ST. JOSEPH BASILICA 1109 Chestnut Street Alameda, CA 94501 January 17, 2016 Second Sunday In Ordinary Time MASS TIMES Monday through Saturday 8:00am Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00pm Sundays 7:30am * 9:30am * 11:30am 7:00pm Sacrament of Penance Saturday, 3:30 to 4:30pm DEVOTIONS Rosary Mon.- Sat., 7:30am First Friday Adoration after the 8:00am Mass with Vespers at 5:30pm followed by Benediction Our Lady of Perpetual Help Wednesday after 8:00am Mass Rev. George Alengadan, Pastor………510-995-9421 galengadan@sjbalameda.org PARISH OFFICE HOURS 9:00am to 4:30pm Monday through Friday Office closed for lunch Noon to 1:00pm Rev. Thi Van Hoang, Associate Pastor……510-995-9475 tvanhoang@sjbalameda.org Volunteer coverage Mon. & Tues. 4:30 to 7:00pm Sat. & Sun. 8:30am to 1:00pm Parish Office phone: 510-522-0181 Parish Office fax: 510-522-2864 Parish Office email: parish@sjbalameda.org Facebook.com/sjbalameda Website: www.sjbalameda.org Mary Kovalitsky, Office Manager & Bulletin Editor 510-995-9420……mkovalitsky@sjbalameda.org OUR MISSION: TO LIVE AS JESUS TEACHES Brothers and sisters in Christ, Today is the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. The readings of this Sunday are so rich, beautiful and symbolic. They depict the theme of the wedding between heaven and earth, between God and humanity. In the first reading, the prophet Isaiah says the Builder will marry his people. The God of the universe will share his life, his being with his people and make them his spouse. The Gospel tells us Jesus, his mother Mary and his disciples are invited to a wedding banquet. In middle of the celebration, the host ran out of wine and Jesus helped them change water into wine so that they might continue the celebration. There are some lessons we can draw from this story. First of all, we notice the names of the bride and groom are not mentioned. They are usually the main characters at a wedding and stand out, but we don’t even see them. By doing this, the evangelist depicts Jesus as a groom, a main character who comes to make his first proposal to the people of Cana to make them his spouse. God comes to meet his people at a wedding feast, which is to say that God wants us to have joy in our lives. However, sometimes in our lives we “run out of wine” because of our sins and failures. We go through life feeling washed up, disappointed, depressed. Our lives seem tasteless like water. In those moments, let’s not forget Jesus’ power of changing water into wine to bring us back to whom we are created for: Joy. Yes, Our Lord wants to come to us today and change water into wine in our lives, and to transform each of us into a new and better person. What then is our response – Are we the one who would prefer to remain as water and be satisfied as the old self? Or do we listen to Mary, the mother of Jesus and our mother who exhorts us - “Do whatever he tells you,” and allow Jesus to change water into wine in our life and to transform us into a newness of life? The choice is ours. And this is the Good News of today! Have a grace filled week with joy, Fr. Thi Hoang REDISCOVER AND SHARE GOD’S BOUNDLESS MERCY – JANUARY 24 Catechists, parents, and anyone who shares their faith with others are invited to Notre Dame Hall (SJND High School cafeteria) next Sunday for an afternoon to inspire and challenge you, and to enrich how you teach your children, your students, or others. Engage with Christ in new ways, and learn how to be channels of God’s mercy in this Jubilee of Mercy. Hospitality at noon followed by presentation by Patti Collyer 12:30 to 2:00pm. RSVP requested to Anne Marie at afourre@sjbalameda.org or 995-9409. Offered by and for the Alameda Deanery. Patti Collyer is the Coordinator of Faith Formation for Children and Youth for the Diocese of Oakland, and gives frequent workshops on a wide variety of topics. LENT IS FAST APPROACHING. ARE YOU READY? ASH WEDNESDAY, February 10, 2016 Masses with ash distribution: 6:30am., 8:00am, Noon, 5:00pm, and 7:00pm Bring your last year’s palms from Palm Sunday to the Basilica between January 30 and February 7, and join us on Tuesday, Feb. 9 at 7:00pm for our palm burning ceremony and prayer service. SAVE THE DATE! JUBILEE OF MERCY MISSION ON MARCH 7, 8 & 9. Deanery Lenten Mission mornings or evenings at St. Joseph Basilica at 9:00am and repeated at 7:00pm. PARISHIONERS! Join us for the 12th Annual Walk for Life West Coast Saturday Jan. 23 • • • Meet at Gathering Space at 10:30 am and carpool to Fruitvale BART station Get off at Civic Center BART station (Hyde St exit); walk up Grove St then Larkin St Meet at Playground / Right side as you face city hall / near toilets / Larkin & McAllister Main event starts at Civic Center Plaza, San Francisco 12:30 pm At end of walk: • Meet at red & yellow ‘Muni streetcar’ flower stand / Market & Spear / Embarcadero BART station entrance Contact Dan Lydon, 510-205-2480 OR Felix Marquez, 510-207-5094 for more information The goal of Walk for Life is to be a vocal and visual message that states the people of the West Coast stand for life while informing and educating society of the harm abortion can cause in an attempt to change the perceptions of those who believe abortion is an answer. The Silent No More Awareness Campaign will meet at 10:45 in the Civic Center Plaza, San Francisco. George Forney will lead the campaign. The Info Faire will take place in the Civic Center Plaza from 11:00 am - 12:30 pm IMPORTANT UPCOMING EVENTS • HEALING MASSES with the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick on the Feast Day of our Lady of Lourdes, February 11 at 11:00am and 7:00pm in the Basilica. WE EXCEEDED OUR GOAL By $468.75! YOUR GENEROSITY IS MUCH APPRECIATED! • 130TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION- Join the celebration of the dedication of our parish on March 19 (Feast of St. Joseph) with Mass at 11am, followed by International Potluck and festivities. To volunteer with entertainment, sponsorship, organization, etc. plan to attend the upcoming meeting on Tuesday Jan. 19 at 7:00pm in the Parish Center. For more info please contact Julie at 995-9411 or jpond@sjbalameda.org COLLECTION FOR JANUARY 9/10 , 2016 Weekly Budgeted Goal $13,000.00 Plate Collection $12,051.00 EFT Collection $1,417.75 Total Parish Collection Excess $13,468.75 $468.75 GREETINGS FROM KERALA, INDIA! The first few days of my vacation I spent with my older brother, Joseph, who is recuperating well after his open heart surgery. Thanks you very much for your prayers. In the past few days I have been traveling to different places. I visited the Salesian seminary in Bangalore. It is comforting to see that there are currently about 200 seminarians. While the West has a shortage of vocations in Asia and Africa, God is blessing the church with vocations. I believe in the Holy Spirit! Besides the Seminary, I also visited five other Salesian institutes which do amazing pastoral ministry in schools and parishes for the poor, including street children. The size of the schools on average is 2000 students. My visit to theses places has confirmed for me that the best kept secret is the whole world is the great work Catholics do in hospitals, schools and orphanages for the poor and the less fortunate. I also participated in the silver jubilee of priesthood of Fr. Paulson who is the pastor of Christ the King parish, Pleasant Hill. Twenty-seven people, including two priests, had come from the Bay Area for the occasion and also to visit India. I was also the silver jubilee of his brother priest, Fr. Santhosh who is a principal of a big school in India. I also participated in the parish festival in my home town on the occasion of Epiphany. It is a three day celebration with Solemn Masses a colorful procession through the city, fireworks, family gatherings, decorations and illuminations. The Parish feast is bigger than Christmas externally. It is also a time for renewal in faith and family relationship. Stay tuned for more news. In the meantime please be assured of my prayers and fraternal remembrance for you. Fr. George How can we show others the mercy of God? We say that God is compassionate, but we ignore the poor. We say that God loves us and has mercy on us, but we hold grudges against our friends. Our actions need to authentically reflect God's mercy. Click below to explore the different ways that you can live out that mercy every day! The Corporal Works of Mercy The Corporal Works of Mercy are found in the teachings of Jesus and give us a model for how we should treat all others, as if they were Christ in disguise. They "are charitable actions by which we help our neighbors in their bodily needs" (USCCA). They respond to the basic needs of humanity as we journey together through this life. The Corporal Works and some suggestions are listed below. FEED THE HUNGRY—Sign up to help serve meals at our local St. Vincent de Paul dining room in Oakland. GIVE DRINK TO THE THIRSTY—bring some bottled water or juice boxes to church and deposit them in the food bins for the needy. SHELTER THE HOMELSS — donate blankets to our local shelter or if you can crochet or knit make a blanket for someone. VISIT THE SICK— if someone in your family is ill go and visit them or just stop by one of our local senior homes to brighten up someone’s day. I used to bring my doggie to the Alameda Care Center and everyone just loved to talk or give my doggie a pet. We brightened up the day for several patients who were shut in. You can also donate blood to save lives. VISIT THE PRISIONERS—this may be a hard one but you can at least pray for those who are in prison BURY THE DEAD—make sure you have a funeral Mass for your family members or visit a local cemetery and pray for your dearly departed. GIVE ALMS TO THE POOR—Our annual Rice Bowl collection is fast approaching and you can give alms by filling up your Rice Bowl. For more info on the Year of Mercy and how you can get involved visit: www.usccb.org SPECIAL EVENTS AT UPCOMING MASSES Like to know what to expect at weekend Masses? Mark your calendars for the following: January 31, 9:30am: Catholic Schools Week begins (St Joseph Elementary School present in full force) February 7, 9:30am: Family Mass & Scout Sunday (Children take an active role in Mass, including helping with readings) Can you use a little peace this week? Taizé is an ecumenical, candlelit service of prayer in simple chant, Scripture readings, silent worship and veneration of the Cross, offered as a witness to peace and reconciliation, for which we gather each month. Join us Friday, January 22, 2016 at St. Joseph Basilica, at 8:00 P.M. Visit us on www.facebook.com/TaizeOnTheIsland and www.taizeontheisland.co.cc CATHOLIC UNDERGROUND, Saturday, January 23, 7:00 pm St. Philip Neri Parish, 3108 Van Buren St., Alameda The next Catholic Underground will take place at St. Philip Neri Parish on Saturday, January 23 at 7:00 pm. Catholic Underground is a two part event for young adults in the Bay Area. The first part of the evening consists of Eucharistic Adoration, and the second part showcases different Catholic artists. During the next Catholic Underground, the featured artist will be Alanna Boudreau, an American singer-songwriter. Contact Steven Lewis 510-267-8394 slewis@oakdiocese.org Oakdiocese.org/CUBayArea WHAT IS 9 DAYS FOR LIFE? 1. PRAY the novena from Saturday, January 16 - Sunday, January 24, 2016. 2. GATHER together in prayer and action with others. SHARE your experience online. http://www.usccb.org/about/pro-life-activities/january-roe-events/how-can-i-participate-in-9-days-for-life.cfm 3. NEW PARISHIONER BREAKFAST ON FEBRUARY 6, 9:00AM IN THE RECTORY DINING ROOM. If you have joined the parish in the past three months please join your pastor, staff members and also some parish volunteers for a meet and greet. Light refreshments provided. Call Mary, 510-995-9420 or email mkovalitsky@sjbalameda.org to R.S.V.P. CELEBRATING THE SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Some couples may have chosen not to marry “in the Church” because of families issues or timing or concerns about cost or other reasons, and now hesitate to have their marriage convalidated (sacramentally recognized by the Church) because of similar worries about cost or time. Worry no more! Join Fr. George and Fr. Thi with presenters Jack and Mary Sullivan on Saturday March 5, 9am to 3pm in Notre Dame Hall for a Convalidation Preparation (Retreat & Paperwork), and a Convalidation Mass at 11am on Saturday June 18. For the preparation day, please bring a recent copy of your baptism certificate (issued within 6 months of the date of your scheduled convalidation) and a copy of your First Communion and Confirmation certificates if available. Each person should have one witness (preferably a family member) who knows you well. The witness can come anytime between noon at 3pm that day for a brief interview and to fill out some paperwork. If an annulment is needed (either of you has a prior marriage), that must be addressed first; please contact Fr George at 510-333-1029 or Fr Thi at 995-9475. RSVP requested to Parish Office or afourre@sjbalameda.org. MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, January 16 8:00 a.m. Hank Hilp † 5:00 p.m. Peggy Heymes † Sunday, January 17 7:30 a.m. Antonio Estrada † 9:30 a.m. Le Thi Huong † 11:30 a.m. John the Baptist Giang Do † 7:00 p.m. Joseph Lo Paro Jr. † Monday, January 18 8:00 a.m. Jacquie Lydon Tuesday, January 19 8:00 a.m. Margaret Souza Wednesday, January 20 8:00 a.m. James Calvin Shirriel † death anniversary Amelia Pana † 40th day death anniversary OUR PARISH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED ON MONDAY, JANUARY 18 TO OBSERVE DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” Today we especially remember these words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to go out and make a difference in our world. *********************************************************** Photo below is of St Thomas Cathedral, Fr. George’s home parish where he was baptized. Thursday, January 21 8:00 a.m. Maureen Davis Friday, January 22 8:00 a.m. Thomas Santos Saturday, January 23 8:00 a.m. Anthony Foglia 5:00 p.m. Maria Elena Martin Sunday, January 24 7:30 a.m. Emily Carmel † 9:30 a.m. Fotunato & Patricia Zamora † death anniv. 11:30 a.m. Tony Medina 7:00 p.m. George Eng † Let us remember...All those who have died, especially Dr. Arthur Lipow. "The staff and board of the Oakland Catholic Worker would like to thank the organizers and parishioners of the Catholic Community of Pleasanton, St. Joseph's Basilica and St. Lawrence O'Toole parishes for their thoughtfulness and generosity in providing gifts and support for our annual Christmas gift distribution project. Your many kindnesses provided joy to the 95 families who received gifts through you this Christmas. May the joy of the incarnated Christ remain with you, your families and parishes throughout the holiday season and in the year ahead." PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK: Jennifer Lizardo, Doreen McAfee, Chris Davis, Roger Silva, Alma Flores, Ernesto Sanchez, Jennifer Manchester, Carrida Ward, Dianne Nobriega, Louise Predovic, Jake Paradiang, Fred Davis, Herb Robles, Katherine Gallardo, Jovita Giron, Dr. Benjamin Reyes, Ramon Tirona, Fr. Jim Sloan, Patricia Glynn, Gail Crichton, Lily Hansen, Sherry Crevani, Gina S. Corral, Baby Leo, Charles H. Thomas, Jim Lynch, Joey Camacho, Iong & Fong Che, Mr/Mrs. James West, Patricia Becker, Alejandro Elopre, Robert Santos, Billy Caver, Juner Valencia, Florence Anne Cordray, Juana Valenzuela, Rachel Sutherland, Carlie Bell, L. Corral, Blanca Herzog, Juanita Estrellas, Tom Hall, Jim Langowski, Ofelia Osalbo, Christopher Herrera, Jean Tuneski, Nimfa Banzuelo, Richard Avila, Robert Torres, Amelia Miguel, Juanita Estrellas, Edis Rodriguez, Anna Cheung, Kirk Miller, Vincent Gueverra, Maria C. Sanchez, Lucy Ramirez, Fred & Jo Leitz, Nico Stavrianopoluos, Vicky Rosen. For prayer requests, please call the Parish Office, 522-0181 Please let the office know when you want your name removed from the list. Thank you. ST. JOSEPH BASILICA 1109 CHESTNUT STREET PHONE: 510-522-0181 — FAX: 510-522-2864 Email: parish@sjbalameda.org website: www.sjbalameda.org SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE PARISH STAFF Preparation for registered, active parishioners should begin at least six months in advance of the proposed wedding date. Please contact Fr. George, 995-9421 or Mary Kovalitsky at 995-9420. Anne Marie Fourre, Director of Faith Formation 995-9409………………….afourre@sjbalameda.org SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Please stop by the Parish office or check our website under “Sacraments” for information, schedule and registration form for infant baptism (6 or younger) or contact Mary, 995-9420. Julie Pond, Coordinator Finances, Facilities/Events 995-9411 ………………..jpond@sjbalameda.org David Howitt, Music Director 995-9403………………....dhowitt@sjbalameda.org Michael Chinnavaso, 7 PM Music Coordinator 522-0181………………..mchinnavaso@gmail.com St. Vincent de Paul………………24-hour hot-line 995-9471 ARE YOU NEW TO OUR PARISH? St. Joseph’s is an active and diverse parish. If you are new, please fill out a registration form at the Parish Office, in the church’s vestibule or online at www.sjbalameda.org PLEASE SUBMIT BULLETIN INFORMATION TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO THE EVENT ST. JOSEPH MINISTRIES Newcomers are welcome to join Monday, 7:00-9:00pm Wednesday, 7:30-9pm Tuesday, 10:00-11:30am Thursday, 10:00-11:30am 1st Monday, 6:45-8:00pm Thursday, 4:00-5:00pm 1st Wednesday, 7pm 3rd Monday, 7:30-9:30pm 2nd Thursday, 7-8:30pm Wed.,8:30-10:00am Sat., 8:30-10:30am Sister Kim Nguyen, Youth Ministry Coordinator 995-9574………………..knguyen@sjbalameda.org Melissa De Boer, Wedding Coordinator 418-1042 …………….. mdeboer@sjbalameda.org For adults or children over age 6 please contact Anne Marie, 995-9409. All God’s Children Charismatic Prayer Group Basilica Choir rehearsal Bible Study Bible Study Boy Scouts Children’s Choir Girl Scouts Grief Support Knights of Columbus Legion of Mary Legion of Mary Eric Bertelsen, Liturgy Coordinator 995-9404…..…………ebertelsen@sjbalameda.org COMMUNITY STAFF Milt Werner, Interim Principal of SJND High School 523-1526 ..................... ……..mwerner@sjnd.org Marilyn Marchi, Principal of SJES 522-4456 .............................. mmarchi@csdo.org Matthew Murray, Campus Life Minister……… ...995-9444……………………...mmurray@sjnd.org Pastoral Care Team RR BAS SJR RDR SJR BAS SJR DR SJR RR RR Rite of Christian Initiation / Inquiry Scripture Reflection St. Vincent DePaul Society Taize Prayer Service Young Ladies Institute 7pm Spirit Ensemble rehearsal 1st Sat. , 8:45-9:30am SJND Classroom #106 Wed. 7:30-9:00pm Tuesday, 7 to 8:30pm 4th Thursday 7:00-7:30pm 4th Friday, 8:00-9pm 2nd/4th Mon., 7:00-8:30pm Thursday, 7:30-9:00pm SJH SJR SJR BAS SJR BAS BAS/ Basilica SJR/ St. Joseph Room (in Parish Center) DR/ Damien Rm. (in Parish Center) RR/Reconciliation Room RDR/ Rectory Dining Room SJH/San Jose Hall BULLETIN NUMBER 421600 CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Joseph Basilica 1109 Chestnut Street Alameda, CA 94501 TELEPHONE: 510-995-9420 CONTACT PERSON: Mary Kovalitsky EMAIL: mkovalitsky@sjbalameda.org SOFTWARE: MS PUBLISHER 2007 ADOBE ACROBAT 9 ADOBE READER X ADOBE DISTILLER 0 WINDOWS XP PRINTER: Ricoh Aficio 2800 Super G3 TRANSMISSION TIME: Wednesday, 10am BULLETIN FOR SUNDAY: 01/17/2016 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: 1 THROUGH 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: All Color Bulletin, eff. 8/31/14
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