May 15, 2016 - St Paul Catholic Church


May 15, 2016 - St Paul Catholic Church
St. Paul’s Catholic Church
1800 12th Street North, St. Petersburg, FL 33704
Parish Phone: 727-822-3481 / Fax: 727-822-1754 / Website:
Rev. Msgr. Robert C. Gibbons, Pastor
Rev. Fr. Viet Nguyen, Parochial Vicar
May 15, 2016
Pentecost Sunday
First Holy Communion
on May 7th
Saturday Vigil
5:30 p.m.
Sunday Masses
7:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
(Folk Music)
11:30 a.m.
(Choir & Organ)
6:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.
(School Year)
7:45 a.m.
Confessions are heard
on Saturdays,
4:30 - 5:15 p.m.
We are a parish family that strives to live our Catholic faith
by vibrant worship of God and loving service to others,
all through God’s grace.
St. Paul’s Catholic Church
7:00 a.m.
St. Petersburg, FL
May 16th
Thomas Carberry
7:00 a.m.
May 17th
Nancy Dusseault
7:00 a.m.
8:15 a.m.
May 18th
Ellen Elko Kuebel
Armand Dragon
7:00 a.m.
May 19th
Dennis Stephens
7:00 a.m.
May 20
Daniel and William Priest
5:30 p.m.
May 21st
Jimmy Flood
7:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
May 22nd
Priscilla Currier
Alfred Bedard
Alex Brown
Intentions of St. Paul Parishioners
Is what I do after I say “I believe”
Offertory total for May 8, 2016:
201 Envelopes ......................................$ 8,335.00
Loose ....................................................$ 2,627.00
AOP (debit) ...........................................$ 2,686.00
AOP (credit card) ..................................$
Total ......................................................$ 13,648.00
All the parts of the body, though many,
are one body.
(1 Corinthians 12: 12)
Through our stewardship,
we each play our part in the Body of Christ.
Parish Website ........................................
Parish Offices........................................................ 727.822.3481
Admin. Assistants ................... Charie Wassmer & Mary Carney
Pastoral Associate .................................... Annamaria Carnahan
Outreach Ministry ...........................Sr. Kathleen Stagnaro, OSF
Youth Ministry .............................................. Jane Baker ext. 15
Organist & Choir Director .................................. Catherine Cole
St. Vincent de Paul Society ............................................. ext. 50
Children’s Center ................................. Toni Johnston
ext. 18
Prayer Team ..................... 727.894.8846
School ............................................... Mrs. Rose Smoot, Principal 727.823.6144
Counseling Ministry>... Mary Ann Holtz, LMHC 727.327.5045
Follow us on Facebook at
Now to each one
the manifestation of the Spirit
is given for the common good.
(1 Corinthians 12: 7)(NIV)
In Eucharistic Prayer III, we pray to the Father:
Grant that we, who are nourished by the Body and Blood of
your Son and filled with his Holy Spirit, may become one
body, one spirit in Christ. In Eucharistic Prayer II, we pray
that we may be gathered into one by the Holy Spirit.
We thus see that the Holy Spirit is a unifier. The
Holy Spirit works to bring us out of our selfishness and
isolation and bind us to God and to one another.
How good and pleasant it is when God's people live
together in unity! (Psalm 133:1) We human beings are
meant to be social animals, and our highest good is
realized in social relationships. That is what the Spirit seeks
to engender, promote, and purify----our social relationships.
As God said, in Genesis, it is not good for the man to be
alone. By our very nature, we need one another. We will
only find fulfillment when we work with the Spirit to promote
a society where all are welcome, where all belong, and
where all help, encourage, and support one another.
Blessed Pentecost to all!
Msgr. Robert C. Gibbons, Pastor
Preparing to say good-bye to Fr. Viet. In July Fr. Viet will
be transferred from St. Paul’s, to become Administrator of
Holy Martyrs of Vietnam Mission, Largo, where he will
minister to Pinellas County’s Vietnamese community. Next
Sunday we will have a “Thank you, Fr. Viet” reception in the
Cafeteria in his honor----on next Sunday evening, May
22nd, after the 6:00 p.m. Mass. Everyone is invited!
Farewell reception this Sunday. This Sunday evening,
May 15th, after the 6:00 p.m. Mass, St. Paul’s will host a
farewell reception in the Cafeteria for three outstanding
employees: Mrs. Marijon Reed, language arts teacher,
retiring from our school faculty after 42 years; Mrs. Mary
Lou Wells, our Advance Learning Program (ALP) teacher,
retiring after 5 years; and Mr. Lou Turcotte, our
seminarian, completing his internship year. (He is returning
to the seminary for final preparation for the priesthood.) All
parishioners are invited to join in the celebration, as we
express our gratitude and extend our best wishes.
May 15, 2016
Pentecost Sunday
St. Paul ‘s Youth Group
Faith * Friendship * Service
High School vs. Middle School
In the game of the century!
Come out and celebrate the end of another school year.
Wednesday, May 18th
6:30-8:00 p.m.
Meet in the St. Paul’s Parish Center, 2nd floor youth room for
dinner and prayer and then get ready for an exciting game
of kickball. The evening will end with a special ice cream
treat. We need all High School and Middle School students
to participate! Please RSVP at
Visit our website at
May Crowning at all Masses this Sunday, May 15th. May
is the month especially dedicated to honoring Our Lady, the
Blessed Virgin Mary. We will honor her at today’s Masses
by having one of our parish youngsters crown her image.
She is our Mother and Queen. O clement, O loving, O
sweet Virgin Mary. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God, that
we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Year of Mercy Event on Tuesday, May 17th, at 7:00 p.m.
in the Church. Fr. Justin Paskert will give a Divine Mercy
presentation with Adoration. Fr. Paskert is Catholic
Chaplain at the Catholic Student Center, University of
South Florida, Tampa. Everyone is invited to attend.
Ordinations to the Priesthood. On Saturday, May 21st,
Bishop Robert N. Lynch will ordain these five deacons to
the Priesthood at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle, at
11:00 a.m.: Kevin Yarnell, Alex Padilla, Jonathan
Stephanz, Bradley Reed, and Felipe Gonzalez. All are
invited to attend. You may also watch the live video stream
of the Ordinations at Jonathan Stephanz,
will be assigned to St. Paul's, as assistant pastor,
beginning in June. Brad Reed grew up in St. Paul Catholic
School; and he will offer a Mass of Thanksgiving here at
9:30 a.m. on Sunday, June 5th.
Nursery available every Sunday during the 9:30 a.m.
Mass, in the Parish Center, for children ten months through
five years old. Experienced adult supervision. There is no
charge for this service to our parish families.
Update on 2016 APA, Week 16: Thank you to the parishioner who last week pledged $240 to the Diocese’s Annual
Pastoral Appeal (APA). A total of 208 individuals or families
have now responded to the 2016 APA, with pledges
amounting to $56,338, with an average pledge of $270. Our
assessment from the Diocese for this year is $186,646.
Gifts to the APA reduce our assessment dollar-for-dollar. To
make a pledge on-line, go to, and
click on the “Giving” tab. Or you may pick up an APA
pledge envelope in the church vestibule, or use the goldenrod-colored envelopes in your church envelope packet.
First Holy Communion was celebrated on
Saturday morning, May 7th at St. Paul’s for 46
of our parish youngsters. Thank you to their
parents, godparents, and all those who have
worked so faithfully to bring them to this day’s
glorious sacramental encounter with the Lord Jesus. For
as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you
proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes. (1 Cor.
11:26). Congratulations to our First Communicants:
Lacey Bendorf
Maya Boggs
Elsa Bohnert
Beata Botchev
Alexander Bowen
Averi Brown
Francesca Carella
Kate Carlan
Leo Cervera
Michael Curtis
Juliet Davis
Krysten Denny
Willem Dericks
Pascual DeRojas
Alexander Fabelo
David Fernald
Julia Gaddis
Ayden Gross
Kiersten Gulick
Elliot Heinicka
Anton Ho
Reese Honsinger
Madelyn Hughes
Hayden Jonasson
Turner Mackie
Rowan Marks
Gabriel Miliszewski
Julia Novak
Carmen Pastura
Payton Pritt
Grace Pulsifer
Ryan Russell
Griffin Smotzer
Kinsley Spoor
Paige Sue-A-Quan
Catherine Taylor
Chloe Thorpe
Anmarie Tomczyk
Nathan Tran
Liam Tribby
Ryan Varga
Marlaina Verhine
Vanessa Vichich
Savannah Wasko
Natalie Whoolery
Reid Yakes
St. Paul Catholic School will presents two musicals
beginning this week. Annie, Jr. will be presented on
Friday, May 20th at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday, May 21st at
noon, in the Gym. Mulan will be presented on Sunday,
May 22nd, at 2:00 p.m. and Monday, May 23rd, at 6:30
p.m. in the Gym. Tickets are on sale in the School and
Parish Offices. Family and Business Program Ads are
at .
Update on stained-glass window project. The crew has
been working this past week on the exterior of the large
windows on the north side. This work is essential for the
long-term preservation of these precious windows. The
total amount donated so far for this project is $84,300, with
twenty-eight (28) parish families participating. This covers
about 90% of the total cost. Gifts in any amount are
appreciated. The full cost to sponsor restoration of a large
window is $8,000; the smaller window sponsorship is
$5,000. Windows still available for full sponsorship are:
Finding in the Temple; Agony in the Garden (smaller
window); and Descent of the Holy Spirit. Dedicatory
plaques are available for full sponsorships. Checks should
be made payable to St. Paul’s Church, and sent to Msgr.
Gibbons’ attention.
St. Paul’s Catholic Church
Please pray for the healing of the sick
and the consolation of the afflicted,
Barbara Gammon
Kay Sherman
Tiffany El-Kilani
Sofia Anderson
Gerrie Degrenia John Wiand
Bertha Unterriner
Jean & Bill Takach Diane Earle
Ladaisha Kelzer
Joan Gerardo
Leo Harrison
Kevin Delaney
Kathleen Reed
John Martin
Alex Murray
Scott Andrews
Keith Brannelly
Richard Brannerly
David Gray
Carl Jonasson
Judy Lawler
Cathy King
Sarah Leon
Zoe Kurz
Tiffani Moore
Lynn Smith
Nancy Pravato
George McGuirl Joan Miller
Gwen D. Wheeler
Roger Frasca
Helen Gauvey
Dean Darnell
Paul Dudley
Carol Baer
Kelly Montalto
John Moffitt
Amadea Silva
Brian Schrader
Frances Lasure
Rose Multer
Ann McGrath
Libby Cullen
Suzette Posada
Mercedes Costello
Patricia O’Brien
Marianne Teska
Rose Lillian Holbrook Lisa Romeo
Virginia Betts
Elizabeth Protomaster Barbara Ennis
Maureen Woodard
Fred Kodes
Theresa Hand
Rita Pare
Tammy Vidal
Barbara Callahan Nathan Baer
Trudi & Frank Fonte Mary Ann Barnes Cliff Ozborn
Mary Eileen Stewmon Shelly Hill
Helen Torres
Emidio Caruso
Sherrie Briggs
Linda Smith
Gerard Beaudoin Sr. Mary Christine Flood
Karen Vichich
Bill Gibbons
Sam Haddad
Barbara Sheridan
Joan Wells
Janet Norris
Evan Ciovacco
Wally Edwards
Paul Miller
Joey Faust
Nancy Lefebure Sandra Rinaldi
To add a name to this list, please contact the Parish Office.
St. Petersburg, FL
Are you in a caregiving role? You are invited to a free
Eden at Home Care Partner Workshop to learn a commonsense, fresh approach to elder care that supports wellbeing for all. The workshop will also include dementia
specific elements. The workshop consists of four 3-hour
sessions on Saturdays from 10:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m. on May
14th, May 21st, June 4th, and June 11th. The workshop is
hosted by and held at The Diocese of St. Petersburg,
6363—9th Avenue N. St. Pete, FL 33710. There is a $25
fee for the Workbook. For more information and to register,
Update on the Forward in Faith Capital Campaign. As
of May 10, 2016, $1,053,280 has been pledged by our St.
Paul’s parishioners to the Forward in Faith Campaign for
the diocese and St. Paul’s Parish. Thus far, $666,454 has
been paid on the pledges. Thanks, everyone, for your
continuing generosity.
You may pledge on-line at or ask the parish office to
mail a pledge form to you.
Summer Adventure opportunities at Good Counsel
Camp, which is owned and operated by the Catholic
Diocese of St. Petersburg. This is a co-ed residential camp
for ages 7-15 offering 1 and 2 week sessions. Contact the
camp at 4301 W Homosassa Trail, Lecanto, FL 34461;
352.270.8831;; or
We Remember our Loved Ones deployed or serving in
the Military. Contact the parish office to add someone in
the military to this list: Steve Chadwick; William Cullen Jr.,
William Dudley, Paul Pekrul, and Tim Eckelkamp.
May 15, 2016
Pentecost Sunday
Several children received the Sacrament of
Baptism at Masses last weekend, May 7-8.
(Clockwise, starting top left):
Lillian Joyce Stephenson, daughter of Erik and
Alecia Stephenson
Lucille Kathryn Gulick, daughter of Dan and
Megan Gulick
Marley Madison Stull, son of Mollie and Matt
Leo Anderson Correia, son of Vanessa and
Justin and Correia
Arturo Rey Fernandez, son of Ariel and Nidia