St Edmund’s Newsletter


St Edmund’s Newsletter
St Edmund’s
21 Westgate Street, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 1QG
Tel: 01284 754358/07511 852161 email:
Registered Charity No. 278742
Twinned with St John’s Parish, Siem Reap, Cambodia
12th October 2014 – 28th Sunday of the Year – A (Missal p574)
08.30 Mary James †
Sung Mass
10.30 Antoine & Victoria Desira †
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & Benediction 16.30-17.30
18.00 For the Parish
Monday St Edward the Confessor
07.30 Stephanie Fitzgerald †
No Mass today
Wednesday St Teresa of Jesus
10.00 Fr Edgar Hardwick †
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 10.30 – 12.00
at St Edmund’s School
09.10 Abraham Meakins †
19.30 Charles Lamont †
St Ignatius of Antioch
09.30 Annette Surrey†
St Luke
10.00 Felice Leonforte †
16.00 Polish Mass
10.30 Roger & Kate Duncan’s Int
09.30 Kathleen Lawrence †
St Ignatius of Antioch
10.15 Norah Richardson’s Int
Mass: Sunday 10.30; Mon – Fri 08.15; Eucharistic Service Sat 08.15;
Wednesday after 10.00 Mass; Saturday 10.30 – 11.00 & by appointment.
08.30 Leonard & Eileen Neal †; 18.00 Carmen & Angelo Caruana †
Lawshall: 10.30 Joyce Otterson †
‘SCOTT ON SUNDAY’ – In the crypt at 12.30 for an hour of live music from
local singer Scott Walker. Free Entry.
WORLD YOUTH DAY 2016. Bishop Alan is inviting all young people over 16 by
July 2016 to Join him on Pilgrimage to WYD in Krakow culminating in Mass with
Pope Francis. There is an Information Afternoon in Newmarket Parish Centre
starting at 13.00 (please bring a packed lunch) and ending at 16.30 after Mass. See youth for more information.
ST EDMUND’S CLUB: Bar open 12.00 – 14.00 & 20.00 – 22.30 in the Crypt.
MEDJUGORJE PRAYER GROUP will meet at 19.00 in the presbytery. All
CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP meet in the Presbytery 16.30 – 18.00.
PARISH FINANCE COMMITTEE meeting in the Presbytery 19.30.
USED STAMPS to raise money for Guide Dogs for Deaf. Please put your used stamps
in the box in the church porch.
CHURCH CLEANERS always needed. If you can spare an hour, please turn up after
07.30 Mass on Mondays or after the morning school run. Coffee/Tea supplied!
GARDENER WANTED to help with garden maintenance in Bury St Edmunds on
Tuesday or Wednesday mornings, 1½ hrs per week, £12,00 per hour. Experience
and references required. If you interested please ring Sara on 01284 756333"
DO YOU NEED HELP with IT/computer issues at home/business? Phone Philip
on 07592 723181.
SPS CLEANING SERVICE - end of tenancy/window/gutter/steam
carpet/upholstery/oven/one off deep cleaning. Call Greg: 07455493339
is the charily supporting Fr Tim Peacock in his work in Zimbabwe. If you wish to
support you can send cheques to his sister, Sue Jennings, 1White Horse, Uffington,
Faringdon SN7 7SE . The letters 'CFNZ' should be written on any cheques, posted
to the address above, or can be paid into any HSBC branch. The bank is the CAF Charities Aid Foundation, Account - CAF cash 00024308 sort code 40-52-40
Please let Sue know if you require a gift aid form, or wish to set up a Standing
Order, and she will email them to you- or 01367 820013.
FR PHILIP IN CAMBODIA. Follow Fr Philip and our friends in Siem Reap by
clicking on
GOING INTO HOSPITAL? If you are, PLEASE let us know other-wise the Chaplain will not
know you are there; the only way we can find you is if you tell us, so please let us know if
you would like a visit.
Don’t forget donations for STOREHOUSE near the door.
AUTUMN LECTURES. The next lecture will be on Wednesday 22nd October in
the Church, 19.00 for 19.15 when Deacon John Morill speaks to us on ‘ What can
we learn from the age of dungeon, fire and sword?’. Free admission. All welcome.
ST EDMUND’S DAY DINNER will be held on Saturday 22nd November at the
Edmund Restaurant at the West Suffolk College. Please return menu choices and
payment to the Presbytery by 30th October.
Saturday 25th October in the Parish Centre, Exeter Road, Newmarket with David
McLoughlin when he speaks about ‘What the New Testament tells us about Jesus
and the family’. You can just turn up on the day, but it is really helpful if you could
let us know you are coming either by emailing
or leaving a message for Deacon John on 01638 662492.
CAMBODIA – to share our love and prayers, you are again invited to send
religious Christmas cards to Siem Reap parishioners. John Saunders will be
travelling there and is willing to ensure delivery without any postal charges. To do
so (a) please provide and write your card, (b) put it in an unsealed envelope (c) do
not enclose anything else. John will provide a label for the envelope; if you donate
the cost of postage then he will make this part of a parish gift. Cards/money must
reach John or the Presbytery no later than 26th October (do not leave these in the
porch pigeon holes). If you prefer to post them, address details can be obtained
from the Presbytery.
DAY CONFERENCE for Catholics working in Health & Social Care settings, on
Saturday 1st November. Further details from
HELP NEEDED: Can you spare 3 hours on one Saturday afternoon every 6 weeks
to volunteer at the Bury Child Contact Centre? Children come to the Centre to spend
time with a parent following family breakdown. More information from Alison
761588 or Elizabeth 755098
PARKING AT ST EDMUND’S. The Parish Council are exploring various
solutions to the problems we have with parking on Sundays. If you know of any
areas where parking is permitted, please do let us know.
CARDS FOR GOOD CAUSES has moved! Come and visit their new home in the
Apex. Christmas cards for 35 national and local charities, 10.00 - 16.00 Monday to
Saturday each week until 18th December.
JUST TRAID: The Centre, St John’s Street, Tues-Sat 10.00-16.00, Fair Trade
shop, new lines in crafts & jewellery: light lunches, tea/coffee & home-made cakes
WHEN IN HOSPITAL if you or one of your relatives needs a priest in emergency,
i.e. imminent danger death, please ask a member of staff to ring the switchboard &
bleep the Catholic Chaplain. We have the pager with us at all times.
LARGE PRINT MISSAL & NEWSLETTER available in the porch.
HELPING HANDS’ GROUP if you are, or know of anyone who is housebound, lonely
or in need of practical help, shopping, changing a light bulb etc, or just a visit, or a
lift to the doctors etc., contact Sue Fullman 488147 or Mike Sinnott 764236.
OUR SICK: Bill Agricole, Hilda Bosworth, Christopher Brown, James Couper, Stephen
Crotty, Alan Doswell, Pat Dowson, Roger Duncan, Nicolette Finch, Robert Fleming, Mary
Gould, Des Greene, Monica & Pauline Gittings, Teresa Gleeson, Roy Herbert, John Higgins,
Ursula Hennessey, Frank Hibbert, Fr Chris Hogan, Janet Jarman, Edmund Howells, Johann
Hopfensperger, Veronica Leech, Fr Bill Mason, Brendan McMullen, Gerry McNamara, Fr
Paul Mercer, Leonora O’Hanlon, Tony Sumner, Norah Richardson, Katrina Rowland,
Lindsay Spendlove, Evelyn Stirling, Jim Tinley, Gordon Walker, Ken Warner, Peter
Whelan, Romayne Wright. May the Lord bring them comfort.
ANNIVERSARIES AT THIS TIME: Mollie Phipps, Thomas McCarthy, Frederick
Holden, Martin Watson, Henri Joseph Savage, Kathleen Lawrence, Elaine Fenner, Mary
Evelyn Knight, Fr Edgar Hardwick, Victor Davis, Sonny Lawlor, Dorothy Bellamy,
Reginald Cowley, Sylvia Bartlett, Ethne Francis Wilding, Felice Leonforte, Peggy
McInerney, Marietta Vassalo.
DANIEL PROCAJLO & RUPERT PRYKE who were baptised last week. With love
and support from friends and family may they grow in faith.
CYCLE OF PRAYER: At this time we pray for: The spread of the Gospel; the
Harvest; the fruits of human work & reverent use of Creation; justice & peace in the
world; victims of war; young people; prisoners and their families.
World Mission Sunday. Missio – APF collection at all Masses.
St Edmund’s Club, bar open 12.00 – 15.00 & 19.00 – 23.00.
Bingo 20.00.
St Edmund’s Club, bar open 20.00 – 23.00. Crib 20.00.
WEDNESDAY: Charismatic Prayer Group meet in the Presbytery 16.30 – 18.00.
Autumn Lecture in the Church, 19.00 with John Morill.
SVP meeting in the Presbytery at 20.00.
Rosary Group meet at Elmswell 13.00. All welcome, phone
Emma 01359 240181.
St Edmund’s Club, bar open 20.00 – 23.00
St Edmund’s Club, bar open 19.30 – 23.00. Family Quiz 20.00.
THANK YOU for your generosity last week. You gave £1496.09 in the collection and
£480.00 by standing orders and £132.30 from Lawshall. The collection for CAFOD
raised £1050.05.
PARISH LIBRARY & SHOP front of the Church on the left, is open for cards,
statues, medals, prayer books and other items after most weekend Masses.
FLOWERS IN MEMORY OF LOVED ONES can be placed on Our Lady’s Altar for
an anniversary, birthday etc. A donation of £15 or more would cover the cost, 10% to
Church Flower Fund. Details available from Mo Elliot 01359 271754.
Fr Mark, Fr Gerry, Deacons Chris & Alan, and Frs Paul & Bill wish
you peace and every blessing during the coming week.