holy rosary church is handicapped accessible. all are welcome!
th SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25 , 2012 OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST THE KING SUNDAY, November 25 7:15 (English) Fausto Rachiele 8:30 Umberto Evangelista 10:00 Ignacio & Eddie Garcia 11:30 Giuseppe Scafidi 1:00 Maria, Antonio & Joseph Scaffidi MONDAY, November 26 7:00 Sr. Rita Mary Neumann 9:00 Umberto Evangelista SUNDAY READINGS First Reading: Daniel 7: 13 – 14 Daniel describes the one who will appear on the clouds of heaven and receive glory. People of every language will serve this one, and his leadership and community will be his forever. Second Reading: Revelation 1: 5 – 8 Jesus is so powerful, he is the ruler of kings. He loved us enough to free us from sin, and so he will be glorified forever. He will appear again and be seen by all the people of the earth. God calls himself the first and last, "the One who is and who was and who is to come," reminding all people that God will remain with us always. Gospel: John 18: 33b – 37 TUESDAY, November 27 7:00 Joseph Fleischmann 9:00 Maria & Santolo Scodes & Frankie Visconti WEDNESDAY, November 28 7:00 Ralph Puma 9:00 Mermaida & Raymond Monge Pilate asks Jesus if he is a king. Jesus explains that his kingdom is not of this world. Pilate asks again if Jesus is a king, to which he replies, "I came into the world to testify to the truth. Anyone committed to the truth hears my voice.” ©1999 Bon Venture Services, Inc. READINGS FOR THE WEEK THURSDAY, November 29 7:00 Pro – Populo 9:00 Thanksgiving Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FRIDAY, November 30 – St. Andrew, Apostle 7:00 Carmen & Percival Cole 9:00 Lucy Ann Caruso [Living] Friday Saturday FIRST SATURDAY, December 1 9:00 Nicoletta & Lucio Caruso 5:00 Neil Lancaster SUNDAY, December 2 7:15 (Italian) Angela & Michael DiRende 8:30 The intentions of the current members of the Rosary Altar Society 10:00 Bishop Patrick J. Sheridan 11:30 Mary D’Alessandro 1:00 Trifan Rodef LITURGICAL MINISTERS FOR DEC. 1 / 2: LECTORS: 5:00 L. Albanese 7:15 E. DiPaolo 8:30 L. DiJusto 10:00 Family Mass 11:30 R. Retcho 1:00 H. Schwalbenberg EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF THE CUP & HOST: 5:00 C. Ortiz / G. Douglas … Host: B. Diaz 7:15 C. Bele 8:30 L. Cahill / M. Cortese / C. Rivera / N. Hill 10:00 H. Corbie / N. Severino … Host: M. Micalizzi 11:30 C. Harris / K. Reed … Host: M. Saplicki 1:00 A. Corbie / A. Venterina … Host: R. Acierno ALTAR SERVERS: 5:00 E. G. & M. Zumbado 8:30 C. & M. Armas/B. Dinh-le 10:00 N. Ohakam/S. & S. Vengas 11:30 J. George/D. Pierre/A. Velez/R. Ynfante 1:00 C. & K. Anianwu/D. Boucaud HOLY ROSARY CHURCH IS HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE. ALL ARE WELCOME! Rv 14: 1 – 3, 4b – 5 / Lk 21: 1 – 4 Rv 14: 14 – 19 / Lk 21: 5 – 11 Rv 15: 1 – 4 / Lk 21: 12 – 19 Rv 18: 1 – 2, 21 – 23, 19:1 – 3, 9a/ Lk 21: 20 – 28 Rom 10: 9 – 18 / Mt 4: 18 – 22 Rv 22: 1 – 7 / Lk 21: 34 – 36 PLEASE PRAY FOR … Estrella & Myrna Alvarez, Salvatore Amedeo, Antoinette Anzellotti, Francis Bele, Kim Benack, Eugenio Branca, Linda Bravo, Olive Burke, Bernie Byrne, Dr. Alfred Caiola, Phillip & Anthony Capano, Niki Catechis, Joseph Cavazzini, Christina Celentano, Dorothy Chaney, Theresa Coutain, Anna Cristina, Audia DeJesus, Helen DeAlto, Rosemarie DeNegris, Cynthia Dukes, Rosa Echevarria, Laticia Elliot, Marie Ferrari, Domenica Frega, Beatrice Galeano de Maduro, Frank Gervasi, Leniore Griffith, Iris Grubler, James Heame, Marilyn Iarossi, Mary Iorio, Singh Latchman, Michela Leoncini, Theresa Lewis, Maurice Lisby, Audrey Lowe, Brunilda Mandozza, Ann & Ralph Martone, Anthony Masterangelo, Julia Merritt, Jim Messenger, Alisa Nicovic, Wendyann Ocasio, Jose Ortiz, Beth Pagan, Vincenza Petrone, Mary Pirro, Angelina Rader, Michael Ramirez, Iris Rivera, Peter Sanchez, Dorothy & Elvira Santomauro, Christina Schiller, Arthur Simmons, Rita Sullivan, Beverly Lynda Warner, Joan Wheeler, Karen Williamson and all of our homebound and the residents of our local Nursing Homes. + PARISH MISSION STATEMENT + We, the people of Holy Rosary Parish, have been joined together into a family of faith since 1925. In our communal participation in the worship of the Lord, we are nourished in Word and Sacrament and we are sent forth to bring the Good News of Salvation to all. We endeavor to proclaim the Gospel by both word and deed. We welcome all who come to our house of worship as true sisters and brothers and we pledge ourselves to the service of those in need in our parish family, in our neighborhood, and in our greater community. MONDAY – THURSDAY: 8AM – 9PM FRIDAY: CLOSED SATURDAY: 9AM – 5PM The Sanctuary Lamp for this week burns in memory of Angela Castaldo. THE PILGRIM STATUE OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA will be with Carmela DeNitto Nov. 25 – Dec. 1. THE TRAVELING DIVINE MERCY IMAGE will be with Lucy Ann Caruso Nov. 25 – Dec. 1. *Mark your Calendars* th PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING – December 5 th FAMILY CATECHESIS DAY – December 8 th BETHLEHEM GIFTS – December 9 th GIVING TREE GIFT RETURN – December 9 th MASS OF THE ROSES – December 12 th FLEA MARKET – December 16 RECONCILIATION MONDAY – December 17 th FILIPINO MASS – December 19 ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY - The Rosary Altar Society will nd, for meet next Sun., Dec. 2 the 8:30 AM Mass, followed by our usual meeting in Father Winters Hall. All women of the parish, both young and old, are always welcome. Come see what we are all about. † HOLY ROSARY RELIGIOUS EDUCATION † CLASSES HAVE BEGUN Children who attend public school K – HS should be registered. These classes include preparation for the Sacraments. Sessions are held in the school building on Saturday mornings from 8:45AM – 10:30AM, September through May. Please call our Coordinator Mrs. Tedeschi at 718.654.9381. The fee is $75 for each child. NOTE: A COPY OF YOUR CHILD’S BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATE MUST ACCOMPANY ALL NEW REGISTRATIONS. NURSING HOME MINISTRY th On Tuesday, November 27 at 10AM there will be a special Memorial Mass for the Deceased of the Nursing Home Ministry. All are welcome. RITE OF ACCEPTANCE th At the 10:00 AM Mass this Sunday, November 25 the Solemnity of Christ the King and the conclusion of the Liturgical Year, we celebrate the Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens. Those candidates, who have expressed a desire to be baptized this Easter, assemble publicly and are formally inducted into the Catechumenate. They have completed the pre-catechumenate and now declare their intention to the Church and the Church in turn, carrying out its apostolic mission, accepts them as persons who intend to become its members. God showers his grace on the candidates, since the celebration manifests their desire publicly and marks their reception and first consecration by the Church. From then on, the Church embraces them as her own, with a mother’s love and concern. Joined to the Church, the catechumens are now part of the household of Christ, as the Church nourishes them with the Word and sustains them by means of liturgical celebrations. Also welcomed as candidates are those who wish to convert or become fully initiated in the Church this Easter. Please pray for them! RESPECT LIFE MOVIE NITE th THIS FRIDAY, NOV. 30 at 7:30PM FATHER WINTERS HALL * 2013 MASS BOOK IS OPEN * The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass can be offered for any one, living or deceased, or for a special intention or in thanksgiving for a favor received. Stop by the rectory. ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT BECOMING CATHOLIC? ARE YOU AN ADULT WHO WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE COMMUNION AND/OR CONFIRMATION? Please speak to Fr. Sebastian if you are interested. PROTECT OUR PUBLIC SCHOOL CHILDREN! TAKE A STAND AGAINST NYC SEX ED MANDATE! A broad coalition of parents and interfaith leaders came together last year to oppose the city's sex education mandate: http://nycparentschoice.org/. We encourage parents to sign their open letter to the Mayor and the Schools Chancellor, and to use their resources to educate parents. Please also check out our Abstinence Program website for more information and resources on how parents can help their children to live with virtue and responsibility: http://www.flrl.org/ChastityParents.htm. With its powerful, compelling story of a young woman who was adopted by loving parents after a failed abortion attempt, OCTOBER BABY will remind moviegoers that every life is beautiful. As it does, the movie will open eyes and hearts to the sanctity of life. http://octoberbabymovie.net/ Sponsored by our Respect Life Team. CHRISTMAS SHARING TREE TIME TO DECORATE * LITURGY COMMITTEE The Liturgy Committee will decorate the church for Advent on st Sat., Dec. 1 at 11AM in the Church. All are welcome to share their talents. Holy Rosary is again sponsoring the Christmas Sharing Tree which will benefit children in our parish as well as children at Concourse House. Tags have been placed on the tree located in church lobby. You are invited to select a tag, purchase the requested gift and return the gift wrapped with tag attached to the church Tags are to be returned on the weekend of th th December 8 and 9 . Thank you for your continued generosity. In this Year of Faith we must recognize that the spirit of Thanksgiving is central to the life of every human being. By expressing thanks to an individual for a gift we are clearly saying that they have enriched our lives through it and we recognize that it is a sign of the relationship that exists between them and us. It is an unfortunate reality that the simple act of appreciation is not as essential as it once was in the minds of people. When we were young we were taught the virtue of writing the “bread and butter” letter to relatives and friends who remembered our birthdays or other celebrations. Sad to say Christians have adopted similar habits going back a few decades. During World War II the Church of the Holy Cross would conduct the Miraculous Medal Novena every fifteen minutes as people poured into the pews to pray for their sons and brothers to return home from the battles in the European and Pacific theatres, but once the war ended the need for the multiplicity of services rapidly decreased. Countless times we pray prayers of petition for a job, for health, or family but how frequently are they matched by prayers of thanksgiving. Last Thursday, as a nation we paused, upon the instruction of Abraham Lincoln, to recall the goodness of God to us in permitting us to live in freedom and prosperity . (Though it is also important to remember those suffering without shelter, food, and other basic necessities.) But even that day has decreased in significance compared to Black Friday with the stores opening even on the evening of Thanksgiving. As a Catholic people, do we commemorate God’s gifts to us? Do we attend Sunday Mass? Do we say grace at meals? Do we remember those who called us together in prior years but are no longer with us? Do we serve those who are doing without? As Catholics we must remember that each and every celebration of the Mass is an act of thanksgiving in and of itself. We cannot afford to neglect one opportunity to express our gratitude for salvation. Our giving thanks demonstrates our acknowledgement that without God nothing exists, but with God all things are possible. Within the Mass itself, after receiving the Lord, we should use that time to enter into the intimacy of our relationship with the divine and declare with hearts burning: “My Lord and My God”. Thankfulness must be the heart of our Faith. -----------Businesses large and small take a great deal of time preparing end-of-year reports. These analyze where progress has been made in certain areas and where further growth is necessary. They also examine where certain practices are outmoded and other are counterproductive in achieving corporate and personal goals. As a faithful community and as individual believers we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ Our King which marks the final week of the liturgical year. It is appropriate, therefore, for us to take stock of our spiritual lives, especially in the context of the Year of Faith. Using as the most important criteria the Holy Father’s call for all of us to enter into and nourish an “intimate, personal, public, and communal relationship” with Christ we can begin our reflection with a question as to how many times do we turn to God in prayer. Do we begin and end our day in praise of the Presence of the Divine in our lives? Do we say the Rosary often? Do we spend time in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament? Do we participate in Lectio Divina reading and meditating upon the Scripture? Is the Sacrifice of the Mass a priority every Lord’s Day? Do we encourage our family and friends to join us in raising up our hearts and minds to God? The faith we love must reveal itself in acts which give flesh to our hopes and prayers. Do we leave our comfort zone and serve the Lord in practical ways? Do we welcome the opportunity to serve the unwed mother, the homebound senior, or the seriously ill? Of course, these sacramental events must be furthered by our participation in the sacramental life of the Church. As Cardinal Dolan shared in the Synod of Bishops and at the recent meeting of the American Bishops stated: “We kneel in the Sacrament of Penance because we are all profoundly sorry for our faults and our sins, serious obstacles to the New Evangelization. But then we stand forgiven, resolute to return to the work entrusted to us---as evangelizers of the Gospel of Mercy.” As Advent nears, let us acknowledge that is a great start to move away from our past weaknesses to a greater unity with God and man. * CARDINAL DOLAN’S HURRICAINE RELIEF UPDATE * November 13th, 2012 I owe you an update on the response of the archdiocese to the turmoil of the hurricane. The bad news is that the extent of the destruction from the storm seems wider and deeper each day. We still have people without homes, whose lives are still in distress. We still have people grieving the loss of family members and friends. Just yesterday, for instance, Our Lady, Help of Christians Parish on Staten Island gathered around Pat Dresch, a beloved parishioner, a longtime leader in religious education, for the funeral Mass and burial of her husband and daughter, victims to the sea. We still have massive clean-up efforts, especially in Staten Island, in the south part of Manhattan, and in our uppercounties, in neighborhoods, parishes, and schools. We still have families whose lives are in upheaval because of work missed or jobs lost, possessions gone and future unsure. We still are united with those along the Jersey shore, in Brooklyn, Queens, and Long Island, who can’t even get back home yet. The good news is that God’s people – you – rose to the occasion. On 9/11, I was at home, in St. Louis, in a parish, and from afar, along with the rest of the world, I admired the resilience, compassion, and cooperation of the New York community. Now I’m one of you – and, while tearful at the loss, am very proud of the rescue and renewal so evident. While we do not yet have a tally, it seems as if the parishes of the archdiocese, along with funds designated from the Cardinal’s Appeal, have donated close to $2 million to assist our neighbors in distress, whatever their faith. Catholic Charities of the archdiocese has been on the front lines, providing not only relief, but coordination of aid, helping as well to renew the spirit by providing counselors for those hit hard by loss. Our parishes, particularly on Staten Island, became sanctuaries of welcome and assistance. Our schools and programs rose-up and were back-in-service in remarkable time. Most of all, the message of Jesus, “Be not afraid,” was proclaimed, as not even the winds and the waves can destroy our hope in Him. Yes, God can bring good out of evil. In all of this, the Church has been a leader, a partner, a servant, a refuge. Tons of work yet to be done, and we intend to be unflagging, because this is not only about homes and possessions, but about people, who are neighbors, fellow parishioners, family members, and friends, who are God’s children, made in His image and likeness. And, as long as we do it for them, we do it for Him. PARISH MEETINGS THIS WEEK RCIA Adult Choir Children’s Choir Nov. 27 Nov. 29 Dec. 1 7:30PM FWH-MSR 7:30PM Church Noon Church A NOTE TO OUR NON-CATHOLIC FRIENDS Although we warmly welcome you to our parish Liturgies, we cannot extend to you an invitation to receive Holy Communion. The reception of Holy Communion is a sign of Unity in Faith, and such unity does not exist between Catholics and those who belong to other Christian groups. That unity is something for which we are to pray. If you would like to explore becoming a Catholic, please speak to one of the Priests. You may find the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ GUIDELINES FOR THE RECEPTION OF COMMUNION helpful. This document is found printed on the inside cover of Today’s Missal in the pews. +++ CatholicsComeHome.org +++ NOTE ABOUT BECOMING SPONSORS FOR BAPTISM AND CONFIRMATION It is a great honor to be asked to be a sponsor for Baptism or Confirmation. The role of a “godparent” is to be an “other parent” in matters of our holy Faith. That is why sponsors must be practicing Catholics, 16 yrs of age or older, having received Confirmation and currently living a good Christian moral life. If the sponsor is married, that person must be in a valid Church marriage. One sponsor is required for Confirmation. It is customary to have two for Baptism, in which case one must be male and the other female. A nominated sponsor is asked to get certification from his/her current parish. This is a declaration by a priest/deacon that the individual is qualified to be a sponsor according to Church Law. To be so certified, the individual must be a current parishioner of the particular parish where the certification is being sought, and be known to the priest/deacon as being a faithful practicing Catholic, attending Mass there regularly. Unfortunately, at times, family members or friends are chosen to be sponsors with good intentions, but are found to be ineligible according to Church Law. Also, more and more, people seem to think that they are still “parishioners” of their childhood parish, where they attended school or received sacraments years ago, while no longer living in the area or attending Mass there regularly. It is important for individuals to be active members of their local Catholic faith communities. The unfortunate fact is that some are neither practicing Catholics nor faithful members of a parish family and are thereby ineligible to become sponsors. Like all other things in life, individual choices bring consequences.
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