July 31, 2016 - St. Joseph Basilica
JULY 31, 2016 EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ST. JOSEPH BASILICA DEVOTIONS Rosary Mon.- Sat., 7:30am 1109 Chestnut Street Alameda, CA 94501 MASS TIMES Monday through Saturday 8:00am Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00pm Sundays 7:30am * 9:30am * 11:30am 7:00pm Sacrament of Penance Saturday, 3:30 to 4:30pm or by appointment First Friday Adoration after the 8:00am Mass with Vespers at 5:30pm followed by Benediction Our Lady of Perpetual Help Wednesday after 8:00am Mass PARISH OFFICE HOURS 9:00am to 4:30pm Monday through Friday Office closed for lunch Noon to 1:00pm VOLUNTEER COVERAGE Sat. 8:30am-12:30pm Sun. 8:30am-1:00pm Rev. George Alengadan, Pastor………510-995-9421 galengadan@sjbalameda.org Rev. John Carillo, Associate Pastor……510-995-9475 jcarillo@sjbalameda.org Deacon Matthew Murray 510-995-9444 mmurray@sjnd.org Mary Kovalitsky, Office Manager & Bulletin Editor 510-995-9420… mkovalitsky@sjbalameda.org Parish Office phone: 510-522-0181 Parish Office fax: 510-522-2864 Parish Office email: parish@sjbalameda.org Facebook.com/sjbalameda OUR MISSION: TO LIVE AS JESUS TEACHES NO FOOLING! RICH IN WHAT MATTERS TO GOD. When Fr. George suggested I write the reflection for this week I inwardly groaned. Such ominous readings! “All things are vanity.” “You fool, this night your life will be demanded of you…” How do such dark forebodings tie into the rich and uplifting ministries in which I am so fortunate to serve? Yet these readings do not offer a message of hopelessness but of warning, providing a guiding beacon to identify hazards which we can now avoid. “Thus will it be for all who store up riches for themselves but are not rich in what matters to God.” Here’s the message of hope, the sign pointing us in the right direction. I have been serving as the Director of Faith Formation at St. Joseph since 2002, and volunteered on the RCIA team for a decade before that. What a calling this is! Anyone who serves, whether as an employee or a volunteer, in any faith formation area witnesses the growth of those “rich in what matters to God.” Family Mass where youngsters touch the heart with the power of their proclaiming the readings and parents inspire by their willingness to plan and organize. Children’s Liturgy of the Word where volunteers help children understand the Gospel, and in turn have their own faith renewed. Children’s Faith Formation where children age 4 through Jr High learn more about their faith, and their catechists and helpers are enriched in their own faith. Adult Confirmation where adult Catholics prepare to receive a sacrament and discover so much more. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults where newcomers may start exploring Catholicism to make a spouse happy but uncover a Truth that transforms their lives. JustFaith, instrumental in triggering “Welcome the Stranger” in our deanery to which so many people have responded. The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius which has offered more than 200 people an experience of discovering Jesus in the every day. One of my favorite things is to see so many people who have participated in one of our Faith Formation programs, as a student, catechist, sponsor or candidate, and how they have truly connected with our faith through service and ministry, who recognize that “one’s life does not consist of possessions” but who “seek what is above” with joyful giving hearts. There’s room for you in this! We need more help with Children’s Liturgy of the Word (both presenters and helpers who keep a watchful eye on the youngsters so the presenter can present), RCIA (sponsors), Family Mass (planning team, lectors, helpers), Children’s Faith Formation (catechists and aides). For your own growth: a new JustFaith group will be forming this fall for adults who want to deepen their understanding of Catholic social teaching in a profound and meaningful way. Adult Confirmation classes start this fall; information will be available soon. RCIA is offered year-round for adults and older children who want to be baptized, or to prepare for sacraments. Registration is now open for Children’s Faith Formation classes which begin in September. As the psalmist sang: “Teach us to number our days aright… Fill us a daybreak with your kindness, that we may shout for joy and gladness all our days.” Have a blessed week. I hope to hear from you soon. No fooling! Anne Marie Fourré, Director of Faith Formation LATE COMERS—PLEASE WAIT UNTIL ALL READINGS ARE DONE BEFORE SITTING IN THE PEWS TO MINIMIZE DISTRACTIONS TO OTHERS. COME TO THE BANQUET OF THE LORD! Take a seat unless you have back issues and need to stand. If you do need to stand please do not press your shoes onto the walls as the Basilica has recently been painted. SIGN-UP SHEETS FOR FAMILIES OR INDIVIDUALS WHO WOULD LIKE TO BRING UP THE GIFTS ARE IN THE BACK OF THE CHURCH. THEIR FAITH IS INSPIRING! WELCOME THE STRANGER AND A REQUEST Our willing group of volunteers, representing all four Catholic churches in town, has continued supporting our refugee family. The family is snug in their now fully-furnished apartment (blessings to St. Vincent de Paul for all the caring contributions). Thanks to the all of your contributions, both Mom and Dad have means to communicate with their families in Afghanistan. Communication is very important to young people thousands of miles away from family. Both Mom and Dad are from large families and their little son is the first grandchild on both sides. All of us who are grandparents groan when we hear that. To better understand the culture we are dealing with, we have invited an Afghan gentleman to spend a couple of hours with us, answering our questions and giving insights into our brothers and sisters from across the world. The actual date of this get together will be published in the next bulletin if you are interested in joining us. We have tried to give personal thanks to everyone who donated money or goods to this project. If you have not heard from us and would like to receive a note, or if a written thank you would help when tax time comes, please let us know through our Chairperson, Anna Rossi, amrossi1238@aol.com. THANKS FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT BUT WE MISSED OUR WEEKLY GOAL BY $2,021.75. WEEKLY OFFERING July 23/24, 2016 Weekly Goal $13,000.00 Plate Collection $9,421.75 EFT Collection $1,557.00 Total Parish Collection $10,978.75 TRAVELING THIS SUMMER? DON’T FORGET TO SUPPORT YOUR PARISH Online Giving with Faith Direct is up and running. Faith Direct allows you to charge your contributions directly to your own bank account or to any major credit card on either a month or one-time basis. All of the second and special collections through the rest of the year are listed on the Faith Direct website. Go to www.sjbalameda.org to sign up NOW! FINANCIAL AWARENESS - Did you know that our property water expenses, May-July 2016, combined for Rectory, Basilica & Parish Center was $1,196.66? This amount was a little higher than last year’s ($925.46). You are cordially invited to join the parish at the 11:30am Mass on August 14 to welcome St. Joseph Notre Dame High School Principal Ken Jennings and his family to the Saint Joseph Notre Dame High School community. Mass & Welcome Reception, Sunday, August 14, 11:30 am Mass followed by Reception at 12:30pm in Notre Dame Hall We hope to see alumni, parents, friends and students at this celebratory welcoming event. Please RSVP to nhagan@sjnd.org. BE SEALED WITH THE GIFT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Congratulations to Sarah Jane Sapiano who was received into full communion on July 10. Already baptized in another Christian tradition and married to a Catholic (Nick), she completed her preparation to become Catholic through RCIA. During the 9:30 Mass she made a profession of faith, was confirmed by Fr. George, and received Eucharist for the first time. The Basilica Choir delayed their summer break to lend their voices in support of their fellow choir member. RCIA (the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) continues year-round for those interested in preparing for sacraments. Contact Anne Marie for information at 995-9409. YOUTH MINISTRY UPDATE! Youth Confirmation 2016-2017 We are now accepting applications. Forms are available online and in the Parish Office. There is a $10 discount per candidates if you enroll before August 1st. there is a $10 increase per candidate after September 1st. don’t wait! Candidates attended 1st year preparation must re-register. Teens who have received 1st Eucharist from grades 8-12 and be able to fully commit to the schedule including Sunday Liturgy, classes and service hours are eligible for Youth confirmation 16-17. Small Group Leader Youth Confirmation Process is planning for 2016-2017 and seeking out “leaders” faith filled people to facilitate “small group reflection with teens. We are provided resources, training and support. If God call you to this ministry please contact Sr. Kim at 510-995-9574. ST. JOSEPH BASILICA ANNUAL SCHOOL SUPPLY DRIVE JULY 24 TO AUGUST 7 Once again we will be collecting school supplies (See the flyers at the basilica exits) to support those families who have a hardship and are not able to p rovide. Please help in any way you can. BASKETS WILL BE PROVIDED IN THE CHURCH FOR YOUR DONATIONS. Monetary donations can be mailed to St. Vincent De Paul Society c/o St. Joseph Basilica, 1109 Chestnut Street, Alameda, CA 94501 MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, July 30 8:00 a.m. Seminarians in the Diocese of Oakland 5:00 p.m. Hugo Menendez † Sunday, July 31 7:30 a.m. Fr. Pedro T. Ottonello † death anniversary 9:30 a.m. Angela Naclerio † 11:30 a.m. Milagros Ibeas † 7:00 p.m. Sr. Mary Arlene, SSND † Monday, August 1 8:00 a.m. Norlito Tirona † 1 year death anniversary Tuesday, August 2 8:00 a.m. Nathaniel C. Shirriel, Happy Birthday! Wednesday, August 3 8:00 a.m. George Carvalho Sr.† Thursday, August 4 8:00 a.m. Robert Bruce Quinn † death anniversary Friday, August 5 8:00 a.m. Rose Egbuono, Happy Birthday! Saturday, August 6 8:00 a.m. Harnett family 5:00 p.m. For the people of the parish, liv. & dec. NOTES FOR NOURISHMENT CONCERT NEXT SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 @ 2:00PM IN THE BASILICA Everyone loves the soulful, rich sound of a cello especially if it's played with a generous heart and a gorgeous tone! So come relax for an hour on Sunday afternoon August 7 and hear some of your favorite pieces (@2pm, here at the Basilica)! Our next free concert on Listen for Life's "Notes for Nourishment" 2by2 Sunday series will feature cellist Gabriel Beistline, who is of Mexican heritage and took up the cello when he fell in love with the music of Bach and Beethoven as a youth. Accompanied by Donna Stoering, Mr Beistline will share popular works by Rachmaninov, Faure, Bach and Beethoven. Donations will be collected to benefit the Alameda Music Project instrumental string programs here in our community, so please invite your friends, neighbors and all musically inclined youth that you know: this family-friendly program is sure to inspire the next generation as well! Sunday, August 7 7:30 a.m. Mae Joan Myers † 9:30 a.m. Genevieve & Emilo Avila † 11:30 a.m. Michael Saxton † Foo Chock Pow † 7:00 p.m. For the people of the parish, liv & dec. Let us remember...All those who have died, especially Mae Joan Meyers, age 99, passed away peacefully in the home of her daughter, Sherry, on Friday, July 22. Mae Joan was blessed with a very long, eventful life that spanned nearly 100 years. She witnessed great changes in the world, 2 World Wars, the Great Depression, and technology beyond the dreams of a young girl from San Francisco. Through it all, one thing remained firm, Mae's faith in God and her adherence to the teachings of the Catholic Church. She will be dearly missed. UPCOMING MEETINGS/EVENTS Sun., Aug. 7: Liturgy Meeting, 12:45pm Sat., Aug. 27: New Parishioner Breakfast. 9:00am Thurs., Sept. 1: Sacristan Meeting, 6:30pm Tues., Sept. 6: Eucharistic Minister Meeting, 6:30pm Tues., Sept. 27: Lector Meeting, 6:30pm PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK: Carida Ward, Charlotte Ramirez, Rosa Phipps, Tom Donato, David McGaffey, Pat Dundon, Kathy Bartlett, Romelita Bautista, Svetlana Masgutova, Garth Waters, Elvie Mendoza, Joan Cummings, Sandy Anderson, John Cashman, Sam Kong Kee, Josslyn Tramel, Carola Devlin (Ireland), Numeriano, Lori Agazzi, Martinez Espinoza, Elisa Lee, Kyle Anthony, Jennifer Lizardo, Doreen McAfee, Ernesto Sanchez, Jennifer Manchester, Dianne Nobriega, Herb Robles, Dr. Benjamin Reyes, Ramon Tirona, Fr. Jim Sloan, Patricia Glynn, Gail Crichton, Lily Hansen, Sherry Crevani, Gina S. Corral, Baby Leo, Charles H. Thomas, Jim Lynch, Joey Camacho, Iong & Fong Che, Mr/Mrs. James West, Patricia Becker, Alejandro Elopre, Robert Santos, Billy Caver, Juner Valencia, Florence Anne Cordray, Juana Valenzuela, Rachel Sutherland, Carlie Bell, L. Corral, Blanca Herzog, Juanita Estrellas, Tom Hall, Jim Langowski, Ofelia Osalbo, Christopher Herrera, Nimfa Banzuelo, Robert Torres, Amelia Miguel, Juanita Estrellas, Edis Rodriguez, Anna Cheung, Kirk Miller, Vincent Gueverra, Maria C. Sanchez, Lucy Ramirez, Jo Leitz, Vicky Rosen, Nico Stavrianopoluos. For prayer requests, please call the Parish Office, 522-0181 Please let the office know when you want your name removed from the list. Thank you. ST. JOSEPH BASILICA 1109 CHESTNUT STREET PHONE: 510-522-0181 — FAX: 510-522-2864 Email: parish@sjbalameda.org website: www.sjbalameda.org PARISH STAFF SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Preparation for registered, active parishioners should begin at least six months in advance of the proposed wedding date. Please contact Fr. George, 995-9421 or Mary Kovalitsky at 995-9420. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Please stop by the Parish office or check our website under “Sacraments” for information, schedule and registration form for infant baptism (6 or younger) or contact Mary, 995-9420. Sister Kim Nguyen, Youth Ministry Coordinator 510-995-95………………..knguyen@sjbalameda.org Julie Pond, Coordinator Finances, Facilities/Events 510-995-9411………………..jpond@sjbalameda.org David Howitt, Music Director 510-995-9403……………....dhowitt@sjbalameda.org Michael Chinnavaso, 7 PM Music Coordinator 510-522-0181……………..mchinnavaso@gmail.com St. Vincent de Paul………………24-hour hot-line 510-995-9471 ARE YOU NEW TO OUR PARISH? St. Joseph’s is an active and diverse parish. If you are new, please fill out a registration form at the Parish Office, in the church’s vestibule or online at www.sjbalameda.org PLEASE SUBMIT BULLETIN INFORMATION TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO THE EVENT ST. JOSEPH MINISTRIES Newcomers are welcome to join Monday, 7:00-9:00pm Wednesday, 7:30-9pm Tuesday, 10:00-11:30am Thursday, 10:00-11:30am 1st Monday, 6:45-8:00pm Thursday, 4:00-5:00pm 1st Wednesday, 7pm 3rd Monday, 7:30-9:30pm 2nd Thursday, 7-8:30pm Wed.,8:30-10:00am Sat., 8:30-10:30am Eric Bertelsen, Liturgy Coordinator 510-995-9404…..………ebertelsen@sjbalameda.org Tamara Centeno, Wedding Coordinator 510-282-4621…………centenotamara@yahoo.com For adults or children over age 6 please contact Anne Marie, 995-9409. All God’s Children Charismatic Prayer Group Basilica Choir rehearsal Bible Study Bible Study Boy Scouts Children’s Choir Girl Scouts Grief Support Knights of Columbus Legion of Mary Legion of Mary Anne Marie Fourre, Director of Faith Formation 510-995-9409……….……afourre@sjbalameda.org COMMUNITY STAFF Ken Jennings, Principal of SJND High School 510-523-1526................ ……..kjennings@sjnd.org Dr. John Rizzo………..Principal of SJND Elementary School, 510-522-4456…………...…jrizzo@csdo.org Deacon Matthew Murray, Campus Minister…… 510-995-9444…………………….mmurray@sjnd.org Pastoral Care Team RR BAS SJR RDR SJR BAS SJR DR SJR RR RR Rite of Christian Initiation / Inquiry Scripture Reflection St. Vincent DePaul Society Taize Prayer Service Young Ladies Institute 7pm Spirit Ensemble rehearsal 1st Sat. , 8:45-9:30am SJND Classroom #106 Wed. 7:30-9:00pm Tuesday, 7 to 8:30pm 4th Thursday 7:00-7:30pm 4th Friday, 8:00-9pm 2nd/4th Mon., 7:00-8:30pm Thursday, 7:30-9:00pm DR SJR SJR BAS SJR BAS BAS/ Basilica SJR/ St. Joseph Room (in Parish Center) DR/ Damien Rm. (in Parish Center) RR/Reconciliation Room THEY COME FROM POLAND AND ETHOPIA FOR OUR COFFEE AND DONUTS! OUR COFFEE AND DONUTS MINISTRY is one of hospitality and welcome. Karen and her husband, Manuel Robinson our Ministry Leaders, provide the opportunity for Community members to gather and share the gift of each other after Sunday morning Masses. If you would like to help out with this much needed ministry, please contact Karen on Sunday when she is hosting Coffee and Donuts or email her at kderobinson@me.com. Responsibilities include making the coffee, picking up the donuts, setting up before the 7:30am Mass and putting everything away after the 9:30am Mass. CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR NEW GRAND KNIGHT BART KINARD AND PAST GRAND KNIGHT ROBERT RAMOS. The photo below of Past Grand Knight Sir Knight Robert Ramos with Lady Sandra, new Grand Knight Sir Knight Bart Kinard, with Lady Susan from our St. Joseph Basilica of Alameda, CA council number 19565 was taken at the 114th California State Convention in Santa Clara on May 20 - 21, 2016. The theme for our 114th Convention was "Reflecting On Our Past, Preparing For Our Future" Attending our State Convention was some 2,000 Knights throughout our State of California. As Knights we live our faith daily in both action and prayer. The Most Rev. Salvatore J. Cordileone, Archbishop of San Francisco, commented "With so many issues affecting our Church and society at large, the presence of dedicated men whose lives are centered upon Jesus Christ, His Church, and our great nation is a tremendous blessing. I pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to guide you and that your will fraternally discern how the Lord is calling you to serve as Knights in the future" We invite all Confirmed Catholic men above the age of 18 to join our order. For more information regarding the Knights of Columbus please contact Bart Kinard, Grand Knight at golfmatertwo@yahoo.com. Viva Jesus! Bart Kinard, Grand Knight St. Joseph Basilica, Alameda,Council No. 15965
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