View the PDF - Saint Simon Catholic Parish
View the PDF - Saint Simon Catholic Parish
St. Simon Catholic Parish Weekly Bulletin St. Simon Catholic Parish fosters Christ-centered discipleship through life long spiritual formation, open sharing of our gifts, and active participation in our church, schools, and greater community. Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 26, 2016 Farewell Reception for Fr. Noel Tijuana Ministry PleasejoinusforareceptionafterallMassesthisweekendJune 25/26. WesaygoodbyetoFr.NoelSanvicenteandwishhimmuchsuccessathis newassignmentasPastorofChurchoftheResurrectioninSunnyvale. Our irstweek’stravelersleave thisweekendforaweekof ‘constructiononly’where50 Diocesantravelerswillbuildfour homes.Duringoursecondweek inTijuanaonJune25‐July2,80 travelerswillworktobuildthree homesandrunprogramsfor childrenandwomen.St.Simon Parishissendingatotalof52 peopletohelp.Pleaseprayfor theirsafeandfruitfuljourney. One Car Less! InanefforttorespondtoPopeFrancis'calltoCare for Creation,weare encouragingpeopletowalk,bikeorcarpooltoMassthesecondweekend ofeverymonthduringthesummer.ThenextweekendisJuly 9-10,and August13‐14.Formoreinformation,pleasecontactLauraat Care for Creation CatholicReliefServicesPrayerofStewardship: "Godofallcreation, Atthebeginningoftime Youplacedasinglemandateonhumankind‐ Tobestewardsofcreation Toreplenishandnurturethroughallgenerations Whatyouhavemade. Wekneeltodayamidthatsamecreation‐ Aworldthatis,inmanyways,moresplendidthanever But,intoomanyways,scarredbeyondrecognition. Turnusfromourunmindfulness Helpourtouchbelight Helpusrenewtheworldthatsupportsus Sowemayoncemoreknowcreation Asitwasinthebeginning.Amen” Today’s Readings First Reading — The L tells Elijah to anoint Elisha as prophet to succeed him (1 Kings 19:16b, 19-21). Second Reading — Use your freedom in Christ to serve one another through love (Galatians 5:1, 13-18). Gospel — While journeying to Jerusalem, Jesus speaks of the costs of discipleship (Luke 9:51-62). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Farewell: AttheendofJunewewillsay farewelltotwoofourDirectors. SadlyMonicaMiller,Directorof CatecheticalMinistry,andLaura MartinSpencer,Directorof MiddleandHighSchoolYouth Ministryhaveseentheneedto takeonnewpositionsthatare moresuitabletotheirschedules andotherneeds.Wethankthem fortheirministryamongusand offerourprayerforsuccessin theirnewventures.ViaconDios. St. Simon Catholic Parish 1860 Grant Road Los Altos, CA 94024 T: 650-967-8311 F: 650-967-8876 St. Simon Parish School 1840 Grant Road Los Altos, CA 94024 650-968-9952 Parish Directory Office Hours: Mon.—Fri. 9:00am to 5:00pm Office Phone: 650-967-8311 24 Hour Emergency: 408-982-2061 Pastor Rev. V. Warwick James Ext 17 Parochial Vicars Rev. Allen Navarro Rev. Mendie Nguyen Summer blessings, Ext 19 Liturgy Suzanne Fitzgerald, Dir. of Liturgy Ext 21 Amy Stacke, Music Coordinator Rectory Office Joan Mibach, Business Manager Ext 16 Lyn Patton, Admin. Assistant Ext 10 Darcy Yaley, Bulletin Editor Ext 22 Faith Formation Sr. Rebecca Shinas, ASF & RCIA Ext 13 Monica Miller, Dir. Catech. Min. Ext 32 Laura Martin-Spencer, Dir.YouthMin. 31 Ext 32 Facilities Victor Ramirez, Facilities Manager Ext 24 Saint Simon Parish School 650-968-9952 Steve Rummell, Principal Ext 33 Michelle Nealon, Vice Principal 11 Page 2 Our Parish Campus was a hive of activity this past week as some 220 campers, 106 teen leaders, and 35 adult volunteers gathered for this year’s Vacation Bible School. All were reminded that God K nows us, God Hears us, God Strengthens, us God loves us and God Sends us. Our Merciful God calls us to do the same. With much thanks to the director, the teen leaders and adults who made this experience a worthy one for our campers. Ext 18 Rev. Michael Burns, Retired Ext 20 Erika Ibarra, PSR Coordinator From the Desk of Fr. Warwick Fr. Warwick Memories of Our First 60 Years As we say goodbye this weekend to Father Noel, it is wonderful to have him share a few of his memories from his first 31 years as a priest. Born and raised in the Philippines, Fr. Noel recalls how at the age of four years old he already knew he wanted to be a priest. “I just fell in love with going to Mass every Sunday with my parents. I would wake up very early and eagerly wait until it was time to go. After Mass, whenever I would play with my cousins and friends, I wanted to reenact the Mass. I would always play the role of priest and made sure everyone came to Celebrating 60 years me for confessions before I would give them communion.” After receiving his First Communion, he was asked by the pastor to 1955-2015 be an altar server, which he loved doing every Sunday. When he was in 4th Grade, he realized he didn't just want to serve at Mass, he knew he wanted to celebrate Mass. At the age of 13 years old, he entered a high school (known as Minor Seminary) where he remained for four years. After passing his exams, he went on to study at The Royal and Pontifical University of Santo Tomas, in Manila, Philippines. This is an old Dominican Institution established in 1611. His formation continued for four years, majoring in Philosophy, followed by another four years when he majored in Theology. In 1984, he was ordained a deacon by Cardinal Jaime Sin in Manila. The following year, on March 16, 1985, he was ordained to the priesthood by Most Rev. Ciceron Tumbocon, Bishop of Cabanatuan, Philippines. Father Noel went on to obtain a Doctorate in Canon Law from the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, in Rome, Italy, in March, 2010. It was in 2004 that the Sanvicente family migrated to America and to the Bay Area. It was here that Father Noel, his mother, his sister and her family, made their home. In 2005, he became a priest in the Diocese of San Jose, with his first assignment being at St. Nicholas Church in Los Altos as Parochial Vicar. After several other appointments in the Diocese, he found his way back to Los Altos and joined our community in January, 2013. Although it has been 31 years since his ordination, “it still feels like only yesterday,” he recalls. “The year I came to St. Simon was the Year of Faith and this year as I prepare to leave, it is the Year of Mercy. Over the past three plus years, I have grown in my faith and have experienced God’s mercy through the Ministry of the Priesthood.” Father Noel gives credit to the wonderful fellow priests who have helped to prepare him for his next assignment as a Pastor. While serving the people of our parish, he has immersed himself in all aspects of Pastoral care by ministering at the hospital, nursing homes, and healthcare centers. It was during one such visit where he met Rose, a 96 year old lady, whom he gave Anointing of the Sick Sacrament. Afterwards, she asked that he hold her hand, which he did while singing Amazing Grace to her, and she requested also that he please come back to visit her. Shortly after this she passed away, but he can still recall this precious moment of priesthood. “I felt the deep faith of dear Rose and the longing to experience the compassion of holding hands and the gift of touch. This is one of the many reasons I still celebrate at Mass every day with the love and faith I had at the very first Mass I presided over. It is my daily encounter with the ‘living Christ.’” Fr. Noel truly enjoys presiding at the St. Simon School Masses and the Sunday, 9:00am Children's Liturgy too. He especially enjoys interacting with the children and the wonderful responses he gets to questions. “The children bring me so close to our Lord who loves them so much. They are a blessing to our Parish,” smiles Fr. Noel. We are all witnesses to the love and joy Fr. Noel brings to every Mass and every person he touches through his gift of song. Very often, people will call the Rectory and ask for a visit from “the singing priest,” and not to disappoint, he always obliges them. Thank you, Fr. Noel, for the many gifts you have shared with the parishioners at St. Simon and the many ministries you have served. We have been truly blessed with your presence, and our prayers and blessings go with you as you continue to love and serve God's children. Liturgical Celebrations MASSES Daily Mass - Monday—Friday 6:30am and 8:30am Weekend Mass Saturday 8:30am, 5:00pm (Sun. Observance) Sunday 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:15am, and 5:00pm 10:30am for Forum Residents Holy Days of Obligation 6:30am, 8:30am, and 6:30pm School Masses 8:30am 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month during the school year DEVOTIONS Eucharistic Adoration Tuesdays from 9:00am to 3:30pm in the chapel. SACRAMENTS RCIA Youth and adults interested in exploring the Catholic Faith or completing the Sacraments of initiation, please call 650-967-8311. Baptism Infant baptism is celebrated upon completion of our parish Baptism Preparation Program. Generally celebrated during Mass on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. For more information contact a parish priest at the rectory, 650-967-8311. Reconciliation 4:00pm Saturdays or by appointment, 650-967-8311. Marriage Couples must complete Marriage Preparation. Contact a parish priest to make arrangements at least six months prior to the date of marriage, at 650-967-8311. Sacrament of the Sick Ministers can bring communion or, anointing can be arranged, for parishioners who are ill, home-bound or in the hospital. For more information please contact the Rectory office, 650-967-8311. Saints and Special Observances Monday: St. Cyril of Alexandria Wednesday: Ss. Peter and Paul Friday: St. Junípero Serra Next Week’s Gospel Readings Monday: Mt 8:18-22 Tuesday: Mt 8:23-27 Wednesday: Mt 16:13-19 Thursday: Mt 9:1-8 Friday: Mt 9:9-13 Saturday: Mt 9:14-17 Sunday: Is 66:10-14c; Gal 6:14-18; Lk 10:1-12, 17-20 Page 3 Faith Formation for Children / Youth / Families Question for Children:Tofollow Jesusmeanstodowhatisright. Nameatimethispastweekwhen youfollowedJesusbydoingtheright thingyouwereaskedtodo,the irst time,withoutanexcuse. Question for Youth:Thepeoplein thestoryhadlotsofreasonswhy theycouldn’tfollowJesus.What makesithardtobeadiscipleof Jesus?Whydoyoumakethechoice tofollowJesuseventhoughitis hard? Question for Adults:Sometimes wearelikethepeopleintheGospel andhavemanyexcusesforwhywe cannotfollowJesus.Nameatime thispastweekthatyoufollowed Jesuseventhoughyouhadmany excuses. Little Saints Preschool LittleSaintsPreschoolisnowacceptingapplicationsforthe2016‐2017 schoolyear.PreschoolandPre‐Khourswillbefrom8:15‐11:15amand extendedcarehoursfrom7:00‐8:15amand11:15am‐6:00pm.Little SaintspreschoolprepareschildrenforKindergarten.Ourcurriculum includessubjectssuchasReligion,Math,Music,ArtandLanguageArts. LittleSaintspreschoolhasabalanceofacademicandplaybasedlearning curriculum.FormoreinformationpleasecontactthePreschoolDirector, PT Extended Care Aide St.SimonParishSchoolisseekingaparttimeExtendedCareAideforthe 2016‐2017schoolyear.Candidatemustbepatientandenergetic,should workwellwithchildren,enjoyfacilitatingactivitiesandgames,andhave excellentcommunicationandcon lictresolutionskills.Interested candidates,pleasesendresumetoMarilouVercelesat Sacred Heart Yoga on First Fridays This Summer! ComeandconnecttoyourinnerpeaceandtheembraceoftheDivine fromwithinyou!SacredHeartYogaisagentleseriesofstretching movementsandasanascoupledwithheartfeltspokenprayertoourGod within.Allareinvitedtocomeexperiencethissharedpractice,ledby certi iedinstructorSr.JoanLoney,onFirst Fridays thissummerattheSt. SimonConventChapel(adjacenttoSaintSimonSchool). Young Adult Mass Tuesday,June 28at7:30pm.The YoungAdultCirclewillbe gatheringforMassintheChapel. CelebratetheEucharistwith youngadults(20’sand30’s, singleormarried)fromthisand neighboringparisheswith fellowshiptofollow. Wewillmeetfrom10:00to11:30amonFriday,July 1,August 5 and 19. Dresscomfortablyandbringyourownmat,oronewillbeprovidedfor you.Nopriorexperienceisnecessary;newcomersarealwayswelcome. Suggesteddonation$10.ContactSr.Joanforquestionsat Pleasecon irmyourattendance onourFacebookPage"Young AdultCircle"orcontactusat otherupcomingeventscanbe viewedat Welcome! informationregardingregistration,orSt.SimonParish’sministriesandorganizationscontactusat650‐967‐8311 Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address, City, State, Zip: __________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number / Email: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Page 4 ( ) New Parishioner ( ) New Phone Number ( ) New Address ( ) Moving—Remove from list ( ) New Email Address ( ) Please Send Contribution Envelopes available at: Adult Faith Formation Outreach & Social Justice On-Going Prayers MOPS Mothers Preschoolers Society of St. Vincent de Paul EveryThursdayPraytheRosary (3x)fortheprotectionofthe unbornandbornbabiesstarting at10:45amwithotherlay CatholicsatthePlanned ParenthoodinMountainView, 225SanAntonioRd.(intersection ofCaliforniaSt.&SanAntonio Rd.). Wemeetthesecond Tuesday of the month,9:15-11:15am starting in September.Would you like to be the MOPS leader for next year? Thankyou.Contact: KristinaKillian St.VincentdePauliscollecting much‐neededitemsforthe long‐termpatientsatthePalo AltoVeteran’sHospital.Someof thepatientsdonothavefamilyor friendsintheareatobuythem basicitems.Wearecollecting ChapStick/lipbalm,toothpaste, toothbrushes, lip lops(large), socks(whitetubeoranklestyle; mustbenewduetohygiene), underwear(allsizes;mustbe newandstillinpackagedueto hygiene).Tohelppassthetime whileinthehospital,wearealso collectingadultcoloringbooks, sketchpads,journals,crayons, coloredpencils,pens,word search,crosswordpuzzlebooks. Thisisawonderfulwayto rememberourveteransandto say“thankyou”forservingour country.Pleasemarkyour donations“forvets”andplace theminthewoodenboxesatthe entrancesofthechurch. “New Beginnings” Divorce /Separated Group Wehaveanewlyformed Separated/DivorcedGrouphere atSt.Simon,allarewelcometo jointhisgroup.Wemeetthe irst and third Wednesdays ofthe monthat7:00‐8:30pmintheHoly FamilyRoom.Contact: Summer Adoration WeofferEucharisticAdoration duringtheschoolyear.Wepray forandencourageyouto ind othervenuesforAdoration duringthesummer.St. Nicholas 473LincolnAve.,LosAltosFirst Fridays8:30‐11:30am.Church of the Resurrection 725 CascadeDr., SunnyvaleThursdays,9:00‐ 10:00am.St. Joseph of Cupertino 10110N.DeAnzaBlvd.,Cupertino Wednesdays,9:00am‐12:15pm. Haveahappyand blessedsummer, Michele Coldiron 650-814-1995 Cathy Rodeheffer 650-967-1028 Corporal Works of Mercy (seriesfortheYearofMercy) SheltertheHomeless Volunteertohelpwithrepairs orstaf ingatahomeless shelter.Prayforrefugees; donatetoanorganization servingrefugees.JoinCatholic ReliefServicesintheirefforts toassistrefugees. Wednesday Bible Sharing WednesdayMorningBible Sharingisonsummerhiatusand willresumeonSeptember14. JoanWinkler650‐967‐8398. Thursday Faith Sharing WemeetintheSimonRoom Thursdaysfrom7:00‐8:15am. Formoreinformationcontact JeanRousseauat650‐964‐0374. WegoovertheScripturesforthe followingSunday. Chinese Bible Study Group Notmeetinginthesummer,but weusuallymeetonthe1st and 3rd Friday ofeachmonthinthe RectoryConferenceRoomfrom 10:00‐11:30am.JohnYuat 650‐625‐8816. Cancer Healing Newlydiagnosedaswellaslong timecancersurvivors.Ournext meetingisJuly 8 intheconvent chapel10:00am‐12:00noon. KeethCourpetat408‐733‐1110. Prayer Shawl Ministry Ourmeetingsareheldonthe second Thursday ofeach monthat10:00amintheRectory ConferenceRoom.Doyouknow anyonewhocouldbene itfrom beingwrappedinaprayershawl? BonnieGebhart650‐387‐9001. Sacred Heart Outreach Tuesday Morning of Service SacredHeartCommunityServices inSanJosehelpslowincome familiesandhomelesspeopleby providingfoodandclothingto thoseinneed,alongwithmany otherservices.Wehavemonthly tripstoSacredHeartonthe1st and 3rd Tuesday ofevery month.Forfurtherinformation aboutvolunteeringatSacred Heartpleaseemailorcall Page 5 Please pray for our sick, homebound, those with special prayer needs, and all the sick of our parish.With permission we publish the names of those individuals who request special prayers for themselves or immediate family members. Names will appear in this section of our bulletin for three weeks. If you wish to have your name left on or included please call 650 -967-8311 or email RitaMcDevitt NinaMissman “Chickie”Morissey EmmaNapoli PatrickO’Sullivan CarlaRiga ThaiQuangTang WillRandleman TinaLuzReyes JoeSchram LarrySchull JaimeWells ChristineBrugnoli WilliamBrugnoli LaurenCarse BettyClarke RonEssary EileenFaria JaneMaryGagnon NelsonGuiab ConnieHall McCoyMartin LisaMcBride DioneMcCarthy JimMcCarthy Mass Intentions for June 25/26 Sat.,Jun.25 Sun.,Jun.26 Mon.,Jun.27 Tues.,Jun.28 Wed.,Jun.29 Thur.,Jun.30 Fri.,Jul.1 Sat.,Jul.2 Sun.,Jul.3 8:30am 5:00pm 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 11:15am 5:00pm 6:30am 8:30am 6:30am 8:30am 6:30am 8:30am 6:30am 8:30am 6:30am 8:30am 8:30am 5:00pm 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 11:15am 5:00pm Father’sDayNovena Father’sDayNovena TheBischeri&GalliFamily Father’sDayNovena *PPItheForum ForallSt.SimonParishioners Sp.Int.ofAl&PatLindahn Sp.Int.ofMauriceTruong FrankZelinka BrieannDanielson BartBartolotti Sp.Int.ofChristopherChang FloraPothin GertrudeAnderson SoulsinPurgatory WilliamMadden BudNelson Sp.Int.NitaQualtar ForallSt.SimonParishioners RoseGuntly Sp.Int.ofJoanneMaros *PPItheForum Mercedes&AlipioCuellar LeovijildaBuiza Fr.Mendie Fr.Noel Fr.Warwick Fr.Warwick Fr.Mike Fr.Mendie Fr.Noel Msgr.Mike Fr.Mendie Fr.Warwick Fr.Mendie Fr.Mendie Fr.Warwick Fr.Warwick Fr.Warwick Fr.Warwick Fr.Warwick Fr.Warwick Fr.Mendie Fr.Mendie Fr.AllenN. Fr.Warwick Fr.Allen Fr.Warwick *PPI=Priest’sPersonalIntention. Pleaseprayforthereposeofthesoulswho’vediedthisweek.Pray especiallyfor Rita Gilmore (mother of Alisanne Gilmor e Allen), Robert F. Godar, Therese M. Keating and Marjorie Morley (For um). Sharing the Gifts of Treasure Gate of Heaven Catholic Cemetery 22555CristoReyDr. LosAltos,CA94024 ACatholicCemetery oftheDioceseofSanJose Pre-Need Counselor ElizabethGuerra 650‐428‐3730,408‐593‐5948 Page 6 Following is the budgeted and actual money received from Sunday and Holy Day collections: as of June 19, 2016.May not include all the online giving numbers. YTD Budgeted YTD Collected YTD Variance $1,249,593. $1,082,349. ($167,244.) Joinover310fellowparishionerswhonowenjoytheconvenienceofsafe, secureandeasyOnlineGiving.Pleasevisit: tosignuptoday.
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