19 April 2015 Bulletin - Saint Ambrose Catholic Church


19 April 2015 Bulletin - Saint Ambrose Catholic Church
Third Sunday of Easter
Benedict XVI has said that
“closing our eyes to our
neighbor also blinds us to
God”,and that love is, in
the end, the only light
which “can always illuminate a world grown dim
and give us the courage needed to keep living and working”.
When we live out a spirituality of drawing nearer to others
and seeking their welfare, our hearts are opened wide to the
Lord’s greatest and most beautiful gifts. Whenever we encounter another person in love, we learn something new about
God. Whenever our eyes are opened to acknowledge the other,
we grow in the light of faith and knowledge of God. If we want
to advance in the spiritual life, then, we must constantly be
missionaries. (11/24/13)
What we are called to respect in each person is first of all his
life, his physical integrity, his dignity and the rights deriving
from that dignity, his reputation, his property, his ethnic and
cultural identity, his ideas and his political choices. We are
therefore called to think, speak and write respectfully of the
other, not only in his presence, but always and everywhere,
avoiding unfair criticism or defamation. Families, schools,
religious teaching and all forms of media have a role to play in
achieving this goal. (7/10/13)
One of the wonderful things about
vacations is the time we spend two
or three weeks afterward savoring
the experience, sharing vacation
photos and memories with our family and friends. This kind of reflection puts us back in touch with the
original experience and reminds us of the relaxation and
wonder the vacation afforded us. Today, on the Third
Sunday of Easter, the Church blesses us with reminders
of what we celebrated two Sundays ago. All three readings are reflections on the meaning of the death and resurrection of Christ. One of the threads running through
these reflections is that the purpose of the Lord’s suffering, death, and resurrection was to save us, to forgive our
sins. We are given fifty days to ponder this reality—fifty
days to savor the experience of Christ’s dying and rising
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
for us.
It is through an unbroken chain of witnesses that we come to
see the face of Jesus. But how is this possible? ... Persons
always live in relationship. We come from others, we belong
to others, and our lives are enlarged by our encounter with
others. Even our
own knowledge
and self - awareness are relational; they are
linked to others
who have gone
before us ...
Una de las cosas maravillosas sobre las vacaciones es que después
de nuestro regreso nos
pasamos dos o tres semanas saboreando la
experiencia, compartiendo las fotos y recuerdos con nuestra familia y amistades. Esta clase
de reflexión nos vincula nuevamente a la experiencia original y nos hacer volver a vivir el descanso y
las maravillas que la vacación nos proporcionó.
Hoy, el Tercer Domingo de Pascua, la Iglesia nos da
la bendición de unos recordatorios de lo que celebramos hace dos domingos. Las tres lecturas son reflexiones del significado de la muerte y resurrección
de Cristo. Uno de los hilos que unen a estas reflexiones es que el propósito del sufrimiento, la muerte y
la resurrección del Señor fue para salvarnos y perdonar nuestros pecados. Tenemos cincuenta días para
contemplar esta realidad –cincuenta días para saborear la experiencia de la muerte y resurrección de
Cristo por nosotros.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch
At this time of crisis we cannot be concerned solely with
ourselves, withdrawing into loneliness, discouragement and
a sense of powerlessness in the face of problems. Please do
not withdraw into yourselves! This is a danger: we shut
ourselves up in the parish, with our friends, within the
movement, with the like-minded ... but do you know what
happens? When the Church becomes closed, she becomes
an ailing Church, she falls ill! That is a danger... A Church
closed in on herself is the same, a sick Church. (5/18/13)
Beautiful is the moment in which we
understand that we are no more than an
instrument of God; we live only as
long as God wants us to live; we can
only do as much as God makes us able
to do; we are only as intelligent as God
would have us be. -- Oscar A. Romero
It is vital for the Church not to close in on herself, not to feel
satisfied and secure with what she has achieved. If this were to
happen the Church would fall ill, ill of an imaginary abundance, of superfluous abundance; in a certain way, she would
“get indigestion” and be weakened. We need to go forth from
our own communities and be bold enough to go to the existential outskirts that need to feel the closeness of God. He abandons no one, and he always shows his unfailing tenderness and
mercy; this, therefore, is what we need to take to all people.
Third Sunday of Easter
April 18 -- April 25, 2015
4:30 pm
8:30 am
10:30 am
12:15 pm
8:30 am
8:30 am
8:30 am
8:30 am
8:30 am
8:30 am
Requested By:
People of St. Ambrose Parish
Marcello Reggi †
Catherine Willis
Marta Anderson † Olympia & Jorge Campos
People of St. Ambrose Parish
Fr. Fernando Cortez
Dona Willmes
Dcn. Ralph
Miko Pantoja †
Poor Souls †
Fr. Jack Gibson
Pope Francis
THOSE IN CONVALESCENT HOMES (and their caregivers)
18 & 19 April 2015
From the
449. At the beginning of the New Millennium, the poverty of
billions of men and women is “the one issue that most challenges our human and Christian consciences”. Poverty poses a
dramatic problem of justice; in its various forms and with its
various effects, it is characterized by an unequal growth that
does not recognize the “equal right of all people to take their
seat ‘at the table of the common banquet' “. Such poverty
makes it impossible to bring about that full humanism which
the Church hopes for and pursues so that persons and peoples
may “be more” and live in conditions that are more human.
Irene Carter, Arnie Guasco, Connie Casiano,
Arline Thompson, Rose Arcol, Nancy Corso,
Richard Courtney, Rita Franco, Bernice Gray,
Theresa Ellerbush, Bee Sena
Goal: $194,255
$135,869 (70%)
13% participation
Plate Collection April 11&12 -- $3,038.39
Maintenance 2nd Collection -- $1,026.00
Second Collection Next Week (Apr 25 & 26)
Is for Catholic Home Missions
Every one on this earth should believe,
amid whatever madness or moral failure,
that their life and temperament have some
object on the earth. Every one on the earth
should believe that they have something
to give to the world which cannot otherwise be given.
G.K. Chesterton
St. Ambrose Catholic Church • 1145 Gilman Street • Berkeley, California 94706
E-Mail: stambrosechurch@comcast.net • Web: saintambroseberkeley.org • (510) 525-2620 Office • (510) 525-5399 FAX
Pastor: Fr. Jack Gibson, SDB 510 525-2620 Ext 203
Permanent Deacon: Ralph Nagel 510 525-2620 Ext 201
Associate Pastor: Fr. Thinh Nguyen, SDB [Don Bosco Hall] 510 204-0800 Ext 2050 Spanish, English, Vietnamese
Music Director: Rob Grant 415 819-9749 robgrant001@gmail.com Religious Education: Sean Roche, Tania Rabadan
RCIA: Alan Westcott
Pastoral Council Debra Montgomery
Finance Council Franz Lozano
Bookkeeper: Judy Nagel
Sunday Masses: 8:30am (English) • 10:30am (English) • 12:15pm (Spanish)
Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm (English)
Monday-Saturday Mass: 8:30am (English, in Chapel)
Holy Day Masses: 8:30am, 7:00pm (English)
Eucharistic Adoration: Friday 9:00am - 9:30am (in Chapel)
Rosary Mon - Sat: 8am (in Chapel)
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: All classes on Sundays (In Church Hall)
First Communion Grades 2-8 (English) 9:20am - 10:20am
(Spanish) 11:00am - 12:15pm
Confirmation 9:45am - 10:45am
RCIA 9:30am - 10:30am
Baptism Class (English & Spanish) To be determined
Mon - Wed 9am - 2pm
Closed Thursdays & Fridays
BAPTISM: Arrangements to be made at least one month in advance.
ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please call for home or hospital visit.
RECONCILIATION (ENGLISH/SPANISH): Saturday, 9:00 am-10:00 am or by appointment
WEDDING: Appointments should be made at least six months in advance. Church dates should be confirmed before making other arrangements
FUNERAL Should be arranged by family with the Parish office & mortuary Catholic Funeral and Cemetery Services:
Holy Angels / St. Joseph Cemetery, San Pablo — 510 223-1265 • St. Mary’s Cemetery, Oakland — 510 654-0936