25 May 2015 - St Felix Catholic Parish Bankstown
25 May 2015 - St Felix Catholic Parish Bankstown
Catechist: Bev Lamaro 4862 4273; Choir: Line Collet 0410 568 103; Friendship Group: Bev Lamaro 4862 4273; Youth : Alison Collet 0421 660 187; Pastoral Council: John Sarkis 0400 606 297; St Vincent de Paul: John Ashe 9796 1055; Childrens Liturgy: Marie El-Chaar 9709 3451; Cemetery Committee: Maureen Vincent 9790 4217; Sacramental co-ordinator: Gloria Booby 9708 2871; Polish Priests: 8783 0533; De La Salle Brothers: 9708 2692; St. Felix Primary School: 9796 7875 Lisa Harbrow - Principal; LaSalle Catholic College: 9793 5600 Mr Michael Egan - Principal; Archdiocesan Website: www.sydney.catholic.org.au Fr. Dominic Van Trung Dinh Marie Caldareri, Secretary (Tues, Wed, Thurs) Tel: 9790 1933 Fax 9796 3962 E-mail: admin@stfelixparish.org.au Website: www.stfelixparish.org.au Old Photos The Centenary book committee are looking for a photo of the 4 Classroom, 2 Storey brick school which opened in 1937 before any of the additions from the 50‟s. If anyone has such a photo we would like to obtain a copy. Please contact Maureen Vincent on 9790 4217 or the Parish Office. Mass times: Saturday 6pm (Vigil), Sunday 8am, 10am (Children's Liturgy), 6pm, 12noon (Polish). Vietnamese Mass: 7 pm 1st Thurs of each month. Saturday Morning Benediction - 7.00am Reconciliation: Saturday 4.30 - 5.30 pm. Or by appointment Rosary: Saturday 8.25am This week - Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday - 8.00am. Tuesday - 9.00am. Young Adults Silent Retreat with Fr Joseph Chua Amidst all the noise, God speaks to us in the silence of our hearts. Let's give God some of this precious silent time in order to enhance our relationship with Him and work out where He may be leading us in the next step of our life journey. Join us for this silent retreat as we are led deeper in our spiritual lives by Fr Joseph Chua, a Cistercian monk of Tarrawarra Abbey in Victoria. Fr Joseph currently serves as the vocation director and novice master of his community and has a deep interest in helping others foster a contemplative spirituality in their daily living. Fr Joseph is travelling to Sydney especially to give this retreat. The retreat will run from 6:30pm Friday 5 June and finish with an optional dinner at 5:00pm Sunday 7 June, with daily mass and spiritual direction available. The retreat will be held at the beautiful BXVI Centre and will cost $215. Places are strictly limited, to register, please book via www.trybooking.com/ HQCB For more information email events@catholicyouthservices.org or call us on 9764 4357 Quiet Reflection at the Grail You are invited to a morning of quiet reflection at the Grail Centre, 22 McHatton St, North Sydney, on Tuesday 2nd June from 10am to 12 noon. We will be reflecting on the meaning of stability in the context of Benedictine Spirituality. There will be time for silent meditation and the opportunity to share thoughts in a group. We ask for a small donation to cover costs. For more information or to register your interest, please contact the Grail Centre (9955 3053) or ruthcrowe@ozemail.com.au, or Tricia Gemmell (pgemmell@tpg.com.au). FUN GAMES NIGHT Bingo, Trivia & more Saturday 30 May 7:00pm Felix Hall Adults $20/Family Ticket $50 Entry price includes 2 books of bingo tickets & chances for some great prizes!! BYO Drinks & Nibbles Tickets sold at the door on the night Extra bingo tickets available for sale on the night It is now only 10 months until our Parish‟s 100 years anniversary in March 2016. Would you like to be part of history? Come and help make a difference. We are looking for new ideas and assistance with events leading up to our Centenary. Contact the Parish Office or see Fr Dominic and BE PART OF IT! www.facebook.com/StFelix100 felix.centenary@outlook.com MONTHS TO GO 10 rish St Felix Pa Centenary 6 March 201 Wednesday - 7.00pm Young Adults Bible Study in Meeting Room, 8.00pm Benediction. BAPTISMS: Baptism preparations are held on the 1st Sunday of each month after 10am mass in the presbytery. Baptisms by appointment. MARRIAGES: Please contact priest at least 6 months prior to wedding date. SICK CALLS: Anytime. If you know of anyone who needs anointing please ring the presbytery. The Spirit helps us in our weakness. Romans 8:26 Mass Intentions: There is a young boy who loves to play with the TV remote control. To annoy his brothers and sisters, he keeps changing channels when they are watching television, until they decided to take the battery out of the remote control. The young boy quickly gets bored because the remote control no longer works, he then abandons his toy. The remote control is useless without its battery (internal power). Before Pentecost, the disciples of Jesus were looking for an external victory. They wanted Jesus to drive out the Roman occupying power and take over political supremacy. They had been hampered by their vision of a Messiah who would fulfil their ambition and easy promotion. All they could see was external. Jesus‟ death as a criminal had shattered their false expectations and only after Jesus resurrected, they discovered the meaning of their mission again. Jesus ascended into heaven after he promised his disciples the Holy Spirit will come to them. “The Holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name - he will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you” (Jn 14:26). At Pentecost the disciples were able to see the real Jesus and the real message that had been there all the time. They became aware that the power was within, that the message of Christ was about internal attitude, it was about uniting and removing barriers of language and race and domination. It was significant that they immediately began to reach beyond barriers. Language, culture and differences were no longer a block but the sources of enriching the gift of unity in diversity. Pentecost Sunday, the birthday of the church challenges us to overcome all barriers which prevent us from reaching out to share with others the fruit of the Spirit in us: “love, joy, peace patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self control” (Gal 5:22). May we become the sharers of these gifts and be the witnesses of the presence of the risen Lord. Catechism of the Catholic Church 1076 The church was made manifest to the world on the day of Pentecost by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The gift of the Spirit ushers in a new era in the „dispensation of the mystery‟- the age of the church, during which Christ manifests, makes present and communicates his work of salvation through the liturgy of his church, „until he comes‟. This Weekends Readings: Genesis 11:1-9; Romans 8:22-27; Gospel - John 7:37-39. Walk with Christ Feast of Corpus Christi – Body and Blood of Christ – is celebrated on Sunday 7 June this year. On that day there will be a Eucharistic Procession in Sydney starting at 2.30 PM at St Patrick‟s Church Hill, Wynyard and ending at St Mary‟s Cathedral at 4.30 PM. We can take our petitions and prayers to this procession. To do so there will be a Book made available in the Church foyer during the week for you to write your prayers. Recently Deceased: Dominic Nguyen Van Do; Maria Nguyen Thi Chi Anniversary: Pascual Tan Martinez; Tina Vasquez; Vicente Vasquez; Denevi Vasquez; Tony Carta; Steve Nuner; Doris Mifsud; Josett Mifsud; Maria Mai; Bill Galvin; Matthew Chu Van Minh; Paul Do Van Cao; Maria Donato Carnevale; Vito Luongo; Daminh. Deceased: Charles Nuner; Mary Nuner; Jes Nuner; Carmen Gorrell; Sebastian, Donato & Francesco Carnevale; Angela Maria Teresa, Vito Antonio & Donato Luongo; Anna Doran; John Field; Phanxico Truong Buu Diep; Raymundo & Phero; Maria; Maria Dao Che. Next Weekend - The Most Holy Trinty - Year B Readings: Deuteronomy 4:32-34, 39-40; Romans 8:14-17; Gospel - Matthew 28:16-20 Feasts of the week 25 May - Our Lady Help of Christians. Solemnity. The Virgin Mary has often been invoked in times of religious strife under the title of Help of Christians. In thanksgiving for the release of Pope Pius VII from captivity in 1814, the feast was established the following year on the anniversary of his restoration. The first Australian provincial synod held in Sydney in 1844 placed the Church in Australia under Mary's patronage invoked by the title Help of Christians. The solemn feast is an occasion to seek Mary's help and protection for our Church and nation. 26 May - St Philip Neri, priest. Memorial. Born in Florence (Italy) in 1515. Died at Rome on this day in 1595. An outstanding proponent of Church reform after the Council of Trent. Worked among the young and the poor in Rome and founded the Congregation of the Oratory. Remembered as a spiritual director, for his pastoral initiatives, and for his humour, simplicity, and charity. Baptism: This week, we welcome into the Catholic faith: Kaden Tyler Dominic Salazar May he always know the love of God and feel His guiding hand throughout his life. Altar Society: 31/5/15 Group 5: Samoan Divine Mercy Group. St Vincent de Paul: 31/5/15 M T Tran 7/6/15 John Ashe Church Cleaners:29/5/15: Samoan Divine Mercy Group Children’s Liturgy: 31st May-Maree Elchaar Weekend Choir: Saturday 30/5 - 6pm - St Anne‟s Choir Sunday 31/5- 8am - Singing Servants of God. 10am - St Felix Choir Readers & Ministers Sat 6pm Parish Council Meeting 24 MAY 8am 10am 6pm C Kalisiana Mar Joseph Dang Anthony Rowe Anthony Hoang R Patrick Abourizk Imelda Dela Cruz Mary O‟Hea Ben Saliba Walking the Camino A Tuyen Tran (A) Joseph Cao (A) Anthony Joseph (A) Thanh Vu (A) An 80 minute audio-visual presentation by Peter Kearney about a 700km pilgrimage walk in Spain. Q&A session at conclusion. Three locations: North Sydney. Saturday, 30 May 11.00am (nearly full) and 2.00pm, Tenison Room, Mary MacKillop Place,80 William Street; Winston Hills. Sunday, 31 May 11.00am, Fr. David Scott Parish Centre, St. Paul the Apostle Parish, 40 Buckleys Road; Strathfield. Saturday, 27 June 12.30pm. St. Martha‟s Hall, Churchill Avenue. Suggested donation $10 / $8 concession. Limited seating. Registration essential: camino@peterkearneysongs.com.au. Please specify event location, session time and number of seats needed. M Koreen Cueto Mesake Mar J Kovacevic & Thong Tran Paul Ngoc M Gloria Booby Tu Nguyen Loreto Eduardo The next PPC meeting will be on Tuesday 2 June at 7.00pm in the presbytery. Madelyn Nicole 31 MAY C Gloria Booby Imelda Dela Cruz Emanuela Viner Lucia Mezentsef R Rushna Peter Maureen Vincent Thu Ha Kim Kathleen Mezentsef A Joseph Bui (A) Joseph Cao (A) Anthony Joseph (A) Thanh Vu (A) M Koreen Cueto Robyn Molloy J Chong & Gordon West Loreto Eduardo M Emmanuel Icard Maria Huong Bev Lamaro Amelia Mezentsef
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