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Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (St. Mary’s)
256 Tract Road, Fairfield, Pa. 17320
Rev. Michael A. Messaro, MSSCC Pastor
Rev. Robert P. Malagesi, MSSCC Parochial Vicar
Office 717-642-8815 Fax 717-642-9616 Fr. Malagesi 717-457-0114 (website)
Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:00PM Sunday: 8:00 & 10:30AM
Weekday: 8:00AM Vigil of the Holy Day 6:30PM(except for 12/31 5:30PM) Holy Day 8:00AM & 6:30PM
Confessions: Saturday 4:00 to 4:30PM Baptisms by Appointment
Wednesday 3/11
5:00pm †Fred Hohenstein
8:00am People of the Parish
10:30am V. Janishefski/L. Grabowski/
All Souls
8:00am †Paul Hollenbeck
8:00am Ints. of Bob Bolger
8:00am †Tom Keane
6:30pm †Gale Baker
8:00am †Michael D. Messaro
8:00am †Michael Gmeinder
5:00pm Ints. of Ed & Harriet Noye
8:00am Ints. of Sam Rose
10:30am People of the Parish
Pro-Life Corner
God, who can do
all things. Please pray that our
Heavenly Father will hear our prayers,
forgive our sin of abortion, and heal our land.
Pro-Life Rosary every Friday evening at 8:30PM at
the Adoration Chapel and Saturday mornings after the
9:00AM Mass at St. Rita.
PRAY for those who are Sick. Help us keep
our list current by letting us know when we
may remove a name. Sharon Aanensen,
Lillian Bream, Evelyn McGlaughlin, Louise
Adams, Betty Fritz, Rudolph & Sally Stobb,
Joe Bock, Mike Halpin, Nick, Bill Bell, Pat
Whitlow, Karl, Carol Harbaugh, Paul
Scheurich, Mary Bentz, Peg Polley, Betty J. Sanders,
Jerome Barefoot, Ruth Weiblinger, Anne Zeiler, Jerry
Neiderer, Tom Miller, Jim & Gerry Lafond, Joy Brown,
Bob Rosenwald, Alice Garland, Sam Brewer, Mary Ann
Weekly Budget: $4,750.00
Slazinski, Terry Butt, Robert Lashinsky, Steve Crunkleton,
Ed Fitzsimmons, Margaret Bailey, Michael Battaglini, Katy
Sunday Collection:
Johnson, Reyna Mata, Nick Masser, Esther Stahl, Gordon
Fath, Elaine Flores, Mary Rigney, Joan Deyo, Debbie
Repair & Maintenance:
Davison, Mary Ann Shuman, Robert Kraft, Norman
Tiedeman, Ingrid Pfeiffer, Vernon Speelman, Silas Ruiz,
Robin Keller, Pat Gach, Heather Stumbaugh, Terri Ann &
Bubba Sassa, Ginny Parks, Caroline Drechsler, Marge
Change of Address: If you are moving or have a change in Rossi, Joseph Dees, Charmaine Goetz, Kathy Gaskin, Fr.
your name, address or phone number, or need to register, please Mike, Cathy Rose, Paul Little, Craig Daniel, Chris Knopp,
contact the Parish Office at 642-8815.
Katie & Justin Chappell, Sam Rose, Renee Sanders, Bill
Bulletin Announcements must be submitted to the parish office Lazarek, Joann Lawson, Bob Bolger, Chris Burde, Linda
10 days before the bulletin date.
Goble, Kerry Sheahan, Heidi Engstler, Wilson Carter and
Website: Questions, suggestions, or comments on the website? Connie Moquin. Please pray for the repose of the souls of
Contact our webmaster at
Elaine Haik and Betty Webb.
3/14- 5:00 pm D. & J. Ritchie/D. Sanders
C. Trice
J. Gruber/J/ Pecher
The Haun Family
3/15- 8:00 am
E. Sluga
J. Weller/J. Powers
Mr. & Mrs. D. Ranney
B. Carr
Joh. Torborg/J. Longenecker Mr. & Mrs. J. Strahler
J. Zitzman/B. Keeney/R. Heibel
3/15- 10:30 am B. Heffner/R. & D. Butt
Bishop’s Annual Lenten Appeal 2015
The 2015
Bishop’s Annual Lenten Appeal is off to a great start.
Thank you to all whom have pledged to this
campaign. We still need all of you to contribute. If
you have not yet made a gift to the Bishop’s Annual
Lenten Appeal, we invite you to do so today. Every
dollar raised to make our goal supports important
Diocesan services and every dollar raised over our
goal will be kept in the parish to help us. Thank you
for your generosity.
Prayer Shawl Meeting Monday, March 9th, at
7:00PM at the Church.
During Lent Wednesday, evening Mass at 6:30PM.
Knights of Columbus Business Meeting Wednesday,
March 11th, at 7:30PM at the Church.
Stations of the Cross Friday evening at 6:30PM.
Please join us for a Reasonable Great All American
Pancake Breakfast Sunday, March 15th, from
8:00AM till 12 (Noon) in St. Mary’s Parish Hall.
Adults $5.00, Ages 6-10 $3.00, 5 and under free.
Pancakes (plain or Chocolate chip), scrambled eggs,
sausage gravy, juice or coffee. This is a Senior Project
fundraiser by Anthony Venzin to raise money for local
Second Collection There will be a second collection
on the weekend of March 14 & 15 for Catholic Relief
Services. Thank you.
Confirmation Rehearsal
6:30PM at St. Mary’s.
Monday, March 16th at
THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL: The scripture
readings in our Lenten liturgies are getting more and
more serious--God is raising the bar.
as we continue our Lenten journey, please give us the
gift of open, listening and teachable hearts so our
relationship with your son, Jesus, through prayer,
fasting and almsgiving will deepen in love. We also
ask St. Joseph, the universal patron of the Church, to
intercede with us for peace, justice and mercy in our
Church and country.
Parish Nurses will again sponsor the Million Hearts
Program which involves working closely with
parishioners who are at risk. The Program begins in
March and ends in May. During this time participant
will receive a blood pressure monitor and learn how to
take a blood pressure and do regular checks.
Scheduled visits with a Parish Nurse will assist in
working on several interventions in an attempt to
decrease any abnormal readings. For more info or to
register contact Mary Heibel at
or Mary Anne Gardner
The Knights of Columbus, Divine Mercy Council
12250 is sponsoring a Pro-Life Mass & Holy Hour on
Saturday, March 21st, at 9:00AM at St. Rita's Church
in Blue Ridge Summit. Mass, Holy Hour, Rosary,
Divine Mercy Chaplet and Confessions.
Permanent Deacon Formation Class: Bishop Ronald
W. Gainer has announced the opening of enrollment
for a formation class for men between the ages of 30
and 62 for the Permanent Diaconate in the Diocese of
Harrisburg. The five year class will consist of a course
of studies including theology as well as pastoral,
spiritual and human formation. The application period
is from March 15 through June 15, 2015. Applications
will be available from Parish Pastors. Informational
presentations will be held at the Cardinal Keeler
Center, Harrisburg on April 11 at 2 p.m. and April 15
at 7 p.m.
For more information visit or contact Father Paul
CB Schenck at or (717)
657-4804 ext. 282.
On Palm Sunday, the Discalced Carmelite
Community of the Child Jesus and the Holy Innocents,
located in Emmitsburg, MD, will be gifting
parishioners with a prayer card of St. Teresa of Jesus
in honor of the year-long *V Centenary Celebration of
St Teresa of Avila's birth*. The holy card contains her
invocation to contemplative prayer. All are invited to
take one to enrich your Holy Week devotions.
SAVE THE DATE" - All women and priests of the
Diocese are invited to attend 90th Annual Convention
of the Harrisburg Diocesan Council of Catholic
Women. It will be held Monday, April 20, 2015 in the
Cardinal Keeler Center. The theme is "Moving
Forward in Faith, Service, Hope and Love ". More
details will be published in the "coming weeks."