Schedule - Tikkun America


Schedule - Tikkun America
No More Chains
Registration and check in
4:00pm - 6:00pm
Living Free Women’s Conference
A Ministry of Ahavat Yeshua Messianic Jewish Congregation
Sponsored by Tikkun America
August 12, 2016 - August 14, 2016
Turf Valley Resort
2700 Turf Valley Rd, Ellicott City, MD
Patricia Juster
Register now at
Dr. Jean Toth
Monique Welsh
Worship Leaders
For more information please visit us on the web at or contact us at
Dance Coordinator
Dalia Cohen
at 7p
No More Chains
Conference Schedule
Friday August 12, 2016
Registration and check in 4:00pm - 6:00pm (Session begins at 7pm)
Bringing in the Sabbath
Opening dance presentation - Dalia Cohen Emerson and Zamariah Jackson
Worship led by Mandie Greenberg Cook
Keynote Speaker - Patty Juster - How to Live Free from Rejection and Walk in G-d's Acceptance
Breakout ministry dealing with rejection - 9:30pm - 11pm
Saturday August 13, 2016
Shabbat Morning Part 1
Morning Prayer 7:30am – 8:30 am (optional) Led by Dr. Jean Toth and Gail Yhap
Breakfast 8:30am - 9:30am
Saturday morning session begins at 9:45am
Worship led by Sue Samuel
Speaker - Monique Welsh - How to Live Free from Pride and Walk in Humility
Speaker - Dr. Jean Toth - How to Live Free from Unbelief and Walk in Faith
Dance Presentation - Daliah Cohen Emerson and Dance Team
Lunch 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Saturday Part II - 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Surrender and Repentance (A unique aspect of our conference that you don't want to miss)
Worship led by Zamariah Jackson
Prophetic words w/moderator
Call for Repentance
Free Time - or Dance Workshop led by Dalia Cohen Emerson- 3:45 - 5:30pm
Mini Counseling Clinic - 3:45pm - 5:30pm
Dinner 6pm - 7pm
Saturday Evening Session begins at 7pm
Havdalah service
Worship led by Zamariah and SWANK
Speaker - Daniah Greenberg - How to Live Free from Sin and Walk in Holiness
Breakout ministry dealing with pride, unbelief and sin - 9:30pm - 11pm
Sunday August 14, 2016
Morning Prayer 7:30am – 8:30am (optional) Led by Dr. Jean Toth and Gail Yhap
Breakfast 8:30am - 9:30am
Victory Session
Worship led by Mandie Greenberg Cook and Sue Samuel
Speaker - Patti Juster - How to Live Free from the Lies of the Enemy and Walk in Victory and Truth
Walk In Victory - Zamariah Jackson
Closing Remarks and Prayer
Marketplace will open after the Sunday session from 12pm until 2pm.