Nov 22 - St Ephrem Maronite Catholic Church
Nov 22 - St Ephrem Maronite Catholic Church
Season of the Glorious Birth of Our Lord Announcement to the Virgin Mary November 22, 2015 Dear Friends and Parishioners: I extend to you my fondest best wishes and prayers that your Thanksgiving celebrations with family and friends are blessed and abundant in love. I sincerely wish each and every one of you a happy, safe and healthy Thanksgiving Day! Fr. Toufic Nasr Inspiration from Thomas à Kempis’ book, “Imitation of Mary” Mark your Calendars for a very special occasion Our parish has been scheduled to receive the relics of St. Sharbel on January 4th and 5th of 2016. For the detailed schedule of events please visit the church website. Please consider donating to the Flower Fund- especially during the Season of Christmas. There are New Year’s Eve Tickets on sale following all Liturgies on Sunday envelopes in the pews or you can leave your donation in the box located in the foyer. ~ Due to the Thanksgiving Day Holiday the parish office will be closed starting at noon on Wednesday November 25th, through Friday, November 27th. Normal office hours will resume on Monday, November 30 th. Offered to the community by the Sorority of the Immaculate Conception Soul in anguish there is your model. When in your affliction you must speak, speak, but speak with mildness and a tranquil spirit, and if you are not heard, suffer in silence, meeting injustice only with patience Feast days on the Maronite calendar which we celebrate this week: Friday, November 27th. – St. James May all the Angels and saints in heaven pray for us. A huge “Thank You” to all of you who helped make the Casino Game Night a success. Also, special recognition goes to all our generous sponsors for supporting the event and/or supplying goods and/or services. Your generosity is truly appreciated! And to all our guests who took their time to be with us to enjoy a lovely and enjoyable evening we greatly appreciate your being here to support us! COUNTING OUR BLESSINGS! Basket Collection from: November 15, 2015 ……$1,730.0 Net Proceeds from Casino Games Night - $4,779.21 2 Corinthian 9:7 - Every man according as he purpose in his heart, [so let him give]; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loves a cheerful giver. St. Ephrem Maronite Catholic Church 750 Medford Street, El Cajon, CA 92020 Tel: 619-337-1350 Beit Maroun Volume 17-Issue 47 November 22, 2015 GENERAL INFORMATION Liturgies: Saturday………………………. 5:30PM Sunday ………………………….9:30AM ……………... ………..11:00AM …………………………...........12:30PM Monday- Friday (Except Thursday No Liturgy (Summer schedule) Thursday …………………NO DIVINE LITURGY Confessions ………………………By First Friday Adoration Noon until Benediction appointment at 6:00PMther $500.00 donation to St. Ephrem Church with each transaction completed with this ad .Like us at for updates and news. Baptism: Contact the office to schedule Religious Education: Saturdays from 11am12pm First Communion Class: Sunday from 1030AM to 12:30AM- To register, please contact the parish office. Matrimony: Please contact the parish office at least nine months prior to the desired date Place Your Advertisement in future editions of the bulletin! To help defer the cost of printing our weekly bulletin, now offer this Ad Page. We would like to encourage our readers, your friends, neighbors and family members to place their Ad’s in our bulletin which is published once a week and which is also disseminated through our emails to over 700 families. An annual subscription will be $300.00. Please call the office if you are interested in supporting our bulletin publication through this program Interested in the Priesthood or Religious Life? EPARCHY OF OUR LADY OF LEBANON Vocations Director: Parish Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00AM to 5:00PM PARISH DEVOTIONS AND SODALITIES CHAIRPERSONS/COORDINATORS Confraternity of the Sacred Heart Devotions every First Friday at 5:30pm Ramzeyzey Jize – 858.736.7196 First Friday Eucharistic Adoration 12:00 NOON to 6:00PM –contact the parish office to sign up Sorority of the Immaculate Conception Devotions Marina Zablit - 760.239.1756 Sorority of St. Rita Devotions every Second Saturday Fellowship at 3:00PM followed by Devotions at 4:30PM Rose Moses - 619.286.6942 House of Maron Deacon Georges Ghosn Deacon George Geagea Pastor: Reverend Toufic Nasr Visiting Priest: Reverend Canon Thomas Thompson Divine Liturgy Intentions: Announcement to the Blessed Virgin Mary Gal 3:15-22 Lk 1:26-38 + Saturday, November 21st 5:30PM – (M) Irene Ross offered by the Redlinger Family + Sunday, November 22nd 9:30 AM – 11:00AM –(M)John Bashouri and Joseph Toma offered by Hikmet and Zinia Bashouri 12: 30PM – (M) Nicolas Youssef Ghosn offered by Virginia Ghosn and Family ~~~ Visitation of the Virgin to Elizabeth – Rom. 4:13-25 Lk 1:1-25 + Saturday, November 28th 5:30PM – + Sunday, November 29th 9:30 AM – 11:00AM – 12: 30PM – (M) Abe and Dora Audeh offered by Ellen Saad
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St. Ephrem Maronite Catholic Church
750 Medford Street, El Cajon, CA 92020
Tel: 619-337-1350
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