Holy Family Catholic Church
Holy Family Catholic Church
Holy Family Catholic Church “Cherish the Past, Celebrate the Present, Create a bright Future” 15 Gender Road, Newark, DE 19713 • (302) 368-4665 Rev. Mark Kelleher Pastor mkelleher@holyfamilynewark.org Rev. Michael J. Cook Associate Pastor mcook@holyfamilynewark.org Rev. A. William Rajayan Priest in Residence awms@live.com Mr. Joseph Certesio, Sr. Deacon jcertesio@holyfamilynewark.org Mrs. Mare Draper Director of Religious Education mdraper@holyfamilynewark.org Mrs. Judith Stives Business Manager jstives@holyfamilynewark.org Mr. Richard E. Mitchell, III Director of Liturgical Arts rmitchell@holyfamilynewark.org Our Mission Statement Holy Family parish is a welcoming community of faith rooted in the Roman Catholic Tradition. As members of the Body of Christ, we are a multi-cultural and multi-generational parish called to share our gifts and talents. Our experience of worship in Word and Sacrament compels us to witness to all people through catechesis, service and evangelization. GENERAL INFORMATION Church Office Fax Number Web Page: www.holyfamilynewark.org 368-4665 368-4667 Office Hours Monday through Thursday: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM & 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM; Friday: 9:00 AM to Noon Saturday: 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM; Sunday: 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM Religious Education Office Fax Number 368-8976 368-5184 Religious Education Office Hours Monday through Thursday: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Friday: 9:00 AM to Noon Youth Ministry Office 368-8976 ext. 138 Parish Outreach Office 861-0143 Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday - 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM Wednesday, Friday - 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM ST. VINCENT DEPAUL SOCIETY 368-4785 FINANCE COUNCIL Executive Officer: John Lynch 738-9071 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Evening: 5:00 PM Sunday Masses: 8:00, 10:00 AM & 12:00 PM Nursery: During Sunday 10:00 AM Mass Daily Mass: Monday through Saturday 9:00 AM SACRAMENTS Baptism: outside of the Lenten Season. Baptisms are scheduled with the Church Office and normally occur during the Sunday Liturgy or on the 2nd & 3rd Sunday of the month at 1:30 PM. Baptismal Program for Parents: Generally bi-monthly on the 3rd Monday of the month, at 7:00 PM. To register call 368-4665. Matrimony: Consult parish priest at least one year in advance and before any plans or decisions are made. Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30 PM or by appointment. SICK AND HOMEBOUND If you are sick or homebound and would like to receive Eucharist at home on a regular basis, please call the Church Office at 368-4665. CHRIST THE TEACHER CATHOLIC SCHOOL OFFICE: Our Regional Catholic School Sr. LaVerne King, R.S.M., Principal Address: 2451 Frazer Road, Newark, DE 19702 For more information call the school office at 838-8850 Web Page: www.cttcs.org July 3, 2016 - Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time FROM OUR PASTOR: FATHER MARK KELLEHER Wednesday, July 13th thru Sunday, July 17th, 2016 Buy Raffle tickets on sale after all Masses. RAFFLE Only $5.00 a ticket and a chance to win: TIME 1st Prize- $3000 - Only 12 Days Left until Summerfest AND we still have a lot of blank spaces on our volunteer sheets. PLEASE HELP !!!!!! 2nd Prize - $1000 - 3rd Prize - $500 Don’t forget that we still need bottles of wine or liquor for our Cheer Wheel ! If you can donate, please bring it to the Church Office Volunteers Needed in these areas Big 6 wheel Water/Soda Tent Card Dealer/ helper Food – Prep/cook Food- Counter server Parking Nightly Cleanup Instant Bingo Please choose a place to help !!!!!! Away during SummerFest? You can still help !!!!!!!! If you will be away during SummerFest you still can contribute by making a monetary gift to cover our food & supplies expenses. Pick up a list and drop off your donation to the Church Office. This is tax deductible 308-Holy Family Page 2 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND YOUTH MINISTRY Mare Draper, DRE mdraper@holyfamilynewark.org or by phone: 368-8976 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION A huge THANK YOU TO ALL the Volunteers Leaders (teens and adults), Bakers, Food Donors, Scholarship providers, and generous Gift Donors who made our week at VBS a HUGE success!!! What a wonderful week with such a great team of people! This was the first year EVER that all the Crew Leaders were teens! They were an awesome example to our new 6th Grade Jr. Crew Leaders! What an outstanding group of young people!!! We cannot say enough about our incredible adventures. Make sure you check out the website for the photo montage made by our teen photographers! See you next year! God is Good! YOUTH MINISTRY Confirmation2016 Our next session will not be until September...In the meantime, service opportunities are happening all around us. Check out the awesome things that Holy Family has to offer for your service hours! Don't be a stranger! All opportunities are located on-line. Registrations a must! HIGHSCHOOL SERVICE AND LEADERSHIP: Please see website for details and additional information! Summerfest Workcamp! The ultimate Bikini Bootcamp is back for those needing service hours and getting in shape for the summer! Join us for days filled with great cardio as well as laughs and tasty lunches! Religious Education Dates: July 11-12th: 8:45 until 3pm and July 12th from 8:45 until 1pm. Register on-line today! The Religious Education/Youth Ministry Offices are Closed during the Month of July. We will re-open August 1st! (However, email will be read regularly!) Registration for Religious Education programs 2016-2017 is open and available on-line! Many of our programs are new with the addition of a new TWEENS Youth Group (5/6th graders), Alternative On-line RE Classes – just to name a few! We have something for everyone! Interested in sponsoring a child or family this year for one of our VBS programs? You can make a difference in the life of our children! Contact our office for additional information and needs! You may be the reason why a family continues their faith journey at Holy Family! Thank you!! Adult Formation New! A Relaxing Women’s Retreat for ladies 21-101 years of age! Yes, a getaway for you and your girlfriends, mom, aunt, etc.-- where you can spend some quality time with each other in a great, relaxing atmosphere! Stay overnight or come for the day – either way you will find it is just what you needed . Where? Jesus House Renewal Center. Dates Sept. 23 & 24, 2016 - starting at 7:00 pm on Friday Cost: $150 (overnight), $75 (day) Includes: All accommodations, Dinner, Breakfast, Lunch, and snacks are included. Reservations will open on-line and in the parish office soon. For more information, please email Mare Draper at mdraper@holyfamilynewark.org. or check out our webpage at www.holyfamilynewark.org/ adultformation. Mark your Calendars! The Historical Tour of the Eastern Shore Doors will be October 12, 2016. Details and pricing will be available in mid-June. Seating is limited to 50 people. If you would like to pre-register, you may do so by contacting us at rgarland@holyfamilynewark.org. Page Three 308-Holy Family Parish News and Happenings PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Denise Robinson Robert Litzinger Tim Ziegler Mike Betty Lucier Theresa Grunert Rich Maloney John Romer Helen Gorski Millie Nash Frances & Leo Kulaszewski Theresa Neff Katie Ziegler Xavier Rohrer Dianna - Franny P. -Judi H. Bob and Betty McCloskey Chris Pruitt Maureen McCloskey Mary Bulatewicz and Rob Drew K Rudy Paladnietti Thomas Boyle Ava Ponzo Gerald T. Stafford, Jr. Sally Downes Joyce West Jill Martone Frank M. Joyce Hamilton Loretta McCullough Marlene Kreutz Rose Jackson Helen Cella Catherine Perillo. Jennie Musacchio George Riley Matin Abbasian Arvin Abbasian Matthew Veid Baby Carmine Linda Quinn Clare Clark Sister Ann McAlpin Anne Neri Donna Thomas Maryellen Schwenk Andrea DeRosa Arianne Shuma Karen Berman Richard Baxter Judy Hughes Mary Wilson Charlotte Reynolds Thelma & Robert Morris Rachael Tolliver-Bey and Baby Timmy Robert McClain Patrick Resendiz Vince Sustersic Joann Criste Nancy L. Lawrence Jayden Hutchison We welcome her recently baptized into our Holy Family: Morgan Riley George Daughter of Christopher and Jillian George Weekly Offertory Weekly Budget : $ 13,788.00 (Amount of $ needed to run the parish on a weekly basis) Actual Offertory for 6/26/2016: $ 11,273.00 Shortfall for the week of 6/5/16: $ 2,516.00 Budget Goal Year-to-Date: $717,000.00 Actual Offertory Year-to-Date: $695,152.00 Shortfall (Deficit) Year-to-Date: $ 21,848.00 SCRIP SALES Scrip Sales for week of 6/18/2016 - $5,480.00 Net sales for week = $ 221.61 Total Net Sales for Year = $11,937.98 SILENT PRAYER: Our parish has a group of people who will earnestly pray for any needs you have. This is done anonymously via a telephone prayer chain. If you have a special need for which you are in need of prayer call: 731-4297, 894-0726 or 737-1333 and we will pray for you. The Cathedral of Saint Peter is celebrating its 200th anniversary this year. This beautiful and historic church is in need of our help. The weekend of August 20 & 21, a special collection for the maintenance and preservation of the Cathedral of Saint Peter will be taken up in all parishes in our diocese. Please be as generous as you can. For more information, including a letter from Bishop Malooly, a message from the Cathedral’s Administrator and a video tour of the Cathedral, go to www.cdow.org. 308-HolyFamily Page four MASS INTENTIONS 9:00 am 5:00 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 5:00 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm Saturday, July 2 Robert L. Duffy 37th Anniversary of Holy Family Sunday, July 3 37th Anniversary of Holy Family 37th Anniversary of Holy Family 37th Anniversary of Holy Family Monday July 4 Deceased members and benefactors Tuesday, July 5 Jerry Cashman Wednesday, July 6 Harley V. Coulbourn Thursday, July 7 Richard DeKarski Friday, July 8 Bill Welch Saturday, July 9 Michael Bolinski Mary Patton Sunday, July 10 Karry T. Voss Intentions of Parishioners Al Bolinski To help with Next Week’s Readings: July 10, 2016 - 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading: Deuteronomy 30:10-14 Second Reading: Colossians 1:15-20 Gospel: Luke 10:25-37 I am looking for any adults who may be interested in becoming Altar Servers. Serving at the Altar is not reserved for kids only. It is also a great way for adults to serve in a liturgical ministry besides lecturing or being an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion. If any adults are interested please let me know and I will be happy to train you in the ministry. mkelleher@holyfamilynewark.org or 302-368-4665 Father Mark Save this date: Monday, September 19th: Holy Family Golf Tourney Information forthcoming WEEKLY SCHEDULE Sunday, July 3- SummerFest Volunteer Sign ups 1:30 pm - Just Do It - Friends of Bill W. Meeting - PCR1 Monday, July 4 Independence Day - Office is closed Tuesday, July 5 Wednesday, July 6 Thursday, July 7 7:00 pm - SVDP Society mtg. - PHCR1 Friday, July 8 9:45 am - Eucharistic Adoration - HFC Saturday, July 9 - SummerFest Sign Ups 3:00 pm - Reconciliation - HFC Sunday, July 10-SummerFest Sign Ups 1:30 pm - Just Do It - Friends of Bill W. Meeting - PHCR1 1:30 pm - Baptisms - HFC Weekly Schedule Room Key AER—Adult Education Room HFH—Holy Family Parish Hall REC - Rel. Educ. Center Rm -classroom in REC GS - Gathering Space PL - Parking Lot HFC—Holy Family Church PHCR1 - Parish House Room 1 CR - Church Conf. Rm. YR - Youth Room CCR - Front Church Conf. Rm. The office will be closed on Monday, July 4th in honor of Independence day. We will open at 9:00 am on Tuesday, July 5th. If you have an emergency, please call the church number and the answering service will get in touch with the appropriate person. Hope Garden: There are still a few plots left in Hope Garden. To lease a plot it costs $50 for the whole season (now-end of fall season). Stop by the office to fill out a registration form. Questions: Call Nada Jones at 368-7897. 308-HolyFamily— Page 5 Parish News and Diocesan News Saint Michael - Knights of Columbus Council 4548 July 25 7:00 Business Meeting Our Council collects pop top tabs including those from pet food cans to benefit The Ronald McDonald House in Wilmington. Please drop off all tabs in the Outreach Food bin, MEMBERSHIP IN THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS is open to men 18 years of age or older who are practical (that is, practicing) Catholics in union with the Holy See. This means that an applicant accepts the teaching authority of the Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals, aspires to live in accord with the precepts of the Catholic Church .and is in good standing with the Catholic Church. Please contact Bill Black, (Grand Knight), 302-502-5768 or Joel Watson (Membership Director) 215-520-0811. Family Service Day for the Year of Mercy ALL AGES WELOME! - Are you interested in service to others? Is your family willing to assist various parishes or the monastery with service work? The Office for Marriage and Family Life, in conjunction with Immaculate Heart of Mary is planning a Family Service Day on Saturday, July 23, 2016. We will begin with continental breakfast and a brief prayer at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish at 9 am, before you begin your mission. If you are interested, please contact the Office for Marriage and Family Life at 302-295-0667 with your name, phone number, number in your party, and ages of children, if they will be volunteering. If you have a particular gift or interest, please let us know. Possible service includes painting, cleaning, stocking of food pantries, gardening, etc. SHO Welcomes Daughter of St. Gianna on July 24, 9am Join Gianna Emanuela for Mass, followed by a reception at FXN On Sunday, July 24, Sacred Heart Oratory welcomes Gianna Emanuela, daughter of St. Gianna. She will be at the 9am Mass and will speak about her mother's holiness at a reception afterward at Francis X. Norton Center. St. Gianna Beretta Molla (Oct. 4, 1922-April 28, 1962), an Italian pediatrician, is one of the Church's lay saints. While pregnant with her fourth child and suffering from a life-threatening disease, she rejected the possibility of having an abortion to save her own life and gave her own to save her daughter, Gianna Emanuela. Her heroic example, both in life and death, led her to become a patron saint of the unborn, and she now has a devoted following worldwide. Reports of miracles and graces granted through her intercession continue to this day. 308-Holy Family Page Six Calling all Catholic youth in grades 8 through 12 - on Saturday, September 24, 8am - 5pm the Ministry for Black Catholics is sponsoring a Youth Conference at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. The conference director is Sr. Oralisa Martin who is a dynamic speaker from Washington, DC. The purpose of the conference is to connect our youth to their Catholic roots and a faith response to today’s challenges. All youth regardless of ethnicity are invited to attend. The cost is only $10 and includes breakfast, lunch and workshop materials. Mark your calendars for September 24 and plan to attend! For additional information, please call 302.658.4535 Field Specialist of the Home Assistance Program (HAP) Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Wilmington is seeking Field Specialists for the Home Assistance Program to cover the entire State of Delaware with the workplace located at the Dover office. Salary, excellent benefit package which includes health/dental insurance, 403 (b), LTD, FSA, voluntary group life, accident, cancer and hospital confinement insurance, vacation, sick/personal days and holidays. Free parking. These individuals perform audits, formulation of work orders based on the audit findings, monitors work progress, provides technical assistance as needed and conducts the final inspections and all associated paperwork to maximize energy efficiency and reduce the energy burden of low income families throughout the State of Delaware. . For more information or to apply, see our posting on www.Careerbuilder.com EOE Present this coupon at Tony’s Bistro and Raymond will donate 20% of the total bill to Holy Family Church Tony’s Bistro - 29 Chestnut Hill Plaza Newark, DE 19703 Total Amount of Bill $ ______________
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