7,038. Many thanks for your generosity! The Knights of Columbus, Msgr. Eugene F. Marshall, Council #103, will be holding its annual fundraiser to improve the quality of life for “People with Intellectual Disabilities” in our community. The Knights will be collecting donations after each Mass this weekend. Tootsie Rolls will be handed out by our Brother Knights to show appreciation for your support. Contributions can also be made directly to: Contact Grand Knight Jack Laviolette. We are taking orders for 5 inch Canadian meat pies “Tourtiere”, consisting of beef, pork, potato, onion, celery and spices at $5.00 each, a total of 50 frozen, uncooked pies will be made and sold. For more information kindly contact Rita Laviolette at 499 -3623. CYCLE B OCTOBER 4, 2015 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time "Because of the hardness of your hearts he wrote you this commandment. But from the beginning of creation, God made them male and female ..." In today's Gospel, Jesus sheds light on the nature of Christian marriage. The Pharisees were trying to trick him, but Jesus transformed their plot into a teachable moment. Speaking of the Mosaic law that allowed a man to divorce his wife, Jesus indicated that this manmade law was not the standard by which marriage should be understood. Instead, he referred back to "the beginning of creation." In the story of Adam and Eve, we see the first human couple living in a state of perfect harmony and bliss with each other and with God. As today's Old Testament reading reveals, Adam was thrilled with Eve. "This one, at last, is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh," he declares with joy and relief. God's original plan for marriage was part of the joyful paradise in Eden. But sin entered the world, and with it came a rupture in the pristine unity of the man and the woman. The tensions between husbands and wives have been problematic ever since. Thus Jesus explains divorce as the result of sin (i. e., "the hardness of your hearts"). But as always, Jesus calls us to transcend the slavery of sin. And more than that, he promises us his own divine help, his grace, and his Spirit to enable us to accomplish what we could not do on our own power. So when he replaces the Mosaic law with his commandment about marriage--"what God has joined together, no human being must separate"--he is calling us to a more beautiful understanding of marriage: one that is blessed by the true marital unity that can transcend the sadness of sin. Please leave donations of diapers (disposable, sizes 1-6), baby wipes and clean, baby clothing in good condition in the crib at the back of the church. Donations support: Pregnancy Support Services of Berkshire County, 34 Depot Street, Room 204, Pittsfield, MA Please join us in praying for our nation on October 10, 2015 at 12 Noon. The Local Public Square Rosary Rally will take place at St. Joseph Church. Please contact Jodi Poole at 841-0789 for more information. First Saturday, October 3rd SCOTT DANFORD & RAYMOND VACCARO 5TH ANNIVERSARY 4 PM Requested by Wife, Doreen Sunday, October 4th THERESA NAVROSKI 9TH ANNIVERSARY 9 AM Requested by Family ALEXANDER & TEOFILA KOLDYS 11:30 AM Requested by Family Monday, October 5st M/M CARMEN SPAZIOSO 69th Wedding Anniversary Requested by Karen Cowell Tuesday, October 6th TROY DUFFY Class of „42 Requested by Claire Volin Wednesday, October 7th AGNES HUNT Requested by Daughter Thursday, October 8th BRIAN KOSCHER Requested by Friends at St. Joe Friday, October 9th GORDON MACKINNON Requested by Connie & Joel Saturday, October 10th BOB DRISCOLL 6TH ANNIVERSARY Requested by Family & Friends 12:10 PM 12:10 PM 12:10 PM 12:10 PM 12:10 PM 4 PM Sunday, October 11th PAUL MANATA & EDWARD POOLE 9 AM Requested by Daughter BILL FRESIA 4th Anniversary 11:30 AM Requested by Family Sanctuary Candle –Shawn Mahoney Requested by His friend Terri NEICH BED ZIE POCHWALONY JEZUS CHRYSTUS ST. JOSEPH PRAYER LINE: 443 -1221 Readings for the Week of October 4, 2015 Sunday: Gn 2:18-24/Heb 2:9-11/Mk 10:2-16 or 10:2-12 Monday: Jon 1:1--2:2, 11/Lk 10:25-37 Tuesday: Jon 3:1-10/Lk 10:38-42 Wednesday: Jon 4:1-11/Lk 11:1-4 Thursday: Mal 3:13-20b/Lk 11:5-13 Friday: Jl 1:13-15; 2:1-2/Lk 11:15-26 Saturday: Jl 4:12-21/Lk 11:27-28 Next Sunday: Wis 7:7-11/Heb 4:12-13/Mk 10:17-30 or 10:17-27 GLUTEN FREE HOSTS AVAILABLE TO THOSE WHO CANNOT TOLERATE GLUTEN. PLEASE NOTIFY PRIEST BEFORE MASS.
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