NEWSLETTER The Parish of St Peter-in-Chains


NEWSLETTER The Parish of St Peter-in-Chains
The Parish of St Peter-in-Chains
Parish Priest: Fr. Sean Carroll
Parish Secretary: Jennifer Graham-Dillon
Address: 12 Womersley Road, London N8 9AE.
Tel: 020 8340 3394.
Sunday Masses
Weekday Masses
6.30pm (Sat) Mass
9.45am Sung Mass
11.15am Family Mass
7.00pm Evening Mass
9.00am – Monday – Funeral Mass
9.00am - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
12noon – Friday - Funeral Mass
9.00am - Saturday
Saturday 9.30am-10.00am
Saturday 6.00pm-6.20pm
Morning Prayer
8.45am when there is a 9.00am morning Mass
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Benediction
The Rosary is normally prayed in church
after 9.00am Mass on Tuesday and Friday
Friday – 7.30pm-8.30pm (in lower parish rooms)
Saturday - 9.30am-10.00am
The Liturgical Year ends – The feast of Christ the King marks the end of the Church’s liturgical calendar and
next weekend, 29th/30th November, sees the start of Advent, our preparation for Christmas. For the next
year we will use the readings for Year B meaning that most of our Sunday Gospel readings will be from St Mark.
Funeral Mass – The Funeral Mass of the late Sooye Pee Ah-Thion RIP will be held on Monday, 24th
November at 9am, followed by burial at New Southgate Cemetery. Please keep the family in your prayers.
Confirmation Interviews will take place on Monday, 24th November in the lower parish rooms, 7-9pm
All Candidates must attend an Interview prior to being accepted on the Confirmation programme. Just
come along any time between 7-9pm.
Priest General Surgery – Fr Sean will be available for a general surgery on Tuesday, 25th November from
First Holy Communion Parents’ Meeting – Tuesday, 25th November at St Gildas’ School Hall, 7pm
This is an IMPORTANT MEETING and all parents of First Holy Communion children should attend. At this
Introduction Meeting parents will be given the final draft of the FHC timetable/programme and, as we are
introducing a new programme for FHC this year, the meeting will help parents and families to be more
involved. Parents will also be able to choose dates for FHC which takes place in May 2015 at this meeting.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) – Next meeting - Wednesday, 26th November at 7.30pm in
the Presbytery.
Lectio Divina – Praying with the Bible. Meeting at Sisters of Sion, 63 Mount View Road on Thursdays from
7pm-9pm. All welcome
Funeral Mass – The Funeral Mass of the late Alan Aris RIP will be held on Friday, 28th November at
12noon, followed by burial at St Pancras Cemetery. Please keep the family in your prayers at this time. NB no
9am Mass on that day.
Sisters of Sion Coffee Morning – Friday 28th November, 10am at 63 Mount View Road, N8. Please come
along and help raise funds for books for a single mother at university.
Altar Servers needed to serve the Saturday 6.30pm & Sunday 9.45am & 7pm Masses. Serving is open
to anyone, whatever their age, who has made First Holy Communion. If you would like to serve please collect a
registration form from the sacristy. Training will be given and dates will be announced in the newsletter
Vocation Discernment Group for adults (18-30’s) meets on Friday, 28th November, 7-9pm in the
Hinsley Room next to Westminster Cathedral. Fr Gianni Notarianni OSA on “St Augustine for today” For more
info. contact Fr Richard at
Parish Team Meeting – Please note this has been re-scheduled for Tuesday, 2nd December at 7.30pm
St. Peter-in-Chains RC Infant School, Elm Grove, N8 9AJ - Reception 2015. If your child was born
between 01/09/10 and 31/08/11 you will need to apply for a reception place for September
2015. Supplementary Information Forms are now available from the school office. Please come along and visit
the school - mini tours of the school are available on most Friday afternoons at 2pm. Please contact the
school on 020 8340 6789.
Parish Repository – The parish repository stall will be available today Sunday, 23rd November and on
Sunday, 30th November after the morning Masses.
CHRISTMAS ENDOWMENTS - after a lot of thought, it has been decided to decorate the church in a
different way this Christmas. Although the poinsettias and hyacinths look lovely during the Christmas
Masses, conditions in the church are rather unsuitable for the plants in the longer term. The endowments
having been so very popular over the years, with parishioners remembering loved ones at this special time,
we will this year offer the chance of a personal memory being attached to stylised Christmas trees and
banners hanging from the pillars in the church. Look out for the usual forms which will be printed and left
at the back of the church in the next few weeks. Thank you.
St Peter’s/St Gildas’ Christmas Market – The Friends of St Peter’s/St Gildas’ Schools are holding their New
Christmas Market on Sunday, 7th December from 12.30-3.30pm. There will be lots of fun things to do,
including arts and crafts, tombola….together with plenty of BBQ and homemade food, entertainment and mulled
wine. Come along and join in the fun of this special event.
Joint Pilgrimage to Italy with Holy Trinity Church - We have organised a week-long pilgrimage to
Ravenna, Padua and Bologna from 24th - 30th October 2015. The cost (based on a shared room) will be £919
per person, including flights from Stansted, half board accommodation, entrance fees and coach travel in Italy.
Further details are available from Jennifer in the office, to whom initial bookings should be returned. F Patrick
The Sick and Departed – among the sick please pray for Marie Antoniewicz, Christian Overall, Antonio Neto,
Zintra Sansom, Maria Graham, Brenda Buzec, Patrick Garry, Amy Gordon, Ann Tomlinson, Annette Donivar,
Margaret Bradley, Patsy Bradley, Caroline Hilton, Karin Summers, Graham Summers, Joan Summers, Alex
Robertson, Helen Kozlowski, Lena Cavaciuti, Margaret Sibanda, Eileen Mac Avock, Margaret Whelan, Don
Brewis, Errol Curran, Roman Cholij, Adeline Oyekoya & Erline Prescott. For our Dead – Michael Morris, Sooye
Pee Ah-Thion & Alan Aris RIP.
Baptism – Congratulations to Max Courtman & Ellie Mastro who were baptised on 16th November 2014. May
God bless Max, Ellie, their parents and godparents.
Diocese of Westminster - Job Vacancies - Please see notice board for details of vacancies.
Parish Draw Results - 1st 502,
2nd 561
3rd 585
(Yellow AB 213110)
Thank you for contributing to the Sunday offering
LINEN: Susan Fleming (23rd November)
24th Nov FUNERAL MASS – Sooye Pee Ah-Thion RIP at 9am
COUNTING TEAM C meets in lower parish rooms at 9.00am
CONFIRMATION INTERVIEWS – in the lower parish rooms 7pm-9pm
25th Nov FR SEAN’S GENERAL SURGERY - at presbytery 5pm-6.30pm
FHC PARENTS MEETING – at St Gildas’ School Hall 7pm
WEDNESDAY 26th Nov LEGION OF MARY meets at the presbytery 7.30pm
RCIA GROUP meets in the presbytery at 7.30pm
27th Nov LECTIO DIVINA at Sisters of Sion, 63 Mount View Road, 7pm-9pm
28th Nov FUNERAL MASS – Alan Aris RIP at 12noon. NB No 9am Mass
HOLY HOUR – 7.30pm-8.30pm (in lower parish rooms)
29th Nov SOUP RUN TEAM B meets in lower parish rooms at 4pm
Readers: 29 /30 November - 6:30pm – Steve Bethell
9:45am 1st Reading – Margaret
2 Reading - Martin Whitaker
7:00pm Paul Stone
Readings: 29th/30th November -1st Reading: Isaiah 63:16-17;64:1.3-8
2nd Reading: Corinthians 1:3-9
Gospel: Mark 13:33-37
(Background for the scripture can be found on the parish website)
Ministers of the Eucharist: 29th/30th November – 6:30pm Susan Fleming, Ann Hughes, Augustine Burno
9:45am Josephine Bobb, Lesley Pippet, Margaret Forkan, Maura O’Shea, Sr Odile
11:15am Margaret Kitson, Maria Fernandez, Maria Gagnier, Mary Chambers, Mary Halliday
7:00pm Paul Stone, Una Buckley, Daniel Lloyd-Morgan