The Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time August 24, 2014


The Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time August 24, 2014
Sunday in
Parish Staff
Phone: 610-269-8294
Fax: 610-269-2487
460 Manor Avenue, Downingtown, PA 19335
Rev. Msgr. Joseph C. McLoone
Rev. Anthony T. Rossi
Parochial Vicar
Rev. Matthew W. Guckin
Deacon Jim Bogdan
Permanent Deacon
Deacon Edward R. Schiappa
Permanent Deacon
Mr. Ken Chrusch
Ms. Karen Dawson
Director of Youth Ministry
Parish Services Director/
Adult Faith Formation Coordinator
Mrs. Roe DeRitis
Parish Secretary
Mrs. Jo-Ann Funkhouser
Mrs. Dodie Milano
Ms. Julie Wiant
Business Manager
Ms. Jeannine Zack
Parish Secretary
Phone: 610-269-8999
Fax: 610-269-2252
Sister Catherine Irene, I.H.M.
Sister Diane Licordare, I.H.M.
Vice Principal
Mrs. Julie Fitzgerald
Parish Religious Education Program
Phone: 610-873-8798
Fax: 610-873-5466
Mrs. Kathy Thomas
Director of Religious Education
Mrs. Mary Ann Korpics
Assistant to the D.R.E.
Sister Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Celebration of the Eucharist
Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Vigil
Sunday: 6:00 a.m., 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m.,
10:30 a.m., 12 noon, 4:00 p.m.
Monday-Friday: 7:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m.
Saturday: 8:00 a.m.
Holy Days of Obligation
As Announced
Saturday: 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Wednesdays: 6:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m.
and 6:30 p.m.
Anointing of the Sick
Any sick or hospitalized parishioner who
is in need of the Sacrament of the Sick
should contact the Parish Office.
Perpetual Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament
Holy Family Chapel in the Holy Family
Morning Prayer
Monday—Friday at 6:30 a.m. in Church.
The Holy Rosary:
Recited before the 9:00 a.m. Mass daily.
Miraculous Medal Devotions:
Every Tuesday after the 9 a.m. Mass.
Novena to Saint Joseph:
Every Wednesday after the 9 a.m. Mass.
Litany to the Sacred Heart:
First Friday of the month after the 9 a.m.
First Saturday Devotions:
The First Saturday of each month at 8:30
Saint Joseph Church Mission Statement
Motivated by our belief in Jesus Christ and bound together by our Roman Catholic
faith, we are a parish that seeks to respond to the Gospel invitation by living as
God's people. Baptized into Christ Jesus, confirmed by the gift of the Holy Spirit,
and nourished by the Eucharist, we are a community that gives glory to God and
proclaims His message of love and salvation.
Today’s Readings
Readings for the Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time can be found at #988A.
5:00 PM
Marge & Burt Staman
6:00 AM
For the Parishioners
7:30 AM
Charlie DePiero
9:00 AM
Emily Singleton
10:30 AM
Joan Hallinan
12:00 PM
Joyce Patterson
4:00 PM
Clara Fasano
7:00 AM
Julia Cardelli
9:00 AM
Peter Reehil
7:00 AM
John Rigolizzo
9:00 AM
Rose Manzi
7:00 AM
Lucy Napoleone
9:00 AM
Larry and Katie Coble
7:00 AM
Anna Lafferty
9:00 AM
Dominic & Jerry
7:00 AM
Thomas Burton, Jr.
9:00 AM
James Gallagher
8:00 AM
Angelo DiMatteo
The Altar Flowers are in memory of
Irving Geschwindt.
The Sanctuary Candle burns
in memory of the Manetta & Pace Families.
The Chapel Sanctuary Candle burns
in memory of Mary & Al Viscusi.
5:00 PM
Matt McCloy
6:00 AM
For the Parishioners
7:30 AM
Joseph Ryan Roch
9:00 AM
Jane Povey
10:30 AM
Joseph Duffy
12:00 PM
Jozef Tworek
4:00 PM
Louise Dillingham
Congratulations to the following child who was baptized Sunday, August 17.
Julia Rose Hickerson
Parents of babies to be baptized are asked to please register for Pre-Jordan, a
baptism preparation program at Saint Joseph Parish, recommended by the
Archdiocese of Philadelphia.
Our next available session is Saturday, September 13 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Registration information can be found on our website or in the brochures in the
Saint Katharine Drexel Room. For more information, contact Karen Dawson at
610-269-8294 or
Couples planning to marry are asked to meet with their parish priest as soon as
possible after their engagement and to enroll in a marriage-prep program (Pre-Cana)
at least six months prior to the wedding.
Our fall date is November 14 & 15. Flyers are in the Saint Katharine Drexel
Room, on the parish website at and in the parish office. For
more information, contact Karen Dawson at 610-269-8294 or
Please call the parish office (each month)
if you would like to add/remove someone’s name from these lists.
...those who are serving our country:
Sgt. Steve Anderson, Andrew Bowser, Scott Bradley, Specialist Andrew Clauhs, Sarah
Debarberie, Lt/Cpl. Shane Desiderio, Staff Sgt. Christopher Deutsch, Staff Sgt. Ian
Deutsch, 1st Lt. Joseph DiBerardinis, Jennifer Dunn, 2nd. Lt. Mark Edwards, Spc. Sean
Foreman, Danny Fuller, Jeffrey Fuller, 1st Lt. Matthew Glisson, Leslie Harkness, 1st Lt.
Jonathan M. Harris, Brent Joshua Horrocks, LCPL. Steven Houser, Jacob Hudson,
Zachary Kish, Christopher J. Korpics, Mark T. Korpics, Andy Landmesser, Major Paul
D. Lang. PFC. Sgt. Christopher Madden, Spc. Nicholas Massari, Pvt. Francis
Misantone, 2nd Lt. Ryan Misero, Lt. J.G. Brian Muka, Pvt. Ian Donoghue-Neider, Sgt.
Bradley Panichelli, Alex Rozon, Vincent E. Short, III, John Stagliano, III, Ryan Strehl,
Bryan Williams, Josh Woodward and Vincent Yarch.
…those who are sick:
Alfredo, Paul Barnhouse, Anne Beebie, Teresa DeFeo Bellanca, Tony Bello, Mina
Massimini Bender, Steve Berman, Patrick Bonani, Philomena Bruno, Nathaniel Burt,
Diane Cantello, Allison Carcella, Caroline Casenta, Judy DiFonzo Cazillo, Anita
Conant, Mildred Connor, Baby Michael Corrigan, Jason Cozzone, John Cruice,
Dominic D’Antonio, Pamela DeFazio, Eduardo DeLeon, Paul DiFonzo, Linton
Dorfman, Jill Duffy, Tony G. Eby, Mary Ellen Edwards, Lillian Esposito, Lisa
Esworthy, Gladys Felice, William Ferracone, Tom Fieweger, Faith Foley, Cathy Gold,
Charles Gold, Grace Geiner, Mary Geschwindt, Phoebe Guyer, Cathie Harper, Nick
Inman Amanda Jennings, Cameron Kiefer, Kenny Klunk, Sr., Joseph Koval, Jr., Patricia
Kundert, David Kurtz, Melissa Lane, Ann Lang, Merrel Long, Joseph Massaini,
Nicholas Massari, The McBeth Family, Kathy McGroarty, Lynn Memola, Selim Miah,
Guy Milbrandt, Xavier Miniaci, Sara Moylett, Mary O’Donnell, Bill Pashinski, Rudi
Pascual, Florence Popadick, John Richards, Sue Rizzo, Deanna Roache, Don & Doreen
Sadowski, Felix Santana, Christopher Sauk, Ann Schlanser, Margaret Schretzenmaier,
Angela Scianammea, Charles Scott, Tinamarie Sgro, Margaret Shannon, Robert Sheddy,
Melissa Shellenberger, Amy Grace Shorter, Laura Shorter, Angela Siuzdak, Bob Smith,
Edward Smith, Sister Mary Stanislaus, Tammy Strater, Mary Sullivan, Hillary Taub,
Agnes Timothy, Ben Valocchi and Jackson Winner.
Please remember in your prayers all those who have died:
Edward Hannon, Edward Melcher and
Donald (Buck) Nonnemaker
August 24, 2014
In an interview published in part in the Argentine weekly "Viva" July 27, the pope listed his
Top 10 tips for bringing greater joy to one's life:
1. "Live and let live." Everyone should be guided by this principle, he said, which has a similar expression in Rome with
the saying, "Move forward and let others do the same.”
2. "Be giving of yourself to others." People need to be open and generous toward others, he said, because "if you
withdraw into yourself, you run the risk of becoming egocentric. And stagnant water becomes putrid."
3. "Proceed calmly" in life. The pope, who used to teach high school literature, used an image from an Argentine novel
by Ricardo Guiraldes, in which the protagonist -- gaucho Don Segundo Sombra -- looks back on how he lived his life.
"He says that in his youth he was a stream full of rocks that he carried with him; as an adult, a rushing river; and in old
age, he was still moving, but slowly, like a pool" of water, the pope said. He said he likes this latter image of a pool of
water -- to have "the ability to move with kindness and humility, calmness in life."
4. "A healthy sense of leisure." The pleasures of art, literature and playing together with children have been lost, he
said. "Consumerism has brought us anxiety" and stress, causing people to lose a "healthy culture of leisure." Their
time is "swallowed up" so people can't share it with anyone. Even though many parents work long hours, they must
set aside time to play with their children; work schedules make it "complicated, but you must do it," he said. Families
must also turn off the TV when they sit down to eat.
5. Sundays should be holidays. Workers should have Sundays off because "Sunday is for family," he said.
6. Find innovative ways to create dignified jobs for young people. "We need to be creative with young people. If they
have no opportunities they will get into drugs" and be more vulnerable to suicide, he said. "It's not enough to give
them food," he said. "Dignity is given to you when you can bring food home" from one's own labor.
7. Respect and take care of nature. Environmental degradation "is one of the biggest challenges we have," he said. "I
think a question that we're not asking ourselves is: 'Isn't humanity committing suicide with this indiscriminate and
tyrannical use of nature?'"
8. Stop being negative. "Needing to talk badly about others indicates low self-esteem. That means, 'I feel so low that
instead of picking myself up I have to cut others down,'" the pope said. "Letting go of negative things quickly is
9. Don't proselytize; respect others' beliefs. "We can inspire others through witness so that one grows together in
communicating. But the worst thing of all is religious proselytism, which paralyzes: 'I am talking with you in order to
persuade you,' No. The church grows by attraction, not proselytizing," the pope said.
10. Work for peace. "We are living in a time of many wars," he said, and "the call for peace must be shouted. Peace
sometimes gives the impression of being quiet, but it is never quiet, peace is always proactive" and dynamic.
Please Note!
Parish Registration
Our Parish Library is Getting a Make Over!
Sunday, August 24, at 10 a.m.
Located in the Church,
Saint John Neumann Room.
The parish library will be closed through
September 1 (Labor Day)
while it gets a makeover with fresh paint and carpet!
2nd Collection
This weekend, August 23 & 24 for the
Catholic University.
Parish News
Find out what the
St. Joseph Moms Group
is all about!
Members of the Saint Joe's Moms will be in the Saint John
Neumann Room after all masses the weekend of August 30
and 31 to welcome all moms.
St. Joe’s Moms’ meets each Tuesday (Sept-June) after 9:00
a.m. Mass from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the Parish Meeting
Center behind the school. It’s a great opportunity to worship
and then get together with other moms for a little bit of
spiritual renewal and socializing while the kids play. Feel
free to come and go as you are able.
Please stop by the Saint John Neumann Room after
mass. We look forward to meeting you and your children!
If you can’t stop by but would like information, please
contact Victoria Bako at
The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, September 1
in observance of the Labor Day Holiday.
Please note
There will only be one Mass at 8 a.m. on
Monday, September 1.
Used Kayaks, Canoes or
Small Sailboats Wanted!
Boy Scout Troop 2 is looking to enhance its outdoor water
sports program.
If you have a used kayak, canoe, small sailboat, and life
vests that you’d like to donate to your Boy Scout Troop here
at St. Joseph's, please contact Dan Wilson, Committee Chair
( or Barry Carney,
Scoutmaster (
All donations are tax deductible.
Saint Joseph
School News!
There are still openings in Saint Joseph School
from Kindergarten through 8th Grade.
For more information,
please contact the school office at 610-269-8999.
2 Couches Wanted!
Looking for 2 couches in good condition for The CC or
“The Catholic Cave” - a room used by our Youth Ministry
program located in the garage attached to the parish office.
This room is currently being renovated and will be back in
use towards the end of August. Please send pictures to if you have a couch you are looking
to donate. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Religious Education News
Contact the PREP Office at 610-873-8798.
Classes begin on September 15 & 16.
To Register for 2014-2015 visit
PREP Co-Catechists are needed for the dates
Say “yes” to the Holy Spirit and help us keep our class
sizes smaller.
Mondays, 5:00-6:15 p.m.
Levels 1-2-3 (1 each)
Levels 5-6 (2 each)
Level 4 (3)
Mondays, 6:45-8:00 p.m.
Levels 1-6 (2 each)
Level 5 (1 teen)
Levels 3-4 (1 each)
Tuesdays, 5:00-6:15 p.m.
Kindergarten (2)
Levels 1-3-4 (1 each)
Level 2 (3)
Level 6 (2)
Tuesdays, 6:15-8:00 p.m.
Level 2 (1)
Call the PREP Office at for information on how to volunteer.
Liturgy of the Word with Children
The official start date is September 14 at the 9:00 a.m.
Mass. Leaders and shepherds are still needed. Training
will be provided on August 26 at 6:30 p.m. in the St. John
Neumann Room. Contact the PREP Office for more info.
Do you want to know more about the Catholic faith? Are
you thinking of becoming Catholic? Are you a baptized
Catholic who may want to receive Confirmation? Do you
have children who may need to be caught up in faith
formation and/or sacrament reception? Adult classes will
begin again on September 17. Contact Kathy Thomas for
more information about RCIA by calling the PREP Office.
Parish News
Family Potluck Dinner
and Prayer
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Sunday, September 14
at the 9 a.m. mass
Your entire family is welcome to attend St. Joseph’s
monthly Family Potluck Dinner & Prayer Evening on
Saturday, September 6 following the 5 p.m. Mass!
Celebrate Mass
Share a meal
Pray a decade of the rosary
On your way into Mass, bring your dish and serving utensil
into the cafeteria (using the right-most doors along the
front of the school).
What Can You Bring? Crock pot or covered dish to
share, large salad, rolls and butter, or desserts! We will
have prayer cards and extra rosaries.
For more information, contact Patty and Scott Millward at
Thank you!
Let the lile children
come to me!
CANTORS. Volunteer time is 20 minutes once a month at
Mass. Adults and Teens, guide 1st through 3rd graders
through the Word and share reflections of the Gospel.
Saint Joseph Memorial
Society Masses
These Masses are offered on the first Sunday of each month
at the 10:30 a.m. Mass. The Memorial Mass cards are large
padded folders with a choice of three colors & pictures.
Names of those to be remembered at these Masses are
printed in the bulletin the week prior to that month’s Mass.
These Mass cards are $20.
Saint Joseph Cemetery
Our parish cemetery is a beautiful, quiet spot
located off Glenside Road in Downingtown.
We have many traditional burial plots available
and we recently set a Columbarium (an above-ground
monument with 48 niches) to hold cremains of loved ones.
If you are interested in purchasing a plot or a niche for the
future for yourself or your loved ones, call the parish office
at 610-269-8294.
Please contact Kathy Thomas at or 610-873-8798.
Saint Joseph Lottery Winners
August 10
August 11
August 12
August 13
August 14
August 15
August 16
Calendar Still Available
Calendar Still Available
Calendar Still Available
Calendar Still Available
Calendar Still Available
Calendar Still Available
Calendar Still Available
For more information or questions,
please email
or call Joan Angiulo at 610-486-6552.
Summer Office Hours
There is a slight schedule change at the parish office
through August. On Fridays only, the parish office closes at
4 p.m. If you have a Friday evening event, please make
sure to pick up the key before that time. The office hours
will remain the same for Monday – Thursday (8 a.m.-9
p.m.), Saturday (9 a.m.-5 p.m.) and Sunday (9 a.m.-2 p.m.).
“Like” us on Facebook and keep up with all of the latest
Saint Joseph Parish News!
You may also search on Facebook for
“St Joseph Parish Downingtown”
Parish News
Fall 2014
Adult Faith Formation Opportunities!
Learn, Live, Love Your Faith
The Jewishness of Jesus
What does it mean that Jesus was Jewish?
Father Matt Guckin will teach on the Jewishness
of Jesus. Come join us on Monday, September 8,
the Blessed Mother’s birthday, at 7 p.m. in the
Six Weeks, Six Saints
Come learn about the six saints whose relics are
sealed in our church’s altar.
How are the lives of St. Patrick, St. Anthony, St.
Peregrine, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, St. John
Neumann, and St. Maria Goretti relevant to us
today? What do they teach us about God? Why are
they saints? And why and how should we imitate
Please join us in the chapel on Monday evenings at
7 p.m. beginning September 22. Watch the bulletin for details about which saint will be presented
on which date.
A Biblical Walk
with Mary
Thursday mornings,
Sept. 18 – Nov. 13 from 9:45–11:15 a.m.
Mary: A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother is a
small group study program by Ascension Press. The
program leads you through her earthly life, her joys and
sorrows. You will learn Mary’s unique role in God’s
kingdom and our lives, and you will see how she draws
us ever closer to her Divine Son.
Cost: $24 for the binder of reading/discussion materials.
Check payable to St. Joseph Church.
Location: Church, Saint John Neumann Meeting Room.
Register by Monday, Sept. 8: Please contact Jane
Desiderio at or 484-3646940.
Called and Gifted
Join us as we discern our spiritual gifts,
perso nal
fro m God,
and our personal vocation all for God’s Glory.
Facilitator: Deacon James E. Bogdan, MS
When: 5 Thursdays: Sept. 25 – Oct. 23,7–8:30 p.m.
Where: Parish Meeting Center, Room 2
Who: Catholics who want to live their faith more fully.
Maybe you are in transition in your life. Maybe you are
looking to help your children in their spiritual lives. Or
maybe you are discerning how your giftedness can
renew your life, help our parish, or change the world.
Know… that you are called and gifted!
This 5-session process will be followed by another 5week session called "Discernment in Depth" in the
winter/early spring.
$30 ($17 for program materials; $13 for Pope Francis’
book The Joy of the Gospel.) Parish subsidies are
available. Checks payable to Saint Joseph Church.
Contact Karen Dawson at
Come join us for WWP
Registration Day!
September 6 & 7 after every Mass,
St. John Neumann Room
If you have questions about how to register for our new
course or just want more information about WWP, please
make plans to stop by!
Every woman is welcome!
Questions? Contact Laura White at 610-787-9100 or or
Collection Totals
Sunday, August 17
Saint Paul reminds us in today’s second
reading that the ultimate origin of everything is
God. Since everything comes from God, we
are God’s own. We can never put God in our
debt. There is absolutely no negotiating with
God. Every breath we take is a gift. Every
good deed we perform is grace. Good stewards
realize they are created and called to make the
beauty, greatness, compassion and justice of
God and his gifts known throughout the world.
The stewardship question for us is whether we
are willing to embrace this call, acknowledge
our dependence on God and give our lives over
to Him completely for this purpose.
August Mercy Hospice Schedule
Group 3 - Mock Stroganoff
Group 4 - Chinese Chicken & Noodles
Please call Gail for more info at 610-269-9574.
Ordinary Income:
Loose Cash:
Weekly EFT:
$19,521 (543 envelopes)
$5,048.50 (186 participants)
Collection Total:
Poor Box & Children’s Collection
Sunday, August 17
Poor Box: $315
Children’s Envelopes: $4.00
August total to date: $1,398.41
The August collection is for Bridge of Hope.
Children’s Envelopes
Envelopes for our young stewards can be found in the Saint
Katharine Drexel Room in Church and at the Parish Office.
These envelopes are a great way to teach our young
parishioners the meaning of Stewardship.
Helping Other People Everyday
Capital Campaign Payments
Rides require 48 hours notice.
If you are dropping Capital Campaign payments in the
collection basket on Sundays, please make sure it is in an
envelope clearly marked Capital Campaign. If you need a
supply of envelopes, please call the parish office.
HOPE provides rides to doctors’ appointments, the grocery
store, the pharmacy, and other necessary errands.
For the week of 8/25,
please contact Diane Sweeney at 610-269-3438 or
Mary DiGregorio at 267-240-7525.
For the week of 9/1,
please contact Lisa Mattioni at 610-269-9025 or
Ann McLaughlin at 610-269-8550.
To volunteer to drive, please contact Helen Lyons at
610-873-8041 or
We are very much in need of meals for our
neighbors receiving Aid For Friends dinners. Pick up pan
packets in the St. Katharine Drexel room at church or next
to the freezer in the Holy Family Center. Fill a pan with any
meal that can be frozen and return meals to the freezer in
the HFC where visitors will pick them up and deliver them.
Call Debby O’Keefe for more information @ 610-2698032. also offers ScripNow
that allows you to print cards fast!
Perfect for last minute gifts and vacations!
Great for Back to School Shopping now!
Here are a few Scripnow stores!
Parish Groups
The Next King’s Men meeting will take place on
Thursday, August 28 at 8 p.m. in the Parish Meeting
Center. Come and meet other Catholic men (18 & older)
and enjoy authentic fellowship, engage in learning and
lively spiritual discussion and be challenged to live a more
integrated and full Christian life! Contact Bill Reagan at
Charismatic Prayer
Our charismatic prayer group meets on Thursdays at 7:30.
Please join us in the chapel as we deepen our prayer life,
deepen our relationship with the Lord, and worship as a
community. For more information, please call Joe McCahon
at 610-716-3084.
Paintball Outing
Joseph's People
This non-profit organization is dedicated to offering
support, guidance, and job counseling services to people of
all faiths who are unemployed or seek full-time
employment. Volunteers offer encouragement, spiritual
support, and individual expertise as applicable. They help
organize and run meetings and events, and secure
occasional speakers. Contact Cheryl Spaulding at 610-3044010 for more information.
Legion of Mary
This group of men and women demonstrates and deepens
their devotion to our Blessed Mother through prayer and
service. Active members meet weekly for prayer and
discussion of the work of the past week. They routinely
visit hospitals and nursing homes, say the rosary with
groups of homebound parishioners, and stand ready to assist
the pastor when needed. Auxiliary members support the
work of active members by praying the rosary and legion
prayers daily. Contact Mimma Patrono at 610-384-7933 for
more information.
Philly Phaith Pilgrimage on the Feast Day of the
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The first meeting of the year will be held on Wednesday,
September 10 at 1:30 p.m. in the Parish Meeting
Dues are $10.00 for the year to cover
There will be a fall trip to Atlantic City on Tuesday,
September 23. Call 610-269-1152 for more information.
Prime Timers is a social group for those over 50 years of
A visit to the Missionaries of Charity Children’s
Day Camp in Chester, PA.
Local News
Bishop Shanahan News
Bishop Shanahan High School SAT/PSAT Programs
Bishop Shanahan High School and Dr. Richard Fuller
offers a comprehensive 35-hour training fall learning
experience in a PSAT/SAT Program (with a student teacher
ratio of 8:1 in math). For info call Dr. Fuller 610-2759660. Classes begin September 8, 2014.
Endowment Fund Golf Outing
September 16, 2014
Benefits BSHS Tuition Assistance
For details & sponsorship opportunities visit our website:
$10,000 CASH Raffle
Drawing September 16, 2014 (Need not be present to win)
Benefits BSHS Tuition Assistance
Only 200 tickets being sold at $100 per ticket
To purchase tickets contact Debora LaPorta 610-343-6238 or
College Fair
Wednesday, September 24, from 7-9 p.m. Over 190
Colleges and Universities will be in attendance. As always,
students from all the area high schools are invited to attend.
Questions? Call Mrs. Marie L. Weyback at 610-343-6242.
Shanahan Sprint 5k Run, 1 Mile Walk, Kids Dash
October 4, 2014
Benefits BSHS Tuition Assistance
For registration & sponsorship opportunities visit our website or contact Debora LaPorta 610-343-6238.
Teri’s Run & Twilight Walk
13th Annual Teri’s Run and Twilight Walk for Scleroderma
will be held on Friday, September 5.
The evening’s events include:
6:30 p.m. – Kids Run, 7 p.m. – 5K Run & 1 Mile Walk,
8 p.m. – Awards Ceremony.
Chip-Timed Run and Walk on fast, flat, spectator-friendly
course that starts on Green Street in Downingtown.
The run is dedicated to the memory of Teri Valocchi and all
those who have lost their battle to Scleroderma.
Register Online at
Saturday, September 6
8:00 a.m. Mass
Saint Agnes Church
231 West Gay Street, West Chester
followed by Rosary Pilgrimage to Planned Parenthood
8 South Wayne Street, West Chester
Are You a Young Adult in Chester County?
If you're a Catholic adult in your 20s or 30s, we
want to meet you! Catholic Young Adults of Chester County
(CYACC - pronounced "kayak") exists to offer you social,
spiritual, and service opportunities. Check us out on
Facebook, at, or request more info by
Archdiocese of Philadelphia News
Quebec Jubilee Pilgrimage
Tour Canadian & U.S. Shrines led by Bishop Daniel Thomas
and Rev. Dennis Gill on September 10-17. Tour includes
Jubilee Pontifical Mass at Notre Dame de Quebec, Walk
through the only Holy Door in America, visit the Shrine of
Divine Mercy, Shrine of North American Martyrs, Birthplace
& Tomb of St. Kateri, St. Anne’s Basilica, St. Joseph Oratory
and more! All inclusive cost of $2,265.00 with tips, travel
insurance, most meals, hotels and bus! Call Marianne Murphy
at Select International Tours & Cruises at 800-842-4842.
Save the Date!
First Annual Abbey Faith & Music Fest:
A Catholic music festival of Christian rock in the Philadelphia
area. Saturday, September 20 at Daylesford Abbey in Paoli.
Headlining this daylong fest from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. will be
Matt Maher with Audrey Assad, Kara Klein, Greg &
Lizzy and Paging Samuel. The theme of this year's Fest is
"Truth and Beauty" with internationally known keynote
speaker Bill Donaghy, Executive Director of the Theology of
the Body Institute. The day's events will include music, food,
Holy Mass, Reconciliation, stations, and end with a
candlelight Eucharistic Adoration. Contact Ken Chrusch at
610-269-8294 or Tickets available
now online with special Youth and Young Adult group rates.
Order now:
Annual Choir Auditions-August 25-29
Adult Choir (grade 9 – adults)
Girls Choir (grades 4 – 12)
Boy Choir (grades 4 – 8)
The Cathedral Basilica Choir (adults)
These groups are the principal choirs for all the Cathedral
parish and Archdiocesan Liturgies at the Cathedral. The
choirs bring together over 100 singers from more than 45
parishes in the Archdiocese. This coming year promises to be
exciting as we prepare for the World Meeting of Families and
a possible Papal Visit from Pope Francis. Auditions do not
require a prepared piece. For the Adults: Music reading is a
must and sight reading skills are important. For the Boy and
Girl Choir there are two levels: a prepatory choir of Boys and
Girls, and separate Boy and Girl performing choirs. For more
info visit or call the Archdiocesan Office for
Liturgical Music at 215-587-3696.