June 7, 2015 - Libertyville - St. Joseph Catholic Church
June 7, 2015 - Libertyville - St. Joseph Catholic Church
ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH—LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS WWW.STJOSEPH-LIBERTYVILLE.ORG JUNE 7, 2015 THE MOST HOLY BODY & BLOOD OF CHRIST Our Vision # and parents at the May 31 Mass celebrated by Fr. Le at Mundelein $% $ Through our Baptism and Eucharist, we are called to love as Christ loves and serve as Christ serves. Our Mission In Jesus Christ, we through building community others in need ing the energy and interests ! resources wisely so that we may live ! " 1 UPCOMING EVENTS June 11 &&' ( )*+$$ June 13 Men’s Ministry Fathers /04 June 13 5 6% 0 June 14 Car Wash, see p. 11 June 16, 17 0! Walk Through the Mass begin, p. 7 June 27-28 8 6 9 August 22 8 4 !0: $*!$ 5K Run/Walk Dash Around the Lake On the private grounds at the Mundelein Seminary Saturday 9am June 13, 2015 The goal is to raise funds to support the St. Joseph youth group's work at the Appalachian Service Trip. This year we have 80 youth and adult chaperones that will spend a week repairing homes and provide adequate housing for the poor. Enjoy an opportunity to run/walk through a beautiful course for all levels. Competitive run or fun run, walkers and families. Kids 6 and under free/-strollers allowed at your own discretion. Course USATF measured certified. Race T-shirt, chip/bib timed, age medal awards. Go to www.getmeregistered.com to register!! “To Find race-in search field enter: dash around the lake Or go to actual URL http://getmeregistered.com/koc5klakedash Questions email: fivekrunwalk@hotmail.com Organized by Knights of Columbus, Council 3674-St. Joseph’s Libertyville ARCHDIOCESE OF CHICAGO / 0 : = 4 # >)P>+?@>A4 Retired Priests of the Archdiocese$ Q! ! $ ?@+ parishes. Each day I hear accolades about their ministerial service. Many parishes depend upon their ser 8 $5 parishes would have to reduce Mass schedules and other services. = $69 8 G98H $4 * $K 6 ! $ /! $ $ K4 K 4 ! 4 N ! :$ $K we also remember in prayer all the retired priests who have died this year. 8 4 $4 $ R $ $K ! S6!$ Wishing you every blessing, with kind regards I remain, : 89 0#$:!: 2 The 10th Anniversary of Ordination of Father Nhat Le, on Pentecost Sunday at St. Joseph Catholic Church, Libertyville, Illinois :$& ::G:H :! ' S$094 ! 4 %$S$%$S ' >@ 8$ ' 4 ! $& $# 4 %$S $%$S 9 $#: $U :! %$S " 4 ! " Dear sisters and brothers, Once again I would like to say “thanks” to all of you for your love and support when I celebrated my 10th anniversary. My family and guests were truly impressed with your hospitality and love. For me, this event is not easily passing by; I need which was full of blessing, joy, and love. It was nice to see so many of you at the Mass and the reception. It was also nice to see the two cultures, American and Vietnamese, coming together in harmony and unity. That is the beauty and the fruit of our faith in God. As I continue my priesthood journey I need your prayers—a lot of prayers, because without God and God’s graces, I cannot make it. I also keep you in my prayers. I hope and pray that I will see many of you at my 25th anniversary. May God bless and watch over our community always. - Fr. Nhat Le !! A DS D FATHER’S DAY BREAKFAST ION ENT T T FA JUNE 13, 2015 @ 7AM KOENIG CENTER A EAK R B N Ministry invites all men of the parish to enjoy AYJoe’s Men’s WHAT? St. breakfast with their kids and/or grandkids. What better way to celebrate the gift of fatherhood than to share some eggs and sausage with Dad! WHEN? Saturday, June 13, 2015 @ 7am WHERE? St. Joseph’s Koenig Center Please RSVP as soon as possible to: mdgbyew930@gmail.com. Please provide the number of family members attending the breakfast If you have any questions please call Dan Palmieri at 847-714-6384. 3 ALL WOMEN INVITED TO JUNE 13 MORNING GATHERING S4 f5 $5Food for the Body and Soul. This is an invitation to all 5 $ # >)$j ` $ !]Z)@ >@Z)@$# 8]Z)@ z$!4 !G* !H$64$5 *!N $ $5" HOW DOES OUR PARISH ATTRACT PEOPLE WHO ARE CONSIDERING BECOMING CATHOLIC? WITH YOUR HELP! K we know someone who we could invite to learn more about the Catholic Church. 8! 6 member, a coworker $ 5! that is a deep and intimate relationship with Christ, how could we not share it with others? : process to help those considering the Catholic Church learn more about our Z 9 : K G9:KH$ This process is not ! : ! ask honest questions and to deepen their personal relationship with Christ. K 4 might be interested in exploring the : %$ 8 ![4\*!$ ]+^*)_?*?@^)$ 6`! !" All are welcome to join us this summer for EVEREST where we will conquer our challenges in life with God’s mighty power! June 22 through 26, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. opportunity to learn more about their faith. When we make it to the top of Everest, we are at the highest point on earth but Jesus is higher still! He promises to provide, to comfort, to LOVE us forever. At Everest, our campers will learn that this awesome power is enough to overcome any “mountain” or problem in their lives. Each day reinforces this everlasting promise that God loves every one of us! Please sign up to join us on our climb June 22-26 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the Koenig Center. Registration is now open on the parish website at http://goo.gl/Ubm6q3. Help wanted Our program is completely run by volunteers, and we need your help! If you have helped us in the past, please join us again. If you haven’t joined us, consider it for your summer plans. We are also looking for adult leaders to run break-down sessions. All materials are provided; all you need to bring is a smile! Volunteers can sign up on the same website listed above. If you have any questions or would like more information, please visit our website or contact us via email: Karen Graham at graham-mk@sbcglobal.net or Deanna Willemsen at dwillemsen@icloud.com ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL CLASS OF 1980 TO GATHER ON JUNE 20 :>{]@8(z S9 # ?@)Z)@*+Z+A AZ@@8$K `>{]@ `4 8[&!! !\$ $ + Faith Weaving families celebrate Pentecost by sharing the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. )DLWK)RUPDWLRQ5RFNV )HHOLQJ&DOOHGWR6HUYH" !"#$ ,$%* $> ** $! ?@ 1)$$$ % & ' %( ) ) ** + * $ ,- . .( .* (( * ( * * *% * */ ĂůůLJŽƵ ŶĞĞĚŝƐůŽǀĞ012 ' *3 4567789:;<3 = *( RELIGIOUS EDUCATION & FAMILY FAITH WEAVING :=j%K98K=j/R?@>_K:=j%K98/" ] : Q RZ84 %!?^?@>_ 8 >@$$?$$09$5 : & : z |$ :]+^*{{@*>?_)[4\!$$ %5 * # ^$4! $ 5 ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC SCHOOL CONGRATULATES THE CLASS OF 2015! 8 Lila Babat Brigit Barr Jillian Boes 0 Joshua Chambers Hannah Chiou j: : Q: # : z : Taryn Dwyer Joseph Elert % jz z z Michael Handel Carolyn Hardy Brendon Haring & z&4 U & Matthew Holmes Haley Hunt Lauren Jane : # U# 4 :U = U Isabelle Massarelli Joseph Massarelli Margaret May Erin McCane 0 8 Elena Monroe Mary Murphy j4 Emily O’Connell = : : 0 Dominic Quigley S9 9 9 U # 5 # 9! 4 # # 44 Luna Ventura Haylie Zrinsky New to St. Joseph is Totus Tuus –“Totally Yours” The Totus Tuus parish summer catechetical program is a week-long daytime “parish mission” for Catholic youth entering 2nd through 8th grade. The program is dedicated to proclamation of the Gospel and promoting the Catholic faith through evangelization, catechesis, apologetics, Christian witness, the sacraments, Marian devotion, and Eucharistic worship. Totus Tuus accomplishes this by tasking college students and seminarians to engage the youth of parishes with skits, songs, games and inspiring, interactive teaching. Children will receive instruction in the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary and the Virtues this summer. Totus Tuus is a fun, engaging way to a solid personal relationship with Christ. Totus Tuus demonstrates that one can be a faithful, prayerful practicing Catholic and still have fun! Children entering grades 2-8 have the opportunity to attend July 20-24 from 9:00 to 2:30. Please register using this link: http://goo.gl/ST6bxO *5$ DF@ Men’s Ministry Upcoming Events: TEND THE FIRE MEN’S RETREAT on JUNE 27 & 28 Saturday, June 13, 7:00 a.m. Koenig Center "#$%&'%( We invite all men to join us for our 9th *#' “Forgiveness in Three-Part Harmony.” St. Mary of the Lake Seminary )* + September 13, 7:00 a.m., Koenig Center When: June 27-28 (begins 7:00 a.m. on Saturday the 27th and ends at noon on Sunday the 28th) Where: St. Mary of the Lake (Mundelein Seminary) /56;<=>& ?@A= ; B Saturday, November 21 Pray. Learn. Grow. ALL MEN OF THE PARISH ARE INVITED More details to follow… To register, call 847-322-6013 or visit @BB5Q 'D5BB men_s_council *D; Dof St. Joseph Parish _ 0" Movies and superheroes almost always seem to be !|Q$:! that deep down inside we all have a desire to be a su ! f 9 them can be a great way to decide to !$K | Living in Love Retreat $ #6 =! 10 & 11. The action-oriented, com- mon sense approach on the 4 $ j !lic personal sharing. It’s strictly between the two $ more in love, go to the marriage page !Z $* libertyville.org or contact Dave & z 0 ! ^A\$ com. Who knows, you could be the | 5 6 6 " Marriage Tip of the Week: “The one who feeds on me will have life because of me.” (Jn 6:57) &* I ( /12 K (*+ * * 'I( www.foryourmarriage.org. Sponsored by the St. Joseph Marriage Enrichment Ministry PACK FOOD & ATTEND MASS AT FEED MY STARVING CHILDREN ON JUNE 12 8$ 5 ! 0 ! | $ >A@ *4 % 8 : G%8:H S! ! # >? ?Z)@ +Z)@ $$ / *4 4 ! $ 4 +Z)@ %$ 8 0[4 ! 8 %8: $ ! ! z z $ http://volunteer.fmsc.org/Register/Group/JoinGroup.aspx?gid=559307 %8 : !N 4 $| ! ! ! $K N !%8 : !Z$$$|f+_A$KN !4 8 :&[4]+^*{{@*>?_)$ Join us for our Summer Series: A Biblical Walk through the Mass As Catholics, the Mass is the center of our Faith. We celebrate it every day. We know all the responses and prayers. We know all the gestures. But do we know what it all means? Why do we celebrate in this way?In A Biblical Walk through the Mass, Dr. Edward Sri takes us on a unique and in-depth study of the Liturgy. Join us as we use this DVD series, study guide, workbook and small group discussion to explore the biblical roots of the words and gestures we experience in the Liturgy and to learn their profound significance. This intriguing look at the Mass is sure to renew your faith and deepen your devotion to the Eucharist. Attend Tuesday mornings or Wednesday evenings. Sessions meet in Formation Center Room C on Tuesdays at 9:30-11:30 a.m. on June 16, 23, 30, July 7, 14 and in the Koenig Center on Wednesdays at 7:009:00 p.m. on June 17, 24, July 1, 8, 15. One parishioner who attended our Lenten series shared, “I firmly believe that every person in our parish should attend the Adult Faith Formation series, A Biblical Walk through the Mass. Understanding the history and biblical references for everything we do in the Mass has transformed my Mass experience. From learning why you do the sign of the cross, to picturing yourself at Calvary during the consecration, you will be filled with a deep appreciation and enthusiasm for mass. This course is amazing!” The text and workbook are $18. Please register online at http://www.stjosephlibertyville.org/adults/adult-faith-formation and follow the Give Central link to purchase the course materials. Register by June 15 to ensure your materials are ready for the first session. For additional information, please contact Cheryl Haluczak at 847-990-1263 or chaluczak@stjoseph-libertyville.org. 7 PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK Francis Quigley Chris Brant Todd Lewis / & 88 Carmi Hardison %4 [! # 0 Bill Curtis 9/0 0!j :R Joseph Beitzel U44 #S$ Diane LaCrosse Megan Behnke U 0 844 +4 Q $ Monday _Z)@ ]Z)@ and Tuesday _Z)@ and ]Z)@ Wednesday _Z)@ ]Z)@ Thursday _Z)@ and ]Z)@ and Friday _Z)@ ]Z)@ Saturday ]Z)@ and Sunday June 8 0 9 44 %$=! Helen Byrne June 9 U 9 Carolyn McCarthy 9 8 U June 10 z % 8: 9z June 11 & & Evelyn Yore S 0 June Holmes June 12 5 #4 #49 9S (% well-being June 13 0[ James McLaughlin is s th u Join noon! r afte If you are not planning to attend the 5:00 Mass, please plan on joining the assembly at 5:45 in the Narthex. At 6:00 p.m. the Procession will begin. Benediction will follow immediately after the Procession. The children who received First Communion this year (and their parents) are especially invited to participate, wearing their First Communion Owen Michael Boundy GS H / 0 , # G& H Bowman Angelo John Watts S G/0 H S 5 8 Saturday, June 13 AZ@@ %$& Sunday, June 14 ^Z>A %$& {Z@@ %$0[4 >@Z+A %$0[4 >@Z+AU: %$S >?Z)@ %$0 AZ@@$$ %$S CHILDREN ENTERING GRADES 2-5 IN THE FALL ARE INVITED TO SING! $#6: 6: 4 ! " ! $5 %8 !8 day singing opportunities throughout the year. F"# $% '( )#*#' Archbishop Cupich to St. Joe’sG>@H! 5 8 4 4 $K 4 4 "% '4%: 6 :/_\$]+^*]>_*_>AA$ CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD (CLW) : >*A Q : 6 S5# ^ {Z@@ 8$ :S5 | z * appropriate readings, songs, skits and activities. Father dismisses the :S5 {Z@@ U : $ $ # 9]+^*)_?*A)^? $ Nora Graham & Leon Boe Z Lynne McCabe John Lewis Sunday Masses AZ@@ $$ ^Z>A {Z@@ >@Z+A $$ G>@Z+A : U : H>?Z)@ AZ@@ $$ Baptisms at >Z+A$$ Saturday Masses ]Z)@ $$ G * & 8H+%_Z)@ ]Z)@ a.m. or as scheduled. Holy Day MassesZ _Z)@ ]Z)@ $$ j ^Z@@ $$ Reconciliation >>Z@@$$ >?Z@@j by appointment EMPLOYMENT MINISTRY TO MEET JUNE 17 Have you ever thought about becoming a consultant? For some people this is a very rewarding career option, either as a short-term ! |! *portunity. Learn more about consulting at the | 8 ! with a presentation by Libertyville consultant and parishioner 9 S$ This talk is entitled Consulting, an Entrepreneurial Option and will present key considerations, strategies, $ We will meet ^Z@@*{Z@@$$% : G>>?j$84H9/$ ! $5 4 " $ # 8 * Q 4$ !Q !*4 $8 > )5 by group networking. K N # # \$ $ ! Z # 8 \$$ { WE NEED VOLUNTEERS! Are You Looking For a Way To: Support a great cause and give back? Share your talents and energies this summer? Experience a sense of pride? Have an incredible amount of fun? The Beacon Place is looking for volunteers: June 18 - August 6, 603 S McAlister, Waukegan, IL 60085 For the For Summer Lunch andDaycamp Daycamp Program the Summer LunchBunch Bunch and Program Mondays and Thursdays required) 10 - 1:30pm Mondays and Thursdays(6 (6 dates dates required) 10 - 1:30pm To work as a Summer Fun Reading and Math Tutor To workMondays as a Summer Fun(10 Reading and Math Tutor and Thursdays days required) 8:30-11:30am Mondays and Thursdays (10 days required) 8:30-11:30am To sign up go to https://beaconplace.formstack.com/forms/untitled_form2_copy or for more information call 224-572-9330 3rd Annual St. Joseph’s Mass in the PARK Celebrant & Homilist: The Most Reverend Archbishop Blase Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago August 22 at Sunrise Rotary Park (across from the Church) Will replace the regularly scheduled 5:00 Saturday Mass Faith---Food---Friends---and Fun Doesn’t get any better than that! Rain or Shine! MOTHERS WITH YOUNG CHILDREN Summer Playgroup 44 "56 8R:"= |!# {)Z@@*+Z)@$$ in Libertyville. ; '(%$#6 84* S4 $4 ! $ % !!Q$4! $ <> @ %KQ# @U%$' > $ VV+XV'VY Come play with us!! Senior Corner June 3 - August 18 (alternating Wednesday mornings and Tuesday afternoons) Events you might enjoy: $#=&9K& =j=9/'j # >)*8 604 # >)*5 6% 0 # ?^(?]*8 69 *Feel free to bring friends *Pack your sunscreen as shade is limited at many parks * Please bring snacks and drinks for your family * If it is raining, play group is cancelled * Some parks do not have restrooms- see below * See back for park directions and water park information : SK09R'KSSjK=9 :=j:KS=j=9/'j # ]*00 ! j| $ Date Time Park Restrooms Tuesday, June 9 3-4:30 pm Butler Lake Park Yes Wednesday, June 17 9:30-11 am Nicholas Dowden Park Yes 3-4:30 pm Century Park Yes Tuesday, June 23 ____________________________________________________________________________ 10 ST. MONICA CIRCLE OF ST. JOSEPH GUILD CARWASH FUNDRAISER SUNDAY, JUNE 14TH, 11 AM -2 PM AT THE CORNER OF MILWAUKEE AND GOLF ROAD LOOK FOR THE SIGNS! WE'LL BE READY TO CLEAN YOUR CAR FOR A GREAT CAUSE!! PLEASE SHARE WITH YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS! ALL MONIES DIRECTLY DONATED TO YOUTH AND FAMILY SERVICES. !Z Edwin & Ashley Ortiz. 5 " STEUBENVILLE YOUTH CONFERENCE Who: You and 3,000 teens from across the country When: July 10-12, 2015 What: Youth Conference centered on prayer, worship, and the Eucharist Who: Current 8th through 12th graders Where: Campus of Missouri State University Website: http://www.stjoseph-libertyville.org/youth/youth-ministry/steubenville-conference-2015 Cost: $300, due by June 22 Parent meeting: June 30, 6:30 p.m. in our Youth Space. Photos of teens going on the Catholic Mission Trip this July 2015. This is from our Skills Day on May 16. Getting ready to work hard! 11 Social Media Handles for Project Joseph Facebook: ) 2- 2! + * - 2!+= Instagram: elib RETIRING YOUR OLD U.S. FLAGS 58/ K /G#+H ! $$ 4$0_@G!$#H $ %0!Z Q ! ! QR ! j| 9$$$0 ! $%! #+$ Stewardship of Treasure Stay Connected with your St. Joseph Family! We have options for everyone! Website: www.stjoseph-libertyville.org Facebook: facebook.com/stjosephlibertyville Twitter: @sjlibertyville Email Newsletter: sign up here http://goo.gl/dJWO2E Sign up to receive occasional emails from St. Joe’s. We currently send an email out twice a month. OneParish App: Download the app onto your smartphone and sign your family up in the parish directory. Includes faith formation opportunities and links to our parish calendar. +Z>> >%[# Q K K + K; + K; 54 = ?>{+_ >>A_]A) ?)?{] >?]^]>@ z )@{@_ ___])+ )@^^> A?@?_^ Total Collection $52,853 $1,823,687 $54,069 $1,808,077 0: +@_@@ >]_^_@@ $(43,913) Difference $12,253 $# 4 through our automatic contribution program. Thank you to those who regularly and 4 #:$S at $*!$. THOUGHTS ON GIVING 4 4 4 it.” G84 >+Z?)H # 4 ! & & $ & 4 His cup. K : & 4 4 & $ = QP &4 $ Program for the Widowed Joyful Again! *! men and women recognize new direction in $ 4 ! # ?A*?_ &% K $ ! ^@]*)A+*^?>> go to $ $. Legion of Mary Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine in Des Plaines # S4: S 8 # >)>@$$) $$0 $ !>@$#: 9 S4 4 $% G H: #! ! \$??+*++>*+A>{G H# :# $ \$??+*))]*@_]]$ 12 St. Joseph Catholic Church 121 E. MAPLE AVENUE, LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS 60048 PHONE 847-362-2073 FAX 847-362-6821 =QZ 8 *%]Z)@$$*+Z)@$$ *]Z@@$$*>?Z@@$$ E-mail \*!$ Website $*!$org 9$# Pastor Associate Pastor 9$80[4Associate Pastor 9$# & Pastor Emeritus 9$jS zU/ 8/ ! : 8 G\!!$ Hafter approval by your Pastoral Staff liaison$ !!j 8 ! issue date. New Parishioners 5"Q 4{Z@@+Z@@$$ * $* libertyville.org. Announcements at end of Mass / 9!j 8 \*!$$z Z !?*) $ Deacons Pastoral Staff Accessibility K! Ncial accommodations at a parish event, Q$ Ministry of Care Sacrament of the Sick 8$8:*/# 4 ! ]Z)@$$8 ? month, or by arrangement. Contact the par Q [ ! $8 :! to bring Communion. ]+^*{{@*>?>)\*!$ 8$ & *=Q8 ]+^*)_?*?@^) \*!$ Mr. Dan Harris, Facilities Manager Guide to Funeral Planning ]+^*^??*A)+A\*!$ Q 0 8 planning guide. 8$z8 /= ]+^*{{@*>?+> \*!$ Stay Connected 8$U88 / 5!Z$*!$$ %!4Z!4$#S! Z\! ]+^*{{@*>?^^4 \*!$ 8$ |* $# Matrimony ]+^*)_?*@^)@ |\*!$ : " Q $_ N $ 8$9 ' /8 ]+^*{{@*>?^_ \*!$ Infant Baptism Parish Pastoral Council E-mail : \*!$$R N are welcome. Members of the Parish Pastoral Council: Fr. John Trout Dan Coughlin z *4 8U 848 U =6: G:H z[ # 5 Members of the Parish Finance Council: Fr. John Trout #z 0!U4 0 Bulletin Submissions 9 U G:H | *0 !^Z)@? 8 $ Baptism for School Age Children ! !$:)_?*A^{^ mation and registration. Sacrament of Penance :!>>Z@@$$ or by arrangement. =Q&( =Q 8 : >?>$8 ]Z)@$$*+Z)@$$8 % ]Z@@$$*j $ $=$8$: 4 ! $ 4 444 !+Z)@$$G8 $*%$H!>?Z@@j G4 H 4!+Z)@G8*%H! j Q]+^*)_?*?@^)!+Z)@G8*%Hj 4 !4!4$R 4 ! !|! NOT in the slot to the left of the door. 13 >+ 15 Breaking Open the Word A JOURNEY TO DISCIPLESHIP JESUS COMPANIONS US THROUGH SCRIPTURE >$ z65$: $ $ ?$ K 9 $K 4 $ )$ z$ ! z! z0$ Next Sunday’s Gospel — %_("`_ SZ &z Mark 9 ZkK#Z # Z 4 z land and would sleep and rise night and day and through it 4 $= Q! $ 4 $ & 4 z! fK4 the seeds on the earth. But once it is sown, it springs up and ! ! ! 4 $ 5 many such parables he spoke the word to them as they were able to understand it. Without parables he did not speak to them, but to his own disciples he explained everything in private. zS$Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. 5 = | ! ! z% * &$ ! ! $K = : $K 4 :6Q $5 4N 5z K ! f6 K | 6z 84! $z & & U ! !$ !# z 6N$5 $6& !! $5! $ :6 $z% : & ment to help us keep it growing. % U z::: A+>A+? A+_$ >$54! z6 f ?$5 K4ff ff )$& K U z f 8 Z Z 5 Z Z %Z Z Z Monday, June 8 - Sunday, June 14 ?:>Z>*^)+Z?*{8AZ>*>? ?:>Z>]*??>>{Z>?{*>))>)A8AZ>)*>_ $ ?:)Z+*>>{{ZA*{8AZ>^*>{ >>Z?>!*?_>)Z>*)]AZ{!>@*>+8AZ?@*?_ $0 ! &>>Z>)*+]*{K>?Z?*_)Z]*>?>+*>{# >{Z)>*)^ 8&# ?:AZ>+*?>>@)Z>*+{*>?8AZ))*)^ K&0' 8 $ [>^Z??*?+{?Z?*)>)*>_?:AZ_*>@84+Z?_*)+ >_
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