2016-01-17 - Covenant Presbyterian Church
2016-01-17 - Covenant Presbyterian Church
COVENANT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Come and See, Grow and Share! THE COVENANTER JANUARY 17. 2016 M P A T E R T H M B E R E S B Y T L A N T I E P R E N E G E O R G I A E R Y , S Y N O D O F T H E S O U T H C , G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y O F S B Y T E R I A N C H U R C H ( U S A ) Interfaith Hospitality Training - What: Date: Time: Place: Through the Christmas Joy Offering we Who: of need and to racial ethnic education and Give a gift of GREAT PROMISE! make and keep two promises: to church workers through assistance in their time leadership development. Each of those RSVP: promises is kept, equally by the gift you Refreshments will be provided give, and each has the power to change lives. Please see your insert and envelope in your mailbox and thank you for your generous giving. The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 31, beginning at 9:15am with a catered breakfast in the fellowship hall. Followed by a meeting to hear about the 2016 budget and a word about each COVENANT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1065 Gaines School Road Athens, Georgia 30605 706-548-2756 or 706-613-2344 www.covpresathens.org Ministry Team’s plans for 2016, and to vote on the Pastor’s Terms of Call. We need you! Youth will help provide childcare. REMEMBER Rich Reaves with a badly sprained ankle; Ellen Stoneburner, recovering from successful foot surgery; Caren Snook’s friend Betty Irwin of our community, with a broken hip; students and teachers, in difficult times, as the new year begins; Pauline Marshall & family, in the death of her dear friend Laverne in Iowa; the Barnett family, with cancer surgery for their beloved dog; Ruby Basham and others too, with the health and care of aging parents; Grace Eubank, Bobbie Lindstrom, Bill Willis, and others at home. DAILY BIBLE READINGS— Monday January 18 Psalm 19 Tuesday January 19 Psalm 20 Wednesday January 20 I Corinthians 12: 12-13 Thursday January 21 I Corinthians 12: 14-26 Friday January 22 I Corinthians 12: 27-31 Saturday January 23 I Corinthians 13: 1-13 Sunday January 24 Luke 4: 14-21 Heart of Covenant - Saturday, February 13th! 6:30 pm Join us for a three course dinner on the eve of Valentines and have fun getting better acquainted with Covenant members and friends. This is not just a couples event but it is for adults so when you sign up please indicate if you will be needing childcare and the ages of the children. During the evening you will rotate to different tables and be seated with different folks for each course. There is a suggested donation of $10 per person. Lunch Bunch meets monthly at DePalma’s Italian Restaurant Eastside on final Tuesdays for delicious food and conversation. So Join us Tuesday, Jan. 26 at 11:30am. All are welcome! Meet you there! Sign up sheet is in the hall - please let us know you can come! 2 WEDNESDAY EVENING DEVOTIONS Please check out the bin in the gathering January 20th at 7:00pm room and see if there is something of 7:00pm - gathering time 7:05pm - contemplative time with quiet, music, Scriptural resources, and candles 7:25pm departing time yours that has been left in the kitchen. The items will be taken to Goodwill after January 31st. Thanks! WHO’S WHO? Who at Covenant was once hungry enough to steal a banana and did? Moment For Remembrance What's your favorite Covenant memory? Our 50th anniversary calls for a full year of celebration and thanksgiving. Whether you are a long-time member or a newcomer, you are invited (encouraged, urged) to share your memory in 60 seconds or less during our weekly "Moment for Remembrance.” Add your name to the sign-up sheet to reserve your preferred date or to be contacted if you have questions. "Come Celebrate Covenant’s Jubilee 50th Anniversary is on its way – Sunday, May 1, 2016 - as we count down the days! Look on the easel by the front doors for monthly postings of historic photos from our life together, provided by Linda Koehler. the Journey Now and Praise the Lord!" Covenant Breakfast Club at Cracker Barrel on Epps Bridge Road, Monday, February 1, 2016 at 8:00am Good food and good conversation among friends! All are welcome! Contaminated Recyclables? Really?? It’s just Junk! Recyclables are NOT just junk! They are resources; used items that can be reused to make new items. And they can be contaminated by non-recyclable stuff. The following items are not accepted for recycling at the curb in Athens-Clarke: plastic bags/wraps of any kind/size; food and liquids; shredded paper; glassware; paper plates or cups; napkins, paper towels or tissues; plastic cutlery; batteries or light bulbs; scrap metal including wire hangers; ceramics. Plastic bags/wraps (film plastic) are a major contaminant because they get tangled and stuck in the conveyor belts, screens and moving shafts that sort recyclables at the ACC Solid Waste Dept. This leads to technical malfunctions that result in costly repairs. Continued next week… Caren Snook for the Green Dream HELP! Our most r ecent guest with Inter faith Hospitality Networ k moved into her newly rented home Christmas Week. What a wonderful gift for her family! Some Covenant folks have already helped her with some furniture & a refrigerator, but she also needs general household goods. Missy & her 2 children (6 yr old girl and 4 yr old boy) would be very appreciative. If you can help, then please bring your small items to the breezeway and place them on the step-up shelf by the glass wall. Ideas include dishes, glasses, silverware, pots, pans, towels, pillows, and sheets (twin, double, queen). For large items, see Helen Epps (706-614-5987) to make arrangements. Ideas include twin bed & mattress, dining table & chairs, and bookcases. Thank you! WHO’S WHO: Randy Par ish 3 The purpose of Christian Education at Covenant Presbyterian Church is to nurture our discipleship, build our spirit of community and cultivate clarity of thought about our faith. Check out the signup board for Spring WoRM teaching opportunities. We are starting off the new year with the stories of creation and David and Jonathan. Wonderful Wednesdays January 20, 2015 5:15pm—6:00pm K-2nd grade Choir; 3rd-5th Servant Time; Youth (supervised) 6:00pm—6:30pm Family Dinner for children, youth and adults ($15.00 donation for meals per semester) 6:30pm—7:15pm 3rd—5th grade Choir; K-2nd Servant Time; Youth (6-12 grade) Faith & Film 7:00pm Evening Devotions 7:25pm Adult Choir in Worship Center A big shout out goes to all of the youth who helped with the lasagna lunch fundraiser, the parents who lent us their ovens and helped cook meat, and all of you who attended the lunch this past weekend! Thank you everyone! We were able to raise over $1,300 to help offset the cost of the high school youth group's trip to Montreat this June! With these funds, we will be able to cover transportation and the majority of our food for the week. Instead of our planned road clean-up this weekend, both youth groups will be watching the award-winning drama, Selma, in honor of MLK day this Monday. The movie chronicles Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's march for civil and voting rights across Alabama to the town of Selma. It's rated PG-13, so parents of those younger than 13, contact me if you have any concerns. We'll watch the movie before and after dinner this week, and next week we'll finish the movie before dinner and have a discussion afterwards. Both weeks will be 5-7pm. Speaking of the 24th, there are a couple of deposit deadlines on that day. The first one I'd like to mention is the $100 deposit for the Middle School Conference at Maryville College in TN, July 20-24. This trip is for current 5th through 8th graders. If your youth is interested in this trip, please let me know (if you haven't already) and make sure you get a deposit in by the 24th. I need to have our registration in Montreat's hands by February 1st to receive the lowest rate. Only a deposit will lock in a spot for this trip. The remaining balance will be due at our last Youth Group of the semester on May 15th and is TBD. The other deposit that is due on the 24th is the high school's Wintertreat (Winter Retreat) deposit of $65. We will be traveling to Montreat, NC for February 12-14, leaving the church sometime around 5-6pm on Friday and returning to Athens the evening of Sunday the 14th. For this trip to take place, there must be a minimum of 7 total youth with deposits turned in by the end of Youth Group on the 24th, no exceptions. If there are not enough youth attending, checks will be returned. There has been a decline in interest in this trip in years past. Please talk among yourselves to help foster interest in this trip to ensure we meet the minimum of 7. Youth Group on January 31st will be the 2nd annual Frozen Chosen Cup hosted by First Presbyterian Church. Covenant took home the Cup in 2015 so it's our year to defend it! Please drop off youth at First Pres at 5:30 for a pizza dinner. We'll get started with minute-to-win-it style games of skill and knowledge around 6:15 and should be done around 7:30p, possibly earlier. Please pick up from First Pres. Also, please RSVP with me for a simple head count to help determine numbers for pizza. Have a great rest of the week and hope to see you Sunday! Justin Van Wicklen, Youth Ministry Director 4 Covenant Mission Opportunity Summer 2016 AIR-Guatemala June 19-26 Deadline to sign up: FEBRUARY 15 AIR’s Mission is to implement educational programs and agro-forestry methods in Central America in order to protect water sources, prevent mudslides, reduce erosion, prevent lung disease and provide more nutritious crops, while protecting the earth. AIR has over 20 years of experience in hosting exciting, exhausting, rewarding and spiritual weeks of volunteering. You will stay in a secure, mountain retreat and spend days working side-by-side planting trees with Mayan farmers and visiting schools. AIR provides hotel, food, ground transportation and work material and provide a tourist day. We will meet you at the airport in Guatemala and handle every detail from there! If you want more information or want to sign up : Sue Rathbun Co-chair Witness Ministry Team Phone: 814-243-4778 or email: Irish_2242@yahoo.com SHORT TALK: Many things are referred to by their initials. Identify the following: 2. Seek to help inebriates: : ___ 1. GOP 2. AA 3. KOA 3. Nation-wide campsites: ____ SHORT TALK ANSWERS: 1. It’s mascot is an elephant: ____ 5 WEEK OF January 17, 2016 SUNDAY— 8:30am Worship resumes 9:30am Church School for all Ages 10:45am Worship 12:30pm Called Session Meeting 3:30pm OE Anonymous 5pm Youth Groups MONDAY— OFFICE CLOSED 8am Covenant’s Breakfast Club at Cracker Barrel TUESDAY– 9:30am Athens Mothers Center 8pm New Freedom WEDNESDAY10am Adult Bible Study 5:15pm –7:15pm Covenant Connection 6:30pm Adult Bible Study 7:00pm Wednesday Evening Devotion 7:25pm Adult Choir WEEK OF January 24, 2016 SUNDAY— 8:30am Worship 9:30am Church School for all Ages 10:45am Worship 3:30pm OE Anonymous 5pm Youth Groups MONDAY— OFFICE CLOSED TUESDAY– 9:30am Athens Mothers Center 11:30am Lunch Bunch at DePalmas’ on the Eastside 8pm New Freedom WEDNESDAY10am Adult Bible Study 5:15pm –7:15pm Covenant Connection 6:00pm Jubilee Committee Meeting 6:30pm Adult Bible Study 7:00pm Wednesday Evening Devotion 7:25pm Adult Choir THURSDAY— 10:45am Welcoming Athens Meeting 2:00pm Knitters & Knotters 5:30pm Cedar Creek Association Meeting THURSDAY— 10:45am Welcoming Athens Meeting 2:00pm Knitters & Knotters 5:30pm Cedar Creek Association Meeting 7:00pm Worship Team Meeting FRIDAY— Session Retreat through 1/23 9:30am Athens Mother’s Center 3:30pm The Cave 8pm New Freedom FRIDAY— 9:30am Athens Mother’s Center 3:30pm The Cave 8pm New Freedom SATURDAY– Fellowship Hall Cleaned SATURDAY– Fellowship Hall Cleaned WORSHIP—January 17, 2016 WORSHIP—January 24, 2016 8:30am Reader: Rich Reaves 8:30am Reader: Betsy Pless Ushers: Steve & Lola Bell Ushers: Alan Edwards, Betsy Pless 10:45am 10:45am Reader: Dolly Barstow Reader: Mary Barnett Ushers: Brad Courtenay, Phil & Sallie Hale , Evan Carrithers Ushers: Heide & Juergen Wiegel, Alex Clark, Julie Bower Greeters: Paige Campbell, Paul & Kay Brooks Greeters: Terry Centner, Mary Ann Johnson, Anna Cobb Piano: Pam Knox, Judy Capie Piano: Cliff Brock Counters: Paige Campbell Counters: Pam Knox, Caren Snook Flowers: Juergen Wiegel Flowers: Juergen Wiegel Plant Care: Frank Allen Plant Care: Frank Allen Open the Building: Alan Edwards Open the Building: Tim Bemisderfer Close the Building: Paul Brooks Close the Building: Jim Bowden Grounds Steward: Wayne Crowell (Jan. 18-24) Grounds Steward: Jim Bowden (Jan. 25-31) 10:45am 10:45am Nursery/Super: Don Bower Nursery/Super: Annemarie Braswell Birth—Walking: Don Bower Birth—Walking: Annemarie Braswell 6 : Wyatt Herndon, Patrick & Alice McMaster : Sandy Whitney, Josh Ballard-Myer, Lyndsey Bowden
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