June 26, 2016
June 26, 2016
ST. PAUL ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH MANY CULTURES, MANY COUNTRIES, MANY LANGUAGES IN ONE BODY: ST. PAUL’S FAMILY THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 26TH, 2016 SERVED BY Pastor…………... Rev. Leonardo Jaramillo Ph.D ………....Ext 13 Deacon ……..……………… ….…….................... .......Joseph A. Puskas Deacon, D.R.E…………..…. ..…………….……... .........Héctor Casillas MASS SCHEDULE D.R.E Saturday: 5:30pm Sunday: Assistant……… 7:30am, 9:30am,…………..…….Kat 11:30am, and 1:00pm (Spanish) hy Weekdays: 8:00am Mass is Militello….…..E celebrated in thextMother Teresa 11 Youth of Calcutta Chapel in the Parish Ministry………… House. Holy Days: ……….....Camilo 8:00am and and Luisa 7:30pm TODAY’S GOSPEL Betancourt Confessions: Saturdays from Secretary…….… When the days4:15pm-5:00pm for Jesus' being taken …............................ up were fulfilled, he resolutely DEVOTIONS .........Sonia of the determined to Novena journey into Honor Jerusalem, Almonte…..Ext Immaculate Conception: and he sent messengers ahead 10of him. Monday the 8:00am On the way they enteredafter a Samaritan Bookkeeper.… Mass. village to prepare for his reception …...……….……...... Chapletnotofwelcome Divine Mercy: .....Mildred there, but they would him Wednesdays after the 8:00am because the destination of hisLópez.…...…Ext journey Mass. 12 was Jerusalem.Mass When the disciples and Novena for Our Volunteer James and JohnMother saw this asked,Help: of they Perpetual Psychologist… "Lord, do you want us to call fire Wednesday at down 7:30pm in the …………………… from heaven toChurch consume Jesus and them?" gathering every 3rd ……..…....Ingrid turned and rebuked them,ofand Wednesday thethey month. Díaz (Parishvillage. Hall) Credentials: journeyed to another MA, MSW, Prayer for Vocations: Friday after the 8:00amLCSW, Mass.Ph.D. Visit our website at www.stpaulcnj.org Music Minister Eucharistic Adoration: First Friday of the ………………....... month from …..........................J 8:30am to 6:00pm. PARISH OFFICE Mother of Perpetual Help, Pray for us. Address: 231 Second Street Clifton, NJ 07011 Office Hours : 9:00am to 3:00pm Closed for lunch from 12:00pm to 1:00pm Phone: (973) 340-1300 Fax: (973) 340-2083 E-mail: stpaulchurchcnj@verizon.net Web site : www.stpaulcnj.org Pastor: Fr. Leonardo Jaramillo, Ph.D. EL EVANGELIO DE HOY Luke 9:51-62 Year of Mercy Cuando estaba por cumplirse el tiempo de su elevación al cielo, Jesús se encaminó decididamente hacia Jerusalén y envió mensajeros delante de él. Ellos partieron y entraron en un pueblo de Samaría para prepararle alojamiento. Pero no lo recibieron porque se dirigía a Jerusalén. Cuando sus discípulos Santiago y Juan vieron esto, le dijeron: "Señor, ¿quieres que mandemos caer fuego del cielo para consumirlos?". Pero él se dio vuelta y los reprendió. Y se fueron a otro pueblo. Mientras iban caminando, alguien le dijo a Jesús: "¡Te seguiré adonde vayas!". June 26th, 2016 THE ST. PAUL’S MEMORIAL AND HONORARY ELEVATOR FUND MESSAGE FROM OUR PASTOR: As your Pastor, I invite you to join me in seeing this vision through by making a donation to The St. Paul’s Memorial and BAUTISMO: En Inglés el you segundo Sábado delofmes la Honorary Elevator Fund in memory of a lost loved one or in honor of someone close to now. Donations $100a or 1:00pm y el segundo Domingo durante las Misas de more will have their loved one’s name engraved on a plaque that will be erected next to the elevator. Our Family of St. BAPTISM : Baptisms in English are celebrated 2nd a success. 9:30am yI 11:30am. Enmany Español celebramos Bautismo el Paul’s relies solely on your contributions to makeevery this project realize, like people, you mayelbe on a tight nd Saturday of the month at 1:00pm and 2 Sunday during cuarto Sábado del mes a la 1:00pm y el cuarto Domingo a budget, and feel as though it is difficult to donate on a regular basis; but with everyone’s help we can reach our goal. Mass at 9:30 and 11:30am. Baptisms in Spanish are la 1:00pm dentro de la Eucaristía. Es un requisito que Padres y Padrinos asistan a una clase de Preparación celebrated everyAND 4th Saturday of the month at 1:00pm and DEDICATION HONORARY RESURRECTION WALL Bautismal antes de celebrar este Sacramento, si los 4th Sunday at 1:00pm (Spanish Mass). Parents and Please note that the minimum donation eligible for a Godparents are required to attend one Baptismal Padrinos no están registrados como miembros de la plaque is $100.00 plaque design according Preparation Class, and if Godparents are varies not registered Parroquia de San Pablo, deben traer una carta en la que amount of donation made. parishioners intoSt. Paul Church, they must bring a sponsor indique que ellos asisten a Misa o son miembros activos de GOLDfrom DONATION - IN MEMORY OF A LOST LOVED Letter their parish. First requirement is thatONE the otra Parroquia. Los padres deben traer el certificado IFEwhen AT Toriginal AUL parents must bringACRAMENTAL an- IN original certificate de nacimiento del niño(a) a la primera cita con el SILVER DONATION HONORbirth OF FAMILY/EVENT meeting with Fr. Leonardo to schedule a Baptism. Padre Leonardo. $100 - $199 Leaf Plaque CONFESIONES: El Sacramento de la Reconciliación o $200 - $299 Leaf Plaque w/1 Star RECONCILIATION: The sacrament of Reconciliation is Confesión es celebrado todos los sábados de 4:15pm hasta $300 - $399 Leaf Plaque w/2 Stars in the celebrated every Saturday from 4:15pm to 5:00pm las 5:00pm en la Iglesia. Si desea una cita personal con el - $499 Leaf Plaque w/3may Starsbe Church.$399 Personal appointments made by Sacerdote, por favor llamar a la oficina. contacting parish office. $500the - $749 Leaf Plaque w/4 Stars MATRIMONIO: El Sacramento del Matrimonio es celebrado Viernes de 1:00pm hasta las 4:00pm; Sábados de 1:00pm a $750 - $999 Leaf Plaque w/5 Stars MARRIAGE: The sacrament of matrimony is celebrated las 3:00pm y Domingos de 3:30pm a 5:00pm. Los $1,000 - $2,499 Small Rock Friday from 1:00pm to 4:00pm, Saturday from 1:00pm to documentos que deben traer son: Certificado original de $ 2,500-$4,999 Medium Rock 3:00pm and Sunday from 3:30pm to 5:00pm. We must be Bautismo, Primera Comunión y Confirmación. Las parejas $10,000 Rock contacted one $5,000year prior to the Large date of the wedding. In de novios deben empezar a prepararse con un año de Overwith $10,000 X Large couples Rock must bring your initial meeting Fr. Leonardo anterioridad. Para mayor información, por favor ponerse the following documents: updated Baptismal, First en contacto con el Padre Leonardo in la Oficina Parroquial. Communion, and Confirmation certificate. UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS: El Sacramento de la Unción de los enfermos es celebrado durante la Misa de 5:30pm el SACRAMENTName: OF THE SICK: The sacrament of the sick is Phone: día Sábado. Si usted desea ser ungido durante esta Misa o celebrated during the 5:30pm Mass on Saturday. If you en otra ocasión por favor póngase en contacto con la Address: wish to be anointed during the 5:30pm Mass, or if you Oficina Parroquial. En caso de una persona enferma, por favor déjele prefer other arrangements, please contact the parish saber a nuestra Parroquia, si usted o un miembro de su familia office. desean recibir la Santa Comunión en su casa. El Párroco visita In cases of illness, please notify us if you or a family a los enfermos veces alChurch mes. Por favor, notifique a la Oficina member would like to receive Holy Communion at home. Donation: Check # Payabledos to St. Paul de la Parroquia al 973-340-1300. The pastor visits the sick twice a month. Please notify the EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA : El Programa de Formación DEDICATION AND HONORARY RESURRECTION WALL ORDER FORM Parish Office at 973-340-1300. In an effort to accommodate everyone’s request, there is a limitReligiosa of four linesofrece of engraving, each with 20 characters per line.como la la formación tanto religiosa Please complete and return this form with your donation to either the Parish office or place it in the Mass collection basket. preparación a los Sacramentos para niños y niñas de RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: The Religious Education nuestra Parroquia en los grados 1º al 11º. Para mayor Program provides religious formation and sacramental información contacte nuestra oficina Parroquial. preparation for children of our parish in Grades 1 through RITO DE INICIACIÓN CRISTIANA PARA ADULTOS (RICA): Es 11. For more information contact our Parish Office. un proceso de formación litúrgico y espiritual para RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION (RCIA) FOR ADULTS: A aquellos que buscan recibir los Sacramento del Bautismo, process of Liturgical and Spiritual formation for those Confirmación y Eucaristía. Para mayor información por seeking to receive the sacraments of Baptism, favor, ponerse en contacto con la Oficina Parroquial. Confirmation and Eucharist. For more information contact our Parish Office. OUR RESURRECTION WALL S L S .P CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR NEWLY BAPTIZED: IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN GETTING MARRIED IN OUR CHURCH, PLEASE CONTACT OUR PARISH OFFICE. Emma Isabel Galarza, Katelyn Michelle Jimenez, Eric Angel Irrizarri, Jimena Salgado Perez, Brian Peter Eromenok III, Kataleah Baladi, Briannha Adelyn Coloma IF YOU ARE Visit our website at www.stpaulcnj.org INTERESTED IN GETTING Year of Mercy June 26th, 2016 Memorials This Weekend 25 , 26 th SATURDAY, June 25, 2016 8:00am: William Wroblewski (36th Ann) 5:30pm: Paolo Sgroi, Gioacchino Anile, Rosa Lopiccolo, Mamerto and Esther Rejano, **In Thanksgiving for the 25th Wedding Anniversary of Germel and Josie Reyes SUNDAY, June 26, 2016 7:30am: Joseph Babits, For those who lost their lives and the injured in the shooting in Orlando 9:30am: Stella Snyder, Barbara Webber, Nellie and Michael Thomason, Christopher Bengen 11:30am: Rosa Van Acker (1st Ann), Anthony Mustac, Mae Kavanagh Carmine Damiano, Katherine Dunn, Natalie Arango 1:00pm: Carlos Rodas, Michael Harr, **Por la salud de Natasha Komis, ** En acción de Gracias al Señor de la Misericordia MONDAY, June 27, 2016 St. Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop and Doctor of the Church 8:00am: June Fischer Pepe, Hector Figueroa TUESDAY, June 28, 2016 St. Irenaeus, Bishop and Martyr 8:00am: June Fischer Pepe, Hector Figueroa WEDNESDAY, June 29, 2016 Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles 8:00am: **In Thanksgiving on the 32nd Wedding Anniversary of Myrna and Manuel Gonzalez 7:30pm: Mario Alfonzo, Hector Figueroa THURSDAY, June 30, 2016 The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church 8:00am: Hector Figueroa, Natalie Arango FRIDAY, July 1, 2016 Blessed Junipero Serra, Priest 8:00am: June Fischer Pepe, Hector Figueroa SATURDAY, July 2, 2016 8:00am: June Fischer Pepe, Hector Figueroa 5:30pm: Czeslawa Kolodziej, Victims of the tragedy in Orlando SUNDAY, July 3, 2016 7:30am: Edmund Kopacz, Fr. Clement Cardillo, **In Thanksgiving of the 32nd Wedding Anniversary of Myrna and Manuel Gonzalez 9:30am: Stanley A. Kobylarz (1st Ann), Leon Lejda 11:30am: Arch Griffith, William Bush, **In Thanksgiving to St. Jude for all the Blessings 1:00pm: Victims of the tragedy in Orlando, (IF ANYONE IS INTERESTED IN A MASS INTENTION FOR A LOVED ONE PLEASE CALL OUR PARISH OFFICE) Visit our website at www.stpaulcnj.org The Sanctuary Lamp will be lit in Memory of... St. Paul Church Parishioners Host and Wine is offered in Memory of... St. Paul Church Parishioners The Candles on the Main Altar are in Memory of... St. Paul Church Parishioners The Flowers on the Main Altar are in Memory for... St. Paul Church Parishioners The Blue Candle on Mary’s Altar will be lit in Memory of … St. Paul Church Parishioners The flowers on Mary’s Altar are in Memory of… Stella Snyder Donated by Frank and Daughters MT 21:33-43 MT 14:22-33 Please notify an usher if the Mass you are attending is in memory of a friend of family member, and you will like to bring the Gifts to the Altar in the Offertory Procession. MT 13:24-43 READINGS FOR THIS WEEK Monday: Amos 2:6-10, 13-16; Psalm 50:16bc-17, 18-19, 20-21, 22-23; Matthew 8:18-22 Tuesday: Amos 3:1-8; 4:11-12; Psalm 5:4b-6a, 6b7, 8; Matthew 8:23-27 Wednesday: Acts of the Apostles 12:1-11; Psalm 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9; 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 17-18; Matthew 16:13-19 Thursday: Amos 7:10-17; Psalm 19:8, 9, 10, 11; Matthew 9:1-8 Friday: Amos 8:4-6, 9-12; Psalm 119:2, 10, 20, 30, 40, 131; Matthew 9:9-13 Saturday: Amos 9:11-15; Psalm 85:9ab and 10, 11-12, 13-14; Matthew 9:14-17 Sunday: Isaiah 66:10-14c; Psalm 66:1-3, 4-5, 6-7, 16, 20; Galatians 6:14-18; Luke 10:1-12, 17-20 JUNE/JULY ENVELOPE SCHEDULE 6/26 Weekly 6/26 Maintenance & Repairs 6/29 Feast of St. Paul 7/03 Weekly 7/10 Weekly 7/10 Annual Diocesan GOD’S PLAN FOR GIVING: COLLECTION JUNE 19th, 2016 Regular Collection $ 5,932.00 Vocations $ 270.00 Candles $ 126.00 Young Children $ 42.00 Novena $ 110.00 Total $ 6,480.00 “In every way I have shown you that by hard work of that sort we must help the weak, and keep in mind the words of the Lord Jesus who himself said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35) Thank you for your generosity! Year of Mercy June 26th, 2016 th PARISH MINISTRY “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” 1 Peter 4:10 ST. PAUL CHURCH YOUTH MINISTRY Our next youth ministry meeting will be on Wednesday, June 29th at 6:45pm in the Mother Cabrini Center. We welcome all the youth of our parish to come and join us and bring a friend! COMMUNITY PRAYERS PRAYERS FOR FIREFIGHTERS, POLICEMEN, AND THOSE SERVING IN THE MILITARY may they be strengthened by knowing that Jesus Christ is with them always especially; Douglas Aquino, Kevin Aquino, Christopher McQuade, Matthew Mulick, Jeremy Brubaker, Matthew Valderama, Joseph Puskas II, Samantha Eromenok, Brian Eromenok, Erin Kidd, Kevin Fitzpatrick, Joseph Belfi, Fernando Rodriguez, Juan Perdomo, Anais Calderon, Christopher Calderon, Stephen Prandy, Lorenzo Urbano, Joseph Domicolo, Jake Castro, Marci Mann, Christopher & Matthew Molino, Carlos & Patricio Archila, Steven Green, Jose Carrero, Tom Scangarello Jr., Javier Cruz, William Fernandez, Rudy Ruiz, Wesley Delgado, Michael Genchi, Christopher Ashey and William Fernandez. May they be comforted by our continual prayers for their safety. Let us pray to the Lord. PRAYERS FOR THE SICK We especially pray for the sick who are suffering in our parish community: Cathy Scyncik, Andrew Sussman, Agnes Espinas, Lucile Paradiso, Roseanne Rocasanta, Dennis Asti, Margaret Bernhardt, Frances Radosti, Cathy Telofski, Elizabeth DaCunha, Sofia Hichez, Giovanna Miceli, Frank Messina, Marilyn Mays, Marina Regino, Catherine Murphy, Vinny Wilson, Linda Cotroneo, Angela Kelly, James Blakemore, Katie Mamay, Clare Messina, Carlos Saldarriaga, Vincent Lodato, Francisca Maldonado, Mathew Rinkerman, Maria Graceus, Gene Iler, Florence Rinkerman, Gracie Vidal, Jackie Pou, Debra David, Felicia La Bozette, Erin Kenney, Robert Clark, Ladonna Ackerman, Richard Murray, Gloria Cruzado, Tom Felipe, Anne Marie Gitin, George Vlases, Rosemary Cinderella, Carlos Rodriguez, Ryan Halupka, Flor Angela Garzon, Sara Hernandez, Sharon Golembiewski, Marie Marranzino, Wayne Carbona, Isabel Azona, George Gerardi, Jorge Vallejo, Marc Gallichio, Ruth Vargas, Ana Ortiz, Helen Loden, Antoliana Hernandez, Gerard Schenk, Margie Schwieghardt, Ruben Diaz, Alma Dickinson, Maria Van Dorn, Evelyn Mack, and Jennifer Almodovar . Let us pray to the Lord. We pray especially for those that recently passed away in our Parish: Giovanna Ambrogio, John Morales, Charles Smith, Natalie Arango, June Fischer Pepe and Héctor Figueroa . GOSPEL REFLECTION God's grace sets us free -- from intolerance and Throughout Jewish history it was traditional for Jews to prejudice and from everything that would keep us demonstrate repentance through washing ceremonies. fromthe following him. When Jesus made John Baptist was preaching repentance for the coming preparation to enter a Samaritan village he was of God's reign. His baptism may have been related to the met with opposition, no doubt because purifying washings of the Essenes at Qumran near thethe Samaritans perceived that he belonged to the was God's anointed one. John answered that his other party they were in dispute with. Thebaptism Jews was a preparation for "one mightier" who would and only Samaritans had been divided for centuries. Jesus' Visit our website at www.stpaulcnj.org baptizedisciples with "the were Holy Spirit and fire" 16). Although Jesus' indignant and(vwanted to see Jesus had no need of repentance, he entered the murky retribution. Jesus, in turn, rebukes them for their waters where the people had been baptized, thereby lack of toleration. Jesus had set his face toward uniting himself with sinful humanity. The baptism of Jesus Jerusalem order to die that Jew, Samaritan and was anotherin"epiphany," or manifestation of the divine Gentile might be reconciled with God and be made presence. While Jesus was praying, the Spirit descended one Christ. Whenvoice thewas Lord callsconfirming us to follow uponinhim, and God's heard Jesus him as the gives "beloved Jesuseverything would undergo he us Son" the (v.22). grace On to Calvary, put aside that a baptism of fire that would to thetowhole might keep us from doingbring his salvation will. Loyalty Jesus world (Lk 12:49-50). This transforming fire be demands sacrifice, especially the sacrificewould of one's poured out on the Church at Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4). own will for the will of God. A would-be disciple responded by saying, I must first go and bury my father, that is, go back home and take care of him until he died. Jesus surprised his disciples by telling that they must not look back on what they have freely given up, but instead keep their focus clearly on the goal they have set for their lives, union and happiness with God in his kingdom. A plowman who looked back caused his furrow to be crooked. Likewise, if we look back our path will likely diverge and we'll miss what God has for us. When the going is rough or the way ahead looks uncertain, we are tempted to look back to the "good old days" or to look for "greener turf". For Reflection: Are you resolved to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and to "stay the course" in following him to the end? LIFE’S LITTLE INSTRUCTION BOOK 1. Contribute five percent of your income to charity. 2. Take a nap on Sunday afternoons. 3. Learn to handle a handsaw and a hammer. 4. When tempted to criticize your parents, spouse, or children, bite your tongue. 5. Never underestimate the power or love and forgiveness. 6. CATHOLIC HUMOR 7.I had been teaching my three-year old 8.daughter, Caitlin, the Lord’s Prayer for several 9.evenings at bedtime, she would repeat after me the lines from the prayer. Finally, she 10. decided to go solo. I listened with pride as she carefully enunciated each word right up to the end of the prayer: “Lead us not into temptation,” she prayed, “but deliver us some E-mail.” Year of Mercy June 26th, 2016 CALENDAR OF EVENTS ST. PAUL CHURCH LEISURE CLUB UPCOMING EVENTS: UPCOMING MEETINGS AND EVENTS *Socials will be held jointly with Rosary and Leisure Club on Weds. July 13th and Weds. August 10th at 1 p.m. at The Masonic Lodge on Van Houten Avenue in Clifton. The Lodge is located up the hill from Woodrow Wilson Middle School. There will be no business meetings during this time. Coffee & tea will be provided. Please bring a dessert item to be shared. This is purely a social event. Bingo will be played. Come out and enjoy some fun and good company. JUNE 25TH JUNE 25TH-26TH *Jefferson House, Lake Hopatcong slated for Tues, July 19th. Enjoy cookies and coffee or tea upon arrival. Sing along to your favorite tunes. Enjoy a BBQ style Buffet of hamburgers, hot dogs, ribs, sausage & peppers, corn on the cob, homemade potato salad, cole slaw and macaroni salad, soda, coffee, tea and cake. Beer, wine & soda are available from noon until 3 p.m. Weather permitting there is a lovely free narrated boat ride on the lake. Tickets are $43. Bus leaves St Paul Church at 10 a.m. Call Lucille (973) 777-8179. *Names are being taken now for our annual Wildwood Trip, Sept. 5th to the 9th. Price is $450 per person. Trip includes transportation, 4 nights lodging at Imperial 500 Motel, breakfasts and dinners, stop at Smithville on the way down , a visit to A.C., Dolphin watching boat ride, Wildwood boardwalk, Cape May shopping. Money is collected half in July and the balance by August 15th. Our list is filling up fast. Don't miss out. Get your name on the list. To book Call Jane (973) 684-7340. *Members or non-members are welcome to sign-up for upcoming trips. If you are interested, please contact Jane Decker 973-684-7340 or Esther Kenney 973-773-2317 WE NEED YOUR HELP!! ONE OF THE MANY WAYS WE SERVE OUR LORD IS THROUGH OUR PARISH COMMUNITY. WE ARE IN NEED OF ALTAR SERVERS, LECTORS, AND MINISTERS OF COMMUNION. CALL OUR PARISH OFFICE IF YOU’RE INTERESTED. THANK YOU! R OUTSIDE OF ST. PAUL E KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS REGINA MUNDI COUNCIL #3969 * LKnights are sponsoring a trip to the Sands I Casino in Bethlehem PA on Sunday, June 26th, G The bus will leave from St. Andrew Church 2016. back parking lot at 10:00am. The casino I provides $30 in slot play plus a $5 food voucher. O Tickets are $30 and photo ID is required. For U more information please call Maryann at S (973)772-2727 or Loretta at (973)345-7581 VisitEour website at www.stpaulcnj.org D FEAST OF OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP Mass and Novena 5:30pm (In Church) ST. PAUL’S YOUTH MINISTRY CARWASH 9:30am-2:30pm (Parking Lot) JUNE 29TH SOLEMNITY OF SAINTS PETER AND PAUL Mass at 8:00am and 7:30pm (In Church) JULY 1ST EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 8:30am-6:00pm(In Chapel) Let us pray for those that have lost their lives as a result of the tragedy in Orlando. JULY 4TH INDEPENDANCE DAY Mass at 8:00am Parish Office will be closed in observance of the Holiday 10 SIGNS OF A SAFE PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN & YOUTH 1. Screening of staff/ volunteers. 2. Adults trained in safe environment strategies and signs of abuse. 3. Code of conduct enforced. 4. Open Communication between parents and staff/ staff and children/ children and parents. 5. Parents always Welcome. 6. Children educated in right relationship & what to do if a relationship isn’t right. 7. Al l children treated with Dignity and Respect. 8. Clear Rules and Expectations. Consistent reinforcement / consequences 9. Adequate supervision of youth. Team approach---accountability---no 1:1 isolation 10. All abuse is reported Year of Mercy June 26th, 2016 CELEBRATING FR. LEONARDO’S 5th YEAR AS PASTOR HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Feed the Hungry, Give Drink to the Thirsty, Clothe the Naked, Shelter the Homeless, Care for the Sick, Visit the Imprisoned, Bury the Dead Spiritual Works of Mercy Corporal Works of Mercy “A Time “If ato computer Heal, breaks, it is a to Help, tragedy. But poverty, to Forgive.” the needs and dramas of so many people end up being FATHER LEONARDO considered normal.” Convert Sinners, Instruct the Ignorant, Advise THANK YOU, JARAMILLO the Doubtful, Thank you for coming to St. Paul’s Parish. Because of you St. Paul’s has grown into a vibrant and joy filled Comfort the parish, a parish that is strong, stable and alive. Thank you for laying down your life for Christ and his Church, Sorrowful, Bear for giving up your life to help us here at St. Paul’s to get through ours. Thank you for loving us, even when we abuse you.Wrongs Thank you for being on call 24 hours a day. Thank you for showing up in a hospital room when needed, for bringing Patiently,the Eucharist to the sick, for visiting the homebound. Thank you for your counsel. Thank you for standing outside Mass every Sunday shaking hands with people who don’t bother to learn your name. Forgive Injuries, Thank you for laughing and drinking Sangria, for dancing at parties and weddings, and just being a man instead Praycast forofthe of a plaster a priest. Thank you for loving our children. Thank you for children’s homilies and skits at Family Mass. and Thank you for the example you set to our children of what it means to follow Christ. Thank you Living the for refusingDead to be overcome by the world’s hatred. Thank you for exposing the Blessed Sacrament for adoration. Thank you for the sacrifices you make to bring us the Holy Sacrifice. Thank you for saying Masses during the week and all day Sunday. Thank you for homilies that make us proud to be a Catholic, for homilies that remind us that the Mass is about the Eucharist, not the works of man. Thank you for consecrating the Eucharist so reverently. Thank you for the intensity of your worship and the love in your eyes when you look at your people and when you look at your God. Thank you for praying over us and praying with us and praying for us. Thank you for your private faithfulness to prayer, to the Office and the Mass, to your own confessions and rosaries and fasting. Thank you for fighting every day to be a man worthy of the call. Thank you for preaching Christ to us, for bringing Christ to us, for being Christ to us. Thank you for following Him, never knowing where He will lead you. Thank you for teaching us to trust, for teaching us to love, for teaching us to live. Thank you for taking care of our Church, our properties and, for the renovations to our Parish Office, the Mother Teresa of Calcutta Chapel and the Mother Cabrini Center. Thank you for instituting the 1:00pm Spanish Mass. Especially, thank you for reducing St. Paul’s financial debt. Thank you for taking on such a huge project, the installation of the long awaited elevator in our Church. Most importantly, thank you, Father Leonardo, for being our Pastor for the past five years, and hopefully for many, many more years. May God bless and protect you, Your Staff and Parish Community Visit our website at www.stpaulcnj.org Year of Mercy June 26th, 2016 ST. PAUL YOUTH MINISTRY REMEMBERING THE PRESENCE OF JESUS CHRIST IN THE SANCTUARY Our Lord Jesus Christ is always present in the DEDICATION AND HONORARY WALL sanctuary; let us remember in these RESURRECTION summer LIFE’S LITTLE months Please His presence in the being eligible for note that theEucharist minimumby donation conscience of our attire. Please INSTRUCTION BOOK a plaque is $100.00 and plaquedress design varies Saturday, JuneJanuary 25th, 2016 appropriately for Mass. Thank you1.for your Learn to play a musical according to amount of donation made. and cooperation. instrument. $155,700.00 GOLD DONATION - IN MEMORY OF A LOST LOVED ONE Sunday, June 26th, 2016 Fr. Leonardo Jaramillo 2. Sing in the shower. SILVER DONATION - IN HONOR OF FAMILY/EVENT 9:30am-2:30pm 3. Use the good silver. $100 - $199 Leaf Plaque (Parking 4. Learn to make great chili. Lot) $200 - $299 Leaf Plaque w/1 Star Donation 5. Plant flowers every Spring. $5.00 $300 - $399 Leaf Plaque w/2 Stars 6. Own a great stereo system. $399 - $499 Leaf Plaque7.w/3 Stars Be the first to say “Hello.” 8. Live beneath your means. $500 - $749 Leaf Plaque w/4 Stars SATURDAY, JULY 9th, 2016 9. Buy books, even if $750 - $999 Leaf Plaque w/5 Starsgreat $75 per person you never read them. $1,000 - $2,499 Small Rock THE SHRINE OFdonation OUR LADY OF to: MARTYRS Please make your payable $ 2,500-$4,999 Medium Rock $5,000- $10,000 St.Large PaulRock Roman Catholic Church. AND HOWE CAVERNS Over $10,000 XThank Large Rock you forofyour generosity! The Shrine of Our Lady Martyrs is known as “Church of 100 TRIP TO AURIESVILLE, NEW YORK doors” and birthplace of St. Kateri Tekakwitha, the first American Indian woman that became a saint. We will also be exploring the Howe Caverns. Please call our Parish Office to reserve your seat. REST IN PEACE HECTOR FEAST OF OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP FIGUEROA Come and join us for Mass and Novena celebrating the Feast of Our Mother of Perpetual Help on Saturday, June 25th, 2016 at 5:30pm (In Church) A hallowed place within our hearts is where you’ll always stay. It saddens me to announce the untimely death of our beloved friend, Hector Figueroa who was called home to God’s Kingdom on Tuesday morning, June 21st, 2016. We here at St. Paul’s community will mourn deeply Hector’s passing, as his was a life of service, love, and compassion. May he rest in peace, and may God bless his wife Kathy and family. Visiting will be held on Sunday, June 26th at Alvarez Funeral 66 Passaic Ave, Passaic, NJ 07055 from 2:00pm6:00pm. Funeral Mass will be Monday, June 27th, at 9:45am here at St. Paul’s Church. Fr. Leonardo Jaramillo Visit our website at www.stpaulcnj.org SOLEMNITY OF SAINTS PETER AND PAUL Year of Mercy Come and join us for Mass celebrating the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul Wednesday, June 29th, at 8:00am and 7:30pm (In Church) June 26th, 2016
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May 29, 2016
community: Cathy Scyncik, Maryanne Ciallella, Andrew Sussman,
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