08 March 2015 - St Catherine Laboure Parish Gymea


08 March 2015 - St Catherine Laboure Parish Gymea
Parish Priest: Monsignor Brian Rayner
Pastoral Associates:
Sister Elizabeth - Tues, Weds & Thursdays
Brother Charles - Wednesdays.
St Catherine’s Youth Group - Uplift
Web: www.myspace.com/uplift_gymea
Youth Mass held every 1st & 3rd Sundays at
the 6pm Evening Mass.
Liz Ermers
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday.
Office & Presbytery telephone: 9525 1138
Office facsimile:
9531 1786
St Catherine Labouré Parish School:
Allan Fagerstrom
9524 9706
of Holy
Saturday Vigil
John Paske
Sunday 7.30am
Sunday 9.30am
Brian Myers
Jim Gothard
Kevin Bourke
Sunday Evening
David Gormley
Graham Ward
Margaret Reid
Paul Marsden
Irene Myers
Judith Rumsey
Julie Banister
Jenni Gormley
Liturgies & Sacraments
Weekday Masses (followed by Rosary)
Monday - Saturday: 9am.
Saturday Vigil: 5pm.
Sunday: 7:30am, 9:30am & 6pm.
Saturday after 9am Mass - until completion and prior
to the Vigil Mass - from 4:30pm to 4:45pm.
Michelle Bourne Alison Rumsey
Jim Gothard
Joan Pinto
1st Reader:
2nd Reader: Laurie Geraghty Jeff Greenaway
Julie Banister
Graham Ward
Intercessions: Helen Reece
Adele Greenaway Gabrielle de Leeuw Martin Iffland
Tuesday Morning 9:30am: The Legion of Mary
(meeting is held in the Conference Room)
Thursday Evening 6:00pm: The Medjugore
Prayer Group (meets inside the Church)
Altar Servers
Team D
Exposition and Benediction after 9am Mass on:
Lee & Charlotte
1 May 2015 for First Friday
2 May 2015 for First Saturday
Audio Grace
Visual Operators:
Barbara Foster
Team B
Alison & Hugh
The Altar Society: Group 3: Maureen Jackson, Norma Wong, Molly McGill and Kath Lloyd.
In the Counting House: Team 3: Jack Gibson, Peter Mooney and Bob Taylor.
The Clean Team: Group C: Frank Tierney, Jan Anderson and Sue Erskine.
Year B
7th/8th March 2015
Sunday Masses:
The 4th Sunday of Lent —Yr. B
The Third Sunday
of Lent
St Catherine’s Friendship Club:
Meets the 3rd Friday of every Month at the
Gymea Bowling Club from 10am, after
morning Mass & Rosary.
14th/15th March 2015
St Catherine Labouré Parish,
123 Gymea Bay Rd Gymea.
Office Hours::
Please phone the office for:
Baptisms: Only by appointment.
Most Sundays at 11am.
Weddings: By appointment.
Please endeavour to allow 6 months’ notice.
The Readings for the Masses for the
3rd Sunday of Lent — Year B.
The 1st Reading:
From the Book of Exodus.
20: 1 - 17.
The Responsorial Psalm:
Psalm: 18: 8 -11. R. John. 6:68.
Lord, you have the Words
of everlasting life.
The 2nd Reading:
From the 1st Letter of Saint Paul
to the Corinthians.
1: 22 - 25.
The Gospel Acclamation & Verse:
John: 3: 16.
Prepare Ye The Way of the Lord.
God loved the world so much, he gave us
His only Son, that all who believe in Him
might have Eternal Life.
Prepare Ye The Way of the Lord.
The Holy Gospel:
According to Saint John.
2: 13 - 25.
From the Mons :
STATION OF THE CROSS: Each Friday evening during Lent at 7 pm. Perhaps
this could be one of the things that you take on as a special effort during Lent.
Open days to tour our school and collect enrolment packages are Tuesday 10
March between 2.15pm & 3pm and Thursday 12 March between 9.15am &
FIJI CONTAINERS: Two more containers (# 135 & # 136) were loaded last
Friday, and I thank the many volunteers who came and assisted in this
endeavour. Volunteers are urged to contact the Parish Office with contact
details so we can finalise our database. This way we can contact you when a
container is ready for loading. Your details will be strictly maintained under
legislated Privacy Laws.
PROJECT COMPASSION ENVELOPES 2015 are still available at the back of
the Church. You are asked to return them on the second collection plate each
week until Easter. This Lenten Project is run by Caritas Australia and donations
An anonymous woman rang Caritas to express concern about the number of
Project Compassion envelopes left over after distribution. The number of
envelopes ordered by the parish was exact for distribution. The excess occurred
when the original delivery was received by the school and the boxes not
discovered as being for the parish, until after a desperate phone call to Caritas
just before the Sunday prior to Ash Wednesday for (another) delivery. This
concern could have been addressed by a visit to the office.
5 VISITING REDEMPTORIST Seminarians from Laos and Thailand will stay
in the parish for 2 months improving their English and appreciating Australian
culture. Any family that can accommodate one seminarian for a fortnight or a
month please contact Mons or Liz on 9525.1138 or stcaths@bigpond.net.au Also
anyone who would like to arrange to teach them English please contact the office.
Mr Greg Holland, Labor Candidate for Miranda, will be available to chat with
parishioners after tonight’s Saturday’s Vigil 5pm Mass (7 March). An invitation
has also been extended to the Liberal candidate for such a chat.
PARISH MISSION: Our parish Mission will begin on ANZAC week-end and
continue through to the following Thursday 30 April. Father Joel from
the Fathers of Mercy USA will conduct the Mission.
Lord, Grant Eternal Rest to:
Fr Jim Gallen (former parish priest of Como-Oyster Bay)
Natalie Anne Thompson, Neil Pocock, Amelia Jenkins, Ben Madden, Nancy Casey,
Father Ron Harden, Luigi Torcello, Roseanna Vella, John Clift, Harold Hardwicke,
Gerhard Badorrek, Charles Doherty, Des Bradley, Sharon Bordeaux.
Recently Deceased;
+We remember those whose Anniversaries we Commemorate at this time: +
Tracy de Lyall, John Vincent Gaudron, Dusan Rudolf.
Gary Allibon, Mario Balzan, Joe Caputo, Roy Esplin,
John Vincent Sidgreaves, The Holy Souls.
We pray for all the sick of our Parish Community and their carers.
Especially for: John Lamont, ( seriously ill) Bishop Geoffrey Robinson,
Moira Davidson, Bill Godfrey, Charles Haughton.
Also; Phil Humphries, Marika Rog, Barbara Ryan, Michael Talbot and
Norman Wray,
Your email address for relevant overseas and national Catholic News is requested if
you wish us to pass on such information. Your address would remain confidential to
the parish office if requested otherwise a broad email out may be used.
SENIORS’ WEEK MASS will be celebrated at St John Bosco Parish
Church Engadine this Tuesday 10 March at 9.30am. Morning tea will be
served following Mass and everyone is invited, as we would like to see
St Catherine’s well represented.
CATECHIST REQUIRED for a kindergarten teacher on a Thursday
morning at 10.40am at Gymea Bay Public School. Please contact Alison
0435 040 753 or Trish 0425 240 149 if you can help.
INFORMATION NIGHT on Monday, 9 March commencing 7.00pm in
the College Hall Application forms will be available at the Parent
Information Night and Open Morning for students who are not enrolled
in the feeder Catholic primary schools or contact the College on 9542.9000
ST PATRICK’S COLLEGE OPEN MORNING will be held on Tuesday,
10 March between 9.00 am - 11.00 am