The Commemoration of the Lord`s entrance into Jerusalem.


The Commemoration of the Lord`s entrance into Jerusalem.
Parish Priest: Monsignor Brian Rayner
Pastoral Associates:
Sister Elizabeth - Tues, Weds & Thursdays
Brother Charles - Wednesdays.
St Catherine’s Youth Group - Uplift
Youth Mass held every 1st & 3rd Sundays at
the 6pm Evening Mass.
123 Gymea Bay Rd Gymea.
Office Hours::
Liz Ermers
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday.
Office & Presbytery telephone: 9525 1138
Office facsimile:
9531 1786
St Catherine’s Friendship Club:
Meets the 3rd Friday of every Month at the
Gymea Bowling Club from 10am, after
morning Mass & Rosary.
St Catherine Labouré Parish School:
Allan Fagerstrom
9524 9706
4th/5th April 2015
Easter—Resurrection — Sunday - Yr. B
Family Vigil
of Holy
Saturday Vigil
Sunday 7.30am
Sunday 9.30am
Sunday Evening
Acolytes, Ministers of Holy Communion
and Readers, please refer to your
Holy Week/ Easter Rosters.
1st Reader:
2nd Reader:
Altar Servers
Audio Grace
Visual Operators:
Team C
Team D
Charlotte & Lee
The Altar Society: Group 1: Barbara Pearce, Maureen Huckstep, Jacqueline Parker,
Jeanette Brennan & Maria Black.
In the Counting House: Team 5: Jim Willis, Peter McDonnell and John Riordan.
The Clean Team: Group A: Mary Vee Tondi, June Digby and Kath Badorrek.
St Catherine Labouré Parish,
The Commemoration of the
Lord’s entrance into Jerusalem.
Year B
28th/29th March 2015
Liturgies & Sacraments
Weekday Masses (followed by Rosary)
Monday - Wednesday: 9am.
Easter Sunday Masses:
Holy Saturday Vigil: 5pm — The Service of Light
Easter Sunday: 7:30am, 9:30am & 6pm.
The Readings for the Masses for
Palm Sunday — Year B.
The 1st Reading:
From the Prophet Isaiah.
50: 4 - 7.
The Responsorial Psalm:
Psalm: 21: 8—9. 17—20. 23-24. R. v. 2.
See inside the Bulletin for times of Reconciliation
during Holy Week.
Tuesday Morning 9:30am: The Legion of Mary
(meeting is held in the Conference Room)
Thursday Evening 6:00pm: The Medjugore
Prayer Group (meets inside the Church)
My God, my God, why have you
abandoned me?.
The 2nd Reading:
From the Letter of Saint Paul
to the Philippians.
2: 6 - 11.
The Gospel Acclamation & Verse:
Philippians: 2: 8-9.
Exposition and Benediction after 9am Mass on:
Prepare Ye The Way of the Lord.
1 May 2015 for First Friday
2 May 2015 for First Saturday
Christ became obedient for us, even to
death, dying on the cross. Therefore, God
raised Him on high and gave Him a
Name above all other names.
Please phone the office for:
Baptisms: Only by appointment.
Most Sundays at 11am.
Weddings: By appointment.
Please endeavour to allow 6 months’ notice.
Prepare Ye The Way of the Lord.
The Passion of our Lord.
According to Saint Mark. 14: 1 - 5. 47.
From the Mons :
Lord, Grant Eternal Rest to:
Dear Parishioners:
Recently Deceased;
Laos and Thailand will be visiting Gymea Parish from 20 April for
2 months to improve their English and to appreciate Church life and
culture in Australia.
Anyone who can accommodate one seminarian for a week or more
please contact Mons on 9525.1138 ASAP.
Marie McCarthy, Eric Catt, Emilio Franco Dafiles, Fr. Jim Gallen.
PALMS Thank you to those who supplied the Church with palms and for
those generous enough to assist in cutting them up for Palm Sunday.
Week day Masses: Monday to Wednesday only @ 9am.
There are NO morning Masses on Holy Thursday, 2 April, Good Friday,
3 April nor Holy Saturday, 4 April.
Holy Thursday; 7 pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper (and washing of the feet)
Good Friday; 10 am Stations of the Cross
Good Friday; 3 pm Passion of the Lord Service
Holy Saturday; 5pm Easter Vigil Mass and The Service of Light (1.5 hr
Easter Sunday; 7:30 am, 9:30 am and 6 pm Evening Mass.
Good Friday ceremonies and all Easter Masses there will be a special
Collection for the poor of Fiji.
Easter Masses - Fiji will be the First Collection. The Second Collection
being for the upkeep & Maintenance of the Parish with the Third
Collection (after Communion) for the clergy of the Archdiocese.
Monday, 30 March: 7pm until finished.
Tuesday, 31 March: 7pm until finished.
Wednesday, 1 April: 7pm until finished.
Holy Saturday, 4 April only from 9 am until finished - there is no Saturday
evening confessions on 4 April.
+We remember those whose Anniversaries we Commemorate at this time : +
Carmen Borg, Angelo Casamento (5th Anniversary) John Vincent Gaudron,
Giuseppe & Carmela Giglio, Joan Patterson, Judith Ward (1st Anniversary).
Also; Gary Allibon, Mario Balzan, Joe Caputo, John Vincent Sidgreaves,
The Holy Souls.
++++ + ++++
We pray for all the sick of our Parish Community and their carers.
Especially for: John Lamont, ( seriously ill) Bishop Geoffrey Robinson,
Moira Davidson, Bill Godfrey, Charles Haughton.
Also; Amy Humphries, Phil Humphries, Max Ninness, Michael O’Connell,
Marika Rog, Barbara Ryan, Michael Talbot and Norman Wray,
FIJI GOODS: Please no more donations for Fiji until after Easter if
possible for you. No TVs or furniture or large toys. No heaters or cook
books, text books or encyclopaedias.
PARISH MISSION: Our parish Mission begins on ANZAC week-end
and will continue through to the following Thursday, 30 April, inclusive.
Father Joel, from the Fathers of Mercy USA, will conduct the Mission.
FROM FR DAN IN FIJI: “To all you beautiful people of St Catherine’s I would
like to express my gratitude for the kindness you all have shown me during
my 2 months’ stay last September-October.
You people have changed my life and anytime you are in Suva for a holiday
you are all most welcome to visit St Joseph the Worker Parish Tamavua.
Thank you to all of you, the choirs, the Legion of Mary, the Friendship club.
Too many to name, you are all in my prayers. Love you all’
Yours respectfully Father Daniel Sinclair-Barefoot Priest.