Par Holy Family Parish The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica ...


Par Holy Family Parish The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica ...
Parish Information
Radio link for sick and housebound 107.8FM
Readings for Mass Page 117
Ez 47:1-2, 8-9 12. Ps 4:2-3, 5-6, 8-9, R/v5. 1 Cor
3:9-11, 16-17. Jn 2:13-22
Saturday Vigil: 7.15
Sunday 9.30am and 11.00am
Weekdays: Monday –Friday 11:00am
Office Opening Hours
Monday - Friday 9.30 a.m. - 1.00 p.m.
Crying Room – Children’s God space.
You are welcome to attend our liturgies.
Church Services:
Confession: Saturday evenings at 6.30pm and
by appointment.
Baptisms: Saturday evenings at 6.00pm. Two
weeks notice required.
Marriages: As requested. Note: 3 months notice
is required by Church and State. You must
contact registrar at Community Care Centre on
the Cork Road. You must also contact a priest in
your parish to make all necessary arrangements.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
Wednesday 11:30am to 6:00pm.
Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Succour:
Monday morning Mass at 11.00am
Bereavement Support: St John's Pastoral
Centre Phone 051-858772
Are you troubled by someone’s drinking?
Contact Al-Anon Family Group at 01-8732699
Music Ministry
Saturday 7.15 Vigil: Senior Choir under the
baton of Margaret Butler.
Sunday 11.00pm: Congregational Singing
with cantors Ann, & Margaret.
Organist: Larry Hogan
Holy Family Parish The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 9th November 2014
Parish Team:
Parish Priest:
Fr. Tom Rogers
Mr Paul Stacey
Assistant Sacristan: Mr. Greg Flynn
Ms Marian Hoban
Ms Teresa Browne
Maintenance Fund: The monthly collection for the maintenance of the church will take place
during all masses this weekend. Your continued support is most appreciated.
Christmas Charity Concert
A concert in aid of the Edmund Rice Centre, featuring Cara O'Sullivan and some supporting acts
will take place in the Cathedral of The Most Holy Trinity on Friday December 12th at 8.00 p.m.
Tickets €20 each. Family of four; 2 adults and 2 children €60. Tickets may be purchased from
Sean Dower 087-6870032.
The Good Shepherd Sharing Fair Sale
A super closing down sale will be held at Virginia Crescent, Hennessy's Road on Saturday 15th
and Sunday 16th November from 12.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. This is an opportunity to buy some
handcrafted items from self help projects associated with the Good Shepherd Sister in Asia,
Africa and Latin America. Look forward to see you there.
Handmade Calendars for sale
Sr. Philomena will be selling handmade calendars after all masses this weekend. The proceeds
from this sale will help provide coal, blocks and Christmas dinner for the elderly,alone and house
bound. A sincere thanks for all your support through the years.
Fundraising for St. Mary's Cemetery Ballygunner The sum of €20,000 is required immediately
to fund urgent works at the cemetery. We are appealing to all who have graves in the cemetery
to support this important project. A bank account (called the Ballygunner Cemetery Account ) has
been opened in the BOI, The Quay. Account No. 82616676 - Sort code 906195- Iban No
IE58BOF190619582616676 - BIC No. BOF11EE2D.
Making a Will
The Waterford Citizens Information service are hosting an information evening on Making a Will.
This will be held in Dooleys Hotel, The Quay on Tuesday 11th November at 6.30p.m. There will
be a Question & Answer session on the night.
Recently Deceased
Cathy Coy( nee Firth)
Blakes Lane who died in
Saturday 8th November
7.15 Holy Souls Novena
Sunday 9th November
9.30 George & Mary Brett
dgt Josephine & sons
Teddy & Geoffery
11.00 Closing of Novena
for Holy Souls
Monday 10th November
11.00 Patrick & Tessie
Kirwan & dgt Eileen
Tuesday 11th November
11.00 Maurice Power &
son Tony
Wed 12th November
11.00 Teresa Noonan
Thursday 13th November
11.00 Maureen O'Brien &
grandmother Moll O'Brien
Friday 14th November
11.00 Holy Souls
Patrick De Coursey
Bridget Hayes
Madge Barry
Ally Crouch 1st Anniv
Paddy & Annie Casey
Martin Nolan