5th June - Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C


5th June - Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
Chedworth Drive, Warndon, WR4 9PG
Telephone: 01905 454352 or 07939 137205
E-Mail: stjosephswarndon@yahoo.co.uk
Website: www.stjosephswarndon.co.uk
The parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham: Registered Charity No: 234216
Parish Priest: Fr Paul Johnson
Deacon: Rev Mr Tony Hartshorn
Deacon in formation: Mr Kevin Gowdy
Parish Safeguarding Representatives: Ms Ruth Holland Tel: 01905 29721, Mr Sinoj Sebastian Tel: 07882 754832
Parish Administrator: Lisa MacCourt
5th June 2016
Psalter: Week 2 Parish Mass Book: 38
Euch. Prayer: III (Preface: Sunday III)
5.15pm Sacrament of Reconciliation
6.00pm Mass
Molly Chatham RIP
10.00am Mass
Nick O’Neill, RIP
Reader EMHC
David V
Mick E
Ray B
Viv B
Monday Weekday
6.00pm Exposition
7.00pm Service of Word and Communion
Tuesday Weekday
6.00pm Exposition
7.00pm Mass
John-Jo Kilcoyne RIP
Wednesday Weekday
9.15am Mass (School Hall) Eileen Kavanagh, Int.
Thursday Weekday
7.00am Mass
John Scally, RIP
Friday Weekday
6.00pm Exposition
7.00pm Mass
David O’Sullivan RIP
7.30pm Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
5.15pm Sacrament of Reconciliation
6.00pm Mass
Rita Millicheap RIP
10.00am Mass
Joan Ferguson Int.
5.30pm Mass in the Syro Malabar Rite
Reader EMHC
Mick E
David H
Viv B
Joby T
29th May: Mass Count: 274
Collections: Gift Aid £tbc, Loose £tbc, Standing Orders £94
Second Collection This week: None. Next Week: Build Fund. Many
Fr Paul writes...
Hope you have enjoyed the half term week for those who have been away.
Back to
work now – with final plans for the parish mission beginning next weekend.
Please tell your friends and family: a personal invitation is key. Also, our service
for the sick will be a chance to renew our approach to caring for the neediest in our
community. Anne King has kindly agreed to lead our efforts but we need everyone to help a
week Thursday at our special service at 3.30pm, which will include the Sacrament of the Sick.
Also, next Saturday is the summer fete – already it is upon us!!!
Final push for volunteers.
Don’t just leave it to someone else like we did for the painting last weekend !Tell me, how can I
encourage more people to get involved? What would it take for you to give an hour of your
time? I think I better stop whining all the time and start praying. It’ll be the Holy Spirit that I
need right now! Don’t be feeling guilty if you have other more pressing matters – we all do –
but if you don’t have something far more important that supporting your parish and the
guilty cap fits you then pop it on!!!
Have a blessed and holy week and if you do only one thing this week – pray for the success of
the mission.
Bl. Edward Oldcorne, pray for us.
Spiritual Matters
Lord the light of Your love is shining in the midst of the darkness shining;
Jesus, Light of the World, shine upon us, set us free by the truth You now bring us,
shine on me, shine on me.
Shine, Jesus, shine, fill this land with the Father’s glory;
blaze, Spirit, blaze, set our hearts on fire.
Flow, river, flow, flood the nations with grace and mercy;
send forth Your word Lord, and let there be light.
In today’s Gospel we hear how Jesus rose the widow’s son from the dead.
This miracle
has been given to all of us, as we have been given the Spirit of life. The Holy Spirit
lives within us and, because of this, we have the gifts of the Spirit including: love,
faith, patience and joy. We also have other reasons to be joyful as, by Jesus’ death and
resurrection, we have been given eternal life. Whilst our physical bodies may perish, we
have been promised that we will live forever in God’s Glory. Our sins have been
forgiven and we are free. This freedom is truly a wonderful gift, and is one that flows
out of us, and helps us to be happy even when our lives are challenging. The Lord’s
happiness is not just about enjoying a good day, it is a deep seated, lasting joy and
shines out of us to other people. This helps to spread the Good News of the Lord, and
helps us to laugh and love other people better. So today let us feel really thankful for
the joy of being one of God’s children, and let us pray that our happiness will sustain
us through any difficult times we may have. May we be good witnesses for the Lord
and help to bring His glorious sunshine into the world.
Louise Bowen
Prayers for the Sick: Elizabeth Millward, Amy Wooltorton, Louise Bowen,
Mrs Cleary, Alf Wood, Kitty Maloney, Betty Shipman, Marion Sanders & Patricia Yarnold.
Those recently baptised: Henry Lupson & Charlie Hopper
Those who have received First Holy Communion.
11th - 17th June 2016: Blessed Edward Oldcorne, Pray for us.
Did you take home a Mission leaflet? Please distribute them widely – plenty of copies at
the back of church. Pray our Mission prayer, too, whenever you can.
Final Week of preparation now. Particularly we need to ensure the weekday Mass is in
the diary – every day at 10am, and the evening service at 7pm each weeknight. Make
every effort to come along.
Service for the sick on Thursday, 16th June at 3.30pm followed by afternoon tea.
We need help bringing people to church. Could you give a hand? It’s a one-off
commitment which people will be very grateful for.
Marian Jay is our principle organiser but she’s asking for help. Either email Marian on
mjmarian@sky.com or phone 01905 340341.
CENSUS 2016 Every so often we are required to take a census of our parish and
this time has come around again! Could you take a census form and complete it
– should only take a couple of minutes – in order that we can record who we
are! Reminds me of an apocryphal tale once told of the bishop visiting a home
for those with dementia. When asking one of the residents if she knew who he
was the reply came back: ‘no, but I’m sure if you ask the nurse she’ll tell you!’
VISITING THE SICK Fr Paul has asked me to help organise ways of showing our love and
support for people in our Parish who are sick or housebound. I want to find out who would
like us to visit and befriend them. Also to reach out to people who are unwell and whose
faith practice may have lapsed. There will be some housebound that we don't know about.
Loneliness is one of the hardest things to bear. Can you help by: (a) Giving me the name
of a friend or neighbour who is poorly and might like us to contact them? They may be at
home, in hospital or in a nursing home; (b) Offering to help us build up a team of visitors by
offering your services? We plan some training and guidance, so you will be supported.
Anne King 01905 927980 anneking5@hotmail.com
MISSIO RED BOXES Please keep bringing them in to church and we’ll get them
emptied and returned to you. If you have any questions, contact Fr Paul or Lisa
MacCourt. Visit missio.org.uk/RedBox for more information.
Celebrating the Queen’s Birthday
Saturday 11th June from 1pm - 4pm
VOLUNTEER Thanks for all the bottles to date – we’ve topped the 600 mark
but please keep ‘em coming!
Final push for volunteers. Please tell us what you can do. All the help you
can give is very much appreciated. See Beth or Fr Paul TODAY.
See the notice on the back door and sign up where you can for the
various stall. Pray for good weather.
Raffle tickets are now available, please take as many as you can to sell.
BRING AND BUY SALE in aid of Friends of the Holy Land will take place on Saturday, 25th
June from 10.00am to 1.30pm at St George’s Parish Hall. Small sale-able items can be
left at St George’s presbytery nearer the date.
PAINTING TED’S SHED Thanks to Deacon Tony, Kevin, Peter and Barbara with baby
Natalia for helping paint last weekend. That was all the helpers. Where were you? I guess
you’re coming early September when we plan to put on the next coat of paint.
SUMMER CAMP 2016 from 14th to 19th August at Alton Castle for current year 7 through
to year 13 students (or, everyone of secondary school age!) Summer camp offers a
plethora of fun activities alongside opportunities for in depth discussion, learning and
sacramental encounters. Jimmy Mitchell from the USA will also be there. The cost for
camp is usually £250 but the cost for Catholic Worcester parishioners will only be
£100. For more details visit www.bcys.co.uk or email: beccy.roseman@bcys.co.uk
ROSARY FOR VOCATIONS There are a small number of Rosary prayer cards from the
Diocesan Vocations office available from the back of church. Please take one home.
MARRIAGE HELP Retrouvaille has helped tens of thousands of couples at all stages
of disillusionment or misery in their marriage. This programme can help you too. There
is no group therapy or group work. For confidential information about Retrouvaille or to
register for the next programme in Exeter, commencing with a residential weekend on
10th-12th June 2016, please visit www.retrouvaille.org.uk ; call or text 0788 729 6983 /
0797 338 0443 or email info@retrouvaille.org.uk
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School
Chedworth Drive, Warndon, Worcester WR4 9PG
You are invited to join us for the
‘I am a 23 year old Female Junior Doctor
looking for a room/flat to rent in Worcester
for a new Job beginning 27th July 2016.
I would be looking for a female only
residence or a spare room in a family home
to rent for 12 months. I would often be away
at the weekends. I am clean and tidy.’
You are invited to join us
To celebrate our Golden Anniversary
of the opening of the school for an evening of celebration
of and
of the opening of ourMass
for an evening of celebration.
followed by
of Thanksgiving
and Wine
by a past school friends!
and a chance to catch
up with
Hog Roastonand Wine
Friday 8thOnJuly 2016
If you can help please email:
1966 - 2016
Friday 8th July 2016
7:00pm ~
~ Tickets
At 7:00pm
RSVP by 20 June 2016
or Telephone: 01905 452772
Mon 6th June
Wed 8th June, 9am
Sat 11th June, 1-4pm
Sat 11th June, 6pm
Fri 17th June, 8pm
Tue 21st June, 6pm
Tue 21st June, 7.30pm
Fri 24th June, 10pm
Back to School
Whole School Mass in hall
Parish Fete
Parish Mission begins
Multi Cultural Party for Mission
Nov Confirmation Parents Meeting in School
Hospital Volunteers Meeting in Presbytery
Adoration all night in church, Mass at 7am
1966 - 2016