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St. Simon Catholic Parish Weekly Bulletin St. Simon Catholic Parish fosters Christ-centered discipleship through life long spiritual formation, open sharing of our gifts, and active participation in our church, schools, and greater community. The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Corpus Christi Wewillbeusingincensethisweekendoutofaheightenedsenseof respect.If you are sensitive to the use of incense, please use the Holy Family Room or Chapel. Lay Reflection Opportunity Interestedindrawingonexperiencesfromyourpersonalfaithjourneyto serveasaLayRe lector?Ifso,, 408‐807‐5268formoreinformationandtoparticipateinadiscernment session.LayRe lectorsareneededforFather'sDayJune 18-19.It’san enrichingopportunitywithawell‐establishedprocessandexperienced re lectorstoguideyouthrougheachstep. One Car Less! InanefforttorespondtoPopeFrancis'calltoCare for Creation,weare encouragingpeopletowalk,bikeorcarpooltoMassthesecondweekend ofeverymonthduringthesummer.ThedatesareJune 11-12,July9‐10, andAugust13‐14.Formoreinformation,pleasecontactLauraat Care for Creation InLaudatoSi',PopeFrancisdiscussessocialjusticeandenvironmental justiceastwosidesofthesameissue‐onecannotbesolvedwithout addressingtheother.CatholicReliefServicesreportsthatclimatechange ishavinganimpactonpoorandvulnerablepeoplearoundtheworld. Takeafewminutestoprayforthosemostaffected,forthemissionsand thatthroughmeaningfulactionwemightmovetolivemoresustainably. Rectory/School Closed for Memorial Day TheRectoryandSchoolwillbeclosedonMonday,May 30inobservance ofMemorialDay.Theof iceswillre‐openonTuesday,May31. Today’s Readings First Reading — Melchizedek, the king of Salem and a priest of God Most High, brought out bread and wine and blessed Abram (Genesis 14:18-20). Second Reading — Paul gives his description of the institution of the Eucharist (1 Corinthians 11:23-26). Gospel — Jesus speaks to the crowd about the kingdom of God and then feeds them with five loaves and two fish (Luke 9:11b-17). May 29, 2016 St. Simon Golf Tournament Monday, October 17, 2016 SaintSimonwillbehostingour annualGolfTournamenton Monday,October 17,2016atLos AltosGolfandCountryClub.The 2015tournamentwasagreat successandweareopening registrationforthisyear’s tournamentstartingMay20.The perplayerpricewillbe$275until 7/1andwillthenraiseto$300 until9/15andthen$325from 9/15to10/10. Wearelookingforvolunteersto helpwithplanninganddayof coordination.Wearealsolooking fordonationsandeventsponsors withallproceedsbene itingSt. SimonParishandSchool.Please directanyquestionstoLenny D’Amico,GolfTournament CommitteeChair 415‐238‐2619 Veteran’s Tribute and Memorial Day Mass Monday,May 30.10:30amGateof HeavenCemeteryCalvary Cemetery,22555CristoReyDr., LosAltos,CA.Celebrantby:Most ReverendPatrickJ.McGrath, BishopofSanJose.Tributesand massesheldoutdoors.Outdoor coveredseatingprovided.Please allowtimetopark. The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. St. Simon Catholic Parish 1860 Grant Road Los Altos, CA 94024 T: 650-967-8311 F: 650-967-8876 St. Simon Parish School 1840 Grant Road Los Altos, CA 94024 650-968-9952 Parish Directory Office Hours: Mon.—Fri. 9:00am to 5:00pm Office Phone: 650-967-8311 24 HourEmergency:408-982-2061 Pastor Rev. V. Warwick James Ext 17 Parochial Vicars Rev. Noel Sanvicente Ext 18 Rev. Mendie Nguyen Ext 19 Rev. Michael Burns, Retired Ext 20 Liturgy Suzanne Fitzgerald, Dir. of Liturgy Ext 21 Amy Stacke, Music Coordinator Rectory Office Joan Mibach, Business Manager Ext 16 Lyn Patton, Admin. Assistant Ext 10 Darcy Yaley, Bulletin Editor Ext 22 Brenda Moceyunas, Welcome Min. Ext 11 Faith Formation Sr. Rebecca Shinas, ASF & RCIA Ext 13 Monica Miller, Dir. Catech. Min. Ext 32 Laura Martin-Spencer, Dir.YouthMin. 31 Erika Ibarra, PSR Coordinator Ext 32 Facilities Victor Ramirez, Facilities Manager Ext 24 Saint Simon Parish School 650-968-9952 Steve Rummell, Principal Ext 33 Michelle Nealon, Vice Principal 11 Page 2 From the Desk of Fr. Warwick Memories of Our First 60 Years Joan and Jim Winkler moved into their Los Altos home in 1963 and attended St. Joseph Church, Mountain View, where Jim cantered and sang at Mass. Following the birth of their first-born Paul, and with Jim no longer involved in their music ministry, they both felt they should transfer to St. Simon Parish, as they lived within its boundaries. Many of their neighbors were parishioners and encouraged them to get involved, which they did. Jim was a professionally trained singer and on special occasions would sing at Mass at St. Simon, and when asked, at weddings and funerals. Fr. Lloyd Glass enjoyed Jim’s company and often invited him to share his knowledge on “public speaking” with his fellow priests. They were pleased to hear his talks as it helped them with their homilies. It was not long before the Winklers were immersed into activities in the parish. For a short time Jim helped with the training of Altar Servers and was a Lector and Eucharistic Minister at Mass and at El Camino Hospital. Joan kept busy as a young mother of Paul (64), Mark (67) and Greg (69), but still found time to occasionally help with school and parish events. Joan recalls, “We were part of the Marriage Encounter team and would host 3-4 couples at a time, discussing various topics. We talked about what to expect in married life, how to deal with finances, children, conflicts and communication; all very important to the newlyweds.” At that time, Jim worked for the Ford Motor Company and would travel a lot, but when able, he loved to help with the Men's Club and the picnics! “The boys remember fondly the picnics at St. Joseph's Seminary and BBQ’s at St. Simon with ‘Garbage Can Chicken,’ a favorite with everybody! Tom Carroll and Gary Ariente were wonderful cooks,” Joan remembers. “The community has always been a wonderful support to me, especially when I lost two babies at eight months pregnant. Later, when Greg was born, it was touch and go for a while as to whether he would make it. The I.H.M. Sisters were marvelous and his first outing was to the Convent chapel where the nuns placed him on the Altar. On Greg's first birthday we all celebrated together in the Convent with a big chocolate cake.” The Winklers often invited the Sisters over for a picnic along with Betty and Bob Wrasman and Judy and Wally Van Dyck. Another regular visitor to their home was Fr. Glass. He would sit in his favorite chair, while the boys would enjoy his company by climbing all over him and playing games! Paul, Mark, and Greg all graduated from St. Simon School and then from St. Francis High School. They loved being part of the many sports teams at St. Simon and having Joe Schram and Virgil Deppmeier as coaches. Many nights they would have to search the neighborhood for a practice court. “It was always fun riding in Mr. Schram’s huge green car; you could fit the whole team in it!” recalls Paul. Paul participated in basketball, baseball and track. In the 1977-78 season, he was named Most Outstanding Track Man for a second straight year and also named St. Simon Athlete of the Year. Two years later, Mark was awarded the M.V.P. at the Track meet, for two consecutive years, following in his brother's footsteps. The boys all have fun memories of their years at St. Simon which include: Sr. Marie Eymard, the 8th grade teacher shooting baskets with the kids at recess; Fr. James Walsh with his foot in a cast playing basketball with the boys; and Greg who dressed up and played Santa for the 8th grade Christmas Party. They remember how Fr. James Spooncer and Fr. Glass would visit each classroom to hand out the school report cards to everyone! Another favorite memory of the boys (who were all Altar servers), was volunteering to serve at the daily 8.30am Mass - this meant missing the first period of the day! Joan recalls, “When Mark was in eighth grade, they would pair the students with a first grade partner and process into Church. Nothing looked funnier than Mark who stood 6’ 5” tall holding hands with his first grader who was the shortest boy at 3’ tall, everyone laughed!” They also remember having to climb upon the canopy, which hung over the Altar in the old church and drape materials over it to decorate for the yearly Christmas Play. Paul still recalls playing Jesus one year! Sadly, Jim passed away in 1996 following 10 years of being sick. Joan recalls the tremendous outreach from parishioners who offered to sit with him during this time, provided meals and spiritual support and prayers. “We had many friends and belonged to many ministries, and the support of the community was very comforting.” Joan continued to be a Lector and Eucharistic Minister and began attending bible study classes run by Sr. Pat Mitchell in the Rectory. Bob Thompson then became coordinator and later Joan lead them herself. She enjoyed this “small faith sharing” group which became a “family unit” for many who attended faithfully each week. Joan graduated from the Institute for Lay Ministry in 2001, a 3-year course run through the Diocese of San Jose. For many years, she helped coordinate the Funeral Reception Ministry and also spent time as a Sponsor in the R.C.I.A. process for Leanne, Paul's wife. In her spare time, Joan enjoys oil painting, having donated many of her works to the Auction. “This is a great parish and was a very important part of our family's life, and continues to be for me today. I have been blessed with some wonderful friendships over the years.” Thank you, Joan, for sharing your memories, time, and talent with our parish. Liturgical Celebrations MASSES Daily Mass - Monday—Friday 6:30am and 8:30am Weekend Mass Saturday 8:30am, 5:00pm (Sun. Observance) Sunday 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:15am, and 5:00pm 10:30am for Forum Residents Holy Days of Obligation 6:30am, 8:30am, and 6:30pm School Masses 8:30am 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month during the school year DEVOTIONS Eucharistic Adoration Tuesdays from 9:00am to 3:30pm in the chapel. SACRAMENTS RCIA Youth and adults interested in exploring the Catholic Faith or completing the Sacraments of initiation, please call 650-967-8311. Baptism Infant baptism is celebrated upon completion of our parish Baptism Preparation Program. Generally celebrated during Mass on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. For more information contact a parish priest at the rectory, 650-967-8311. Reconciliation 4:00pm Saturdays or by appointment, 650-967-8311. Marriage Couples must complete Marriage Preparation. Contact a parish priest to make arrangements at least six months prior to the date of marriage, at 650-967-8311. Sacrament of the Sick Ministers can bring communion or, anointing can be arranged, for parishioners who are ill, home-bound or in the hospital. For more information please contact the Rectory office, 650-967-8311. Saints and Special Observances Monday: Memorial Day Tuesday: The Visitation of Virgin Mary Wednesday: St. Justin Saturday: The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary Next Week’s Gospel Readings Mon: Mk 12:1-2 Tue: Lk 1:39-56 Wed: Mk 12:18-27 Thu: Mk 12:28b-34 Fri: Lk 15:3-7 Sat: Lk 2:41-51 Sun: 1 Kgs 17:17-24; Gal 1:11-19; Lk 7:11-17 Page 3 Teen Leaders VBS 2016 VBS 2016 (Deep Sea Discovery), Camp dates/ June 20- June 24 Pleasenotethat,ifselected,you willberequiredtoattendTWO eventspriortotheweekofthe VBScamp.Anycon lictswith trainingorcamphoursMUSTbe pre‐approvedbytheTeen coordinatorsBEFOREthe programbegins.Notethat requestedabsencesmayaffect whereyouareplacedinthe program.Theeventsare:Teen LeadertrainingonMonday, June 6 andTuesday,June 7 from7:00–9:00pmintheSimon Room. Alive training isscheduledforall TeenLeadersages14+aspartof TeenLeaderTrainingonFriday,June 10,from7:00‐9:00pmintheSimon Room. Additionalserviceopportunitieswill beavailableonSaturday,June18 (from9:00am‐1:00pm)andvarious timesworkingontheSkits,Music,or DecorationTeams. Rememberthatyourparticipationat thecampisaprivilege.Thecampers’ experienceisdirectlyrelatedtothe enthusiasmtheyseeintheTeen Leaders.Thisopportunitywill provideyouwithvaluable leadershiptrainingandexperience throughouttheweek.Youwillbe expectedtojoyfullywelcomethe camperseachmorning,ful illyour responsibilities,listentodirections, andfollowthroughwithanyofyour assignedtasks. Little Saints Preschool LittleSaintsPreschoolisnowacceptingapplicationsforthe2016‐2017 schoolyear.PreschoolandPre‐Khourswillbefrom8:15‐11:15amand extendedcarehoursfrom7:00‐8:15amand11:15am‐6:00pm.Little SaintspreschoolprepareschildrenforKindergarten.Ourcurriculum includessubjectssuchasReligion,Math,Music,ArtandLanguageArts. LittleSaintspreschoolhasabalanceofacademicandplaybasedlearning curriculum.FormoreinformationpleasecontactthePreschoolDirector, Carnival October 8! Thegrand inaleofour60th Anniversary,this1‐dayeventisopen totheentireSt.SimonParish Community,andwillbeheldinstead oftheFallParishBBQthisyear. Ticket Pre-Sale Savings! Available foralimitedtimeonly.Makeyourlife easyANDsave$bypurchasingthe “All‐DayFunBundle,”“UnlimitedRide Band”andotherticketstodayon We Need Your Help…Joininthefun!WeneedMANYvolunteers (includingteens!)tomakethisCarnivalasuccess.Pleaseseetheoptions/ tabsunderthe5Carnivalareasfor“ParishEvents”on iVolunteerat: •Food –snackboothstaff,foodprep/grilling,kitchenhelp,shopping •Games –boothstaff,face‐painting,bingo •Administration –volunteercheck‐in/out, irst‐aid,lostchild •Tickets & Beverages –boothstaff,pre‐saleticketstuf ing •Facilities & Logistics –signage,parking,decorations For more information: Ticketpre‐sale: Volunteerquestions: Generalquestions:emailcarnival@stsimon.orgtoreachCheryl Caligaris(CarnivalChair)orDianeEiger(CarnivalCommunications& Marketing) Welcome! informationregardingregistration,orSt.SimonParish’sministriesandorganizationscontactusat650‐967‐8311 Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address, City, State, Zip: __________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number / Email: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Page 4 ( ) New Parishioner ( ) New Phone Number ( ) New Address ( ) Moving—Remove from list ( ) New Email Address ( ) Please Send Contribution Envelopes available at: Adult Faith Formation Outreach & Social Justice On-Going Prayers MOPS Mothers Preschoolers Society of St. Vincent de Paul EveryThursdayPraytheRosary (3x)fortheprotectionofthe unbornandbornbabiesstarting at10:45amwithotherlay CatholicsatthePlanned ParenthoodinMountainView, 225SanAntonioRd.(intersection ofCaliforniaSt.&SanAntonio Rd.). Wemeetthesecond Tuesday of the month,9:15‐11:15am. Contacts:KristinaKillian Baked beans, pork and beans andchili areourcurrentrequests fortheFoodPantry!Asalways, weappreciateyourgenerosity! Wednesday Bible Sharing Sacred Heart Outreach Tuesday Morning of Service “New Beginnings” Divorce /Separated Group Wehaveanewlyformed Separated/DivorcedGrouphere atSt.Simon,allarewelcometo jointhisgroup.Wemeetthe irst and third Wednesdays ofthe monthat7:00‐8:30pmintheHoly FamilyRoom.Contact: Young Adults Young Adult Mass,Tuesday, May 31at7:30pm,TheYoung AdultCirclewillbegatheringfor MassintheChapel.Celebratethe Eucharistwithyoungadults(20’s and30’s,singleormarried)from thisandneighboringparishes withfellowshiptofollow. Summer of Fun Kick-Off BBQ/ Grill‐Off,Sat.June 11from 11:00am–3:00pm,MitchellPark, 600E.MeadowDr.,PaloAlto.Join usforourSummerofFunKick‐ OffBBQ/Grill‐Off.SummerofFun isourannualseriesofeventsheld forthepurposeofbringing togetherCatholicYoungAdults forfellowship.FortheBBQ, pleasebringeitheranitemto grill,adessert,adrink,orside dish.Wewouldalsoaskfora$5 donationtohelpcoverthecostof expenses. WednesdayMorningBible Sharingisfrom9:30to11:00am intheSimonRoom.Allare welcome.JoanWinkler 650‐967‐8398. Thursday Faith Sharing WemeetintheSimonRoom Thursdaysfrom7:00‐8:15am. Formoreinformationcontact JeanRousseauat650‐964‐0374. WegoovertheScripturesforthe followingSunday. Chinese Bible Study Group Weusuallymeetonthe1st and 3rd Friday ofeachmonthinthe RectoryConferenceRoomfrom 10:00‐11:30am.JohnYuat 650‐625‐8816. Cancer Healing Newlydiagnosedaswellaslong timecancersurvivors.Ournext meetingisJune 10 offsite 10:00am‐12:00noon.Keeth Courpetat408‐733‐1110. Prayer Shawl Ministry Ourmeetingsareheldonthe second Thursday ofeach monthat10:00amintheRectory ConferenceRoom.Doyouknow anyonewhocouldbene itfrom beingwrappedinaprayershawl? BonnieGebhart650‐387‐9001. SacredHeartCommunityServices inSanJosehelpslowincome familiesandhomelesspeopleby providingfoodandclothingto thoseinneed,alongwithmany otherservices.Wehavemonthly tripstoSacredHeartonthe1st and 3rd Tuesday ofevery month.Forfurtherinformation aboutvolunteeringatSacred Heartpleaseemailorcall The Corporal/Spiritual Works of Mercy (series)BurytheDead;Pray fortheDead: Talkaboutfamilymembers whohavepassedaway,share pictures. AttendamemorialMassat yourparish. Visitacemetery,choosea grave,andprayforthat person. Makearubbingofa gravestoneandletitremind youtoprayforthatperson andtheirfamily. Lay lowersonagrave. Volunteertocookfora parishfuneralluncheon. Writethenamesofdeceased lovedonesinaBookofthe Dead. Forallevents,pleasecon irm yourattendanceonourFacebook Page"YoungAdultCircle"or Page 5 Please pray for our sick, Mass Intentions for May 28/29 homebound, those with special prayer needs, and all the sick of our parish.With permission we publish the names of those individuals who request special prayers for themselves or immediate family members. Names will appear in this section of our bulletin for three weeks. If you wish to have your name left on or included please call 650 Sat.,May28 Sun.,May29 Mon.,May30 Tues.,May31 Wed.,Jun.1 Thur.,Jun.2 Fri.,Jun.3 Sat.,Jun.4 Sun.,Jun.5 -967-8311 or email ValerieBodo ChristineBrugnoli WilliamBrugnoli MeganBucks LaurenCarse BettyClarke RonEssary EileenFaria JaneMaryGagnon NelsonGuiab ConnieHall McCoyMartin LisaMcBride DioneMcCarthy JimMcCarthy RitaMcDevitt NinaMissman “Chickie”Morissey EmilyNapoli PatrickO’Sullivan CarlaRiga ThaiQuangTang WillRandleman TinaLuzReyes JoeSchram LarrySchull NormaStarkovic JaimeWells 8:30am 5:00pm 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 11:15am 5:00pm 6:30am 8:30am 6:30am 8:30am 6:30am 8:30am 6:30am 8:30am 6:30am 8:30am Sp.Int.ofNoella Fr.Mendie EleanorJensen Fr.Warwick TheBischeri&GalliFamily Fr.Mendie KimSchneider Fr.Noel *PPItheForum Fr.Mike LawrenceSchreller Fr.Noel Sp.Int.ofCamilleYost Fr.Warwick Al&TerryCrivellos Msgr.Mike PaulGrif iths Fr.Mendie Sp.Int.ofChristopherChang Fr.Mendie Sp.Int.ofMatthewLogan Fr.Noel TerenceBoyle Fr.Noel PaulHansell Fr.Mendie Sp.Int.ofMei&LiuChang Fr.Noel Sp.Int.LiliaDionesHernandez Fr.Warwick Sp.Int.ofFr.MarvinDeutsch Fr.Warwick Colleen&theStrawFamily Fr.Warwick STUDENTS PRESENT 8:30am Sp.Int.ofHenryChang Fr.Mendie 5:00pm Sp.Int.Matthew&NathanChang Fr.Warwick 7:30am PaulHansell Fr.Warwick 9:00am JimLosito Fr.Noel 10:30am *PPItheForum Fr.Mike 11:15am EleanorJensen Fr.Noel 5:00pm ForallSt.SimonParishioners Fr.Mendie *PPI=Priest’sPersonalIntention. Pleaseprayforthereposeofthesoulswho’vediedthisweek. Cash Calendar CongratulationstotheCCMBBQtwo,$500Cash Calendarwinners:L. Hawkins and E. Aguirre!Thatwas thisschoolyear’slastdrawing.Thankyouforyour support,weraisedover$50,000thisyear. Sharing the Gifts of Treasure—Thank you! Following is the budgeted and actual money received from Sunday and Holy Day collections: as of May 22, 2016.May not include all the online giving numbers. YTD Budgeted YTD Collected YTD Variance $1,156,122. $1,013,000. ($143,122.) AnynegativeamountintheYearToDateVariancemayhaveanaffectonthe parishnotreachingour inancialgoalsthisyear.Joinover310fellow parishionerswhonowenjoytheconvenienceofsafe,secureandeasyOnline Giving.Pleasevisit: tosignuptoday. Page 6
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information regarding registration, or St. Simon Parish’s ministries and organizations contact us at 650‐967‐8311
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