Latest - Sacred Heart Catholic Church


Latest - Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Parish Priest Shaun Smith; Priest in Residence Michael Umameh;
Parish Deacon Tony Strike; Parish Secretary Richard Cooper
479 Langsett Road, Sheffield. S6 2LN
Telephone 2343580 email
Website address:
28th December 2014 – The Holy Family
Mass Times and Intentions
Saturday 27 December - Vigil Mass
Sunday 28th December, The Holy Family
in the presbytery
in the presbytery
in the presbytery
New Year's Day in the presbytery
in the presbytery
in the church
Saturday 3rd January- Vigil Mass Epiphany
Sunday 4th January – The Epiphany of the Lord
Mike & Pauline Maycock's 60th Wedding Ann.
Mary & Tom Green
Prayer of the Church
Prayer of the Church
Prayer of the Church
Liturgy of the Word with Holy Communion
Prayer of the Church
Holy Hour - No morning Mass
For the People of the Parish
Nilda Pane
Mass at Kirk Edge Monastery each day at 8am
Rosary and Novena this Wednesday after Prayer of the Church (10am)
No Confessions this Saturday, 3rd January, at 10am - Morning Prayer and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
MARIE BEECROFT has died at Hawkhills Home at Stannington. Her funeral Mass will be held here on Friday 9 th January at
11.30am, followed by cremation at Grenoside. May she rest in peace.
Please pray for those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Arthur Askham,Gabriel Angelo, Thomas James Green, Ian
Douglas Sharrock, Teresa Walker, Joshua Kelly, Peter Hartley, Joyce Thorpe, Chinnamma George, Kathleen Boxall,Ernest
Slack, William Henry Shuck, Michael Faulkner, Robert Hinshelwood, John Gibson, Winifred Fagan,Fr C Foley, Scott Ralston,
Jim Smith, and Carmel McKenzie. May they rest in peace.
Mass offerings have also been received for Ken and Wynne Collis, Jack and Margaret Hinchliffe, Yvonne Egginton, Graham
Butterell, Helen James, David Green, and Fr Paddy Walsh's intentions
Please pray for all those unwell at home or in hospital.
Fr Shaun is off this week but will be round with Holy Communion a week on Thursday 8 th and Friday 9th January.
Many thanks for last week's collection of £581.27
and your regular standing orders of £380 per week.
Thank you also for donations to the Food Pantry to meet local people's needs, and for other donations.
Fr Shaun and Fr Michael thank you very much indeed for your kind gifts, cards and greetings.
Your support and encouragement is very important to us and much appreciated.
Mass information for 3rd and 4th January – The Epiphany of the Lord
Announcers: Annette Murray (Saturday Vigil); Kathryn Leggett (Sunday)
Readers: David Barrett, Claire Brady, John McConnon (Sat Vigil). Paula McDonnell, Jayne Kirwan, Peter Metcalfe (Sun)
Eucharistic Ministers: Steve McGarry*, Anita Gibson, Philip Hibberd (Saturday Vigil)
Winefride Piasecki, Janet Buckley*, Janet Hakin, Gerard Strain, Lisa Unwin (Sunday)
Children’s Liturgy:
Christmas holidays
Church Cleaning:
Thursday 8th January 9.30am: Anita Gibson, Janina Klapas, Winefride Piasecki
Thursday 22nd January 4pm: Mary Kinsella, Denise Moore, Geraldine Sleney, Bernie Zielosko
Journey in Faith
Toddler Group
Art Class
Contact Club
Youth Friendship
Restart on 11th January (Sundays at 7pm in the presbytery): Fr Shaun 2343580
Restart on 5th January (Mondays at 7.30pm in the presbytery): Chris Ashton on 2343580
Restart on 6th January (Tuesdays at 10am in the presbytery): Leader: Linsey Morton on 2343580
Next rehearsal 6th January (Tuesdays at 7.30pm in the presbytery): Barbara Hartley 2343580
Restart on 7th January (Wednesdays 10am in the presbytery): Barbara 2343580
Restart on 7th January (Wednesdays at 1.30pm in the presbytery): Sheila McDonnell 2343580
Alternate Fridays in term time: next one Friday 9nd January 6.30pm to 8pm: Judy Warburton
A Very Happy New Year to All Our Parishioners
Proclaim 15: The Bishops of England & Wales have dedicated 2015 as a year of Evangelisation . Among the planned events
there is a National Conference in Birmingham on July 11th. Day passes are available for those in our Diocese who want to
attend and would be willing to be involved in a follow up event in Hallam. Please see the notice board for more information.
There will be more information available as we develop what we can do as a parish.
The Bishops have produced a document entitled, “The Call, the Journey and the Mission” to help us reflect on the wonderful gift
of marriage and the family. You are encouraged to read it and if you wish, to offer feedback. It is available to be read or
downloaded on the Bishops’ Conference Website:” Some “hard” copies are at the back of church
for those who do not have access to a computer.
Parish Book Club: if you are interested in exploring the idea of a reading group or book club to see how this might work for us,
please come to exchange ideas on Monday 5th January at 7pm, or Weds 7th Jan at 2pm, or 8pm, in the presbytery.
Spirituality Action Group meets on Thursday 8th January at 7.30pm in the Presbytery
Baptism Preparation for first time parents: Sundays 11th, 18th, and 25th January 2015 at 9am in the Presbytery.
Please enrol with the parish secretary Richard on 2343580
Married Couples preparing Engaged Couples: an information evening will be held on Thursday 15th January 2015 at 7pm
in the Presbytery for married couples who would like to consider holding preparation evenings for engaged couples.
Please see Fr Shaun if you would like to attend or know more about this.
First Holy Communion Preparation for children in Y3 and upwards begins on Sunday 18th January at 9am in the hall.
The enrolment for First Holy Communion takes place the following Sunday 25 th January at 10.30am Mass.
Our Parish Ministry Team meets next on Thursday 22nd January at 7pm in the Presbytery
The Sacrament of Confirmation will be conferred by Bishop Ralph Heskett on Thursday 11th June at 7pm. Candidates will be
in Year 9 or older. Confirmation Preparation Leaders have a meeting on Monday 2nd February at 7pm.
Letters of invitation have been addressed to potential candidates who are former Sacred Heart School pupils, and these are at
the back of church, with application forms inside. Please return the form to Fr Shaun as soon as possible.
Leprosy Mission stamps: A reminder that there is a box in the church porch for your used stamps in aid of the Leprosy
Mission. Your stamps from Christmas cards would be appreciated and also throughout the coming year. Thank you.
Sacred Heart Parish emergency food pantry: We have switched our supplier of foodstuffs to the new Sainsbury's on Halifax
Road. Sainsbury's kindly offer us free bread, but this has to be collected from the store on a daily basis. We are therefore
looking for volunteers who could commit to doing this one morning per week before 9am. Please contact Richard at the
presbytery if you can help.
Fund Raising Bike Ride for St Wilfrid's: Fr Darren Reid of Hallam Diocese will be cycling across England in January 2015 to
raise funds for the Centre. You can sponsor him at Please see the notice at the back of
church for more details.
Menswear wanted! Hallam Ascent are organizing the collection of unwanted sweaters, hats, gloves and scarves for the
Apostleship of the Sea. Toiletries, sweets & chocolates also gratefully received. Contact John Green at
Hallam Yearbook 2015: There are copies for sale at the back of church, price £3.65.
Please put your remittance in the envelopes provided and put them in with the offering at Mass. Thank you.
Cor et Lumen Christi, St Cuthbert's, Wigton, Cumbria: There is a notice about planned events for 2015 at the back of church
& fliers for events in January & February in the porch.
S6YN January Event: Breathe Deep – Youth Development Day, Philadelphia Campus, Saturday 24th January 2015. Please
see the poster at the back of church.
Job vacancies: Any school job vacancies in the Diocese will be advertised at the back of church. Please look for the notices..
Hospital Chaplaincy - for the Hallamshire and Northern General, please ring 2714999 to advise of wish to see chaplain.
Bereavement Support: If you would like support at either Sacred Heart or St Marie's, please call the presbytery on 2343580
and your request will be passed to Sr Marie or Janina Klapas
Refreshments in the Hall after Sunday Mass today
Donations go to the parish Justice and Peace Fund and the Food Pantry