9.30am - Wareham Churches
9.30am - Wareham Churches
Sunday 22nd March 2015 PASSION SUNDAY Welcome! If you are visiting, please make yourself known to one of the clergy or the welcome team, who will be happy to help you. Large print sheets are available from our Welcome Team W E L C O M E Services Today Readings: Jeremiah 31: 31-34; John 12: 20-33 Lady St Mary 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 9.30am Communion 11.15am Family Worship (Parish Hall) Sandford St Martin’s Community Worship Centre 9.30am Holy Communion St John’s, East Holme 3.00pm Choral Evening Prayer (BCP) All Saints, Swanage 6.00pm Purbeck Evening Praise For details of church services, themes of worship and events in the parish, please see this month’s diary sheet available at the back of church, call the Parish Office or visit our website. The Parish Office, Church Green, Wareham, BH20 4ND Open Daily: Mon - Fri 9.30am until 12.30 pm : (01929) 550905 E-mail: parish.office@warehamchurches.org.uk Website: www.warehamchurches.org.uk Wareham Parish Contact Details The Reverend Canon Simon Everett The Reverend Jackie Maw The Reverend Michael Young The Reverend Suzie Allen Mrs Hilary Bond Mrs Pat Cherrett Mrs Jean Dixon Team Rector 289236 Team Vicar/Community Missioner 556796 Curate 554207 Curate 550142 Schools’ and Children’s Worker 551219 Churchwarden 552087 Lay Pastor Co-ordinator 556005 Please contact if you would like a visit Prayer Focus Today’s Collect Most merciful God, who by the death and resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ delivered and saved the world: grant that by faith in him who suffered on the cross we may triumph in the power of his victory; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen Mission Prayers We pray for Malcolm and Yanet Taylor in their responsibilities with YWAM in San Pedro, especially with the growing number of Teams building Homes of Hope. We pray too for them in their family life with their daughter Patricia; that in all the challenges and joys they may know the Lord’s comfort and encouragement. Please pray for troubled parts of the world, for the hungry, those without work, a home or suffering hardship, those with addictions and the lonely. We pray for: Anglebury Court Music Groups School Assemblies Team Children and Schools Worker (Hilary and Will Bond) Intercession Prayer Leaders OASIS Visitors Lady St Mary Church, Wareham and their services Those of our congregation asking for Prayer: Peter Breakingbury, Helen Reed, June Taylor, Richard Scott, Mary Loydon, John and Janet Fisher, Stuart Buchanan, Bert Wason, Eddie Byrom Those who have died in recent days and those who mourn for their loved ones Michael Hodge A lily for Easter; If you would like to donate a lily for Easter in memory of a loved one, please contact Pat Cherrett 552087– the cost of a lily will be £3.00 Please note that as from this Sunday there will be no sung responses to the Gospel reading. Reminders this week Mon 23rd March 1.30pm Wareham Hospital Service 2.30-3.30pm Mothers’ Union Lent Course at 37 Stowell Crescent. All welcome Tue 24th March 9.45am Morning Prayer at Arne 7.30pm Lent Talk in Lady St Mary Church - Weakness* Wed 25th March 7.45am Communion at Lady St Mary 11.00am Communion Service at St Martin-on-the-Walls 11.00am Mothers’ Union Deanery Lady Day Service in St Mary’s, Swanage 12.30-1.30pm Lent Lunch at the United Reformed Church. All welcome 2.30pm Wednesday Group in the Parish Hall. A talk by Mr George McConnel ‘Fire Safety in the Home’ 7.00pm Prayers for the Parish in Lady St Mary Thu 26th March 8.00am Celtic Morning Prayer 2.00pm ‘Open House’ - ‘Dubai to Sri Lanka’ Time after for a cup of tea, cake and a raffle for charity. All welcome Both of above events at Sandford St Martin’s Community Worship Centre Fri 27th March 12.30pm Parish Hall Lunch Club (details from 556761) Sat 28th March 10.00am Parish Hall Coffee Morning 10.00am ‘Eggstravaganza’ at Sandford St Martin’s Community Worship Centre 3.00pm Marriage of Robin Smail and Michaela Galvankova at St M on the Walls Services next Sunday 29th March 2015 - Palm Sunday Lady St Mary 9.30am UNITED PARISH COMMUNION As there will be a UNITED PARISH COMMUNION there will be no Services at Sandford St Martin’s Community Worship Centre, St Nicholas, Arne, St John’s East Holme Reading for Sunday 29th March: Matthew 21: 1 - 11 What’s happening …... *Lent Explorations Tue 24th March 2015 - The weekly talk is taking place in Lady St Mary Church at 7.30pm - The talk will focus on Weakness and be led by the Reverend Jackie Maw. All are welcome. All are welcome to come to the Christian Aid Lent Lunch -12.30-1.30pm Wed 25th March in the United Reformed Church, Church Street, Wareham St Nicholas Church, Arne AGM - Will take place in the Parish Hall on Monday 30th March at 2.30pm followed by light refreshments. St Mark’s Passion will be sung at Lady St Mary on Monday 30th March from 7.30pm by the Broadstone Choir. Tickets £6 (children £3) in advance from Purbeck Information Centre or £7 at the door. All welcome Fair Trade Easter Eggs - Are available to order from Judith Holmes 553025. From Sunday 3rd May, at 10.00am on the 1st Sunday of each month, there will be an All Age Communion Service in Lady St Mary Church; this will be a joint service for the 9.30am Communion and 11.15am Family Worship Services. On Tuesday 21st April 2015 the Licensing Service of the Reverend Suzie Allen will take place in Wimborne Minster at 7.30pm. All are welcome, please contact the Parish Office 550905 if you would like to car share. Can you help! …... Our local church schools are looking for Foundation Governors - It is a fulfilling role and offers the opportunity to build important links with our parish churches. If you feel that you would be interested or know of someone that would be interested in this role, please contact the Parish Office 550905 to arrange a meeting to discuss this with Canon Simon Everett. A request for help with donations of cake at a thanksgiving tea which will follow the Memorial Service in Lady St Mary for Frances Hardman on 10th April Thank you ..... To the kind person who donated the heating allowance to John and Debbie Davis’s daughter Annette, which has been gratefully received. Also to Sally Harrison who has offered her Bell Ringing to church Services and Weddings over the last 15 years at Lady St Mary Church , we would like to wish her well in her new home, as she moves to Lewes.