Carpenter - St. Joseph Catholic Church
Carpenter - St. Joseph Catholic Church
The Carpenter May 1, 2016 6th Sunday of Easter Our Vision Through our Baptism and Eucharist, we are called to love as Christ loves and serve as Christ serves. Our Mission In Jesus Christ, we will grow and flourish through Engaging, welcoming and building community Lifelong faith formation Social justice and service to others in need Engaging and understanding the energy and interests of our youth Prayer and worship that deepens our spiritual life Accountability in using our resources wisely Our Women’s Guild enjoyed a lovely Spring Luncheon on April 21. See what is upcoming for the Guild on page 3! so that we may live life abundantly! St. Joseph Catholic Church—Libertyville, Illinois 1 ://6;:/<3;98363:. ARCHDIOCESE OF CHICAGO ARCHBISHOP QUIGLEY CENTER 835 NORTH RUSH STREET * CHICAGO, IL 60611-2030 * PHONE: 312-534-8230 * FAX: 312-534-6379 On Mother’s Day, each of us will have an opportunity to join in the Church’s sacred mission of charity through our donations to Catholic Charities Mother’s Day Collection. Funds raised fr ! "#$%&% ' %! ' (!&--% ' ! )'%% *+,'!'*+,'./ '''0 '' !)3 ! Mother’s Day is the one day set aside for Catholic Charities to request the financial support !.''' %'' 4 5!&!6&#$!!7! 5' ' 6 ' ! During this Jubilee Year, let us take up the Pope’s challenge to bring the transformative power of God’s infinite mercy into our world. Working together, we can r '!,'%!,'0' '! '' ,8 *! 9 Upcoming Events at St. Joseph Catholic Church May 1 Concert featuring young musicians, 7:30 p.m. May 5 Holy Hour & Adoration for Vocations, Church. 3:00 p.m. May 10 Dr. Pauline Viviano talk, Koenig Center, 7:00 p.m, May 14 Euchre Night, 200 Building, 7:00 p.m. More information at 2 ——––––—–—–——— Community Building Guild of the Blessed Virgin Mary The Guild of St. Joseph provides many social, spiritual and service opportunities for its members. We will unite the women of the parish in a community of service and offer each member the opportunity to use her individual talents. The Guild is divided into groups called Circles. The purpose of Circles is to provide the opportunity for women to work in smaller groups toward common goals. Please contact us to join or to learn more: Circle News Circles are open to all Guild members. Please join in—we’d love to see you! Monday, May 2 - St. Rose Quilting Circle: 11:00 a.m. at the Formation Center. (Circle leader: Cheryl Craig, Wednesday, May 4 - Ss. Mary & Martha Faith Circle: 1:30 p.m. in the St. Joseph Room at the parish office. (Circle leaders: Glenda Braun, dgbraun75@ or Linda Popeck, Thank you to everyone who joined us at our De-Signs on Spring Luncheon last week at White Deer Run. We all had a wonderful time together while enjoying the beautiful spring weather. Thank you to Susan Behringer for her fabulous tips on How to Make your House a Home. Mothers with Young Children Bi-monthly Meeting: Please join us on Thursday, May 5 as we welcome Libertyville Fire & Police Departments along with Foss Swim School to discuss summer safety. Looking to become more involved with MYC? Consider joining the MYC Board for the 2016-2017 year! All MYC members are eligible to join! We currently have a few positions left to fill. If interested, please contact to learn more! As a reminder, please see BigTent for all MYC event info, RSVP, volunteer and charity/fundraising opportunities! Our meetings begin at 9:15 a.m. at the St. Joseph Formation Center, located at 112 N. Milwaukee Ave. Parking and entry is through the rear of the building. Light snacks and refreshments will be served. Babysitting will be available for the little ones: $6/one child or $8/two or more. We look forward to seeing you there! If you or someone you know would like to join MYC, please contact us at Membership is free and you can be as involved as you like. We’d love to have you! Euchre Night on Saturday, May 14 The last Euchre night before our summer break is Saturday, May 14. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., cards begin at 7:00 p.m. Please note our location: 200 North Milwaukee, Lower Level (the Century 21 Building at the corner of Hurlburt and Milwaukee; enter through Milwaukee Avenue doors). St. Joe’s Euchre Night is for anyone interested in casual Euchre play, meeting fellow parishioners, munching on snacks, and having some laughs. Players are adults that are singles or couples of all ages. These are stand-alone events and you’re not making any commitment about attending future nights. If you’re interested in joining us at our next Euchre Night, or you just have some questions, please send an email to Stuart and Fran Skinner at 3 Senior Corner: Community & Parish Activities –––––––––––––––––––––––––– ST. JOSEPH PARISH SPONSORED May 1 – Easter Concert See the Carpenter article for details. LIBERTYVILLE SENIOR CENTER & SENIOR COUNCIL SPONSORED May 4 – Marriott Trip May 9 – Birthday Bash May 11 – Planting Party May 19 – Hall of Fame May 25 – Flower Show May 20 – Bingo See the Senior Update on tables in Narthex for more information. Cook Memorial Library has afternoon movies on Thursday (Cook) or Friday (Aspen). Tuesday and Sunday – Free Art Exhibit at Fould’s Gallery on 2nd Street north of Church Street. Irish Set Dancing Irish Set Dancing, similar to American Square Dancing, involves eight people dancing in a square or circle. It originated in Irish homes years back where Irish folk gathered to play music, tell stories and sing folk songs. It is great fun and a super aerobic workout. We have a group here at St. Joseph’s—St. Joe’s Set Dancing Club—that meets every Wednesday evening in St. Joseph School at 8:00 p.m. It is open to everyone and if you’d like to join us call Nuala at 847-280-0006 or email Slainte! Please join us in welcoming the following new parish members: Steve and Colleen Blomgren, Jose and Camila Nacher, Matthew & Susan Kurland and Stephen & Sheena Franklin. Welcome to our community of faith! Faith Formation————————————— A Gentle Breeze and a Blazing Fire: The Spirit in the Bible Tuesday, May 10, 7:00-8:30 p.m., Koenig Center THEOL SPIRITUAL P RAL TO AS O Scripture scholar Dr. Pauline Viviano returns to our Parish for this Adult Faith Formation Program. The Spirit is perhaps the most elusive member of the Trinity, and rightly so, for how do you capture the wind? We will attempt to “chase after wind” and grow in our understanding of the Spirit by exploring how the Spirit is presented in both the Old and New Testaments. To register or for additional information, please visit http://www. or contact Eileen Glynn-Tucker at eglynntucker L CA GI St. Joseph Catholic Church Women: Get This on Your Calendar Women of St. Joseph’s, please save the date to attend a Christ Renews His Parish weekend this fall! The weekend will be held October 15-16 on the beautiful grounds of the Cardinal Stritch Retreat House. Is this the time you answer the call? Listen prayerfully! If you have any questions, please contact Eileen Szuba at or Renee Zorc at 0HQ¶V$QQXDO 6XPPHU5HWUHDW -XQH 0RUHGHWDLOVWRIROORZ Sponsored by The Men’s Ministry of St. Joseph Parish Religious Education & Family Faith Weaving t'BJUI8FBWJOHNFFUTBHBJOPO4VOEBZ.BZBUPSQN and Friday, May 6 at 6:30 p.m. In June, all Faith Weaving families will attend a joint closing session on June 5 at 6:00 p.m. which includes a BYOP (Bring Your Own Picnic). There will be not be Faith Weaving sessions on June 5 at 2:00 p.m. or June 10 at 6:30 p.m. t 3FHJTUSBUJPO GPS 3FMJHJPVT &EVDBUJPO IBT CFHVO 3FHJTUSBUJPO GPSNT BSF available online, in the Parish Office, or during Religious Education class times. Late fees will not be assessed until after May 31. Register before this date for the best selection of classes. Please pray for all our children who have received the Sacrament of the Eucharist in the past two weeks. Blessings to them! Help Wanted: Catechists for 2016-2017 Catechists are volunteers who encourage children in their faith, while growing in their own. They are people just like you who don’t have answers to everything, but are willing to take the time to engage others in discovering who we are as Catholic people. During the course of the catechetical year, these teachers reap several benefits, including: tFOMJWFOJOHUIFJSPXOGBJUI tUIFPQQPSUVOJUZUPOVSUVSFBHSPVQPGDIJMESFO tKPZBOEDSFBUJWJUZ tUIFPQQPSUVOJUZUPCFBHPPETUFXBSEPGUIF$BUIPMJDGBJUI tPQUJPOBMXPSLTIPQTUIBUXJMMIFMQHSPXUIFJSGBJUIBOEVOEFSTUBOEJOH Would you like to be a catechist? Please call the Religious Education office for more information, 847-990-1263. $ –—––––——————––——––Faith Formation Jubilee Year of Mercy Rejoice To rejoice is to be joyful..And by surrendering to God, To to depend on God, to rest in God, to obey God… we abide in Him and when we do that...there will be joy. “Rejoice in the Lord always. I say it again: rejoice!” (Philippians 4:4.) “Share the Light”/Women’s Council Celebrating your 50th Anniversary? Register Now for Totus Tuus – “Totally Yours” June 27 - July 1 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Register now for the best week of the summer! Kids have fun learning and living our Catholic faith in this week-long “Catholic Camp” for kids entering the 2nd through 8th grade. Totus Tuus is taught by college students and seminarians who were trained in teaching and passing on their excitement about Catholicism. Last summer, kids unanimously gave a thumbs-up to the games, skits, and active way to grow in faith. Camp will focus on the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary and Prayer this summer. What did the campers say about Totus Tuus last summer? ti*MJLFSFHVMBS camp and religion camp the same... can my brother EPSFMJHJPODBNQXJUINFOFYUZFBS wtićJTQSPHSBN brought me closer to God and my faith. Amazing DPVOTFMPST.S"BSPOXBTBXFTPNFwti4LJUTXFSF WFSZPSJHJOBMUIBUNBEFUIFNDPPMwti4POHTXFSFTJMMZ and fun but still taught us about our religion.” Totus Tuus registration fee is $60 each for the 1st and 2nd child in a family, and $20 for each subsequent child. The price includes a T-shirt. Register at Visit our Give Central page at https://goo. gl/PNRkKF to secure your spot. Please email Eileen Glynn-Tucker,, to volunteer or for more information. The Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass will be held on Sunday, September 18, 2016, at 2:45 p.m. at Holy Name Cathedral, 735 North State Street in Chicago. Couples married in 1966 interested in attending this celebration should contact their parish office by early June to register. For further information, call the Marriage and Family Ministries Office at 312-534-8351 or visit: Marriage Tip of the Week: May is Mary’s month. Do you have an image of Our Lady in your home? It can be a good reminder to ask for her intercession throughout the day. visit Sponsored by the St. Joseph Marriage Enrichment Ministry - CAVE QUEST - FOLLOWING JESUS, THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD Join us as we grab our flashlights to head on a Cave Quest for Vacation Bible School at St. Joseph Parish. This year we will ground kids in the ROCK SOLID foundation of God’s LOVE, a LOVE that takes us through life’s dark times. June 20 through June 24 Children entering 3-year old preschool through 5th grade are invited to attend. Your children will be reminded how Jesus gives us hope, courage, direction, love and power through bible stories and songs, games, crafts, and even in their daily snack. For more information go to If you have any questions, contact Karen Graham at or Nancy Lothspeich at nlothspeich7@ HELP WANTED: Adult and youth volunteers (entering 6th – high school) are needed to make this year another successful year at Vacation Bible School. It will be a week you will never forget. Please prayerfully consider joining us as a crew leader, station volunteer or station leader. All help welcome! # Faith Formation————————————— Young Adult Session Pray for Vocations Looking to connect with other young Catholic professionals in the Chicago area? Want to be a part of a community shaped by Jesuit and Ignatian teachings and values? Join us on Tuesday, May 3 at 6:00 p.m. for Faith & Justice: A Jesuit Perspective on Immigration, a talk by Fr. Sean Carroll, SJ on why Catholics should care about immigration and what young adults can do to help. Location: Fornelli Alumni Lounge at Saint Ignatius College Prep in Chicago. For more information and to register: The Archdiocese recommends that parishes provide for a holy hour to pray for priestly vocations. In support of this, the St. Joseph Vocation Committee and our Spiritual Formation Committee has scheduled a holy hour, with Eucharistic Adoration, to be held every Thursday from 3:00-4:00 p.m. in the church to offer prayers for priestly vocations. Thursdays have been chosen as an ideal day for having the prayer hour as it coincides with Holy Thursday and the institution of the priesthood at the Last Supper. If you are looking for a special action this year, what better way than a short visit on Thursday to pray for an increase in priestly vocations? If you are unable to join us, please keep vocations in your prayers. Prayer & Worship——––––—–—–—————– Banns of Marriage Sarah Janco & Miguel Echeverria Baptisms Adelle Murphy Lacey, daughter of Susan (Webb) and Travis Lacey Lucas Daniel Laidley, son of Lauren (Damico) and Luke Laidley Jack Gregory Benassi, son of Sara (Snook) and David Benassi Caleb Matthew Howeth, son of Kristin (Creed) and Matthew Howeth Alexander Paul Sowul, son of Margaret (Nowotarska) and Marek Sowul Ministry of Care Visits Maybe you or someone you love is unable to leave their home because of sickness or circumstances. If they cannot get out to Mass, let us know. A Minister of Care will visit, bring Holy Communion, and pray with them. Our trained Ministers of Care are ready to offer comfort and support. Please contact us to make arrangements for this visit—Parish Office (847-362-2073), or Arlyss Lasecki (847-778-8023), or Judy Salzman (847-393-7689). Presiders/Deacons Schedules Saturday, May 7 5:00 Fr. Hennessey Deacon Kashmar Sunday, May 8 7:15 Fr. Bozovsky 9:00 Fr. Bozovsky 10:45 Fr. Le Deacon Tiemeier 10:45 KC Fr. Trout 12:30 Fr. Kartje Deacon Tiemeier 5:00 Fr. Le Sunday Masses 5:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 7:15, 9:00, 10:45 a.m. (10:45 in Church and in Koenig Center), 12:30, 5:00 p.m. Prearranged Baptisms at 1:45 p.m. Saturday Masses 8:30 a.m. (Second Saturdays-Sacrament of Healing at Mass) Weekday Masses 6:30 and 8:30 a.m. or as scheduled. Holy Day Masses: 6:30, 8:30 a.m., Noon, 7:00 p.m. Reconciliation Saturday, 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon or by appointment. In Memory Please pray for the souls of: Joe Palid Jose Aguilar Allen Wamser Please Pray for the Sick Nancy Bodner Michelle Miller Rawley Linda Blazevich Leslie Heatherman Arlene Jacobsen James McDonough Christine Bozovsky Mario Lenzini Maria E. Coton Brett Becker Kif Ward Janet Jacob Maddy McInerney Kevin Scanlan Ann Kent Cliff Young Peter Sylvester Aidan Kirkpatrick Diane LaCrosse Bridget Shiel Micah Peckels Quirk After 4 weeks, please notify the parish office if your loved one is still in need of our prayers. ——––––—–—–—————–Prayer & Worship Mass Intentions Concert This Sunday Evening! Our youth music ministers invite you to a presentation of their musicianship in the church at 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, May 1. Recitalists will offer individual and group selections from classical to contemporary composers. Free admission. April 25: The Annunciation + 1 month A life celebrated… from the moment of conception Just about one month ago, March 25, we celebrated the Solemnity of the Annunciation, when the Angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she would conceive a child and name him Jesus. (Luke 1:26-38, NAB) At one month in the womb, the embryonic Jesus would have been barely one-tenth of an inch in length, practically imperceptible to Mary, save for Gabriel’s message. Yet, his being at that moment was the promise of life for us, to be fulfilled in his life, death and Resurrection. In our high-tech society, we have kits to help identify when a woman has conceived a child and become a mother. Still, save for that “message”, her child at one month is practically imperceptible, too. Nonetheless, the heart has begun to beat; and the promise of a life to be fulfilled is there, as it was for Mary at the Annunciation. In the past month, St. Joe’s celebrated the Mass of the Innocents on April 5, recalling the heartbreaking moments when the lives of our children ended all too soon. And, on April 16, Monsignor Dennis Lyle invited us to reflect in faith on difficult decisions we face at the end of life. These were two ways we honored the life of every individual regardless of station and at every stage of development. We are into the second month after the celebration of the Annunciation and next week we will celebrate Mother’s Day. There will be cards and calls, visits and gifts. The Gospel reading on Mother’s Day will begin with a passage from John, “Lifting up his eyes to heaven, Jesus prayed, saying: ‘Holy Father, I pray not only for them, but also for those who will believe in me through their word.” Pray that all will be touched by that prayer and commit to bringing the Kingdom of God into the lives of all from conception to the moment each stands on the threshold of eternity. Monday 6:30 and 8:30 and Tuesday 6:30 8:30 and Wednesday 6:30 8:30 and Thursday 6:30 and 8:30 and Friday 6:30 and 8:30 and Saturday 8:30 and Sunday May 2 Bill Kibble Lucille Leary, well-being Mary Toussaint, well-being Catherine Arnieri May 3 Marijo Komp Elsa Griarte Paul Pikalek May 4 Chuck Neville Rita Gorman John Thumel May 5 Ed Lobus Ronald Corbin Paul Obenauf John Budding May 6 John Thumel Hazel Finnegan Mary R. Lockowitz Beverly Martino May 7 Mary Laura Morgan Joseph Neururer All parishioners Worship Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities Accessible Washrooms, west side of narthex Hearing Loop for persons with hearing aids Assisted Hearing Devices in sacristy for persons with difficulty hearing Accessible, Powered Door at east end of narthex Ramped north entrances to narthex Accessible Ramp on east side of sanctuary Pew Accessibility on east front side section Pew Accessibility on east front of center section Padded Pew last row, far southeast corner of church Accessible parking spaces north of church along Maple Avenue. ——––––—–—–—————––––––––––––––Youth Youth Ministry Update: On Sunday, April 24, twelve teens gathered for an ice cream social, games, and faith-sharing. We also talked about what things the teens would like do for future youth ministry events; great ideas, everyone! Thank you to all who joined us, and if you weren’t there, we are sorry we missed you! As we plan future events, stay tuned in to our website and our social media channels:, Twitter: @projectjoelib Instagram: projectjoelib Facebook: Project Joseph: St. Joseph Youth Ministry. We hope you can join us next time! Additionally, we are seeking adult volunteers to help with our youth ministry. If you love the energy of teens and want to be part of a team that shares faith and fun, please contact Kate Mayer Tekampe, Coordinator of Youth Ministry. We hope you will join us! 4 Youth——––––—–—–—————–––––––––––––– Help Prepare Our Young People for Confirmation St. Joseph Youth Ministry is currently seeking adults to help prepare 7th and 8th graders to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. The groups meet every other week for one and a half hours either on campus or in the volunteer’s home. Please contact Kate Mayer Tekampe, Coordinator of Youth Ministry, at 847-990-1266 or if you are interested in learning more or would like to volunteer. Thank you! Social Justice & Service————————— Employment Ministry to Meet on May 4 Today’s challenging job markets require that we think through not only what “product” we have to offer (our strengths, skills, credentials, experience, etc.) but also where we want to offer it. This is especially true since many of us are constrained by real estate considerations. At our next meeting, John Russert will present “Targeting Companies in Geographic Areas” which will help you address your geographic preferences using various databases which can help identify employers who may be your best prospects. Our meeting is from 7:00-9:00 p.m. at the Formation Center (112 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Libertyville, 60048), Room C. Please enter from the rear of the building. The St. Joseph Employment Ministry assists the unemployed and underemployed in the pursuit of fulfilling employment opportunities that meet the needs of their personal offerings and career goals. Anyone with a job to fill or an interest in assisting job-seekers is also invited to attend. Meetings are usually held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month and typically feature topical presentations followed by discussion and group networking. All are welcome! If you have questions, please contact John Jennings at jfjennings@comcast. net. Employers are invited to post open positions with us by sending an email to: StJosephEmploymentMinistry@ 5K Run/Walk Dash Around the Lake On the private grounds at the Mundelein Seminary Saturday 9am June 13, 2015 Saturday, June 11, 9:00 a.m. 7KHJRDOLVWRUDLVHIXQGVWRVXSSRUWWKH6W-RVHSK\RXWKJURXS¶VZRUN DWWKH$SSDODFKLDQ0LVVLRQ7ULSWKLVVXPPHU:HKDYHWHHQVDQG The goal is to raise funds to support the St. Joseph youth group's work at the DGXOWVWRDUHSODQQLQJWRJRWKLV\HDU3OHDVHFRPHHQMR\DQLFHUXQRU Appalachian Service Trip. This year we have 80 youth and adult chaperones that will spend a week repairing homes and provide adequate housing for the poor. ZDONDQGVXSSRUWWKHVHSDULVKLRQHUVLQWKLVLPSRUWDQWVHUYLFHSURMHFW Enjoy an opportunity to run/walk through a beautiful course for all levels. Competitive run or fun run, walkers and families. Kids 6 and under free/-strollers allowed at your own discretion. Course USATF measured certified. Race T-shirt, chip/bib timed, age medal awards. Go to to register!! “To Find race-in search field enter: dash around the lake Or go to actual URL Questions email: Organized by Knights of Columbus, Council 3674-St. Joseph’s Libertyville 8 —————————Social Justice & Service Run, Walk,, Donate! Do what you can to be a member of the St. Joe’s Cares Team in the Northern Illinois Food Bank Foodie 5K! The facts are that 1 in 5 kids in our community is hun "# Food Bank supplies food to our St. Joseph’s Food Pantry. To register follow these steps. Go to: $%&&'"("&)*+, /0/ events Click on2 34(6 Libertyville 7)( Click on 89:#;*"8< =(=(#=*"8<=( Church Click Search for Team and then Click on Join and follow the remaining steps. )((2>((@(A Aid for Women Aid for Women of Northern Lake County is a 32-year-old all-volunteer center (4606 W. Old Grand Avenue, next door to the Gurnee Fire Station) with a mission to educate and encourage women and men with good decision-making information and resources with regard to life choices. The mission statement is: To give hope to women who are pregnant, explain the risks involved in abortion, and offer life-affirming alternatives such as parenting and adoption. Each client is treated with respect and dignity and confidentiality. Appropriate referrals are made to afford the best prenatal care for herself and her child. Free pregnancy testing and doctor referrals for prenatal care are available by appointment. All clients are offered information about adoption and there are no fees for services. If the client is single, she is presented with the opportunity to change her lifestyle and begin a life of chastity until marriage. A maternity clothes lending closet, literature and books on pregnancy and natural family planning are free as well. A medical set of fetal models shows the client how pregnancy progresses. Help is available in our Gurnee office or over the phone at 847-249-2700, and our community outreach volunteers welcome opportunities to speak to groups and classes. Spanish-speaking assistance is also available. Donations of baby care products and equipment are always appreciated. Referrals are also made for post-abortion healing and retreats. Visit our website: Word of Life “Little did I know that God was there, all along, offering me his love…The power of forgiveness is life-altering. I am happy again and the people whom I love sense that.” — “Life Matters: Forgiveness and Healing after Abortion”USCCBSecretariatofPro-LifeActivities( 9 Social Justice & Service————————— Green Tip of the Week SPRING CLEANING YOUR REFRIGERATOR AND PANTRY? Give your fridge and pantry a good solid cleaning with environmentally friendly cleaners. Avoid using commercial cleansers with harsh chemicals. You can disinfect and with homemade, natural cleaners just as well. Try these natural cleaners that will have your kitchen sparkling. Vinegar and Water: fill a bucket with warm water and add 1 cup of white vinegar. White vinegar is mildly acidic and will dissolve dirt, hard water deposits and grime. It is a natural deodorizer, meaning it absorbs odors rather than covering them up. Don’t worry—the vinegar smell disappears once dry. Lemon and Baking Soda Scrub: for tough stuck-on goop in your fridge or stove top, cut a lemon in half, sprinkle with baking soda, and scrub away. Baking soda has mild abrasive action and natural deodorizing properties. Loving Outreach to Survivors of Suicide LOSS meets monthly throughout the Archdiocese. Suicide is a tragedy for not only the victim, but for the loved ones left behind. Catholic Charities invites those who have experienced the devastation of suicide to participate by phoning 312-655-7283. LOSS is a non-denominational program offering hope and healing. Need Help? Green Update! SWALCO TO KEEP ELECTRONICS RECYCLING AVAILABLE THROUGH 2016 Good news! At an April 14 meeting, the SWALCO Board voted to keep electronics recycling available to Lake County residents through the end of the year at the five current sites: Waukegan, Highland Park, Grayslake, Grant Township, and Cuba Township. For hours and locations check For more useful earth-friendly tips: http://www. Catholic Relief Services Responds to Earthquake in Ecuador On Saturday, April 16, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck the coast of Ecuador. At least 272 people have been reported dead, and well over 2,500 were injured. Rescue teams and citizens are still working to uncover those trapped in collapsed buildings. This is the strongest earthquake Ecuador has experienced since 1979, when an earthquake triggering tsunamis killed over 600 people. At this time, Catholic Relief Services teams on the ground are evaluating needs and preparing to assist local partners in providing emergency relief and support. CRS anticipates that water, food and emergency shelter will be the greatest needs in the coming days. CRS has been present in Ecuador since the 1960s, investing in training for risk mapping, contingency planning, first responders, and other measures in areas at risk for flooding, seismic activity and extreme weather. CRS also has ongoing programming with the Scalabrini Mission Sisters, providing critical humanitarian, psychological, social and legal aid to Colombian refugees. Please pray and consider donating generously to help CRS strengthen their response to the loss and devastation in Ecuador. Make donations to: Ecuador Earthquake Emergency Appeal, Catholic Relief Services, 3525 S. Lake Park Avenue. Chicago, IL 60653. Thank you sincerely. Have you been planning to make a change in your life, but you can’t find the time and energy? Maybe we can help. The Holbrook Counseling Center of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago provides counseling services at our office in Mundelein and other locations. We have affordable fees, and we accept private pay and/or behavioral health insurance. We are in network with BC/BS PPO. To schedule an appointment, please call Catholic Charities’ Holbrook Counseling Center at 847-782-4049. —————————Social Justice & Service AAIM Grief Support Group Meets Here Monthly The Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists invites anyone who has experienced loss or injury due to a drunk driver and/ or distracted driver to attend our self-help grief group. The group will meet at Saint Joseph’s Formation Center, Suite C at 7:00 p.m. on the first Tuesday of every month. For more information, contact Rita Kreslin at 847-240-0027. The purpose of our meetings is to help victims of impaired/distracted driving crashes recover emotionally, spiritually, physically and mentally from their loss. We cannot change what happened, but we want to learn how to live, love, laugh and have peace in our lives again. Our primary purpose is to live a peaceful life remembering the happy times. We do not want to forget the crash, but we don’t want to dwell on the pain. We hope to bond with the other victims who understand our pain. We will share our experiences, strengths and hope to help others and ourselves. We are not professional counselors, nor do we claim to be. We are a self-help group and we only share our stories with one another. Grief group topics will change from month to month. Some of the topics we have covered are: surviving the holidays, how our grieving has affected our loved ones, journaling, coping skills, dealing with our anger, and how we keep memories of our loved ones alive. Facts About AAIM—The Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists (AAIM) is an Illinois-based, statewide citizen’s action group which, in 32 years, has gained a high degree of credibility in Illinois political, law enforcement, civic and business circles. Two Illinois citizens, Carol Golin and Glenn Kalin, both of whom lost family members because of drunk drivers, founded AAIM in 1982. Others quickly joined and today the organization has more than 5,000 members and contributors throughout Illinois. For more information about AAIM visit: ––——––––—–—–—————–Accountability Stewardship of Treasure Weekly Offering for April 10, 2016 Current Year Last Year Week Year to Date Week Year to Date Weekend Offering $23,662 $987,313 $37,558 $1,039,105 Electronic Giving $2,955 $579,814 $25,713 $573,704 Total Collection $26,617 $1,567,127 $63,271 $1,612,809 Budget for Collection $41,000 $1,681,000 Difference $(14,383) $(113,873) St. Joseph Parish is grateful to those who give generously on the weekends and monthly through our automatic contribution program. Thank you to those who regularly and generously give of their treasure as well as those who give of their time and talent to support the work our parish does in the name of Jesus Christ. Learn more at Stay Connected with your St. Joseph Family! We have options for everyone! Website: Facebook: Twitter: @sjlibertyville Email Newsletter: sign up here Sign up to receive occasional emails from St. Joe’s. We currently send an email out twice a month. Thoughts on Giving “…do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” (John 14:27) Our limited human understanding cannot begin to understand the immense power of God. Instead of trusting in God, we think we can control every outcome. Do you want to make God laugh? Tell Him your plans. The next time worry, anxiety or fear creeps in, thank God for all He has given you and trust He has a better plan for you. 11 Etcetera——––––—–—–—————–––———— Catholic Nurses to Meet The Council of Catholic Nurses of Lake County will celebrate Nurses Week on Saturday, May 14 at St. Joseph Catholic Church. All nurses are invited to 8:30 a.m. Mass in church followed by a Potluck Breakfast and a speaker, both in the Formation Center one block south of the church. Please park and enter from the back parking lot. Members are free, non-members are $5. Please RSVP to Ginny at 847-680-8775. Don’t forget to bring a dish to share. Camp Courage for Grieving Children July 11-15 in Ingleside Camp Courage is a program for children ages 6-13 who are grieving the loss of a loved one. Participants can explore and express their feelings in a safe, supportive and fun environment led by professionally trained counselors from JourneyCare. There is no cost to this program, thanks to the generous support of sponsors, community partners and families. For more information, call 224-770-CARE or email Our Faith Our Mission Our Journey …..your guide Subscribe today! Call 312-534-7777 or visit Unemployed? Returning to the workforce? Making a change? Career Resource Center can guide and support you through your search. Learn how to best market yourself - gain an edge against the competition. CRC, a nonprofit career transition center, has been helping job candidates for 26 years and is supported by your congregation. 847-295-5626 Attorneys Needed Prairie State Legal Services invites you to volunteer as a telephone counseling attorney. Volunteer attorneys provide brief advice and referral services only (no in-court or direct representation required). Volunteer attorneys may call clients from the convenience of their home or office, or from Prairie State’s Waukegan office (325 W. Washington St.) during regular telephone counseling hours, M-Th. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. All volunteer service is covered by Prairie State’s malpractice insurance. Whether you are retired, semi-retired, inactive, a stay-athome parent, have an out of state license, or are actively practicing law but have a few hours to volunteer, we would love to have you join us! We provide the training, instruction, and staff support to help you help our clients. Prairie State is a not-for-profit law firm serving Lake and 35 other counties in Illinois. We provide legal services at no fee to the poor, elderly and people with disabilities. We focus on legal problems that impact the ability of our clients to meet their basic human needs. Please consider using your legal skills to serve the poor and vulnerable in this way. For more information, please contact Cindy Matre at cmatre@pslegal. org or 630-287-0317. Beyond Hearing Aids: Sound Advice Class on May 5 Sound Advice Classes will be offered at no charge at St. Joseph’s Formation Center on the first Thursday of every month. The next class is May 5 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. Julie Kneip, Doctor of Audiology, of Hearing Associates, Inc., will be conducting the complimentary classes. It is a series of two classes. If you or a loved one has a hearing loss, these classes are not to be missed! When there’s hearing loss in the family, all family members are encouraged to be involved in the implementation of a hearing loss strategy. The primary goal of the classes is to educate about hearing loss beyond the use of hearing aids. Previous attendees have experienced improved social relationships, decreased isolation, improved self-confidence, and increased understanding of communication strategies. Recommendations provided regarding public gatherings, structuring the home environment for maximum audibility, the rights of people with hearing impairments (as mandated by the Americans with Disabilities Act), and ways to preserve and protect your hearing. To register, please call Hearing Associates, Inc. at 888-510-8428 for a reservation. Space is limited. Enter Formation Center at back entrance. Carmel Catholic Invites 6th and 7th Grade Students Carmel Catholic High School invites 6th and 7th grade students to CARMELFEST on Saturday, May 14, from 7:00-9:30 p.m. CARMELFEST is a truly one-of-a-kind event with games, food music and much more! The $5 admission fee gives students access to all attractions as well as food. Attractions include bungee trampolines, obstacle course, mechanical bull, music, dancing, and video games. All students are required to submit a permission form completed by their parent or guardian. Preregister and submit your permission slip on-line at, or call 847-388-3320. 12 St. Joseph Catholic Church 121 E. Maple Avenue, Libertyville, Illinois 60048 Phone 847-362-2073 Fax 847-362-6821 Parish Office hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Saturday - 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. E-mail Website Rev. John Trout, Pastor Rev. Joseph Nhat Le, Associate Pastor Rev. Matthew Bozovsky, Associate Pastor Rev. John Hennessey, Pastor Emeritus Deacons George Kashmar, Dennis Mudd, David Tiemeier Pastoral Staff Mrs. Mary Causey - Director of Social Justice and Service 847-990-1213, Mrs. Ann Harmon - Parish Office Manager 847-362-2073, Mr. Dan Harris, Facilities Manager 847-722-5345, Deacon George Kashmar, Pastoral Director of Ministries 847-990-1224, Mrs. Chris Keffer, Director of Catechesis 847-990-1226, Mrs. Kate Mayer Tekampe, Coordinator of Youth Ministry 847-990-1266, Mrs. Kelly McMahon, Director of Technology 847-990-1277, Mrs. Anne Phoenix - Principal, St. Joseph School 847-362-0730, Mrs. Anna Roeser, Director of Administration 847-990-1241, Mr. Ron Vanasdlen, MAM, Director of Music 847-990-1276, Parish Pastoral Council E-mail the PPC at Your questions and suggestions are welcome. Members of the Parish Pastoral Council: Fr. John Trout Dan Coughlin Eileen Glynn-Tucker Michael Knight Mike Mulligan Kathleen O’Connor (Chair) Gerry Salzman Janine Wilson Parish Finance Council Fr. John Trout Jim Groth Bob Killackey Brian Savage Ryan Kasten Tom Sear (Chair) Bulletin Submissions Submit Carpenter articles to Marie Tuohy ( after approval by your Pastoral Staff liaison. Articles must be received by Noon on the Monday before issue date. New Parishioners Welcome! Please stop or call the parish office weekdays from 9:00 to 4:00 p.m. or download registration form on-line at Announcements at Mass Due to Anna Roeser by Noon on Mondays, Guideline: brief 2-3 sentences. Accessibility If you have a disability and require special accommodations at a parish event, please call the parish office. Ministry of Care, Sacrament of the Sick The Sacrament of the Sick is celebrated at 8:30 a.m. Mass on the 2nd Saturday of each month, or by arrangement. Contact the parish office if seriously ill, hospitalized, or homebound. A Minister of Care is available to bring Communion. Guide to Funeral Planning Please call the parish office for assistance from a Bereavement Minister and a funeral planning guide. Stay Connected Website: Facebook: Twitter: @sjlibertyville Matrimony Congratulations! Please contact the parish office as soon as you are engaged. 6 months is usually required for marriage preparation. Infant Baptism As an expectant parent, you are invited to the Pre-Baptismal Session three months prior to birth; 6:00 p.m. the 2nd Monday of every other month. Next session: May 2016. Baptism for School-Aged Children Preparation classes for parents and children begin in September. Call 362-5797 for information and registration. Sacrament of Penance Celebrated at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday mornings or by arrangement. Office Hours & Evening Access The Parish Office and Ministry Center at 121 E. Maple Avenue is open 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8:00 a.m.-Noon on Saturday. The front door of the P.O.M. Center has a keypad for entry into its vestibule area. Anyone hosting a scheduled meeting in the evening or on a weekend is asked to pick up the key for the space they need before 4:30 p.m. (Mon.-Fri.) or by 12:00 Noon on Saturday (for weekend meetings) if you cannot make it by 4:30 (M-F) or by Noon Saturday, please call the office, 847-362-2073, before 4:30 (M-F) or Noon Saturday to reserve your key and to get the access code for the vestibule, where the key will be kept. You must return the key immediately after your event by putting it in the same box you obtained it from, NOT in the slot to the left of the door. 13 $ # Breaking Open the Word A Journey to Discipleship Jesus Companions Us Through Scripture 1. Proclaim God’s Word. Choose someone to read the Scripture. After reading, there is silence from the group in reverence. 2. Invite Response. Invite individuals to respond to a word, phrase or passage that strikes them in some way. 3. Praise God. After a period of response, close by leading the group in praise of God by praying together the Glory Be. Next Sunday’s Gospel — Luke 24: 46-53 Leader: A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke Jesus said to his disciples: “Thus it is written that the Christ would suffer and rise from the dead on the third day and that repentance, for the forgiveness of sins, would be preached in his name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things. And behold I am sending the promise of my Father upon you; but stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.” Response: Glory to You, O Lord Then he led them out as far as Bethany, raised his hands, and blessed them. As he blessed them he parted from them and was taken up to heaven. They did him homage and then returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and they were continually in the temple praising God. The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. Reflection As we approach the end of the Easter season, we are presented with an incredible opportunity. Listening to Jesus’ prayer as presented in John’s Gospel, we are privileged to hear the voice of God sharing His deepest desires for each and every one of us. While Jesus taught us how to pray to the Father, we now also have the amazing gift of hearing how He prayed to the Father. Jesus’ prayer is worthy of our fullest attention and regular reflection, not so much to study and know but to take into our hearts and feel. This conversation with the Father provides us not only with the context for all of Scripture, but is a great source for joy and peace in the ups and downs of our faith journey. Jesus tells us why He came to walk among us, suffered death on the cross and was raised from the dead. He wants us to know we are children of the Father whose love for each of us knows no limits. God wants us to live in that love during our time on earth and to return to live in unity with Him for all eternity. It can be a daunting challenge to know God, especially in a culture that seeks to deny Him. Jesus was sent into a world that had also fallen away and few knew or acknowledged God’s sovereignty. Jesus came so that all might once again know the fullness of God’s never-ending love. Through this beautiful passage Jesus reminds us we only need to turn to Him in order to experience the love of the Father and live with the confidence of knowing that we have nothing to fear for He will always be at our side. For further reflection on the relationship of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit see the Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraphs 232-262. Reflection Questions 1. Jesus tells us that He was sent to make the Father’s love known to each of us. What does His life tell me about the nature of God’s love for me? 2. Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit, brought the Church into being to assure that we could continue to know God’s love through the example of His life. How can I look to the Church to help strengthen my faith and help me to resist the temptation to give in to an increasingly secular world around me? 3. Jesus’ prayer was that the “world may know that You sent me.” What can I do to help those in my world better know the love of God through how I try to follow the example of Christ? Readings for the Week Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Acts 16:11-15; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Jn 15:26 — 16:4a St. Athanasius 1 Cor 15:1-8; Ps 19:2-5; Jn 14:6-14 Ss. Philip and James Acts 17:15, 22 — 18:1; Ps 148:1-2, 11-14; Jn 16:12-15 Acts 18:1-8; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 16:16-20 Acts 18:9-18; Ps 47:2-7; Jn 16:20-23 Acts 18:23-28; Ps 47:2-3, 8-10; Jn 16:23b-28 Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Eph 1:17- 23; 10:19-23; Lk 24:46-53
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