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ST. JOSEPH BASILICA 1109 Chestnut Street Alameda, CA 94501 May 15, 2016 Feast of Pentecost MASS TIMES Monday through Saturday 8:00am Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00pm Sundays 7:30am * 9:30am * 11:30am 7:00pm Sacrament of Penance Saturday, 3:30 to 4:30pm or by appointment DEVOTIONS Rosary Mon.- Sat., 7:30am First Friday Adoration after the 8:00am Mass with Vespers at 5:30pm followed by Benediction Our Lady of Perpetual Help Wednesday after 8:00am Mass PARISH OFFICE HOURS 9:00am to 4:30pm Monday through Friday Office closed for lunch Noon to 1:00pm Volunteer coverage Sat. & Sun. 8:30am to 1:00pm Rev. George Alengadan, Pastor………510-995-9421 Rev. Thi Van Hoang, Associate Pastor…… 510-995-9475 Mary Kovalitsky, Office Manager & Bulletin Editor 510-995-9420…… Parish Office phone: 510-522-0181 Parish Office fax: 510-522-2864 Parish Office email: OUR MISSION: TO LIVE AS JESUS TEACHES HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Pentecost is one of my favorite feasts! It is the birthday of the Church, when the Holy Spirit set the disciples on fire to go out and share the Good News. It is also the time to celebrate the many, varied gifts of each of us, given to us by that same Spirit to be of service to the community. When I look around our parish I am delighted by the evidence of so many people generously sharing their God-given gifts: the Arts & Environment group creating a place of beauty and inspiration and parishioners donating May flowers, those who prepared our youth for the recent celebrations of First Eucharist or Confirmation and the catechists who share the faith with all ages, the new Welcome the Stranger Refugee Support team who are preparing to assist a refugee family transition to a new life here, the Knights of Columbus and ALL those who serve in our many ministries. My prayer is that the Holy Spirit sets each of us on fire today and always, so that we are all empowered as fervent witnesses to continue to renew the face of St. Joseph and of the earth! Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth. Easter Blessings, Fr. George Our Grief Support Group is gathering on May 16 from 7:30 to 9:30pm upstairs in the Parish Center at 1119 Lafayette Street. All are welcome! For questions please call 510.205.3712 or email: Date Night - May 14th 6:30PM Join us this coming Date Night as we continue with the BELOVED series. BELOVED uncovers the mystery and the meaning of the sacrament of marriage, inviting all couples to experience firsthand the wonder, mystery, and joy behind that first “I do”… whether you said it last year or many years ago. Last Date Night’s potluck was a success, so feel free to bring your favorite dish, appetizer, dessert or drink to share. Looking forward to seeing you! Saturday, May 14th, 2016, 6:30 - 8:30 PM Fellowship Follows in Saint Joseph Parish Center, 1119 Lafayette St Childcare available. Free will offering. Register at or simply reply to this email. WELCOME THE STRANGER: REFUGEE SUPPORT TEAM UPDATE After Bishop Michael Barber and Pope Francis asked each parish to sponsor a refugee family, our deanery (all Alameda parishes) organized and volunteers have begun meeting in small groups, addressing specific tasks. We are now 80 volunteers strong, excitedly preparing in various ways for when we are assigned a refugee family by Catholic Charities. The first concerns we are addressing are affordable housing (we hope in Alameda) and fundraising to support the newcomers in their first three months in our community. We will probably be notified that we have a family to help resettle within the next six weeks. Although we won’t know how many people will be in our family until that notification, we want to be ready to provide a safe home and basic essentials immediately upon arrival. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Patricia Compean, (510) 610-8278 or; for housing leads contact Sr. Pat Nagle, (510) 8710198 or, and to offer financial support, email or call Anna Rossi, (415) 821-364 or Or join us for the next meeting of the refugee support team, 7pm Wednesday May 18 at Fr. Selhorst Hall at St. Barnabas. (Enter through the parking lot on Taylor at Sixth St.) Meanwhile, please pray for our soon-to-be new friends, who, after being carefully screened and living in camps, sometimes for years, are anticipating a new life among us. SAVE THE DATE! 25th Anniversary of Ordination for Fr. Tony Herrera will be celebrated at St. Barnabas parish on June 11 at 4:30pm Mass. Reception to follow. Please contact Parish Secretary, Bonnie 510-522-8933, if you would like to bring a dish to share. WELCOME OUR NEW PARISH WEDDING COORDINATOR, TAMARA CENTENO. (info on the last page of the bulletin). SAVE THE DATE FOR OUR BASILICA SPRING/SUMMER CLEANING! SATURDAY, JULY 9 FROM 8:45AM UNTIL NOON. Lunch will be provided. WE EXCEEDED OUR GOAL! Thanks to everyone for your continued support and generosity. God bless you. GET YOUR SCRIP GIFT CARDS! St. Joseph Elementary School Fundraiser Scrip Gift Cards For shopping...eating...or vacationing! Safeway, Lucky's, Nob Hill, Chevron, Shell, Peets, Panera Applebees, Starbucks, Macy's, Old Navy, Ross, TJ Maxx, Bed Bath & Beyond... Email Liz Patrick with your order: Want to fax your order? Fax to: (510) 864-4102 Questions: Call (510) 995-9550 COLLECTION FOR May 7/8, 2016 Weekly Goal $13,000.00 Plate Collection $12,241.50 EFT Collection $1,417.75 Total Parish Collection EXCESS $13,659.25 $659.25 Attention: Members of: “Faith in Action,” “Just Faith,”“Refugee Support Committee” & “St. Vincent de Paul” Catholic Charities of the East Bay Saturday, May 21 in Notre Dame Hall—9 – 10 a.m. Our “Transforming Lives Tour” is your invitation to learn more about our programs at Catholic Charities of the East Bay. This one-hour peek inside is your opportunity to hear from our staff, clients and volunteers as we move youth and families from crisis to stability to prosperity. Catholic Charities of the East Bay welcomes the stranger, heals trauma and fosters self-sufficiency. This 1 hour presentation is for our St. Joseph Basilica ministries that work with people in need—“Just Faith”, “Faith in Action”, “Refugee Support Committee”, and “St. Vincent de Paul”. Members of these organizations are asked to join us on Saturday, May 21 from 9 – 10 a.m. in Notre Dame Hall. Please RSVP to your ministry leader or to Susan Gahan at God Bless you for your ministry. JOB ANNOUNCEMENT — DIOCESE OF OAKLAND Receptionist—Chancery Office The Chancery Receptionist will greet and provide professional reception services and assistance to all visitors, those calling by phone, and the chancery staff in addition to providing some administrative support to the Department of Human Resources. Qualifications include an understanding and respect for Catholic values; an AA Degree and/or 3-5 years progressive experience in an office setting; a pleasant, hospitable, and welcoming personality; excellent communication, multitasking, problem-solving, and organizational skills; and knowledge of Microsoft Word, Outlook, and Excel. Bilingual (Spanish/English) is a plus. Applications are due by May 20. Interested candidates should submit application, resume, and letter of interest to: Department of Human Resources, Diocese of Oakland, 2121 Harrison Street, Suite 100 Oakland, CA 94612 Phone: 510-893-4711 Fax 510-763-8055.Interested candidates can also email applications to Gloria Espinoza, Congratulations and God bless all our young people who received First Eucharist over the past two weeks: Thomas Aleman, Evelyn Alexander, Frida Amaro, Alessandro & Elisa Attias, Juan Avitia, Gracyn Ballesteros, CJ & KC Bautista, Lucia Blanco, Francesca Boccucci, Makenna Cassidy, Gwennyth Castañeda, Emiliano Céron, Jake Chiu, Francesca Close, Dominic Deligato, Ethan Dubay, Nikko Flores, Mari Fukuda, Denise Galban, Samantha Gomez, Jack Gonzalez, Mateo Guimet-Keeney, Jhonathan Hernandez Perez, Sailor Jones, Trevor Kapowich, , Makena Lawson, Daniela Lopez, Thomas Lusaria, Julia Macaulay, Adrian Mazzuca, Mateo McMinn, William Merritt, Madison Moon, Mary Rose Quynh-Nhu Nguyen, Valeria Paredes, Jaiden Pesino, Luke Pitta, Ian Preuss, Keira Reigle, Camila Rocha, Alexia Rodriguez, olei Salangsang, Sabrina Santos, Katie Schrieber, Dylan Speed, River Stautzenberger, Jordan Tanaka, Paige VanDerveer, James Aidan Vergara, Isla-Sofya & Pablo Vessali, Kirk Walker and Zackary Williams. Many thanks to their catechists and aides: Janice Craig, Lori Dubay, Sean De Leon, Kim Graves and Linda Radecke. For information about preparing your child for the Sacraments, contact Anne Marie Fourré, 510-995-9409 or MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, May 14 8:00 a.m. Anthony Uzoma Nwakuche and family William Gahan † death anniversary 5:00 p.m. For the people of the parish Sunday, May 15 7:30 a.m. For the people of the parish 9:30 a.m. Alfonso and Teresita Colobong † 11:30 a.m. Nancy Scully † Leandro Giacomelli † Luisa Bonifacio Gardner † 7:00 p.m. Nedy Marquez † Gilliam Donoghue † Monday, May 16 8:00 a.m. Jaime Alcala † death anniversary Tuesday, May 17 8:00 a.m. Dolores Hickey † Cres David † Wednesday, May 18 8:00 a.m. Roger Sanchez † Thursday, May 19 8:00 a.m. Helen Pacovsky † Friday, May 20 8:00 a.m. Jovita Giron † Ignacio Soriano † Saturday, May 21 8:00 a.m. Simon Van Nguyen † death anniversary 5:00 p.m. Joseph and Aisley Fernandez, Happy 60th Wedding Anniversary Sunday, May 22 7:30 a.m. Belluomini & Marcheschi families † 9:30 a.m. Harnett family 11:30 a.m. For the people of the parish liv. & dec. 7:00 p.m. Luis Rodrigues † Let us remember...All those who have died, especially Lenore Warner, Cathy Robin (E.H. and Vickie Burgess’ daughter). Fred Letitz (Memorial Mass on Sat. May 21 at 11:30am in St. Joseph Basilica), John Lopes Jr. (funeral on Mon. May 16 @ 10:30am @ St. Joseph Basilica). SAN FRANCISCO BOYS CHORUS AUDITIONS Saturday, May 21 All boys ages 5 to 12 with unchanged voices are encouraged to apply. The Boys Chorus serve as a chorus-in-residence for the Cathedral of Christ the Light. The San Francisco Boys Chorus holds rehearsals at the Cathedral twice a week and weekly rehearsals in San Francisco and San Rafael. To sign up for audition, request additional info call 415-861-7464 or visit: auditions or or LOOKING FOR NEW WORK/CAREER/ RETIREMENT DIRECTION? LifeSHIFT: Work & the Christian Journey Life is about managing change: career, personal, family, spiritual. This retreat is an opportunity to reflect on life and faith while considering new career, job, work and/or retirement possibilities. Activities include discussions, presentations, individual consultation, journaling, the Strong Interest Inventory and aspects of Ignatian Spirituality. Participants will clarify work/life objectives and address fears of transition while experiencing imaginative ways to explore their Christian faith. May 20—22, at San Damiano Retreat , 710 Highland Drive Danville, CA 94526 Register and Information: (click on retreats Calendar) or 925-837-9141 Information: Tom, Or call 414 394-9347 UPCOMING EVENTS: Fri. May 27 @8:00pm Taize Sun. May 29 @ 8:00pm Corpus Christi Procession Tues. May 31 @7:00pm Rosary and May Procession for our Blessed Mother PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK: Athena Guard, John Cashman, Jeff Murray, Rita Pollen, Sam Kong Kee, Josslyn Tramel, Marge Smith, Hermie Camerino, Sandy Anderson, Carola Devlin (Ireland), Numeriano Jamir Balza, Kekoa Leo Mahina O’Hoku Love Baculpo, Lori Agazzi, Martinez Espinoza, Elisa Lee, Kyle Anthony, Jennifer Lizardo, Doreen McAfee, Ernesto Sanchez, Jennifer Manchester, Carrida Ward, Dianne Nobriega, Jake Paradiang, Fred Davis, Herb Robles, Dr. Benjamin Reyes, Ramon Tirona, Fr. Jim Sloan, Patricia Glynn, Gail Crichton, Lily Hansen, Sherry Crevani, Gina S. Corral, Baby Leo, Charles H. Thomas, Jim Lynch, Joey Camacho, Iong & Fong Che, Mr/Mrs. James West, Patricia Becker, Alejandro Elopre, Robert Santos, Billy Caver, Juner Valencia, Florence Anne Cordray, Juana Valenzuela, Rachel Sutherland, Carlie Bell, L. Corral, Blanca Herzog, Juanita Estrellas, Tom Hall, Jim Langowski, Ofelia Osalbo, Christopher Herrera, Nimfa Banzuelo, Robert Torres, Amelia Miguel, Juanita Estrellas, Edis Rodriguez, Anna Cheung, Kirk Miller, Vincent Gueverra, Maria C. Sanchez, Lucy Ramirez, Jo Leitz, Vicky Rosen, Nico Stavrianopoluos. For prayer requests, please call the Parish Office, 522-0181 Please let the office know when you want your name removed from the list. Thank you. ST. JOSEPH BASILICA 1109 CHESTNUT STREET PHONE: 510-522-0181 — FAX: 510-522-2864 Email: website: PARISH STAFF SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Preparation for registered, active parishioners should begin at least six months in advance of the proposed wedding date. Please contact Fr. George, 995-9421 or Mary Kovalitsky at 995-9420. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Please stop by the Parish office or check our website under “Sacraments” for information, schedule and registration form for infant baptism (6 or younger) or contact Mary, 995-9420. Sister Kim Nguyen, Youth Ministry Coordinator 510-995-95……………… Julie Pond, Coordinator Finances, Facilities/Events 510-995-9411……………… David Howitt, Music Director 510-995-9403…………… Michael Chinnavaso, 7 PM Music Coordinator 510-522-0181…………… St. Vincent de Paul………………24-hour hot-line 510-995-9471 ARE YOU NEW TO OUR PARISH? St. Joseph’s is an active and diverse parish. If you are new, please fill out a registration form at the Parish Office, in the church’s vestibule or online at PLEASE SUBMIT BULLETIN INFORMATION TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO THE EVENT ST. JOSEPH MINISTRIES Newcomers are welcome to join Monday, 7:00-9:00pm Wednesday, 7:30-9pm Tuesday, 10:00-11:30am Thursday, 10:00-11:30am 1st Monday, 6:45-8:00pm Thursday, 4:00-5:00pm 1st Wednesday, 7pm 3rd Monday, 7:30-9:30pm 2nd Thursday, 7-8:30pm Wed.,8:30-10:00am Sat., 8:30-10:30am Eric Bertelsen, Liturgy Coordinator 510-995-9404…..……… Tamara Centeno, Wedding Coordinator 510-282-4621…………… For adults or children over age 6 please contact Anne Marie, 995-9409. All God’s Children Charismatic Prayer Group Basilica Choir rehearsal Bible Study Bible Study Boy Scouts Children’s Choir Girl Scouts Grief Support Knights of Columbus Legion of Mary Legion of Mary Anne Marie Fourre, Director of Faith Formation 510-995-9409……….…… COMMUNITY STAFF Milt Werner, Interim Principal of SJND High School 510-523-1526................. …… Marilyn Marchi, Principal of SJES 510-522-4456…………...…… Matthew Murray, Campus Life Minister……… 510-995-9444…………………… Pastoral Care Team RR BAS SJR RDR SJR BAS SJR DR SJR RR RR Rite of Christian Initiation / Inquiry Scripture Reflection St. Vincent DePaul Society Taize Prayer Service Young Ladies Institute 7pm Spirit Ensemble rehearsal 1st Sat. , 8:45-9:30am SJND Classroom #106 Wed. 7:30-9:00pm Tuesday, 7 to 8:30pm 4th Thursday 7:00-7:30pm 4th Friday, 8:00-9pm 2nd/4th Mon., 7:00-8:30pm Thursday, 7:30-9:00pm FDR SJR SJR BAS SJR BAS BAS/ Basilica SJR/ St. Joseph Room (in Parish Center) DR/ Damien Rm. (in Parish Center) RR/Reconciliation Room FDR/ Faculty Dining Room (San Jose Hall) BULLETIN NUMBER 421600 CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Joseph Basilica 1109 Chestnut Street Alameda, CA 94501 TELEPHONE: 510-995-9420 CONTACT PERSON: Mary Kovalitsky EMAIL: SOFTWARE: MS PUBLISHER 2007 ADOBE ACROBAT 9 ADOBE READER X ADOBE DISTILLER 0 WINDOWS XP PRINTER: Ricoh Aficio 2800 Super G3 TRANSMISSION TIME: Wednesday, 10am BULLETIN FOR SUNDAY: 05/15/2016 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: 1 THROUGH 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: All Color Bulletin, eff. 8/31/14
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